HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM Vol. 30. pp. 131- 135 (2002) THE SIMULATION OF CLUSTER FORMATION PROCESS IN FINE PARTICLES DISPERSION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD A. PRISTOVNIK, L. C. LIPUS, A. KROPE and J. KROPE1 (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, SLOVENIA 1 Faculty of Chemistry ar1d Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, SLOVENIA) Received: January 18,2002 The magnetic water treatment (MWT) devices for scale control can be used with great economical and ecological benefits. According to experimental results in well-controlled laboratory conditions it can be established that effects of MWT devices are highly dependent on composition of treated dispersion system and their working conditions. To investigate the effects of magnetic field on cluster formation process in fine particle dispersion under the influence of external magnetic field of the MWT device, a theoretical model on the DL VO theory and statistical Monte Carlo Metropolis method have been used. The "Open Source" computer programs for the simulation and graphical presentation of clustering under the influence of external magnetic field have been developed. Obtained results have been an.Uyzed by cluster analysis based on the partitioning and hierarchical methods (fuzzy, agglomerative and divisive analysis). Keywords: magnetic water treatment, scale prevention, Monte Carlo Metropolis method, cluster analysis Introduction The Magnetic Water Treatment (MWT) is frequently used non-chemical method for scale control. It is economically favorable and is one of the most controversial scale prevention methods. Scale prevention is achieved by passing the water through the magnetic field. Despite several decades of intensive research work done in this area, no scientifically confirmed theoretical explanation exists yet, which adequately describes how MWT devices work and what are the conditions under which is their operation most effective. Supplied natural waters are rich dispersion systems, which contain many colloids, ions, etc. Due to natural supersaturating of supplied water or supersaturating by changed operation conditions (such as pressure drop, temperature and pH) a hard scale precipitates on pipeline and equipment walls. The magnetic water treatment is particularly promising technique for manipulation and controlling the interactions between micrometer-sized colloidal particles dispersed in fluid suspensions [1}. Although many processes affect colloidal behaviour, the balance between the thermal, attractive and repulsive terms determines a criterion of the stability of colloid dispersions in natural waters. D.etailed consideration of this interplay is the basis of the DLVO [2] theory. The tendency of particles to aggregate via the short range van der Waals-London force is counter act by a charged layer on the particles. Thus the total interaction energy ( Et ) between two colloidal particles is the sum of the double layers energy of interaction (repulsive energy E,) and the energy of the interaction particles themselves due to van der Waals-London forces (attraction energy E. )[2]: (1) The repulsive energy ( E,) between two relatively large spherical particles depends on radii.IS of interacting spheres (a ), length between centers of particles ( R ) and dielectric constant ( e ) of dispersion medium: (2) where ( s ) represents the ratio between distance and radius { s ""R/a) between centers of these two spheres. The extension of the double layer { 8 ) is in the order of 1/K, where K is the Debye-Huckel parameter and bas the dimension of reciprocal length: 132 -- -. 30 f----"-+-....._+-..,-+--+-~+.-=--i-=·~--~ -- ::..._ .. -- .. _ :- !0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Fig.l Random distributed spherical particles in a two dimensional square cell (A=70 units, d=l unit, N=300) 1 {j =-, K 2 8nne~Z K =--- ckT (3) For oxides in water, the surface potential ( q;o) of particles is determined by the pH of suspension [2,3]. The energy of attraction ( Ea) between two spherical particles with identical radius is defined by Eq.(4): E =-kh ·(-2-+3._+lnsz-4l a 6 s2 - 4 S2 s2 J (4) where k11 is the Hamaker constant. Magnetostatic particle interactions modify the behavior of the fluid and can have a detrimental effect on the colloidal stability. When a dispersion of colloidal particles is placed in an external magnetic field additional magnetic force arises, which decreases the stability of the colloid particles when attractive. The energy of the magnetic attraction ( Em ) between two spherical particles separated by a distance ( Rr) depends ' g >n magnetic field density ( B ) and angle of the external magnetic field, radius of the particles (a ) and magnetic properties of the particles: 32m6xaBa E =- (5) m 9f,t.,R~ Thus the total energy of interaction ( E, ). of colloid particles in the external magnetic field is: (6) Statistical numerical methods known as Monte Carlo methods ate methods that utilize sequences of random numbers to perform the simulation. The presented model is based on the Monte Carlo Metropolis [4,13] method and bas been used to investigate the properties of colloid particle dispersion in water under the influence of magnetic field [:2,3,5,6,7]. The model is based on a two-dimensional iquare ceU with side length (A) containing (N) random distributed spherical particles (Fig. I). AU the particles are identical. " a , ~ ~'*"" y a Jl~ \If\ ~ ... (Xj.Yj) !>' ~~ l v LA_ ~ X Fig.2 A pair of spherical particles (i, j) in a two dimensional square cell under the magnetic field applied at angle \jl [8] The position of any particle is known and can be specified with coordinates (x, y ,8), where (8) is the angle between the magnetic moment of the particle and the applied magnetic field [6] (Fig.2). The base energy of the system ( E8 ) is determined as the sum of the total energy of interaction of all colloid particles in that square cell: N Es = LEt(i) i=l (7) The technique consists of calculating the energy change ( AE) when the coordinates of one particle of the representative ensemble are changed at random by a small amount. If the new total energy of the system is less than previous, the particle stays in new position, otherwise the factor ( P ) is calculated and compared with random number(x; xE [0,1]): -liE P=ekT (8) If factor P is greater than random number the particle retains its new position, otherwise it is returned on its original position. This procedure is applied for of N particles in a square celL Experimental A computer program for the simulation of cluster formation Well-known theories from the field of colloid, statistic and mathematics science have been taken into the consideration and been applied in the magnetic water treatment research. An "Open Source" computer program (MCM) [14] for-two-dimensional simulation of the cluster formation process in fine particles dispersion under the influence of external magnetic field which according to some authorst9.lll1, take place in y 25.00 18.75 12.5G 0.00 0.00 6.25 Fig.Ja Position of the particles after 10 moves [8] MWT device, was developed. For the graphical presentation (MCM View) [8] and cluster analysis (Fanny&Twins) [11J the set of computer programs were used. The data are entered with two input files. In the first input file the size of the cell, number and physical properties of the particles are determined and structure for the intermediate output files is defined. In the second input file the origin position of the particles is determined. The results of simulation are written in various formats and can presented with the programs such as Microsoft Excel [14] or Microcal Origin [14] as a front end. For the graphical presentation the "MCM View" program has been developed on the basis of Compaq Array Visualiser [14]. The results have been further analysed with the partitional and hierarchical methods for cluster analysis of authors Kaufman and Rousseauw [11] (fuzzy, agglomerative and divisive analysis). For that purposes programs ''FANNY" any "TWINS" have been used. Results and Discussion As the reference data for the primary numerical calculations, the physical properties of the hematite particles ( Fez03 ) in aqueous dispersion have been used. On this basis, the numerical calculations for some of the scale forming minerals in the water such as: diamagnetic calcium carbonate { CaC03 ), calcium sulfate ( CaS04 ), silicon dioxide ( Si02 ), paramagnetic hematite ( Fe20 3 ), goethite ( FeOOH) and ferrimagnetic magnetite ( Fe,04 ) have been carried out. For all of the enumerated minerals, the simulation of cluster formation has been carried following out physical and chemical conditions: • Different number of particles and their radius in the square cell; 133 y 25.DJ 1&.75 12.50 ~-25 0.00 13.75 25.00 FigS& Position of the particles after 600 moves [8] - Different angle(1Jf) of the applied magnetic field (0, 30, 60 and 90 degree); Different retardation potential (
=30mV ~ l 1,00 B(I') ~ - I 1,00 B(f) 0,80,------------, 0,70f-------------:J s,_-=....--"'=~:::::::::~~----1 ' ~ I ~ O,S<>.J-----------""'~~------jj 0,40.J--------------"'ooo;;:-j ·"! 0,30f-------------:! 0,20-t--------~-----i 0,25 0,15 1.00 0,5<> B(f) '¥ = 90" ,