Soil erodibility calculations based on different particle size distribution measurements 17Centeri, Cs. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 17–23. Soil erodibility calculations based on diff erent particle size distribution measurements Csaba CENTERI1, Zoltán SZALAI2, Gergely JAKAB2, Károly BARTA3, Andrea FARSANG3, Szilárd SZABÓ4 and Zsolt BÍRÓ5 DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.64.1.2 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 2015 (1) 17–23. 1 Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Szent István University, H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. E-mail: 2 Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, HAS, H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. E-mails: szalai.zoltan@csfk, jakab.gergely@csfk 3 Department of Physical Geography and Geoinfor-matics, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2. E-mails:, 4 Department of Physical Geography and Geoinfor-mation Systems, Debrecen University, H-4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. E-mail: 5 Institute for Wildlife Conservation, Szent István University, H-2100, Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. E-mail: Abstract In this study we focused on the factors aff ecting fi nal outputs of the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) model. In doing so, we conducted soil particle size measurements in diff erent institutions (University of Debrecen, University of Szeged and Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) with a variety of methodologies (laser, aerometer and pipett e methods) on various soil materials (sandy, loamy and clay). Statistical analyses of the eight examined soil samples have been shown some signifi cant and some non-signifi cant diff erences among the particle size measurements. This paper is aimed at i) to ascertain whether these signifi cant diff erences in particle size measurements cause signifi cant diff erences in soil erodibility calculations; and ii) to assess the amount of soil loss calculated by these K factors. The results suggest that regardless of the relatively small percentage between the smallest and the greatest K factor values, the amount of soil loss can be fairly high, especially when erosion occurs on a longer or steeper slope. In the present case, when we compare simulations results, the amount of soil loss is more important than the diff erence in percentage between the minimum and maximum values. Because the percentage of the diff erence can remain the same between the simulations, while the amount of soil loss increases way beyond soil loss tolerance limits. Keywords: methods of particle size measurement, soil erodibility, USLE Introduction There has been a great deal of discussion about soils and their role in food produc- tion. Perhaps most importantly, soil is the main natural element from where the ma- jority of the food for the human population originates. This topic becomes especially pre- scient because numerous scientists have de- clared that soil is a fi nite resource (Ángyán, Centeri, Cs. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 17–23.18 Data and methods Eight soil samples were chosen from seven different Hungarian locations of various soils (Figure 1). The samples represent a wide palett e of soil textures and soil structures. In some cases there were no signifi cant aggre- gating eff ects among the coarse particles. Other samples had higher clay contents with additional inorganic and humus colloids that resulted in more resistant aggregates (i.e. samples from the BOR, GFH and GAH). Three institutions participated in the meas- urements and three methods were used. The codifi cation of all information and basic geo- graphical and other relevant parameters of the environment of the sample sites are avail- able in Table 1. Measurements with the Laser Particle Sizer Analysett e 22 MicroTech method Sample preparation was carried out with- out OM (organic matt er) takeout using sodium Table 1. Codifi cation of samples, sample sites and participating institutes Code Name of the participating institute S D F University of Szeged University of Debrecen Geographical Institute, RCAES HAS Code Sample site information BOR GAH GFH SZG TUR KMA FES GAL Börzsöny Mountains, mountain top Gyöngyöstarján (Mátra Mountains)* Gyöngyöstarján (Mátra Mountains)** Szentgyörgyvár (Zala Hills) Tura (Lowlands of Hatvan) *** Kiskunmajsa (sandy lowland) Dabas (sandy lowland) Galgahévíz (Lowlands of Hatvan) *** Code Method of measurement A L P P1 P2 Areometer Laser method Pipett e method Pipett e method, laboratory staff No. 1. (D) Pipett e method, laboratory staff No. 2. (D) Code Replicates 1 2 Replicate 1 Replicate 2 *Lower third, **upper third of the slope. ***Along the Galga Stream J. 2001; Centeri, Cs. 2002; Centeri, Cs. et al. 2009, 2011, 2012; Madarász, B. et al. 2012). Therefore, understanding soil erosion in a more effi cient and comprehensive way has a furthermost importance. Soil stands in the focal point of soil ero- sion researches whose aims are primarily to protect this valuable resource (Kertész, Á. 1993; Szilassi, P. et al. 2006; Bádonyi, K. et al. 2008; Barczi, A. and Joó, K. 2009; Madarász, B. et al. 2011). When we are examining soil, it is done so from various points of view (Merinó, A. et al. 2004; Barczi, A. et al. 2009; Pető, Á. 2011; Fonseca, F. et al. 2012; Pető, Á. 2013; Kondrlová, E. et al. 2013). Soil ero- sion modelling is a useful tool for predicting potential amounts of soil loss (Rojas, R. et al. 2008; Heng, B.C.P. et al. 2011; Pradhan, B. et al. 2011). Soil erosion models must be exam- ined in situ to obtain as much appropriate data as possible (Centeri, Cs. 2002; Centeri, Cs. et. al. 2009, 2011, 2012). Any additional data and research related to the increase of reliability of the models are most welcomed by model users (Madarász, B. et al. 2012). Soil particle size distribution is measured by various authors for various purposes (Su, Y.Z. et al. 2004). In the present case, the soil erodibility factor is analysed based on the liability of measuring an important input parameter, namely, the particle size distri- bution. In the fi eld of soil science, there has re- cently been a growing number of physi- cally-based soil erosion models created and their application is rapidly increasing. As the input need of such physical models is much larger than those of the empirical models, any research investigating the reliability of factors aff ecting the fi nal outputs of a model is valuable. This research illustrates many eff ects of particle size measurements methods on soil erodibility factors of the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) model. As particle size distribution is an important parameter for all other soil erosion models, these data can be used for other models as well (Giovannini, G. 2001). 19Centeri, Cs. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 17–23. Fig. 1. Origin of the eight soil samples from seven locations, in Hungary pyrophosphate in order to disperse the ag- gregates into elemental particles. 20 g of air dried soil was dispersed in 25 ml (0.5n) sodium pyrophosphate for 24 hours. The suspension was leached through a 500 μm sieve and measured in a diff ractometer Laser Particle Sizer Analysett e 22 (Fritsch GmbH Germany). The measuring range of the used unit (MicroTec) was 0.1–670 μm. The coarse fractions (>500 μm) were deter- mined by sieving. The measuring unit of “Analysett e 22” contains a helium-neon laser below 5 mW and a wavelength of 655 nm. A Fourier lens then gathered the diff racted beams onto the detector. The apparatus uses the Mie-theory (Mie, G. 1908) to calculate grain-sizes from the intensity of the diff racted laser light. The results were classifi ed into 102 size classes. One measurement was an average of 180 scans of the sample therefore no repetitions were applied. Determination of particle size distribution with the Köhn-pipett e method Measurements were carried out according to Buzás, I. (1993), using the Hungarian patent of particle size distribution (MSZ-08-0205- 1978). The method needs soil sample prep- aration (i.e. organic matt er removed with H2O2, sieved with Ø = 0.2 mm mesh size). A mortar was applied with water and continu- ous rubbing. The fi nest fractions were poured into a sedimentation vessel. This procedure was repeated until there were no fi ne particles in the mortar in which the whole sample was then washed into the vessel. The suspension was fi lled up to 1,000 ml with distilled water and 10 ml 0.2 M sodi- um-oxalate was added to prevent coagula- tion. The sett ling time was calculated at 10 cm below the surface. Finally, aft er the fi nest (<0.001 mm) fraction had sett led, the pipett ed Centeri, Cs. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 17–23.20 samples were dried at 105 °C to determine their weight. Soils’ particle size classes were expressed in percentage. Determination of particle size distribution with the Aerometer method This method is based on Stokes’ law. Suspen- sion is made from a 20–60 g sample. The mois- ture of the original sample is determined with gravimetry. To prevent coagulation, 0.5–1 g sodium-pyrophosphate is added to the sus- pension and then it is fi lled to 1,000 cm3 with distilled water. The density of soil suspension measured at 30 s intervals for 24 hours by an aerometer (MSZ 14043/3: 1979; Buzás, I. 1993). Calculation of soil erodibility values Soil erodibility has been calculated with the following equation according to Schwert- mann, U. et al. (1987): K = 2.77 · M1.14 · 10-6 · (12–OS) + 0.043 · (A–2) + + 0.033 · (4–D) where M = (particle fraction between 0.063 mm and 0.002 mm [%] + particle fraction be- tween 0.1 mm and 0.063 mm [%]) × (particle fraction between 0.063 mm and 0.002 mm [%] + particle fraction between 2.0 mm and 0.063 mm [%]) OS is the percentage content of organic substance (if OS > 4%, OS = 4%); A = aggregate category; D = category of perme- ability. In this case, A = 2 (soil aggregates are between 1–2 mm) and D = 3 (infi ltration rate is between 10–40 cm·day-1) (Schwertmann, U. et al. 1987). Parametrization of the USLE model We used USLE model to check whether the soil erodibility values calculated with the measured particle size distributions in diff er- ent institutions with diff erent methodologies have an eff ect on the amount of soil loss. The following parameters were in the calculation: R factor = 1,300 (MJ mm ha-1 h-1 y-1), LS = 3.5, C = 0.5 and P = 1. Research fi ndings Results of K factor calculations with USLE methodology based on the particle size distribution measurements from 3 institu- tions (University of Debrecen, University of Szeged and Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), using 3 methods (laser, pipett e and aerometer). The resulting K factor calculations are shown in Figure 2. Fig. 2. Results of K factor calculations with USLE methodology including all 3 applied methods (laser, pipett e and aerometer) 21Centeri, Cs. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 17–23. The calculated K factors (Figure 2) were used to calculate the amount of soil loss with the USLE model. The results of these calcula- tions are in Table 2. Based on the maximum and minimum values of soil loss calculations, the diff er- ence between these two values have been expressed in Table 3 below. This Table shows the diff erences where the basis was the mini- mum value, so the percentage is expressing the diff erence of the maximum value com- pared to the minimum value (i.e. 6.1% means that the max. value is 6.1% higher than the min. value). The statistical ana-lyses proved that there were no diff erences in the meas- urements of the particle size distribution in case of KMA. The differences between the amounts of soil loss calculated with the measured particle size classes resulted in very small (0.4%) diff erence bet-ween the smallest and the greatest amount of soil loss. The high- est diff erence of the measured values was 6.1 percent, which can also be regarded as fairly low. However, if we take into account the soil loss and not the percentage. We have to state that the amount of soil loss with the given parameterization is quite great, exceeding 70 t-1 ha-1 y-1. In the case, soil loss simulations on longer or steeper slopes, the diff erence between the smallest and the greatest amount of soil loss can grow to threefold. Therefore, this is a fac- tor that must be considered as a tremendous increase in the amount of soil loss. Conclusion The analyses of the eff ects of particle size measurements methods proved that there can be considerable diff erences among the calculated soil losses if we use diff erent par- Table 2. Amount of soil losses calculated with the diff erent K factors in using the results of the particle size distributions measured with diff erent methods Site code Values Soil loss, t -1 ha-1 y-1 Site code Values Soil loss, t-1 ha-1 y-1 BOR Minimum Maximum Mean 76.2 81.0 78.9 TUR Minimum Maximum Mean 80.2 83.4 81.3 GAH Minimum Maximum Mean 77.4 81.9 79.8 KMA Minimum Maximum Mean 75.4 75.8 75.4 GFH Minimum Maximum Mean 78.9 81.9 79.9 FES Minimum Maximum Mean 79.1 82.2 80.6 SZG Minimum Maximum Mean 81.2 83.7 82.3 GAL Minimum Maximum Mean 82.8 85.5 84.4 Table 3. Diff erences in the amount of soil losses calculated with the diff erent K factors by using the results of the particle size distributions measured with diff erent methods Site code Valuesmax vs.Valuesmin, % Site code Valuesmax vs.Valuesmin, % BOR GAH GFH SZG 6.1 5.7 3.7 3.0 TUR KMA FES GAL 3.9 0.4 3.9 3.2 Centeri, Cs. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 17–23.22 ticle size measurement methods to assess the soil erodibility factor and use these factors in the USLE model to calculate the amount of soil losses. We therefore conclude that, the method of particle size measurement do have an eff ect on soil erodibility factors and thus, also on the amount of the calculated soil losses, re- gardless of the fact that in this study there were no analyses of signifi cance on the soil erodibility and soil loss calculations. REFERENCES Ángyán, J. 2001. Az európai agrármodell, a magyar útkeresés és a környezetgazdálkodás (The European agrarian-model, Hungarian road finding and agri-environmental management). Budapest, Agro- inform Kiadóház, 308 p. Bádonyi, K., Madarász, B., Kertész, Á. and Csepinszky, B. 2008. Talajművelési módok és a talajerózió kapc- solatának vizsgálata zalai mintaterületen (Study of the relationship between tillage methods and soil erosion on an experimental site in Zala County). 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In the supplementary maps, changes of the ethnic structure can be seen at nine dates (in 1495, 1784, 1880, 1910, 1930, 1941, 1960, 1990 and 2001). The third unit of the work is the accompanying text, which outlines the ethnic trends of the past fi ve hundred years in the studied area. The antecedent of this publication is the „series of ethnic maps” published by the Geographical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from the middle of the 1990’s, which displayed each of the regions of the Carpathian Basin (in order of publication: Transylvania, Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Pannonian Croatia, Vojvodina, Transmura Region, Burgenland, Hungary). This work represents, on the one hand, the updated and revised version of these areas, and, on the other hand, regions beyond the Carpathian Basin not included on previous maps. Thus, the reader can browse ethnic data of some thirty thousand sett le- ments in diff erent maps. Changing Ethnic Patt erns of the Carpatho–Pannonian Area from the Late 15th until the Early 21st Century Edited by: Károly KOCSIS and Patrik TÁTRAI Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Budapest, 2013. ----------------------------------- Price: EUR 12.00 Order: Geographical Institute RCAES HAS Library H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 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