Design of climate station network in mountain catchments 19 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 61 (1) (2012) 19–29. Design of climate station network in mountain catchments Josef KŘEČEK1 and Petr PUNČOCHÁŘ2 Abstract In the Jizera Mountains (Czech Republic) the density of climate station network was tested in relation to spatial data interpolation, and watershed management targets. Point weather data (precipitation, air temperature, humidity and wind velocity) were interpolated by the nearest neighbourhood (NN), inverse distance weighting (IDW), spline (SPL), hypsometric (HYP) and kriging (KRI) methods. The results were assessed by the root mean square er- ror (RMSE). The interpolation eff ectiveness showed the following order: HYP, IDW, KRI, NN and SPL. The advantage of the hypsometric method was recognised, particularly, by providing reasonable outputs in marginal catchments of the region and outside of the main instrumented area. However, in case of a higher density of observation points (11 hectares per station), all interpolation methods manifested comparable and realistic outputs in the focused mountain watersheds. Keywords: mountain watershed, climate station network, precipitation, potential eva- potranspiration, spatial data interpolation Introduction Many tasks of watershed management (water resources recharge, water qual- ity control or fl ood protection) require sets of authentic climate data from point-observation networks. For many years there has been an urgent call for the improvement of climatological inputs (atmospheric precipitation, solar radiation, air temperature, humidity and wind speed) used by catch- ment hydrological models (Becker, A. and Serban, P. 1990; Cooper, M.R. and Fernando, D.A.K. 2009). WMO (1994) generally recommends the minimum aerial density of weather stations by 250 km2 (eventually 25 km2 on mountain islands). The 1 Department of Hydrology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thákurova 7. CZ-166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic, e-mail: 2 Aon Benfi eld – Impact Forecasting. U Prašné brány 1, CZ-110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic 20 quality of climate information in watershed scale depends on the method of aerial interpolation (and extrapolation) of the observed point data (Hay, L., Viger, R. and McCabe, G. 1998). In mountain regions, particularly, the spatial interpolation of point data is complicated by the eff ects of the mezo- and micro-climate. Geographic information systems are supposed to be powerful tools in the spatial application of interpolation techniques (Burroughs, P.A. and McDonnell, R.A. 1998; Hartkamp, A.D. et al. 1999). The aim of this study is to compare and assess the most commonly used methods of aerial interpolation of point weather data observed in the central part of the Jizera Mountains. (Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic) (Figure 1). Material and methods The Jizera Mountains are an important region for water resources recharge, therefore, the network of weather stations is relatively dense here. In total, 31 stations are located over an area of cca 200 km2. The distance between the neighbouring stations varies from 0.6 to 2.8 km. All stations are instrumented by rain-gauges, 15 stations by thermometers, and 7 by anemometers. Fig. 1. Weather stations with numbers and focused basins in the Jizera Mountains. – J = Jizerka; Weather stations with numbers and focused basins in the Jizera Mountains. – J = Jizerka; J-1 = Jizerka-1; JD = Josefův Důl; O = Oldřichov; O-1 = Oldřichov-1; S = Sous J-1 = Jizerka-1; JD = Josefův Důl; O = Oldřichov; O-1 = Oldřichov-1; S = Sous 21 The observation guidelines of the weather stations are provided by WMO (2009), and the spatial interpolation techniques by WMO (1994), Stein, M.L. (1999) or Sluiter, R. (2009). The following interpolation methods were used here to process the point climate data: 1. Nearest neighbourhood method (NN), 2. Inverse distance weighting (IDW), 3. Polynomial functions – splines (SPL), 4. Hypsometric method (HYP), 5. Kriging (KRI). The nearest neighbourhood method (NN) assigns the value from the nearest observation to a certain grid cell (Sluiter, R. 2009). The Thiessen concept of poly- gon areas corresponding to observation points was applied here. Thus, the value of a climate parameter P, representative over a catchment area A, is given by (1): P = Σ (PiAi)/A, (1) where Pi = value of the parameter P, observed at the station i; Ai = area of the polygon i. The method of inverse distance weighting (IDW) is an advanced near- est neighbour approach. The value of a certain grid cell is obtained from a linear combination of the surrounding locations. This method is based on the assumption that the weight of each observation declines with distance. The value of a climate parameter Pj in a point j is given by (2): Pj = Σ[Pi /(Di + S) p] / Σ[1/(Di + S) p], (2) where Pi = the value of the characteristic P, observed in a point i (i = 1, 2, … n); Di = distance of the point j from the station i; p is parameter of the weight; S = parameter of smoothness; n = number of point observations. For the aim of this study, values of S = 0, and p = 2 were applied according to Shaw, E.M. (1991). The method of splines (SPL) is based on polynomial functions that fi t trends through the observation points by x-order polynomials. To ensure that results do not show strongly oscillating patt erns between the observation points, algorithms are used to smooth the resulting surfaces. Broadly speaking, polynomial functions are regarded as a good method for the interpolation of monthly and yearly climate elements but they are less suitable at higher tem- poral resolutions (days or hours). That approach is not recommended when the neighbouring data show signifi cant diff erences (see Sluiter, R. 2009). The hypsometric method (HYP) is a composite approach which takes account of catchment topography (Shaw, E.M. 1991). It is recommended for small or medium sized catchments in hilly regions where the relationship between climate elements and elevation is statistically signifi cant. 22 The probabilistic approach of kriging (KRI) incorporates the concepts of randomness, linear regression model, geo-statistics and optimum interpola- tion (Stein, M.L. 1999). That method is considered to be the best interpolation technique in case of relatively sparse point data. Kriging is also based on the recognition that the spatial variation of climate elements is oft en too irregular to be modelled by a simple function. Thus, the variation can be bett er described by a stochastic surface with an att ribute known as a regionalized variable. The regionalized variable theory assumes that the value of a random variable Pj at point j is given by (3): Pj = mj + εj + ε'j, (3) where mj = deterministic function describing a structural component P at j; εj = a random spatially correlated component; ε’j= a residual non-spatially correlated term (or noise). When structural eff ects have been accounted for and the variation is homogenous, the semi-variance γ (d) can be estimated by (4): γ(d) = (1/2n) ∑ (Pi – Pj) 2, (4) where Pi = value of climate element P, observed at the point i; Pj = value of ele- ment P at a point j (in a distance d from the point i); n = number of pairs of sam- ple points of observations of the values of element P separated by distance d. A plot of γ (d) against d is called a semi-variogram and gives a quantita- tive description of the regionalised variation. An important factor of the vari- ogram is the range which describes the distance in case of spatially independ- ent data points. Several modifi cations of that approximation are mentioned by Sluiter (2009), however, in this study simple kriging applying a spherical model of the semi-variogram was used. In this study daily precipitation amounts and daily values of mean air temperature, humidity and wind speed (data of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, and the Water Authority of the Elbe River collected in 1999–2007) were analysed. The raw data were fi ltered by the ADMS method ((Shaw, E.M. 1991) and ArcGIS/ArcInfo GIS soft ware was applied for data processing. The success of spatial approximation was evaluated by statistical induction; the values of the root mean square error (RMSE) were calculated by (5): RMSE = [(1/n) ∑(Pmi – Pi) 2]0,5, (5) where Pi = parameter observed at a point i; Pmi = parameter modelled at a point i by the spatial interpolation from values of the parameter P in neighbouring points. 23 Considering the water budget in six selected watersheds (Figure 1), we tested the possibility to estimate realistic values of catchment precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (ET). Potential evapotranspiration (ETP) was calcu- lated from the daily values of climate parameters (air temperature, humidity and wind speed) by applying the FAO Penman-Monteith method (Allen, R.G. et al. 1998) corresponding to the reference crop of a height of 0.12 m, a surface resistance of 70 s/m and an albedo of 23%, adequately watered. The geomor- phological characteristics of the selected basins are given in Table 1. Results and discussion Comparing the methods of interpolation, values of the root mean square error (RMSE) for modelled and observed mean annual data – precipitation (Pa), air temperature (Ta), humidity (Ha) and wind speed (Wa) – of a nine-year period (1999–2007) are presented in Table 2. The lower values of the root mean square error (RMSE) identify bett er space approximation for climate parameters. The hypsometric method (HYP) provided the best results concerning the values of precipitation, temperature and humidity; while for wind distribu- tion, the method of inverse distance weighting (IDW) gave bett er outputs. That result corresponds to the signifi cant correlation between precipitation (Pa), air temperature (Ta), humidity (Ha) and elevation (E). The estimated correlation coeffi cients are as follows: R = 0.757 (Pa, E), R = 0.869 (Ta, E), R = 0.728 (Ha, E), R Table 1. Characteristics of the focused basins Basin Area (A), km2 Mean elevation (E), m Mean slope (S), % Length (L), km Shape index, A/L2 J J-1 JD S O O-1 10.41 1.03 19.64 13.78 2.59 0.23 913 927 834 865 478 507 9.7 12.0 11.9 14.0 28.2 34.6 4.32 1.14 5.49 5.06 2.36 0.66 0.56 0.79 0.65 0.54 0.47 0.53 Table 2. RMSE values for the modelled space distribution of climate parameters and methods of interpolation Method Precipitation (Pa) mm Air temperature (Ta) oC Humidity (Ha) % Wind speed (Wa) m/s NN IDW SPL HYP KRI 0.90 0.63 1.45 0.56 0.77 1.52 1.28 2.64 1.13 1.37 2.29 1.93 2.73 1.47 1.87 0.86 0.52 1.14 0.89 0.72 24 = 0.217 (Wa, E), by the critical value Rc = 0.254 (p = 0.01). The outputs of space interpolation (values of Pa, Ta, and Ha by hypsometric method and Wa by inverse distance weighting) for the years 1999–2007, are shown in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5. The interpolation by HYP, IDW and NN fi ts extreme values of the tested climate parameters by errors of ±10 %. The spline approach (SPL) tends to be a signifi cant disfi gurement of the observed extremes (up to 70%), simi- larly to the results of Richards, D. (1975) and Hay, L., Viger, R. and McCabe, G. (1998). Kriging (KRI) resulted in fl att ening the local extremes it corresponds to the fi ndings of Stein, M.L. (1999) and Sluiter, R. (2009). The advantage of the hypsometric method (HYP) seems to be manifested mainly in a realistic extrapolation of the elevation-dependent parameters for the marginal areas of the investigated mountain region (outside of the observation network). Concerning the interpolation of monthly data of elevation-dependent parameters, the hypsometric method was complicated by seasonal changes. Monthly precipitation showed the most signifi cant relationship with elevation in May (R = 0.92); later it decreased to R = 0.65 (June-July), rised to R = 0.74 (September–November) and decreased to R = 0.33 (December-April). Fig. 2. Mean annual precipitation Pa (mm) interpolated by the hypsometric method Fig. 3. Mean annual air temperature Ta ( oC) interpolated by the hypsometric method Fig. 4. Mean annual humidity Ha (%) inter- polated by the hypsometric method Fig. 5. Mean annual wind speed Wa (m/s) interpolated by inverse distance weighting 25 Potential evapotranspiration was calculated in daily steps from the interpolated daily data of temperature, humidity and wind speed. The distri- bution of mean annual values of potential evapotranspiration ETPa over the Jizera Mountains region in 1999–2007 is presented in Figure 6. Regarding the water budget in the six selected watersheds (Figure 1, Table 1), we suppose that aerial means of the parameters P, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, (P-HYP) given by the hypsometric method are authentic. Then, diff erences ∆ (mm) derived from the results given by alterna- tive methods (NN, IDW, SPL, KRI) – see (6) – are shown in Table 3. ∆-NN = P-NN – P-HYP (6) ∆-IDW = P-IDW – P-HYP ∆-SPL = P-SPL – P-HYP(6) ∆-KRI = P-KRI – P-HYP The percentage error ∂ (%) of aerial P-means, calculated by alternative methods (NN, IDW, SPL, KRI) versus the hypsometric method given by (7), is presented in Table 4. ∂ = 100 ∆ / P-HYP (7) Fig. 6. Mean annual potential evapotranspiration ETPa (mm) 26 It is evident that in catchments with a certain density of rain-gauges (11 hectares per gauge), all tested methods provide comparable and realistic outputs. On the contrary, in catchments where observations are absent, the percentage error in aerial estimates ∂ (%) signifi cantly depends on interpola- tion techniques: ∂ (%) it varies from -8 to 21 (IDW), from -7 to 25 (KRI), from -12 to 28 (NN), and from -15 to 40 (SPL). Similar errors ∂ (%) were found for mean annual values of potential evapotranspiration ETPa in watersheds J (363 mm), J-1 (335 mm), JD (398 mm), S (386 mm), O (523 mm) and O-1 (514 mm) (Table 5). However, the accuracy of aerial evapotranspiration in catchments is limited particularly by the inad- equate number of wind speed observations. Concerning fl ood events, much higher errors in estimates of extreme climate events are reported by Srinivasan, G. and Sushma, N. (2005), Cooper, M.R. and Fernando, D.A.K. (2009) and Gallant, G. et al. (2010). Also here, for an extreme daily rainfall (observed on the 13th August 2002), rather high errors of aerial estimates were found by alternative interpolation methods: the percentage error ∂ (%) varies from -10 to 26 (IDW), from -13 to 26 (NN), from -16 to 34 (KRI), and from -18 to 173 (SPL) (Tables 6 and 7). Table 4. Percentage errors ∂ (%) of mean annual precipitation in the focused catchments by using interpolation methods IDW, KRI, NN and SPL Catchment A/N* km2 ∂-IDW ∂-KRI ∂-NN ∂-SPL % J J-1 JD S O O-1 0.25 – 0.11 0.25 – – -6 -8 0 -2 18 21 -6 -7 0 -2 22 25 -7 -12 0 -3 26 28 -5 -15 0 -6 40 35 *A = catchment area, N = number of stations in catchments Table 3. Diff erences ∆ (mm) between areal annual precipitation given by the hypsometric method and the methods of IDW, KRI, NN and SPL in catchments Catchment Number of stations Pa-HYP ∆-IDW ∆-KRI ∆-NN ∆- SPL mm J J-1 JD S O O-1 4 – 9 4 – – 1,217 1,227 1,170 1,189 973 955 -67 -99 -1 -25 179 203 -69 -88 -1 -25 217 235 -82 -143 -1 -32 250 268 -59 -178 -5 -69 394 330 27 Again, in the case of a watershed with relatively dense observation points (JD catchment) the results of all tested interpolation methods are real- istic. However, with decreasing number of rain-gauges (J, S catchments with 25 hectares per gauge), the estimation error ∂ of aerial rainfall varies from -18 to 8%. Table 7. Estimation errors ∂ (%) in aerial values of extreme daily precipitations (13th August 2002) Catchment A/N* km2 ∂-IDW ∂-KRI ∂-NN ∂-SPL % J J-1 JD S O O-1 0.25 – 0.11 0.25 – – 0 -10 0 -5 26 22 0 -16 0 -11 34 32 2 -10 1 -13 26 22 8 -13 3 -18 149 173 *A = catchment area, N = number of stations in catchments Table 6. Diff erences ∆ (mm) between the estimates of the areal daily rainfall (13th August 2002) Catchment Number of stations P-HYP ∆-IDW ∆-KRI ∆-NN ∆-SPL mm J J-1 JD S O O-1 4 – 9 4 – – 207 209 195 200 144 148 0 -20 0 -10 37 33 0 -34 0 -22 49 48 4 -20 2 -26 37 33 16 -28 6 -35 214 256 Table 5. Estimation errors ∂ (%) of mean annual potential evapotranspiration in the catchments calculated by interpolation methods IDW, KRI, NN and SPL Catchment A/N* km2 ∂-IDW ∂-KRI ∂-NN ∂-SPL % J J-1 JD S O O-1 5.20 – 3.93 4.59 – – 5 7 4 5 -12 -10 8 6 5 4 -14 -15 10 9 8 7 -21 -24 7 12 9 8 -32 -36 *A = catchment area, N = number of stations in catchments 28 Conclusions In the investigated mountain catchments the hypsometric method (HYP) proved to be the most eff ective interpolation technique for elevation-depend- ent climate parameters (precipitation, air temperature and humidity), see Table 2. The advantage of this approach is a realistic extrapolation of the data for marginal areas outside of the main observation network. For wind speed, the method of inverse distance weighting (IDW) provided the best spatial distri- bution because of its weak correlation with elevation. The methods of HYP, IDW and NN were able to fi t extreme values of the tested climate parameters by errors of ±10% while SPL tends to be a signifi cant disfi gurement of the observed extremes (up to 70%). For six investigated watersheds (Figure 1, Table 1), the error in estimated aerial precipitation and potential evapotranspiration depends on the density of weather stations. With higher density of rain-gauges (11 hectares per gauge), all in- terpolation methods manifested comparable and realistic outputs. In catch- ments without observation data the output values gained by the hypsometric method were realistic and estimation errors given by alternative interpolation procedures reached almost 40% of mean annual values of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (Table 4. and 5). In case of an extreme daily rainfall (Table 7) the error of aerial estimates provided by alternative interpolation techniques (NN, IDW, SPL, KRI) in mar- ginal catchments of the studied region varies from -16 to 173%. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Earthwatch Institute (Oxford, UK, Mountain Waters of Bohemia), the Czech Ministry of Education (MSM 6840770002, Revitalization of Landscape Aff ected by Anthropogenic Changes), and the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (526-09-0567). REFERENCES Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D. and Smith, M. 1998. Crop evapotranspiration, guidelines for com- puting crop water requirements. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, Rome, FAO, 300 p. Becker, A. and Serban, P. 1990. Hydrological models for water – resources system design and operation. Operational Hydrology Report 34, Geneva, WMO, 80 p. Burroughs, P.A. Mc Donnell, R.A. 1998. Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 327 p. Cooper, M.R. and Fernando, D.A.K. 2009. The eff ect of the rain-gauge distribution on storm water models. In Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia, 13–17 July 2009, 3500–3506. Gallant, G., Ailie J. E., David J. and Karoly, D.J. 2010. A Combined Climate Extreme Index for the Australian Region. Journal of Climate 23. 6153–6165. 29 Hay, L., Viger, R. and McCabe, G. 1998. Precipitation interpolation in mountainous re- gions using multiple linear regression. In Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters. IAHS Publication 248, 33–38. Hartkamp, A.D., De Beurs K., Stein, A. and White, J.W. 1999. Interpolation Techniques for Climate Variables. NRG-GIS Series 99-01, CIMMYT, Mexico, 25 p. Richards, D. 1975. The eff ect of reducing rain gauge network density on goodness of conceptual models fi t and prediction. Institute of Hydrology, Report 28, Wallingford, UK, 25 p. Shaw, E.M. 1991. Hydrology in Practice. Second edition, London, Chapman & Hall, 539 p. Sluiter, R. 2009. Interpolation Methods for Climate Data. KNMI Report, De Bilt, The Netherlands, 24 p. Srinivasan, G. and Sushma N. 2005. Daily rainfall characteristics from a high density rain gauge network. Current Science: Special Section on Mountain Weather Forecasting 88. 942–946. Stein, M.L. 1999. Statistical Interpolation of Spatial Data: Some Theory for Kriging. Springer Series in Statistics, New York, Springer, 257 p. WMO, 1994. Guide to Hydrometeorological practices: Data aquisition and processing, analysis, forecasting and other applications. Publication 168, Fift h edition, Geneva, 732 p. WMO, 2008. Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation. Publication 8, Seventh edition, Geneva, 525 p. 30 NOW AVAILABLE! Geography in Visegrad and Neighbour Countries Regional Socio-Economic Processes in Central and Eastern Europe – 20 Years in Transition and 2 Years in Global Economic Crisis Edited by Ágnes Erőss and Dávid Karácsonyi Geographical Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, 2011. 169 p. During the last twenty years the erstwhile Soviet bloc countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have taken distinct routes in post-socialist development, wherein the national trends and internal regional processes proved to be in deep contrast. Responses to the challenges of the global economic crisis also varied, repeatedly brought to the surface long existing regional issues, structural prob- lems and ethnic confl icts. Human geographers are divided in the assessment of the shift s that occurred during the past twenty years and the exchange of experi- ence is vital for fi nding adequate an- swers to the new challenges. 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