Jones, A. et al. (eds): An introduction to the „Soil Atlas of the Northern Circumpolar Region" 434 Jones, A. et al. (eds): An introduction to the „Soil Atlas of the Northern Circumpolar Region”. European Commission, Publication Offi ce of the European Union, Luxemburg. 2010. The Joint Research Center of the European Commission has recently published a new atlas summarizing the soil resources of the Northern Circumpolar region. This atlas is the second in the Soil Atlas series, which was launched three years ago with the Soil Atlas of Europe and will continue soon with the Atlas on Soil biodiversity, and the Soil Atlas of Africa. Both of them are in the fi nal stage of editing and will be published very soon. The work is ongoing, the organization of the scientifi c and editorial team for the Soil Atlas of Southern America has just recently started. The initiative of publishing this Atlas series has been started with the compi- lation of the 1:1 million scale harmonized European Soil database, which was the fi rst harmonized thematic database for the EU member states. The Atlas on the European soils is one of the presentation forms of this database with two major aims behind it. The fi rst one is to provide a comprehensive view on the soil resources of Europe for teaching and educational purposes, while the second one is to raise awareness of soil protection over Europe. The topic of the most recent Atlas on the soils of the Northern Circumpolar region was decided in 2007, as an EU contribution to the international polar year 2007–2008. Soil plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle processes thus being one of the most important factors in global warming. The thawing of soils in the arctic regions will result in the thawing of the cur- rently frozen organic matt er of the peat and meadow soils formed in this temporarily wet environ- ment. The reactivation of the surface and the soil forming proc- esses can impact the global carbon cycle in two opposite ways. The warming and drying scenario may increase the decomposition rate of the soil organic matt er and thus produce signifi cant amount of extra carbon load to the atmos- phere. On the other hand, the warming and wett ing scenario is bound to increase the hydromor- phic impact and to decrease the decomposition rate of the fresh biomass and therefore to increase the carbon sequestration ratio in the soil. It is very likely, that both scenarios will happen in the same 435 time depending on the environmental conditions. The important thing in forecasting the impact of the soil systems on global warming is to know the spatial extent of the two proc- esses. Any modeling eff ort requires hard and harmonized data on soil for the potentially aff ected regions, which did not exist till recently. This gap was fi lled by this atlas. More than 20 soil specialists of the arctic regions were involved into the project from each of the corresponding countries of Europe, Asia and North America, which en- sured the high scientifi c quality of the work. Besides being a traditional atlas with 28 A/2 sized soil map plates classifi ed in accordance with the World Reference Base 2006, the book is an att empt to describe the physical endowments and human environment of the Arctic and their impact on soil formation and the soil types. It summarizes the major soil types and soil properties of the regions and their role in the global processes, like the carbon cycle and global warming/climate change issues, and the local perspectives/uses of the soils in the contributing areas and countries. The book is rich in illustrating photos, fi gures and maps, and provides a unique opportunity to obtain an insight into the Arctic environment. It is very useful for teaching or self educating purposes and provides a pleasant reading for the interested audience. Endre Dobos