HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY Vol. 49(2) pp. 23–27 (2021) DOI: 10.33927/hjic-2021-17 CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRY 4.0 IN THE VISEGRÁD GROUP ANDREA ÉLTETŐ*1 1Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of World Economics, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, Budapest, 1097, HUNGARY This article provides a snapshot describing the position of the Visegrád Group in terms of adopting Industry 4.0 tech- nologies. Despite being promoted and supported by the state, the introduction of these modern methods is still not as widespread as in other EU member states. The reason for this is the heterogeneity of firms: there are substantial differ- ences between large and small as well as foreign and domestic firms. Statistics, surveys and interviews have proven that foreign-owned, larger companies are front-runners, while smaller domestic ones face considerable financial and techno- logical challenges. However, it is concluded that the main problem is the continued lack of the necessary skilled labour force. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Visegrád Group, Foreign Direct Investment 1. Introduction The term “Industry 4.0” stems from Germany (opening speech of the Hannover Messe in 2011). Industry 4.0 is a complex concept, composed of nine main pillars: roboti- sation, simulation, the Internet of Things, additive manu- facturing, cybersecurity, cloud computing, big data, aug- mented reality as well as horizontal and vertical system integration. Nowadays, it means a new kind of corporate and production organisation combining physical and dig- ital production. The concept and application of Industry 4.0 have also been promoted in the Visegrád Group. Industry asso- ciations and governmental organisations have launched strategies as well as programmes to inform and help companies; mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In spite of these efforts, statistics show that the Visegrád Group remains underdeveloped in the field of Industry 4.0. [1] This article tries to detect the reasons for this lag by summarising the available statistics and find- ings concerning this topic. First, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Information and Communica- tions Technology (ICT) usage data and robotisation data are examined before the results of several surveys con- cerning the introduction of Industry 4.0 are analysed. Fi- nally, the personal interviews conducted in the Visegrád Group are evaluated. Among the problems and challenges of small domestic companies, it was found that the most important is the human factor, namely the lack of neces- sary skills and the risk-avoiding managerial mindset. *Correspondence: 2. Data on Industry 4.0 in the Visegrad Group The OECD “ICT Access and Usage by Businesses” database contains several such elements that can be bound to a functioning Industry 4.0 system. These statis- tics show to what extent the companies in the given coun- try use certain elements of digitalisation and automa- tion. Compared to all the European Union (EU) member states, the Visegrád Group is situated relatively close to the bottom of the ranking. Naturally, differences accord- ing to the indicators and countries are present. Table 1 shows the relevant figures with regard to the use of some basic digital tools (having a website or high- speed broadband) as well as the share of companies ap- plying big data analytics, cloud computing, additive man- ufacturing, digital company resources and customer rela- tionship management software. As a “reference country”, Germany was included in the table because the concept of Industry 4.0 stems from this country, moreover, busi- ness contacts and production chains between the Viseg- rád Group and Germany are highly significant. (It must be noted that although the performance of Germany is good, its indicators are not always the best among the EU member states.) The table shows three phenomena. Firstly, in the se- lected areas, Slovakia and Hungary are the weak perform- ers and the Czech Republic is the best in the Visegrád Group. Secondly, Germany performs much better than the Visegrád Group in all fields. Thirdly, although the use of 3D printing and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in every country is more widespread with regard 24 ÉLTETŐ Table 1: Selected indicators of Industry 4.0 for manufac- turing sectors compared to all sectors in 2020 as a % of all companies (Source: OECD ICT Access and Usage by Businesses database) Poland Czech Republic Sector All Man. All Man. Website 71.32 77.13 83.32 85.02 Broadband 42.77 38.47 34.44 28.99 ERP* 28.54 32.48 38 48.36 CRM* 30.92 20.91 20.86 20.19 Cloud Comp. 24.42 23.06 28.89 26.52 Big Data 8.47 6.51 9.12 7.98 3D printing 3.42 7.56 6.25 12.89 ICT training 17.75 16.14 24.74 27.6 Slovakia Hungary Sector All Man. All Man. Website 75.82 75.22 63.23 72.96 Broadband 32.12 27.45 35.77 31.11 ERP* 31.12 38.11 14.33 20.41 CRM* 22.19 20.88 12.10 11.44 Cloud Comp. 25.57 24.2 25.21 23.17 Big Data 5.6 3.93 6.99 7.12 3D printing 3.89 7.99 3.4 6.78 ICT training 16.18 17.83 15.97 17.25 Germany Sector All Man. Website 88.35 92.52 Broadband 44.86 40.38 ERP* 29.26 50.33 CRM* 44.21 47.15 Cloud Comp. 33.32 30.71 Big Data 17.83 12.25 3D printing 7.35 18.02 ICT training 23.76 26.58 *Data for Businesses using Enterprise Resource Plan- ning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software are from 2019 - Man.: Manufacturing - Website: businesses with a website or home page - Broadband: Businesses with a broadband download speed of at least 100 Mbps - Cloud Computing: Businesses purchasing cloud com- puting services - Big Data: Businesses implementing big data analytics - 3D printing: Businesses using 3D printing technology - ICT training: Businesses that have provided any type of training to develop the ICT-related skills of their em- ployees within the last 12 months. to manufacturing than the average, in other areas no sig- nificant sectoral difference is found. Around 16 − 25% of companies within the Visegrád Group provided some kind of ICT training to their employees in the previous year. In the database, data are also classified according to Table 2: Selected percentage indicators of Industry 4.0 for large and medium-sized enterprises in 2020 (Source: OECD ICT Access and Usage by Businesses database) Poland Czech Republic Company size Large Medium Large Medium Website 92.49 88.64 93.47 90.52 Broadband 69.4 52.17 55.44 38.5 ERP/2019 87.27 53.87 87.02 68.05 CRM/2019 79.66 52.47 46.33 35.19 Cloud comp. 59.55 37.68 55.63 36.88 Big data 28.37 12.76 24.75 13.5 3D printing 17.39 6.28 25.83 10.35 ICT training 71.02 32.67 77.22 43.96 Slovakia Hungary Company size Large Medium Large Medium Website 88.84 79.66 86.24 78.05 Broadband 41.39 33.62 55.27 40.46 ERP/2019 72.24 47.95 62.03 31.97 CRM/2019 48.34 33.9 34.44 21.91 Cloud comp. 50.62 33.28 58.83 36.75 Big data 16.7 7.71 19.28 10.69 3D printing 17.79 5.43 14.67 4.65 ICT training 62.19 32.84 65.45 30.64 Germany Company size Large Medium Website 97.17 93.16 Broadband 73.41 54.16 ERP/2019 77.35 55.62 CRM/2019 68.15 58.28 Cloud comp. 62.05 41.18 Big data 35.81 22.23 3D printing 23.2 11.55 ICT training 73.07 43.22 the size of the company. As is presented in Table 2, it is salient that large firms are by far the best, not only com- pared to small ones but also compared to medium-sized firms. This is true of Germany as well, although differ- ences here are smaller than in the case of companies from the Visegrád Group. As for the countries from the Viseg- rád Group that have been integrated into the global sup- ply chains and host affiliates of large multinational en- terprises (MNEs) [2], these data, which is later under- lined by surveys, show that the application of Industry 4.0 is most advanced at large foreign companies. There- fore, Industry 4.0 reinforces duality among local firms and the dependency on foreign capital (Foreign Direct In- vestment (FDI) led development model) in the Visegrád Group. [1] With the reduction in the price of robots, automa- tion has gained momentum worldwide. Even though the Visegrád Group has rapidly increased its stock of in- dustrial robots, it is still overshadowed by the level of Germany. The robot densities of the given countries are Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRY 4.0 IN THE VISEGRÁD GROUP 25 Figure 1: Robot density (No. of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees) in the manufacturing sector (Source: International Federation of Robotics) shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen that this indicator is the lowest in Poland and the highest in Slovakia. According to the International Federation of Robotics, the automo- tive industry is the largest customer of robots, followed by the electrical/electronics sector, which is also true of the economies in the Visegrád Group. The automotive in- dustry plays the biggest role in the Czech Republic, Slo- vakia and Hungary in the region, moreover, robotisation is more advanced in these economies. 3. Experiences according to surveys and interviews With the spread of the Industry 4.0 concept, several surveys have been conducted among companies in the Visegrád Group concerning the introduction of these technologies as well as the opportunities, barriers and challenges they present. The main findings of these sur- veys were grouped according to certain areas of concern and the literature references are provided at the end. Introduction of Industry 4.0 The Visegrád Group is less prepared for Industry 4.0 than Western Euro- pean economies. Generally, it is an important feature of this region that the main actors of Industry 4.0 are foreign companies, mostly multinationals. Based on international indices as well as rankings of gover- nance, technology and entrepreneurial competences, the Czech Republic and Hungary performed better than the other two countries. [3, 4] The readiness of domestic firms Given that domestic companies usually do not have strategies, a fear of taking risks is present. Managerial attitude and ca- pability is often inadequate. The activity and knowl- edge of domestic firms with regard to Industry 4.0 are relatively weak, sometimes even perceiving it as a threat. However, as time passes, the domestic com- panies have become more confident and started to apply the new technologies of Industry 4.0. [5–14] Opportunities for domestic firms It is beneficial that Industry 4.0 tools detect organisational weaknesses. Opportunities stemming from Industry 4.0 are dif- ferent for SMEs and MNEs. Companies are re- thinking their pricing strategies by making it more sophisticated and room for price setting is grow- ing. [15–18] Challenges and problems Automation in many cases was induced by labour shortages and the obsolete production technologies that were available. Data storage and security is a challenge as companies do not want to share their data with business part- ners. The shortage of skilled labour is acute. Pro- duction complexity and customer requirements have increased. The compatibility of new technologies is problematic and information on them is insuffi- cient. There is a lack of financial resources for in- troducing Industry 4.0 technologies at SMEs. The corporate culture in domestic companies needs to change. [14, 19–22] Production control and organisation In the Visegrád Group, since robotization relies on the localization decisions of MNEs and is mainly based on the automotive industry, it is “robotisation-dependent.” Competition as well as the lower cost and better quality of robots encourage automation. At some companies, functional upgrading is taking place but the structure of value creation remains, that is, no specialisation occurs in terms of advanced activities and higher value added per unit. [19, 23] In a study from 2020 [24], interviews were completed with experts from the business and academic fields. In Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, 16, 13, 6, and 6 interviews were conducted in person, over the phone or online, respectively. Although this sample is rel- atively small, different institutions, companies and agen- cies were questioned so the opinions of various groups were gathered. Table 3 shows the essence of these opin- ions concerning the aforementioned topics. 4. Discussion The described surveys and interviews show that the per- ception as well as maturity of Industry 4.0 vary among firms in the Visegrád Group. Some companies are just beginning to contemplate such technologies, while others already regard them as necessary. Over the past decade, “Industry 4.0 awareness” has clearly developed. A lot depends on the managerial mindset. Contrary to foreign firms, a constant development culture in domestic firms is often lacking, therefore, risks and novelties are avoided. However, a change in generation is occurring at many firms, the retirement of old owners is bringing about new possibilities. Once a plan or strategy to implement In- dustry 4.0 has been drawn up, preparation, piloting and testing are important. Adaptation can be time-consuming, moreover, the investment can take as long as two years 49(2) pp. 23–27 (2021) 26 ÉLTETŐ Table 3: Industry 4.0 in the Visegrád Group – issues raised during the interviews (Source: own compilation from the interviews conducted as part of the study [24]) Topic Opinions from the interviews Introduction of Industry 4.0 Primarily foreign firms apply for these technologies Readiness of domestic firms Poor and lagging. The degree of innovation is low, few enterprises have a plan or strategy. Opportunities for domestic firms Mental adjustment at the executive level is necessary. A change in gen- eration may improve the situation. Challenges and problems Long-term and expensive invest- ment with delayed benefits. In- adequate education system. Skills needed; managerial capabilities are mostly weak and brain drain. Production control and organisation MNE headquarters usually retain the know-how and R&D, Industry 4.0 gives more power to MNEs, de- cisions about its usage are made lo- cally by the management of the sub- sidiaries. to be implemented, leading to results only materialising later. The results of surveys and interviews support the statistics, proving a duality among firms from the Viseg- rád Group: large, mostly foreign companies perform much better than smaller domestic firms. The interviews confirmed that business models as well as cooperation between foreign headquarters and local subsidiaries will be changed due to Industry 4.0 technologies. Although multinational enterprise (MNEs) develop R&D on their own, they partly share their results with local subsidiaries. Decisions about the usage of Industry 4.0-related tech- nologies are mostly made by the management of local subsidiaries. For the successful functioning of a produc- tion chain, the absorptive capacity and collaboration of the subsidiaries are essential. Several challenges of and barriers to Industry 4.0 for domestic SMEs were presented, which can be grouped into technological, financial and human factors. In my opinion, the problem of the human labour force is the most difficult to surmount. Data from Eurostat show that the number of graduates per thousand inhabitants in sci- ence, technology, engineering, mathematics and comput- ing is only 60% of the EU average in Hungary and Slo- vakia, 80% in the Czech Republic and 96% in Poland.† A considerable proportion of these graduates later work abroad, diminishing the skilled workforce in the home countries. Industry 4.0 is changing the characteristics of human capital, decreasing the labour intensity of certain produc- †Eurostat (educ_uoe_grad04). tion phases. Those jobs that cannot or can hardly be auto- mated require creativity, social intelligence and high cog- nitive abilities. The risk of unemployment is less with better education indicators (logic, mathematics, reading comprehension). [25] Suitable competencies in an Indus- try 4.0 world are the ability to learn, cooperation, flexi- bility, problem-solving, creativity and also non-cognitive skills. [26] These competencies – that should have al- ready been developed at primary school – facilitate re- tainment, which has become critical in this rapidly chang- ing technological environment, not to mention during a pandemic. At present, the education systems in the Viseg- rád Group do not strengthen these competencies and any reforms only bring about results in the long run. 5. Conclusion Regarding several elements of the complex technologies of Industry 4.0, the statistics show the slowness of the Visegrád Group to adopt them compared not only to Ger- many but also to other semi-periphery EU member states. However, the statistics on automation (robot density in manufacturing) demonstrate that rapid development has taken place especially in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. This contradiction can be explained by the fact that automation is driven mostly by the automotive industry, while in the other statistics the characteristics of all sectors are reflected. The statistics for an entire coun- try also cover the differences between large and small as well as foreign and domestic companies. Large and for- eign companies are much more advanced in terms of ap- plying Industry 4.0 technologies in the Visegrád Group. 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