HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY VESPRÉM Vol. 33(1-2)., pp. 69-73. (2005) ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS IN 3-PARAMETER WEIBULL PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS R. LUUS and M. JAMMER Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3E5, CANADA This paper was presented at the 10th International Workshop on Chemical Engineering Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, August 18-20, 2005 Three-parameter Weibull probability distribution function is used to represent the time-to-failure data. For parameter estimation, the errors-in-variables, maximum likelihood, and least squares methods are compared. The results obtained from five data sets show that maximum likelihood method gives the most reliable parameter estimates which are close to those obtained by errors-in-variables approach. The least squares method gave the poorest results in most cases. For parameter estimation, the Luus-Jaakola direct search optimization procedure yielded the optimal parameter values in negligible computation time, taking less than a second of computation time on a Pentium4/2.66MHz personal computer for 50 data points. Keywords: parameter estimation, Weibull, maximum likelihood, least squares, errors-in-variables Introduction Similar items, such as 100-watt incandescent light bulbs produced by the same company, subjected to similar environmental conditions tend to fail at different times. To predict the life of such items, the three-parameter Weibull probability distribution function has been found to represent the time-to-failure data reasonably well. The Weibull cumulative distribution function is t t tF < − −−= µ α µ β ],)(exp[1)( (1) and its derivative is the Weibull probability density function ].)(exp[))(()( 1 ββ β α µ µ α β − −−= − t ttf (2) The data are in the form of time to failure for n similar items arranged in order so that t1 is the time to failure of the first item and tn is the time to failure for the n th item. Statistically, a good estimate for the Weibull cumulative distribution function for n data points, as suggested by O’CONNER [1] and used recently by HUNG [2], is 4.0 3.0 )( + − = n i iFs . (3) The problem is to estimate the parameters µ, α, and β from a given reliability data set. There are three approaches that may be used to obtain the parameters, depending on the criterion used for optimization. Errors-in-Variables Estimation (EIV) Recently, errors-in-variables approach has been found useful for parameter estimation where there is a significant error in the independent variables [3]. Instead of estimating only the parameters, the method also estimates the values of the independent variables. Here we choose the performance index to be minimized as ∑ −= = n i sii ttI 1 2)( (4) where ti are the actual measured times to failure and (5) βαµ /1))](1ln([ iFt ssi −−+= which, with the use of Eq.(3), becomes 70 βαµ /1)] 4.0 3.0 1ln([ + − −−+= n i t si . (6) Maximum likelihood estimation (ML) The likelihood function is the product of the individual probability density functions. Thus the aim is to maximize the likelihood function ∏= = n i itfL 1 )( (7) which is written as ].)(exp[))(( 1 1 ββ β α µ µ α β − −−∏= − = i i n i t tL (8) To prevent computational difficulties, it is further specified that β ≥ 1. Otherwise, if β < 1 and if µ is very close to t1, the term (t1 - µ) β-1 becomes very large. Least squares estimation (LS) An alternative to the above two methods is to consider as a performance index the sum of squares of deviations of the cumulative distribution functions ∑ −= = n i si iFtFS 1 2)]()([ (9) Substituting Eq.(1) and Eq.(3) into Eq.(9) gives ∑ + − − − −−= = n i i n it S 1 2] 4.0 3.0 ])(exp[1[ β α µ . (10) The values of the three parameters α, β, and µ obtained from a set of data will depend on the choice of the performance index. The goal here is to examine the parameters obtained by these three performance indices I, L, and S. Optimization procedure To obtain the three parameters, we decided to use direct search optimization, so that no transformations or auxiliary variables would have to be calculated. There are numerous direct search optimization procedures that may be used. Recently, genetic algorithm has been favored by some, but recent comparison of the genetic algorithm to the direct search procedure introduced by LUUS and JAAKOLA [4], and refined recently by LUUS [5-7], showed that the LJ optimization procedure tends to be somewhat faster and more reliable than the genetic algorithm [8]. Therefore, we used the LJ optimization procedure for the optimization. The LJ optimization procedure involves taking a number of random sampling points over a region, finding the best point, and then using the best point as the centre of the region for the next iteration. However, at the beginning of this iteration the region size is reduced by a factor γ < 1 to make the search more intensive around the best point. This procedure is continued for a number of iterations to finish a pass. Since it is desirable to obtain the optimum value of the performance index very accurately, a number of passes is usually necessary. The algorithm for the LJ optimization procedure is given by LUUS [9]. We used a multi-pass procedure, involving 25 passes, each consisting of 21 iterations. The initial values for the parameters were: µ = 0.5 t1, α = t1, β = 2.0, and the initial region size for the first pass was taken as 0.5 times the initial value. After every iteration the region sizes were reduced by γ = 0.95. At the beginning of the second pass, the region sizes were put to 0.01 times the parameter values. For the remaining passes, the region size for each parameter at the beginning of the pass was put equal to the amount by which the parameter changed during the previous pass. If this change, divided by the parameter value, was less than 10-6, then the region size was put to 10-6 times the parameter value. The parameter estimates were run with R = 25 and with R = 100 random points per iteration. Numerical results All computations were done in double precision using WATCOM Fortran compiler version 9.5 on a Pentium4/2.66GHz personal computer. Example 1: Lifetime of light bulbs As the first example we chose the data of WALPOLE and MYERS [10] relating to the lifetimes of 50 internally frosted incandescent 40-watt 110-volt light bulbs. The shortest lifetime was 702 h, so we chose the initial values: µ = 351, α = 702, and β = 2. Using the EIV approach, after 25 passes, we obtained the minimum value I = 1.754306594335 × 104 with R = 100 in a total computation time of 0.83 s, and I = 1.754306594336 × 104 with R = 25 in a computation time of 0.22 s. The convergence profile given in Fig.1 shows that 25 randomly chosen test points per iteration are quite sufficient to get accurate values for the parameters within 25 passes. However, when 100 points are used, convergence to 12 figures is obtained already in 11 passes. Maximization of the likelihood function given in Eq.(8) yielded with R = 100 in a computation time of 1.49 s the maximum value L = 1.0285396 × 10-139 with parameter values which are very close to those obtained by EIV, as is shown in Table 1. To calculate such a small number, each probability density function was multiplied by 103 and then the resulting likelihood function at the end was multiplied by 10-150. This avoided any possibility of underflow problems. Minimization of the sum of squares of deviations given in Eq.(9) yielded with R = 100 in a computation time of 0.50 s the minimum S = 5.6267167 × 10-2 with parameter values given in Table 1. These values are quite 71 different from those obtained from the other two methods. Also, the deviations of the estimated times to failure and the measured times to failure are substantially higher, as is shown in the last column of Table 1. It is natural for EIV to outperform the other two methods if the deviations of the same data points are used for estimating the parameters and then used for the evaluation, since in EIV the evaluation function is used for estimating the parameters. We therefore used only half of the data to obtain the parameters. Starting with the first data point, every second data point was used, plus the last data point, giving 26 data points. Fig.1 Convergence profile for Example 1, showing the effect of the number of random points used per iteration For evaluation of the results, the entire data length was used. As is shown in Table 2, the maximum likelihood method yielded the best results. Such evaluation was carried out with several additional data sets available in the literature. Example 2: Lifetime of batteries We now consider the lives of 40 similar batteries recorded to the nearest tenth of a year, as reported by WALPOLE AND MYERS [9]. Convergence was easily obtained, yielding I = 0.36569261, L = 7.5001463 × 10-19, and S = 3.724944 × 10-2 with the parameter values given in Table 3 for all the data. Table 1 Parameters obtained for Example 1 with the use of 50 time-to-failure data points: 702, 765, 785, 811, 832, 855, 896, 902, 905, 918, 919, 920, 923, 929, 936, 938, 948, 950, 956, 958, 958, 970, 972, 978, 1009, 1009, 1022, 1035, 1037, 1045, 1067, 1085, 1092, 1102, 1122, 1126, 1151, 1156, 1157, 1157, 1162, 1170, 1195, 1195, 1196, 1217, 1237, 1311, 1333, 1340 µ α β ∑ = − 50 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 626.155 623.527 702.000 450.129 452.020 371.347 2.90623 3.00294 2.25438 1.7543×104 1.8188×104 2.3295×104 Table 2 Parameters obtained for Example 1 with the use of every second data point and the last one (26 data points) but evaluated with all data points µ α β ∑ = − 50 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 577.18 590.06 702.00 510.72 495.22 380.64 3.0347 3.0953 2.1505 2.8713×104 2.1177×104 4.0526×104 Table 3 Parameters obtained for Example 2, given the time-to- failure data: 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6, 2.9, 3.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.5, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.8, 3.9, 3.9, 4.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.7 µ α β ∑ = − 40 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 0.00000 0.10346 1.60000 3.69330 3.58331 2.05230 5.51662 5.49813 3.18526 0.36569 0.38317 0.82921 In Table 4 are the parameter values for half of the data. By comparing the estimates in these two tables, again the maximum likelihood method is seen to give the best results if half of the data are used to obtain the parameters, and the parameter values are evaluated with the entire data length. Again, the least squares method yielded the worst results. Table 4 Parameters obtained for Example 2 with the use of every second data point and the last one (21 data points) but evaluated with all data µ α β ∑ = − 40 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 0.00000 0.00000 1.60000 3.7487 3.7382 2.1089 4.9521 5.2934 2.8953 0.65398 0.45611 0.85610 72 Example 3: Data used by Lockhart and Stephens The data given by COX and OAKES [11], and used by LOCKHART and STEPHENS [12] gave I = 261.79902, L = 9.0746400 × 10-22, and S = 2.0017367 × 10-2 with a wide range of values for the parameters, as is seen in Table 5. The ML values obtained here correspond very closely to the ML values obtained by Lockhart and Stephens, namely, 99.02, 78.23 and 2.38. Table 5 Parameters obtained for Example 3, given the time-to- failure data: 117, 135, 135, 162, 162, 171, 189, 189, 198, 225 µ α β ∑ = − 10 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 71.5445 99.0109 13.9179 108.641 78.240 167.491 3.0214 2.3755 4.7922 261.799 412.692 321.376 When only half of the data were used, we see in Table 6 that the maximum likelihood method yielded the most consistent values for the parameters. Table 6 Parameters obtained for Example 3 with the use of every second data point and the last one (6 data points) but evaluated with entire data length µ α β ∑ = − 10 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 17.323 102.506 0.000 169.824 77.016 188.474 3.8339 1.8877 4.0675 1068.61 423.78 1499.66 Example 4: Lifetime of fruit flies For the data on the lives of 50 fruit flies in seconds when exposed to a spray in a controlled laboratory experiment as given by WALPOLE AND MYERS [10], we obtained the parameter values shown in Table 7 with I = 18.879469, L = 4.8751765 × 10-18, and S = 3.8023533 × 10-2. Table 7 Parameters obtained for Example 4, given the time-to- failure data: 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 32 µ α β ∑ = − 50 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 3.0000 2.6548 3.0000 10.3405 10.8189 10.3032 1.4947 1.6606 1.5949 18.879 28.646 27.829 When only half of the data were used, as is seen in Table 8, the best results were obtained with the least squares method. Table 8 Parameters obtained for Example 4 with the use of every second data point and the last one (26 data points) but evaluated with entire data length µ α β ∑ = − 50 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 3.0000 2.5974 3.0000 10.6904 11.2482 10.6047 1.3285 1.5300 1.4892 84.548 36.322 23.355 Example 5: Lifetime of fuel pumps For the data on the lives in years of 30 similar fuel pumps as presented by WALPOLE AND MYERS [10], convergence to I = 14.135236, L = 3.456841 × 10-26, and S = 6.2525950 × 10-2 was easily obtained, yielding the parameter values in Table 9. When only half of the data were used, Table 10 shows that EIV yielded the best results. Here it is noted that for the maximum likelihood method µ is very close to t1 and β is very close to 1, so the maximum likelihood estimation procedure is not very reliable. For this example, therefore, the errors-in-variables approach gives the most reliable parameter estimates. Table 9 Parameters obtained for Example 5, given the time-to- failure data: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 2.3, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 4.0, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.5 µ α β ∑ = − 30 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 0.00000 0.20000 0.00000 3.2353 2.5965 3.1446 1.4346 1.0000 0.9248 14.135 26.517 68.778 Table 10 Parameters obtained for Example 5 with the use of every second data point and the last one (16 data points) but evaluated with entire data length µ α β ∑ = − 50 1 2)( i sii tt EIV ML LS 0.00000 0.20000 0.00000 3.3732 2.6999 3.2830 1.3757 1.0000 0.8826 15.642 28.337 105.122 73 Conclusions The Luus-Jaakola optimization procedure is easy to use for parameter estimation for the Weibull distribution, since no transformations are required. The optimal parameter values are readily obtained in negligible computation time on a personal computer. Errors-in-variables approach is easy to use with direct search optimization, and no computational difficulties were encountered with the use of the LJ optimization procedure. However, with the maximum likelihood function, great care is required if β < 1, and µ is very close to t1. The parameter estimates obtained by EIV are closer to those obtained by maximum likelihood than by least squares. The least squares approach tends to give the least reliable parameter estimates. For most of the data sets, the maximum likelihood method gave the most consistent estimates for the parameters when a shorter data length was used. It is recommended to use both the errors-in-variables and the maximum likelihood methods to obtain the parameters in the Weibull distribution and then to examine and evaluate the results. Acknowledgement Financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is gratefully appreciated. SYMBOLS f - Weibull probability density function F - Weibull cumulative distribution function Fs - statistically determined Weibull cumulative distribution function I - performance index for errors-in-variables L - likelihood function n number of items tested R - number of random points used in each iteration S - sum of squares of deviations of cumulative distribution functions ti - time for the i th item to fail α - parameter to be determined β - parameter to be determined γ - region size reduction after every iteration in the LJ optimization procedure µ - parameter to be determined Acronyms EIV - errors-in-variables estimation LJ - Luus-Jaakola optimization procedure LS - least squares estimation ML - maximum likelihood estimation REFERENCES 1. O’CONNER P.D.T.: Practical Reliability Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1985 2. HUNG W.L.: Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2001,17(6),467-469 3. LUUS R. and HERNAEZ H.: Hungarian J. 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