Water temperatures of the Danube and Tisza Rivers in Hungary 317 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 61 (4) (2012) 317–325. Water temperatures of the Danube and Tisza Rivers in Hungary G LOVÁSZ1 Abstract Based on a 60-year long hydrological observation series from the Hungarian Hydrological Service (between 1951 and 2010), the monthly mean water temperatures of both largest rivers in the Carpathian Basin, the Danube and the Tisza, important for a range of practical considerations, are studied. The monthly extremes in water temperatures are explained by the diff erent climatic conditions in the drainage basins of the rivers: the Danube basin up- stream its entrance to Hungarian territory with a marked Atlantic and the Tisza basin with a strong continental character. Changes are followed along the Hungarian stream sections. Trends in water temperature change are established and interpretations are sought with consideration to the climate change trends predicted by climatologists for Hungary. The trends are more clearly manifested for the Danube catchment than for the Tisza catchment. Within the outlined overall trends, positive and negative singularities are also identifi ed for the coldest and ho est months and their occurrence is also analysed in regional contrast. Keywords: water temperature, air masses, climate change, singularities Introduction In the Hungarian literature analyses of river water temperatures fi rst appeared in the second half of the 19th century and included data from the observations on the Danube (G , G . 1866). In the early 20th century observations on the water temperature of the Tisza River were also published (P , D. 1905). In the mid-20th century a synthesis based on a 5-year time series of observations on the temperature conditions of standing waters and streams in Hungary (L , W. 1956).The observation network has signifi cantly expanded since 1950: it has become ever denser and, in addition to major rivers, measures began on smaller water- courses too. 60-year series are available and allow analyses of broader thematics. 1 Professor emeritus, Institute of Geography, University of Pécs, H-7624 Pécs, I úság útja 6. E-mail: gyuresz@gamma. k.pte.hu 318 The present study is based on data from the observations of the Hungarian Hydrological Service for two stations on the two largest rivers: one at entering and another at leaving Hungarian territory. The Danube enters Hungary at Dunaremete and the Tisza near Tiszabecs, while the Danube leaves Hungary downstream of Mohács and the Tisza downstream of Szeged (Figure 1). There is signifi cant variation between the drainage basins of the two rivers. On the Danube catchment Alpine (high-mountain) climate, while in the northern Alpine foreland moist Atlantic climate is typical. Here the pre- dominance of temperate maritime air masses deriving from the middle to high geographical latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean and of subtropical Atlantic maritime air masses is characteristic (B , N. 1959; P , G . 1979). In the Tisza drainage basin, i.e. in the NE and E parts of the Carpathian Basin mid- dle-mountain (dry continental) climate prevails. In the climate temperate con- tinental air masses, primarily from Asia, and polar air masses are of signifi cant importance. Thus, in the Alpine foreland the infl uence of maritime air masses, while in the NE and E parts of the Carpathian that of continental air masses are decisive. The paper investigates the impact of the climate of both catchments on the water temperature conditions. The 60-year observation series also allows the presentation of the hydrological impact of global warming. Climatic character and water temperature There is no signifi cant diff erence between the annual mean water temperature of the two rivers when they enter Hungary: the Danube at Dunaremete has a value of 10.4 °C and the Tisza at Tiszabecs 10.0 °C. The annual and monthly Fig. 1. The drainage basins of the Danube and the Tisza rivers. – 1.1 = the Danube catchment up- stream of Dunaremete; 1.2 = the Danube catchment between Mohács and Dunaremete; 2.1 = the Tisza catchment above Tiszabecs; 2.2 = the Tisza catchment between Tiszabecs and Szeged 319 curve of water temperature for the rivers arriving from the 131,543 km2 basin W of the Carpathian Basin and from the 9,707 km2 basin in the NE-Carpathians refl ects climatic variations less directly. Minimum monthly water temperature is observed for both rivers in January: on the average the Danube at Dunaremete is warmer (2.3 °C) than the Tisza at Tiszabecs (0.7 °C). The values are infl uenced by mild Atlantic winters as opposed to longer continental winters (Table 1). In the NE-Carpathians, to the infl uence of cold continental air masses, warming is more gradual than on the catchment to the W of the Carpathian Basin. As a consequence, until April the water temperature of the Tisza is lower than that of the Danube. In the summer period (from May to September) the warmer continental summer also contributes to the higher water temperature of the Tisza. The maximum monthly water temperatures refl ect the summer temperature con- ditions W and E of the Carpathian Basin, respectively., as the Danube at Dunaremete peaks 18.1 °C (in August) and the Tisza at Tiszabecs 20.0 °C (in July). The range of the monthly mean temperatures is higher for the Tisza (19.3 °C) than for the Danube (15.8 °C). The diff erences in discharge are also infl uential in this respect (Figure 2). Heat energy arrives in similar amounts but the lower water mass of the Tisza warms up more rapidly and to greater extent. Table 1. Monthly and annual water temperatures of both rivers at the entrance to Hungary, 1951–2010, °C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year The Danube at Dunaremete, 131,543 km2 2.3 3.0 5.6 9.6 13.5 16.7 17.9 18.1 15.7 11.8 7.3 3.7 10.4 The Tisza at Tiszabecs, 9,707 km2 0.7 1.0 3.8 8.5 14.2 18.1 20.0 19.7 15.7 10.4 5.2 1.9 10.0 Fig. 2. The mean month- ly discharges of the Danube and the Tisza, 1951–1980, m3/sec 320 Changes along the longitudinal profi le of the Hungarian section The length of the Hungarian section of the Danube is 378.6 km, while the Tis- za is 51% longer (572.3 km). The growth of the Danube catchment area from Dunaremete to Mohács in the W margin of the Carpathian Basin is 77,521 km2, while for the Tisza from Tiszabecs to Szeged in the NE and E part of the Car- pathian Basin is 128,701 km2 (Figure 1). The climate of the E part of the Carpathian Basin is strongly infl u- enced by the Carpathian ranges, which in winter moderate the eff ect of cold air masses generated over N-Asia, o en modifying the direction of air cur- rents (P , G . 1979). The water temperature of the Tisza is remarkably infl uenced by the heat input from the tributaries on Hungarian territory and the temperature of infl ow of communal and industrial sewage since the river transports only 36% (855 m3/s) of the discharge of the Danube. These kinds of eff ects are less signifi cant for the Danube. On the territory of Hungary the long-term mean temperature of the Danube rises by 1.2 °C and of the Tisza by 2.0 °C (Table 2). In the winter months (from December to February), arriving from the Atlantic regions with mild winters to the continental Carpathian Basin, the Danube loses from its temperature. The same phenomenon does not apply for the Tisza as in the NE-Carpathians the continental winters are colder than in the E parts of the Carpathian Basin, where the Carpathian Mountains o en prevent the penetration of cold continental air masses from the direction of Siberia (P , G . 1979). As a result of the protective eff ect of the Carpathians the le -bank tributaries bring warmer water than those coming from the NE-Carpathians. The temperature diff erence between the two rivers is most pronounced in the summer and early autumn (between June and October). To the infl uence of the cold air masses arriving from easterly direction, a er November the water of the Tisza cools more rapidly than the Danube (Table 3). As a consequence of the temperature conditions of the Carpathian Basin, the Danube, which was warmer, when reached Hungary, is colder, when leaving the country, than the Tisza (Table 1). Table 2. Changes in the monthly and annual mean temperatures of the Danube and Tisza in Hungary, 1951–2010, °C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year The Danube between Dunaremete and Mohács, 378.6 km -0.3 -0.1 0.1 1.0 2.0 12.1 2.7 2.7 1.9 1.2 0.5 -0.2 1.2 The Tisza between Tiszabecs and Szeged, 572.3 km 0.2 0.5 0.8 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.0 0.7 2.0 321 The trends of water temperature change between 1951 and 2010 The trend of mean water temperature changes of both rivers is related to global warming (M , J. 1988, 1989, 1991; B , J. et al. 2007 and oth- ers). The temperature of waters fl owing in from catchments lying W from the Carpathian Basin rises more rapidly than that of waters deriving from the E parts of the Basin (Table 4). The general rising trends of variable extent are interrupted by short spells of positive and negative fl uctuations, which primarily depend on winter and summer air temperatures (Figure 3). The trends of mean annual mini- mum (winter) and annual maximum (summer) temperatures represent most faithfully the impact of winters and summers on water temperature. Climate change is most remarkably manifested in the temperature and precipitation conditions of these seasons. The waters in the coldest month of the year arrive from the catchment of 131,543 km2 area W of the Carpathian Basin with a positive trend of 2.31 °C/60 years, while waters from the NE-Carpathians show a very weak negative trend (Table 5). The tendency of water temperature changes indicates that the impact of ever milder winters is not observed in the mountainous NE parts of the Carpathian Basin. Table 3. Monthly and annual water temperatures of both rivers leaving Hungary at the S border, 1951–2010, °C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year The Danube at Mohács, 209,064 km2 2.0 2.9 5.7 10.6 15.5 18.8 20.6 20.8 17.6 13.0 7.8 3.5 11.6 The Tisza at Szeged, 138,408 km2 0.9 1.5 4.6 10.6 16.7 21.0 23.0 22.9 18.8 13.4 7.2 2.6 12.0 Table 4. Trend of change in annual mean temperature, 1951–2010, °C Station Area, km2 Y1 Trend, °C/60 years Mohács (Danube) Szeged (Tisza) 209,064 138,408 0.0243 0.0149 1.46 0.89 1 Coeffi cient of the regression equation Table 5. Trend of changes in minimum monthly mean temperatures, 1951–2010, °C Station Area, km2 Y1 Trend, °C/60 years Dunaremete (Danube) Tiszabecs (Tisza) 131,543 9,707 0.0385 -0.0042 2.31 -0.25 1 Coeffi cient of the regression equation 322 In the ho est summer month the positive trend (1.28 °C/60 years) of waters from the Danube catchment W of the Carpathian Basin points to summers ge ing warmer at a slower pace than winters are ge ing milder (Table 6). In the NE-Carpathians summer temperatures virtually remain the same (trend: -0.03 °C/60 years). The tendencies confi rm that the rise of winter temperatures in the catch- ment W of the Carpathian Basin is remarkable, while no change is observed in summer temperatures. The trends observable along the Hungarian sections of both rivers also refl ect the modifying eff ect of the climate of drainage basins to which the Carpathian Basin was added (Figure 3). The eff ect is manifested in the varia- tion of the Y coeffi cient values. In winter the most pronounced changes are found in the water tem- perature of the Tisza River. The 1.24 °C/60 years positive trend along the Hungarian section of 572.3 km length, between Tiszabecs and Szeged, indi- cates signifi cant warming during winter in the E parts of the Carpathian Basin (Table 7). The Tisza arrives from a catchment of severe climate upstream of Tiszabecs into the Carpathian Basin, where winters are milder and river wa- ter temperature rises. The water temperature of the Danube reduces along its Hungarian section of 378.6 km length because the river fl ows from a W region of mild Atlantic winters into the relatively colder Carpathian Basin. Table 6. Trend of changes in maximum monthly mean temperatures, 1951–2010, °C Station Area, km2 Y1 Trend, °C/60 years Dunaremete (Danube) Tiszabecs (Tisza) 131,543 9,707 0.0213 -0.0005 1.28 -0.03 1 Coeffi cient of the regression equation Fig. 3. Changes in the water temperatures of the Danube and the Tisza, 1951–2010, °C. – 1 = linear trend (regression line); 2 = moving trend (means for 10 values) 323 The summer water temperatures show a much moderate rising trend (0.08 °C/60 years) for the Hungarian Danube section (378.6 km) between 1951 and 2010 than for the Hungarian Tisza section of 572.3 km length (1.1 °C/60 years) (Table 8). The more remarkable warming trend of the Tisza River is infl uenced by its course 192.7 km longer than that of the Danube and the fact that in sum- mer the Tisza has 26 and 22% lower discharges than the Danube. The identical amount of heat warms the lower amount of water more effi ciently. The singular positive and negative fl uctuations within the above outlined trends (Figure 4) are remarkable in the monthly changes of water temperatures for the Danube catchment upstream of Mohács (209,064 km2 area) and for the Tisza catchment upstream of Szeged (138,048 km2 area). The tendency of ever milder winters is not continuous. Since the mid- 1960s it is evident for approximately 10 years but then it is followed by almost stagnation (Figure 4, A). In the E part of the Carpathian Basin the weak nega- tive trend is replaced by a weak positive trend of ca 15-year duration from the mid-1960s (Figure 4, B). Since the early 1980s there has been a very moderate rise to the present. The singular changes in monthly mean water temperatures for the coldest winter months in the period 1951 to 2010 confi rms that winters started to become ever milder in the region W of the Carpathian Basin in the early 1960s. Summer warming in the Danube catchment W of the Carpathian Basin only began in the beginning of the 1980s (Figure 4, C). A marked rise in temper- atures has been continuing to our days. In the E part of the Carpathian Basin the remarkable positive trend also dates back to the beginning of the 1980s, Table 7. Trend of changes in minimum monthly mean temperatures for the Hungarian sections of the Danube and the Tisza rivers, 1951–2010, °C Station Area, km2 Y1 Trend, °C/60 years Dunaremete (Danube) Mohács (Danube) Tiszabecs (Tisza) Szeged (Tisza) 131,543 209,064 9,707 138,408 0.0385 0.0208 -0.0042 0.0098 2.31 1.25 -0.25 0.59 1 Coeffi cient of the regression equation Table 8. Trend of changes in maximum monthly mean temperatures for the Hungarian sections of the Danube and the Tisza rivers, 1951–2010, °C Station Area, km2 Y1 Trend, °C/60 years Dunaremete (Danube) Mohács (Mohács) Tiszabecs (Tisza) Szeged (Tisza) 131,543 209,064 9,707 138,408 0.0385 0.0398 -0.0005 0.0179 2.31 2.39 -0.03 1.07 1 Coeffi cient of the regression equation 324 but this process is signifi cantly slowing down since the early 1990s (Figure 4, D). The singular changes in monthly mean water temperatures for the ho est summer months indicate that summers started to become ho er only in the early 1980s and in the region W of the Carpathian Basin this process has been more marked than in the E part of the Carpathian Basin. Conclusions From the analyses of the 60-year long observation series the following con- clusions can be drawn. In function of climate on the upstream catchment, the water of the Danube is generally warmer at the entrance to the Carpathian Basin than that of the Tisza, but in summer the Tisza water reaches higher temperatures and also its annual temperature range is higher. A er November the water of the Tisza cools more rapidly than the Danube. Fig. 4. Trend of changes of the coldest winter months (Tmin, °C) and of the warmest sum- mer months (Tmax, °C), 1951–2010. – 1 = linear trend (regression line); 2 = moving trend (means for 10 values) 325 The overall rising trend in the monthly mean temperatures of Danube water indicate remarkable climate change, winters ge ing milder in the catch- ment section upstream of Dunaremete, while a similar trend cannot be pointed out for the Tisza catchment in the NE-Carpathians. These trends does not show steady warming but are interrupted by short spells of positive and negative fl uctuations, which primarily depend on winter and summer air tempera- tures. REFERENCES B , N. 1959. Magyarország éghajlata (Climate of Hungary). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 302 p. B , J., P , R. and P -Á , M. 2007. A cirkulációs viszonyok változásának elemzése az atlanti-európai térségben (Analysis of changes in air circulation in Atlantic Europe). Légkör 52. 18–24. G , G . 1866. A Dunavíz hőmérséklete vonatkozólag a hazai viszonyokra (Water tem- perature of the Danube in Hungary). Matematikai és Természe udományi Közlemények 4. Budapest, MTA, 472. p. L , W. 1956. Folyóink és tavaink hőmérsékleti viszonyai (Temperature conditions of lakes and rivers in Hungary). Beszámoló a VITUKI 1955. évi kutatásairól. Budapest, VITUKI, 131–146. M , J. 1988. A globális felmelegedés regionális hatásai a Kárpát-medencében (Regional impact of global warming in the Carpathian Basin). Időjárás 92. 178–189. M , J. 1989. A globális felmelegedés és magyarországi hatásai (Impacts of global warming in Hungary). Vízügyi Közlemények 71. 542–599. M , J. 1991. A nagyobb globális felmelegedés várható magyarországi sajátosságai (Predictable characteristics of major global warming in Hungary). Időjárás 95. 265–278. P , D. 1905. A Tisza folyó hőfoka (Temperature of the Tisza River). Vízrajzi Évkönyv 13. Budapest, Országos Vízépítési Igazgatóság, 141–150. P , G . 1979. Éghajla an (Climatology). Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó, 336 p. 326 Hungary in Maps Edited by Károly K and Ferenc S Geographical Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, 2009. 212 p. ‘Hungary in Maps' is the latest volume in a series of atlases published by the Geographical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A unique publication, it combines the best features of the books and atlases that have been published in Hungary during the last decades. This work provides a clear, masterly and comprehensive overview of present-day Hungary by a distinguished team of contributors, presenting the results of research in the fi elds of geography, demography, economics, history, geophysics, geology, hydrology, meteorology, pedology and other earth sciences. The 172 lavish, full-colour maps and diagrams, along with 52 tables are complemented by clear, authoritative explanatory notes, revealing a fresh per- spective on the anatomy of modern day Hungary. Although the emphasis is largely placed on contemporary Hungary, important sections are devoted to the historical development of the natural and human environment as well. In its concentration and focus, this atlas was intended to act as Hungary's 'busi- ness card', as the country's résumé, to serve as an information resource for the sophisticated general reader and to inform the international scientifi c community about the foremost chal- lenges facing Hungary today, both in a European context and on a global scale. Examples of such intriguing topics are: stability and change in the ethnic and state territory, natural hazards, earthquakes, urgent fl ood control and water management tasks, land degradation, the state of nature conservation, international environmental confl icts, the general popula- tion decline, ageing, the increase in unemployment, the Roma population at home and the situation of Hungarian minorities abroad, new trends in urban development, controversial economic and social consequences as a result of the transition to a market economy, pri- vatisation, the massive infl ux of foreign direct invest- ment, perspectives on the exploitation of mineral re- sources, problems in the energy supply and electricity generation, increasing spatial concentration focused on Budapest in the fi eld of services (e.g. in banking, retail, transport and telecommunications networks), and fi nally the shaping of an internationally competi- tive tourism industry, thus making Hungary more a ractive to visit. This project serves as a preliminary study for the new, 3rd edition of the National Atlas of Hungary, that is to be co-ordinated by the Geographical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. ------------------------------------------- Price: EUR 20.00 Order: Geographical Institute RCAES HAS Library H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 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