Vol. 45(1) pp. 67–71 (2017) 

DOI: 10.1515/hjic-2017-0010 




Department of Automotive Mechatronics, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, University of  
Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10., Veszprém, H-8200, HUNGARY 

The paper presents a current impulse-based excitation method for lead-acid batteries in order to define the ini-
tial electrical parameters for model-based online estimators. The presented technique has the capability to track 
the SoC (State of Charge) of a battery, however, it is not intended to be used for online SoC estimations. The 
method is based on the battery’s electrical equivalent Randles’ model [1]. Load current impulse excitation was 
applied to the battery clamps during discharge while the voltage and current was logged. Based on the Randles’ 
model, a model function and a fit function were implemented and used by exponential regression based on the 
measured data. The diffusion-related non-linear characteristic of the battery was approximated by a capacitor-
like linear voltage function for speed and simplicity. The initial capacitance of this bulk capacitor was estimated 
by linear regression on measurements recorded in the laboratory. Then, the RC parameters of the equivalent 
battery model were derived from exponential regression on transients during each current impulse cycle. The 
battery model with initial RC parameters is suitable for model-based online observers. 

Keywords: Battery, SoC, Exponential regression, Randles’ model, Load current impulse  

1. Introduction 

In our daily lives, the number of mobile devices and 
utilities that can operate without grid connections is 
increasing. Even though lithium batteries possess better 
performance properties and energy indicators, lead-acid 
batteries are still cheaper, significantly present in 
commercial applications and almost fully recyclable. 
Therefore, any developments in lead-acid battery 
systems  are still of interest. 

According to Ref. [1], several methods exist to 
estimate a battery’s State of Charge (SoC) and State of 
Health (SoH) but model-based prediction is the most 
widespread because of its reliablity and robustness. 
Model-based methods, as the name suggests, need a 
valid, properly detailed electric battery model. The 
Randles’ model as a standard battery model is very 
popular in the contexts of lead-acid and lithium-ion 
batteries because of its cost-effectiveness and the 
similarities of both types. By similarity it is meant that 
the same model can be reasonably used for the 
parameter estimation of both battery types [2-3]. 

Some additions to the standard Randles’ model can 
be made if more details in electrochemistry are required 
such as diffusion in the bulk and porosity amongst 

The model requires values of initial resistance (R) 
and capacitance (C). The more accurate the initial 


parameters of the model, the faster and more reliable the 
convergence of a model-based predictor to the actual 
state, that is, the actual SoC. 

The scope of the present work is to identify the 
initial values of RC components (parameters) by 
evaluating the voltage impulse responses excited by 
load currents in the time domain. 

2. Battery model for impulse excitation 

In this paper, a standard Randles’ model [7-12] was 
analyzed that consists of charge-transfer resistance, Rct, 
battery serial resistance, Rs, double-layer capacitance, 
Cdl, and bulk capacitance, Cb (Fig.1). The voltage 
references of the capacitors and currents in Fig.1 were 
set for discharge. 

Figure 1. Randles’ battery model applied to a 
discharging battery pack 


Cdl Cb









Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry 


2.1. State-space model and model function 

By neglecting the intermediate mathematical steps and 
rearranging the state-space model, the system can be 
written in the following form: 

















































 . (2) 

By solving the output in Eq.(2) in terms of the time 
domain using a current impulse as the system input, the 
output function in Eq.(2) can be expressed by Eq.(3) 
that can be considered as the model function of the 
system. This form of the output equation serves as a 
basis for creating a fit function on measured voltage 
data and then, derive R and C values from the fit 

For clarity, each of the terms of the output 
equation are grouped by alphabetical letters: 


)(ocv  (3) 

where tags A, B and C can be written according to 

 )(ctdl 0 tiRUA   (4) 




B 0b


  (5) 

 )()( cts tiRRD   (6) 

where Uocv is the battery’s open-circuit voltage,   is the 
system’s time constant, t is the measurement time, and 
i(t) is the impulse load current. Since the proposed 
method is based on load and relaxation cycles that 
follow each other during the analysis, Ub0 represents the 
initial voltage of the bulk capacitor while Udl0 is the 
initial voltage of the double-layer capacitor at the 
beginning of each impulse cycle. 

It should be noted that changes in current during 
each impulse cycle can be neglected as a result of 
working in the short time-constant region of the 
discharge curve, thus the current can be considered as a 

The battery model shown in Fig.1 is prepared for 
short-time transient analysis. Even though the model 
can be used and remains valid for modelling discharge 
processes that last for several hours, that is, for long-
time transients, the accuracy of the model becomes poor 
under such circumstances. The reason for this is that the 
battery model presented excludes the diffusion effect 
that can even be observed by the initial valley-like 
voltage drop and later as a circle-like voltage response 
on the long-time discharge voltage curve (Fig.2). Such 
an exclusion was made because the scope of the current 

work is to focus on short-time voltage responses to 
avoid excessive measurement time intervals and 
computational resources. Consequently, the battery 
model was optimized for fast SoC detection by short-
time battery checks.  

2.2. Determining the initial capacity of Cb 

In Eq.(1), the Ub voltage represents the equilibrium 
voltage of the battery, therefore, it is related to the 
battery’s main charge and as a result its SoC. If the 
battery is excited by small C/10 - C/30 currents, Ub and 
Uocv can be considered equal. Instead of Ub, Uocv can be 
measured at the battery terminals. Therefore, the 
relationship between Uocv and SoC is important and can 
be determined from laboratory OCV measurements.  

A small discharge current was applied to the 
battery terminals under controlled conditions until the 
battery’s OCV reached the factory’s minimum voltage 
threshold from a fully charged state. The voltage, 
current and temperature were logged while the SoC 
could be calculated by the simple Coulomb-counting 
method during the process and saved in a lookup table. 
Then, the lookup table could be used to determine a 
discrete relationship betwen Uocv and SoC in itself. The 
Uocv - SoC characterisation method can be extended by 
the regression on lookup data in order to create a 
continous Uocv - SoC relationship. A linear function, 
such as a capacitor-like regression of Uocv - SoC 
characteristics can be legitimate if the battery’s 
excitation current is small, i.e. between C/10 and C/15 
and is not discharged under 20-25% of SoC. This could 
be the case when low-power devices are considered as 

In the case of plain discharge, the SoC changes can 
be basically tracked by the basis of the B term like in 
Eq.(5) as conducted in the Coulomb-counting method 
[1]. In the presented battery model, the B term provides 
information on the long-term state of the battery and 
requires initial parameters such as Cb and Ub0. The 
former represents the battery’s initial capacity, the latter 
is related to the battery’s initial voltage at the beginning 
of each impulse cycle. Right before the first current 
impulse, Ub0 is equal to the battery’s equilibrium 
voltage since a relaxation time of between 30 minutes 
and one hour is sufficient for chemical processes to 


Figure 2. Discharge characteristics of a 15Ah AGM 
battery excited by different load currents 



45(1) pp. 67–71 (2017) 


The initial value of Cb is crucial because it has a 
strong influence on both the initial voltage drop and the 
gradient of the long-time discharge voltage curve. In the 
proposed model, a simplified, that is, capacitor-like 
formula was used for initial battery capacity estimation 
so it approximates the battery non-linear discharge 
characteristic linearly. The introduction of a regression 
error of a few percent, however, can lead to an easier 
and faster determination of the initial capacity Cb. 

The calculation of the battery’s initial capacity was 
realized according to [4]. The fully charged battery at 
room temperature needed to be slowly discharged by a 
C/15 current until its OCV voltage reached the factory 
recommended minimum voltage threshold. Once the 
discharge had finished, 2 hours of relaxation had to be 
observed in order to return the battery back to its almost 
equilibrium state. Then, a C/15 slow charge had to 
proceed until the battery’s OCV voltage reached the 
factory recommended maximum voltage threshold. In 
both cases, the battery’s OCV voltage, current and 
temperature were recorded (Fig.3/a). 

After averaging the discharge and charge-voltage 
measurements, linear regression was conducted on it 
according to 



)( UtQ

tU ocv   (7) 

where Qb(t) can be estimated by Qb(t) = i0 t. 
Eq.(7) can be identified by the standard form of 

the linear curve y=mx+b. In Eq.(7), Cb is the battery’s 
initial capacity, Qb(t) is the actual charge of the battery 
and Ub0 is the actual voltage of Cb at the beginning of 
the impulses. By rearranging Eq.(7), Cb can be 
determined. Even though charge/discharge currents and 
SoC levels are constrained, the ambient temperature 
should be controlled as well to provide a constant 
temperature during the test periods. The value of Cb was 
calculated as 37766 F at 22°C using C/15 load currents. 

3. Exponential regression to derive RC 
model parameters 

The evaluation of measurement data and the 
comparision of measurements and simulations were 
realized using Matlab. The RC parameters in the model 
shown in Fig.1 and later in an OrCAD circuit were 
derived by an exponential regression using an 
appropriate fit function on the measured voltage data. 
The regression error between the measured and 
modelled characteristics can be minimized if the fit 
function follows the form of the model function, that is, 
both of them implement similar dynamics and the 
physical background of the inspected system. Therefore, 
the fit function can be written as  


ˆˆ)( ˆocv 


in a form that is similar to Eq.(3). The hat sign means 
that the form of Eq.(8) is similar to Eq.(3), but uses a 
different reference system. 

When using Eq.(8) attention must be paid to the 
determination of RC parameters. Eq.(8) gives voltage 
references with respect to the ground, that is the x-axis, 
while Eq.(3) yields the references Udl and Us which 
correspond to Ub. References used by Eqs.(3) and (8) 
must be matched to derive correct RC parameters 

It can be seen that Eq.(8) neglects the linear term 
from Eq.(3). Since the effect of continuous slow 
discharge of the battery, which is linked to the Cb bulk 
capacitance in the battery model, possesses a time-
constant several orders of magnitude higher than the 
Cdl-Rct subsystem, it cannot be observed during the short 
impulse cycles. However, it should be considered 
during the whole discharge process so Eqs.(3) and (8) 
need to be used together to estimate the SoC during 
long-term discharge processes. 

According to Refs. [5-6], it is practical to evaluate 
only the discharge component of the voltage responses 
during every load cycle. This method is also supported 
by the fact that the dynamic behaviour of the battery for 
both load and relaxation states can be described by the 
same battery model since both responses originate from 
the same battery structure. Because load curves are only 
needed, the measured voltage should be separated from 
global data and then, concatenated right after each other. 
Since voltage data has been prepared in this way, 




Figure 3. (a) Linear regression on the average of C/15 
discharge and charge voltage data to derive initial 
value of Cb. Initial cut-off has been filtered.  
(b) References of model function and fit function  



Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry 


regression can be made during every discharge impulse 
cycle simultaneously. 

The relaxation time during each impulse was set to 
provide enough time for the battery’s double-layer 
capacitance to almost fully discharge. It is practical 
because it simplifies Eq.(8) by reducing the effect of the 
Udl0 term in Eq.(4). 

The load time was set taking into consideration the 
time constant of the Cdl - Rct subsystem. According to 
experiments, it is within the range of 1 - 4s. The 

calculation method of the term B̂  in (8) is based on the 
calculation of the limit of the exponential term in 
Eq.(8). Practical experiments have proven that 
maintaining a load cycle of 4  in length can speed up 
and correct the regression. 

The RC values change during discharge. Due to 
offline voltage response evaluation, it is not possible to 
optimise these parameters according to load conditions. 
Therefore, the average RC values can be used for the 
whole period of discharge though this introduces a 
slight misalignment between the measured and 
modelled voltage characteristics. 

By applying Eq.(8) on the prepared measurement 
data, the average RC parameters shown in Table 1 were 

4. Model implementation and validation of 
the impulse excitation method in OrCAD 

The aim of the OrCAD implementation was to validate 
the proposed battery model and the applicability of the 
impulse excitation method for RC parameter 
determination. The equivalent circuit model shown in 
Fig.1 was transformed into an electric circuit. The 
duration of the simulation was set to 1 hour and the time 
step was equal to the sample time of the real 
measurement, namely 100 ms. 

4.1. Initialization of the OrCAD simulator and 
RC elements 

The initial voltages of the capacitors and the proper 
directions of OrCAD elements should be set carefully. 
OrCAD uses a reference system of its own  that 
influences the current references of each component. 
This should be considered while placing an element in 
the circuit editor and when comparing the electric 
circuit references to the Randles’ model.  

The initial voltages of the capacitors, Udl and Ub, 
were set to describe the battery’s discharge process and 

thus also follow the voltage references of the Randles’ 
model, shown in Fig.1. The values of initial capacitor 
voltages were derived from the chemical background 
and assumptions. Cdl can be considered fully discharged 
through Rct after the battery had relaxed (no load) for 2 
hours so its initial voltage, Udl, was set to 0. The bulk 
capacitance of the battery, Cb, reflects the lengthy time 
constant as well as diffusion-related processes and is 
related to the main charge storage capability of the  
battery. If the relaxation time is sufficiently long, the 
battery reaches an equilibrium state and its OCV 
becomes equal to Ub. An optimal relaxation time that is 
sufficiently long was derived from preceding 
measurements of discharge/charge cycles by applying 
different load currents and relaxation times. Based on 
experiments, a relaxation time of 2 hours was applied 
and as a result the OCV could be considered equal to 
Ub. Using these assumptions, the initial voltage, Ub, was 
set to 12.7 V and Udl to 0 V. 

The introduction of the load current as an impulse 
excitation can be achieved through a switched power 
resistor element which is setup in a similar way to the 
real arrangement (Fig.3/b). The switching routine of the 
OrCAD element was tuned in accordance with real 
load-relaxation cycles that were applied to the real 
testbench. The resistor sets the load current that 
discharges the battery. 

During this work, a load current of 3A was used 
with a load of 5s and relaxation cycles that lasted 10s. 
All of the initial values are summarized in Table 2. 

4.2. Comparing the simulation with the battery 

In Fig.4/a, the results of measured and simulated 
voltage responses are shown. The validity of the model 
was analyzed by the comparison of measured and 
simulated voltages. According to the setup, the 
comparison is performed within a time frame of 5,600 s. 
The blue curve that represents the simulated data has a 
longer tail than the red one because filtering needed to 
be performed on the measured data to cut the 
initialization process at the beginning of the testbench. 

The zoomed-in segment shows the fitness of the 
simulated voltage response. The difference between the 
curves is relatively small, around 0.05 V to be precise. 
This error occurred because average RC values were 
used in the model instead of online tuned ones. 

Table 2. Initial values of simulation parameters that 
need to be set before a run 


Simulation parameter Initial value 

Simulation step time 100 ms 

Simulation duration 1 hour 

Udl0 0 V 

Ub0 12.7 V 

Relaxation time / cycles 10 s 

Load time / cycles 5 s 

Load current 3 A (with a 4 Ohm load) 


Table 1. Derived RC values of the battery model from 


Derived parameter name Average value 

Rct 0.032 Ohm 

Cdl 92 F 

Rs 0.056 Ohm 

SoC after discharge 87.9 % 



45(1) pp. 67–71 (2017) 


5. Conclusions 

This work shows a current impulse-based excitation 
method that can be used to either track SoC changes 
during moderate discharge or find proper RC model 
values for model-based algorithms. The method is 
founded on an equivalent model-based approach that 
can implement the dynamic behaviour of a battery 
without using excessive chemical equations. 

The technique uses offline analysis of a battery, 
therefore, it is not able to reasonably track SoC changes 
in real-time. This technique is not intended to estimate 
the SoC of batteries by itself, indeed, it estimates good 
set points for online estimators such as Kalman filters or 
other model-based observers.  

The advantages of the presented approach are its 
rapid nature and simplicity while minimising the error 
of SoC estimation. The disadvantages of this method are 
its offline nature and related consequences. 

This technique could potentially be applied to 
embedded systems and commercially. 

6. Acknowledgement 

This research was supported by the EFOP-3.6.1-16-
2016-00015 project. The project was supported by the 
Hungarian Government and co-financed by the 
European Social Fund. The project was supported by 
the European Union and co-financed by the European 
Social Fund (EFOP- 3.6.2-16-2017-00002). 


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Figure 4. (a) Validation of modelled (OrCAD) and 
measured voltage data in Matlab environment 
(b) Battery testbench used during the analyzis