HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY VESZPRÉM Vol. 42(2) pp. 103–107 (2014) ON THE PARAMETRIC UNCERTAINTY OF WEAKLY REVERSIBLE REALIZATIONS OF KINETIC SYSTEMS GYÖRGY LIPTÁK B1 , GÁBOR SZEDERKÉNYI1,2 AND KATALIN M. HANGOS1,3 1Process Control Research Group, MTA SZTAKI, Kende u. 13-17, Budapest, 1111, HUNGARY 2Faculty of Information Technology, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Práter u. 50/a, Budapest, 1083, HUNGARY 3Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém, 8200, HUNGARY BE-mail: The existence of weakly reversible realizations within a given convex domain is investigated. It is shown that the domain of weakly reversible realizations is convex in the parameter space. A LP-based method of testing if every element of a convex domain admits weakly reversible realizations is proposed. A linear programming method is also presented to compute a stabilizing kinetic feedback controller for polynomial systems with parametric uncertainty. The proposed methods are illustrated using simple examples. Keywords: parametric uncertainty; computational methods; optimization; kinetic systems Introduction The notion of parametric robustness is well-known and central in linear and nonlinear systems and control theory [1]. It is used for ensuring a desirable property, such as stability, in a given domain in the parameter space around a nominal realization having the desired property. The aim of the paper is to extend the notions and tools of parametric robustness for a class of positive polyno- mial systems, namely a class of kinetic systems. Only the very first steps are reported here that offer a computation- ally efficient method for checking one of the many impor- tant properties of kinetic systems, their weak reversibility. Basic Notions and Methods The basic notions and tools related to reaction kinetic sys- tems and their realizations are briefly summarized in this section. Kinetic Systems, their Dynamics and Structure Deterministic kinetic systems with mass action kinetics or simply chemical reaction networks (CRNs) form a wide class of non-negative polynomial systems, that are able to produce all the important qualitative phenomena (e.g. stable/unstable equilibria, oscillations, limit cycles, multiplicity of equilibrium points and even chaotic be- haviour) present in the dynamics of nonlinear processes [2]. The general form of dynamic models studied in this paper is the following ẋ = M ·ψ(x), (1) where x ∈ Rn is the state variable and M ∈ Rn×m. The monomial vector function ψ : Rn → Rm is defined as ψj(x) = n∏ i=1 x Yij i , j = 1, . . . ,m (2) where Y ∈ Nn×m0 . The system Eq.(1) is kinetic if and only if the matrix M has a factorization M = Y ·Ak. (3) The Kirchhoff-matrix Ak has non-positive diagonal and non-negative off-diagonal elements and zero column sums. The matrix pair (Y,Ak) is called the realization of the system Eq.(1). The chemically originated notions: The chemically originated notions of kinetic systems are as follows: the species of the system are denoted by X1, . . . ,Xn, and the concentrations of the species are the state variables of Eq.(1), i.e. xi = [Xi] ≥ 0 for i = 1, . . . ,n. The structure of kinetic systems is given in terms of its com- plexes Ci, i = 1, . . . ,m that are non-negative linear combinations of the species i.e. Ci = ∑n j=1[Y ]jiXj for i = 1, . . . ,m, and therefore Y is also called the complex composition matrix. The reaction graph: The weighted directed graph (or reaction graph) of kinetic systems is G = (V,E), where 104 V = {C1,C2, . . . ,Cm} and E denote the set of ver- tices and directed edges, respectively. The directed edge (Ci,Cj) (also denoted by Ci → Cj ) belongs to the re- action graph if and only if [Ak]j,i > 0. In this case, the weight assigned to the directed edge is Ci → Cj is [Ak]j,i. Stoichiometric subspace: Stoichiometric subspace S is given by the span of the reaction vectors S = {[Y ]·i − [Y ]·j | [Ak]ij > 0}. (4) The stoichiometric compatibility classes of a kinetic sys- tem are the affine translations of the stoichiometric sub- space: (x0 + S)∩Rn≥0. Structural Properties and Dynamical Behaviour It is possible to utilize certain structural properties of ki- netic systems that enable us to effectively analyze the sta- bility of the system. Deficiency: There are several equivalent ways to de- fine deficiency. We will use the following definition δ = dim(ker(Y )∩ Im(BG)), (5) where BG is the incidence matrix of the reaction graph. It is easy to see that deficiency is zero if ker(Y ) = {0} or equivalently rank(Y ) = m. Weak reversibility: A CRN is called weakly reversible if whenever there exists a directed path from Ci to Cj in its reaction graph, then there exists a directed path from Cj to Ci. In graph theoretic terms, this means that all components of the reaction graph are strongly connected components. Deficiency zero theorem: A weakly reversible kinetic system with zero deficiency has precisely one equilibrium point in each positive stoichiometric compatibility class that is locally asymptotically stable (conjecture: globally asymptotically stable). Computing Weakly Reversible Realizations Formulated as an Optimization Problem In this section, first a method for computing weakly re- versible realization based on Ref.[3] is briefly presented. We assume that we have a kinetic polynomial system of the form Eq.(1). We use the fact known from the literature that a real- ization of a CRN is weakly reversible if and only if there exists a vector with strictly positive elements in the kernel of Ak, i.e. there exists b ∈ Rn+ such that Ak · b = 0 [4]. Since b is unknown, too, this condition in this form is not linear. Therefore, we introduce a scaled matrix Ãk Ãk = Ak ·diag(b) (6) where diag(b) is a diagonal matrix with elements of b. It is clear from Eq.(6) that Ãk is also a Kirchhoff matrix and that 1 ∈ Rm (the m-dimensional vector containing only ones) lies in kernel of Ãk. Moreover, it is easy to see that Ãk defines a weakly reversible network if and only if Ak corresponds to a weakly reversible network. Then, the weak reversibility and the Kirchhoff property of Ãk can be expressed using the following linear constraints m∑ i=1 [ Ãk ] ij = 0, j = 1, . . . ,m m∑ i=1 [ Ãk ] ji = 0, j = 1, . . . ,m [ Ãk ] ij ≥ 0, i,j = 1, . . . ,m, i 6= j[ Ãk ] ii ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . ,m. (7) Moreover, the equation Eq.(3) is transformed by diag(b) (we can do this, because diag(b) is invertible): M ·diag(b) = Y ·Ak ·diag(b)︸ ︷︷ ︸ Ãk (8) Finally, by choosing an arbitrary linear objective function of the decision variables Ãk and b, weakly reversible real- izations of the studied kinetic system can be computed (if any exist) in a LP framework using the linear constraints Eq.(7) and (8). Weakly Reversible CRN Realizations In this section, first the convexity of the weakly reversible Kirchhoff matrix will be shown. After that the practical benefits of this property will be demonstrated in the field of system analysis and robust feedback design. Convexity of the Weak Reversibility in the Parameter Space Theorem 1. Let A(1)k and A (2) k be m × m weakly re- versible Kirchhoff matrices. Then the convex combination of the two matrices remains weakly reversible. Proof. The idea behind the proof is based on Ref.[5]. A Kirchhoff matrix is weakly reversible if and only if there is a strictly positive vector in its kernel. Therefore strictly positive vectors p1, p2 exist such as A (1) k ·p1 = 0 and A(2)k · p2 = 0. Let us define the following scaled Kirchhoff matrix: Â(1)k = A (1) k · diag(p1) and  (2) k = A (2) k · diag(p2). These scaled matrices have identical structures to the original ones. Moreover, Â(1)k ·1 (m) = 0 and Â(2)k ·1 (m) = 0 where the vector 1(m) denotes the m dimensional column vector composed of ones. For that (λ (1) k + (1−λ) (2) k ) ·1 (m) = 0. (9) for any λ ∈ [0,1]. Therefore the convex combination of the original two realizations has to be weakly re- versible. 105 (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: A weakly reversible reaction graphs of the three realizations (Y,A(1)k ), (Y,A (2) k ) and (Y,A (3) k ) Weak Reversibility of CRN Realizations with Parametric Uncertainty We assume that a CRN with parametric uncertainty is given as ẋ = M ·ψ(x), (10) where x ∈ Rn is the state variable, ψ ∈ Rn → Rm contains the monomials and the matrix M ∈ Rn×m is an element of the following set M = { l∑ i=1 αiMi | (∀i : αi ≥ 0) ∧ l∑ i=1 αi = 1 } . (11) The goal is to find a method for checking the weak re- versibility of the system Eq.(10) for all matrices M ∈M. When all vertices Mi have a weakly reversible real- ization (Y,A(i)k ) then any element of the set M has a re- alization (Y,Ak) such that Ak is the convex combination of the Kirchhoff matrices A(i)k . The obtained realization Ak will be weakly reversible due to Theorem 1. There- fore, it is enough to compute a weakly reversible realiza- tion for each matrix Mi by using the previously presented LP-based method. A Simple Example Let us consider the following polynomial system [ ẋ1 ẋ2 ] = M ·   x1x2 x1x2   , (12) where M is an arbitrary convex combination of the fol- lowing three matrices M1 = [ 0 1 −1 1 −1 0 ] , M2 = [ −1 1 0 1 −1 0 ] ,and M3 = [ 0 1 −1 0 0 0 ] . Figure 2: A weakly reversible realization of the convex combination M = 0.2M1 + 0.4M2 + 0.4M3 In order to show weak reversibility for all possible con- vex combinations, we have to find a weakly reversible re- alization for each matrix M1, M2 and M3. The resulting weakly reversible reaction graphs are depicted in Fig.1, while Fig.2 illustrates an inner point realization which is weakly reversible too. Computing Kinetic Feedback for a Polynomial System with Parametric Uncertainty Besides the possible application of the above described LP-based method for robust stability analysis, it can also be used for stabilizing feedback controller design. For this purpose, a generalized version of our preliminary work on kinetic feedback computation for polynomial systems to achieve weak reversibility and minimal defi- ciency [6] is used here. The Feedback Design Problem We assume that the equation of the open-loop polynomial system with linear constant parameter input structure is given as ẋ = M ·ψ(x) + Bu, (13) where x ∈ Rn is the state vector, u ∈ Rp is the input and ψ ∈ Rn → Rm contains the monomials of the open-loop system. The input matrix is B ∈ Rn×p, the correspond- ing complex composition matrix is Y with rank m, and M ∈ Rn×m is an element of the following set M = { l∑ i=1 αiMi | (∀i : αi ≥ 0) ∧ l∑ i=1 αi = 1 } . (14) Moreover, a positive vector x ∈ Rn>0 being the desired equilibrium point is given as a design parameter. Note that the above polynomial system is not necessarily ki- netic, i.e. not necessarily positive, and may not have a positive equilibrium point at all. 106 The aim of the feedback is to set a region in the state space R ⊆ Rn≥0 where x is (at least) a locally asymptot- ically stable equilibrium point of the closed-loop system for all M ∈M. For this purpose we are looking for a feedback in the form u = Kψ(x) (15) which transforms the open-loop system into a weakly re- versible kinetic system with zero deficiency for all M ∈ M with the given equilibrium point x. Feedback Computation Similarly to the realization computation, the matrix K will be determined by solving an LP problem. The con- vexity result shows that it is enough to compute one weakly reversible realization (Y,A(r)k ) in each vertex Mr to ensure weak reversibility for all possible closed-loop systems. All realizations will have zero deficiency, be- cause of the rank condition rank(Y ) = m [7]. First we note, that the realization (Y,A(r)k ) that corre- sponds to the closed-loop system is Mr + B ·K = Y ·A (r) k . (16) where the matrix A(r)k should be Kirchhoff m∑ i=1 [Ãk]ij = 0, j = 1, . . . ,m [Ãk]ij ≥ 0, i,j = 1, . . . ,m, i 6= j [Ãk]ii ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . ,m. (17) In order to obtain a weakly reversible closed-loop system with an equilibrium point x, the matrix A(r)k should be weakly reversible and has to have the vector ψ(x) in its right kernel, i.e. A (r) k ·ψ(x) = 0. (18) Finally, by choosing an arbitrary linear objective func- tion of the decision variables A(1)k , . . . ,A (l) k and K, the feedback gain K can be computed (if it exists) in a LP framework using the linear constraints Eqs.(16-18). With the resulting feedback gain K, the point x will be an equilibrium point of all possible closed-loop sys- tems, and x will be locally asymptotically stable in the region S = (x+S)∩Rn≥0, where S is the stoichiometric subspace of the closed-loop system. Example Let the open-loop system be given as ẋ = M   x1x2x2x3 x1   +   01 0  u (19) Figure 3: Weakly reversible realization of the closed-loop system, where M = 0.6M1 + 0.2M2 + 0.2M3 where M is an arbitrary convex combination of the fol- lowing three matrices: M1 =   −1 1 02 1 2 1 −1 0   , M2 =   0 0 01 1 3 0 0 0   ,and M3 =   0 1 −12 0 3 0 −1 1   . The desired equilibrium point x = [1 1 1]T . We are looking for a feedback law with gain K which transforms the matrices Mi into weakly reversible kinetic systems with the given equilibrium point. By solving the feedback design LP optimization prob- lem using the linear constraints Eqs.(16-18), the com- puted feedback is in the following form: u = [ 2 1 2 ] ψ(x). (20) Fig.3 depicts a weakly reversible realization of the closed-loop system. The obtained closed-loop system in an inner point of the convex set M has the following sto- ichiometric subspace: S = span     11 0  −   01 1   ,   11 0  −   10 0     . (21) Therefore, the equilibrium point x will be asymptotically stable with the region S = (x+S)∩Rn≥0. Note, that one should choose the initial value of the state variables from S. Fig.4 shows the time dependent behaviour of the closed-loop solutions started from different initial points in S. 107 Figure 4: Time-domain simulation of the closed-loop system Conclusion It is shown in this paper that the domain of weakly re- versible realizations is convex in the parameter space. This property is utilized for developing methods in sys- tem analysis and robust control design. 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