Lenzholzer, S.: Weather in the City: How Design Shapes the Urban Climate 198 Lenzholzer, S.: Weather in the City: How Design Shapes the Urban Climate. Rott erdam, nai010 publishers, 2015. 224 p. DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.65.2.10 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 2016 (2) The author, Sanda Lenzholzer, had two clear and conscious goals with this book, to close the gap be- tween the area of meteorology and urban design, and to do so while reaching for a wider audience but still maintaining scientifi c background. The volume was writt en by an architect who has a hands-on knowl- edge on the practical considerations of the planning and construction of buildings. Her interesting aspect is that she does not consider the weather as a stress factor on built structures but as a stress factor on the people living in and around the buildings. The work was previously published in Dutch, and in its time, it gained a lot of media att ention. Later on, the author was persuaded into rewriting it for an international audience in English, resulting in this volume. Judging by the contents, it was a worthy decision. Most books on urban climate and weather have a special topic regarding extreme weather events, e.g. storm water management or heatwaves. One can also fi nd works about specifi c technologies such as the green roofs, or using renewable energy technologies in buildings. Some other studies are about mitiga- tion of, or adaptation to, climate change or about the vulnerability of city systems and residents to climate change. However, a collection of weather eff ects on cities and urban neighbourhoods is lacking, espe- cially the one understandable for people outside the scientifi c community. This book is a perfect choice for all, including policymakers, who wish to understand the need for urban meteorology and conscious urban planning. The volume is easy to read, but at the same time, it requires some natural scientifi c interest. The focus of the book goes from large-scale to mi- cro-scale. It has to be noted that the features included in the volume pertain mostly to cities with temperate climate. The fi rst chapter is a general introduction to how we experience the physical and psychologi- cal factors of urban microclimate. Of all the physical factors, special emphasis is put on the role of tem- perature and wind. Though other factors are noted as well, the clearly important eff ects of solar radiation, relative humidity and ventilation are the key issues throughout the book. In the fi rst chapter, where the impact of heat stress and wind nuisance on residents and on their activities is considered, we get a glimpse of the mind of an architect. The second chapter breaks down into units that present each factor determining the urban climate from a more scientifi c point of view. The radiation eff ect is not only shown as a heat source but also as how the altitude angle of the sun aff ects incoming radiation and shadowing. Also from an architectur- al perspective, the thermal properties (refl ection, heat storage and conductivity) of building materi- als are introduced. Naturally, from radiation the author proceeds to temperature and to the urban heat island eff ect, but does not go into details about the latt er, since that is the main target in most stud- ies. These issues are followed by the description of the wind eff ect. This is a more detailed part of the chapter and contains a lot of interesting fi ndings based on measurements and modelling. Perhaps the most interesting topic is, from at least a me- teorologist’s point of view, the formation of typi- cal wind patt erns in the urban environment. The author shows how the direction, height and width ratio of a slab-like building aff ects wind direction and speed, and how they create wind tunnels, downwashes and windbreaks around the build- ings, which have a great eff ect on pedestrians and on their day-to-day behaviour. Especially in this part of the book, the fi gures are most helpful. Since the phrasing aims for a wide readership, the author omits some physical explanations, but the fi gures can be further discussed, e.g. in university classes with background knowledge on fl uid dynamics. 199Book Review – Book Review – Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (2) 198–199.Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2016) (2) 198–199. This chapter also discusses the perception of build- ings from a thermal comfort view as well. The third chapter tackles the question of mapping and categorisation methods of physical properties of a city, from a microclimate forming perspective, e.g. heat emission or wind nuisance. By creating such maps, urban climate related problematic areas can be identifi ed in a city. One presented method is the determination of diff erent ‘climatope’ areas – urban areas with typical microclimatic characteristics (e.g. parks, garden cities, and commercial districts). The other method is the creation of urban maps based on in-situ and satellite measurements. The shortest chapter of the book (Chapter 4) intro- duces general methods that can be implemented in city planning in order to reduce the adverse eff ect of cities on weather. It shows general methods to reduce heat stress, creating ventilation between and within districts, and their possible implementation in plan- ning practices. The fi ft h chapter is about mapping the microclimate at a building scale. Analyses of physical microclimate experience are introduced using shadow simulations, educated guesses about wind patt erns, wind tunnel tests, computational fl uid dynamic simulations and combined versions of observation and simulations. In addition, the method of mapping the psychological aspects of microclimate experience based on inter- views and the observation of the behaviour of resi- dents is presented. The sixth chapter embraces half of the content of the entire volume, it is also the most practical part, containing information on special urban designs. These range from diff erent techniques for shadow- ing through building materials to the positioning of buildings. In order to avoid a simple enumera- tion, these architectural designs are grouped along their capacity to infl uence sun and shade, refl ection, emissivity and heat conductivity, and evaporation, to slow or avoid wind, to improve ventilation, to protect against precipitation and to consider psychological aspects of microclimate experience. For each design the author provides general description and refers to issues of eff ectiveness, advantages and disadvan- tages, construction problems, costs and maintenance fees. The general description explains the theoreti- cal background and purpose of each design, and employs informative photographs or schemes. The description of the eff ectiveness, advantages and dis- advantages of a given design is usually short but straightforward and critical. Cost estimates are only approximate ones, as the market value depends on the availability of a construction material and on gen- eral economic conditions. At the end of the book, a table summarises the goals and target location of each architectural design. The topics, illustrations and descriptions make one wonder about their own urban environment. Aft er reading the book, I oft en fi nd myself looking at buildings from a climate responsive design point of view and I can even recognise the drawbacks of certain architectural designs, though I have no such background. One can also use the design examples to improve the comfort of their own home. The book itself has an up-to-date look, with a pa- perback cover. The high quality fi gures are both in- formative and simple, not overpowered by design. The fi gures are understandable for the general audi- ence, but they can be employed even in higher edu- cation. Photographs are mostly real life illustrations. Interestingly, the pages are colour coded based on which climatic factors they mostly concern, what can help the readers in fi nding what they are looking for. Since all the topics in the book are relevant to temper- ate climates, every aspect is valid and can be used in the Central European region, from the theoretical background to the architectural designs. The price of the book also indicates that the aim is not to provide a comprehensive, physical equation based, urban plan- ning content, but to reach a wider, even non-academic audience. At a mere price of 30€ the book is a bargain for all interested readers. Hajnalka Breuer1 1 Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. E-mail: bhajni@nimbus.elte.hu