HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY Vol. 47(1) pp. 33–39 (2019) DOI: 10.33927/hjic-2019-06 AUTOMATED LABELING PROCESS FOR UNKNOWN IMAGES IN AN OPEN-WORLD SCENARIO DÁVID PAPP *1 AND GÁBOR SZŰCS1 1Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2., H-1117 Budapest, HUNGARY Most of the recognition systems presume a controlled, well-defined research setting, where all possible classes that can appear during a test are known a priori. This environment is referred to as the “closed-world” model, while the “open-world” model implies that unknown classes can be incorporated into a recognition algorithm whilst being predicted. Therefore, recognition systems that operate in the real world have to deal with these unknown categories. Our objective was not only to detect data that originate from categories unseen during training, but to identify similarities between pieces of unknown data and then form new classes by automatically labeling them. Our Double Probability Model was extended by an image clustering algorithm, in which Kernel K-means was used. A new procedure, namely the Cluster Classification algorithm for the detection of unknowns and automated labeling, is proposed. These approaches facilitate the transition from open- set recognition to an open-world problem. The Fisher Vector (FV) was used for the mathematical representation of the images and then a Support Vector Machine introduced as a classifier. The measurement of similarity was based on the FV representations. Experiments were conducted on the Caltech101 and Caltech256 datasets of images and the Rand Index was evaluated over the unknown data. The results showed that our proposed Cluster Classification algorithm was able to yield almost the same Rand Index, even though the number of unknown categories increased. Keywords: open-world problem, cluster classification, image classification, open-set recognition, image clustering 1. INTRODUCTION In scenarios in the real world, the size of the avail- able dataset continues to increase, therefore, any ma- chine learning algorithm that operates in such an envi- ronment has to be capable of preventing growth. This is especially true in the case of image classification, be- cause the growing dataset of tests can pose many diffi- culties, e.g. it is possible that some of the test images originate from categories that are unseen during train- ing. Recognition systems should detect these unknown images and handle them in an appropriate way. In the rest of the paper the terms "unknown class or category" rep- resent classes or categories that are unseen during train- ing, and “unknown image” denotes images that originate from unknown classes or categories. One way of han- dling detected unknown images is to measure their sim- ilarities and identify new categories. Subsequently, these new categories can be added to the set of known classes. Based on this, three modules are required to solve such problems in the real world, namely a recognition system equipped with an unknown detector, a labeling process and an incremental learning process. *Correspondence: Let us assume that there are K known classes (C1, C2, . . . CK ) and U unknown classes in the test set at any given moment, where SK and SU denote the sets of known and unknown classes, respectively. Few distin- guishable cases depend on the value of U: 1. U = 0, 2. U = 1, 3. U > 1. Furthermore, a few more cases depend on the amount and type of available information concerning SU : (A) Training images, (B) Set of attributes, (C) Number of unknown categories (U), (D) Nothing. The cases that include 1 or A (e.g. 1A, 2A, 1B, 1C) produce the general multiclass classification because all categories are known a priori and positive-negative sam- ples are available for each category during training. When 34 PAPP AND SZŰCS U = 1, the task is only to identify the unknown images because they originate from the same category, therefore, the similarity measurement is unnecessary. In this paper, the situation when U > 1 is considered. As has been mentioned, 3A represents the traditional multiclass classification. 3B+3C is referred to as trans- fer learning or zero-shot learning [1], whereas according to the literature the case of 3C+3D is known as open set recognition [2, 3] or the open-world problem [4]. The for- mer refers to the detection of images that originate from unknown classes, and the latter includes the detection of unknown images and a labeling process to identify new classes, followed by the incremental learning of these new categories. Our goal was to tackle the open-world problem as well as develop an algorithm that is able to detect the unknown images and then introduce new classes by auto- matically labeling the unknown data using unsupervised learning. Previously an algorithm referred to as the Dou- ble Probability Model (DPM) [5] was proposed, which is suitable as an unknown detector in an open-set environ- ment. There are several works that use a variant of Support Vector Machine (SVM) to solve the unknown detection problem, such as the Support Vector Data Description [6], One-class SVM [7, 8], Reject Option SVM (RO-SVM) [9] and the novel Weibull-calibrated SVM (W-SVM) [3]. The latter one was developed to operate under the Com- pact Abating Probability model, where the probability of class membership decreases (abates) as points move from known data towards unknown space. Scheirer et al. claim that W-SVM outperforms their previous solu- tions, namely the 1-vs-Set Machine Training algorithm [2] and the Pi-SVM [10]. On the other hand, it was shown that DPM outperforms W-SVM [5], therefore, in this pa- per the DPM was used for unknown detection. Bendale and Boult defined open world recognition and presented the Nearest Non-Outlier algorithm in [4], which adds object categories incrementally while detecting outliers and managing open space risk. They defined open world recognition in the form of three sequential steps: a multi- class open set recognition function with a novelty detec- tor, a labeling process and an incremental learning algo- rithm. Although all of these steps should be automated, they presumed labels were obtained by human labeling. The main objective of our work and this paper is to pro- pose an automated labeling process, the so-called Cluster Classification (CC). In the next section, the DPM and image clustering methods are reviewed, subsequently, a baseline method is suggested for an open-world problem and finally our proposed algorithm, the CC, is presented. The third sec- tion contains experimental results and in the last section our conclusion is discussed. 2. Proposed open-world recognition sys- tem 2.1 Double Probability Model The DPM [5] is based on the likelihood of a classifier and can be used with any kind of classifier that provides class membership probabilities for the images. As a re- sult, after training the classifier, it is capable of mak- ing predictions with reliability values (scores) for each class, i.e. decision vectors. The range of the scores de- pends on the type of classifier (sometimes it is from 0 to 1 but it can be over any range. Only one condition is required, namely the larger score for class Ci should rep- resent the higher likelihood of being a member of class Ci. In the training set or a validation set, the instances with corresponding scores are investigated in each class. The ground truth is known for this set, so the positive elements can be selected from each class. In order to cal- culate the conditional probability that a new instance be- longs to class Ci according to its score, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of positive scores should be determined, therefore, a reverse CDF of negative scores was created: FPi(x) = p (Ci|score < x) , (1) FNi(x) = p (¬Ci|score > x) , (2) where Pi and Ni denote the positive and negative ele- ments, respectively. Note that the sum of these probabili- ties is not always equal to 1 (this is not a requirement). A DPM was constructed based on the CDF and re- verse CDF functions. During testing, the focus is on the likelihood of the occurrence of an unknown class com- pared with any of the known classes. Before the compari- son, the probabilities of the known classes should be cal- culated. Scores (scorei for class Ci) for a new instance are obtained as outputs from the original classifier, and based on them the probability of class Ci occurring can be expressed as described in PCi = FPi (scorei) K∏ j=1,j 6=i FNj (scorej). (3) An expression for the probability of class CK+1 is PCK+1 = K∏ j=1 FNj (scorej). (4) If the probability of being a member of class CK+1 is higher than for any other (known) class, then the new in- stance will be a member of the unknown class. Otherwise the prediction is based on the original classifier, i.e. the class with the largest score will be selected. The decision with regard to the prediction of test instance j is formal- ized as dj = { CK+1 | PCK+1 > maxi {PCi} argmaxj {scorej} | otherwise (5) Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry AUTOMATED LABELING PROCESS FOR UNKNOWN IMAGES 35 At this point the algorithm is able to make a decision about test data if it originates from an unknown cate- gory. Also, should it originate from a known category, then based on the output of the classifier its known cate- gory can be determined. 2.2 Unknown image clustering The image representations were created according to the Bag-of-Words [11, 12] model. Based on their visual con- tent, each image was represented by a single high di- mensional vector. In order to create these high-level de- scriptors, the local attributes of the images were inves- tigated by calculating the low-level Scale Invariant Fea- ture Transform (SIFT) [13] descriptor. Next, the Gaus- sian Mixture Model (GMM) [14–16] was used to define the visual code words and the Fisher Vectors [17, 18] to encode the low-level descriptors into high-level descrip- tors based on the visual code words. The Fisher Vectors were the final representations (image descriptors) of the images and were used as the input data for the clustering algorithm. After the final clusters of Fisher Vectors were formed, the image clusters could be produced by substi- tuting the Fisher Vectors for the corresponding images. The basis of our clustering approach is the well- known K-means clustering algorithm [19] which consists of two important inputs, namely the initial cluster centers and the number of clusters. The K-means clustering al- gorithm aims to minimize the sum of squared distances from all points to their cluster centers: E = min ( k∑ l=1 ∑ xi∈Cl ‖xi −zl‖ 2 ) , (6) where k denotes the number of clusters, xi represents a member of cluster Cl and zl stands for the center of it. However, the Fisher Vector consists of 65,791 dimen- sions, and the basic K-means clustering algorithm per- forms less efficiently when the clusters are non-linearly separable or the data contains arbitrarily shaped clus- ters of different densities. Therefore, an upgraded ver- sion of the K-means clustering algorithm was applied in the recognition system referred to as Kernel K-means [20–22]. The objective function of Kernel K-means is still to minimize the sum of squared distances, but it uses the kernel trick to transform the data points into infinite fea- ture space xi → ϑ (xi), as can be seen in E = min   k∑ l=1 ∑ xi∈Cl ∥∥∥∥∥∥∥ϑ (xi)− ∑ xj∈Cl ϑ (xj) Nl ∥∥∥∥∥∥∥ 2 , (7) where Nl denotes the number of images in cluster Cl. The trick here is that explicit calculations in the feature space are never required, since transformed data points are only present as part of an inner product. Therefore, they can be substituted for their kernel representatives (the Gaussian kernel was implemented here). In order to reduce the randomness of final clusters, the PlusPlus cluster center initialization algorithm was used before the iterative steps, which was proposed by D. Arthur and S. Vassilvitskii [23]. This approach aims to spread out the initial cluster centers and accelerate their convergence. The first cluster center is randomly selected from the data points, after that each subsequent cluster center is chosen from the data points with a probability proportional to its squared distance from the closest ex- isting cluster center. In the following sub-sections, the usage of the pre- sented methods is discussed. 2.3 Baseline method In this section, a baseline method of open world recog- nition is presented. First, at training time the classifier of the training data is trained with K known classes, then, at testing time classification of the test data (K +U classes) is performed. The DPM is applied to the output of the classifier to detect unknown images UDPM: UDPM = NU⋃ j=1 {Ij|dj = CK+1} (8) where Ij represents test instance j, NU denotes the num- ber of test instances in the test data, dj stands for the de- cision of the DPM, and ⋃ {. . .} is the operation of union. Now, let us assume that information concerning U was provided (as in the case 3C), and U was used as the number of clusters. The Kernel K-means PlusPlus cluster center initialization algorithm (KK++) was performed on UDPM with k = U clusters (which is the input parame- ter for the KK++), and then the appropriate labels were assigned to the unknown images: Lj = CK+i|i = out ( KK++ ) j = 1 . . . M, i = 1 . . . U (9) where M represents the number of unknown images; Lj and Ci denote the label of unknown image UDPMj and cluster identity, respectively. This concludes the baseline method for automated labeling. At this point the classifier can be retrained based on the previously known and new labels, and then the new test data classified. 2.4 Cluster Classification In this section our proposed CC approach is presented, which is suitable for unknown detection and automated labeling. This algorithm contains extended training and testing phases. In training time, a classifier of the train- ing data is trained with K known classes, then a pseudo- cluster is also created based on the K known categories. This means that the ground truth class labels are imple- mented rather than a clustering algorithm (to determine the final clusters), i.e. each category is a cluster. Subse- quently, the images are substituted for their Fisher Vector 47(1) pp. 33–39 (2019) 36 PAPP AND SZŰCS representations and the cluster centers calculated which will be used in the testing phase. Let us assume T categories are found in the testing phase, and that T > K. The test data is classified into the K known categories and a DPM applied based on the de- cision vectors to detect the unknown images UDPM. The next step is to form clusters using the Kernel K-means clustering algorithm starting from the K cluster centers that were calculated at training time from the pseudo- cluster. Afterwards, the remaining T -K cluster centers are determined following the PlusPlus initiation proto- col. Furthermore, the training and test datasets were used together as the input data. Basically, with these modifi- cations it was possible to guide the clustering algorithm, therefore, create more accurate clusters. The following step of the testing phase is to clas- sify the clusters {Ci} by weighted majority voting of the members of the cluster. The vote is based on the class membership probabilities (PCi; i = 1 . . . K + 1) calcu- lated in Eqs. 3–4. As was seen in Section 1, the definition of problem 3C assumes that the number of unknown cat- egories exceeds 1. Nonetheless, the output of the DPM only yields K + 1 alternatives instead of T . In spite of this, the classification of clusters that depend on {PCi } can increase the number of alternatives to T as will be seen later. In Section 1, a differentiation was made be- tween known and unknown images, and now this differ- entiation is broken down even more. The training data contains only known images, because each of them be- longs to one of the set of known categories (SK ). From now on, the union of known images of the training data will be denoted by KGT as can be seen in: KGT = NK⋃ j=1 {Ij} (10) where NK stands for the number of images in the train- ing data. On the other hand, the test data contains both known and unknown images. Furthermore, based on the output of DPM, the test data can be divided into two dif- ferent subsets, namely predicted known images (KDPM) and predicted unknown images (UDPM), as can be seen in Eqs. 11 and 8, respectively. KDPM = NU⋃ j=1 {Ij|dj 6= CK+1} (11) The weight of the images can be calculated based on the cluster coherence. The coherence of a cluster can be determined by comparing the number of known images to the number of predicted unknown images inside that given cluster. It should be noted that known images inside the clusters either originate from KGT or KDPM, while the predicted unknown images are all part of UDPM. If the number of known images exceeds the number of un- known images it is implied that a cluster exhibits “known coherence” (KC), and “unknown coherence” (UC) vice versa, as described in: Ccoh = { KC | ∥∥{KGT ∪KDPM}∥∥ ≥ ∥∥UDPM∥∥ UC | ∥∥{KGT ∪KDPM}∥∥ < ∥∥UDPM∥∥ (12) where ‖X‖ represents the number of elements in X, and the superscript coh indicates the coherence of cluster C. The weights can be calculated as described in Eqs. 13 and 14. Intuitively, if an image is known and located inside cluster UC, then it is “punished” by assigning a lower weight to it; and vice versa, an unknown image is given a lower weight inside cluster KC. Moreover, the larger the difference between the numbers of known and unknown images implies a more severe punishment with regard to the value of weights. wKCj =   1 + (#known−#unknown) (#known+#unknown) | Ij /∈ UDPM 1− (#known−#unknown) (#known+#unknown) | Ij ∈ UDPM (13) wUCj =   1 + (#known−#unknown) (#known+#unknown) | Ij ∈ UDPM 1− (#known−#unknown) (#known+#unknown) | Ij /∈ UDPM (14) Thereafter the final decision vector of cluster Ci can be calculated as: Vi = 1 Ni Ni∑ j=1 wj ×dj (15) where Ni denotes the number of images in cluster Ci, wj represents the weight and dj stands for the decision vec- tor ({PCi}) of image j. Note that dj possesses K + 1 elements (+1 from DPM), therefore, vector Vi also pos- sesses K + 1 elements. Consequently, the element with the maximum value of Vi determines the category of clus- ter Ci. The classification of cluster Ci is formalized in: Di = { new class | VK+1 = maxj{Vj} argmaxi{Vi} | otherwise (16) The results of the classification of the clusters can be con- sidered as a labeling proposal, i.e. label each image inside cluster Ci according to Di. When decision Di for cluster Ci is that it is part of a known category, then each im- age inside Ci gets labeled with the same category. On the other hand, when Di = a new class, a new category is created and each image in Ci gets labeled with the new category. Basically, the CC algorithm follows this label- ing proposal. 3. Experimental Results In order to measure the efficiency of the labeling process, experiments were conducted on the Caltech101 [24] and Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry AUTOMATED LABELING PROCESS FOR UNKNOWN IMAGES 37 Figure 1: Example images from the Caltech101 and Cal- tech256 datasets. The airplane, butterfly and windmill categories are represented by the left, middle and right columns, respectively. Caltech256 [25] datasets. Example images from these datasets are shown in Fig. 1. The former consists of 101 categories and 8, 677 im- ages, while the latter is composed of 30, 607 images from 256 different classes. To create an open-world environ- ment, 50 known and 50 unknown categories were ran- domly selected from the Caltech101 dataset, and 100 of both categories from the Caltech256 dataset. These ran- Figure 2: Averaged results of the 5-5 different test datasets that were randomly selected from the Caltech101 and Caltech256 datasets. The RI is plotted against the num- ber of unknown categories. The diagrams compare the labeling performance of the DPM with Kernel K-means (DPM+KK) against the CC. Table 1: Summary of the results obtained from the test data with the baseline (DPM+KK) and CC methods us- ing the Caltech101 and Caltech256 datasets. The baseline column contains the RI values evaluated which depend on the number of unknown categories (un. cat.), and the CC column presents the improvements that result from CC as a percentage. Caltech101 Caltech256 un. cat. base-line CC (%) un. cat. base-line CC (%) 5 0.629 6 10 0.514 1 10 0.594 13 20 0.489 9 15 0.567 15 30 0.484 6 20 0.561 16 40 0.478 9 25 0.550 17 50 0.452 13 30 0.514 28 60 0.448 13 35 0.536 18 70 0.433 19 40 0.522 23 80 0.426 17 45 0.505 24 90 0.412 22 50 0.497 25 100 0.397 21 dom selections were repeated 5 times in order to calcu- late the average of the results of each experiment to ob- tain a more comprehensive overview of the efficiency of the CC algorithm with regard to these datasets. All of the known categories were available from the beginning of the tests, but the unknown categories were added incre- mentally over 10 steps, and in each step the Rand Index (RI), RI = TP + TN TP + FP + TN + FN , (17) was evaluated over the unknown images, where TP, TN, FP, and FN denote the number of true positive, true neg- ative, false positive and false negative decisions, respec- tively. The RI measures the similarity between the ground truth and predicted labels of the unknown images, in other words, the percentage of correct decisions. Two methods were assessed and compared, namely the baseline method (DPM+KK) and the CC, which were discussed in Section 2.3 and 2.4, respectively. Both pro- cedures used Fisher Vectors to mathematically represent the images encoded from 128 dimensional SIFT descrip- tors using a GMM consisting of 256 code words; a SVM equipped with a radial basis function (RBF) kernel was applied as a classifier. The results can be seen in Fig. 2 and Table 1. The first diagram shows the results obtained from the Caltech101 dataset and the second from the Caltech256 dataset. The DPM with Kernel K-means and the CC are represented by dashed and solid lines, respectively. In both experiments, the CC algorithm yielded a higher RI, although during the first step the difference between the two methods was minimal. It can be seen that the RI of DPM+KK starts to decrease as the number of unknown categories increases, while the CC remains by and large unchanged. 47(1) pp. 33–39 (2019) 38 PAPP AND SZŰCS 4. Conclusion In this paper, the problem of open world recognition was reviewed and the possible cases were differentiated based on our prior knowledge and actual information about the test data and, thus, the unknown space. The DPM and Kernel K-means algorithm were also reviewed in brief, followed by the presentation of two approaches, which perform multi-class classification, automatically detect unknown images and propose a labeling for them. The first method is a baseline technique where DPM was se- quentially applied followed by Kernel K-means with a PlusPlus cluster center initialization algorithm. However, our proposed CC is a complex method of combining the unknown detector and clustering algorithm that seeks to determine the identity of formed clusters, while refining the decisions made by the classifier and unknown detec- tor. The CC algorithm constructs a specific weight system to reward or punish images which were placed into a cat- egory that is presumably unsuitable for their estimated identity. Multiple experiments were conducted on two large datasets (Caltech101 and Caltech256), and the RI evaluated with regard to the unknown images. The results showed that the CC outperformed the baseline method, and was able to maintain almost the same RI, while the number of unknown categories increased. Acknowledgement The research was supported by the ÚNKP-18-3 New Na- tional Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Ca- pacities. REFERENCES [1] Lampert, C. H.; Nickisch, H.; Harmeling, S.: Learn- ing to detect unseen object classes by between- class attribute transfer, 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009, pp. 951–958 ISBN: 978-1-4244-3992-8 DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2009.5206594 [2] Scheirer, W. J.; de Rezende Rocha, A.; Sapkota, A.; Boult, T. E.: Toward open set recognition, IEEE T. Pattern Anal., 2013 35(7), 1757–1772 DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2012.256 [3] Scheirer, W. J.; Jain, L. P.; Boult, T. E.: Prob- ability models for open set recognition, IEEE T. 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