Vol. 48(1) pp. 81–85 (2020)
DOI: 10.33927/hjic-2020-13



1Institute of Mechatronics Engineering and Research, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pannonia,
Gasparich Márk u. 18/A, Zalaegerszeg, 8900, HUNGARY

The main aim of this paper is to create an energy harvesting system, which can convert vibrational energy into electrical
energy efficiently. Our research was carried out in the field of electromagnetic energy conversion using the principles of
linear generator construction for both low and high frequency vibrations. Energy can be recovered efficiently. During the
measurements, how the induced voltage is dependent on the impulsive frequency and the amplitude of impulses was

Keywords: energy harvesting, induced voltage, vibration, linear generator, energy

1. Introduction

Many forms of energy sources exist (vibrational, thermal,
wind) in the environment which can be converted into
electrical energy with a good degree of efficiency. The
harvesting of this energy from the environment has the
potential to reduce the rate of depletion of non-renewable
energy sources [1] and can be converted by using electro-
magnetic [2, 3], electrostatic [4, 5] and piezoelectric [6, 7]
energy conversion processes.

Our research was conducted in the field of electro-
magnetic energy conversion for both low and high fre-
quency vibrations. Numerous energy harvesting mecha-
nisms are based on the damped driven harmonic oscilla-
tor (DDHO) [8]. The essence of the process is to create
relative displacement between a permanent magnet and a
coil [9]. Electric power (energy) is induced in the coil due
to changes in magnetic flux. To achieve the relative dis-
placement, the magnet and leading house must come into
physical contact which can be achieved mechanically or
magnetically [10].

Each mechanical system has a mechanical damping
factor. If the damping of the system is too low, the device
exhibits no resistance to harmonic motion. However, if
the value becomes too high, the resistance of the device to
motion increases dramatically, thus no relative displace-
ment of the device occurs. Both the damping force and
relative displacement are essential to convert energy effi-
ciently into the system [11].

One of the most difficult tasks of the design process
is to define the appropriate degree of damping that max-
imizes the extractable efficiency. An important aspect of


the design process is the tuning of the natural frequency
of the structure. If the impulsive frequency deviates from
the resonant frequency, a loss of power can be detected.

One possibility is that the bandwidth of operation
is enhanced which results in the value of the “Quality
(Q) factor” decreasing and diminishes the amount of ex-
tractable energy [5]. To achieve a good degree of ef-
ficiency of the system, the harvesting of very low fre-
quency vibrations must be taken into account.

Regarding energy harvesting systems for low fre-
quency applications, the possibilities of frequency up-
conversion are introduced and achieved in different ways.
Ashraf et al. [11] optimized the mechanical design of
the system by applying the Finite Element Method to
broaden the low frequency range.

Haroun et al. [9] tried to keep the natural frequency
of their system, namely CEH, low. They concluded that
if the spring is not fixed to the moving frame (FIEH), then
the natural frequency of the system is lower than that of
the fixed spring system (CEH).

2. Design process and evolution of the

There are two types of generator-based energy harvesting

• System 1: based on linear movement

• System 2: based on rotational movement

The linear generator converts the mechanical movement
directly into electrical energy. Several basic construc-
tion solutions can achieve this, e.g. the linear motors can


Figure 1: Mechanical structure of the EH system

be straightened versions of permanent magnet motors.
The structure chosen is presented in Fig. 1. The energy
harvesting model was made using SOLIDWORKS 2016
software. The assembled system is shown in Fig. 2.

The structure consists of two main parts; the station-
ary part possesses a coil holder and the moving part
was produced from a square section slip. Four horseshoe
neodymium magnets were mounted on the moving part.
The horseshoe magnets consisted of two iron plates and
a square neodymium magnet.

The thickness of the two iron plates was equal to that
of the square neodymium magnet. It is important that the
iron plate contains less alloys. The best solution from the
options available was to use an iron core of a transformer.

To determine the optimum layout of the magnets, the
direction of the current vectors (E) must be identical. As
the direction of movement of the structure was definite
(v), according to the right-hand rule the direction of the
magnetic induction vectors (B) must point to the center
as shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 2: The assembled system

Figure 3: Optimum layout of the magnets

Figure 4: Schematic structure of the loop test

3. Structure of the loop test

The equipment for the loop test was provided by the In-
stitute of Mechatronics Engineering and Research of the
University of Pannonia in Zalaegerszeg. The schematic
structure of the loop test is shown in Fig. 4.

Energy harvesting was executed by a type of Lab-
works ET-139 electrodynamic shaker. The induced volt-
age was displayed by an Agilent DSO5054A digital os-
cilloscope. The examined parameters were changed by a
function generator, which was connected to a Labworks
PA-138 amplifier on a vibration table as illustrated in Fig.

4. Results and Analysis

4.1 Based on experiments

Throughout the experiments, the following attributes
were examined:

Figure 5: The set-up of the loop test

Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry


Figure 6: Energy-harvesting circuit diagram

• Maximum induced voltage without load
• Power without load
• Load on the power
• The impact of the number of coils on the induced

voltage and power

The examined energy-harvesting circuit diagram is
shown in Fig. 6. The structure consists of an internal re-
sistance Rb and an external resistance Rt (load).

Ptotal =


Rb + Rt

Um = Uind

Rt + Rb

As a result of the impulsive frequency and amplitude
of impulses, electrical energy was induced. The induced
voltage was equal to the measured voltage in the absence
of external resistance. Measured and induced voltages
differed when the system was subjected to an external re-
sistance. The relationship between them is described in
Eq. 2. The maximum power can be determined from Eq.

4.2 Results

Initially, the device was tested with 100 turns of the coil.
The internal resistance of the coil was 3.1 Ω. The im-
pulsive frequency was set between 1 and 20 Hz and the
amplitude of impulses between 2.5 and 15 mm. During

Figure 7: Induced voltage by applying 100 turns of the
coil in the absence of external resistance

Figure 8: Induced voltage by applying 100 turns of the
coil in the presence of an external resistance

the experiment, a decrease in the induced voltage was
observed above 20 Hz. Thus, the investigated bandwidth
was maximized at 20 Hz, whereas the trend was still vis-
ible in terms of the change in the curves, so 20 measure-
ment points were examined during the experiments.

The results are summarized in Fig. 7. The maximum
induced voltage and power were 986 mV and 322 mW,

During the experiments below, an internal resistance
equal to the external resistance was applied to the struc-
ture. The applied external resistance was 3.4 Ω. The re-
sults are summarized in Fig. 8.

The maximum voltage measured was 520 mV. Given
the values of the external and internal resistances, the in-
duced voltage was 994 mV based on Eq. 2. The maximum
power was calculated to be 152 mW from Eq. 1.

The impact of the external resistance on the power
During the experiment, a constant excitation amplitude
of 15 mm was applied, while the impact of the resistance
on the power was examined. The resistances applied were
1, 3.4, 10, 22, 47 and 74 Ω. The relationship between the
changes in resistance and power are summarized in Fig.

As is shown in Fig. 9, an exponential decrease in
power was observed as the resistance increased. Based
on previous studies, an external resistance that is smaller

Figure 9: The relationship between the resistance and

48(1) pp. 81–85 (2020)


Figure 10: Induced voltage by applying 240 turns of the
coil in the absence of an external resistance

than the internal resistance is impractical. Ideally, the ex-
ternal resistance would be equal to the internal resistance
of the coil.

Next, the number of turns of the coil was increased
from 100 to 240. The other aforementioned variables re-
mained unchanged. The results are summarized in Fig.

As shown in Fig. 11, the maximum induced voltage
without a load and the maximum power were 2020 mV
and 559 mW, respectively. Following the aforementioned
procedures, the loaded system was analyzed.

The external resistance applied was 8 Ω. The maxi-
mum voltage measured was 1060 mV. By taking into ac-
count the values of the external and internal resistances,
the induced voltage was 2020 mV based on Eq. 2. Based
on Eq. 1, the maximum power calculated was 268 mW.
Both the induced voltage and power of the system were
doubled by increasing the number of turns of the coil
by 60 %, the induced voltage increased from 994 mV to
2020 mV and the maximum power rose from 152 mW to
268 mW to be exact.

5. Discussion

The aim of the research was based on the principles of
linear generator construction and manufacturing. At this
stage of the process, it was important that the structure
was free of mechanical damping. During the experiment,
the structure was examined by means of changing the
load resistance and number of turns of the coil in addition
to the specified amplitude and frequency. An exponential
decrease in the efficiency was observed as the resistance
increased. Ideally, the external resistance would be equal
to the internal resistance of the coil. The induced voltage
and the power of the system were doubled by increasing
the number of turns of the coil by 60 %. As a result, by
increasing the number of turns of the coil by 60 %, the
efficiency of the system also increased by approximately
57 %. However, a deeper understanding of the relation-
ship between the efficiency of the structure and variables

Figure 11: Induced voltage by applying 240 turns of the
coil in the presence of an external resistance

requires further investigation. After doubling the number
of turns of the coil, the maximum power generated was
1 W. One advantage of this system in particular is that
the neodymium magnets are cheap to produce. Applying
a series connection to this system results in a sufficient
degree of efficiency to operate the electronic devices in

6. Conclusion

In the aforementioned experiments, the maximum in-
duced voltage and power achieved by applying 240 turns
of the coil were 2020 mV and 559 mW, respectively. Dur-
ing the experiments in the presence of a load resistance,
the best value of the power was calculated when the ex-
ternal resistance was equal to the internal resistance of the
coil. The efficiency of this energy harvesting system can
be further enhanced by increasing the number of turns of
the coil and the strength of the neodymium magnet.


Uind induced voltage
Um measured voltage
Ptotal power
Rb internal resistance
Rt external resistance


The project was supported by the European Union and
co-financed by the European Social Fund through the
project EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00002.


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48(1) pp. 81–85 (2020)

	 Design process and evolution of the structure
	Structure of the loop test
	Results and Analysis
	Based on experiments
