Landscape metrics applied in geomorphology: hierarchy and morphometric classes of sand dunes in Inner Somogy, Hungary 271Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282.DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.65.3.5 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 2016 (3) 271–282. Introduction Landscape metric is one of the most popular methods for quantitative research of landscape patches. Spatial indices describe the shape and spatial distribution of landscape features, or the connection of patches, therefore landscape dynamics can be analysed (Uuemaa, E. et al. 2013). The method is based on the theory of island biogeography by McArthur, R.H. and Wilson, E.O. (1967), however, as computers and remote sensing data became easily avail- able, it was used in increasing number of studies (Turner, M.G. et al. 2001). Easily cal- culated indices both in vector-based (vLATE in Lang, S. and Tiede, D. 2003; Patch Analyst in Rempel, R.S. et al. 2012) and raster (Fragstat in McGarigal, K. and Marks, B. 1995) data enhanced widespread use of the method. Mostly landscape pattern and land use changes are evaluated (Szabó, Sz. et al. 2008; Túri, Z. 2011; Malavasi, M. et al. 2013, Ye, Y. et al. 2015), but landscape metrics were applied in studies of landscape aesthetic (Frank, S. et al. 2013), urban fragmentation (Hai, P.M. and Yamaguchi, Y. 2007; Fan, C. and Myint, S. 2014), landscape planning (Csorba, P. 2008; Szabó, Sz. et al. 2012; Turetta, A.P.D. et al. 2013) and biodiversity change (Navarro- Cerrillo, R.M. et al. 2013; Schindler, S. et al. 2015). For example, this method was used to determine that landscape patt ern infl u- ences sediment dynamics and water quality (Szilassi, P. et al. 2010; Su, Z.H. et al. 2015), and to study the possibilities of landscape bound- aries determination (Mezősi, G. and Bata, T. 2011). Zboray, Z. and Kevei-Bárány, I. (2005) and Telbisz, T. (2011) analysed morphometric Landscape metrics applied in geomorphology: hierarchy and morphometric classes of sand dunes in Inner Somogy, Hungary Katalin GYÖRGYÖVICS and Tímea KISS1 Abstract Landscape metric is mostly used to quantify landscape patches. However, these patches could also be geo- morphological forms, thus using traditional landscape metrics their shape and spatial distribution, or their dynamics could be analysed. The aim of the paper is to study the geomorphological applicability of diff erent indices studying the aeolian forms of Inner Somogy (SW Hungary). In the present research 15 landscape metric indices were calculated with Patch Analyst 5.1 and vLATE 2.0. The negative aeolian forms (blowout depres- sions and holes) have high number but small size, whilst the positive forms (parabolic dunes and hummocks) have large number and complex spatial structure, thus the negative and positive forms can not be directly connected. The spatial distribution revealed by the applied indices refers to diff erences in moisture content, abundance of sand supply and relief on a regional scale. The negative forms appear in a considerable distance from each other, while the positive forms tend to cluster. Based on the spatial distribution of the forms the matrix could be described as an erosion-transportation zone, and in three accumulation zones the dune size and superimposition increases downwind. Keywords: landscape metrics, aeolian sand, sand dune morphometry, dune hierarchy, Inner Somogy 1 Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Szeged, H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2–6. E-mails:, Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282.272 parameters of karst forms using DEM. Scale and resolution dependency and effi ciency of the indices was tested (Ricotta, C. et al. 2003; Buyantuyev, A. et al. 2010; Morelli, F.F. et al. 2013), Crushman, S.A. et al. (2008) examined the individual applicability of the indices, while Szabó, Sz. (2009, 2011) compared the contagion type indices. Geomorphological forms could be consid- ered as (ir)regular shaped patches too, thus using traditional landscape metrics their shape and spatial distribution, as well as their dynamics could be analysed. The aim of the present paper is to study the geomor- phological applicability of diff erent indices studying the aeolian forms of Inner Somogy (SW Hungary). Our previous studies (Kiss, T. et al. 2012, Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. 2013) proved that the positive and negative aeolian forms of East Inner Somogy show well-de- fi ned spatial confi guration and their devel- opment is interdependent, so their spatial distribution could be described by applying particular landscape indices. Therefore the aim of the present study is to quantitatively analyse the spatial distribution of aeolian landforms, determine the differences be- tween the features and examine their spatial characteristics, thus to test the applicability of landscape metric indices in geomorpholo- gy. In the present study features or forms are mentioned instead of patches to emphasise the geomorphologic aspect of the research. Study area Inner Somogy is located in the Carpathian Ba- sin (Hungary), in Transdanubia, southwest of Lake Balaton. Two joint sand regions are partly divided by a wedge-shaped loess ridge. Detailed research was carried out in East In- ner Somogy (its area is 1,610 km2) (Figure 1). Faulted and vertically shift ed Variscan blocks built up the substrate of the area (Marosi, S. 1970) which are covered by Pannonian Sea and Lake sediments in various thickness (Sümeghy, J. 1953). The Danube and its tributaries built an alluvial fan and fi lled up the territory dur- ing the Pliocene or Early Pleistocene (Ádám, Fig. 1. Location of the study area 273Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282. L. et al. 1981). Aft er the Danube abandoned the region, smaller brooks kept North–South flow direction. Aeolian processes became dominant in the Würm (Weichselian glacia- tion) (Marosi, S. 1970). Prevailing northerly winds reworked and sorted the fl uvial sedi- ments, thus the transported blown sand be- came fi ner southward (Lóki, J. 1981). During the Holocene gullies and erosional valleys formed (Marosi, S. 1970). Sebe, K. et al. (2011) emphasized the role of wind and described the region as a yardang-system. A central defl ation hollow and an entangled accumulation area in South Inner Somogy was described by Cholnoky, J. (n.d.) in the early 20th century. Marosi, S. (1967, 1970) identifi ed the blowout – residual ridge – hummock system and recognised dune generations, which indi- cated long-lasting aeolian development. Lóki, J. (1981) revealed a complex system of dunes and ridges, and identifi ed blowout holes, asymmet- ric parabolic dunes, oval-shaped and elongated hummocks. Based on optically stimulated lu- minescence dating aeolian activity took place in the Late Glacial, in the Boreal Phase and in historical times (Kiss, T. et al. 2012). Before we started the landscape metric study, we identifi ed and classifi ed the aeolian forms of East Inner Somogy based on their hi- erarchy and morphometric parameters. Five superimposed hierarchy levels were identi- fi ed within the positive forms. Simple dunes are positive forms which stand by themselves and lack superimposition. Superimposed dunes appear in four hierarchy levels (level 1–4), where dunes in hierarchy level 1 create the base being the largest; whilst hierarchy level 4 dunes are located in the highest re- gions. Positive and negative aeolian forms were also classifi ed according to their mor- phometric parameters (Kiss, T. et al. 2012; Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. 2013). Methods In earlier studies (Kiss, T. et al. 2012, Györ- gyövics, K. and Kiss, T. 2013) the hierarchi- cal and morphometric classes of positive and negative aeolian forms were described, and these forms were used as the basic database of the landscape metric research. Metric indices were computed in ArcGIS 10 with Patch Analyst 5.1 (Rempel, R.S. et al. 2012) and vLATE 2.0 (Lang, S. and Tiede, D. 2003) extensions and certain parameters were cal- culated in MS Excel. The form-free area was considered as matrix, but it was not analysed in detail due to the geomorphological aspect of this research. Aeolian forms stretching be- hind the regional boundary were involved in the analysis with their full extent. Table 1 con- tains all used indices and their defi nitions. The boundary of the study area was de- fi ned based on the conventionally accepted regions of Hungary (Góczán, L. 1961; Pécsi, M. and Somogyi, S. 1967). Within the study area the (morphological) zones were defi ned based on the dominance of the forms: su- perimposed positive forms dominate in the accumulation zones, while in the erosion- transportation zone (= matrix) lonely aeolian forms developed. To analyse the distribution of the forms the study area was dissected into 1.0 km2-size hexagonal units. The landforms were con- verted into points, which were always located within the original form, usually close to the summit of the dune-head or in the deepest part of a negative form. Therefore, the hex- agonal units did not cut through the forms, so all of them were examined just once. The hexagonal units were grouped for analysis using the Natural Breaks method, which cre- ates groups by defi ning the breakpoint of the distribution curve. Results and discussion General characteristics Positive forms cover 20.7 percent of the re- gion, while negative features only 3.3 percent (Table 2). However, the number of negative forms is lower, as 4,404 positive and 2,911 negative features were identifi ed. Therefore, the form density of positive forms is 2.74 Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282.274 Table 1. Defi nition of landscape indices used in this study Landscape index Defi nition Total area (TA), km2 The area of the region or zone studied containing all studied forms and the areas without forms. Total form area (TFA), km2 Sum of the territory of all studied forms. Coverage, % Sum of form areas compared to the area of the studied region/zone, TFA/TA x 100. Number of patches (NP) Total number of studied forms. Form density, form/km2 Average number of forms on 1 km2 of the total area, NP/TA. Specifi c form number, form/km2 Average number of forms on 1 km2 of the total form area, NP/TFA. Total edge (TE), km Sum of the perimeters of all studied forms. Edge density, km/km2 Average perimeter on 1 km2 of the total area, TE/TA. Shape index The perimeter of a form divided by the perimeter of the circle with the same area as the form. Perimeter-area ratio Perimeter/area ratio of a form. Total volume, km3 Volume of the solid fi gure close to the 3D shape of the form, calculated as the third of the area multiplied by height/depth, V = (T x m)/3. Shannon’s Diversity Index Index of form variety. The value is 0.0 if only one form is located in the study site, and it increases as classes and form distribution between classes increases. Shannon’s Evennes Index It shows the distribution of forms between form classes. The value is 0.0 when all forms belong to one class, and it approaches 1.0 when the distribution is more even. Dominance It shows the dominance rate of the prevalent form-class based on area coverage. Nearest neighbour distance, m Distance of the nearest neighbour of a form is the length of the shortest straight line (Euclidian distance) from the boundary of the form to the closest boundary of the neighbouring form. Table 2. Comparison of the indices of positive and negative forms Landscape index Positive forms Negative forms Total area, km2 1,610.14 Total form area, km2 Coverage, % Number of patches Form density, form/km2 Specifi c form number, form/km2 Mean form area, km2 Form area standard deviation, km2 Total edge km Mean form edge, km Shape index Perimeter-area ratio Total volume, km3 333.93 20.74 4,404 2.74 13.19 0.08 0.27 6,330.30 1.44 1.67 0.03 0.85 53.14 3.30 2,911 1.81 54.78 0.02 0.03 1,548.66 0.53 1.26 0.05 0.02 Morphological class Hierarchy level Morphological class Shannon’s Diversity Index Shannon’s Evenness Index Dominance 1.71 0.88 0.24 0.97 0.60 0.64 1.20 0.87 0.18 Nearest neighbour distance, m 44 170 Nearest neighbour distance for classes, m 323 119 376 275Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282. form/km2 and of the negative ones is only 1.81 form/km2. To calculate specifi c form number the number of patches was divided by the total form area. This index is considerably higher for negative forms, than for positive ones, referring to many small negative fea- tures and larger and complex positive dunes. This diff erence in size is also expressed by the average form area, which indicates that material defl ated from several smaller blow- outs was deposited in one larger dune. The standard deviation of form area is an order of magnitude higher in case of positive forms than in negative ones, which suggests that the sand eroded from small blowouts did not always built up large dunes, but in some cases it was stabilized in small forms. The to- tal edge of positive forms is multiple of the value of negative forms due to the more com- plex and dissected dune shape. Mean perim- eter/area ratio refers to more irregular shaped negative forms than positive ones which is a result of more elongated shape of blowouts compared to the compact-shaped dunes. However, the mean shape index, which indi- cates roundness, is higher for positive forms referring to more complex dune base lines than for the rounded blowout holes. Total volume describes 3D-shape of the aeolian landforms. For the positive forms it is ca. 50-times higher than total negative form volume. The considerable diff erence is partly the result of the volume calculation method and partly of the development history of the forms. Errors in the volume calculation origi- nates from (1) the error of the topographic map which is 2–3 m (Divényi, P. 2001); (2) using cones to approach the 3D forms by con- sidering their area and highest/deepest point; (3) automatic determination of negative forms which only includes endorheic features, how- ever blowouts can be much larger and non- endorheic erosion areas could also develop (Lóki, J. 1981). Moreover, the geographical reason for the large difference in volume might be (1) the erosion of inter-dune areas besides defl ation from blowouts (Marosi, S. 1970); (2) sand could had been transported from outside the region (Marosi, S. 1970); and (3) negative forms might be partially or totally fi lled by younger sand movements, gelisolifl uction or slope wash (Lóki, J. 1981). In our previous research positive forms were grouped to fi ve hierarchy levels based on their superimposition and seven mor- phometric classes according to their shape (Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. 2013), while negative forms were divided to four mor- phometric classes. Thus, diversity indi- ces for positive landforms were calculated and analysed for both classifi cations. The Shannon’s Diversity Index is the highest for the morphometric classes of positive forms, due to the highest number and even spatial distribution of classes. However, the negative forms has lower number of morphometric classes and the form distribution between classes is more even, therefore the diversity index is lower, though still higher than of the hierarchy levels of positive forms. Shannon’s Evenness Index is the lowest for hierarchy levels, as simple dunes occur more oft en (al- most 60%) than complex dunes. The morphometric classes of negative and positive forms have similar values indicating even distribution between the classes, while considering class areas prominent dominance is not characteristic. Dominance values sup- port these results. Negative form morphomet- ric classes have the lowest dominance value referring to the most even spatial distribution, however positive morphometric class values are only slightly higher. But hierarchy levels of positive forms show strong dominance, simple dunes are more abundant. Nearest neighbour distance describes the isolation of a form. The average value for negative forms is almost four times higher than for positives, indicating that blowouts are scatt ered throughout the region, they are situated far from each other and stand alone. In contrast, positive forms tend to cluster: they are close to each other, oft en connected or superimposed on each other. Values for hierarchy levels is slightly higher than the av- erage as complex dunes are concentrated in the accumulation zones, therefore the nearest neighbour of the same hierarchy level might Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282.276 be located in another group or in another ac- cumulation zone. However, due to the domi- nance of simple dunes, hierarchy levels has lower nearest neighbour distances than of morphological classes, as simple dunes ap- pear close to each other in rows. No morpho- metric class is dominant for neither positive nor negative forms, therefore members are located in larger distance, but evenly distrib- uted throughout the region. Comparison of positive and negative landforms Based on the distribution of hierarchy levels, three accumulation zones could be identi- fi ed where all superimposed hierarchy levels (Level 1–4) appear (Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. 2013). Thus northern, central and southern accumulation zones were identifi ed, while the rest of the region is considered as an ero- sion-transportítion zone (also mentioned as matrix). The matrix encloses the three ac- cumulation zones and only hierarchy level 1–3 dunes appear in it. Accumulation zones are in elevated position, and 54–67 percent of their area is covered by dunes, while this is only 16 percent for the erosion-transporta- tion zone. Characteristic of the erosion-transportation zone (matrix) The area of the erosion-transport zone is nine times larger than the area of the accumula- tion zones, and the area of dunes located here is more than two times greater. This indicates numerous, but small size forms were built of the defl ated sand (Table 3). Form density is considerably lower in the matrix than in the accumulation zones, referring to the erosion aspect of the erosion-transport zone. The cov- erage of positive forms is low (16%), while 83 percent of negative forms are situated here (with form density of 1.7 form/km2). The reason for higher specifi c form number in the matrix, than in the accumulation zones, is the abundance of small dunes which were quickly stabilised and became detached from large migrating forms. The mean form area is also the lowest in the erosion-transport zone (0.07 km2), however, it is only slightly higher in the accumulation zones (0.08–0.15 km2). The standard deviation of form area is very high (0.09 km2) considering the mean form area, but it is still low compared to 0.31–0.65 km2 in the accumulation zones. This shows that small dunes are characteris- tic in the erosion-transportation zone, how- ever, these forms are dissected and unfi lled as their mean form edge is high (1.43 km). The shape index describes clearly the diff er- ence of zone characteristics, which is higher in the erosion-transportation zone, than in the accumulation zones. Only half of the transported material was deposited in the erosion-transportation zone which covers 90 percent of the region, so scatt ered forms stabilised during transport dominate the area creating a less vivid landscape. The erosion-transportation zone contains only 4 dune hierarchy levels, as the most elevated hierarchy level 4 does not appear. This is presumably the result of less entan- gled dunes and lower degree of superimpo- sition. Sand was transported further South, thus conditions for development of elevated hierarchy levels were not favourable. Due to the lower number of hierarchy levels diversi- ty indices are the lowest in the erosion-trans- port zone. Here the low Shannon’s Evenness Index for hierarchy levels along with the high dominance point to the prevalence of simple dunes. Lower ratio of entangled dunes also indicates the importance of trans- port processes in the matrix. Morphometric classes have higher diversity indices in all zones than hierarchy levels due to the greater number of forms. Dominance is less charac- teristic between morphometric classes: how- ever widespread abundance of wing frag- ments and medium-size parabolic dunes also confi rms intense erosion and transportation processes in the matrix. Positive forms are scatt ered in the erosion-transportation zone, as their average nearest neighbour distance is 52 m. 277Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282. Comparison of the accumulation zones Accumulation zones cover only 10 percent of the region, however, they contain almost half (48%) of the transported material. Among the three accumulation zones, the central zone is the smallest, therefore it has the lowest number of forms, yet coverage and form den- sity values are relatively high. The southern accumulation zone is the largest, yet the north- ern zone contains the most forms, therefore, coverage and form density are the highest here. Mean form area increases downwind (from North to South), which means that sand deposited in larger dunes in the south. But as standard deviation of form area is also the highest here, forms with diff erent sizes appear indicating that the most entangled dunes developed in this zone, so southward migration terminated – presumably due to the nearby Drava River – and forms were stabilised. However, due to the larger number of forms, the total form edge is higher in the southern, than in the northern accumulation zones. Mean form edge increases windward (Figure 2, A) indicating the formation of in- creasingly complex dunes during migration and as a result of several sand movement phases (Kiss, T. et al. 2012). Edge density de- creases downwind (Figure 2, B) referring to increased infi lling of the dunes southward. The mean perimeter/area ratio shows similar trend (Figure 2, D), however, diff erences are not prominent. Despite the lower number of forms, total volume is the highest in the southern accumulation zone (Figure 2, C) which confi rms that most of the sediment was deposited here. In the central accumulation zone, hierarchy level 4 dunes do not appear. This is probably the result of the small area of the zone and the location of surrounding brooks (Szabási Rinya and Lábodi Rinya) which limited the Table 3. Landscape indices for the accumulation zones and the matrix Landscape index Accumulation zone Matrix Northern Central Southern Total zone area, km2 Total form area, km2 Coverage, % Number of patches Specifi c form number, form/km2 Form density, form/km2 Mean form area, km2 Form area standard deviation, km2 Total edge, km Mean form edge, km Edge density, km/km2 Shape index Perimeter/area ratio Total volume, km3 48.72 32.81 67.33 386 11.77 7.92 0.08 0.54 458.96 1.19 9.42 1.62 0.05 0.18 11.88 6.57 55.31 64 9.74 5.39 0.10 0.31 92.32 1.44 7.77 1.58 0.03 0.014 103.48 56.65 54.74 378 6.67 3.65 0.15 0.65 664.67 1.76 6.42 1.62 0.03 0.22 1,446.05 237.90 16.45 3,576 15.03 2.47 0.07 0.09 5,114.35 1.43 3.54 1.68 0.03 0.44 Morph. class Hier. level Morph. class Hier. level Morph. class Hier. level Morph. class Hier. level Number of classes and levels 7 5 7 4 7 5 7 4 Shannon’s Diversity Index 1.41 0.97 1.60 0.87 1.34 1.05 1.65 0.64 Shannon’s Evenness Index 0.73 0.60 0.82 0.62 0.69 0.65 0.85 0.46 Dominance 0.53 0.64 0.35 0.52 0.61 0.56 0.29 0.75 Nearest neighbour distance, m 7.6 16.1 15.7 52.1 Class nearest neighbour distance, m 194 61 300 136 327 135 355 117 Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282.278 area of the zone. Besides, this part of the re- gion is situated higher above sea level, there- fore stronger winds are characteristic which restricted the formation of high dunes. In agreement with the lower number of hierar- chy levels, diversity indices are the lowest in the central accumulation zone. Considering the morphometric classes, the Shannon’s Diversity Index is the highest in the central accumulation zone as here due to the lower number of forms form distribution is more even, while lowest diversity index in the southern accumulation zone refers to less even form distribution between classes. The reason of this is that the medium-size fi lled and partially fi lled parabolic dunes and wing fragments are abundant here, indicat- ing that dune migration was an important process here. However, similarly high abun- dance of large parabolic dunes proves that signifi cant amount of sand is stabilised in the southern accumulation zone. Shannon’s Evenness Index and dominance also confi rms these fi ndings. Considering hierarchy levels, the Shannon’s Diversity Index is the highest, while Evenness Index and dominance are the lowest in the southern accumulation zone, because here all hierarchy levels appear with numerous members in all levels. The north- ern accumulation zone has a lower value, as hierarchy level 4 dune-class contains only one single dune and hierarchy level 3 class has only a couple of forms, while in the cen- tral accumulation zone the most elevated level (4) did not evolve at all. Nearest neighbour distance is considerably lower in the accumulation zones than in the erosion-transport zone, as forms are entan- gled here and superimposed on each other resulting in the development of hierarchy levels. According to nearest neighbour dis- tances calculated for all forms and for mem- bers of morphometric classes, dunes in the northern zone tend to cluster the most, while Fig. 2. Landscape indices of positive forms shows increase in the infi lling (sand supply) of dunes and decrease in the complexity of their base line downwind 279Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282. forms in the central and southern zones were stabilised in a more scatt ered distribution. So in the windward part of the region many forms developed close to each other, while downwind entanglement decreases, during migration forms moved apart and stabilised in a scatt ered locations. Spatial distribution of landforms within the region The distribution map of the volume of posi- tive and negative landforms reveals the lo- cations of defl ation and deposition. When hexagonal units of positive forms have low values (Figure 3, A), it indicates dunes stabi- lised during transportation. Entanglement is characteristic only in the accumulation zones, where sand is concentred in the central part. High volume occurs at the head of the north- ern and central accumulation zones. In the southern accumulation zone two deposition centres developed, on the eastern and on the western side of the head, while the centre is lower. This distribution corresponds (1) to the dune morphology described by Lemman, D.S. et al. (1998) where an axial low separates two summit points; and (2) and, two neigh- bouring large parabolic dunes could join dur- ing migration, forming a huge accumulation area, but their original morphology including the two heads are still recognisable. Volume of the negative forms is less con- centrated (Figure 3, B), so as described ear- lier, apart from the middle areas, sand was Fig. 3. Volume of the material deposited in positive forms (A), and volume of sand blown away from negative forms (B). Györgyövics, K. and Kiss, T. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (3) 271–282.280 blown out from small patches all across the region. The northernmost part has more con- solidated sand, thus defl ation create many small depressions, but altogether the volume of transported sand was low, and only slowly increased southward. The number of nega- tive forms is low in the centres of the accu- mulation zones; however, during the forma- tion of the hierarchy levels many blowouts developed in the depositional areas thus a considerable volume of sand was defl ated. Yet, the major part of the sand transported from blowouts was defl ated from the ero- sion-transportation zone, where belts with varied amount of defl ation are defi ned (de- fl ation centres). Conclusions The research has proved, that the distribu- tion of aeolian landforms could be described applying landscape metrics, and landscape metric indices are useful to outline the ac- cumulation or erosion zones precisely. Thus, this method could be generally used in eval- uating geomorphological features, however some modifi cations and diff erent interpreta- tions had to be concerned. Some conventional landscape metric indices could not be applied. For example dunes are rarely and negative forms are never connected, therefore conta- gion and joint boundary type indices could not be applied in this study. Instead, nearest neighbour distance was calculated to describe the entanglement or scatt ering of the forms, which turned out to be a very useful param- eter. Based on the applied indices it seems, that in Inner Somogy the sand eroded from many small blowouts built up one larger dune. However, the standard deviation of form area indicates that the blown material stabilised in small positive forms at regions of higher mois- ture content and during low intensity sand movement periods. The shape index shows that rounded negative features are more fre- quent, while positive forms have more com- plex shape. The nearest neighbour distance index resulted in a new insight into the de- velopment history of the area, as it indicates, that blowouts evolved in a certain distance from each other, therefore they stand alone, while entanglement is very common among positive forms which are oft en linked or su- perimposed. To calculate diversity indices, hi- erarchy levels and morphometric classes were considered as ecological classes. This way it was determined that simple dunes dominate the hierarchy levels, while both positive and negative forms are more evenly distributed between morphometric classes. The coverage of positive forms is 20.7% in Inner Somogy, while this value is 24.4 per- cent in the Southern Nyírség (Kiss, T. 2000). This is probably because Inner Somogy re- ceived more annual precipitation, thus high moisture content of the sand limited dune formation. In the unconsolidated sand of the dry deserts coverage values are even higher, 27–90 percent (Lancaster, N. 1995). In the contrary, positive form density is higher in Inner Somogy (2.74 form/km2), than in Nyírség (2.4 form/km2 – Kiss, T. 2000). This refers to smaller forms, which presumably also developed due to more consolidated sand, as higher moisture content enabled the quick stabilisation of dunes, thus wing frag- ments became isolated during migration. Acknowledgements: This research was realized by the HURO/1101/126/2.2.1 EnviArch project and the OTKA 83561. REFERENCES Ádám ,L., Marosi, S. and Szilárd, J. 1981. 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