HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM Vol. 30. pp. 167- 170 (2002) A FUZZY LOGIC APPROACH TO THE CONTROL OF THE DRYING PROCESS M. BALDEA, V. M. CRISTEA andP. S. AGACHI (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, "Babes-Bolyai" University, 11, Arany Janos St., 3400 Cluj- Napoca, ROMANIA) Received: March 8, 2002 The paper presents the simulation results of an advanced control algorithm used for the control of the drying process of electric insulators. The industrial batch drier is modelled and three different approaches are taken for its control. In order to investigate its capabilities, Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) is used for controlling the air temperature in the drying chamber. The results describing the controlled variables behaviour under the influence of some typical disturbances are compared with data obtained using Model Predictive Control (MPC) and traditional PID control. The requested drying program consists of a ramp-constant profile, obtained by manipulating the air and natural gas flow rate. Moisture content control is actually achieved by controlling the air temperature inside the drying chamber. Simulation results reveal clear benefits of the FLC approach over the other control methods subjected to our investigation, and prove real incentives for industrial implementation. Keywords: batch drying, fuzzy logic, model predictive control, non linear control Introduction The high-voltage electric insulator production implies a two-stage batch drying process. During the first step, the moisture content of the drying product is reduced from 18-20% to 0.4% in special gas heated chambers. The second step is carried out in high temperature ovens, in order to achieve an even lower moisture content. Gas and air flow rates are controlled according to a special program, during a period of about 100 hours, in order to obtain the desired moisture content and avoiding the risk of unsafe tensions in the drying products. An analytical dynamic model of the process is derived for model predictive control purposes. Model description Mass and energy balance equations are used to describe the dynamic behaviour of the system. The main studied outputs of the model are: moisture content of the drying product X, outlet air temperature T0 and air humidity x0 ; the input variables: natural gas flow rate iF and mass . flow rate of fresh air m,1 • The chamber is divided into three sections as shown in Fig.l. Section 1 represents Contact information: E~mail: the air volume within the drying chamber, section 2 the direct surroundings of the drying product. Section 3 represents the drying product itself. The mass balance of steam within section 1 is described by . . ( . . ) - V dxo (1) mal ·Xf +ma ·x- ma +mai ·xo- aCfl. Pa ·- dt with Vach being the volume of the air in section 1. In section 2, the steam fluxes around the drying product are modelled by m ·(x -x)-m · dX ==.E_fy ·P ·x) (2) a o S dt dt \ 42 a with V a2 being the infinitesimal small volume of air in section 2. Due to this fact, the last term of the equation can be neglected, which results in the differential equation dX = (x -x)· ma. dt " ms (3) As a result of differentiation of Eq.(3) and assuming that, d!X!dr""' 0 the Eq.( 1) becomes: ! = 1 ·(m"; ·x1 +m, ·x-(m .. +m"}x,}(4) V.,ch ·Pa 168 Fig. I Description of the drying chamber In section 3, the behaviour of the drying good itself is described with a normalised diagram by means of the following equation [1, 2]: dX __ m., ·A dt - m 5 s · (5) The drying velocity for the three periods of the drying process of a hygroscopic material are characterised by the diagrams of Fig.2 [2]. This diagram a), only available by experiments and valid for the certain conditions can be normalized to b) according to: (6) It is assumed that X c is constant, not depending on the drying conditions, and that X equ only depends on relative air humidity, but no other factors. It is also assumed that all diagrams of the drying velocity for different drying conditions are geometrically similar. The equilibrium humidity X equ in dependence of the relative air humidity

-- 44.4 44.2 44 1 - Setpoint : 1 -~-· Fuzzy logic -· MPC -- PID 1.155 1.16 1.165 1.17 1.175 1.18 1.165 1.19 1.195 1.2 1.205 Time [s) x 10' Fig.S Detailed presentation of the comparative behaviour of FL, MPC and PID control in the presence of the heating power disturbance profile on the air temperature. The setup of the simulated system is shown in Fig3. Performance testing was carried out for three significant disturbances typically occurring in the industrial practice: a 10 °C inlet air temperature T" drop (from 16 °C to 6 °C), a 10 %heating power capacity HF drop of natural gas and a 10% rise in the moisture content of the inlet air. The disturbances were 169 45.5 l Se!point J ··-· Fuzz.ylog[c -· MPC -- PID 44 • 1.155 1.16 1.185 1.17 1.175 1.18 1.185 1.19 1.195 1.2 1.205 1irre [s] x to' Fig.6 Detailed presentation of the comparative behaviour of FL, MPC and PID control in the presence of the air inlet temperature drop disturbance 45.6 45.4 44.8 I Setpoint l -··· Fuzzy !ogle -· MPC -- PID 44.6 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.2 1.21 1irne [s] xto' Fig. 7 Detailed presentation of the comparative behaviour of FL, MPC and PID control in the presence of the air inlet humidity increase disturbance introduced as steps at time t=l16000 s. The simulation results for case of the heating power disturbance are presented in Figs.4 and 5. The figures show the response of the controlled variable over the entire time interval and a detailed representation of the period when the disturbance acts and is eliminated. The behaviour of three investigated control methods (Fuzzy Logic Control- FLC, Model Predictive Control-MPC and PID control) is presented comparatively. Figs.S-7 are magnifications of the area marked as detail A on Fig.4. Fig.6 presents a detail of the controlled output temperature for the air inlet temperature drop disturbance and Fig. 7 represents in the same manner the case of the disturbance consisting in a humidity increase of the inlet air. With respect to setpoint tracking performance, the . results reveal a good behaviour in case of PID and MPC, FL control featuring superior abilities. As it can be seen, FLC is very accurate, following with precision both the constant and the ramp sections of the temperature setpoint scheduling· function. 170 63 2.755 2.76 2.755 2.77 2.775 2.78 2.785 2.79 2.795 Time [s[ x 10s Fig.8 Detailed presentation of the ramp setpoint following performance of FLC, MPC and PID control All control methods exhibit a low offset behaviour f?r the constant parts of the setpoint function. For the ramp sections, as in Fig.8 (detail B on Fig.4), the MPC and PID control proved to be less accurate than FL showing a larger offset. This accuracy of the FL control is largely due to the asymmetrical membership function definition. The definition takes into account the need for an asymmetric amplitude of the manipulated variable change (i.e. a controller response of higher amplitude to a negative error compared to a lower amplitude response for a positive error) in the ramp section of the setpoint function. . With respect to disturbance rejection performance, FL control showed a considerably shorter (more than 10 times) response time and smaller (more than five times) overshoot than the other control strategies. Conclusions A comparative study of three control methods for the process of drying high voltage ceramic insulators (FLC, MPC and PID) was carried out. Setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection were investigated for disturbances typically occurring in the industrial practice. Fuzzy Logic clearly stands out as the preferable control method for the considered process, due to the good setpoint tracking performance, low overshoot and short settling time. FLC is easy to implement and adapt in case of process modification due to its similarity with natural language. Also, the controller's simple structure is another argument in favour of the industrial implementation of this control method. Further research is envisioned for the control of the inferred moisture content of the drying product, with the implementation of an artificial intelligence based method for tuning the FL controller. REFERENCES 1. VAN MEEL D. A.: Chern. Engng. Sci., 1958, 9, 36- 44 2. KRISCHER 0. and KAsT W.: Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Trocknungstechnik, Springer- Verlag, 1992 3. PERRY R. and CHILTON C.: Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 5. Edition, Me Graw Hill,l973 4. Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, For Use with Matlab®, User's Guide v. 2.0, The Mathworks, Inc. Natick, MA, 1999 5. RussoM.: IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, 1998, 6(3), 372-388 6. GARCIA C. E., PREIT M. P. and MORARI M.: Automatica, 1989, 25(3), 335-348 7. CRISTEA V. M., BALDEA M. and AGACIIT S. P.: Model Predictive Control of an Industrial Dryer, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-10, Florence 2000 Page 170 Page 171 Page 172 Page 173