CONFERENCEPROCEED]NGS HUNGAR~JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM Vol. 2. pp. 1 - 6 (2000) ASSESSING IMPACTS OF A HYDROPOWER PLANT: EBRO RIVER, SPAIN F.M. CAPEL, F.H. RODRIGUEZ1, D.G. DE JAL6N LASTRA and M.S. DE LOS TERREROS (Lab oratorio de Zoologia, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, 28040, ESPANA 1Centro de Investigaciones Forestales de Louriziin, Aptdo. de Correos 127, Pontevedra, 36.080, ESPANA) This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Environmental Engineering, University ofVeszprem, Veszprem, Hungary, May 29- June 5, 1999 Ebro River is one of the largest river in the Iberian Peninsula. A small hydropower plant, Viana III, was built in Navarra province (North Spain), so a small dam was constructed to divert flow from the mainstream to the plant channel. In the reach (''by-pass") affected by the flow reduction (around 263.550 :d of aquatic habitat) we studied the impact on the benthic and fish assemblages. Before (autumn 1995) and after (autumn 1996) the plant started to operate, different habitat types (fast and slow waters) were sampled by electrofishing and trammel nets to estimate fish populations. Invertebrates were sampled by Neil cylinder in lotic habitats. Densities and biomasses were estimated for invertebrates and fish populations. Besides, growth, condition coefficients and mortalities were estimated for fish. Having compared the flow regime before and after the station began to work, we estimated there was a considerable loss of aquatic habitat (40%). In consequence, in fast and shallow waters we noticed a dramatic decrease for the biomass (61 %) of the fish assemblage, although we observed an important increase for density (28%). In different types of habitat (fast and slow waters) where we sampled by nets, we also detected notable decreases in the catch ratio (40%) and average weight (59%). We also estimated a remarkable reduction in the density (56%) and biomass (35%) of the benthic fauna. Results suggest the need of developing latest methods for the impact assessment, studying the natural regime of flow by a set of parameters based on historical data [1] and estimating habitat loss for fish and benthonic assemblages by the InstreamFlow Incremental Methodology [2]. Introduction Ebro River has the highest mean annual flow among the rivers flowing in the Iberian Peninsula. In the mainstream a small dam was constructed in order to divert flow to a channel from the mainstream to the new hydropower plant "Viana liT'. This channel connects to the Ebro River downstream the study reach again. We studied the by-pass reach of the river affected by the flow reduction. The study site (around 3360 m long) is located 10 km downstream Logroiio city. We surveyed benthos and fish fauna before the plant started to operate, and after 1 year of work. The questions we were wondering were: - What changes occurred in the flow regime? How could they affect the available habitat for benthic and fish fauna? - How were the benthic and fish populations going to change in terms of biomass, density and structure? Study Reach The by-pass reach affected is part of the mainstream of the Ebro River, 10 km downstream Logrofio city. It represents the boundaries between Navarra and La Rioja provinces, entering the last one in the lowest part of the reach. Since the reach is 3360 m long and the mean width is 78.4 m, we estimated the aquatic habitat to be 263,550 m2 after the dam, 1.2 m height, was constructed and before the plant started to operate. The thalweg gradient is estimated to be 0.126% and the mean altitude 341 m asl. We found the main part of the reach was slow waters (56.2%) but not much more than the fast water areas (43.8%), the ratio fast/slow lengths was 0.93. The flow regime was studied in Mendavia gauge station, based on the data from October 1966 to September 1995. The results are included in Fig.!. The mean annual flow is 123.4 m3 s·1 and the river has a pluvial discharge regime. We found a low flow period 2 400.00 ~ 350.00 ~ 300.00 g 250.00 ~ 200.00 tQ 150.00 .<:: u .!! 100.00 0 50.00 0.00 ~ 1\ I \ I \ I \ _. ........._ I ~ ~ .-/" ...... ....,_ .-........... ~ 4 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d>.?CJ((f~'<'