HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM . Vol. 30. pp. 211-214 (2002) MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF VARIABLE VOLUME DIAFILTRATION M. N. TEKIC, Z. ZAVARG6, D. KRSTIC and M. DJURIC (Faculty of Technology, University ofNovi Sad, Bul. CaraLazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, YUGOSLAVIA) Received: April11, 2002; Revised: August 13, 2002 The use of ultrafiltration as a separation technique is frequently accompanied by a diafiltration step to remove microsolutes. There are different ways to combine ultrafiltration and diafiltration to obtain the desired final concentration of components. Variable volume diafiltration is a continuous process in which water is continuously added at a rate Jess than the permeate flow rate so that the concentration of macrosolute continuously increases, and the final concentrations of macrosolute and microsolute can be reached simultaneously. In this paper a mathematical model of variable volume diafiltration is proposed. The model includes both initial volume and concentration, rejection coefficients, processing time as well as water volume added during diafiltration. The developed model could be served for design and optimization purposes. Keywords: modeling, ultrafiltration, diafiltration Introduction Over two decades ultrafiltration has been recognized as a separation technique to fractionate species according to their size. This technique has several advantages over other separation techniques such as distillation, evaporation solvent extraction, chromatography, etc. Ultrafiltration is widely used as a separation technique in many different fields such as chemical and biochemical engineering, food processing and pharmaceutical industry. In order to achieve macrosolute-microsolute separation different ultrafiltration processes can be used. The concentration of macrosolute by ultrafiltration is frequently accompanied by a diafiltration step to remove microsolute. It consists of a continuous or discontinuous addition of a pure solvent to retentate feed and can be applied to both batch and continuous ultrafiltration processes. Both, batch and continuous diafilltration can be performed in different ways. Batch diafiltration can be carried out depending on the way the pure solution is added as a continuous or discontinuous batch diafiltration. On the other hand, continuous diafiltration can be performed as a co-current or counter-current [1] process. An interesting process in which a pure solvent is continuously added at a rate less than permeate flow rate so that concentration of macrosolute and the removal of impurities occurs simultaneously. wa:c. proposed by Jeffrin and Charrier [2]. Thi~ way a smgle diafiltration process with a continuou~ly decreasing volume makes possible that the final concentration!'> of components are reached simultaneously. The aim of this work is to develop a process model of a variable volume diafiltration. In the presemed model the initial solution concentration, initial volum\.,. retention, processing time as well as the membrane area are included. This model differs from the approach given by Jaffrin and Charrier [2] where the rejection coefficient was not included. Thus, on the basis of incomplete macrosolute rejection and the constant flux assumption an analytical solution is obtained. Model Let us consider the diafiltration process schematically presented in Fig. I. The equation of continuity is given by: dV -=Qo-QF dt (1) Here Vis the volume of the solution in the tank and Ql> and Q, are diafiltration water flow rate and filtrate flow rate respectively. The mass balance of the macrosolute can be written as 212 d(VC) = QFC(l- R) (2) dt Table 1 Values of model parameters and coefficients Parameter Unit Value A ? 1 m- J m3/m2s 2.5·10-5 Vo m3 0.2 R 1 0.9-1 r 1 0-0.1 C/Co 1 2-10 cclc1 2-10 Pconst variable Pvar 1 variable a 1 variable where c is concentration, and R is the macrosolute rejection coefficient. In order to obtain concentrated solution with the final volume \'J the flow rate of diafiltration water must be a constant smaller fraction of QF. QD =aQF a<1 After rearranging Eq. (2) becomes 0 ~ ~ J d(lnC) = -JQF(~-R) dt- J d(lnV) ~ 0 ~ From the third term of Eq. ( 4) it follows V = V0 - QF(l-a)t (3) (4) (5) and the first term on. the right hand side of Eq.(4) becomes - 's' QF