6_Varga.indd 317Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326.DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.64.4.6 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 2015 (4) 317–326. Introduction Recognition of past climatic changes plays a crucial role in deeper understanding of natural variability of Earth system processes. This is especially true nowadays when we would like to know more about the nature and dynamics of present climate change and about the anthropogenic infl uence on these variations. Pleistocene glacial-interglacial variability represents two major opposite states of long- term climatic regimes with short transitional periods. Based on stable isotope analyses of worldwide reference curves from deep sea, ice core and speleothem records, it has long been apparent that duration, intensity and climatic conditions of diff erent interglacial periods were signifi cantly diverse. By the identifi cation of driving forces leading to warm-humid periods and reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions of these interglacials could provide analogues to Holocene interglacial period and natural cli- mate change dynamics. Alternating loess and paleosoil strata of aeolian dust deposits in the Carpathian Basin are regarded as one of the most important terrestrial archives of climatic changes of the last 1 million years in Europe (Marković, S.B. et al. 2011, 2015; Újvári, G. et al. 2014). During cold-dry glacial periods characterised by Changing nature of Pleistocene interglacials – is it recorded by paleosoils in Hungary (Central Europe)? György VARGA1 Abstract Based on stable isotope analyses of worldwide reference curves, it has long been apparent that duration, in- tensity and climatic conditions of Pleistocene interglacial periods were signifi cantly diverse. As a consequence of negligible fresh, detrital material admixture during interglacials, the soil formation intensity and maturity of various kinds of past soils have been holding vital information on the environmental conditions at the time the soils formed. This, in turn, means that several physicochemical properties of soils allow us to reconstruct past climatic regimes. Loess-paleosol sequences in Hungary (Central Europe) provide insight into the cyclic nature of glacial-interglacial variations of the last 1 million years. The paleosoils have been recognized as the product of warmer and moister interglacials, when the (glacial) loess material was altered by chemical weathering and pedogenic processes. The gradual change from oldest red Mediterranean soils via forest and forest-steppe soils to steppe soils represents well the continuous decrease of chemical alteration of interglacial paleosoils determined by environmental factors and duration of soil formation. Pedogene units from MIS-21 to MIS-5 strata were analysed in the course of this study. Major element analyses were carried out to get a proper picture on the paleoenvironmental conditions. Geochemical transfer functions have been applied to derive mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature. These kinds of quantitative data on past climate and the stratigraphic data allow us to fi t our pedostratigraphic units into a global context. The present paper is aimed at providing new information on the various climatic and environmental characteristics of Pleistocene interglacial periods and soil forming processes. Keywords: Pleistocene, interglacial, paleosoils, Hungary 1 Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budaörsi út 45, H-1112 Budapest, Hungary E-mail: varga.gyorgy@csfk .mta.hu Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326.318 high dust fl uxes, the deposited mineral dust particles accumulated in large quantities and formed into loess deposits. Warm and moist interstadials and interglacials favoured to weathering processes and soil formation. As a consequence of negligible fresh, detrital material admixture during these intervals, the soil formation intensity and maturity of various kinds of past soils have been hold- ing vital information on the environmental conditions that prevailed at the time of their formation. This, in turn, means that several physical and chemical properties of soils al- low us to reconstruct past climatic regimes. The detailed diff erentiation and climatic characterisation of past soil forming periods is limited by various kinds of problems, dis- cussed in detail e.g. by Catt, J.A. (1988). The precise dating of soil forming periods; the detachment of climatic factors from those re- lated to parent material or relief; the math- ematical relations between soil features and climate and several other questions make these estimations diffi cult and tough. In case of buried paleosoils in well-dated loess se- quences, however, most of these diffi culties can be arranged. Paleo-geomorphological conditions of soil formation and geochemical properties of parent material are very similar in case of some long loess-paleosoil series, while the duration of pedogenesis can be obtained from the proper age-depth model of the sequence. Mathematical relations be- tween climatic factors and geochemical com- position of soils have been widely investigat- ed, and the emergence of new paleoclimate transfer functions from geochemical data provide the opportunity to quantify environ- mental conditions of soil formation; and so, to distinguish various kinds of warm-moist phases of the Pleistocene period (Sheldon, N.D. and Tabor, N.J. 2009). Weathering indices, major element ratios and paleocli- mate transfer functions provide informa- tion on past environments (Kovács, J. et al. 2011, 2013). According to Schatz, A.-K. et al. (2015), glacial loess samples allow also us to quantify environmental conditions that pre- vailed at the time of their formation, because loess deposits can be regarded as moderately pedogenised (loessifi ed) aeolian dust depos- its (Pécsi, M. 1990; Smalley, I. et al. 2011). As in the course of previous studies, main- ly the glacial wind-blown loess deposits have been extensively investigated, the aim of this paper is to provide new information on the various climatic and environmental charac- teristics of Pleistocene interglacial periods and soil forming processes. Materials and methods Time-frame Pleistocene main climatic fl uctuations have been controlled by the forcing of 100, 41 and 19-23 ka orbital cycles (Hays, J.D. et al. 1976). The superimposition of several harmonic cycles with different wavelength and am- plitude creates non-harmonic cycles, clearly visible on reconstructed summer insolation curves. The dominant orbital driver of the various long-term climatic regimes was dif- ferent from time to time. In the Pliocene, the 19–23 kyr precessional cycles were the domi- nant, at about the onset of the Northern Hemi- sphere glaciation (~2.6–2.8 Ma) the obliquity- related 41 kyr cycles can be identifi ed as the main factor, and until about 1 Ma the 100 kyr cycles became the prominent (Raymo, M.E. et al. 1997; deMenocal, P.B. 2004; Lisiecki, L.E. and Raymo, M.E. 2005, 2007). The physical mechanisms driving to the change from a 41 kyr to a 100 kyr world, the so-called “Middle Pleistocene Revolution” (similarly to the Ear- ly/Middle Pleistocene transition from 19--23 kyr to 41 kyr cycles) are not well understood. However, the typical, ~100 kyr glacial-inter- glacial variations of the last 1 million years cannot be characterised by homogeneous and equivalent cold and warm fl uctuations. Dif- ferences in the duration of interglacials have long been apparent in paleoclimate records of the Late and Middle Pleistocene. The LR04 curve from 57 globally distrib- uted benthic δ18O records have been used as primary reference curve (Lisiecki, L.E. and 319Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326. Raymo, M.E. 2005). Odd and even marine isotope stage boundaries have been distin- guished based on this database. The proxies of climatic changes of the last 800 thousand years were also archived in ice cores. The EPICA DOME C (EDC) δD record has been applied to get another independent archive of Middle and Late Pleistocene environmen- tal variations (EPICA Community Members 2004). The climatic fl uctuations of the last gla- cial-interglacial period can be observed more properly from the archives of Greenland ice cores. The synthetic Greenland (GLT_syn) record, constructed from the EDC δD record, based on the bipolar-seesaw model was the third investigated reference curve to get a proper global time frame on the global cli- matic changes (Barker, S. et al. 2011). The three reference curves unevenly spaced in time (intervals between sampling times are diff erent and not constant) were rescaled to equal with millennial time intervals. The amplitude of the curves was also fairly dif- ferent because of the diff erent applied pale- otemperature proxies (benthic δ18O vs. ice δD). Standardized values of amplitudinal scores were used to defi ne warm (sub-)stages (interglacials and interstadials). Warm peri- ods were determined as periods with above average mean temperature. The interglacial (interstadial) intensities were calculated from the multiplied values of duration and stand- ardized mean values between the onset and the end of an identifi ed warm period. Geological sett ing and samples Samples from Hungarian key-sites were collected (Dunaföldvár, Dunaszekcső, Paks, Tamási). Loess deposits in Central Europe provide insight into the cyclic nature of the last 1 million years. The intercalated pale- osoils have been recognized as the product of warmer and moister periods, when the loess material was altered by chemical weathering and pedogenic processes. Wind-blown loess and loess-like deposits are widely distributed in the Carpathian Basin, covering more than half of the area. The Upper and partly, the Middle Pleistocene loess deposits are interca- lated by steppe, forest-steppe and brown for- est soils, while the older pedogene horizons are diff erent kinds; these are red, Mediter- ranean-type soils. Traditionally, based on its lithology, fi ve main units have been distin- guished; the Dunaújváros–Tápiósüly series and the Mende–Basaharc series belong to the young loess sediments, the Paks I. and Paks II. series belong to the old loess sediments, while the oldest strata of the sequence is part of the Dunaföldvár series. This last sec- tion consists of thin loess horizons between red (Mediterranean-type) paleosols, reddish clays and loess-like deposits, underlain by aeolian red clay. Geochemical transfer function Soil properties are products of several dif- ferent factors: climate, time, parent material, relief and organisms (Jenny, H. 1941). De- gree of chemical weathering is dependent on climatic conditions, on parent material and on post depositional addition of fresh min- eral dust to the weathering profi le. The geo- chemical characteristics of Hungarian loess deposits are fairly homogeneous (Újvári, G. et al. 2008) and the interglacial dust addition could have played only a minor role in the interglacial soil formation in the case of most Hungarian paleosoils. In the case of paleosoil samples from the well-dated and document- ed Paks loess-paleosoil series, parent material and relief conditions can be regarded similar along the whole sequence. Thus, climate-related paleoweathering conditions have been refl ected in the major elemental geochemical composition of pale- osoil samples, and geochemical transfer func- tions can be applied to derive mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual tem- perature (MAT) estimates. The quantitative assessment of climatic indicators relies on the selective removal of soluble and mobile elements from the soils compared to the rela- tive enrichment of non-soluble elements. The Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326.320 relationship between the XRF-based data and the climatic parameters has been obtained from precipitation, temperature and major- element data of modern soils from North America. Major element data were used as input of the paleoenvironment indicator geo- chemical transfer functions to quantify mean annual precipitation and temperature (for further details of the method see Sheldon, N.D. et al. 2002; and Nortd, L.C. and Driese, S.G. 2010 and the references therein). The following functions were applied: MAP-1 = -259.3 Ln(∑bases/Al) + 759 (Sheldon, N.D. et al. 2002), MAP-2 = -130.9 Ln(Ca/Al) + 467 (Sheldon, N.D. et al. 2002), MAP-3 = 221.1e0.0179×(CIA-K), where CIA-K = Al/(Al+Na+Ca) × 100 (Sheldon, N.D. et al. 2002), MAT-1 = 46.9 (Al/Si) + 4 (Sheldon, N.D. 2006), MAT-2 = -18.5 (K+Na)/Al + 17.3 (Sheldon, N.D. et al. 2002), MAT-3 = -2.74 Ln(PWI) + 21.39, where PWI = (4.2Na + 1.66Mg + 5.54K + 2.05Ca) × 100 (Gallagher, T.M. and Sheldon, N.D. 2013). Results and discussion The global time frame Based on the calculations, we could estimate the exact duration of warm, soil forming periods and defi ne warm, average and cold interglacials. According to the fi ndings, the MIS-5e (duration: 18–20 kyr), MIS-9e (dura- tion: 16–18 kyr), MIS-11c (duration: 26–34 kyr) and MIS-15c (duration: 14–20 kyr, but not so intense) periods provided the most suitable paleoenvironmental conditions for intense soil formation in a global context, from a theo- retical viewpoint. Analyses of loess-paleosoil sequences of Hungary have shown a fairly good agreement with these assumptions, but some uncertainties still exist, and most of these obscurities are connected to the older stratigraphic units (Figure 1, Table 1). – – – – – – (Paleo)climate of the studied area Present day climate of the region is deter- mined by three competing climatic regimes: (1) Atlantic; (2) continental and (3) Mediterra- nean. The mean annual temperature is ~10.5 °C, while the mean annual precipitation is between 600 and 700 mm. To get a proper picture on past climate conditions, paleocli- mate transfer functions were used, while the stratigraphic position of the paleosoils were determined based on previously published studies (Pécsi, M. and Schweitzer, F. 1995; Gábris, G. 2007, Újvári, G. et al. 2014). The MIS-5 pedocomplex (MF2 unit) con- sist of three parts at several Hungarian sites, however the pedogene units cannot be cor- related unequivocally with the three MIS-5 warmer substages, due to the scarce abso- lute age data. The MIS-7 (BD1 and BD2) and MIS-9 (BA) stages are represented by three forest steppe soils. The MIS-11 pedocomplex (MB) and the lowermost rubefi ed soils MIS- 19 (PD1), MIS-21 (PD2) and MIS-23 (PDK) units are thick and well-developed forest soils, formed under a more humid climate compared to the younger pedogene strata. The chronological subdivision of old pale- osoils is based on the controversial position of Matuyama-Brunhes Boundary (MIS-19), the only reference point, which was placed at the last time in the uppermost part of the PD2 soil (Sartori, M. et al. 1999). However, MIS-17 was a relatively cold interglacial as it was recorded by global reference curves. From a pedostratigraphic point of view, the discussed soils are well-developed, rubefi ed forest soils representing a warmer phase, a more intense interglacial period. The calcu- lations resulted a mean annual temperature of 10.6–10.7 °C for these soils, while the pre- cipitation values were ranged from 830 to 850 mm/year, suggesting that the PD1 soil can- not be formed during the cold MIS-17 stage. According to the studies of Basarin, B. et al. (2014) and Buggle, B. et al. (2014) MIS-17 is represented the by V-S6 fossil Cambisol and its iron mineralogical proxies indicate lower temperature and/or more summer precipi- 321Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326. Fi g. 1 . G la ci al -i nt er gl ac ia l r ec or d s of th e la st 8 00 k yr . D at a se ri es o f t he fo llo w in g re fe re nc e cu rv es h av e be en u se d in o ur c al cu la ti on s: L R 04 b en th ic s ta ck : i t i s an a ve ra ge o f 5 7 gl ob al ly d is tr ib ut ed b en th ic δ 18 O r ec or d s (L is ie ck i, L .E . a nd R ay m o, M .E . 2 00 5) ; E D C : E PI C A D O M E C ic e co re r ec or d [δ D ] ( E PI C A C om m un it y M em be rs 2 00 4) ; G LT _s yn : s yn th et ic G re en la nd δ 18 O r ec or d , c on st ru ct ed fr om th e E D C r ec or d b as ed o n th e bi po la r- se es aw m od el (B ar ke r, S . e t a l. 20 11 ). Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326.322 Table 1. Quantifi ed intensities and diff erences of Middle and Late Pleistocene interglacials based on global reference curves* LR04 benthic δ18O stack Age End Start Duration Mean St_mean Intensity MIS 5a 81 85 4 3.84 0.70 2.80 MIS 5c 94 101 7 3.83 0.74 5.20 MIS 5e 114 132 18 3.50 1.48 26.59 MIS 7a 198 204 6 3.64 1.16 6.95 MIS 7c 206 219 13 3.65 1.13 14.73 MIS 7e 234 244 10 3.65 1.14 11.39 MIS 9c 308 316 8 3.75 0.91 7.24 MIS 9e 318 336 18 3.45 1.57 28.27 MIS 11c 395 421 26 3.41 1.66 43.26 MIS 13a 484 503 19 3.73 0.95 18.08 MIS 15a 572 581 9 3.61 1.23 11.08 MIS 15c 604 618 14 3.67 1.08 15.16 MIS 17 690 704 14 3.67 1.09 15.20 MIS 19c 772 790 18 3.69 1.04 18.63 Mean 13.14 3.65 1.13 16.04 St. dev. (σ) 6.19 0.13 0.28 10.79 -1σ 6.96 3.52 0.85 5.25 +1σ 19.33 3.78 1.42 26.84 -1/2 σ 10.05 3.59 0.99 10.65 +1/2 σ 16.24 3.71 1.28 21.44 EPICA DOME C ice core record [δD] MIS 5a – – – – – – MIS 5c – – – – – – MIS 5e 114 134 20 -393.13 2.08 41.53 MIS 7a 197 203 6 -410.88 0.76 4.54 MIS 7c 206 218 12 -407.86 0.98 11.78 MIS 7e 237 246 9 -400.19 1.55 13.96 MIS 9c 318 320 2 -410.04 0.82 1.64 MIS 9e 322 338 16 -396.04 1.86 29.76 MIS 11c 391 425 34 -396.23 1.85 62.75 MIS 13a 482 499 17 -411.16 0.74 12.52 MIS 15a 564 580 16 -404.78 1.21 19.37 MIS 15c 603 623 20 -409.30 0.87 17.49 MIS 17 688 707 19 -409.34 0.87 16.56 MIS 19c 773 786 13 -410.20 0.81 10.50 Mean 15.33 -404.93 1.20 20.20 St. dev. (σ) 8.15 6.69 0.50 17.14 -1σ 7.18 -411.62 0.70 3.06 +1σ 23.48 -398.24 1.70 37.34 -1/2σ 11.26 -408.27 0.95 11.63 +1/2σ 19.41 -401.59 1.45 28.77 323Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326. Table 1. (continued) GLT_syn: synthetic Greenland δ18O record Age End Start Duration Mean St_mean Intensity MIS 5a – – 0 – – - MIS 5c – – 0 – – - MIS 5e 114 130 16 -34.53 2.15 34.35 MIS 7a 196 201 5 -37.28 0.65 3.25 MIS 7c 204 215 11 -36.62 1.01 11.12 MIS 7e 234 243 9 -35.99 1.35 12.16 MIS 9c – – 0 – – - MIS 9e 320 335 15 -35.04 1.87 28.07 MIS 11c 391 426 35 -35.27 1.75 61.08 MIS 13a 481 499 18 -37.08 0.76 13.60 MIS 15a 560 580 20 -36.35 1.16 23.16 MIS 15c 604 626 22 -36.37 1.15 25.21 MIS 17 686 703 17 -36.77 0.93 15.76 MIS 19c 773 789 16 -36.37 1.15 18.35 Mean 16.73 -36.15 1.26 22.37 St. dev. (σ) 7.80 0.87 0.47 15.54 -1σ 8.93 -37.02 0.79 6.83 +1σ 24.53 -35.28 1.74 37.92 -1/2σ 12.83 -36.59 1.03 14.60 +1/2σ 20.63 -35.72 1.50 30.15 *Colours indicate the deviation by ± 0.5 and 1 σ from the mean values; abbreviations: st_mean: standard- ized mean; st. dev: standard deviation). tation, an unsuitable condition for rubefi ed brown forest soil formation. Contrary to the global loess-paleosoil se- quences, the MIS-13 and MIS-15 soils are not so dominant in the Hungarian series. The two brown forest soils and two pseudogley soils could be located only in the Paks loess section, but their geochemical data suggest an intense weathering history. According to the calcula- tions, the older paleosoils were formed under a warmer and moister climate compared to the younger pedogene units. The reconstruct- ed paleoprecipitation and paleotemperature values are showing a general trend of weath- ering intensity decrease (Figure 2). Conclusions Geochemical proxies demonstrate a general decreasing chemical weathering trend over the last 800 kyr in the Carpathian Basin. This decreasing trend could be caused by (1) less humid and mild interglacials and/or by (2) enhanced erosion of the dust source areas which has resulted an enhanced input of relatively unweathered material. It is worth noting that, the applied proxies are not ca- pable to distinguish pre- and post-deposi- tional weathering. The younger soils were formed completely from the underlying loess deposits of the preceding glacial periods, and there was no interglacial dust deposition or it could be neglected, while according to previ- ous granulometric studies (e.g. Varga, Gy. 2011), the diff erent grain size characteristics of the older soils refl ect a largely diff erent depositional system. Interglacial dust deposi- tion played a more dominant role during the formation of the red paleosoils; similarly to certain types of red clays. The possibility of signifi cant interglacial aeolian dust deposition is leading to several other questions. According to the classical Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326.324 Fi g. 2 . G en er al iz ed lo es s- pa le os oi l s eq ue nc e of H un ga ry a nd it s po ss ib le c or re la ti on w it h be nt hi c δ1 8 O r ec or d s of d ee p se a se d im en ts , a nd th e re su lt s of p al eo - cl im at e re co ns tr uc ti on s 325Varga, G. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (4) 317–326. assumption, the loess deposits have been formed from the depositing dust material, while the paleosoils developed from the un- derlying loess deposits by weak weathering processes. However, intensive interglacial dust accumulation claims a diff erent kind of stratigraphic interpretation. In the fi rst case, when the soils were formed from the underly- ing deposits, the last period of loess formation could not have been identifi ed as loess layer in the sequence. In the second case, the soils form syngenetically from the falling dust, and all of the changes are represented in the stratigraphic column. From a paleoclimatic viewpoint, these glacial-interglacial shift s and abrupt warmings of glacial climax periods are one of the most interesting research topics. The paleoprecipitation and paleotemper- ature data of the widely used geochemical climofunctions deserve also further reconsid- eration. The fi ne-grained populations of de- posits are consisting of detrital and secondary particles; only the secondary ones provide relevant information on the environmental properties of the soil formation. By the assess- ment of the amount of detrital, windblown clay-minerals the result of these reconstruc- tions could be refi ned signifi cantly. Acknowledgement: Support of the Hungarian Research Fund OTKA under contract PD108708 is gratefully acknowledged. It was additionally sup- ported by the Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 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Quaternary International 234. 98–108. << /ASCII85EncodePages false /AllowTransparency false /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /AutoRotatePages /None /Binding /Left /CalGrayProfile (Dot Gain 20%) /CalRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated \050SWOP\051 v2) /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Error /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /CompressObjects /Tags /CompressPages true /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /PassThroughJPEGImages true /CreateJobTicket false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /DetectBlends true /DetectCurves 0.0000 /ColorConversionStrategy /LeaveColorUnchanged /DoThumbnails false /EmbedAllFonts true /EmbedOpenType false /ParseICCProfilesInComments true /EmbedJobOptions true /DSCReportingLevel 0 /EmitDSCWarnings false /EndPage -1 /ImageMemory 1048576 /LockDistillerParams false /MaxSubsetPct 100 /Optimize false /OPM 1 /ParseDSCComments true /ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo true /PreserveCopyPage true /PreserveDICMYKValues true /PreserveEPSInfo true /PreserveFlatness true /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /PreserveOPIComments true /PreserveOverprintSettings true /StartPage 1 /SubsetFonts true /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /UCRandBGInfo /Preserve /UsePrologue false /ColorSettingsFile () /AlwaysEmbed [ true ] /NeverEmbed [ true ] /AntiAliasColorImages false /CropColorImages true /ColorImageMinResolution 300 /ColorImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleColorImages true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageResolution 300 /ColorImageDepth -1 /ColorImageMinDownsampleDepth 1 /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.50000 /EncodeColorImages true /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterColorImages true /ColorImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /ColorACSImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /ColorImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /JPEG2000ColorACSImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /JPEG2000ColorImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /AntiAliasGrayImages false /CropGrayImages true /GrayImageMinResolution 300 /GrayImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleGrayImages true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /GrayImageResolution 300 /GrayImageDepth -1 /GrayImageMinDownsampleDepth 2 /GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 1.50000 /EncodeGrayImages true /GrayImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterGrayImages true /GrayImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /GrayACSImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /GrayImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /JPEG2000GrayACSImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /JPEG2000GrayImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /AntiAliasMonoImages false /CropMonoImages true /MonoImageMinResolution 1200 /MonoImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleMonoImages true /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /MonoImageResolution 1200 /MonoImageDepth -1 /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.50000 /EncodeMonoImages true /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /MonoImageDict << /K -1 >> /AllowPSXObjects false /CheckCompliance [ /None ] /PDFX1aCheck false /PDFX3Check false /PDFXCompliantPDFOnly false /PDFXNoTrimBoxError true /PDFXTrimBoxToMediaBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXSetBleedBoxToMediaBox true /PDFXBleedBoxToTrimBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXOutputIntentProfile (None) /PDFXOutputConditionIdentifier () /PDFXOutputCondition () /PDFXRegistryName () /PDFXTrapped /False /CreateJDFFile false /Description << /ARA /BGR /CHS /CHT /CZE /DAN /DEU /ESP /ETI /FRA /GRE /HEB /HRV (Za stvaranje Adobe PDF dokumenata najpogodnijih za visokokvalitetni ispis prije tiskanja koristite ove postavke. 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