Relationship between ecological indicators and soil properties (in case of a wetland) 187 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 61 (3) (2012) 187–196. Relationship between ecological indicators and soil properties (in case of a wetland) Zoltán SZALAI1, Mária SZABÓ2, Nóra ZBORAY2, Klaudia KISS1, Kata HORVÁTH-SZABÓ2, Gergely JAKAB1, Réka BALÁZS3, Tibor NÉMETH3 and Balázs MADARÁSZ1 Abstract Ecological indicators have been defi ned for higher plants. In theory with the use of these indicator values we can make predictions for the abiotic environmental factors based on cenological analysis. There are only few publications which have focused on validation of the published indicators. The scale dependence of these indices is poorly studied too. Present paper focuses on applicability of soil related ecological indicators in small scale studies. Three soil related indices were studied along a hydromorph toposequence, such as Simon’s W, R and Soó’s N values. Simon ’s T value also was applied to compare appli- cability soil related ecological indicators with non-soil related ones for small areas. These values were determined on the basis of cenological measurement and compared with soil physical and chemical properties. Our results suggest that W values can be use only for small scale ecological indications. Keywords: ecological indicator, physical and chemical properties, toposequence, water demand, nitrogen, pH, microclimate Introduction Development of soils is aff ected by several factors. Water and topography as primary environmental factors plays crucial role in soil development (Centeri, Cs. et al. 2009). Spatial diff erences of soil forming factors cause spatial hetero- geneity of soil properties (White, R.E. 2006; Szabó Gy. and Czellér, K. 2009; 1 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute. E-mail: szalaiz@mtafk 2 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography 3 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute for Geology and Geochemical Research 188 Kertész, Á. et al. 2010). These phenomena aff ect on morphology and refl ect in spatial distribution soil properties such as amount macronutrients (Sipos, P. 2004; Farsang A. et al. 2008; Kocsis, M. et al. 2008; Szabó, Gy. et al. 2008; Nagy. R. et al. 2012) and organic matt er (OM) decomposition and humifi cation (Mar- tins, T. et al. 2011; Alexis, M.A. et al. 2012). Since soil forming factors also have infl uence on vegetation, cenological properties of fl ora may have relationship with diff erent aspect of the environment, theoretically. As a result of fl oristic research, ecological indicators have been defi ned for almost the whole vascular fl ora (Soó, R. 1980; Simon, T. 1992). In theory with the use of these indicator values we can make predictions for the abi- otic environmental factors based on cenological analysis (Csontos, P. 1984; Mjazovszky, A. et al. 2003; Szabó M. et al. 2007). As relevant diff erences may occur along hydromorph toposequences within small distances, changes in physico-chemical properties of the soil can be detected in a small area (Szalai, Z. et al. 2010; Varga, Á. 2010). These toposequences allow the validation of ecological indicator values. Present paper focuses on the reliability of the ecological indicators compared with soil properties. Material and methods Study area The 8 ha Mocsárrét area located in the vicinity of Ceglédbercel is in the border of the Gödöllő Hills and the Pilis-Alpár Homokhát physical micro-regions (Figure 1). It belongs to the former fl oodplain of the Gerje Stream. The deepest parts of the Mocsárrét are willowy peat-bogs. The fens are diff erentiated from the sedgy meadows with a defi nite bench. The pasture-lands also diff erentiate defi nitely from the surrounding sandy steppes following a graduated elevation. Sampling and measurements Relationship between vegetation and soil properties were studied by Simon’s W (water demand), R (soil pH) and Soó’s N (soil nitrogen) values. Simon’s T (Köppens’s climate) value also was applied to compare applicability soil re- lated ecological indicators with non-soil related ones for small areas. Cenological properties of the Mocsárrét were studied by estimation of herbaceous vegetation cover along a 22 m transect. The estimation was carried out along a straight line using 22 neighbouring 1 x 1 m quadrates. The lowest and the highest ones are labelled by 0 and 22, the highest one. The quadrates 189 covered a whole hydromorphic toposequence beginning from the peat-bog to the dry lucerne area (sandy steppe). Species lists and cover estimations were carried out for each quadrats. Applied ecological indicators were assigned to each species from Hungarian Flora Database (Horváth, F. et al. 1995). The cover-weighed averages of values were used to the calculations. Soil properties are studied by boreholes, which made by Edelman Auger. Drills were installed next to the quadrates and each of them reached the groundwater level. Aft er the drilling, the depth of the groundwater level was measured in the borehole by tape-measure. Soil samples were taken and measured from the upper 25 cm densely rooted soil horizon. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and total bounded nitrogen (TN) content were measured using NDIR/chemoluminescent analyser. Soil organic matt er (SOM) content was calculated from the SOC values using a 1,72 multiplication factor. Humic compounds were characterized by Hargitai’s Q value (Buzás, I. 1983). Soil pH was determined electrometrically from 1n KCl extract. CaCO3 content was measured using Scheibler’s method (Buzás, I. 1988). Texture of the mineral phase was defi ned with a laser diff raction particle sizer while the qual- ity of the mineral phase was determined with an XRD (X-Ray Diff raction). To compare soil data with ecological indicators soil pH values were converted to acidity (cmol+ kg -1) before regression analysis (to transform log scale to linear scale data). Ecological indicator values transformed from ordinal scale to interval scale data by Sneath and Sokal’s method (Podani, J. 1997). The relationships were studied using linear regression and correlation coeffi cient. Fig. 1. Ortophoto combined DEM of study site 190 Results Morphological and mineralogical properties of soils Along the 22 m toposequence SOM content doesn’t change consistently with the decreasing water content. In the deepest point of the toposequence (0) starting soil type is peaty meadow soil-gleyic Phaeozem (pachic, arenic, cal- caric), where the “histic” (H) horizon’s thickness reaches 10 cm. Between the 0 and 1 quadrates soil type changes to calcaric meadow soil-gleyic Phaeozem (arenic, calcaric). This calcaric meadow soil is typical until highest point of the toposequence. The mineral phase’s texture sand content increases whilst silt and clay content shows a decreasing tendency starting from the lower endpoint to the upper one. Between the 0 and 1–5 quadrates there is a sudden change in the mineral phase ant this change appears in the herbaceous vegetation too. In the reed quartz and calcite are dominant, smectite is signifi cant and only a litt le feldspar is present. The iron phase is traceable in the form of goethite for which refer refl ections between 4.18 and 2.70 Ǻ. Iron concretions and mott les are made of poorly crystallized goethite. Practically in the same level as the 0 quad- rate lies the sedge dominated 1–5 quadrate. Their matrix consists of mainly quartz and calcite but smectites are also signifi cant. The silt fraction contains litt le feldspar and amphibole. There is ferrihydrite in the matrix’s iron-phase, it is shown by the elevated baseline with maximum values around 1.5 and 2.5 Ǻ. In the iron concretions mineral phase the iron (III) is present mainly in the form of ferrihydrite and less poorly crystallized goethite (shoulder at the quartz’s base, around 4.16 Ǻ; weak peak at 2.69 Ǻ). Dominant minerals of the soil matrix are also present in the iron concretions like quartz, calcite and feld- spar. This alludes to the fact that iron-oxide concretions seceded around these mineral grains and incorporated them in the course of their growth. Advancing to the upper endpoint of the toposequence goethite becomes dominant in the iron phase again. CaCO3 and soil SOM contents also changes between the 0 and 1 quad- rate. Further in the toposequence does not fall of CaCO3, however quantity of SOM decreases continually. Condensation degree of humic acids degree increases steadily parallel with reduction of hydromorphy (Table 1). Relationship between ecological indicators and environmental factors From the reed (temporary open water surface) to the slightly elevating area headway of the lower water-demand plants can be observed to the expense of high water-demand (swamp) plants (ex. Carex riparia). The association at 191 Table 1. Chemical properties of topsoil (0–20 cm) Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SOM (%, m/m) Q TN (%, m/m) C/N CaCO3 (%, m/m) pHKCl 27.2 0.34 0.26 60.7 7.69 7.81 9.7 0.32 0.08 70.3 3.5 7.81 9.8 0.42 0.19 29.9 3.5 7.8 8.3 0.45 0.25 19.3 3.3 7.78 6.1 0.46 0.28 12.6 3.4 7.81 5.2 0.45 0.26 11.6 3.1 7.8 5 0.43 0.23 12.6 3.3 7.72 4.8 0.51 0.21 13.3 3.4 7.65 4.4 0.49 0.2 12.8 3.2 7.65 4.5 0.48 0.21 12.4 3.6 7.52 4.5 0.48 0.19 13.7 3.5 7.54 Indicator 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 22 SOM (%, m/m) Q TN (%, m/m) C/N CaCO3 (%, m/m) pHKCl 4.6 0.48 0.14 19.1 3.6 7.54 4.3 0.49 0.15 16.6 3.5 7.51 4.1 0.76 0.17 14.0 3.7 7.55 3.8 0.93 0.09 24.5 3.8 7.62 3.2 0.97 0.15 12.4 3.8 7.66 2.8 0.94 0.14 11.6 4 7.62 2.2 0.95 0.11 11.6 4.2 7.58 1.9 0.96 0.09 12.2 3.7 7.51 2 0.98 0.08 14.5 3.5 7.34 2.1 1.02 0.09 13.5 3.2 7.31 2.1 1.01 0.1 12.2 3.0 7.79 2.1 1.03 0.1 12.2 2.9 7.25 the top of the toposequence contains rather species of wet meadow (ex. Festuca arundinacea) as well as disturbance tolerating species of dry pasture-lands (ex. Agropyron repens). Average W value of the vegetation – calculated by the veg- etation cover – decreases together with the reduction of water eff ect (Figure 2) while the trend line calculated by linear regression shows very weak connec- tion (R2 = 0.60) with the T values. Total nitrogen content of the soil (TN) decreases towards the upper endpoint of the toposequence which is also followed by the N value (Figure 3). Although connection between TN and N value is “visible”, the correlation coef- fi cient between value pairs is very low (R2=0.61). Along with the drop of the water eff ect soil pH decreases from pH8.3 typical of CaCO3 regulated wet systems to slightly alkali values typical of carbonated humic sandy soils. Correspondingly to the previous two ecologic indicator values Simon’s R value shows a decreasing tendency also. However, there is no connection between alkalinity and its indicator value (Figure 4). Albeit Simon’s T value is primary for proving dissimilarities between Köppen’s climatic zones (Csecserits, A. et al. 2009), we were curious if it could indicate microclimatic diff erences also. Accordingly to our expectations T values of the vegetation by the non-indiff erent species do not show any dis- tribution patt ern (Table 2). 192 Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of W value along topose- quence in relation to depth of groundwater table Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of N value along toposequence in relation to total bounded nitrogen (TN) Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of R value along toposequence in relation to soil reaction 193 Distribution of indiff erent values In case of all studied indicators there were some species which had 0 values. These species are not suitable for ecological indications. A question may arise as to whether there is any relationship between spatial distribution indiff erent values and spatial distribution of soil pH TN, and hydromorphy (depth of groundwater table). Indiff erent species of studied indicators shows diff erent kinds of spa- tial distribution (Figure 5). From the aspect of the water eff ect-indicating W Fig. 5. Proportion of indiff erent species within quadrats – A = W value; B = N value; C = R value; D = T value Table 2. Correlation between soil properties and ecological indicators on the basis of R2 Soil properties Simon’s W value Soó’s N value Simon’s R value Depth of groundwater table Total bounded nitrogen Soil reaction ([H+] cmol+ kg -1) Soil reaction (pH) 0,63 – – – – 0,51 – – – – 0,19 0,20 194 value there were no indiff erent species at the study area. This phenomenon supports the indicator’s applicability. Species which didn’t show an N value in the vegetation is negligible in the vicinity of the lower endpoint and that would be likely at the sandy steppe (if the natural vegetation could have been remained) above the upper endpoint of the toposequence, as well. Cover of the indiff erent N value species exceeds 50% in the middle section. Contrary with above N indicator, proportion of indiff erent R values increases parallel with the depth of groundwater table. This reaches the 80% in the vicinity of the sandy steppe. However, climate indicator is not suitable for the indication of microclimatic diff erences, proportion of indiff erent species shows similar spatial distribution as in case of water demand index. Discussion On the basis of correlation between indiff erent species from the aspect of R value and soil reaction this indicator was not appropriate for ecological indi- cation in our small scale study. This index is applicable for large diff erences, eg. acidic soils – slightly alkali conditions – sodic soils. Therefore multiplying sample numbers would not result a closer connection between the indicator and the pH value. Relationship between N value and TN is also very poor, enlargement of the number of elements (studying several toposequences) would probably result a stronger connection. The most powerful connection is between the water demand and the W value. Here the connection between the water de- mand and the ecological index can be detected already through a few numbers of elements. Studied soil related ecologic indices have formed two “groups”, which are not sharply distinct, by their small scale applicability. Transition is gradu- ated between the only regional and locally also adaptable indices. In accordance with our expectations climate indicator T value out of the four ecological indices is not suitable for indicating microclimatic differ- ences. 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