HUNGARIAN JOURNAL · OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM Vol. 30. pp. 13- 18 (2002) ON THE NON-LINEAR MASS TRANSFER THEORY C. BOYADJIEV (Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, "Acad. G.Bontchev" str.,Bl.103, 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA) Received: February 19,2001 A theoretical analysis ofnon~linear mass transfer kinetics has been done. The comparison between Stephan flow, a flow induced by large concentration gradients and Marangoni effect is shown. The conditions of existing of these non-linear effects in mass transfer kinetics are determined. Keywords: non-linear effects, Stephan flow, Marangoni effect Introduction A theoretical analysis of non-linear mass transfer has been developed in [1]. The main idea follows from the non-linearity of the convection-diffusion equation: p(c)W(c)gradc = divfp(c)D(c)gradc]+ ken. (1) The velocity W is governed by the hydrodynamic equations. However, the principal non-linear phenomenon is due to the concentration effects on the velocity W(c), density p(c), viscosity Jl(c), diffusivity D( c) and on the chemical reaction rate ken (for n ¢ 1 ). It was shown [ 1] that there are a number of cases with non-linear mass transfer behavior. The well-known linear mass transfer theory could be successfully applied in these cases. However, in case of two-phase interphase mass transfer with a flat interface the above equation permits a non-linear mass transfer model to be derived by means of the boundary layer approximation: ( OU . OU . ) {) 2 U · dU J dV j (2) P; u 1 a: +v1 a:: = p,1 i)y21 +A1 • a_;--+ay-=0' (k. oc. i1 2c. u.-1 +v.-1 =D- 2 1 +B., j=1,2; 1 i1x 'iJy 0, while for the reaction products V; < 0 . The rate of the heterogenic reaction j i (moll m 2 s) is defined for the separate substances (i = 1, ... ,N), where N is their total number. For the reagents ji > 0 , and for the reaction products it < 0 . The reagents (reaction products) are supplied to (took off from) the reaction surface by diffusion and convection: j = -Dgradc+ vc, (10) where j is the vector of the mass transfer rate , D(m2 / s) is the diffusivity, grad- is the vector of the gradient, c(mol/ m 3 ) molar concentration, v - velocity vector. For the separate substances the molar flux has the following form: 15 heterogenic reaction (per unit area, per unit time). They can be presented as: (15) where V; (m3 I m2 s) is the volume reaction rate of the substances in the gas (vapour) phase, and W; (m3 I mol) - their molar volume. The systems gas (vapour) - liquid (solid) will be considered below, where the Stephan flow occurs in gaseous (vapour) phase, because it is practically not physically applicable in liquid and solid phases. The summation of the stoichiometric coefficients leads to: (16) where v > o(v < o) means the increase (decrease) of the mols number (the volume) of the reaction mixture as a result of the heterogenic reaction. From (14) directly follows: . vi . . 1 N 1i = - h' l = , ... , . (17) VI The summing up of (17) leads to: (18) (11) where the substance A1 we consider as limiting, i.e. the The projection of the vectors in the vector equation over the normal vector of the interface n (in points of the surface) might be noted as: ji = {i;.n~ ~ ~ = (gradci.n1 v = (v.n), (12) where ji (moll m 2 s) are molar fluxes, which have to be equal to the rates of the reactions of the separate substances, and oci - normal derivate at the interface, v on - the rate, induced as a result of heterogenic reaction at certain conditions and is called the velocity of the Stephan flow. It is positive when v is oriented to the phase boundary and negative in the opposite case. The introduction of (12) into (11) leads to: . oci . ]; = -Di-- + vci, z = 1, ... , N , (13) on where j;{j = l, ... ,N) should be satisfy the condition for the stoichiometry of the flows: jliV1=j2fV2= ... =jN/VN. (14) From {14) can be seen, that the stoichiometry coefficients V; (moll m2 s) present mols of the substances (i = 1, ... , N), which participate in the rate of its reaction limits rate of the heterogenic reaction. In case of gases and vapours we can express the concentration through the partial pressure: p c. =-1 i=l, ... ,N, 1 RT' (19) where R is the universal gas constant, T temperature. In this way from (13) directly follows: . D; o ~ vi} J;== RT on+ RT' i=1, ... ,N. (20) The summation of (20) leads to: ~. 1 ~Do~ vP L.,;h =--L.J i--+-, t=t RT i=I on RT (21) N where P = L ~ is the total pressure of the mixture. i=l The velocity of the Stephan flow is obtained directly from (18) and (21): RT . 1 ~ D a~ (Z2) v=-r h +-.£.J ;-;-· p p i=1 un In case of two component mixtures D1 = D2 = D, i.e.: 16 RT . DaP v=p-r h +-p;;;;· (23) It can be seen from (23) that the velocity of the Stefan flow is determined by the relative change in the volume of the reaction mixture y as a result from changes in the volume velocity vi or in case of phase transition (the change of the molar volume wi ). This velocity decreases as a result of hydraulic resistance ( :: < 0) . At absence of the hydraulic resistance P = eonst and the velocity of Stephan flow takes the form: RT . v=-rh· p (24) In case of reduction of the reaction mixture volume as a result of heterogenic reaction the Stephan flow is oriented to the reaction interface ( y > O,v > 0 ). In opposite case ( y < O,v < 0) it is oriented from the reaction interface. In case of heterogenic chemical reaction without phase transition: i.e. v > 0 , when the total volume rate of the chemical reaction of the substances iri the mixture is positive and the volume increases. In opposite case v < 0 . In cases when the heterogenic reaction presents the liquid-vapour phase transition at the interface (boiling, condensation) the molar rates and (as a results) their volume rates are equal: 1 1 (26) i.e. in case of condensation (boiling) wl > W;p r < 0, (w.~ > w., r > o) and the Stephan flow is oriented to (from) the interface. In cases. when the heterogenic reaction presents adsorption (desorption) VI = V2 ~ f :::: 0. i.e. the conditions for the Stephan flow do not exist. The analogous is the case of absorption (desorption)~ where the product transfers into the second phase. i.e. V1 =v2 • v=O. The obtained result (24) shows that Stephan flow at interface arises when the heterogenic reaction leads to changes in the summary (total) volume of reaction mixture. Obviously this can happen only at phase boondary in gas or vapour phase and it is practically impossible at the boundary in liquid or solid phase. Non -linear mass transfer One of the significant effects of non- linear mass transfer arises in systems with intensive interphase mass transfer, when large concentration gradients induce secondary flows which velocity is normally oriented to the interface. For a simplicity we will consider two-component fluid [ 1, 6], where the component A is a substance dissolved into component B (solvent). The density of the solution p (kg I m 3 ) can be presented through the mass concentrations of the component A (M c) and solvent B (M 0 c0 ): p =M0 e0 +Me= Po +Me, (27) where M and M 0 are the molar mass (kg I mol) of A and B , c and c0 - their molar concentrations (mol 1m3 ). Every elementary volume of the solution has a velocity V , which can be expressed through velocities of the substances A ( v) and. B( v 0 ), i.e velocity of the mass flow, transferred by every elementary volume presents a sum of the mass flows of A and B : (28) The equation (28) can be projected over the normal vector n of the phase surface: p* (v.n)= p~(v0.n)+M c*(v.n), (29) where the upper index ( *) notes the values at the interface. From (29) the velocity of the secondary flow v(ml s) induced by the diffusion (large concentration gradient) can be determined: v =(V.n). (30) At the boundary between two non-mixing phases the mass flux is zero, i.e. (31) The molar flux of the dissolved substance (at interface) N (moll m2 s) can be expressed through the rate (moll m 2 s) of the diffusion and convective transfer: *( )* Joe)* * N=c v.n =-~lon. +vc. (32) The introduction of (30), (31) and (32) into (29) leads to: · MD(oc)'" * • v=- p~ dn ' Po =Moco~ (33) * where c0 is the molar concentration of B at the interface. For a flat phase boundary y = 0 is obtained directly [1, 6]: v=-MD(~) * a . Po Y y=O (34) In some approximations [12] N is expressed only by the diffusion flux: N=-j~c) ...,l y y=O (35) and for the velocity of the secondary flow is obtained MD(ac) v=--- --* a , Po Y y=O p* = p~ +Me*. (36) Obviously the obtained results (34) and (36) coincide at c * = 0 (for example at desorption of gases). From (34) it is seen that in the systems with an intensive interphase mass transfer the normal component of the velocity differs from zero (as in the systems with linear mass transfer), and depends on the concentration of the transferred substance, i.e. the convection- diffusion equation is non linear. This requires the boundary condition at y = 0 ( v = 0) to be replaced with (34). The obtained result (34) shows that the local mass flux at phase boundary has diffusion and convective components: z=-M - +Mvc =-MD-* - .(37) . ~ ac) - * p * ( ac J ay y=O Po ay y=O From (37) the mass transfer rate can be directly determined by averaging of the mass flux i (kg I m2 s) over the interface. The comparison between Stephan flow's velocity (24) and the velocity of the secondary flow induced by large concentration gradients shows that Stephan flow arises in gaseous or vapour phase as a result of the changes in the phase volume at the interphase. Such changes occur in some heterogenic chemical reactions accompanied by changes of the reaction mixture volume or phase transition (boiling, condensation). The secondary flow at large concentration gradients is a result of the intensive interphase mass transfer and can be observed in gaseous and liquid phase (the Stephan flow in liquid phase is physically impossible). Marangoni effect The Marangoni effect is a result of secondary flow which velocity is tangentially oriented to the interface and is caused by the surface tension gradient, induced by concentration or temperature gradient at the 17 interface. This effect will be considered in gas - liquid systems. The influence of the secondary flows over the mass transfer rate is a result of the velocity component oriented normally to the interface. This creates an intensive convective transfer, which is summarized with the diffusion transfer. At the Marangoni effect the induced flow is tangential and the normal component appears from the flow continuity equation: au+~=O. ax ay (38) The flows in the boundary layer are characterized by two characteristic scales of velocity (u0 , v0 ) and two linear scales (8, L), which are related to the dimensionless variables of the flow: x=LX, y=oY, 8 =JJ.LL . (39) UoP The introduction of (39) into (38) leads to dimensionless equation au+ v0L av =O ax u08 ()y ' (40) where the continuity of the flow is retained at the following ratio between the characteristic scales of the flow: Let us suppose that the Marangoni effect is a result of temperature gradient at the interface. In this case the characteristic velocity of the Marangoni effect can be determined from the equation [ 1]: tt(~~ L =~: =~~ ~:. (42) If introducing (39) in ( 42) (and temperature scale At ) we reach the condition for the existence of Marangoni effect and its characteristic velocity: 8 llt aa u =--- 0 L J1. at· (43) The introduction of (43) in (41) allows the determination of the characteristic velocity of the secondary flow liable for the increase of the mass transfer rate as a result of the Marangoni effect: & dO' vo=---. pu0 L dt (44) In the case of absorption of C02 in H 20 and temperature change because of chemical reaction, the order of the velocity v0 can be determined: (45) 18 In cases of non-linear mass transfer, characteristic scales have to be introduced into (34): J¥. v=v0 V, c=11cC, y=ocY, oc = . (46) 0 From (34) and (46) directly can be obtained the condition for an existence of the non-linear mass transfer effect and its characteristic velocity: Vo = M ~c J"•D. (47) Po L The v0 order of the velocity in (47) at analogous conditions with ( 45) is determined directly: (48) The obtained results (45) and (48) show, that in systems with an intensive interphase mass transfer the non-linear effects are related to the concentration gradients normally oriented to the interface, and are not related to the temperature gradients at the phase boundary. This proportion between the effect of non- linear mass transfer and the Marangoni effect is based mainly on the following three reasons: the normal component of the velocity v0 is always smaller than the induced tangential component (see (41)); to the large concentration gradient he correspond small temperature gradients At because of the small heat effect of the absorption; · the absence of surface-active substances. The non-linear mass transfer effect and the Marangoni effect can determine the mass transfer rate not only by additional convective flows, but also by loss of stability. In these cases accidental disturbances lead to self-organized dissipative structures with very intensive mass transfer £1]. The stability of these systems depends mainly from v0 , which is the reason the process to be limited again from the non-linear mass transfer. Conclusion The presented theoretical analysis shows that the effects of the Stephan flow and the non-linear mass transfer at large concentration gradients have different physical nature, and as a result different mathematical models. The Stephan flow [12] appears at heterogenic chemical reactions (with changing volume of the reaction mixture) or liquid-vapour phase transition at interface (boiling, condensation). The non-linear mass transfer [ 1] appears at interphase mass transfer in gas (liquid) - solid, gas- liquid and liquid-liquid systems as a result of large concentration gradients. 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