Ethnisches Bewusstsein in der Republik Moldau im Jahr 2004 / Ethnic Consciousness in the Republic of Moldova in 2004 79 L I T E R A T U R E Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 61 (1) (2012) pp. 79–80. Kahl, T., Lozovanu, D., Heuberger, V., Jordan, P., Ethnisches Bewusstsein in der Republik Moldau im Jahr 2004 / Ethnic Consciousness in the Republic of Moldova in 2004. Institut für Stadt- und Regionalforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft en, 2010, Wien, 78 p. (Series: Atlas Ost- und Südosteuropa / Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. 2.10 – MD1) The volume titled ’Ethnic Consciousness in the Republic of Moldova in 2004’ corresponds with the traditional topics of the series ‘Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe’. Similarly to the previous volumes ‘Ethnic structure of Eastern Europe and Caucasia around 1990’, ’Ethnic structure of Southeastern Europe around 1992’ and ’Ethnic consciousness in Central and Southeast Europe around 2000’, this publication also deals with the ethnic structure of a post-soviet region hardly known in the west. The volume consists of two parts: a map and the accom- panying text (32 pages in German, 33 pages in English and a 10 pages long bibliography). The map depicts an extract of Moldova and the sur- rounding territories. According to the title, the content of the map is based on 2004 data, but the title refers only to the date of the last census in the Republic of Moldova. The Ukrainian and the Romanian censuses were held earlier (in 2001 and 2002). The map focuses on the ethnic structure of the above men- tioned territories using the ethnic data of the censuses. The publication has several new, scientifi c outcomes. Maybe the most important one is the representation of the di- verse ethnic structure of Moldova (including Transnistria and Gagauzia) and Southwest Ukraine (e.g. the Budzhak), which has been almost impossible due to the lack of accessible ethnic data so far. 80 Knowing the diffi culties of gett ing detailed census data in these countries, it was a great challenge to collect all the needed data. The authors applied the diagram method (using circle diagrams) which provides precise information on the ethnic division of the basic units. The latt er ones are the basic administration units in each country. As for the colours, the map follows the tradition of the earlier ethnic maps of the Atlas; the ethnic groups and nations are classifi ed on linguistic basis (e.g. the tones of the green colour belong to the Russian and the Ukrainian). The names are writt en in the offi cial language of the specifi c country, but in case of Transnistria and Gagauzia, the minority names are also represented. Although the main information of the map refers to the ethnic consciousness, the administrative subdivision – borders are delineated as of 2004 – plays an important role as well. Here the authors could not avoid the problems regarding the status of Transnistria (also called ‘Dniester Republic’), namely, the map represents only the offi cial status. Transnistria is part of the Republic of Moldova and its boundary is signed on the map, but in the legend this border is explained only as “Administrative unit, upper regional level (RO: judeţ; UA: oblast’)” without any references to Transnistria. The accompanying text consists of four parts. In the fi rst one Peter Jordan gives an overview on the methodologycal background of the ethnic maps. He analyzes the ethnic data of the censuses (e.g. their subjectivity, the method of their collection and the political infl uences on them), the possible cartographic methods applicable for ethnic maps and the connection between the person (the subjective) and the data represented on the map. The publication focuses not only on the ethnic structure of Moldova, but it also presents general information on the country. The geographical outline of the Republic of Moldova writt en by Thede Kahl reports on location, nature, population and economy. This chapter gives useful supplementary information, but only the location and the population issues are in closer connection with the main topic. As the publication focuses primarily on the human peculiarities of Moldova, it is surprising that ’nature’ (fauna and fl ora) are described in this volume as well. The third chapter deals with the history of Moldova writt en by Valeria Heuberger. It gives a comprehensive historical overview (sometimes exaggerating the Romanian point of view) from Antiquity to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The fi nal part of the accompanying text writt en by Peter Jordan and Dorin Lozovanu presents the ethnic structure of Moldova and the neighbouring territories of Romania and Ukraine. It off ers a short overview on the ethno-demographic history of the region by countries. The historic ethnic data presented at regional or national level are followed by a more detailed description of the present ethnic situation (by countries as well). Unfortunately, it describes only the state visible on the map so one can fi nd only litt le analysis and a few att empts to reveal the connections. Nevertheless, being only an accompanying text, detailed analysis is probably not an aim of this work. This part is il- lustrated with 19 tables so that the readers can understand all the numbers and proportions regarding the diff erent ethnic groups. The att empt to draw the ethnic map of Moldova and the surrounding territories was a diffi cult task, but it was realised successfully. This atlas is a very useful database for everybody who is interested in the ethnic (and administrative) issues of this region. 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