HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF JNDUS1RIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM VoL 29. pp. 21-25 (2001) ARSENIC, ZINC AND MAGNESIUM ION REMOVAL FROM WATER BY NANOFILTRATION, MODELLING OF REJECTIONS S. GERGELY, GY. VATAI, E. BEKASSY-MOLNAR (Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Food Science, Department of Food Engineering Menesi street 44, Budapest, H-1118 HUNGARY) Received: Jun 27, 2000; Revised: December 12, 2000 The drinking water sources in some parts of Hungary are highly contaminated with arsenic. The recent arsenic removal technologies use chemical treatment combined with filtration, adsorption etc. Nanofiltration, which is a relatively new area of membrane filtration, could be suitable for removing arsenic from well water, and in addition it does not require chemical pretreatment. The nanofiltration membranes remove the bivalent ions, therefore the removal of trivalent and pentavalent forms of arsenic could be presumed too. In our measurements the possibility of the nanofiltration of typical bivalent ions (Zn, Mg) and As (tri- and pentavalent forms) were examined and compared using model solutions. Because of the surprisingly low rejection of As(ITI) two oxidation agents (KMn04 and H202) were applied to gain removable As(V). On the base of measurements regression equations were developed to calculate the individual ion - rejection. The experimental investigations proved that additive ions in the solution do not influence the individual rejection of a metal ion in this range of concentrations. The joint removal of Zn, Mg, As(III) and As(V) ions from South - Hungarian well water could be well estimated on the base of our regression equations. Keywords: Arsenic removal, bivalent ion removal, membrane filtration, mmofiltration Introduction Nanofiltration is a relatively new membrane filtration procedure. At the end of the last decade Eriksson [1] wrote that an interesting hybrid membrane area was found, which was suitable to retain multivalent ion and it is s:i:inilar to both ultraftltration and reverse osmosis. Even in the middle of the 90's the nanofiltration was not categorised obviously, it was not mentioned at all (Bilstad [2}), or referred by another name (Ujang and Anderson in 1996 called it as membrane softener [3]). The recently valid Hungarian standard relating to drinking water (MSZ 450/1-1989) permits maximum 50 mg/1 arsenic. Most of the arsenic-contaminated wells of Southern Hungary contain four times higher arsenic as it is permitted in the standard. In fact it is not only a Hungarian problem. It causes also great difficulties in the Vojvodina region (Yugoslavia) and concerning this problem Janie at al carried out measurements [4}. Directives of the European Community dealing with drinking water (98/83/EC) valid from 1998 allows 10 mg/1 arsenic. As a condition yf accession to European Union. Hungarian authority should apply this value too. Wayapa [5} made measurements on membrane filtration of arsenic, but he rather examined reverse osmosis. Brandhuber and Gary f6J carried out pilot plant experiments with nanofiltration of arsenic from drinking water. Hagmeyer and Gimbel [7] modelled the salt rejection of nanofiltration membranes. Cherles (8] removed As(V) ions by different nanofiltration membranes with high efficiency. On the basis of the results of measurements a full scale nanofiltration equipment was established in Paris for water treatment (Ventesque et al. [9]). Numerous researches have studied the arsenic, as the source of soiling material spreading in water and ground, as well. Chen et al. [10] have investigated the consequences of illness caused by arsenic species in Taiwan. The different kind of the species of arsenic are poisonous in different levels. Mester, Woller and Fodor [11, 12] studied the possibilities of measuring the arsenic species. Experimental Nanofiltration equipment used for the measurements is shown in Fig. 1. The model solution (distilled water with metal ions) was poured into the feeding vessel (1). A high pressure piston pump (2) circulated the liquid on the surface of the membrane (3). In some cases the permeate was led back to the feeding vessel, in other cases it was discharged from the system. The retentate remained in the feeding vessel. The recirculation flow rate was set up by an adjusting-device, which was on the 22 pump cabinet (5), the values were measured by rotameter (7). The pressure was regulated by a setting valve (4). The temperature of the solution was kept constant by using a built-in water cooler (10). A pH meter (type ill 8314) controlled the pH of the solution. 9. ~ 3. 6. 5. ~ 2. Fig. 1. Laboratory nanofiltration apparatus 1. Feed vessel, 2. Pump, 3. Membrane modul, 4. Pressure valve, 5, Recycle valve, 6. Pressure gauge, 7. Rotameter, 8. Stopcock, 9. Sampling, 10. Heat exchanger, 11. Thermometer, 12. pH meter. Before and after the experiments the equipment was rinsed over by circulating distilled water for 10-10 minutes. The clean water flux and the salt rejection of the membrane were checked after each cleaning procedure. Round shaped flat .sheet membranes were used with an active surface of 2xl80 cm2. The parameters of the chosen membranes are collected in Table 1. In the model-experiments the concentration of the As, or Zn, or Mg ions of the feed solution were equal with that of the average well-water doses. The concentrations are shown in Table 2. Ion As Zn Mg Table 2. Amounts of the dosed metals Concentration 0,2mg!L 0,6mg/L 60mg/L Form The As in the well water appears mostly in As{ITI) and partly in As(V) form. Using oxidating agent in a proper excess all the As ions can be regarded as As(V) ions. As oxidising agent potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide were used. The experiments were carried out under different temperatures, pressures and pH values (Table 3). The concentration of As, Zn and Mg ions in the feed, permeate and concentrate was measured by ICP (Inductive Coupled Plasma) method. Table 3. Operational parameters and levels Operational parameters 10 °C Temperature 20 oc 30 oc Transmembrane pressure drop 5bar lObar 15 bar pH Results 5,00 7,00 9,00 Results on UTC-60 membrane and models The rejection of different ions did not depend on the pressure in the measured range. An increase in the temperature decreased while in the pH increased the rejection. Rejection of arsenic in functions of temperature and pH are plotted in Fig. 2 and 3, as examples. The comparison of the two figures-shows that the rejection of the arsenic without oxidation is 2 - 3 times lower than that of the oxidised form. Rejection of Mg on UTC-60 membrane (p=10bar) Rejection{%) T(oC) Fig. 2. Rejection of As (III) on UTC-60 membrane Arsenic without oxidation is four times more sensitive to a change in the operation parameters than that of oxidized arsenic. Decreasing the hydrogen ion concentration with one unit the rejection of As(Ill) increases by 4%, and that of oxidised arsenic, the As(V), by 1 %. Considering the influence of the temperature the same difference can be observed: the temperature coefficient of As(III) in the regression equations is four Table 1. Characteristics of the examined membranes Membrane Membrane NaCl Pure water Operational parameters TYJX: producer Rejection [%J flux (U:nilh} P (bar] T[oCJ pH UTC-60 Toray/Ropur 55 55 15 35 3-11 DESAL-5 Desalination so 58 41 50 4-11 Systems times bi her than that of the oxidised arsenic. Rejection of Zn on UTC-60 membrane (Jl"10bar) Rejection (%) T(oC) pH Fig. 3. Rejection of As (V) on UTC-60 membrane Dependence of the rejection of an individual ion on pH and temperature can be well described with a linear regression equation: R =A+ B X T + c X pH, % Coefficients of the equations are summarised in Table 4. A validity domain of the formula is the measured domain: T = 10 .-. 300C, pH = 5 - 9, and feed concentration according to Table 2. Table 4. Coefficients of regression functions fit onto the rejections of UTC 60 membrane Name of ion Afconstant As(III) As(V) Zn Mg 15,140 85,601 87,880 94,362 B/temperature -0,865 -0,185 -0,263 -0,142 C/pH 4,060 1,060 1,474 0,499 0,937 0,988 0,978 0,996 Results on Desai D 5 membrane and models On Desai D5 membrane similar results were obtained as on UTC-60 membrane. Rejection of Zn and Mg ions is shown in Fig. 4. and 5, as examples. Rejection of As(V) on UTC-60 membrane (p=10ber) 100 Rejection{%) 30 Fig. 4. Rejection ofZn on Dt:sal D5 membrane Experiments carried out with arsenic, Zn and Mg ions show the same influence of operational parameters {pressure, pH and temperature) on the rejection. Values of rejection in the case of Mg ion exceed 90% at all adjustment of experimental parameters. Rejection of Zn 23 depends more sensitively on temperature and pH than that of Mg. When the decrease of Mg is undesivable, the hardness of water can be increased b additive M salts. Rejection of As(lll) on UTC..60 membrane (p=10 bar) so Rejection(%) 20 30 9 pH Fig. 5. Rejection of Mg on Desai D5 membrane Dependence of the rejection of individual ions on the pH and temperature could be described with a linear regression equation: R=D+ExT+FxpH,% Coefficients of the equations are summarised in Table 5. The validity domain of the formula is the measured domain: T = 10 - 300C, pH = 5 - 9, and feed concentration according to Table 2. Table 5. Coefficients of regression functions fit onto the rejections of Desai D5 membrane Ion D/constant FJtemperature F/pH R::: As (Ill) 15,170 -0,818 4,296 0,986 As(V) 93,169 -0,097 0,625 0,988 Zn 86,440 -0,230 1,784 0.957 Mg 94,980 -0,218 0,694 0,996 Model of permeate flux The permeate flux was slightly influenced by the ion content in the measured low concentration range. Measured fluxes are shown in Fig. 6. Flux (llm2h) Flux of Desai OS membraM (p=10bar) 10 5 pH Fig. 6. Permeate flux of Desai D5 membrane The permeate flux can be described as a ratio of transmembrane pressure drop and the sum of resistance of the membrane and the boundary layer. In case of model solution the boundary layer can be neglected. 24 therefore the flux is: On the base of the measured data, the resistance of membranes was described by a two-variable linear equation: RM = G + H · T + K · pH The coefficients are summarised in Taole 6. The validity of the expression is the measured range: T = 10. -.300C, pH= 5 - 9 and feed concentration according to Table 2. Table 6. Coefficients of regression functions fit onto the membrane resistance Membrane G/constant H/temperature UTC 60 0,199 -0,00435 Desai D5 0,193 -0,00458 K/pH 0,0055 0,0110 0,947 0,976 If there is an increase in the temperature, the membrane resistance decreases, and consequently, the flux increases. Similar influence of the temperature was observed by Bilstad [2] in the case of ultrafiltration. The influence of the pH is the opposite on the above parameters. Joint retention of ions from well water Measurements with model solutions indicated that the retention of a metal ion in "the measured range was not influenced by the presence of another ion or ions. Table 7. Ion content in well water from South - Hungary Ion As Zn Mg Concentration 214 jlg/L 0,6mg/L 15,8 mgiL These results made possible the estimation of the retention of the investigated metal ions using well water. The referring data of the well water are shown in Table 7. Ion retention calculated from the regression equation was compared with measured retention on Desai D5 membrane using well water. The results are collected in Table 8. The deviations from the measured results are very low, we think it is supposed that there was no component/material in the well water which could significantly influence the individual retention of the investigated metal ions. The diverse rejection behaviour of As(Ill) and As(V) was observed in case of well water too. Without oxidation only 25 -30 % of arsenic ions could be filtered out, which show the high proportion of As(Ill) besides As(V). After oxidation the As(V) was very wen rejected as it was observed using other nanofiltration membranes. too (Gergely et ai [13], Bekassy~Molnar et al [14]). Table 8. Measured and calculated rejections using well water, Desai D5 membrane Ion T[0C] pH Rejection% Measured Calculated As without 20 6,5 47,0 oxidation As after oxidation 20 6,5 94,82 95,29 byKMn04 Zn 20 6,5 91,16 93,43 Mg 20 6,5 93,86 95,13 Conclusions The UTC-60 and the Desai D5 nanofiltration membranes rejected from model solutions the bivalent Zn and Mg ions with a high efficiency: 85 - 95 %. The rejection of non-oxidized As (mostly trivalent ions) was surprisingly low: 15 - 35 %. The oxidized As, which is in As(V) form could be filtered out with very high efficiency: 80 - 95 %. There was no influence of oxidising agent on the rejection of arsenic. The influence of transmembrane pressure drop on the rejection could be neglected in the measured range, while the temperature and pH had an influence on the rejection. The membrane resistance slightly decreased with an increase in the temperature, while it slightly increased with an increase in the pH. The individual rejection of Zn, Mg and As ions and the membrane resistance were described by linear regressions in function of temperature and pH. Experimental results proved that additive ion/s in the solution did not influence the individual rejection in the measured range, therefore As, Zn, and Mg rejection from well water could be estimated on the base of regression equations. Even if the well water has very high As concentration (200 mg!L) with proper membrane and operation parameters (low temperature, neutral pH) the EC regulation relating to As concentration in drinking water ( £ 10 mg/L) could be reached in one nanofiltration step. In case of need, the total hardness of the filtered water can be increased by additive lime. Acknowledgement The authors express their gratitude to Prof. Peter Fodor, Szent Istvan University Budapest, for the analysis and to the OTKA Foundation (T 026140) for the financial support. A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K cP cR SYMBOLS constants ion concentration permeate, mg/L ion concentration retente, mg!L in the in the J - permeate flux, L/(m2 h) R - rejection, R = (cR -cP)/cR x 100,% RM - resistance of membrane, L/(m2h bar) R2 square of correlation coefficient DP - transmembrane pressure drop, bar T - temperature, OC REFERENCES 1. ERIKSSON P. : Nanofiltration extends the range of membrane filtration. Environmental Progress 7 (1) 1988. 2. BILSTAD T.: Water Sci. Techn., 1977, 36 [2-3], 17 3. UJANG Z., ANDERSON GK.: Water Sci. Techn., 1996, 34 [9], 247 4. JANIC J., CONKIC L., KINSKI J., BENAK J.: Water Res., 1997, 31 [3], 419 5. WAYAPA J. J.: Arsenic removal by RO and NF membranes. American Water Works Association 89 (10) 102, 1997 6. 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