HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF lNDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM Vol. 30. pp. 7- 11 (2002) KINETIC STUDY OF BLUE M -EB DYE SORPTION ON ION EXCHANGE RESINS D. ~UTEU, D. BiLBA and C. ZAHARIA 1 (Department of Analytical Chemistry 1Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Technical University of Iasi, Blvd. D. Mangeron nr. 71A, P.O. Box.lO- 2002, 6600 Iassy, ROMANIA) Received: February 9, 2001 A kinetic study concerning the Blue M-EB reactive dye sorption from aqueous solutions on Purolite ion exchange resins of macroporous (A - 500) and gel (A - 400) type has been made. To establish the rate - controlling step, the time required for 50% sorption equilibrium( tv2 ), rate constant of the process ( K ), diffusion coefficient and activation energy (Ea) for both resins have been calculated. On the basis of the calculated values it is obvious that sorption process is in the diffusion domain, rate-controlling step is the particle diffusion. This result is confirmed by the fact that reactive dye Blue M-EB sorption is in good agreement with shell-progressive model. Keywords: exchange resins, dye removal, sorption, kinetic study, wastewaters, decontamination Introduction The decontamination of natural or wastewaters impurified with organic pollutants has become one of the needs of the day. The great diversity in chemical structure of the dyes as well as the variable concentrations of dyes and co-solutes, such as inorganic salts, sizing agents and surfactants in the effluents of dyehouse operations make impossible a general available method for removing textile dyes from waste water [1-3]. The several traditional wastewater treatment methods (biological processes, ozonation, coagulation, membrane filtration, etc.) are acceptable in decolorizing textile wastewaters with a satisfactorily cost-effectiveness [ 4]. Due to the polar nature of the their functional groups, most commonly-used dyes are relatively easy to remove by sorption on various materials: activated carbon [5], non ionic or ionic synthetic polymers [6,7], biomass-based exchangers [8], anionic clay minerals [9] and also adsorbents [lOJ. The dye binding potential of these materials is affected by physic-chemical characteristics of both sorbent and dye~ there compatibility, as well as the operating conditions (particle size of granulated sorbent, pH, ionic strength, temperature, solution flow rate, etc.) [11]. The economic use of various sorbents in removing color from textile effluents, but also a better understanding of these processes in natural systems require informations on the kinetics of dye uptake. The thermodynamic, kinetic characterization, the mechanism and determinant factors study of the sorption process of reactive dyes on Purolite ion exchangers are of major important stages in evaluation of these resins application . in the recovery of wastewaters of textile industry. This paper describes a study of Blue M-EB reactive dye sorption kinetics onto Purolite anion exchange resins. For this purpose, resin loading as a function of the contact time was monitored. Experimental The experiments were carried out using ion exchange resins purchased from Purolite International LTD (UK), their typical properties are listed in Table 1. The reactive bifunctional monochlortriazinic dye Blue M-EB (Fig.l) was used as a stock aqueous solution containing 0.4 g L"1• The working solutions were prepared by appropriate dilution of the stock solution with doubly distilled water. Contact information: E-mail:; D. Suteu, Stejar Str., 37 A, bl.Ah sc.B. et.l. ap.2, 6600, IASI, ROMANIA 8 Table 1 Properties of Purolite resins used in kinetic measurements Parameter Type of Purolite resins A-400 A-500 Matrix polystyrene- divinylbenzene gel R-(CH3)3N+ cr polystyrene- divinylbenzene macroporous R-(CH3)3W cr Structure Functional group Ionic form Mean particle diameter/ 0.64 (± 0.03) 0.64 (± 0.03) mm Capacity*/ meqg1 3.72 3.93 * determined by pH-metric titration of resins dried at room temperature for 72 hours Table 2 Sorption half times, tu2 at different concentrations and temperatures of Blue M - EB dye solution for the Purolite resins tu2f min Col gL-1 T/K A-400 A-500 0.10 284.15 20 16 0.10 296.15 17 10 0.14 284.15 14 13 0.20 284.15 11 9 --(HH2 Hl~r-NH Oll' OH Nf!--