HUNGAR~JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESZPREM Vol. 30. pp. 155 -160 (2002) KINETICS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVE FOR CONVECTIVE AND INFRA- RED CONDITIONS DURING DRYING OF CLAY F. ZAGROUBA, D. MIHOUBI, A BELLAGI1 and A SZALAY2 (INRST, B.P. 95, 2050 Hammam-Lif, TUNISIA 1 ENIM, Av. Ibn Eljazzar, 5000 Monastir, TUNISIA 2RICV, B.P. 459, 8200 Veszprem, IfUNGARY) Received: April 30, 2002 In this work, we present the experimental drying curves obtained by two heating modes, namely: convection and Infra Red. We examined the influence on the drying kinetics of the infrared flux density and of the aerothermic air condition: temperature, velocity and humidity. A comparison of the results obtained by the two heating modes are compared Finally, a polynomial equation was fitted to the experimental characteristic drying curve. From the experimental drying kinetics the moisture diffusivity and the heat transfer coefficient values were identified. Keywords: internal diffusion, heat transfer Introduction In many industrial processes, drying treatment generally, uses some conventional techniques of energy supply as convection and conduction. Nevertheless, these heat transfer modes have .limit heat transfer capacities which can be inadequate for same separations. Some "new" sources are found in radiative like Infra Red (IR.), microwave, as the high frequencies technologies. The energy transfer to the product is direct and permits therefore to attain rapidly suitable levels temperature, which activates the fundamental drying mechanisms of the operation. Because of their performances, these techniques present currently a strong development. The drying by Infra-Red radiation has been applied to several products like the agro-food products: [1-21. paint: [3] and pure and homogeneous materials: [4]. However, it is difficult to study the IR drying of foodstuff materials. They possess a complicated structure and, the knowledge of their optic properties is limited. The effect of the emissivity of a deformable ~anu1ated bed during IR drying was investigated only In the constant rate period: [5-8]. Though for the drying of paper, the optic characteristics are better known. the problems bound to the effect of the geometry were not discussed in detail: [9]. However, it has been shown that geometric dimensions have a large influence on the. functioning of tlre process: [ 10-llJ. The IR drying rate depends essentially on the radiation absorption, on the density of IR flux and on some optic characteristics which vary with geometry, structure and water content. So, the main objective of our work was, to study the experimental IR drying curves and to compare these data the corresponding obtained with the convective drying. Infra-Red Radiation Before approaching the drying by IR, it is important to remind some useful essential properties as well as the principal advantages of IR radiation. In fact, the IR radiation differs only from other electromagnetic vibrations: X rays, Ultra~ Violet rays, visible light and hertzian waves, by its wave length which is included between 0.8J1m and l5J.Im (Table 1). This physical characteristic distinguish lR from other radiations. However, the essential laws remain identical such as the phenomena of propagation, absorption and transmission. In practice, one could not separate the IR and the visible radiation which are too near: one often detects some visible light in an IR drier. TheIR radiation in the range from 0.76j.lm to 15!J.m can be subdivided normally into three types: - the short lR from 0.76~J.m to, - the middle lR from 2pm to 4J1m, • the long IR from 4;.un to lSf.lm. Contact information: E-mail:; Fax: +216 71 430 934 156 Table 1 Limits of wave of the Radiations Type of y Rays X Rays UV Rays radiation Wave 3.IO"'A 0.1A at 200A at length at O.lA 200 A 0.4 "m limits ,.. visible lR Rays Hertzian light Waves 0.4f.1m at O.Sf.Im at 15f.lm at 0.8f.lm 15f.1m some km If the processes of convective drying have already been the object of many studies, it is not the same for the mixed processes associating the convection and the IR heating, for which exists only very little literature in particular for the case of strong radiation densities, IR heating presents the following advantages: very high flux densities (up to lOOkW/rnZ) and compact equipments, no direct contact with the product (dusts), possibility offocalising the energy, - very response time which leads to easy control procedure. Basis Concepts of Drying Basic principles of convective drying are well known. Starting from a very wet capillary product, the moisture is moved to the surface under the form of a continuous liqujd flux (capillary flow). The surface temperat~e of the product is constant (wet bulb temperature), so 1s the air temperature, hence the flux of evaporation remains constant. After a certain time, the capillary forces become inoperant to move liquid water from inside to the surface. New mechanisms of water displacement are found in surface diffusion, and evaporation- condensation cycles. The front between very wet material and almost dry material receeds towards the core of the product. IR radiation provokes an instantaneous drying of a thin superficial layer its temperature raising well above any wet bulb temperature. The results is then ambiguous: quick drying of a thin layer which in turn will slow down any water movement from inside. Thence the IR is reserved for thin materials or superficial drying. Material and Method Infra-Red Drying Experimental apparatus Our drying experiences IR radiation is conducted by means of a device composed principally of: some emitters ofiR energy, a sample placed at the bottom of the air tunnel, an electronic scale, excess air and steam exhaust. Overall kinetics The material was placed inside an aluminium cylindrical support. The mass and thermal exchanges Tests N 1 2 3 4 5 Table 2 Some tests of drying by IR Air Temperature (oC) Initial Moisture Content (kg/kg) Ll "" 0.5 ,.. 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 160 120 70 120 160 . . * 0.969 1.018 1.087 0.5843 0.72 0 . 0 . 0 * . * \ o 10 2.0 ao 4D so 60 70 eo 90 too Time(mn) ... .. a n u ~ ~ m ® u 1 - Fig.l Influence of IRradiation on the kinetics of drying (Tests 1,2 and3) were supposed unidirectional. The cont~nuous weighting of the sample allowed to determine the drying kinetics. Several tests were achieved for different values of moisture and temperature (Table 2). Globally, experimental data presented on the following figures show distinctly: at constant drying rate: period is sufficiently long and covers a large part of drying time. During this period, quite aU the energy provided to the material was used for water evaporation, a decreasing rate period: it is very short and begins with the complete drying up of the surface of the material ; the temperature of the material increases noticeably. One supposes that the drying front receeds into the material. Influence of Infra-Red Radiation Under IR heating, the drying rate and therefore the water loss, depend directly on the incidental infrared flux. In order to study the quantitative effect of the IR energy on the drying process, we applied different IR Table 3 Some tests of drying by convection. Tests Air Temperature Air Humidity Air Velocity fuitial Moisture N (°C) (%) (rnls) Content (kg/kg) I 37.5 22.1 2.3 0.49 2 50.8 50.8 1.5 0.538 3 55.7 16.9 2.3 0.69 4 48 20.8 2.2 0.433 5 54.9 13.9 1.6 0.76 flux densities to the clay and we recorded the sample mass versus time. As already noticed [10,13-16], we observed that the drying rate is proportional to the IR emitted flux (Fig.l) e.g.: the flux of matter is doubled when the power is doubled. Convective Drying Experimental apparatus The experimental apparatus in which we conducted our tests of convective drying allowed to control the velocity, the temperature and the humidity of the drying air. It was made principally of: a simple aspiration ventilator with adjustable speed of rotation, some electric resistances for the heating of the air, of a humidifier/dehumidifier, allowing to maintain a constant humidity of air, of a sample holder into the vein of measurement on a balance, precision 0.1 mg. Data acquisition and treatment is insured:- Several tests were achieved for different values of moisture, temperature and air velocity (Table 3). · Influence of Air Temperature The Fig.2 shows that the drying kinetics increase with air temperature because of the increase of heat flux brought by the air to the product, and because the acceleration of the internal water migration bound to the coefficient of diffusion. One notes that the moisture content corresponding to the change of regime is so much more elevated when the temperature increases, whereas the equilibrium moisture content evolves in the opposite sense. Influence of Air Moisture An increase of the relative moisture entrains a reduction of the isenthalpic flux. The moisture content corresponding to the change of regime evolves in the same way as the isenthalpic flux. The equilibrium moisture content increases naturally with an increase of the relative moisture content (Fig.3). 157 . M .. ~ .. . 0.7 +. .. ln5 ++ ... .. .. . · .. '• ... .... .,1 0~;;:;;--#~;;_~+tt~-~~li~IJI~lll~ll!~l!I~JIH~ ;- l!Ili1COXJ&lll}KOl\UlXJ11ml _, ~.~,~~~~U~M~M~.~.-,7,~ .. ~ .. ~, ..... , Fig.2 Effect of the temperature of the air on the drying kinetics (Tests 1 and 4) Characteristic Curves of Drying The method adopted for the determination of a master- curve, called characteristic curve of drying (CCD), it. near in its principle to the one reconnnended by [11, 12- 18], only used in the case of the products presenting a period of constant rate drying. The purpose of CCD consists in establishing a law of drying based on some experimentation ; it derives from some basic knowledge acquired in the domain of drying but remains without complete theoretical justification. Consequently, only its aptitude to foresee some drying curves attests of its validity (heuristic approach). A CCD results from the transform of the abscissa and of the ordinate in order to reassemble all the experimental curves (Fig.4) on a unique curve: m [- ~:)-7 f= -[d;) dt I (1) (2) The determination of a reduced variable curve after the transformation appears here very delicate because of the impossibility of reaching the values of ;;u and of [-d;) . We propose a new transformation, derived dt 1 from the previous one: 158 t . t . '• •' . t •• t • . .. t •• t •• t + •••• .. ; i +++t ••• ••• t t .. : + t . . . . .. . .... t .. a m m u ~ ~ M m M ~ 1 - Fig.3 Effect of the moisture of the air on the kinetics of drying (Tests 2 and 5) w -HP == w-w,q 0:::; lf>:::; 1 (3) wo -w,q ·m (- ~)->/" ~( ~l 0~/~1 (4) The application of this new transformation to the whole set of experimental curves of drying by IR radiation led the global Fig.5. A polynomial interpolation of the experimental points led us to the following relation: f = F(if> )= 2.79211> 3 -4.5175if>z + 2.7556