Kocsis, K. and Tátrai, P.: Changing Ethnic Patt erns of the Carpatho-Pannonian Area 66 Kocsis, K. and Tátrai, P.: Changing Ethnic Patt erns of the Carpatho-Pannonian Area. Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences HAS, Budapest, 2012. 10 maps (1 x 1:500,000 and 9 x 1:2,200,000) with an accompanying text of 27 pages. In case of presenting academic results, obviously, there’s litt le place for emotions. Yet, I am convinced that those interested in the topic will browse this unique thematic map series with much enthusiasm. The eye-catching and handy map series is defi nitely doomed to success. In a way, it is a non-traditional publication. The large-scale map, the map series presenting the historic background and the legend are all in one folder. The editors of the map series and the legend produce an evidence of their thorough knowledge. The publishing of the map series has its background both in the foreign and in the Hungarian cartography. Nevertheless, having regard to the wide range of related litera- ture, we waive the presentation of foreign publications. The Central Europe Atlas, released around the end of World War II, is one of the most signifi cant publication, which gained a high profi le in the Hungarian scientifi c literature. Aft er a 40-year pause, we can witness the renewal of socio-geographic research based partly on the methods and principles applied during the edition of Central Europe Atlas and partly on Károly Kocsis’s investigations carrying out since the 1980’s. Besides his scientifi c achieve- ments, the competent work of the younger generation of researchers (Patrik Tátrai, Anikó Kovács) also contrib- uted to the issue of this high- level publication. The main map consists of two parts representing more than 380,000 km2 territory (1:500,000). It shows the eth- nic-nationality distribution of 30,000 sett lements in 11 states taking into account the 2001 census data. Besides gather- ing, standardizing and evalu- ating the fi gures, it was also essential to take into account the ever-changing administra- tive boundaries so that they can present the data on sett le- ment level. Besides managing the in- adequate and uneven dataset, the authors also had to face challenges posed by theoreti- cal problems. Without doubt, there has been special demand for the review of former ap- 67 proaches, concepts and the applied methods in the recent years. It was an aim of the au- thors to correspond to those challenges, as well. The publication includes three main parts, therefore it seems appropriate to present the book according to the structure of the map series. The main map was prepared by using well-established methods adapting to the practise which has been existing for decades. To present the distribution of population according to nationality, pie charts were applied taking into consideration the sett lements’ locations and their population. The publication is low-key with the aim of presenting evidence-based facts. The carefully selected and displayed geographical factors encourage the readers to think about the subject. The spatial structure of nationality distribution can be examined directly by four factors (sett lement structure, hydrology, relief, public administration) and indirectly by two factors (population density, the diff erent versions of place names). For the att ractive appearance of the maps, Anikó Kovács cartographer is responsible. The historic maps present the changes in ethnic spatial structure during the period of 1495–2001. It might be surprising to extend the investigation of regional ethnic relations to a longer period of time, as the recent, modern concepts coming from national ideology have emerged only in the recent years. However, knowing Károly Kocsis’s former publishes and the associated demand and intend of the Hungarian literature existing for some time, that approach cannot be controversial. The defi ciencies and interpreting diffi culties of sources of information might bring up some problems. To compensate that, the authors also de- pict the suspected extension of deserted areas and the areas with low population density on the choropleth maps. Nevertheless, presenting sett lement borders and the indirectly defi ned or estimated ethnic majority at the same time might result in the disappearance of ethnic diversity and the absence of local minorities, especially, in the contact zones of greater ethnic blocks. Reading the bilingual (Hungarian and English) legend containing two tables and the ref- erences, the readers can have a sketchy feeling in the respect of the amount of information. Nevertheless, the text clarifi es every important question and it explains them thoroughly. The authors also express there views on the usage of the concepts of Carpathian Basin and Carpatho-Pannonian Region. Of course, the nomenclature is controversial, however, the authors list numerous arguments to justify their choice. Presumably, the shortness of his- toric background derives from fi nancial reasons, which put the question of more generous support taking into consideration the signifi cance of the topic and the large work. Hopefully, the research will continue, to which the unprocessed and still not available 2011 census data can give rise. This map series is impressing not just because of its physi- cal dimensions, but also because it is an important fi nding of a great scientifi c research supporting the solid understanding of ethnic relations of our region, besides, it can also become a starting point and measurement for further regional ethnic researches in the fi eld of the Hungarian social and ethnic geography. 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