New publishing standards in Geoinformatics FCE CTU Editorial Dear Readers, At the Central Library of the Czech Technical University In Prague, we were delighted to have been approached by the editor in chief of Geoinformatics FCE CTU, prof. Aleš Čepek, with a request to use our library services in the area of scientific journals publishing. Geoinformatics FCE CTU journal (GI) presents significant research in their discipline. Nu- merous articles published in GI have been cited by journals covered by the citation databases Web of Science and Scopus. The cooperation with the Central library brought GI not only the implementation of new publishing standards but also new online presentation. The first significant change was transferring the journal onto the Open Journal Systems (OJS) publishing platform. This journal management system is based on open source software designed for managing and publishing electronic journals. It offers automation of repetitive editorial activities and provides a user friendly website. OJS was developed and is further supported and freely provided within the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. For its readers, GI through OJS brings a clear and fast presentation of indi- vidual articles and issues with a preview of the full texts before downloading them and also an effective way to search in the archives. For the authors, OJS provides simple and transparent environment, where they can submit new manuscripts, monitor progress of the review process, upload the re- vised version, and upload finalized proofreading. At reviewers’ disposal is a questionnaire and space for comments to the authors and the concluded comments to the editor. The editors take the advantage of the automation of individual editorial process (pre-set e-mails, automatic notification of deadlines, assigning reviewers). All these tools and functionality together enable highly transparent and effective review process. Open Journal Systems further provides the possibility of assigning published articles with DOI (Digital Object Identifier), an international and unique persistent identifier of an electronic document, which provides permanent link to the document. Since CTU in Prague is a member of CrossRef registration agency via the Central Library, all contributions in the GI journal are now assigned with DOIs. Both, OJS and DOI are further connected with ORCID – a unique author’s identifier; authors can specify their ORCID when registering to OJS. ORCID is used to uniquely link the work to the authors. Both, DOI and ORCID can be advantageously used in databases such as Scopus or Web of Science, and in the social networks environment, such as ResearchGate. GI is currently indexed by DOAJ database. Evaluation to Engineering Village, an Elsevier platform, is in process. This platform helps companies keep pace with scientific and techno- logical developments and open chances for the future. Geoinformatics FCE CTU 14(1), 2015, doi:10.14311/gi.14.1.0 5 New publishing standards in Geoinformatics FCE CTU Geoinformatics FCE CTU journal now brings its authors all publishing standards used in international journals. To the community of readers in this discipline, journal presents the high-quality articles published in an attractive and user-friendly environment. We wish the readers and editors continuous quality improvement and much success for the future. Iva Adlerová Lenka Němečková CTU in Prague – Central Library Geoinformatics FCE CTU 14(1), 2015 6