HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY Vol. 48(2) pp. 9–12 (2020) DOI: 10.33927/hjic-2020-22 THE ROLE OF WATER ACTIVITY IN TERMS OF ENZYME ACTIVITY AND ENANTIOSELECTIVITY DURING ENZYMATIC ESTERIFICATION IN NON- CONVENTIONAL MEDIA PIROSKA LAJTAI-SZABÓ1 , NÁNDOR NEMESTÓTHY1 , AND LÁSZLÓ GUBICZA *1 1Research Institute on Bioengineering, Membrane Technology and Energetics, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém, 8200, HUNGARY During enzymatic esterification in non-conventional media, the activity and enantioselectivity of the enzyme is significantly influenced by the water content of the reaction medium, which continuously changes as water is produced during the esterification. To provide constant reaction parameters, water activity should be kept constant. The commonly used salt hydrate pairs may be difficult to apply and often hinder enzyme activity. During the enantioselective esterification of racemic 2-bromopropanoic acid in various solvents (organic solvents, ionic liquids), it was proven that the conditions related to the optimal water content required for kinetic examinations can be provided without using any salt or salt hydrate pairs. This conclusion is based on the realization that the optimal water activity can be set by first determining the initial water content that is necessary to achieve the maximum reaction rate in the given solvent. Keywords: enzymatic enantioselective esterification, non-conventional media, ionic liquid, racemic acid, effect of water content 1. Introduction The history of the intentional use of enzymes as biocat- alysts stretches back several decades. In recent years, in- tensified interest has been shown in applying enzymes in chemical reactions. Enzyme technology as an important discipline of biotechnology has begun to develop rapidly. Nowadays, it is of great importance in the pharmaceutical and pesticide industries where, in many cases, it has pro- duced intermediates and active substances with enzymes or microorganisms more easily than by chemical synthe- sis and usually with a high degree of (enantio)selectivity [1–3]. The known advantages of these reactions are the mild reaction conditions, pure products, high yield and, in many cases, environmentally friendly by-products. At first, enzymes were only applied in aqueous media as they exert their catalytic activity under such conditions in various organisms. Later, the recognition that enzymes can exert their catalytic activity in organic solvents pro- moted intensive investigation among organic chemists who tested more and more enzymes from various classes as catalysts of organic chemical reactions [1, 4–7]. Contradictory results concerning how the activity and enantioselectivity of a lipase depend on the physical and chemical properties of the solvents can be found in the lit- erature. In some cases, the different enzyme activities and *Correspondence: enantioselectivities observed in various organic solvents are not only affected by the solvents, e.g., when solvents with very different polarities are compared without fix- ing the water activity. In these experiments, the variation in the water activity probably contributes to the change in enzyme activity [6, 8–10]. In terms of the reaction, the water content of the reac- tion medium is twice as significant. To keep the enzyme activity and enantioselectivity of the lipase constant, a constant amount of water should be provided. As the con- tent of the reaction medium changes as the conversion proceeds, the water adsorption capacity of the reaction medium does not remain constant during the reaction ei- ther. Water activity is an index which indicates how much water is accessible to the enzyme. Polar solvents can ad- sorb more water, while in non-polar solvents less water is required to achieve saturation and form a new aqueous phase where the water activity of the organic solvent is equal to one (aw = 1). Therefore, two solvents of differ- ent polarities but equal water activities may contain sig- nificantly different amounts of water [11–13]. Based on the aforementioned considerations, in the literature a constant water activity is sought instead of a constant concentration of water during enzymatic reac- tions, e.g. by pervaporation of salt hydrates [14–16]. In reactions where water is not produced, the initial water activity of the reaction medium is fixed and the change in water activity, which is caused by changes in the polarity 10 LAJTAI-SZABÓ, NEMESTÓTHY AND GUBICZA of the reaction medium, is neglected. In the case of esteri- fications, where the water activity of the reaction medium significantly increases as the reaction proceeds, the water activity must be constantly controlled [16–19]. In this study, the resolution of (R,S)-2- bromopropanoic acid was analyzed. Changes in the activity and enantioselectivity of the enzyme Candida rugosa lipase, which is suitable when the water content of the reaction medium is changed during the afore- mentioned reaction, were investigated. Identification of the simplest method to sustain a constant water activity required for kinetic examinations was also sought. 2. Experimental 2.1 Samples and Measurements All chemicals were commercially available and used without further purification. Candida rugosa lipase (EC (nominal activ- ity: 920 Umg−1enzyme) was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). Racemic 2-bromopropanoic acid and the ionic liquids used, namely [BMIM]PF6 (1-Butyl-3- methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate), [NMIM]PF6 (1-Methyl-3-nonylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate) and [BMIM]BF4 (1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetraflu- oroborate), were obtained from Merck KGaA (Darm- stadt, Germany). Butan-1-ol as well as all the other organic solvents and salts used were manufactured by Reanal Laboratory Chemicals Ltd. (Budapest, Hungary). In a typical experiment, 2 mmol of racemic 2- bromopropanoic acid and 12 mmol of butan-1-ol were added to 5 ml of solvent. The water concentration of the reaction mixture was measured using a Mettler DL35 Karl Fischer titrator. The water activity was adjusted us- ing salts of different aw values (LiCl (aw = 0.11), MgCl2 (aw = 0.33), NaBr (aw = 0.57), KI (aw = 0.69), KCl (aw = 0.84) and K2SO4 (aw = 0.97)). The reaction was started by adding 0.1 g of enzyme and the closed flasks were shaken in a New Brunswick G-24 horizontal shaker incubator. 2.2 Analysis The (R)- and (S)-esters produced were analyzed by an HP 5890A GC (gas chromatograph) using a 25 m FS-LIPODEX E chiral capillary GC column from MACHEREY-NAGEL (Aachen, Germany). The samples from organic solvents were directly injected into the GC after being extracted from ionic liquids using n- hexane. The activity of the lipase was characterised by the amounts of (R)- and (S)-esters produced. 3. Results and Analysis 3.1 Experiments To investigate the actual effect of solvents on the en- zyme’s activity, the same water activity should be pro- vided in the reaction media to avoid differences in en- zyme activity originating from variations in water activ- ity. By choosing the most suitable method, the applica- tion of [BMIM]BF4 must be considered, which is a polar solvent and miscible with water. The setting of the water activity with salt hydrate pairs and saturated salt solutions can be hindered as salts dissolve in ionic liquids [19]. As an alternative, the fact that the maximum enzyme activity of Candida rugosa lipase is achieved at the same water activity in any solvent was exploited [16]. According to the polarity of the solvents, the same water activity results in different water contents in various solvents, namely the reaction rate or conversion that indicate enzyme activity will be at their maxima with different water contents. An opportunity arises from the inversion of these consider- ations: the optimal initial water activity, required for ki- netic examinations, can be set by determining the initial water content that provides the maximum reaction rate for each solvent. Naturally, to precisely set a given water activity, the reaction rate should be measured by monitoring the water content infinite times. Instead of this, at least five differ- ent initial concentrations of water were set for each sol- vent. To calculate the reaction rates, the amounts of (R)- and (S)-2-Bromopropanoic acid butyl esters produced un- til 10% conversion was achieved or over two hours were considered. To determine the equilibrium constant nec- essary for calculating the enantiomeric ratio, quick re- actions with (R)-2-bromopropanoic acid butyl ester were studied in organic solvents until the equilibrium concen- tration was reached. In contrast, with ionic liquids numer- ous reaction media had to be prepared as many samples were taken because for gas chromatography (R)- and (S)- 2-bromopropanoic acid butyl esters had to be extracted from the ionic liquids using n-hexane and the subsequent extracts analysed. As a result, 15 reaction media were prepared simultaneously and the products extracted from them when samples were taken. 3.2 Effect of water content The reaction rate altered as a function of water content according to optimum curves (Fig. 1). The highest re- action rate was obtained in n-hexane and the ionic liq- uid [BMIM]PF6 when the concentrations of water were 0.15 mol dm−3 (8.9 × 10−3 mol h−1 g−1) and 0.38 mol dm−3, respectively. The esterification reaction rate was very similar in toluene and [BMIM]PF6 (3.2 × 10−3 mol h−1 g −1 and 3.0 × 10−3 mol h−1 g−1, respectively), while in the more polar tetrahydrofuran, [BMIM]BF4 es- ters were produced at a very low reaction rate (10−3 mol h−1 g−1) which was observed to be only slightly depen- dent on the concentration of water. The enantioselectivity of Candida rugosa lipase also varied as a function of water content according to opti- mum curves, however, was shown to be less dependent on the concentration of water than the reaction rate (Fig. 2). Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry ENZYME ACTIVITY IN NON-CONVENTIONAL MEDIA 11 Figure 1: Dependence of the reaction rate on the initial concentration of water The enantioselectivities in [NMIM]PF6 and [BMIM]PF6 were modest (25 and 19, respectively), while were significantly lower in the other solvents. The highest enantioselectivity (E = 10) was obtained in n-hexane among other classic organic solvents. 3.3 Discussion In Table 1, the concentrations of water are summarized. It is shown that the maximum reaction rate (cw(conv)) or enantioselectivity (E) (cw(E)) can be achieved at 30 ◦C after 2 hours. The enzyme activity and enantioselectivity of Candida rugosa lipase varied according to optimum curves that plots water activity, moreover, the maximum reaction rate and enantioselectivity can be obtained at the same water activity regardless of the solvent used. Based on these observations, it is probable that the water activity will be the same in reaction media if a suitable cw(conv) concentration of water is set in every solvent. Similarly, the water activity of reaction media will be approximately the same by setting the suitable cw(E) concentration of water. It is possible to set approximately the same water activity in reaction media indirectly, even in the absence of salt pairs or salt hydrates. However, it should be mentioned that the cw values required to reach the maximum conversion or enantiose- lectivity are not necessarily the same. As can be observed in the case of the ionic liquid [BMIM]PF6, a maximum conversion of 29.0% was achieved when cw(conv)= 0.38 mol dm−3, while only a conversion of 26.2% was ob- Figure 2: Dependence of the enantioselectivity on the ini- tial concentration of water tained when cw(E)= 0.31 mol dm−3 required for the maximum enantioselectivity of just 20.0. Similar obser- vations may be seen in the case of organic solvents, e.g. n-hexane in which a maximum conversion (36.1%) was achieved when E = 8, while maximum enantioselec- tivity (E = 10) resulted when the conversion was only 31.7%. Therefore, it must be decided whether reaching the maximum conversion or maximum enantioselectivity is the aim. The determination of the maximum conver- sion as a function of the required enantioselectivity will be the subject of future research. 4. Conclusion In this study, it has been proven by the esterification of 2-bromopropanoic acid in the presence of Candida ru- gosa lipase that during reactions conducted in such non- conventional media, the determination of the optimal wa- ter content can be significantly simplified by setting the optimal concentration of water instead of the water ac- tivity, which is difficult to accomplish. For this purpose, the initial water content required to achieve the maximum reaction rate must be determined. As the water contents needed to achieve the maximum conversion or maximum enantioselectivity are usually different, further optimiza- tion tasks are necessary. Acknowledgement The financial support of Széchenyi 2020 under the project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00015 is acknowledged. Table 1: Conversion and enantioselectivity during the enantioselective esterification reaction at the optimum cw(conv) and cw(E) values in different solvents (T =30 ◦C, t = 2 h). Solvent log P cw (conv) Conversion E cw(E) Conversion E - mol dm−3 % - mol dm−3 % - [BMIM]BF4 -2.44 0.54 4.6 5 0.46 4.0 6 [BMIM]PF6 -2.38 0.38 29.0 18 0.31 26.2 20 [NMIM]PF6 -2.19 0.31 13.4 24 0.23 8.9 25 Tetrahydrofuran 0.50 0.38 4.3 4 0.31 3.2 5 Toluene 2.50 0.23 13.9 3 0.15 10.1 5 n-Hexane 3.50 0.15 36.1 8 0.08 31.7 10 48(2) pp. 9–12 (2020) 12 LAJTAI-SZABÓ, NEMESTÓTHY AND GUBICZA REFERENCES [1] Carrea, G.; Riva, S.: Organic synthesis with en- zymes in non-aqueous media (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany) 2008, pp. 169-190 ISBN: 978-3-527-31846-9 [2] Bommarius, A. S.; Riebel, B. R.: Biocataly- sis (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany) 2004, pp. 339–372 DOI: 10.1002/3527602364.ch12 [3] Gholivand, S.; Lasekan, O.; Tan, C. P.; Abas, F.; Wei, L. S.: Optimization of enzymatic esterification of dihydrocaffeic acid with hexanol in ionic liquid using response surface methodology, Chem. Cent. 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