HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY Vol. 45(2) pp. 23–27 (2017) DOI: 10.1515/hjic-2017-0016 THE EFFECT OF ADVANCED OXIDATION PRE-TREATMENT ON THE MEMBRANE FILTRATION PARAMETERS OF DAIRY WASTEWATER MIHÁLY ZAKAR, 1,2 ILDIKÓ KOVÁCS, 1 PÉTER MUHI, 1 ERIKA HANCZNÉ LAKATOS, 2 GÁBOR KESZTHELYI-SZABÓ, 1 ZSUZSANNA LÁSZLÓ 1, * 1 Institute of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Szeged, Moszkvai krt. 9, Szeged, 6724, HUNGARY 2 Institute of Food Sciences, Széchenyi István University, Lucsony u. 15-17, Mosonmagyaróvár, 9200, HUNGARY The dairy industry generates wastewater characterised by high levels of biological and chemical oxygen de- mands representative of their high degree of organic content; mainly carbohydrates, proteins and fats that origi- nate from milk. Several investigations have been conducted into the reuse of dairy wastewater, e.g. membrane processes are a promising method to treat such wastewater. Earlier works have proven that with membrane fil- tration an appropriate degree of retention can be achieved and the permeate can be reused. However, mem- brane fouling is a limiting factor in these processes. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are widely used in the fields of water and wastewater treatments and are known for their capability to mineralise a wide range of organic compounds. AOPs also exhibit some other effects on the filtration process, e.g. the microflocculation ef- fect of ozone may play a significant role in increasing the elimination efficiency and causing a decreased level of irreversible fouling. By comparing ozone and Fenton pre-treatment (FPT) processes it can be shown that the fouling propensity of pre-treated pollutants does not depend on the pre-treatment method, while FPT was prov- en to be more efficient in improving the level of flux. Keywords: ultrafiltration, ozone pre-treatment, Fenton-reaction, fouling resistances, dairy wastewater 1. Introduction The dairy industry is considered to be the largest source of food-processing wastewater in many countries. Dairy wastewater exhibits high degrees of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD); contains high levels of dissolved or suspended solids including fats, oils and grease; as well as nutrients such as ammonium ions or phosphates. Therefore, proper attention must be paid to them before disposal [1]. There are several research projects that aim to identify possibilities of reusing or recycling dairy wastewater [2- 9]. Membrane treatment of dairy wastewater with the aim of water reuse could simultaneously lower the total water consumption and effluent production of dairy plants, as the purified water produced could be reused in a dairy plant to heat or cool water. Besides additional advantages, e.g. a high degree of separation efficiency in the absence of chemical changes and low levels of energy intensity, membrane filtration also has draw- backs, namely compounds in dairy wastewater that con- tain protein were found to be significant foulants in terms of existing membrane materials [10-12]. *Correspondence: The combination of membrane separation and pre- treatment with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs: using ozone, hydrogen peroxide, UV light, or a combi- nation of these) opens up new opportunities, since the ozone and the resulting oxidizing radicals (mainly hy- droxyl radicals) efficiently change the characteristics of the colloidal particles or oxidizing compounds, which cause membrane fouling [13]. Earlier studies have shown that the microflocculation effect of ozone may play a significant role in increasing the elimination effi- ciency and may decrease the extent of membrane foul- ing and increase the degree of gel formation. In addi- tion, AOPs can be used as a pre-treatment stage before a biological step in order to increase the biodegradability of the recalcitrant compounds and thus lower the toxici- ty of the wastewaters [13-14]. According to economic evaluation studies, the Fenton process is more economical than ozone pre- treatment [15]. However, there is little data concerning its effect on membrane filtration parameters. The aim of the present work was to investigate and compare the effect of ozone pre-treatment and the Fenton’s reaction on ultrafiltration parameters, fouling mechanisms and the pollutant removal efficiency on a model dairy wastewater. ZAKAR, KOVÁCS, MUHI, LAKATOS, KESZTHELYI-SZABÓ, AND LÁSZLÓ Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry 24 2. Experimental 2.1. Samples and Measurements Model solutions were prepared from milk powder (Milk Quick, Instantpack Kft., Hungary) composed of 0.3% (g/g) concentrations, 32% (g/g) proteins, 5% (g/g) fat and 50% (g/g) lactose. Ozone was produced from oxy- gen (Linde, 3.0) with a flow-type ozone generator (Ozomatic Modular 4, Wedeco Ltd., Germany). The ozone-containing gas was bubbled continuously through a batch reactor during the treatment. The volume of the treated water was 0.45 dm 3 . The durations of the treat- ment were 5, 10 and 20 mins; and the flow rate was 1 dm 3 min –1 . The ozone concentrations of the bubbling gas before and after it was passed through the batch reactor were measured with a ultraviolet–visible (UV- VIS) spectrophotometer (Nanocolor NUV 0113) at a wavelength of 254 nm (Fig.1). The absorbed ozone concentrations were 6.8·10 –4 M, 1.43·10 –3 M and 2.67·10 –3 M, respectively. Fenton’s reaction was conducted in a batch stirred ultrafiltration cell with 1.5 mmol dm -3 FeSO4×7H2O (purity 99%, Spektrum-3D, EU) adjusted to pH 3 with H2SO4 (purity 96%, Farmitalia Carlo Erba SPA, Italy), 0.3 wt.% milk powder solution and H2O2 solution (30%, purity 99%, Spektrum-3D Kft.), the [H2O2]:[Fe] ratio was 5:1 (Fenton (5:1)) or 50:1 (Fenton (50:1)). The ozone or Fenton pre-treated samples were used as a feed in ultrafiltration (UF) experiments. The UF experiments were carried out in a batch stirred ultrafiltration cell (Millipore, Serial N°94, USA) with a capacity of 50 cm 3 , and the filtrations were per- formed at transmembrane pressures of 0.1 (only in the case of Fenton (50:1)) or 0.3 MPa and the feed solutions were stirred at 350 rpm. For filtration experiments, flat sheet polyethersulfone (PES) membranes (PES-10 se- ries, New Logic Research Inc., USA) and a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 10 kDa were used with an effective membrane surface area of 1.73 dm 2 . The initial feed volume was 50 cm 3 , the ultrafiltration experiments were conducted until 40 cm 3 of the total sample had been filtered, when the volume reduction ratio (VRR) was equal to 5. Determination of the COD was based on the standard method involving the oxidation of potassium dichromate; for the analysis, standard test tubes (Lov- ibond Tintometer Ltd.) were used. The digestions were conducted in a COD digester (Lovibond ET108 ther- moreactor); and the COD values were measured with a COD photometer (Lovibond PCCheckit). For the de- termination of the residual amount of hydrogen perox- ide, COD measurements were performed before and after the addition of the enzyme catalase. 2.2. Theoretical Methodologies In order to investigate mechanisms of membrane foul- ing, filtration resistances were calculated according to the Resistance-In-Series Model, Eqs.(1-4). The membrane resistance ( MR , m -1 ) was calculat- ed as 1 M w w [m ] p R J   (1) where p is the difference in pressure either side of the membrane (in MPa), wJ is the water flux of the clean membrane, and w is the viscosity of water (in Pa·s). The total resistance ( TR , in m –1 ), can be evaluated from the steady-state flux by using the Resistance-In- Series Model: revT M irrevR R R R   (2) where irrevR is the irreversible resistance (mainly caused by the fouled pores) and revR is the reversible re- sistance. The irreversible resistance was determined by measuring the water flux through the membrane after filtration, rinsing it with deionized water to remove any particles of the residue layer from the surface, and sub- tracting the resistance of the clean membrane: Mi r r e v WW A p R R J     (3) where WAJ is the water flux after concentration tests. The reversible resistance of the layer deposited on the membrane surface was calculated as: r e v Mi r r e v W WC p R R R J      (4) where CJ is the constant flux at the end of the concen- tration test and WW is the viscosity of the wastewater viscosity [16]. Mathematical modelling of the fouling mechanism was studied based on the Hermia’s model [17]. The Hermia’s model describes the mechanism of membrane fouling based on blocking filtration laws, consisting of complete pore blocking, standard pore blocking and intermediate pore blocking, in addition to cake filtration (Table 1) to illustrate the different fouling mechanisms. Figure 1. Experimental set-up of ozonation. EFFECT OF ADVANCED OXIDATION PRE-TREATMENT 45(2) pp. 23–27 (2017) 25 The Hermia’s model was then linearized for each model using a fitting equation in terms of the permeate flux versus time as presented in Table 1. In terms of the evaluation of the results these models were fitted to ex- perimental data. In Table 1, J is the flux, J0 is the initial flux, the various K’s are the fouling coefficients, and A is a constant. To compare the performance of different AOPs, the oxygen-equivalent chemical-oxidation capacity (OCC, kg O2 m -3 ) was used to quantify the oxidants used in the ozone treatment and Fenton’s reaction, and was determined based on stoichiometric calculations [14]: OCC =1.000[O3] = 0.471[H2O2] (5) where [O3] is the required ozone concentration (kg O3 m -3 ), and [H2O2] is the required hydrogen peroxide con- centration (kg H2O2 m -3 ). 3. Results and Analysis 3.1. Experiments The effect of pre-oxidation on filtration parameters was investigated by fitting equations in Table 1 to measured data. Based on the value of the coefficient of determina- tion, the cake layer filtration yielded the best correla- tion. In order to compare the different pre-oxidation methods, normalised values of the initial flux (J0, L m -2 h -1 bar -1 ) and fouling coefficients (k) were calculated and compared (Figs.2 and 3). It was found that the ef- fect of ozone treatment and Fenton-treatment is differ- ent in the case of initial normalised flux. Not only the Fenton pre-treatment but the addition of reagents in the absence of hydrogen peroxide exhibited coagulation- flocculation effects that resulted in an enhanced initial flux. In the case of the Fenton’s reaction this effect is independent of the [H2O2]:[Fe] ratio. The fouling coefficient also changes by the addi- tion of oxidants, (Fig.3) but in this case, the tendency is more likely to depend on the OCC than on the applied AOP method. At lower oxidation capacities the fouling coefficient decreases resulting in lower degrees of foul- ing than in non-treated solutions, however, at higher oxidation grades, the fouling coefficient increases. To obtain more information concerning the fouling mechanisms, the filtration resistances of ozone-treated and Fenton (5:1) pre-treated solutions were calculated and compared (Fig.4). It was found that - in accordance with the values of the fouling coefficient - filtration re- sistances decrease as the duration of oxidation pre- treatment increases. In particular, mainly pre-treatments of short durations decreased the irreversible fouling resistance and increased the reversible fouling re- sistance. 4. Discussion As an effect of the pre-oxidation of model dairy wastewater two typical pathways were observed that influence membrane filtration parameters: the i) micro- Figure 2. Normalised initial flux values as a function of OCC. 0 5 10 15 20 25 0,0000 0,0050 0,0100 0,0150 J 0 (L / m 2 h b a r ) OCC (kg O2/m 3) Fenton (50:1) Fenton (5:1) ozone untreated Figure 3. Fouling coefficient as a function of OCC. 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004 0,005 0,006 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 k OCC (kg O2/m 3) Fenton (50:1) Fenton (5:1) ozone untreated Figure 4. Filtration resistances of untreated, Fenton (5:1) and ozone pre-treated solutions. 0,00E+00 1,00E+13 2,00E+13 3,00E+13 4,00E+13 5,00E+13 6,00E+13 7,00E+13 F il tr a ti o n r e s is ta n c e s ( 1 / m ) RM R(irrev) R(rev) RT Table 1. Hermia’s filtration laws. Fouling mecha- nism Filtration law Constant-pressure filtration J0 A = cont. Complete pore blocking J = J0 e -kt ln J = ln J0 - kt Gradual pore blocking (stand- ard pore block- ing) J = J0·(1 + ½ Ks (A·J0 ) ½·t)-2 1/J0.5 =1/J0 0.5+ks·t ks = 0.5 Ks A 0.5 Intermediate filtration J = J0 · (1 + Ki·A·J0 ·t) -1 1/J = 1/J0 + ki·t ki = Ki A Cake filtration J = J0 · (1 + 2Kc(A·J0) 2·t)-0.5 1/J2 = 1/J0 2 + kc·t kc = 2Kc A 2 ZAKAR, KOVÁCS, MUHI, LAKATOS, KESZTHELYI-SZABÓ, AND LÁSZLÓ Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry 26 flocculation effect produces associated colloidal parti- cles, and ii) degradation of organic matter (Fig.5). The former resulted in decreased fouling of membrane pores as shown by the decreased fouling coefficient and irre- versible resistance. This can be observed only during short-term ozone or Fenton treatments (OCC < 0.05 kg O2 m -3 ). The latter point may increase the degree of pore fouling [13, 18] due to the formation of small degrada- tion by-products, which can enter membrane pores as the increased values of irreversible resistance also prove. By comparing the ozone and Fenton pre- treatment processes with similar OCCs, it can be con- cluded that the Fenton pre-treatment may be more effec- tive in terms of enhancing the flux, probably due to the coagulation-flocculation effect of the ferrous salts them- selves. 5. Conclusion The comparison of ozone and Fenton processes as pre- treatments before ultrafiltration of a model sample of dairy wastewater showed that such pre-treatments may improve the filtration parameters in terms of flux or fouling mitigation. By examining the effect of the oxi- dation capacities of ozone and Fenton pre-treatment processes, it was found that the fouling propensity of pollutants does not depend on the pre-treatment method. However, it depends on the OCC of the pre-treatment method. Although the method of pre-treatment affects the flux, the Fenton pre-treatment proved to be more efficient in terms of enhancing the value of the flux. SYMBOLS RM membrane resistance (m –1 ) Rrev reversible resistance (m –1 ) Rirrev irreversible resistance (m –1 ) p pressure difference between the two sides of the membrane (MPa) J flux (1/s) JW water flux (1/s) JC constant flux at the end of the concentration (1/s) J0 initial flux (1/s) ηW water viscosity (Pa·s) k fouling coefficient OCC oxygen-equivalent chemical-oxidation capacity (kg O2·m –3 ) Acknowledgement This research was supported by the János Bolyai Re- search Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sci- ences. The authors are also grateful for the financial support of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH K112096). REFERENCES [1] Farizoglu, B.; Uzuner, S.: The investigation of dairy industry wastewater treatment in a biological high performance membrane system, Biochem. Eng. 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