An application of a spatial simulated annealing sampling optimization algorithm to support digital soil mapping Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 35 An application of a spatial simulated annealing sampling optimization algorithm to support digital soil mapping Gábor SZATMÁRI1, Károly BARTA1 and László PÁSZTOR2 1 Department of Physical Geography and Geoinfor-matics, Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged. H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., E-mails:, 2 Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ott ó u. 15. E-mail: DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.64.1.4 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 2015 (1) 35–48. Abstract Spatial simulated annealing (SSA) was applied to optimize the sampling confi guration for soil organic matt er mapping through various sampling scenarios in a Hungarian study site. Prediction-error variance of regression kriging was applied as quality measure in the optimization procedures. Requisites of SSA come from a legacy soil dataset and from spatial auxiliary information. Four scenarios were set to represent the major capabilities of SSA. Scenario 1 and 2 represented completely new sampling designs to optimize with predefi ned con- straints. In scenario 1, number of new observations was the constraint, whilst in scenario 2, it was the value of the quality measure. In both scenarios, areas inaccessible for sampling (roads, farms etc.) were also taken into account. Scenario 3 and 4 represented complementary sampling confi gurations to optimize taking the previ- ously collected samples into consideration. In scenario 3, the constraint was the number of new observations, whilst in scenario 4, it was the value of the quality measure. In both cases, two types of previously collected sampling design were simulated, a regular and a clustered confi guration. The resulted designs were evaluated by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, nearest neighbour distribution function and empty space function. In cases of scenario 1 and 3, the results showed that, all of the optimized sampling confi gurations cover properly both geographic and feature space, respectively. In cases of scenario 2 and 4, the resulted calibration curves can be used to determine the sample size for a given quality measure value. Furthermore, we could determine the minimal sample size for a given scenario, which has to be collected to represent properly both geographic and feature space. In conclusion, SSA is a valuable tool to optimize the sampling design considering a lot of constraints. Keywords: spatial simulated annealing, sampling optimization, geostatistics, regression kriging prediction- error variance, digital soil mapping Introduction Digital soil mapping (DSM) aims at spatial prediction of soil properties by combining soil observation at points with auxiliary in- formation, such as contained in digital el- evation models, remote sensing images and climate data records (McBratney, A.B. et al. 2003; Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. 2007). Hence, the direct observations of the soil are im- Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48.36 set to represent the major capabilities of SSA and to cover a major part of soil sampling issues. In all scenarios, the goal was to op- timize the sampling design for soil organic matt er (SOM) mapping considering some constraints (e.g. number of new observations, inaccessible areas for sampling, previously collected samples). The resulted sampling confi gurations were evaluated by various statistical and point patt ern analysis tools, in order to examine how they cover both the geographic and feature space. Theoretical backgrounds Some thoughts on (spatial) soil sampling for digital mapping Sampling concerns selection of a subset of individuals from a population to estimate the characteristics of the whole population; where these characteristics could be the to- tal or mean parameter value for a random fi eld, values at unvisited sites or location of target(s) (Wang, J.-F. et al. 2012). In case of DSM, the main aim for a given pedological variable is to estimate its values at unsampled locations. For this purpose, various statistical models (i.e. spatial pre- diction methods) have been widely used, where we assume that the models and the “real world” are compatible. Furthermore, this implies that the sampling is representa- tive for the whole population. According to Bárdossy, Gy. (1997), the sampling is said to be representative (from a statistical view- point) for a population, if it refl ects the char- acteristics of the population the best. On other hand, we do not know exhaus- tively the whole population, just only a small part of it (provided by the samples). How can we decide that, the sampling is representative for the whole population? If we know the components of the given sta- tistical model, we can set a “quasi optimal state” through the sampling strategy, where we can assume that, the collected samples are representative for the whole population. portant for two main reasons (Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. 2007): they are used to characterize the relation- ship between the soil property of interest and the auxiliary information, they are used to improve the predictions based on the auxiliary information, by spa- tial interpolation of the diff erences between the observations and predictions. Regression kriging (RK) (also termed uni- versal kriging or kriging with external drift , see Hengl, T. et al. 2007) illustrates well that twofold application of the soil observations. Spatial prediction method of RK combines a regression of the target pedological variable on covariates with kriging of the regression residuals. Nevertheless RK assumes that, the sampling points represent properly both geo- graphic and feature space (Hengl, T. 2009), where the latt er is defi ned by the covariates. Extensive work has been done on sampling strategy optimization for DSM over the past decades to satisfy the topical demands, which were suggested by soil surveyors, pedometri- cans, end-users, and so forth. These demands can be e.g. the expectation of the accuracy and/or uncertainty of the prediction(s), taking auxiliary information into account, optimi- zation of the sampling design for more than one soil variable, taking previously collected samples into account, consideration of any kind of constraints, such as the number of the new observations, inaccessible areas for sam- pling, budget and/or accuracy constraints. One of the optimization algorithms is spatial simulated annealing (SSA) (van Groenigen, J.W. and Stein, A. 1998) that has been fre- quently applied in soil surveys to optimize the sampling design using the RK prediction- error variance (RKV) as optimization crite- rion (Brus, D.J. and Heuvelink, G.B.M. 2007; Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. 2007; Baume, O.P. et al. 2011; Melles, S.J. et al. 2011; Szatmári, G. 2014). SSA with RKV is sporadically able to satisfy the above mentioned demands. The main aim of this paper is to present and test the SSA sampling optimization algo- rithm through various sampling scenarios in a Hungarian study site. The scenarios were – – Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 37 Therefore, the statistical inferences are com- patible with the “real world”. The sett ing of the sampling strategy can be regarded as an optimization problem. As we will see in the next subsection, the RK spatial prediction method assumes that, the variation of the soil property of interest can be modelled as a sum of a deterministic (which is based on the covariates) and a stochastic (which is based on the variogram or covari- ance function) components. Therefore, if we describe properly, through the sampling de- sign, both the feature (which is defi ned by the covariates) and geographic space, we can as- sume that, the statistical inference (i.e. map of the soil property of interest) represent the real situation. It can be regarded as an optimiza- tion problem, where we need an optimization algorithm and an optimization criterion. As we will see in the next subsections, SSA will be this algorithm and RKV will be this criterion. Regression Kriging (RK) spatial prediction method In the last decade, RK has been more and more popular in DSM (Hengl, T. et al. 2004; Dobos, E. et al. 2007; Hengl, T. et al. 2007; Minasny, B. and McBratney, A.B. 2007; Il- lés, G. et al. 2011; Szatmári, G. and Barta, K. 2013; Pásztor, L. et al. 2014), as well as in SSA sampling optimization procedure using its prediction-error variance as optimization criterion (Brus, D.J. and Heuvelink, G.B.M. 2007; Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. 2007; Baume, O.P. et al. 2011; Melles, S.J. et al. 2011; Szat- mári, G. 2014). RK assumes that, the deter- ministic component of the target soil variable is accounted for by the regression model, whilst the model residuals represent the spatially varying but dependent stochastic component, as well as both components can be modelled separately and simultaneously. The estimation for Z variable at an unvisited location s0 is given by Z(s0) = q0 T · β + λ0 T · (z–q ·β), (1) where β is the vector of the regression coef- fi cients, q0 is the vector of the covariates at the unvisited location, λ0 is the vector of the kriging weights, z is the vector of the obser- vations and q is the matrix of covariates at the sampling locations. Its prediction-error variance at s0 is given by σ2 (s0) = c (0) – c0 T · C–1 · c0 + (q0 – q T · C–1 · c0) T · · (qT · C–1 · q)–1 ·(q0 – q T · C–1 · c0), (2) where c(0) is the variance of the residuals, c0 is the vector of covariances between the residuals at the observed and unvisited loca- tions and C is the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals. RKV is independent from the observed values (see Eq. [2]), so it can be calculated before the actual sampling takes place, which can be considered as a ben- efi cial property in point of costs and time. Furthermore, it incorporates both the pre- diction error variance of the residuals (fi rst two terms on the right-hand side of Eq. [2]) and the estimation error variance of the trend (third term on the right-hand side of Eq. [2]), which endeavour SSA algorithm to optimize the sampling design both in geographic and feature space (Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. 2007). However, it mainly depends on, how the two types of error variance contribute to RKV. Spatial simulated annealing (SSA) sampling optimization algorithm In brief, SSA is an iterative, combinatorial, model-based sampling optimization algo- rithm in which a sequence of combinations is generated by deriving a new combination from slightly and randomly changing the pre- vious combination (van Groenigen, J.W. et al. 1999). When a new combination is generated, the quality measure (in this study the spatially averaged RKV) is calculated and compared with the quality measure value of the previous combination (van Groenigen, J.W. et al. 1999; Brus, D.J. and Heuvelink, G.B.M. 2007). The Metropolis criterion defi nes the probability that, either accepts the new combination as a basis for the further computation, or rejects it and the previous combination stays as a basis further (van Groenigen, J.W. et al. 1999): Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48.38 where Ci and Ci+1 are the previous and the new combination, c is the positive control parameter (so-called “system temperature”, which is lowered as optimization progresses) and Φ(·) is the quality measure (so-called “fi t- ness or objective function”). For a given soil variable, SSA (using RKV as optimization criterion) requires that the structure of the regression model and the variogram or covariance function of the re- siduals are known (Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. 2007), which is one of the main drawbacks of the method. On other hand, the algorithm is able to take inaccessible areas and/or previ- ously collected samples into account. Material and methods Study site and legacy soil data The study site (approx. 17 km2) is located in the central part of Hungary, in the Mezőföld region, near village Előszállás (Figure 1). The area of interest is mainly covered by Hap- lic Chernozems and Kastanozems with sig- nifi cant secondary carbonates. Calcisols and Regosols are found on the eroded steeper slopes, where the top-horizon is too thin for Mollic or it is completely missing. Colluvic material can be found at the bott om of the slopes, where Phaeozems or Regosols were formed. The study site can be characterized mainly by arable lands sown with winter wheat, maize and sunfl ower. The available legacy soil data was collected at the end of the 1980s in the framework of the National Land Evaluation Programme. The dataset incorporates 117 topsoil (0–30 cm) ob- servations from the area of interest. Various pedological variables were quantifi ed during the fi eldwork and laboratory analyses. In this study, the soil organic matt er (SOM) was cho- sen as target pedological variable to optimize the sampling design for various scenarios. Exploratory data analysis was performed on SOM data to remove the outliers, to calculate summary statistics and to test the normality of the SOM probability distribution. The analysis has shown that, the probability distribution of SOM is close to normal. The summary statis- tics of SOM are presented in Table 1. Fig. 1. The location of the study area in Hungary and its land use map P (Ci → Ci+1) = 1, if Ф (Ci+1) ≤ Ф (Ci) (3) P (Ci → Ci+1) = exp ( Ф (Ci) – Ф (Ci+1) ), if Ф (Ci+1) > Ф (Ci)c Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 39 Auxiliary information from the study site Spatially exhaustive auxiliary information were derived from digital elevation model (DEM) (with 20 meters resolution) and from land use (LU) map of the study area, since Szatmári, G. and Barta, K. (2012, 2013) pointed out that the spatial distribution/variability of SOM mainly depends on the topography and the LU at the area of interest. The following morphometric parameters were derived from DEM: altitude, slope (in percent), slope length, aspect, profi le and planar curvature, LS factor (Wischmeier, W.H. and Smith, D.D. 1978), topographic wet- ness index, vertical distance to channel net- work and potential incoming solar radiation (direct and diff use). LU map was derived from the products of the offi cial aerial photography campaign of Hungary, taken in 2005. In contrast with the morphometric param- eters, LU type is a categorical variable. For the sake of the application of RK each LU type was converted into indicator variables. Raster maps were generated for each LU types with value domain showing 1 at the locations of the given LU type and showing 0 for all other locations. These raster maps were resampled for 20 meters. Principal component (PC) analysis was performed on the auxiliary data and the resulted PCs were used as covariates in the further analysis. It is a crucial step, since the PCs are orthogonal and independent; hence they satisfy the requirements of the multiple linear regression analysis and their applica- tion decreases the multi-collinearity eff ect. Sett ings of spatial simulated annealing and sampling scenarios The requirements of SSA (using RKV as op- timization criterion) are the structure of the regression model and the variogram or co- variance function of residuals of the model. These requisites were generated from the legacy soil dataset and from the covari- ates, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to characterize the relationship between SOM and covariate data, using a “stepwise” selection method and a signifi cance level of 0.05. In the next step, the residuals were derived from the resulted regression model and exploratory variography was performed on them. The experimental variograms were calculated and the spatial structure was modelled with a theoretical variogram model. The fi tt ed variogram and regression model were used along the optimization process provided by SSA to calculate (using Eq. [2]) the quality measure (i.e. spatially averaged RKV). There are some land use types (swamp, lake, farm and road), which are out of the scope of soil mapping, so we excluded them from the optimization process as inaccessible areas for sampling. The initial “system temperature” for SSA was chosen such that the average increase ac- ceptance probability was 0.8 and the “system cooling” was exponentially. Furthermore, a stopping criterion was defi ned to rein up the simulation when the quality measure did not improve in many tries. The stopping criterion value was set 200. The sampling scenarios were set to repre- sent the major capabilities of SSA and to cov- er a major part of soil sampling issues. The following four scenarios were set to optimize the sampling design for SOM mapping: Scenario 1 (Sc1): Completely new sampling strategy with fi xed number of new obser- vations, Scenario 2 (Sc2): Completely new sampling strategy to achieve a predefi ned quality measure value, – – Table 1. Summary statistics of soil organic matt er (SOM) computed from the legacy soil dataset without outliers Variable Mean Median Minimum Maximum Standard deviation Skewnessvalue SOM, % 2.90 2.95 1.51 4.44 0.56 –0.28 Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48.40 Scenario 3 (Sc3): Complementary sampling with fi xed number of new observations to supplement the previously collected sam- ples, Scenario 4 (Sc4): Complementary sampling to supplement the previously collected samples and to achieve a predefi ned qual- ity measure value. Two types of previously collected sampling confi guration were applied as complemen- tary sampling scenarios (Sc3 and Sc4): Regular design, where the sampling points located at the nodes of a square grid, Clustered design, where the sampling points showed a clustered patt ern in the geographic space. In case of Sc1, the number of new observa- tions was set 120, which is commensurable with the sample size of the legacy soil data- set. In Sc3 and Sc4, the previously collected sample size was set 35, which were following regular and clustered design, respectively. In case of Sc3, the fi xed number of new observa- tion was set 50. In cases of Sc2 and Sc4, the main aim was to create a so-called calibration curve. This calibration curve can be used to determine the sample size for a given quality measure value and vice versa. To calculate this curve, the sample size was systematically increased and the quality measure value of the optimized confi guration was calculated. In next step, the quality measure values were plott ed as a function of the sample size. Evaluation of the optimized sampling designs The optimized sampling designs were evalu- ated by various statistical and point patt ern analysis tools. Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test was applied to examine for a given cov- ariate, if its distribution from the optimized design is equal to the distribution from the complete area of interest. Based on the test – – – – results we can examine how the sampling confi gurations cover the feature space cre- ated by the covariates. The nearest neighbour distances distri- bution functions G(r) and the empty space functions F(r) were calculated, based on the sampling designs, to explore the type of in- teraction between the sampling points and to examine how they cover the geographic space. The G(r) function measures the dis- tribution of the distances from an arbitrary sampling point to its nearest sampling point, while the F(r) function measures the distribu- tion of all distances from an arbitrary point of the plane to its nearest sampling point (Bivand, R.S. et al. 2008). In case of F(r), the grid nodes of the planned prediction loca- tions were applied to measure the so-called empty space distances. It gives direct infor- mation on the kriging neighbourhood. Results and discussion Regression and variogram models The determination coeffi cient of the resulted regression model was 0.41, which means that the model explains more than 40 percent of the total variability of SOM and the remain- ing approx. 60 percent have to be modelled stochastically. Five covariates were selected into the model by the “stepwise” method. The observed signifi cance level, which was calcu- lated for the model, was practically zero. The regression residuals were derived and the experimental variograms (directional and omnidirectional) were calculated to model their spatial continuity. The directional vari- ograms showed an isotropic spatial struc- ture, which structure was approached by a spherical variogram model type. Table 2 sum- marizes the parameters of the fi tt ed isotropic variogram model. Table 2. Parameters of the fi tt ed isotropic variogram model for soil organic matt er (SOM) residuals Variable Model type Nugget Partial sill Sill Nugget/Sill, % Range, m SOM residuals Spherical 0.04 0.12 0.16 25.00 1,420 Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 41 Optimized sampling designs for Sc1–Sc2 and their performance The optimized sampling confi guration for Sc1 is presented in Figure 2, which sampling design shows a “quasi” regular point pat- tern. Figure 3 presents the calibration curve for Sc2 (denoted with solid line), as well as the nugget variance of SOM residuals (de- noted with dashed line), where the latt er is constant, because this part of variance cannot be modelled (Webster, R. and Oliver, M.A. 2007). The so-called “nugget eff ect” arises from measurement errors and/or small-scale heterogeneity (Goovaerts, P. 1999; Geiger, J. 2006; Webster, R. and Oliver, M.A. 2007). It also means that the value of the spatially av- eraged RKV cannot be less than this nugget variance (see Eq. [2]). Hence, the calibration curve converges to the nugget variance, if the sample size is infi nitely large (see Figure 3). The calculated calibration curve for Sc2 can be used to determine the sample size for a given spatially averaged RKV value expected to be achieved for the SOM map. In a practical point of view, this kind of calibration curve is a useful tool to estimate the sample size considering the predefi ned RKV value (ex- pected to be achieved for the map) and/or the sampling budget’s constraints. For example, if the soil surveyors want to achieve 0.08 [%]2 value of spatially averaged RKV for the SOM map, then the sample size, using this calibra- tion curve (Figure 3) is 98. On other hand, if the budget allows to collect 42 number of soil samples and the question is “What is the ex- pectation of the spatially averaged RKV for the SOM map?”, then, using the calibration curve (Figure 3), the expectation is 0.1 [%]2. The observed signifi cance levels of K–S test for Sc1 and Sc2 are presented by Table 3. The null hypothesis was that, the two distribu- tions were drawn from the same distribution. Fig. 3. The calibration curve for scenario 2 and the nugget variance. RKV = regression kriging predic- tion-error variance Fig. 2. The optimized sampling design for scenario 1 Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48.42 The applied signifi cance level was 0.05. In Table 3 the values of the observed signifi cance level were bolded, where the null hypothesis was accepted. In case of Sc1, the null hypoth- esis was accepted for all covariates, which means that, the optimized sampling design for Sc1 covers properly the feature space. In case of Sc2, we examined for a given sam- ple size that, how the optimized sampling confi guration covers the feature space. As we can see, 60 is the minimal sample size, which is needed to cover properly the feature space (see Table 3). Based on this, samples with less than 60 observations are not suitable to de- scribe the trend function, as well as the spa- tial distribution of SOM. The observed F(r) and G(r) functions gave almost the same results for Sc1 and Sc2, thanks to the relatively large range of the var- iogram (see Table 2). We can, however, state that, the optimized sampling confi gurations covered properly the geographic space, be- cause the r value for F(r) = 1 was lower than the variogram range, respectively. As a con- sequence, there was no any planned predic- tion location, which did not have any kriging neighbours. Furthermore, there is an inhibi- tion (i.e. competition) between the sampling points, which follows from that, the Gobs(r) function is below the theoretical distribution of complete spatial randomness (e.g. in Figure 4, a), whilst the Fobs(r) function is above the theoretical distribution of complete spatial randomness (e.g. in Figure 4, b). As a consequence, it causes a quasi-regular point patt ern, respectively (as we can also see in Figure 2). Figure 4 presents the observed G(r) and F(r) functions of the optimized sam- pling design for Sc1 (the calculated G(r) and F(r) functions for Sc2 were omitt ed, because they gave a similar results as in case of Sc1, due to the large range of the variogram). Optimized sampling designs for Sc3–Sc4 and their performance The optimized sampling confi gurations for Sc3 regular and Sc3 clustered are presented in Figure 5. Figure 6 presents the calculated calibration curves for Sc4 regular (denoted with solid line) and Sc4 clustered (denoted with dashed line), as well as the nugget vari- ance of the fi tt ed variogram model (denoted with dott ed line). Both calibration curves converge to the nugget variance, if the sam- ple size is infi nitely large (see Figure 6). The calculated calibration curves for Sc4 regular and Sc4 clustered can be used to de- termine the sample size for a given spatially averaged RKV value and vice versa. For ex- ample, if the soil surveyors want to achieve Table 3. The values of the observed signifi cance level of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test calculated for Scenario 1 and 2. Sample size Covariates* SPC1 SPC2 SPC3 SPC4 SPC5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 150 200 0.017 0.240 0.240 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.734 0.734 0.734 0.454 0.954 0.954 0.734 0.734 0.000 0.013 0.035 0.172 0.035 0.082 0.329 0.173 0.329 0.173 0.329 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.060 0.021 0.153 0.617 0.617 0.617 0.617 0.905 0.617 0.617 0.905 0.905 0.617 0.617 0.006 0.042 0.006 0.017 0.095 0.194 0.194 0.358 0.194 0.358 0.194 0.358 0.193 0.841 0.035 0.173 0.013 0.173 0.172 0.082 0.173 0.082 0.560 0.329 0.329 0.082 0.173 0.173 *The observed signifi cance levels are in italics, where the null hypothesis was accepted at 0.05 signifi cance level Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 43 0.08 [%]2 value of spatially averaged RKV for the SOM map, when the previously collected sampling design is regular, then the number of new observations, using the calibration curve (Figure 6), is 64. On other hand, when the previously collected sampling design is clustered the number of new observations, using the corresponding calibration curve (Figure 6) is 84. The large diff erence between them can be att ributed to the follows: when the previously collected sampling design was clustered, the existing samples concentrated only on a small part of the complete area of interest (see Figure 5, b), which yielded higher RKV values, as well as caused a poor cover- age both in geographic and feature space. On other hand, the existing regular sampling de- sign covered more properly the geographic space (see Figure 5, a). The observed signifi cance levels of K–S tests for Sc3 regular and Sc4 regular are presented in Table 4, whilst the observed signifi cance levels for Sc3 clustered and Sc4 clustered are presented in Table 5. The null hypothesis and the applied signifi cance lev- el were the same as in case of Sc1 and Sc2. In Table 4 and 5, the values of the observed signifi cance level were bolded, where the null hypothesis was accepted. In both cases of Sc3 regular and Sc3 clus- tered, the null hypothesis was accepted for all covariates, which means that, the op- timized sampling designs for Sc3 regular and Sc3 clustered cover properly the feature space. In cases of Sc4 regular and Sc4 clus- tered, we examined for a given sample size, how the optimized sampling confi guration covers the feature space. As we can see in Table 4 and 5, 40 is the minimal sample size, which is needed to cover properly the feature space. Based on this, samples with less than 40 observations are not suitable to describe the trend function, as well as the spatial dis- tribution of SOM. The observed F(r) and G(r) functions for the previously collected sampling designs are presented in Figure 7. In case of clustered design, the r value for F(r) = 1 is higher than the variogram range (which means that, there are some planned prediction locations, which do not have any kriging neighbours), whilst in case of regular design, this r value is lower than the variogram range. They support the ascertainment, the clustered design does not cover properly the geographic space, whilst the regular design does (see Figure 7). In cases of Sc3 regular and Sc4 regular, the F(r) and G(r) functions gave “quasi” the same Fig. 4. The observed Gobs(r) nearest neighbour distances distribution (a) and Fobs(r) empty space function (b) for scenario 1. Abbreviations inside the legend: theo = theoretical distribution of complete spatial randomness; hi = upper envelope of theo; lo = lower envelope of theo Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48.44 Fig. 5. The optimized sampling designs for scenario 3 regular (a), and scenario 3 clustered (b) results, thanks to the relatively large range of the variogram model. However, we can state that, the optimized sampling confi gurations for Sc3 regular and Sc4 regular covered prop- erly the geographic space, so there was no any planned prediction location, which did not have any kriging neighbours. There is an inhibition (i.e. competition) between the sampling points, which causes a quasi-regular point patt ern. In case of Sc3 clustered, the optimized sampling design covers properly the geographic space. On other hand, the calculated F(r) and G(r) functions show a transition between the regular and clustered point patt ern types. Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 45 Fig. 6. The calibration curves for scenario 4 regular, scenario 4 clustered and the nugget vari- ance. RKV = regression kriging prediction-error variance Table 4. The values of the observed signifi cance level of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test calculated for Scenario 3 regular and Scenario 4 regular Complementary sample size Covariates* SPC1 SPC2 SPC3 SPC4 SPC5 0 < 0.05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 115 165 0.454 0.734 0.954 0.734 0.734 0.954 0.734 0.954 0.954 0.734 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.173 0.173 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.560 0.560 0.617 0.617 0.617 0.617 0.334 0.617 0.617 0.905 0.905 0.617 0.095 0.358 0.194 0.095 0.358 0.095 0.358 0.591 0.358 0.841 0.013 0.082 0.329 0.173 0.173 0.329 0.560 0.329 0.560 0.173 *The observed signifi cance levels are in italics, where the null hypothesis was accepted at 0.05 signifi cance level Table 5. The values of the observed signifi cance level of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test calculated for Scenario 3 clustered and Scenario 4 clustered Complementary sample size Covariates* SPC1 SPC2 SPC3 SPC4 SPC5 0 < 0.05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 115 165 0.046 0.240 0.240 0.954 0.954 0.734 0.954 0.734 0.954 0.734 0.000 0.005 0.035 0.329 0.173 0.329 0.329 0.173 0.329 0.560 0.153 0.617 0.334 0.617 0.617 0.905 0.905 0.617 0.905 0.617 0.017 0.095 0.006 0.095 0.095 0.194 0.194 0.358 0.591 0.841 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.560 0.173 0.560 0.560 0.173 0.329 0.173 *The observed signifi cance levels are in italics, where the null hypothesis was accepted at 0.05 signifi cance level Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48.46 Fig. 7. The observed nearest neighbour distances distribution Gobs(r) and empty space Fobs(r) function for the previ- ously collected samples in clustered (a–b) and regular (c–d) designs. Abbreviations inside the legend: see Fig. 4. Some thoughts on RKV and SSA About RKV, we have to notice that, its value(s) mainly characterizes the spatial prediction model rather than the local accuracy of the prediction(s); since it is independent from the observed values (Deutsch, C.V. and Jour- nel, A.G. 1998; Goovaerts, P. 1999; Geiger, J. 2006). We have to consider this fact when we want to use directly its values. However, RKV is a fully suitable measure to compare alternative sampling confi guration and to op- timize the sampling design for DSM, which follows from its defi nition (see Eq. [2]). As we mentioned, the optimized sampling designs for Sc1, Sc2, Sc3 regular and Sc4 regular showed a quasi-regular point patt ern. It means that, the variogram model had the dominant infl uence along these optimization procedures rather than the structure of the regression model, according to Heuvelink, G.B.M. et al. (2007). It can be explained by that, the area of interest is fairly homogeneous in point of to- pography and land use, in other words it has a small “niche” in the feature space, according to Hengl, T. et al. (2003). The study site belongs to the Sárbogárd Loess Plateau and only two loess-valleys slice up the area of interest. On Szatmári, G. et al. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (2015) (1) 35–48. 47 other hand, approx. 85% of the total area is ar- able (Szatmári, G. and Barta, K. 2012). There are some limits of SSA using RKV as optimization criterion, e.g. the optimiza- tion of sampling design for more than one soil variable. However, it seems to be solved by Szatmári, G. (2014). Another drawback of SSA algorithm is the calculation time, which is lingering. In this study, the elapsed time for a sampling design simulation can take a few hours up to a day. It depends on the sett ings of the SSA algorithm (initial “system temperature”, number of iterations, “cool- ing” scheme, stopping criterion, etc.), the number of new observations, the size and complexity of the area of interest, the resolu- tion of auxiliary data, the size of matrices for the quality measure calculation (see Eq. [2]), and so forth. We found that, if the maximum of the kriging neighbourhood is restricted to a fi nite number of observations (according to Webster, R. and Oliver, M.A. 2007, it was set 25, which number of observations is reason- able in point of kriging), then the calculation time decreased signifi cantly. Conclusions As it was illustrated by the scenarios, SSA (us- ing RKV as optimization criterion) is a valuable algorithm to optimize soil sampling strategy considering a lot of constraints and demands, which were suggested by soil surveyors, pedo- metricans and end-users (e.g. the number of new observations, predefi ned quality measure value (i.e. RKV), as well as taking auxiliary information, previously collected samples and inaccessible areas into account). RKV is a suitable optimization criterion, be- cause it incorporates the error variance of the trend, as well as the estimation error variance of the residuals, which endeavour SSA to opti- mize the sampling design both in geographic and feature space. As a consequence, the op- timized design absolutely accommodates to the requirements of the RK spatial prediction technique. Therefore, we can assume that the statistical inference (i.e. map of the soil prop- erty of interest) is compatible with “the real world”. Another benefi cial property of RKV is that, it can be calculated before the actual sampling takes place, which can be important in a viewpoint of costs and time. Nevertheless we have to keep in mind that, RKV is inde- pendent from the observed values. The so-called calibration curve can be used to determine the sample size for a given qual- ity measure value and vice versa. As a con- sequence, this kind of calibration curve is a useful tool to estimate the sample size con- sidering the predefi ned quality measure value (which is expected to be achieved for the map) and/or the sampling budget’s constraints. Acknowledgements: Our work has been supported by the Hungarian National Scientifi c Research Foundation (OTKA, Grant No. K105167) and by the TÁMOP- 4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0012 project (ZENFE). REREFENCES Baume, O.P., Gebhardt, A., Gebhardt, C., Heuvelink, G.B.M. and Pilz, J. 2011. Network optimization al- gorithms and scenarios in the context of automatic mapping. 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