HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY Vol. 49(2) pp. 1–1 (2021) DOI: 10.33927/hjic-2021-12 EDITORIAL PREFACE TO THE SPECIAL ISSUE DEDICATED TO THE MANUFACTURING_2021 CONFERENCE ISTVÁN GYURIKA1 1Research Centre for Engineering Sciences, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém, 8200, HUNGARY The Association of Mechanical Engineers in Hungary, “GTE”, has a long tradition in organizing a nation-wide, scientific-technical conference devoted to MANUFAC- TURING. During the 29-30th October 2021, the Uni- versity of Pannonia offered to host the 24th GTE MAN- UFACTURING Conference, where almost 50 presenta- tions were delivered by engineering students with PhD or Post-Doc level. Participants from industry had also a good opportunity to present their new products and ser- vices, thus a fruitful collaboration platform had taken place at the premises of the University of Pannonia. The highly appreciated Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry is an excellent medium to convey the nov- elties and new scientific-technical achievements demon- strated during the conference. The PhD students are also grateful to HJIC for the chances to generate high-level publications at international level. The presentations were mainly offered in English lan- guage, giving additional opportunities for PhD students to practice oral presentations of their scientific work and achieved results. All of the topics address one or more of the offered areas of manufacturing, including prod- Correspondence: ucts, production, logistics, sensor-, monitoring-, robotics- thematic areas, as well as economic and human aspects, e.g., operator cooperation with robots. The review com- mittee generated detailed feedback to the authors to show higher level of articulation of their ideas and results, and to maintain the scientific high level of the HJIC journal. The selected papers are included in this special issue of HJIC. The GTE Association will continue to offer its mem- bers opportunities to share up-to-date technical and sci- entific information and build a reliable social-technical network in the new ecosystem needed for the transition from Indutry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. We are looking ahead and inviting for the quad-centenarian, 25th jubilee MAN- UFACTURING Conference. István Gyurika Chairman of GTE’s Division of Man- ufacturing Systems On behalf of the MANUFACTUR- ING: 2021 Organising Committee.