item: #1 of 181 id: ideas-1033 author: Rusdiansyah, Rusdiansyah title: Note-Taking as a Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension date: 2019-12-31 words: 4397 flesch: 61 summary: Note taking does not have to be painful or time consuming. It can be proven by the result of this research where it shows significant increasing reading comprehension through note taking. keywords: active; analysis; comprehension; cycle; effective; good; help; ideas; important; information; issn; key; language; learning; main; material; meaning; note; note taking; process; questions; reading; reading comprehension; research; result; second; strategies; students; taking; teacher; teaching; technique; text; time; use; way; words cache: ideas-1033.pdf plain text: ideas-1033.txt item: #2 of 181 id: ideas-1037 author: Anggreni, Afrillia; Hastini, Hastini; Erniwati, Erniwati title: Analyzing Teachers’ Praise In Classroom Interaction date: 2019-12-31 words: 3918 flesch: 64 summary: The results of the research show that (1) the teachers dominantly use okay and good in giving Praise and (2) the functions of the praise are given by both of teachers as: to construct the good communication, to support positive learning behavior, to reward good students conduct and achievement and to express approval, admiration and delight during the teaching-learning process. Types : okay, uplause to your friend Function : to reward good students conduct or academic, Extract 3 S3 : I will send you a booking holiday S4 : thank you so much ibnu S3 : you’re welcome, now I should go S4 : take care of your self S3 : by S4 : by T : okay, uplause to your friends Analysis of extract 3 In Extract 3, the teacher expressed her praising by saying okay, uplause to your friends. keywords: academic; achievement; admiration; analysis; apa; approval; attention; behavior; classroom; conduct; conversation; data; december; english; expression; extract; friend; function; good; good students; ideas; issn; job; kalian; lamaran; learning; okay; online; pekerjaan; positive; praise; print; process; research; reward; second; students; surat; teacher; types; uplause; vol; yah; yang cache: ideas-1037.pdf plain text: ideas-1037.txt item: #3 of 181 id: ideas-1054 author: Guntur, Laode Muhammad Firman; Pordanjani, Sadegh Rahimi title: Indonesian University Students' Perception on Instructor-Initiated Writing Activities date: 2019-12-31 words: 4874 flesch: 45 summary: In his study, Huskin (2016) investigates with a literary review, several strategies regarding how effective the strategies can be in engaging students and how the instructors should execute them. These difficulties become the obstacles of engaging students in a cognitive way. keywords: academic; activities; activity; approach; classroom; cognitive; competence; context; course; design; different; doi; efl; engagement; english; factors; indonesian; influence; instructors; issn; issue; journal; language; learners; learning; level; linguistic; literature; motivation; pedagogical; perception; practice; psychological; reluctance; skill; strategies; students; studies; study; tasks; tblt; teachers; teaching; universities; university; writers; writing; writing activities cache: ideas-1054.pdf plain text: ideas-1054.txt item: #4 of 181 id: ideas-1085 author: Bochari, Siska; Basri, Hasan; Arid, Muh title: The Student's Error in Forming Nominal Clause in Complex Sentence date: 2019-12-31 words: 5335 flesch: 66 summary: Abstract This research uses descriptive qualitative method that aims at analyzing the errors in the formation of nominal clause in complex sentence conducted by students of the fourth semester of the English Language Study Program, Tadulako University. The test was given in the form of a written test by asking students to make nominal clause. keywords: answer; clause; complement; complex; connector; english; error; example; form; functions; interrogative; issn; know; language; marker; mistakes; nominal; nominal clause; object; omission; preposition; question; researchers; sentences; simple; students; subject; table; true; type; verb; words cache: ideas-1085.pdf plain text: ideas-1085.txt item: #5 of 181 id: ideas-1259 author: Rokhaniyah, Hesti title: Applying Reciprocal Teaching to Overcome Learners' Barriers to Effective Listening date: 2020-06-02 words: 3529 flesch: 51 summary: The findings of Reciprocal Teaching implementation were categorized into two main points as follows: (1) Reciprocal Teaching could overcome learners barriers to effective listening and (2) Reciprocal Teaching could affect the class situation. Thus, learners’ self-regulatory and monitoring skill could be improved Hesti Rokhaniyah, Shoffin Nahwa Utama, & Nurhana Marantika Employing Reciprocal Teaching to Overcome Learners’ Barriers to Effective listening 44 Conclusion In relation to the research finding and discussion, the exploration of Reciprocal Teaching can overcome learners’ barriers to effective listening. keywords: answer; barriers; class; comprehension; cycle; data; effective; english; ideas; increase; issn; journal; key; language; learners; learning; listening; method; post; process; reading; reciprocal; reciprocal teaching; research; result; score; situation; skill; sounds; strategy; students; study; table; teaching; test; text; university; vocabularies; word cache: ideas-1259.pdf plain text: ideas-1259.txt item: #6 of 181 id: ideas-127 author: Rahmah, Fadhliyah title: DEVELOPMENT LEARNING MATERIAL ESP date: 2013-08-22 words: 1904 flesch: 55 summary: In ESP materials it is relatively teaching points are relevant and useful by relating them to know learner interests and to ‘real-life’ tasks which the learners need or might need to perform in the target language. Real content relates to pedagogical aims such as the features of language learner will become more aware of or be better able to produce or the language skills they gain control of. keywords: activities; analysis; authentic; content; course; development; english; esp; genres; identification; language; learners; learning; materials; methodology; needs; new; real; situation; skills; specific; students; target; teacher; teaching; texts; topics; use cache: ideas-127.pdf plain text: ideas-127.txt item: #7 of 181 id: ideas-1275 author: Yusuf, Faidah; Susilo, Muh. Iskandar title: Existentialist Feminism of Woman’s Struggle in Cigarette Girl Novel date: 2020-06-03 words: 5919 flesch: 62 summary: In the other word, this movement is the awareness of women about their identity to destruct the hierarchy that is harmful for woman’s position, such as exploitation of woman, and also slavery by man. Women are also considered as objects that print children - even though women should be made as someone who can be invited to work together in life. keywords: activity; beauvoir; boundaries; character; cigarette; cigarette girl; dasiyah; data; economic; existence; existentialist; faidah; father; feminism; forms; girl; ideas; independent; iskandar; issn; june; kumala; life; literature; liyan; makassar; movement; muh; new; novel; object; online; oppression; person; power; print; ratih; research; roemaisa; role; sartre; second; self; simone; social; society; struggle; subject; susilo; thesis; time; tong; university; vol; weak; women; work; yusuf cache: ideas-1275.pdf plain text: ideas-1275.txt item: #8 of 181 id: ideas-128 author: Ali, Ahmat title: Implementasi Metode Natural Approach dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar date: 2013-08-22 words: 3607 flesch: 52 summary: Proses pembelajaran yang lebih menekankan pada proses akuisisi bahasa yang bersifat komunikatif adalah merupakan tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang saat ini di inginkan oleh semua fihak, termasuk pemerintah, seperti yang tercantum dalam pedoman pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah Dasar tahun 2007. Mereka memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat terhadap proses akuisisi bahasa yang terjadi pada anak. keywords: acquisition; adalah; adanya; akan; akhir; akuisisi; anak; approach; atas; atau; bahasa; bahwa; baik; beberapa; begitu; belum; bentuk; biasa; binatang; burung; butterfly; caretaker; classroom; critical; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dasar; deer; dengan; dilakukan; diri; ekspresi; exposure; friends; gambar; game; gerakkan; guru; harus; hubungan; inggris; ini; intake; intelligence; itu; juga; kali; kalimat; kanan; karena; kecerdasan; kedua; kelas; kemampuan; kemudian; kepada; ketika; kiri; komunikasi; krashen; lagi; lagu; lain; language; learning; lebih; lion; luar; maka; masa; masih; masing; materi; melakukan; melalui; memadai; membuat; memiliki; mempersiapkan; menekankan; mengatakan; menggerak; menggunakan; mengucapkan; menjadi; menjawab; menunjukkan; mereka; merupakan; metode; misalnya; model; multiple; natural; newport; number; oleh; orang; pada; pembelajaran; penelitian; pengajaran; penulis; perkembangan; pertama; pola; proses; saat; salah; satu; sebagai; sebelumnya; sebuah; secara; second; sedang; sehingga; sekolah; selanjutnya; sementara; semua; seperti; serta; seseorang; sesuai; setelah; siswa; snail; speech; students; suara; tahun; tangan; teman; teori; tepat; terhadap; terjadi; terrel; tersebut; tidak; tinggi; untuk; wayang; win; yang cache: ideas-128.pdf plain text: ideas-128.txt item: #9 of 181 id: ideas-131 author: Sukardi, Weda title: LEARNER CENTERED CURRICULUM IN THE EFL CLASSROOM IN INDONESIA date: 2014-08-23 words: 3043 flesch: 48 summary: Those issues are identification of curriculum problem, curriculum design, characteristics of ideal curriculum, curriculum development in Indonesia, and learner centered curriculum. B. Brief Look of Curriculum As described in introduction that curriculum development is a factor in educational system which paid some attention by Indonesian government. keywords: areas; assessment; centeredness; classroom; content; cultural; curriculum; dan; decisions; design; development; educational; elements; english; evaluation; function; goals; good; ideal; important; improvement; indonesia; lamb; language; learner; learning; level; needs; nunan; objectives; pada; phase; process; program; questions; schools; secondary; sector; social; system; table; tahun; teaching; university cache: ideas-131.pdf plain text: ideas-131.txt item: #10 of 181 id: ideas-1316 author: Dharmawati, Dharmawati title: Classroom Interaction in Teaching English for Mechanical Engineering Students date: 2020-06-04 words: 3668 flesch: 53 summary: 105 – 115 Classroom Interaction in Teaching English for Mechanical Engineering Students Dharmawati Engineering and Computer Science Faculty, Universitas Harapan, Medan, Indonesia Received: 26 April 2020 Accepted: 11 May 2020 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v8i1.1316 Abstract This descriptive qualitative research deals with classroom interaction in teaching English for mechanical engineering students. Such an English teaching-learning process may support the quality of students’ learning achievement especially for mechanical engineering students. keywords: bahasa; classroom; classroom interaction; data; engineering; engineering students; english; english teaching; figure; harapan; ideas; interaction; issn; language; learning; learning process; lecturer; material; mechanical; mechanical engineering; medan; print; process; question; research; students; talk; teacher; teaching; universitas; use cache: ideas-1316.pdf plain text: ideas-1316.txt item: #11 of 181 id: ideas-133 author: Masruddin, Masruddin title: PREPARATION AND STRATEGIES APPLIED BY TEACHERS OF MATH AND SCIENCE IN ENGLISH OF BILINGUAL PROGRAM AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2014-08-23 words: 2944 flesch: 57 summary: Related to the responsibility as bilingual teachers, the teachers need to prepare and to apply some strategies in order to achieve the target of bilingual classroom. One was Math bilingual teacher and one was IPA science Bilingual teacher at SDN 1 lalebata Palopo. keywords: activities; addition; bilingual; class; classes; classroom; clil; content; data; education; elementary; english; foreign; fun; important; information; lalebata; language; learning; lesson; material; math; need; palopo; preparation; process; program; research; school; science; strategies; students; subjects; teachers; teaching; use; vocabulary cache: ideas-133.pdf plain text: ideas-133.txt item: #12 of 181 id: ideas-134 author: Fikri, Fikri title: UPAYA MEMAHAMI RETORIKA POLITIK PRESIDEN OBAMA (SUATU TINJAUAN PRAGMATIK) date: 2014-08-23 words: 3258 flesch: 52 summary: Berikut beberapa pernyataan Obama yang disampaikan Obama (The Jakarta Post, 11 November 2010): konteks penggunaan kata tersebut serta siapa yang menyampaikan dan yang menerimanya. keywords: adalah; amerika; asia; asumsi; atau; bagian; bahasa; bahwa; beberapa; belum; berikut; bridge; colonialism; countries; country; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; democracy; demokrasi; dengan; development; digunakan; disampaikan; gaya; glue; government; hal; implikatur; india; indonesia; ini; islands; jakarta; jelas; kalimat; kata; kemudian; konteks; lain; largest; majority; makna; maksud; masyarakat; memahami; memiliki; mengandung; menjadi; menyampaikan; mereka; merupakan; mullah; muslim; negara; november; obama; oleh; pada; para; pembicara; pendengar; penggunaan; penutur; people; pernyataan; pesan; political; politik; politisi; post; presiden; pronomina; representative; retorika; retorika politik; retoris; salah; sebagai; sebuah; secara; serta; shan; society; speech; students; suatu; telah; teori; tersebut; thousands; tiga; untuk; visit; wareing; world; yaitu; yang cache: ideas-134.pdf plain text: ideas-134.txt item: #13 of 181 id: ideas-1348 author: Lasiana, Lasiana Lasiana; Mubarak, Zia Hisni title: An Analysis of Flouting Maxim in Ruby Spark Movie date: 2020-06-17 words: 4543 flesch: 73 summary: The first study about flouting maxim was done by Affifatusholilah (2016). There are 4 types of flouting maxim found related to the flouting that they had flouted in Ruby Spark movie by Zoe Kazan during their conversation the movie itself. keywords: additional; analysis; answer; calvin; conversation; cooperative; data; flouting; grice; information; issn; language; manner; maxim; maxim flouting; method; movie; people; principle; quality; quantity; question; relevance; relevant; research; result; ruby; situation; spark; speaker; theory; types cache: ideas-1348.pdf plain text: ideas-1348.txt item: #14 of 181 id: ideas-141 author: Naely, Muchtar title: ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS IN READING COMPREHENSION date: 2015-08-23 words: 2905 flesch: 49 summary: It may tend to be positive (called positive attitude) or it tend to be negative (called negative attitude), or it may be neither positive nor negative (called neutral attitude); So, such a tendency as positive attitude may vary in such intensities as positive and strongly positive or negative attitude may vary in such intensities as negative and strongly negative; 3. keywords: academic; action; affective; attitude; behavior; beliefs; component; comprehension; concerns; development; education; english; favorable; feelings; function; good; important; individual; knowledge; language; learning; meaning; negative; object; outcome; person; positive; process; reader; reading; school; second; skills; strategies; students; tendency; text cache: ideas-141.pdf plain text: ideas-141.txt item: #15 of 181 id: ideas-149 author: Amalia, Yahya; Muliasari, Arifin title: THE INFLUENCE OF ARABIC SOUND TOWARD ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION AT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS OF IAIN PALOPO date: 2015-08-23 words: 5293 flesch: 59 summary: THE INFLUENCE OF ARABIC SOUND TOWARD ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION AT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS OF IAIN PALOPO AMALIA YAHYA MULIASRI ARIFIN ABSTRACT This thesis is aimed to find out the influence of Arabic sound toward English pronunciation especially English fricatives / f /, / θ /, and / /ʃ . The objective of this research is to find out the influence of person who masters produce Arabic sound based on makhraj huruf in mastering English fricative pronounciation in the third semester of English Departement students of IAIN Palopo. keywords: ability; alveolar; arabic; arabic sound; articulation; blade; close; closure; consonant; data; dental; english; english fricatives; english pronunciation; examples; followings; fricatives; good; iain; influence; interview; language; letter; list; makhraj; means; mouth; new; palopo; participants; passage; people; phoneme; phonetic; phonology; pronunciation; qualitative; qur’an; reading; research; ridge; second; sentence; sound; speech; stop; students; study; table; target; task; teeth; tip; tongue; transfer; upper; voiceless; words cache: ideas-149.pdf plain text: ideas-149.txt item: #16 of 181 id: ideas-152 author: Masruddin, Masruddin; Kurnia, Kurnia title: IMPROVING STUDENTS WRITING SKILL BY USING PICTURE AT THE TWELFTH YEAR STUDENTS OF SMA PESANTREN MODERN DATOK SULAIMAN PUTRA PALOPO date: 2015-08-23 words: 5034 flesch: 58 summary: Teaching writing using picture motivated students to writing more and it improved student’s writing skill. Key Words: Writing skill, pictures. keywords: class; composition; datok; descriptive; dictionary; easy; english; example; explanation; function; good; grammar; help; hypothesis; idea; important; information; jakarta; language; learning; media; modern; new; palopo; paragraph; pembelajaran; pesantren; picture; process; reader; researcher; result; sentences; significance; skill; sma; state; structure; students; sulaiman; teacher; teaching; topic; twelfth; use; vocabulary; words; write; writing; year cache: ideas-152.pdf plain text: ideas-152.txt item: #17 of 181 id: ideas-155 author: Agung, Guritno title: SHORT STORIES: THE POWERFUL MEDIA TO FOSTER STUDENTS VOCABULARY MASTERY IN READING date: 2017-08-25 words: 4350 flesch: 62 summary: Day, Omura and Hiramatsu (1991) argue that “foreign language students can learn target vocabulary through reading”. As the result, the use of short stories is able to increase the students’ psychological aspect and the classroom climate. keywords: ability; action; classroom; cycle; english; improvement; indicators; journal; knowledge; language; learning; mastery; meaning; media; meeting; observation; post; process; pronunciation; reading; researcher; result; score; short; short stories; short story; spelling; stories; story; students; target; teaching; test; use; vocabulary; vocabulary mastery; words; world cache: ideas-155.pdf plain text: ideas-155.txt item: #18 of 181 id: ideas-1565 author: Anggraini, Rianda; Ambalegin, Ambalegin title: The Refusal Speech Act in "Me Before You" Movie date: 2020-12-10 words: 4338 flesch: 72 summary: Result There were 12 utterances that indicated indirect refusal and its strategy and 1 utterance was found for direct refusal. The first is direct refusal, second is indirect refusal and the last is adjuncts to refusal. keywords: act; additional; alternative; brasdefer; conversation; data; discourse; effect; english; example; explanation; félix; ideas; indirect; information; interlocutor; invitation; issn; job; journal; language; louisa; means; movie; negative; patrick; people; pragmatics; previous; reason; refusal; refuser; request; situation; speaker; speech; strategies; strategy; study; suggestion cache: ideas-1565.pdf plain text: ideas-1565.txt item: #19 of 181 id: ideas-159 author: Gusri, Emiyati; Irmawati, Irmawati title: PERBANDINGAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS ANTARA MAHASISWA JURUSAN TEKNIK DAN NON TEKNIK POLITEKNIK NEGERI UJUNG PANDANG date: 2017-08-25 words: 4018 flesch: 45 summary: Motivasi mempelajari bahasa Inggris yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah orientasi integratif yakni dorongan mempelajari bahasa Inggris yang timbul dari dalam diri sendiri, orientasi instrumental yakni dorongan mempelajari bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan akademik dan karir, perilaku terhadap pengajar, dan perilaku terhadap mata kuliah. Belajar bahasa Inggris yang dimaksud di sini adalah belajar bukan hanya di dalam kelas dengan tenaga pengajar, tapi juga belajar di luar konteks pembelajaran di kelas. keywords: adalah; akan; amtb; atas; atau; bagus; bahasa; bahasa inggris; bahwa; baik; beberapa; belajar; belajar bahasa; berbahasa; berikut; besar; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dari jurusan; data; dengan; dibandingkan; dorongan; dosen; faktor; gardner; hanya; hasil; inggris; ingin; ini; internal; item; itu; jawaban; juga; jumlah; jurusan; jurusan non; jurusan teknik; karena; karir; kelas; kemampuan; kuesioner; kurang; lebih; mahasiswa; masing; maupun; memiliki; memiliki motivasi; mempelajari; mempengaruhi; menganggap; menunjukkan; merasa; mereka; merupakan; motivasi; motivasi yang; namun; negeri; nilai; non; non teknik; oleh; orang; pada; pandang; pembelajaran; penelitian; pengajar; penting; politeknik; prestasi; psikologi; responden; sangat; saya; sebagai; sebagian; sebanyak; sebuah; sedangkan; selain; seseorang; setuju; suatu; teknik; teknik politeknik; teknik yang; tentang; terdapat; terhadap; tersebut; tidak; tinggi; tingkat; tujuan; ujung; untuk; untuk belajar; yakni; yang; yang memiliki cache: ideas-159.pdf plain text: ideas-159.txt item: #20 of 181 id: ideas-1660 author: Ahsanah, Finaty; Utomo, Dias Tiara Putri title: The Use of Digital Comic in Developing Student's English Competence date: 2020-12-10 words: 4409 flesch: 56 summary: This study strengthen the fact that students need to be assist in learning English in order to help them increasing their English competence. It has to make students feel enjoy while getting all the materials they needed. keywords: class; comic; competence; current; data; difficulties; digital; digital comic; effective; english; english competence; experimental; expression; ideas; issn; language; learning; media; meetings; online; post; pre; preparation; researchers; result; sample; significant; structure; students; studies; study; teaching; test; toefl; treatment; universitas; use cache: ideas-1660.pdf plain text: ideas-1660.txt item: #21 of 181 id: ideas-1682 author: Basuki, Edi Pujo; Saputri, Tiyas title: Teaching Writing Narratives Online by Using Storyboard Technique During the Lockdown period of the Virus Covid-19 Outbreak date: 2020-12-10 words: 2541 flesch: 64 summary: The teacher should define first what students should imagine and then what they should shift to written form. One technique that can be used to help make it easier for students to write short story text is the storyboard technique. keywords: activity; coherence; construction; descriptive; english; form; good; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; lesson; media; model; narrative; narrative text; online; pictures; plan; process; sequence; short; storyboard; storyboard technique; students; study; teacher; teaching; technique; text; virus; writer; writing cache: ideas-1682.pdf plain text: ideas-1682.txt item: #22 of 181 id: ideas-169 author: Masruddin, Masruddin title: THE STUDENTS INTEREST TOWARDS THE USE OF NATURAL APPROACH IN TEACHING SPEAKING date: 2013-12-25 words: 5295 flesch: 52 summary: It means that learning speaking used natural approach with maps it really help. It means teaching speaking by used natural approach is easy to understand. keywords: ability; acquisition; activities; approach; classification; classroom; communication; comprehensible; data; doubt; education; english; fluency; focus; frequency; grammar; input; interest; item; krashen; language; learners; learning; materials; means; method; natural; natural approach; new; palopo; people; percentage; positive; practice; press; questionnaire; questions; researcher; second; situations; skill; speaking; statements; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; techniques; terrell; thesis; total; university; use; york cache: ideas-169.pdf plain text: ideas-169.txt item: #23 of 181 id: ideas-173 author: Shanty, Halim title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING VIDEO AND ROLE PLAY IN TEACHING SPEAKING date: 2016-08-25 words: 3297 flesch: 65 summary: Based on statistic analysis, it shows that using role is more effective than video in teaching speaking. Harmer (1991:53) stated that role play is an exercise in which student behave in the way that student else behave in a particular situation, especially to help student learning something. keywords: ability; analysis; class; classroom; difference; effective; english; language; learning; mean; mean score; media; new; oral; people; play; posttest; pretest; research; result; role; role play; score; significance; skill; speaking; standard; students; teaching; technology; test; video; york cache: ideas-173.pdf plain text: ideas-173.txt item: #24 of 181 id: ideas-1733 author: Widyastuti, Citra; Yahya, Amalia; Thayyib, Magfirah title: Using Customized Hangaroo Game for Vocabulary Teaching at SMPN 1 Bosso date: 2021-06-02 words: 4657 flesch: 65 summary: The steps of the customized hangaroo game applied on treatment in every meeting are: (a) the teacher divides students in some groups; one group consists of four or five students according to the conditions in the classroom, (b) the teacher gives the clues about the word and gives 20 minutes to answer the questions and tells students to discuss together before they answer, (c) every group can start hangaroo game by filling the blank form with letters forming words as the answers from the clues related to the questions provided, (d) after the students finish filling the blank form, the teacher then asks them to write their guesses on the white board one by one for each group, (e) if the students can guess correctly, they get the point; if they cannot guess correctly, they do not get the point; for each incorrect guess the teacher draws the hanged kangaroo on the white board, (f) the points are accumulated in group, (g) the group which gets the higher points is the winner, (h) at last, the teacher reads the words and is followed by the students to pronounce it. The treatment of teaching vocabulary using customized hangaroo game was conducted in five meetings. keywords: answer; blank; bosso; class; classroom; clues; eighth; english; fair; game; good; grade; group; guess; hangaroo; hangaroo game; ideas; issn; language; learning; mastery; mean; online; poor; post; pre; questions; research; score; smpn; students; teacher; teaching; teaching vocabulary; test; treatment; vocabulary; vocabulary test; words cache: ideas-1733.pdf plain text: ideas-1733.txt item: #25 of 181 id: ideas-1769 author: Nanda, Dodi Widia title: Investigating the Teachers’ Perceptions toward the Use of L1 in Teaching English date: 2021-06-02 words: 4146 flesch: 56 summary: Accordingly, this study attempts to explore how teachers perceive the use of L1 in teaching English, in which it could be utilised to orientate L1 use in classrooms and to fill in significant gaps on literature. This view is reinforced by a large number of English teachers, who still exclude the L1 from their English teaching (Cummins, 2007). keywords: acquisition; applied; assistance; bahasa; cheng; classroom; difficult; doi; efl; english; grammar; indonesia; instructions; issn; journal; krashen; l1 use; language; language teaching; learners; learning; literature; macaro; maximal; optimal; perceptions; position; previous; proficiency; research; scaffolding; second; students; study; teachers; teaching; theory; university; use; vocabulary; words cache: ideas-1769.pdf plain text: ideas-1769.txt item: #26 of 181 id: ideas-1864 author: Sharma, Roshni; Mishra, Sudarshan title: Pedagogical Processes in Learning English Language at Secondary School Level in Sikkim, India date: 2021-06-02 words: 7198 flesch: 57 summary: The sequential processes are mainly used to link up the connection between past and the present learning experience, designising activities for students engagement, assess learning outcomes, type of resource used in learning, identifying and developing concepts, reconstructing students knowledge, assessing students current level of understanding in listening, speaking, reading and writing, elaboration through recapitulative questions, development of higher order thinking, evaluation of students of key concepts and skills, identifying and motivating the students to identify future learning goals and evaluating students knowledge through quiz, debate, role play, recitation, tests, observation and performance dialogue, essay and summary writing and projects, respectively. In one of the schools, the teacher brought a guitar to the class and called one of the students to strum a guitar, while she asked other students to close their ears, and asked the students to put their hands away from the ears and asked one of the students to strum the guitar again. keywords: activities; approach; classroom; concepts; current; different; education; engage; english; english language; experiences; future; grammar; group; ideas; important; india; issn; june; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; lesson; level; listening; mishra; new; observation; pedagogical; picture; play; points; present; previous; print; problems; processes; questions; reading; role; roshni; schools; secondary; sikkim; skill; speaking; stanzas; status; story; students; study; sudarshan; teachers; teaching; time; topic; understanding; use; way; writing cache: ideas-1864.pdf plain text: ideas-1864.txt item: #27 of 181 id: ideas-187 author: Sitti, Sahriana title: READING HABIT DAN READING PREFERENCES MAHASISWA JURUSAN TEKNIK MESIN TAHUN 2015/2016 POLITEKNIK NEGERI UJUNG PANDANG date: 2016-08-25 words: 6155 flesch: 40 summary: Perlu diketahui bahwa pada 2 pertanyaan ini mahasiswa dapat memilih lebih dari satu pilihan terkait dengan keterampilan membaca yang sering mereka gunakan saat membaca. Terkait dengan keterampilan membaca yang sering digunakan oleh para responden saat membaca teks berbahasa Indonesia dan teks berbahasa Inggris adalah reading intensively, predicting dan previewing. keywords: 2015/2016; adalah; adapun; ajaran; akan; alasan; antara; atau; bacaan; bagi; bahwa; banyak; beberapa; belajar; berbagai; berbahasa; berdasarkan; berikut; berjumlah; berkumpul; bermain; berpendapat; besar; buku; comprehension; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; dibaca; diberikan; digunakan; dihadapi; diketahui; dilakukan; dimana; disediakan; diwaktu; fakta; habit; hal; hanya; harus; hasil; hubungan; ide; indonesia; informasi; inggris; ini; itu; jam; jauh; jawaban; jenis; juga; jumlah; jurusan; karena; kata; kebiasaan; kedua; kegiatan; kelas; kemampuan; kendala; kepada; kesulitan; keterampilan; keterampilan membaca; kosa; kuesioner; lainnya; lebih; level; luang; mahasiswa; maka; masalah; masih; melalui; memahami; membaca; memberikan; membuat; memilih; memiliki; menambah; mencari; mengetahui; menggunakan; menjadi; menyatakan; mereka; mesin; negeri; nomor; oleh; orang; pada; page; paling; pandang; para; pemahaman; penelitian; pengetahuan; penting; persentase; pertanyaan; pilihan; politeknik; preferences; program; proses; reading; responden; saat; sama; sampel; satu; sebagai; sebagian; sebuah; sekitar; selain; selama; sementara; seorang; sering; serta; seseorang; setiap; skill; students; studi; suka; tabel; tahun; teknik; teks; teks berbahasa; telah; teman; tentang; terdapat; terhadap; terkait; tersebut; test; tidak; tujuan; ujung; untuk; utama; waktu; yaitu; yang cache: ideas-187.pdf plain text: ideas-187.txt item: #28 of 181 id: ideas-1912 author: Ermawati, Ermawati; Nurchalis, Nur Fadillah; Sardi, Ahmed title: Online EFL Teaching and Learning: Different Skills, Different Challenges date: 2021-06-01 words: 4684 flesch: 61 summary: Direct contact between students and teachers, as well as among students, is reduced by online learning. An observation should be performed to determine the students' needs and level in order to select appropriate materials for students in online learning. keywords: abilities; activities; ahmed; book; challenges; class; covid-19; data; different; difficult; difficulties; education; efl; english; ermawati; face; fadillah; ideas; indonesia; instructor; internet; issn; journal; language; learning; level; listening; materials; nur; online; online learning; pandemic; reading; school; skills; speaking; students; study; teacher; teaching; text; video; writing; year cache: ideas-1912.pdf plain text: ideas-1912.txt item: #29 of 181 id: ideas-1924 author: Caterine, Widya; Amalia, Tasya; Shaberina, Shafira Ghoni Rosyida title: Indonesian EFL Learners' Ability to Comprehend and Produce Implicature date: 2021-12-18 words: 2917 flesch: 64 summary: Indonesian EFL Learners’ Ability to Comprehend and Produce Implicature 132 his assignments Participant 12 I won’t be any fun tonight to refuse your invitation Participant 13 I’m a good one to choose a movie. Indonesian EFL Learners’ Ability to Comprehend and Produce Implicature 134 Participant 8 I am strong enough Participant 9 Wait for me to finish calling my mother Participant 10 keywords: ability; able; acceptance; answers; competence; efl; english; good; ideas; implicature; indonesian; issn; language; learners; native; participant; pragmatics; questionnaire; refusal; speakers; students; study; sure; thanks; tomorrow; tonight; types; yes cache: ideas-1924.pdf plain text: ideas-1924.txt item: #30 of 181 id: ideas-1926 author: Rahayu, Novia Widyasari title: Speech Act of Pragmatic date: 2021-12-19 words: 1533 flesch: 60 summary: Depending on the amount of time available and the level of comprehension that teachers want their students to gain, there are three different degrees of goals that can be attained in teaching speech acts in the classroom. According to the explanations on speech acts and , some individuals comprehend and comprehend the responses that are accompanied with explanations, and they are particularly interested in responses that include meanings, such as I'm thirsty, which implies that I'm asking you to drink, which is ambiguous. keywords: act; actions; acts; communication; context; english; foreign; ideas; issn; language; meaning; nonverbal; perlocutionary; pragmatics; speaker; speaking; specific; speech; teaching; utterances; verbal; words cache: ideas-1926.pdf plain text: ideas-1926.txt item: #31 of 181 id: ideas-1966 author: B, Ayyub; Akib, Erwin; Amin, Bahrun title: Promoting The Students Speaking Skill By Implementing Collaborative Learning Method In Teaching Speaking Skill date: 2021-07-15 words: 4621 flesch: 50 summary: Thus, one student's performance aids the success of other students. When students study independently, their performances do not always have a positive or negative effect on one another. keywords: accuracy; achievement; amin; bahrun; cambridge; class; classes; collaborative; collaborative learning; control; cooperative; data; deviation; difference; education; english; erwin; experimental; fluency; group; ideas; improvement; issn; journal; june; language; learners; learning; material; mean; mean score; method; online; posttest; press; pretest; print; reading; research; result; score; second; sig; significant; skill; speaking; standard; students; table; teaching; term; university; use; vol cache: ideas-1966.pdf plain text: ideas-1966.txt item: #32 of 181 id: ideas-1973 author: Ramdhany, Nabila Putri; Mustofa, Ali title: Sex Stereotyping towards Black Gay Man in Moonlight Movie: A Queer Study date: 2021-12-18 words: 8219 flesch: 57 summary: Abstract This study seeks to find sex stereotypical on black gay men from Berry Jenkins' Moonlight (2016) using the Queer perspective. In doing this study, both textual and film visual analysis will be applied to the following discussion: 1) determine forms of sex stereotyping in Moonlight; 2) reveal sex stereotyping towards black gay men exist in society in Moonlight. keywords: act; alienation; audience; behavior; black; black gay; black men; blue; bodies; body; butler; camera; character; chiron; color; community; connell; culture; december; example; faggot; film; gay; gay men; gender; heteronormativity; heterosexual; homophobia; hudson; ideas; identities; identity; inner; issn; jenkins; juan; kevin; language; life; little; main; male; man; masculinity; matter; men; moonlight; mother; movie; mustofa; nabila; online; orientation; people; person; perspective; phase; print; putri; queer; race; ramdhany; scene; self; sex; sex stereotyping; sexual; sexuality; social; society; stereotype; stereotyping; study; theory; understanding; vol; way; women cache: ideas-1973.pdf plain text: ideas-1973.txt item: #33 of 181 id: ideas-1993 author: irawan, sukma - title: Students' perceptions of listening learning using the bottom-up strategy date: 2021-12-18 words: 3881 flesch: 61 summary: The lack of literature on student perceptions related to listening learning using a bottom-up strategy makes researchers want to explore and find out what students' perceptions about this strategy are. The research question of this research is what are student perception learn listening using a bottom-up strategy. keywords: addition; audio; december; english; focus; high; impact; interesting; issn; karawang; knowledge; learning; listeners; listening; meaning; method; online; perceptions; positive; problems; processing; research; school; skills; strategies; strategy; students; study; teacher; vocabulary; words cache: ideas-1993.pdf plain text: ideas-1993.txt item: #34 of 181 id: ideas-20 author: Paldy, Paldy title: Pemerolehan Bahasa (Analisis Pemerolehan Fonologi (Vokoid dan Kontoid) Pada Anak 24 Bulan) date: 2018-08-13 words: 3772 flesch: 58 summary: Setiap anak mengalami proses pemerolehan bahasa yang beragam. Dardjowidjojo mendefinisikan pemerolehan bahasa adalah proses penguasaan bahasa yang dilakukan oleh anak secara natural pada waktu dia belajar bahasa ibunya. keywords: abis; adalah; adapun; alat; alfi; alfian; anak; analisis; artikulasi; atau; awal; bagaimana; bahasa; bahwa; banyak; bau; bayi; beberapa; belum; berbeda; bicara; biologis; bisa; bulan; bunyi; clark; dalam; dan; dapat; dardjowidjojo; dari; data; dengan; dia; digunakan; dikatakan; dikuasainya; dipelajari; dipengaruhi; disebut; diucapkan; doll; ekonomi; faktor; fase; fisik; fonologi; hal; hanya; hari; hasil; huruf; ibunya; indonesia; ini; itu; jakarta; jaya; jelas; juga; karena; kata; keluarga; kemampuan; kemudian; kontoid; kosakata; lain; language; lebih; lingkungan; mampu; manusia; masih; masing; memang; memiliki; mempengaruhi; memperoleh; mengalami; mengucapkan; menunjukkan; merupakan; misalnya; monoftong; mukalel; mulai; muncul; n e; namun; normal; observasi; orang; pada; palopo; papa; pemerolehan; pemerolehan bahasa; penelitian; perkembangan; pertama; pertumbuhan; proses; psychology; s s; sama; sangat; satu; sebagai; secara; sehingga; sekitar; seorang; seperti; sering; sistem; soenjono; stimulus; sudah; tahap; tahun; telah; teori; tetapi; tidak; tua; umumnya; umur; untuk; usia; variasi; vokoid; yang cache: ideas-20.pdf plain text: ideas-20.txt item: #35 of 181 id: ideas-2140 author: Sari, Melia Indah; Triyogo, Agus; Oktaviani, Ayu title: Developing English Textbook for Elementary school of the Sixth Grade Students date: 2021-12-18 words: 6366 flesch: 52 summary: Content of the textbook do not explain more about the materials, input a high vocabulary level for Elementary students. It had to provide the vocabulary knowledge, text structure and language feature knowledge about the materials, and increase characters students . keywords: activity; addie; appropriate; building; character; characteristics; classroom; content; curriculum; design; developed; developing; development; education; elementary; elementary school; english; english textbook; evaluation; experts; good; grade; grade students; high; ideas; indonesia; instruction; issn; language; learners; learning; level; lubuklinggau; material; media; model; need; nida; oktaviani; process; product; questionnaire; reading; research; result; school; sixth; sixth grade; skill; small; step; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; textbook; vocabulary; writer; young cache: ideas-2140.pdf plain text: ideas-2140.txt item: #36 of 181 id: ideas-2292 author: Rifa’at, Abdul Aziz title: The Role of Semantic Mapping Strategy in Helping the Students to Write Descriptive Text Easily date: 2021-12-18 words: 3528 flesch: 66 summary: Students could be a good writer if the teacher uses an appropriate technique for them. A certain technique could be appropriate for some groups of students but it would not work for another group of the students depends on the situation and condition of the students. keywords: amalul; descriptive; english; error; fair; good; group; ideas; issn; khair; language; learning; level; mapping; palembang; poor; posttest; pretest; process; result; score; semantic; semantic mapping; sma; strategy; students; study; teacher; teaching; technique; text; treatment; writing cache: ideas-2292.pdf plain text: ideas-2292.txt item: #37 of 181 id: ideas-2337 author: Sinaga, Enzelina; Rajagukguk, Ramauli; Ningsih, Surliyah; Wati, Rahma title: An Analysis of Teacher’s Technique Speaking on Class During Covid-19 at Second Grade of Junior High School date: 2021-12-18 words: 4550 flesch: 55 summary: This study explains teacher techniques in teaching specs during the Covid19 pandemic. This study aimed to identify the implementation of teacher distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and to find out the strategies and media used in carrying out learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: amalyatul; analysis; application; class; classroom; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; december; distance; english; expository; google; grade; huda; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; material; medan; media; method; mrs; online; online learning; pandemic; process; qualitative; rahmawati; research; researchers; results; role; school; second; skills; smp; speaking; strategies; students; study; swasta; teacher; teaching; techniques; use; whatsapp; zoom cache: ideas-2337.pdf plain text: ideas-2337.txt item: #38 of 181 id: ideas-2383 author: Marwati, Dita; Rudianto, Gaguk title: Cause of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Portrayed in the Movie Cherry by Russo Brothers date: 2022-06-10 words: 4792 flesch: 71 summary: The Dita Marwati, Gaguk Rudianto Cause of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Portrayed in The Movie Cherry by Russo Brothers 54 reasons why the researcher used novel “Cherry” as the data source, it was because the main character had struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder until he became a robbery and trapped in the trouble that he created. Genetic cause is one of the Dita Marwati, Gaguk Rudianto Cause of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Portrayed in The Movie Cherry by Russo Brothers 60 factors to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. keywords: army; brain; cause; character; cherry; data; davison; depression; disorder; experience; freud; genetic; illness; instinct; issn; life; literary; literature; main; mental; military; movie; narrations; novel; past; post; psychological; psychology; qualitative; quotation; researcher; stress disorder; theory; traumatic; traumatic stress; works cache: ideas-2383.pdf plain text: ideas-2383.txt item: #39 of 181 id: ideas-2393 author: Upa, Rahmawati; Damayanti, Sri title: Incorporating Internet-Based Application in Teaching and Assessing English for Agriculture Students date: 2022-01-06 words: 4714 flesch: 56 summary: Moreover this research also asked students responses related to the display of Padlet. Therefore in this research, the researchers are trying to incorporate two internet-based applications (Padlet and Wordwall) to teach English for Agriculture students to identify how these Internet- Based Applications are incorporated and how the students’ responses to the implementation of these. keywords: agree; agriculture; applications; asri; assessment; classroom; data; december; display; easy; efl; english; formative; ideas; internet; issn; journal; language; learning; lecturer; material; meeting; online; padlet; palopo; problems; process; questionnaires; research; researchers; responses; result; statements; students; table; teachers; teaching; technology; university; use; video; vocabulary; vol; wordwall cache: ideas-2393.pdf plain text: ideas-2393.txt item: #40 of 181 id: ideas-2475 author: Sena, Rangga Satya Ramadhan Bratha; Saehu, Andang; Permanaludin, Udayani title: The Use of Reference by the Characters in Midnight in Paris Movie date: 2022-06-10 words: 4478 flesch: 66 summary: b) Analysis Based on the description above, based on theory of reference by (Yule, 2010) the researcher indicate that this conversation included to Referential Rangga Satya, Andang Saehu, and Udayani Permanaludin The Use of Reference by the Characters in Midnight in Paris Movie 86 and attributive, because there is noun or indefinite noun are used. Anaphoric reference is the used of expression and will occurs when a word or phrase refer to something mentioned earlier in the sentence. keywords: anaphora; anaphoric; attributive; characters; city; context; data; entity; expression; film; gill; inez; language; listener; meaning; midnight; movie; noun; paris; pragmatics; proper; reference; referent; referential; researcher; sentence; speaker; study; things; use; utterance; yule cache: ideas-2475.pdf plain text: ideas-2475.txt item: #41 of 181 id: ideas-2491 author: Nugroho, Nugroho title: Systematic Literature Review: Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2022-06-10 words: 4302 flesch: 44 summary: What have online learning strategies been identified in studies on online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic? This study aims to determine the form and effectiveness of the influence of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. keywords: academic; articles; challenges; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; criteria; distance; dutta; education; effects; empirical; engineering; google; government; higher; ideas; impact; inclusion; international; issn; journal; june; knowledge; learning; lecturers; literature; nugroho; online; online education; online learning; pandemic; print; process; questions; relevant; research; results; review; social; strategies; students; studies; study; systematic; teaching; technology; terms; universities; university; use; vol cache: ideas-2491.pdf plain text: ideas-2491.txt item: #42 of 181 id: ideas-25 author: Akbar, Akbar title: ANATOMY OF ORAL ACADEMIC PRESENTATION SKILLS: A COURSE DESIGN FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT date: 2018-08-19 words: 2706 flesch: 42 summary: ANATOMY OF ORAL ACADEMIC PRESENTATION SKILLS: A COURSE DESIGN FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Akbar Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo Abstract The core concern of teaching in tertiary education is to enable college students to experience higher order of thinking in knowledge exploration that shape the students’ academic identity. The core concern about teaching in tertiary education is to enable college students to experience higher order of thinking in knowledge exploration that shape the students’ academic identity. keywords: academic; assessment; class; college; communication; course; design; eap; education; english; experiences; higher; identity; knowledge; learning; media; need; objectives; online; oral; order; presentation; purposes; research; rsd; skills; social; students; teaching; thinking; use; videos cache: ideas-25.pdf plain text: ideas-25.txt item: #43 of 181 id: ideas-2589 author: Violita, Violita; Cholsy, Hayatul title: Speech Acts Equivalence of Audiovisual Translation on Enola Holmes Netflix Movie Subtitle date: 2022-06-10 words: 8017 flesch: 64 summary: Those happen in Enola Holmes movie since the genre of this movie is adventure and mystery with the storyline presents Enola’s adventure in solving the case of her missing mother. Based on the existing context in ST, Enola utterance commits an action of continue to tell the next story to the audience and it is should be done by herself since she is the one that know the next part of the story. keywords: act; acts; adventure; assertive; audiovisual; audiovisual translation; avt; case; context; conversation; data; different; directive; dowager; duration; education; enola; enola holmes; equivalence; eudoria; expressive; genre; harrison; hayatul; holmes; ideas; implication; implicature; information; issn; june; kau; lane; language; meaning; miss; mother; movie; mrs; mycroft; mystery; need; netflix; online; pragmatic; pragmatic equivalence; pragmatically; present; print; problem; research; school; sherlock; situation; sl text; source; speech; speech act; story; study; subtitle; target; tewkesbury; text; text enola; theory; time; tl text; translation; type; use; utterance; vol; word cache: ideas-2589.pdf plain text: ideas-2589.txt item: #44 of 181 id: ideas-2637 author: Fitriani, Norhidayah title: EFL Students' Perceptions of the Causes of Scientific Writing Anxiety date: 2022-06-10 words: 4610 flesch: 56 summary: The researcher also suggest that the next researchers do the study by using other kinds of research method to obtain the accurate result of the research, further research also can be done to find out about level, types, or the causes of students anxiety in another skills in English such as, listening, speaking, and reading. Understanding students’ perceptions about their experienced in writing anxiety will assist students, lecturers, and English teacher to find out a better strategies to use, apply effective method to teach, handle, solve the students anxiety IDEAS, Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2021 keywords: afraid; anxiety; anxious; causes; data; difficulties; efl; english; factor; fear; grammar; high; high level; ideas; interview; issn; journal; lack; language; level; moderate; moderate level; negative; online; perceptions; practice; print; process; questionnaire; research; result; scientific; scientific writing; strategies; students; study; teacher; time; topic; vocabulary; writing; writing anxiety cache: ideas-2637.pdf plain text: ideas-2637.txt item: #45 of 181 id: ideas-2668 author: Rizky Abadi, Nadianto Nugroho; Hartanti, Lina Purwaning; Setiawan, Setiawan title: “Well; I think…”, the Dominant Hedges Uttered by Males in Daily Communication: A Sociolinguistic Study date: 2022-07-27 words: 6063 flesch: 61 summary: Henceforth, this study will also use the theory by Lakoff (1975) and the theory provided by Coates (1987) to define and to proof the use of hedges by males is as much or more than females and why hedges become normal in males’ daily conversation, also this study will use Taxonomy of Hedges provided by Salager- Meyer (1997) to identify hedges with its function and to describe the impact given by the employed hedges by males. While the native English speaker employed multiple types of hedges such as modal auxiliary verbs (maybe, would, could), introductory phrase (I think, I mean), lexical hedges (you know), the adjective of probability modal phrase (probably), if clause (if), compound hedges (I would probably) and hedges offered by Lakoff (1975) such as well. keywords: argument; authors; believe; coates; conversation; daily; data; datum; discussion; english; english speaker; filler; findings; friends; functions; hedges; ideas; impact; interlocutor; issn; jan; kholisoh; lakoff; language; males; modal; mohajer; native; native english; native speaker; non; online; participants; sensitive; setiawan; speaker; study; tentativeness; topics; use; uttered cache: ideas-2668.pdf plain text: ideas-2668.txt item: #46 of 181 id: ideas-2689 author: Sudarti, Nirmala title: Lecturer's Online Instructional Strategies in English Speaking Class during COVID-19 Pandemic Period at IAIN Palopo, South Sulawesi date: 2022-06-10 words: 5488 flesch: 43 summary: Students who came from neglected area were arduous to access online learning platform therefore with the result that students were infrequently to join the class by utilized online learning platform during online learning therefore that they left behind. By utilized online learning platform Lecturer set the goals of the material presented by Lecturer. keywords: activities; addie; analysis; application; applied; area; class; classroom; connectivity; covid-19; direct; education; english; face; group; iain; information; infrastructural; instructional; instructional strategies; internet; issn; issues; lack; learning; learning platform; lecturer; mahmood; material; meeting; model; online; online instructional; online learning; palopo; pandemic; perception; period; phase; platform; poverty; practice; problems; process; research; speaking; strategies; students; teaching; technical; whatsapp cache: ideas-2689.pdf plain text: ideas-2689.txt item: #47 of 181 id: ideas-2748 author: Dewi, Puspita; Sari, Dian Eka title: Perception of Digital Storytelling in Overcoming Fear for Speaking English through Interdisciplinary Project of Gender Issues date: 2022-12-31 words: 3041 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: digital storytelling; English; perception, Puspita Dewi, Dian Eka Sari Perception of Digital Storytelling in Overcoming Fear for Speaking English through Interdisciplinary Project of Gender Issues 1636 Introduction The development of technology has becoming fresh sides for learners and educators to gain more information and knowledge through internet and other online resources. The learners create their own narration and based on their certain experiences because digital storytelling refers to the process of developing personal narratives based on certain life experiences combined by pictures, audios, texts and the others from two to five minutes (Austen et al., 2021). keywords: agree; data; digital; digital storytelling; education; english; fear; grammar; interdisciplinary; issn; issues; language; learners; learning; new; perception; production; project; pronunciation; research; skills; social; speaking; storytelling; students; table; technology; videos; vocabularies; women; writing; youtube cache: ideas-2748.pdf plain text: ideas-2748.txt item: #48 of 181 id: ideas-2823 author: Triana, Reski; Fajriani, Fajriani; Ridwan, Ridwan title: Students’ Perception of Learning English Using Google Classroom Media During The Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2022-07-12 words: 5691 flesch: 48 summary: The way that the English teacher does in understanding the material Answers from student interviews via Google Form from 37 students only 10 students responded, students said the way the English teacher understood the material was by providing easy-to-understand material and also usually the teacher gave learning videos, only that some material was still abstract. From the results of student interviews, it can be concluded that the teacher conveys material that is easy for students to understand and also sometimes the teacher gives learning videos, it's IDEAS, Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2022 keywords: answers; application; assignments; classroom learning; classroom media; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; dominant; english; english learning; english material; era; face; good; google classroom; google form; interesting; interviews; issn; learning; learning process; material; negative; network; obstacles; online; online learning; outcomes; pandemic; people; perceptions; research; results; smk; student interviews; students; study; teacher; time; unstable; use; wonomulyo; yppp cache: ideas-2823.pdf plain text: ideas-2823.txt item: #49 of 181 id: ideas-2837 author: Sitanggang, Willy; Afriana, Afriana title: The Directive Acts in Joker 2019 Movie date: 2022-07-12 words: 3463 flesch: 68 summary: The utterance referred to speech act directive questions which showed form of “where” to investigate Arthur about his self. The utterance clearly referred to speech act directive questions Prohibitives Data 10 Arthur: “Maybe you shouldn't watch so much television” keywords: act; acts; afriana; allan; arthur; context; conversation; data; directive; form; hearer; ideas; illocutionary; issn; joker; kid; mother; movie; need; questions; requestives; research; researchers; shopie; silver; situation; social; speaker; speech; speech act; theory; types; utterance; worker cache: ideas-2837.pdf plain text: ideas-2837.txt item: #50 of 181 id: ideas-2981 author: Sain, Yuliana; Yusriani, Windari; Badrun, Muhamad; Yuliani, Yuliani; Haizan, Nur; Razak, Al Fatah title: Role of Teaching Assistants in Upgrading Learning Quality in SMPN 20 Kendari date: 2023-01-06 words: 2214 flesch: 51 summary: Method Conducted by SMPN 20 Kendari students and field supervisors, this class 3 instructional activity is designed to help teachers of English subjects improve student learning outcomes. The assessment also takes into account improvements in student learning. keywords: activities; activity; assessment; assistants; class; december; education; english; high; ideas; implementation; issn; kendari; knowledge; learning; material; muhamad; negeri; observation; principal; print; process; program; quality; research; results; role; school; smp; stage; students; support; teachers; teaching; yusriani cache: ideas-2981.pdf plain text: ideas-2981.txt item: #51 of 181 id: ideas-2986 author: Nasution, Sukma Septian; Jamalulael, Ahmad; Kusumoriny, Laksmy Ady; Sukmawati, Nur Najibah; Sitepu, Setiana Sri Wahyuni title: Genre-Based Instruction: Improving the Students’ Skill in Writing Descriptive Text date: 2022-12-31 words: 4309 flesch: 62 summary: ISSN 2548-4192 (Online) Volume 10, Number 2, December 2022 pp. 1724 - 1734 Genre-Based Instruction: Improving the Students’ Skill in Writing Descriptive Text Sukma Septian Nasution1, Ahmad Jamalulael2, Laksmy Ady Kusumoriny3, Nur Najibah Sukmawati4, Setiana Sri Wahyuni Sitepu5 1,2,3,4,5Sastra Inggris, Universitas Pamulang, Banten Received: 2022-09-11 Accepted: 2022-12-17 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i2.2986 Abstract Problems in writing are complex that students may find this language skill hard for some different reasons. Therefore, a holistic solution needs to be taken into account in order to cover the varied problems which might result to the improvement of students’ writing skill. keywords: able; action; activities; ahmad; approach; class; classroom; cycle; daarul; descriptive; descriptive text; english; gba; genre; grade; ideas; implementation; improvement; instruction; issn; journal; language; learning; muttaqien; narrative; nasution; observation; percentage; post; pre; process; pupils; research; result; score; skills; students; study; teacher; teaching; test; text; total; writing cache: ideas-2986.pdf plain text: ideas-2986.txt item: #52 of 181 id: ideas-3045 author: Zadira, Aditya; Rudianto, Gaguk title: Psychogenic Needs of Affection in Novel "Warm Bodies" by Isaac Marion: A Psychological Approach date: 2023-01-11 words: 8156 flesch: 62 summary: The researcher believes that, theory can explain human needs of affection and helps to understand the meaning of affection deeply. This Research aims is to analyze and describe the form of Psychogenic needs of affection the needs of affection of the main character in “Warm Bodies” novel by Isaac Marion. keywords: aditya; affection; affiliation; airport; ambition; analysis; approach; assessment; attitudes; behavior; bodies; character; data; december; desire; different; emotions; example; feelings; fifth; form; freud; gaguk; group; handbook; help; henry; human; ideas; influence; isaac; issn; journal; julie; jung; life; like; literary; literature; love; main; marion; method; murray; names; needs; new; novel; nurturance; online; people; perry; person; play; print; psychogenic; psychogenic needs; psychological; psychology; qualitative; quotation; rejection; research; researchers; result; study; succorance; teaching; testing; theory; time; undead; university; vol; warm; warm bodies; work; zadira; zombie cache: ideas-3045.pdf plain text: ideas-3045.txt item: #53 of 181 id: ideas-3048 author: Rambe, Sokhira Linda Vinde title: Exploring Interaction Patterns in EFL Teaching and Learning Context date: 2023-01-19 words: 4844 flesch: 55 summary: In addition, Lestari (2018) did research about interaction patterns and she found that there were some types of classroom interaction such as student – student interaction (SS), teacher – student interaction (TS), and student – teacher interaction (ST). There were some roles of teacher – student interaction (TS) like giving instruction, giving explanation, correcting mistakes, translating in L1, requesting, IDEAS, Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2022 keywords: center; choral; class; class interaction; classroom; close; concept; data; development; efl; ended; english; friends; group; iain; ideas; individual; interaction; interaction patterns; issn; language; learning; monitoring; observation; open; padangsidimpuan; pair; patterns; problems; questioning; questions; research; responses; students; study; talk; teachers; teaching; types; work cache: ideas-3048.pdf plain text: ideas-3048.txt item: #54 of 181 id: ideas-3051 author: M.A.A, Muhammad Amzah title: The Students’ Perceptions in Using Youtube as Media to Enrich English Speaking Skill date: 2023-01-09 words: 2926 flesch: 61 summary: This is because by watching videos on YouTube students can see and listen directly to how to practice correct pronunciation. Some students think that YouTube helps them to improve their speaking skill, with YouTube students can understand the material more quickly, than through learning books. keywords: english; english speaking; issn; language; learning; material; media; miftahussalam; perceptions; process; pronunciation; research; skill; smk; speaking; speaking skill; students; suitable; teacher; teaching; use; video; youtube cache: ideas-3051.pdf plain text: ideas-3051.txt item: #55 of 181 id: ideas-3056 author: Sinambela, Erika; Gaol, Dorayanti Lumban; Tampubolon, Sahlan; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: The Effect of Using Controlled Writing Technique and Clustering Technique on Students’ Writing Skills at Junior High School date: 2023-04-08 words: 3611 flesch: 61 summary: 26 - 35 The Effect of Using Controlled Writing Technique and Clustering Technique on Students’ Writing Skills at Junior High School Erika Sinambela1, Dorayanti Lumban Gaol2, Sahlan Tampubolon3, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu4 1,2,3 Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Sumatera Utara Received: 2022-10-11 Accepted: 2023-04-03 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3056 Abstract This study deals with the effect of using controlled writing technique and clustering technique on students’ writing skill. This study used an experimental quantitative research that incriminating three classes were experimental 1 class, experimental 2 class and control class, in the experimental class the writer applied controlled writing technique and Clustering technique while in controlled class applied conventional technique. keywords: achievement; class; clustering; clustering technique; control; data; descriptive; effect; effective; experimental; hypothesis; ideas; issn; learning; means; medan; pasaribu; post; pre; process; research; result; score; sig; skill; smp; students; study; table; teaching; technique; test; text; writing; writing technique cache: ideas-3056.pdf plain text: ideas-3056.txt item: #56 of 181 id: ideas-3058 author: Rahmadhani, Maitri title: Developing Digital-Based Speaking Skill Literacy Assessment Using Plomp Model to Support the National Literacy Movement date: 2023-08-13 words: 3944 flesch: 53 summary: 50% of teachers stated “never”, 16.67% stated “rarely” and 33.33 stated “sometimes” in the statement “Teachers have standardized speaking literacy assessment”. Each teacher has a different perception of speaking literacy assessment c. 33.33% of teachers stated “never”, 33.33% stated “rarely”, 16.67 stated “often” and 16.67% stated “always” to the statement “Assessment has been able to describe the Maitri Rahmadhani1 Developing Digital-Based Speaking Skill Literacy Assessment Using Plomp Model to Support the National Literacy Movement 850 condition of student competence”. keywords: able; accordance; aspects; assessment; assessment model; conversation; criteria; data; design; development; digital; education; english; expert; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; literacy; literacy assessment; maitri; maksum; model; movement; national; online; pendidikan; percentage; phase; plomp; reading; research; results; skill; smk; speaking; speaking literacy; stabat; statement; students; success; teachers; valid; validators; validity cache: ideas-3058.pdf plain text: ideas-3058.txt item: #57 of 181 id: ideas-3060 author: Sinambela, Erika; Padang, Immanuel; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: The Effect of Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping on Reading Comprehension of the Eleventh Graders of Senior High School date: 2023-01-05 words: 4840 flesch: 64 summary: Semantic mapping, they state semantic mapping is closely related to reading comprehension can help students not only focus on keyword but also text structure, it can help student’s develop prior knowledge by looking at the relationship in a given topic. This paper discusses the effect of Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping techniques on students’ reading comprehension. keywords: ability; class; comprehension; control; data; deviation; effect; eleventh; english; experimental; group; high; ideas; issn; mapping; maximum; mean; mind mapping; pasaribu; population; post; pre; range; reading; research; result; sample; school; score; semantic mapping; skill; std; students; study; table; technique; test; test score; text; variance cache: ideas-3060.pdf plain text: ideas-3060.txt item: #58 of 181 id: ideas-3061 author: Oktavianti, Ikmi Nur; Sarage, Japen title: Linking Adverbials in Indonesian EFL Students’ Essays: A Corpus-Driven Study date: 2022-12-31 words: 6525 flesch: 58 summary: Additive LAs The present study identified all subcategories of additive LAs, namely emphatic, apposition, and similarity comparative LAs. Adversative LAs All types of adversative LAs can be identified in LCAW. keywords: 0,11; academic; additive; adverbials; adversative; ahmad; analysis; biber; categories; causal; comparison; context; corpora; corpus; data; december; education; efl; english; essays; examples; frequency; frequent; general; ideas; ikmi; indonesian; issn; japen; journal; language; las; lcaw; learners; learning; linguistics; liu; locness; native; nur; oktavianti; online; present; print; research; resultative; results; sarage; second; sequential; similarity; students; studies; study; subcategory; subtotal; table; token; type; use; words; writers; writing cache: ideas-3061.pdf plain text: ideas-3061.txt item: #59 of 181 id: ideas-3120 author: Rifaat, Abdul Aziz; Suryani, Nyayu Yayu title: Transition, Action, Details; Helping the Students to Write Easily date: 2022-12-29 words: 4279 flesch: 71 summary: A certain technique in teaching writing is possibly appropriate for a type of writing, a condition of the sample, a group of students, or even a huge group of students. However, it does not mean that a certain technique could be applied or appropriate to all of the groups of students, all types of writing, or all conditions of the sample. keywords: action; adequate; column; december; details; english; experience; fair; good; ideas; issn; learning; level; mean; online; posttest; pretest; print; process; recount; sample; score; stages; strategy; students; study; tad; tad strategy; teacher; teaching; text; total; transition; treatment; unacceptable; vol; writer; writing; yayu cache: ideas-3120.pdf plain text: ideas-3120.txt item: #60 of 181 id: ideas-3148 author: Anzanni, Shiken; Dewi, Dian Novita title: The Correlation between Vocational Students’ Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Performances in Learning English date: 2023-01-01 words: 4848 flesch: 62 summary: This study also find out about their speaking anxiety level, type of speaking anxiety, and their speaking ability in learning English. The dominant type of speaking anxiety they have is communication apprehension and their speaking ability is categorized in a very good level. keywords: ability; anxiety; apprehension; class; communication; correlation; dian; english; fear; good; high; ideas; issn; item; language; learning; level; malang; mean; moderate; negative; nervous; novita; number; performance; pgri; questionnaire; research; result; school; score; skill; smk; speaking; statement; students; study; table; teacher; test; total; vhs; vocational cache: ideas-3148.pdf plain text: ideas-3148.txt item: #61 of 181 id: ideas-3159 author: Triyoga, Arilia; Sa’diyah, Halimatu’; Hidayati, Ratri Nur title: A Narrative Research of an EFL Student’s Speaking Learning Strategy date: 2022-12-31 words: 5442 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: narrative study, speaking learning strategies Introduction Speaking is considered a complicated process in learning English and is not an easy skill to master. Due to its essential, speaking learning strategies has been widely discussed in previous studies. keywords: advanced; anxiety; arilia; barkhuizen; benson; chik; class; data; december; education; efl; english; experiences; good; halimatu; high; high school; ideas; indonesian; inquiry; international; issn; jack; journal; junior; language; learners; learning; level; metacognitive; narrative; new; nur; online; oxford; performance; print; process; qualitative; questions; ratri; research; school; score; senior; skill; social; speaking; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; teaching; time; university; use; vocabulary; words cache: ideas-3159.pdf plain text: ideas-3159.txt item: #62 of 181 id: ideas-3179 author: Azhari, Chud Radeffy; Ambalegin, Ambalegin title: Analysis Cooperative Principle in Turning Red Movie: Pragmatic Approach date: 2022-12-29 words: 3449 flesch: 69 summary: Grice, (1975) mentioned several maxims of cooperative principle, such as: maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner. The characters in the movie showed a lot of cooperative principles. keywords: analysis; answer; characters; clear; conversation; cooperative; cooperative principle; data; grice; hearer; ideas; issn; manner; maxim; mei; meimei; mom; movie; observance; place; pragmatic; principle; quality; quantity; red; relation; relevant; research; researchers; speaker; study; theory cache: ideas-3179.pdf plain text: ideas-3179.txt item: #63 of 181 id: ideas-3182 author: Saputra, Heru title: The effectiveness of Resource-Based Learning Model in English for Islamic Studies Course in Enhancing Critical Thinking Skill date: 2022-12-28 words: 5617 flesch: 48 summary: Critical thinking is an orderly and transparent process in mental tasks such as problem-solving, decision-making, assessing assumptions, and scientific discovery, according to Johnson (2010), who contributes to our knowledge of critical thinking by describing it as such. The data were obtained by using a questionnaire and test containing the indicators of critical thinking. keywords: abilities; ability; addition; chinese; cognitive; concepts; course; critical; critical thinking; data; december; design; development; discussion; education; effectiveness; english; findings; group; heru; ideas; indicators; individual; information; islamic; islamic studies; issn; jamiah; journal; knowledge; language; learning; learning model; lecturer; logical; ma'had; mahad; mahad al; making; mean; model; online; order; pendidikan; posttest; pretest; print; problem; putra; rbl; research; resource; results; salatiga; saputra; score; second; skills; students; studies; study; table; test; thinking; thinking skills; uin; vol cache: ideas-3182.pdf plain text: ideas-3182.txt item: #64 of 181 id: ideas-3202 author: Kalsum, Kalsum; Abdul Rauf, Faridah; Sardi, Ahmed title: Implementation of Reading-Log to Increase Students’ Interest on Literacy at Islamic Boarding School date: 2023-01-02 words: 4820 flesch: 61 summary: This study aims to investigate the implementation of reading log to students’ reading. Based on the analysis, by implementing the reading log, the results are as follow: 1) students can know exactly what they read, 2) reading became enjoyment and meaningful, 3) students are able to think critically, 4) the students are in time to complete their task in reading log. keywords: abdul; ability; able; activity; ahmed; boarding; book; children; critical; data; december; education; english; exemplary; extensive; faridah; good; ideas; implementation; indonesia; interest; islamic; issn; journal; language; learning; level; literacy; log; material; minutes; online; parepare; questionnaire; reading; reading log; research; results; sardi; school; skills; students; study; teacher; teaching; test; time; title; treatment; work cache: ideas-3202.pdf plain text: ideas-3202.txt item: #65 of 181 id: ideas-3206 author: Humaeroah, Humaeroah; Sardi, Ahmed; Ermawati, Ermawati title: Teacher Perspective: Managing Students’ Behavior Problem in Teaching English at Primary School date: 2023-01-06 words: 3892 flesch: 52 summary: The research findings show seven category of managing students behavior problem applied by the teachers in the English classroom , they are: positive relationships are developed and maintained between teacher and students, seating arrangement, encourage active learning, encourage experience-based learning, applying ICT in learning, support and strategy, the last is giving punishment. Other expert have even argued that teachers commonly implement active- learning strategies differently than intended, making decisions to omit parts that are crucial to student learning ( Dancy,et al, 2016). keywords: ability; active; attention; behavior; classroom; data; disruptive; effective; efl; english; environment; ermawati; experience; ict; ideas; important; issn; language; learning; learning process; management; managing; material; online; order; perspective; positive; primary; problem; problem behavior; process; punishment; qualitative; research; role; sardi; school; seating; strategy; students; support; teacher; teaching; use; way; ways cache: ideas-3206.pdf plain text: ideas-3206.txt item: #66 of 181 id: ideas-3210 author: Zahra, Halimatuz; Perdhani, Widya Caterine; Hartono, Didik title: A Speech Act Analysis of a Pre-Service Teacher in an EFL Classroom date: 2023-01-03 words: 5146 flesch: 64 summary: Some of the examples of directive speech acts are explained in the discussion below. Subagiasih, Nitiasih, & Budasi (2018) analyzed speech act types and functions of a teacher’s and student’s talk. keywords: act type; acts; addition; analysis; classification; classroom; commissive; communication; data; datum; directive; directive speech; efl; efl classroom; english; english teacher; expressive; function; group; illocutionary; issn; language; learning; letter; meaning; number; pragmatics; pre; representative; service; service teacher; speaker; speech; speech act; students; study; teacher; teaching; type; use; utterance cache: ideas-3210.pdf plain text: ideas-3210.txt item: #67 of 181 id: ideas-3228 author: Sadha, Mesa Salsabila; Novitri, Novitri; Syarfi, M. title: The Correlation between Social Media Usage and Reading Ability of English Department Students at University date: 2023-01-18 words: 3568 flesch: 54 summary: This research is targeting English students of the English study program of IDEAS, Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2022 ISSN 2338-4778 (Print) Method This research intends to discover the correlation between the social media usage and reading ability of English Department students at University of Riau. keywords: ability; category; coefficient; comprehension; correlation; data; department; department students; english; english department; factors; good; high; influence; interest; issn; language; learning; level; low; mean; media; media usage; online; poor; reading; reading ability; research; riau; score; social; social media; students; table; test; university; usage; use cache: ideas-3228.pdf plain text: ideas-3228.txt item: #68 of 181 id: ideas-3232 author: Safei, Nur Hasanah; Ekasari, Fitri Rini title: Positive Contribution of Extensive Reading to EFL Students’ Learning date: 2023-01-05 words: 5003 flesch: 55 summary: Exciting atmosphere The use of extensive reading methods in learning English in the classroom has a pleasant atmosphere. In addition, some state that the use of extensive reading methods in learning English can build students' comprehension e and students feel very satisfied with learning to read extensively. keywords: addition; class; classroom; comprehension; contribution; data; easier; efl; english; extensive; extensive reading; help; helpful; increase; issn; journal; language; learning; lot; method; motivation; new; online; positive; reading; reading method; reflection; research; results; satisfied; statement; students; studies; study; teaching; text; use; vocabulary cache: ideas-3232.pdf plain text: ideas-3232.txt item: #69 of 181 id: ideas-3238 author: Syafitri, Nining; Maneba, Sanaria; Wahyuni B, Asti title: A Mixed Method Study of Teachers’ Strategies in Reducing Students’ Anxiety levels date: 2023-01-06 words: 3279 flesch: 59 summary: Speaking English Effortlessly Information obtained from Teacher 1 showed that Students practice speaking English without thinking of making mistakes, Teacher 2 stated how to run the class or conduct the lessons that students may engage in without feeling hesitate in speaking English, such as reducing the number of challenging words and the Teacher 3 stated that developing students’ positive self-confidence by ignoring how well their English is when speaking English. Students should be aware of their duty to other students, make an effort to get along with them, and think about how they may create a positive learning environment in the classroom. keywords: anxiety; anxious; category; classroom; data; english; foreign; group; help; horwitz; ideas; interview; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; levels; mean; method; middle; mistakes; mixed; pair; performance; positive; relaxed; research; score; speaking; strategies; students; study; teacher; work cache: ideas-3238.pdf plain text: ideas-3238.txt item: #70 of 181 id: ideas-3241 author: Khasanah, Marisatul title: Videos in Teaching Listening: A Systematic Literature Review date: 2022-12-29 words: 1981 flesch: 54 summary: Problems that often arise in the use of video media include students' signal problems when accessing videos, students are not used to applying videos, teachers are not knowledgeable about how to deliver material in video form, lack of time for teachers to make learning videos, lack of teacher understanding, and more teachers. However, the disadvantage of using video learning media is generally expensive and time-consuming to obtain videos; when the video is played, the image and sound will continue so that not all students are able to follow the information conveyed through the video; and the available videos are not always appropriate (Widiastuti et al., 2020). keywords: articles; education; english; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; listening; literature; material; media; online; phase; print; process; research; review; skills; students; study; systematic; teachers; teaching; technology; use; video cache: ideas-3241.pdf plain text: ideas-3241.txt item: #71 of 181 id: ideas-3243 author: M, Juwita Crestiani; Indah, Opik Dwi; Hermini, Hermini title: Analysis of the Students' Persuasive Paragraph Writing Ability at University date: 2023-01-01 words: 2970 flesch: 55 summary: According to Donovan in Karim (2013:24) there are some characteristics of good writing, they are: Clarity and focus: in good writing, everything makes sense and reader does not get lost or have to read passages to figure out what is going on. Good writing includes smart word choices and well-crafted sentences. keywords: ability; analysis; average; classification; cokroaminoto; deviation; english; good; language; mean; mean score; palopo; paragraph; persuasive; poor; score; standard; students; table; university; use; writing; writing ability cache: ideas-3243.pdf plain text: ideas-3243.txt item: #72 of 181 id: ideas-3252 author: Hutauruk, Roy Fernandus; Rudianto, Gaguk title: Love and Belonging Needs of the Main Character in the Movie "500 Days Of Summer": Psychological Approach date: 2023-01-05 words: 5136 flesch: 69 summary: The requirements of love and belonging needs may be acquired through three different scopes, according to Maslow's classification of love and belonging needs hierarchy. Tom first recognized love when he met Summer. keywords: abraham; affection; anna; approach; belongingness; character; data; days; december; desire; esteem; film; friends; hansen; hierarchy; human; ideas; issn; level; life; literature; love; main; manager; maslow; movie; needs; online; people; physiological; print; psychological; psychology; qualitative; rachel; relationship; requirements; researcher; respect; safety; self; study; summer; theory; time; tom; vol cache: ideas-3252.pdf plain text: ideas-3252.txt item: #73 of 181 id: ideas-3258 author: Gazali, Nurul Fadhilah; Baa, Sultan title: The Correlation between EFL Students’ Metacognitive Reading Strategy and their Reading Comprehension on English Expository Text date: 2023-04-08 words: 4701 flesch: 52 summary: Since metacognitive reading strategy included awareness and conscious willing of one or more strategies to monitor reading comprehension, there was tendency of metacognitive reading strategy influenced reading comprehension of the students. Keywords: metacognitive reading strategy; expository text; correlational study; students’ reading comprehension Introduction Reading is one of four language skills needed by students who learn English as a foreign language. keywords: achievement; analysis; awareness; comprehension; correlation; deviation; efl; english; expository; high; ideas; inventory; issn; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; mean; metacognitive; metacognitive reading; metacognitive strategy; method; number; problem; process; reading; reading comprehension; reading strategy; relationship; research; result; score; significant; sors; strategies; strategy; students; study; sultan; support; table; teaching; test; text; use cache: ideas-3258.pdf plain text: ideas-3258.txt item: #74 of 181 id: ideas-3263 author: Norliani, Norliani title: Teachers’ Strategies to Handle Disruptive Students in Freedom Writers Movie date: 2022-12-26 words: 2463 flesch: 58 summary: The source of data in this research is obtained from the movie “Freedom Writers” to describe the teacher strategies to handle disruptive students applied by the teacher that found in the movie since this film has much good value about how are the roles of educator in the teaching and learning process to create a good Norliani Teachers’ Strategies to Handle Disruptive Students in Freedom Writers Movie 1318 atmosphere to students actively and passionately. 1315 - 1323 Teachers’ Strategies to Handle Disruptive Students in Freedom Writers Movie Norliani STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin Received: 2022-12-5 Accepted: 2022-12-27 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i2.3263 Abstract The objective of this research was to find out the teachers’ strategies to handle disruptive students in Freedom Writers movie. keywords: activities; classroom; data; disruptive; english; erin; freedom; harmer; hue; interest; issn; learning; lie; movie; mrs; picture; process; research; strategies; students; talk; teacher; teaching; use; verbal; writers cache: ideas-3263.pdf plain text: ideas-3263.txt item: #75 of 181 id: ideas-3272 author: Suparlan, Suparlan; Rosyidi, Ahmad Zuhri title: The Developing of English-Speaking Skill of the Students at Islamic Junior High School by Using Picture date: 2023-01-23 words: 7883 flesch: 61 summary: Students become happy to learn and they feel that by learn ing to speak with picture media students feel happy and not depressed. Damayanti (2016) had conducted her research entitled: The Use of P icture Strip Story to Improve Students Speaking Skill at Eight Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Tempuran. keywords: abilities; ability; able; accuracy; action; activities; activity; ahmad; aikmual; aminin; aspects; bahasa; berbicara; card; class; classroom; communication; communication skill; cycle; dan; darul; december; developing; different; english; english communication; english speaking; fluency; good; grammar; help; high; ideas; image; information; inggris; interviews; islamic; issn; junior; language; learning; learning process; lombok; meaning; media; mts; negeri; ntb; number; object; online; oral; order; people; picture; picture strip; practice; print; process; productive; pronunciation; real; research; result; school; score; second; skill; speakers; speaking; speaking skill; states; story; strip; students; study; subject; suparlan; teacher; teaching; technique; tengah; test; time; universitas; use; uses; vocabulary; vol; way; words; writing; zuhri cache: ideas-3272.pdf plain text: ideas-3272.txt item: #76 of 181 id: ideas-3279 author: Ariyanti, Puput; Apoko, Tri Wintolo title: The Application of YouTube Media in Learning Speaking: Students’ Perceptions date: 2022-12-26 words: 2773 flesch: 54 summary: The result showed that there were five aspects of student perceptions such as: convenience, motivation, progress, activity, and variation. This is proven by Kurniawan (2019), where the use of YouTube media is considered effective in triggering students to be more confident in speaking English in front of the camera and public. keywords: activity; addition; aspect; convenience; data; education; english; ideas; interview; issn; language; largest; learning; media; motivation; negative; neutral; online; perception; positive; progress; researcher; skills; speaking; students; study; teaching; use; variation; youtube; youtube media cache: ideas-3279.pdf plain text: ideas-3279.txt item: #77 of 181 id: ideas-3290 author: Rahmadhani, Maitri; Supriadi, Supriadi title: Developing Digital-Based Speaking Literacy Assessment Using PLOMP Model to Support the National Literacy Movement date: 2023-01-24 words: 4163 flesch: 53 summary: 100% of teachers stated never to the statement Students can conduct peer reviews of speaking literacy assessments. This will be unfair for those students who have good literacy speaking skill but probably have some problems to certain teacher academically or personally, caused by the scoring of speaking literacy assessment which has not standard and objective. keywords: aspects; assessment; conversation; criteria; data; design; development; digital; education; english; expert; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; literacy; literacy assessment; maitri; maksum; model; movement; national; online; pendidikan; percentage; phase; plomp; program; rahmadhani; reading; research; results; skill; smk; speaking; speaking literacy; stabat; statement; students; supriadi; teachers; use; valid; validators cache: ideas-3290.pdf plain text: ideas-3290.txt item: #78 of 181 id: ideas-3297 author: Lisdawati, Ida title: Students Collaboration in Developing English Learning E-Module Assisted by Canva date: 2023-01-05 words: 6918 flesch: 51 summary: The recapitulation of the feasibility of the product is presented below: After getting the result of recapitulation of the material in e-module draft carried out by the validators, it displayed the temporary fact that the e-module draft could be continued as the teaching media. Canva is used IDEAS, Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2022 ISSN 2338-4778 (Print) ISSN 2548-4192 (Online) 2067 to increase student learning motivation, which can also help teachers teach materials (Sukmawati et al., 2021). keywords: addition; aspects; bahasa; canva; category; collaboration; collection; dan; data; december; dengan; descriptive; design; development; discovery; draft; english; english learning; feasibility; good; high; ideas; issn; jurnal; kesesuaian; language; learning; lisdawati; materi; material; media; module; narrative; online; pada; pembelajaran; pendidikan; pengembangan; penggunaan; percentage; print; process; product; reading; research; researchers; results; schools; score; second; skills; smpn; soal; stage; students; supervisor; table; teacher; teaching; text; tujuan; validation; validators; vol; worthy; writing; yang cache: ideas-3297.pdf plain text: ideas-3297.txt item: #79 of 181 id: ideas-33 author: Sri, Damayanti title: DESIGNING MULTIMEDIA FOR LECTURERS NEED IN TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION date: 2014-12-19 words: 2967 flesch: 67 summary: Figure 5.12: The Layout of Vowel Material sound / / in some patternɛ e. Consonant If the user click the layout of material pronunciation for consonant can be seen as figure 5.13 below. The Layout of Diphthong Material sound /ei/ in some patterns g. Video If the user click the layout of material pronunciation for video can be seen as figure 5.18 below. keywords: button; consonant; design; diphthong; english; english words; error; figure; indonesia; layout; material; material sound; multimedia; patterns; phoneme; pronunciation; researcher; screen; sound; students; teaching; users; video; vowel; words cache: ideas-33.pdf plain text: ideas-33.txt item: #80 of 181 id: ideas-3301 author: Kamaliah, Nurul; Putri, Triananda title: Improving English Reading Comprehension Ability through Directed Activities Related To Texts (DARTs) Learning date: 2023-01-05 words: 3970 flesch: 57 summary: This can be seen from the percentage of student activity during the learning process. Overall student activity shows that the DARTs learning model is student-centered; students were actively involved in the learning. keywords: ability; able; action; activities; activity; classroom; comprehension; cycle; darts; data; directed; english; ideas; improvement; information; issn; knowledge; language; learning; meaning; motivation; nurul; observation; online; process; reading; reading comprehension; related; research; researchers; result; score; skills; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; test; text; total; triananda; word cache: ideas-3301.pdf plain text: ideas-3301.txt item: #81 of 181 id: ideas-3309 author: Yudha, Novita Mutiah; Munir, Ahmad; Lestari, Lies Amin; Anam, Syafi’ul title: Alternative Assessment and Its Impact in the Classroom of English at Elementary School date: 2022-12-22 words: 3980 flesch: 51 summary: Based on Valencia & Pearson (1994: 355) explain that alternative assessment is composed of all of those efforts that do not follow to the traditional specification of standardization, objectivity and machine-scorability, and cost effectiveness, Alternative assessment is a progressively common and well-liked discourse in education. The author conducts this research about alternative assessment at Elementary school. keywords: achievement; ahmad; alternative; alternative assessment; amin; assessment; author; classroom; december; different; educational; elementary; english; evaluation; feedback; formative; ideas; impact; instruction; issn; journal; language; learning; linn; new; online; paper; performance; print; process; question; questionnaire; relevant; report; research; school; students; study; syafi’ul; teacher; teaching; theory; thompson; traditional; university; vol; william cache: ideas-3309.pdf plain text: ideas-3309.txt item: #82 of 181 id: ideas-3320 author: Fitriani, Fitriani title: Adapting Language Tests to Hybrid Learning: EFL Teachers’ Challenges and Their date: 2023-01-01 words: 3646 flesch: 50 summary: Adapting Language Tests to Hybrid Learning: EFL Teachers’ Challenges And Their Practices Fitriani Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia Received: 2022-10-01 Accepted: 2022-12-31 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i2.3320 Abstract The objective of this study is to explore teachers’ challenges in conducting test in hybrid setting as well as their practices in the context of ELT classroom. Meanwhile, the interview section intends to gather information regarding teachers’ issues and their ways to solve the problems in conducting language test in hybrid setting. keywords: assessment; case; challenges; classroom; combination; conducting; context; data; december; education; efl; english; face; hybrid; hybrid learning; ideas; issn; issues; journal; language; learning; methods; new; number; online; practices; print; problems; qualitative; questions; research; results; setting; strategies; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; test; testing; thinking; use; writing cache: ideas-3320.pdf plain text: ideas-3320.txt item: #83 of 181 id: ideas-3321 author: Sain, Yuliana; Cobar, Juan title: Improving Students’ Pronunciation in Word Stress through TTS (Text To Speech) Feature: On a Google Translate Application date: 2023-08-13 words: 4032 flesch: 65 summary: Finally it can be concluded that students' pronunciation in pre-test was very poor categorized. The result from the post-test can be concluded that students' pronunciation was fair categorized. keywords: application; category; different; english; good; google; hypothesis; improvement; language; learning; mean; poor; post; pre; pronunciation; research; result; score; session; software; speech; speech software; stress; students; study; table; test; text; translate; treatment; use; value; word; word stress cache: ideas-3321.pdf plain text: ideas-3321.txt item: #84 of 181 id: ideas-3367 author: Syahrir, Syahrir; Hartina, St. title: Teaching Basic English in Higher Education: Effective EFL teaching through students’ lens. date: 2023-01-08 words: 4573 flesch: 59 summary: To evaluate all of these factors, student perceptions are needed as a reflection and evaluation tool for the effectiveness of the teaching system that has been implemented so far. The description above underlies this research to explore student perceptions as a result of learning basic English in the Economics major. keywords: activities; basic; classroom; data; education; effective; efl; english; fun; good; grammar; group; growth; hartina; higher; ideas; issn; journal; knowledgeable; language; learning; lecturers; lens; method; online; outcomes; perceptions; poor; print; process; project; purposes; quality; respondents; results; second; semester; skills; specific; students; study; syahrir; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; university; vocabulary cache: ideas-3367.pdf plain text: ideas-3367.txt item: #85 of 181 id: ideas-3370 author: Indriani, Sukma; Supriusman, Supriusman; Syarfi, M. title: A Study on The Vocabulary Knowledge of the Second Grade Students of Senior High School date: 2023-08-11 words: 2250 flesch: 63 summary: This indicates a low vocabulary knowledge level compared to previous research by Sinaga, (2020) which found that high school students have reached the requirements for 1000 and 2000 levels. High frequency vocabulary will have a greater influence on students, according to Webb (2017). keywords: english;; families; grade; high; issn; knowledge; kuantan; language; level; mastery; mean; mudik; reading; research; school; score; second; sman; students; study; test; university; vocabulary; word cache: ideas-3370.pdf plain text: ideas-3370.txt item: #86 of 181 id: ideas-3398 author: Syamsir, Syamsir title: Students of Autonomous Learning Using Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) at Senior High School date: 2023-01-03 words: 4044 flesch: 72 summary: Hopefully, the result of this research is able to be replicated by SMAN teachers and students in solving similar problems faced in autonomous learning using Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Keywords: Autonomous Learning; Listening; Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL); podcasts Introduction The prevailing atmosphere for Indonesian students to learn English before graduation, whether at home, with neighbors, or even in an old school, makes it difficult for students to learn or practice English (Hastuti, 2014:122) that the experience of language learning in a neighborhood surrounded by the English language is most effective in providing exposure and opportunities to function with Syamsir Improve Students’ Listening Skill in Autonomous Learning Using Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) at Senior High School 1954 one another. keywords: autonomous; book; class; cycle; english; friday; ideas; improvement; information; issn; language; language learning; learning; listening; mall; media; mobile; office; online; p.m.; phone; podcasts; practice; research; respond; school; students; teacher; teaching; technology; test; text; thanks cache: ideas-3398.pdf plain text: ideas-3398.txt item: #87 of 181 id: ideas-3407 author: Sabily, Ahmad Sofwan; Suryadi, Suryadi title: Improve Vocabulary by Using Media Animated the Folklore of Malin Kundang date: 2022-12-29 words: 3816 flesch: 54 summary: The vocabulary learnt through Malin Kundang folklore animation is well welcomed because of its approachability. The goals of this research are threefold: (1) to determine whether or not students can benefit from learning about Malin Kundang folklore; (2) to determine whether or not Malin Kundang folklore can be used to expand vocabulary; and (3) to determine whether or not the use of Malin Kundang folklore can be used to improve learning outcomes. keywords: ahmad; alpha; anak; animated; animation; audio; bahasa; capacity; content; cronbach; crucial; data; december; dini; english; film; folklore; help; ideas; issn; items; jurnal; kosakata; kundang; kundang folklore; language; learning; malin; malin kundang; materials; media; new; online; pendidikan; people; print; pupils; quantitative; reliability; research; skills; sofwan; students; study; suryadi; table; teachers; teaching; test; use; usia; valid; validity; value; visual; vocabulary; vol; words cache: ideas-3407.pdf plain text: ideas-3407.txt item: #88 of 181 id: ideas-3430 author: Yuliani, Risti Trias; Andayani T, Made Adi; Wahjuningsih, Eka title: Exploring the Students’ Attention Level in Teaching and Learning of English date: 2023-01-02 words: 7906 flesch: 61 summary: A study of student attention decline using clickers. Meanwhile, Prakash (2015) explains that when students focus their attention on a stimulus, they will find it easier to determine what features are following their learning objectives. keywords: activity; adi; andayani; answer; attention; attention level; calster; characteristics; data; descriptive; dominant; eka; english; external; factors; frequency; highest; ideas; intensity; internal; issn; learning; level; movement; number; option; percentage; personality; process; quality; question; questionnaire; research; respondents; stimuli; stimulus; students; study; table; teaching; thoughts; trias; unrelated; walizer cache: ideas-3430.pdf plain text: ideas-3430.txt item: #89 of 181 id: ideas-3447 author: Amelinda, Ria title: Content Analysis of Religious Articles in the Opinion Column in the Palopo Pos Daily Newspaper date: 2022-12-30 words: 5077 flesch: 57 summary: Articles published can be with general themes, as well as articles about religion (religious articles). The purpose of this article is to describe the standard content of religious articles required by the daily newspaper Palopo Pos, and the contents of religious articles submitted by the author of the article in the opinion column in the daily newspaper Palopo Pos. keywords: amelinda; analysis; approach; article; aspects; bandung; birthday; cet; column; content; content analysis; da'wah; daily; daily newspaper; dan; data; december; faith; form; ideas; important; indonesia; issn; issues; jakarta; journalistic; language; lead; life; linguistic; main; means; media; muhammad; muslims; newspaper; newspaper palopo; number; online; opinion; palopo; palopo pos; pos; pos daily; pos newspaper; press; print; prophet; prophet muhammad; public; question; readers; religion; religious; religious articles; research; ria; sacrifices; study; time; title; unit; values; vol; writing cache: ideas-3447.pdf plain text: ideas-3447.txt item: #90 of 181 id: ideas-3457 author: Sukirman, Sukirman title: Character Formation Through Meaningful Relationships in Learning Interactions at Islamic Higher Education date: 2023-01-03 words: 7040 flesch: 49 summary: Language empowerment by using meaning relations in learning interactions at IAIN Palopo is a space for character growth and development, especially for improving student attitudes and competencies. Using meaning relations is essential to study because it conveys specific ideas or messages in learning interactions. keywords: addition; affirmation; anda; antonymic; antonyms; aspects; bahasa; character; characteristics; communication; dalam; dan; data; december; dengan; discussion; education; experiential; explanation; express; expressive; features; form; formation; general; higher; hyponymic; hyponymy; iain; ideas; identity; indonesia; interactions; islamic; issn; itu; kaidah; kita; language; language features; learning; lecturer; listeners; masing; meaning; meaning relations; meaningful; messages; obedience; online; opposite; palopo; pendidikan; politeness; print; qualitative; reinforcement; related; relations; relationship; representation; research; rules; sama; sensory; sentences; speaker; specific; spoken; strengthening; students; study; sukirman; synonyms; teaching; thinking; tidak; understanding; use; value; variety; vol; way; words; writing; yang cache: ideas-3457.pdf plain text: ideas-3457.txt item: #91 of 181 id: ideas-3463 author: Annisa, Titan Meuthia title: Teaching Strategies For Speaking Skills: Teachers’ Implementation and Students Opinion date: 2023-08-16 words: 5507 flesch: 58 summary: Giving Feedback to Students Giving feedback requires educating students about their performance on a specific task as well as coming up with ideas for improvement. This is a short interview between the researcher and the students to look for information from the students about teacher strategies in teaching speaking in online class. keywords: amin; anam; annisa; answer; class; classroom; clear; education; english; feedback; ideas; implementation; interview; issn; journal; june; killian; knowledge; language; learning; lesson; lestari; material; media; meuthia; objectives; online; online class; opinion; practice; print; prior; process; questions; researcher; showing; skills; speaking; speaking skills; strategies; students; study; syafi’ul; teacher; teaching; teaching strategies; time; use; words cache: ideas-3463.pdf plain text: ideas-3463.txt item: #92 of 181 id: ideas-3467 author: Wahyuni, Ni Putu; Budasi, I Gede; Agustini, Dewa Ayu Eka title: Lexicons of Sugriwa Dance Movements in Wayang Wong Tejakula date: 2023-04-18 words: 4997 flesch: 65 summary: The research questions of this study are “What are the lexicons of Sugriwa dance movements in Wayang Wong Tejakula?” and “What are the cultural meaning of lexicons related to Sugriwa dance movements in Wayang Wong Tejakula?”. From those research questions, this study aimed to discover the lexicons of Sugriwa dance movements in Wayang Wong Tejakula and their cultural meaning. keywords: agem; alok; balinese; body; ceremony; chest; cultural; cultural meaning; culture; dance; dance movements; data; death; description; dewa; finger; foot; hand; head; issn; kanan; kiri; language; left; leg; lexicons; local; meaning; movements; ngadap; ngalok; ngengsog; nyeregseg; related; research; right; stages; study; sugriwa; sugriwa dance; table; tanjek; tejakula; wayang; wayang wong; wong; wong tejakula cache: ideas-3467.pdf plain text: ideas-3467.txt item: #93 of 181 id: ideas-3469 author: Fathonah, Meshy Berliana; Astrid, Annisa; Desvitasari, Deta title: Speaking Skills of EFL Student Teachers of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang: Problems and Strategies date: 2023-04-08 words: 5174 flesch: 56 summary: Problems faced by student teachers of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang in speaking English Based on the data received from the research, there were seven problems faced by the lecturer in teaching essay writing to the pre-service teachers. The lecturer claimed that she kept student teachers on speaking the target language by asking them to paraphrase the words which they could not remember immediately. b. keywords: activities; analysis; anxiety; confidence; data; education; efl; efl student; english; fatah; fatah palembang; feedback; grammar; ideas; issn; journal; lack; language; learning; lecturer; mastery; mother; oral; palembang; preparation; problems; pronunciation; raden; raden fatah; research; self; skills; small; speaking; strategies; student; student teachers; study; target; teachers; teaching; time; tongue; uin; uin raden; vocabulary cache: ideas-3469.pdf plain text: ideas-3469.txt item: #94 of 181 id: ideas-3474 author: Jaelani, Alan; 'Abidat, Ihda; Umam, Amalul; Rahmawanti, Movi Riana title: Transitivity Analysis of AJ Hoge’s Short Story “Day of the Dead” date: 2023-07-18 words: 4984 flesch: 57 summary: Table III: The Percentage of Process Distribution Types of Processes Percentage (%) Material Process 28.125% Mental Process 25% Relational Process 21.875% Behavioral Process 12.5% Existential Process 9.375% Verbal Process 3.125% Total 100% Table III shows the percentage of each Process employed in analyzed text: Material Process (28.125%), Mental Process (25%), Relational Process (21.875%), Behavioral Process (12.5%), Existential Process (9.375%), Verbal Process (3,125%). keywords: analysis; behaver; behavioral; clause; data; day; dead; english; example; existential; features; functional; hoge; ideas; identifying; issn; journal; language; learner; learning; linguistics; material; material process; meanings; mental; participant; process; processes; refers; relational; research; segmentation; senser; short; story; study; system; table; teaching; tense; text; transitivity; types; verbal cache: ideas-3474.pdf plain text: ideas-3474.txt item: #95 of 181 id: ideas-3478 author: Arsai, Alfons; Sahid, Suardi title: A Brief Semantic Analysis on The Form and Function of Biak’s article ’ma’ date: 2023-01-24 words: 2507 flesch: 74 summary: The use of article ma in Biak language presents different notions on the speakers and the hearers’ intentions due to semantic aspects of the article as follows: a. To show the goal, desire or volition of the speaker. This article aims to discuss the semantic function of particle ma in Biak language and to describe its form. keywords: 1sg; adverbial; approach; article; aspect; bahasa; biak; conjunction; data; depdikbud; fautngil; form; function; issn; jayapura; john; know; language; meaning; morpheme; morphological; noun; papua; process; semantic; speaker; state; use; verb; west; word cache: ideas-3478.pdf plain text: ideas-3478.txt item: #96 of 181 id: ideas-3490 author: Sabaniyah, Muhammad; Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin; Husna, Nida; Alek, Alek title: Exploring Anaphoric and Cataphoric References Used in “Bright, an English Textbook” date: 2023-08-02 words: 4872 flesch: 59 summary: Anaphoric references refer to a concept or word introduced in a previous phrase. Compared to anaphoric references, cataphoric references are less frequently used since they point ahead in the text, implying that the speaker or writer would name the referent later rather than doing so right away (Awwad, 2017). keywords: analysis; anaphora; bright; cataphoric; cataphoric references; cohesion; content; data; descriptive; doi; eighth; english; english textbook; grade; hero; hidayat; high; ideas; information; issn; jakarta; journal; june; junior; language; learning; lestari; meaning; narrative; nida; number; nuruddin; print; pronominal; pronoun; qualitative; references; researchers; results; school; sentences; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; text; textbook; types; use; word; writing cache: ideas-3490.pdf plain text: ideas-3490.txt item: #97 of 181 id: ideas-3491 author: Komang, Suryandewi title: Lexicons in Ajisaka Dance date: 2023-07-31 words: 4669 flesch: 65 summary: The results are described as follows: Lexicons in Ajisaka Dance's Movements Twenty-eight (28) lexicons are found in the dance movement of Ajisaka dance. This study aimed to find out the lexicons and their cultural meaning related to Ajisaka dance movements. keywords: ajisaka; ajisaka dance; bahasa; balinese; body; cultural; cultural meaning; culture; dance; dance movement; death; ecolinguistic; eye; finger; hand; issn; kanan; king; kiri; language; left; leg; lexicons; lexicons cultural; luk; meaning; movements; neck; pendidikan; people; right; soldiers; strong; study; table; ulap; walking cache: ideas-3491.pdf plain text: ideas-3491.txt item: #98 of 181 id: ideas-3492 author: Siahaan, Bunga Yolandita; Rajagukguk, Cindi; Saragih, Erikson title: A Retrospective Study on English Teachers' Strategies to Improve Students' Speaking Fluency date: 2023-01-12 words: 4671 flesch: 56 summary: Conclusion Based on the results and discussion of the Retrospective Study on English Teachers' Strategies to Improve Students’ Speaking Fluency, researchers found a number of strategies implemented by teachers to improve student speaking fluency. Asrori (2007) researched the Development of Arabic Speaking Skills by Indonesian Speaking Students in the Perspective of Foreign Language Learning. keywords: ability; activities; answer; class; data; effective; english; english teachers; erikson; fluency; form; google; groups; help; ideas; important; indicators; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; online; practice; question; questionnaire; rajagukguk; researchers; results; retrospective; shows; siahaan; skills; speaking; speaking skills; strategies; students; study; support; survey; table; teachers; teaching; use; yolandita cache: ideas-3492.pdf plain text: ideas-3492.txt item: #99 of 181 id: ideas-3496 author: Hamzah, Hamzah; Fajriani, Fajriani title: The Influence of Think-Pair-Share Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Junior High School date: 2023-01-11 words: 5654 flesch: 60 summary: The objectives of the research were to find out the influence of Think-Pair-Share Technique on Students Reading Comprehension at SMPS PPM Al-Ikhlas Lampoko and to find out significant difference students reading comprehension achievement between post-test class experiment and post- test class control at SMPS PPM Al-Ikhlas Lampoko. If students find some new words, they were asking the meaning of other students around them directly or they were search their dictionary to get the meaning right away. keywords: ability; analysis; class; comprehension; control; cooperative; data; english; experiment; extensive; group; high; ideas; ikhlas; influence; information; intensive; issn; lampoko; language; learning; mean; method; narrative; pair; pair share; paired; posttest; ppm; reading; reading comprehension; research; sample; school; score; share; share technique; skills; smps; story; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; technique; test; text; think; topic; understanding; value cache: ideas-3496.pdf plain text: ideas-3496.txt item: #100 of 181 id: ideas-3508 author: Bhuana, Gartika Pandu title: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Kahoot: Students’ Perspective date: 2023-01-19 words: 4096 flesch: 63 summary: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Kahoot: Students’ Perspective Gartika Pandu Bhuana Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, IKIP Siliwangi, Cimahi, Jawa Barat Received: 2022-10-05 Accepted: 2022-12-31 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i2.3508 Abstract Technology and education are inseparable. Kahoot is one of the online educational games that teachers mainly use. keywords: active; advantages; answer; benefits; classroom; connection; data; discussion; drawbacks; educational; effect; english; et al; fun; game; good; internet; interview; issn; kahoot; language; learning; material; motivation; online; perspective; process; question; questionnaire; students; study; teacher; teaching; technology; use; wang cache: ideas-3508.pdf plain text: ideas-3508.txt item: #101 of 181 id: ideas-3522 author: Fitriani, Dian; Johan, Mhd. title: An Analysis of Presupposition Triggers in “Turning Red” date: 2023-07-19 words: 5236 flesch: 63 summary: Especially Mei- Mei. Miriam : Mei, every day is cleaning day. keywords: analysis; change; clause; cleft; conversation; counterfactual; data; definite; example; factive; film; ideas; implicative; information; issn; iterative; journal; language; levinson; linguistics; literature; mei; ming; movie; online; panda; parents; pragmatics; presupposition; red; research; sentence; speaker; state; study; temporal; trigger; use; utterance; verbs; word cache: ideas-3522.pdf plain text: ideas-3522.txt item: #102 of 181 id: ideas-3526 author: Ryandini, Elda Yulia; Fitriyasari, Anis title: The Utilizing of Tongue Twister Media for English Speaking Activity of Management Students in School of Management date: 2023-06-04 words: 4897 flesch: 60 summary: All L2 learners including English Department students will encounter some problems in pronunciation moreover for ESP students. Perception of Digital Storytelling in Overcoming Fear for Speaking English through Interdisciplinary Project of Gender Issues. keywords: /ʃ/; /θ/; ability; able; activity; alveolar; articulation; business; class; confident; difficult; difficulties; english; esp; fricative; fun; good; ideas; issn; language; learners; learning; like; management; media; online; problems; pronunciation; school; sound; speaking; specific; students; study; teaching; technique; text; tongue; tongue twister; twister; university; use; utilizing; words cache: ideas-3526.pdf plain text: ideas-3526.txt item: #103 of 181 id: ideas-3530 author: Naibaho, Selva New Puspita; Satria, Robby title: An Analysis of Types of Directive Acts Found in “The School for Good and Evil” Movie date: 2023-08-04 words: 5747 flesch: 73 summary: As Searle and Vanderveken (1985) have noted, directive question acts are used to ask a question. The result showed that there were 17 data of directive acts performed by the characters in “The School for Good and Evil” movie. keywords: action; acts; agatha; analysis; answer; asking; characters; conversation; data; directive; directive acts; evil; good; hearer; ideas; inviting; issn; language; listener; movie; order; ordering; place; question; research; researchers; school; searle; sophie; source; speaker; speech; study; type; utterances; uttered; vanderveken cache: ideas-3530.pdf plain text: ideas-3530.txt item: #104 of 181 id: ideas-3547 author: Rebong, Natalia; Handayani, Nurma Dhona title: Deixis Analysis Found In “Bird Box” Movie date: 2023-08-03 words: 3201 flesch: 77 summary: The aim of their research is finding out deixis type applied by Joe Biden in speech. There were totally 34 deixis data in spatial deixis, temporal deixis, and person deixis. keywords: bird; box; data; deixis; doctor; hearer; jessica; language; malorie; movie; people; person; person deixis; place; research; researchers; spatial; spatial deixis; speaker; temporal; temporal deixis; time; types; utterance; yule cache: ideas-3547.pdf plain text: ideas-3547.txt item: #105 of 181 id: ideas-3550 author: Daffa, Muchamad; Johan, Mhd title: The Types of Impoliteness in “Inside Out” The Movie date: 2023-07-16 words: 3100 flesch: 68 summary: utterances that contain types of impoliteness are used by speakers and listeners in the film inside out, with the discovery of 8 forms of coercive impoliteness, affective impoliteness, and entertaining impoliteness. According to Culpeper (2011) there are several types of impoliteness, there are coercive impoliteness, affective impoliteness, and entertaining impoliteness. keywords: affective; anger; coercive; conversation; culpeper; data; disgust; film; function; hearer; ideas; impoliteness; issn; journal; joy; language; movie; research; researchers; riley; sadness; speaker; study; types; use; utterances cache: ideas-3550.pdf plain text: ideas-3550.txt item: #106 of 181 id: ideas-3555 author: Rahman, Sonia; Johan, Mhd. title: Types of Impoliteness Discovered in "Karen's Dinner" Australia date: 2023-08-13 words: 4363 flesch: 58 summary: The findings of this study reveal that there are 15 types of impoliteness: 7 forms of affective impoliteness, 4 forms of coercive impoliteness, and 4 forms of entertaining impolite behavior. Affective impoliteness is meant to provoke others. keywords: affective; affective impoliteness; australia; behavior; coercive; context; culpeper; customer; data; dinner; entertaining; example; forms; fucking; function; ideas; impoliteness; issn; june; karen; language; listener; meaning; online; order; people; pragmatics; print; purpose; research; researchers; restaurant; rude; rudeness; sentence; social; speaker; study; types; unpleasant; use; vol; waiter; way; words; youtube cache: ideas-3555.pdf plain text: ideas-3555.txt item: #107 of 181 id: ideas-3564 author: Damayanti, Sri; Irwan, Irwan title: Senior High School Students' Perceptions about the Use of Smartphones as English Learning Media date: 2023-01-27 words: 3680 flesch: 54 summary: This is where the important role of educators is to be more creative in motivating students to make better use of their smartphones for the process of learning English, especially in the context of speaking and writing Sri Damayanti & Irwan Senior High School Students' Perceptions about the Use of Smartphones as English Learning Media 2274 skills. How to Teach English; An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching. keywords: certain; data; english; high; high school; human; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; level; low; media; medium; method; observation; online; palopo; perceptions; primary; process; purposes; qualitative; questionnaire; questions; reading; research; researchers; respondents; results; school; school students; senior; skills; sman; smartphones; social; speaking; students; study; teaching; technology; use; video; writing cache: ideas-3564.pdf plain text: ideas-3564.txt item: #108 of 181 id: ideas-3581 author: Jahrani, Ahmad; Listia, Rina title: The Impact of Exposure on Second Language Acquisition date: 2023-07-13 words: 4345 flesch: 51 summary: Language exposure is necessary for learning and mastering a second language. Keywords: impact; language exposure; second language acquisition Introduction The occurrence of Covid 19, many fields are affected in this world. keywords: ability; acquisition; articles; behavioral; children; classroom; development; education; effect; english; exposure; foreign; help; ideas; images; impact; increase; information; issn; journal; language; language acquisition; language exposure; language learning; learners; learning; listening; literature; lks; media; negative; new; online; positive; print; procedia; process; publications; research; results; school; second; second language; skills; social; students; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; television; use; vocabulary; worksheets cache: ideas-3581.pdf plain text: ideas-3581.txt item: #109 of 181 id: ideas-3588 author: Sitepu, Setiana Sri Wahyuni; Safitri, Eka; Sukmawati, Nur Najibah; Nasution, Sukma Septian; Kusumoriny, Laksmy Ady title: Improving the Students’ Motivation in Learning Vocabulary Using Song Lyrics date: 2023-07-02 words: 4316 flesch: 61 summary: Motivation in action: Towards a process-oriented conceptualisation of student motivation. Student learning motivation can affect the student learning process. keywords: action; activities; approach; average; class; collection; cycle; data; english; extrinsic; grade; ideas; increase; intrinsic; issn; language; learning; low; lyrics; meeting; motivation; observation; people; post; pre; process; questions; research; result; score; seventh; song; statement; students; study; teaching; test; use; vocabulary; words; writers cache: ideas-3588.pdf plain text: ideas-3588.txt item: #110 of 181 id: ideas-3591 author: Girsang, Martina; Manalu, Mega Patrisia; Agnes, Rainy Agria; Sinambela, Rifkha; Cecilia, Prity title: The Synesthesia in John Keats' Ode date: 2023-06-15 words: 5470 flesch: 54 summary: The qualitative analysis employs content analysis to identify and analyze synesthesia metaphors in Keats' odes. The cognitive analysis of synesthesia metaphors reveals their profound influence on the thematic depth and artistic conception of Keats' odes. keywords: abstract; agnes4; agria; analysis; auditory; author; beautiful; beauty; cecilia3; cognitive; concepts; conceptual; domain; emotional; example; experience; expression; forms; girsang1; grecian; green; hearing; ideas; issn; john; keats; lakoff; language; life; like; linguistics; literary; literature; manalu2; mapping; martina; mega; metaphor; music; ode; patrisia; people; perception; phenomenon; poems; poetic; poetry; prity; qualitative; rainy; readers; research; rifkha; sense; sensory; sinambela5; smell; source; study; sweet; synesthesia; synesthesia metaphor; taste; theory; touch; truth; urn; use; vision; visual; works cache: ideas-3591.pdf plain text: ideas-3591.txt item: #111 of 181 id: ideas-3596 author: Siantari, Luh; Ratminingsih, Ni Made; Budasi, I Gede title: The Implementation of Digital Multilingual Thematic Dictionary towards The Fourth Grade Students’ Literacy Skill: An Experimental Study date: 2023-08-10 words: 5860 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: digital multilingual thematic dictionary; literacy skills; young learners Introduction There are many influences of English as an international language. It can be conclude that the experimental group prove that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study is accepted because the N- Gain score of the experimental group is more than 55% with moderately effective category in using digital multilingual thematic dictionaries. keywords: analysis; budasi; control; data; descriptive; development; dictionaries; dictionary; digital; digital dictionary; digital multilingual; effective; english; experimental; fourth; gain; grade; group; ideas; implementation; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; literacy; mean; multilingual; multilingual thematic; picture; post; pre; ratminingsih; research; results; score; score test; sig; skills; statistical; students; study; table; teaching; test; thematic; thematic dictionary; treatment; use; variances; vocabulary; vol; young cache: ideas-3596.pdf plain text: ideas-3596.txt item: #112 of 181 id: ideas-3597 author: Sitinjak, Vivi Novalia; Sinambela, Rifkha; Nababan, Dian Elizabeth; Sihotang, Yance Cerelina; Hutagalung, Grace Widya title: The Lexical and Contextual Meaning in Fajar Sadboy's Quotes date: 2023-06-29 words: 5794 flesch: 64 summary: The study of word meaning and the relationship between signs or symbols is done through the science known as semantics (Parwati, 2018; Zulfahita et al., 2019). One of the many different sorts of word meanings is contextual meaning. keywords: affair; akan; analysis; aya; bahasa; cantik; cerelina; cinta; communication; contextual; contextual meaning; dalam; dan; data; dian; dictionary; elizabeth; english; fajar; fajar sadboy; feelings; gas; girlfriend; glowing; grace; hubungan; hutagalung; ideas; indonesia; issn; june; jurnal; kalau; korek; language; lelaki; lexical; lexical meaning; life; linguistics; literature; love; makna; meaning; nababan; novalia; online; pendidikan; people; person; print; quotes; readers; related; relationship; research; rifkha; sadboy; sastra; saya; sctv; semantics; sihotang; sinambela; sitinjak; situation; smoking; spoken; struggle; study; term; untuk; use; vivi; vol; widya; women; word; yance; yang cache: ideas-3597.pdf plain text: ideas-3597.txt item: #113 of 181 id: ideas-3652 author: Samosir, Anna Catharina; Girsang, Martina Girsang; Praditya Ginting, Bernardus Batara Tuahta; Parulian Tamba, Asima Rohana; Kianlin, Jessica Anastasia title: Figurative Language in Song lyrics My Way by Frank sinatra date: 2023-08-22 words: 2611 flesch: 64 summary: This research aims to know how many types and what is the meaning of figurative language used by the song writer in this song lyrics. In this song lyrics the writers found four types of figurative language, they are: metaphor, repetition, hyperbole, and paradox. keywords: emotion; english; figurative; figurative language; frank; hyperbole; ideas; issn; journal; journey; language; life; literature; lyric; meaning; metaphor; paradox; repetition; research; sentence; sinatra; song; stanza; study; total; types; verse; way; writer; writing cache: ideas-3652.pdf plain text: ideas-3652.txt item: #114 of 181 id: ideas-3654 author: Rafiqa, Rafiqa; Sabil, Marhaeni; Aswad, Muhammad title: How to Implement Discovery Learning in English Language Teaching at Indonesia Higher Education? date: 2023-04-17 words: 6760 flesch: 48 summary: Students had the opportunity to get corrections during the verification step, and then during the generalization step, students were given the chance to understand the concept, even if they did not understand the hypothesis. The Use of Discovery Learning Method to Improve Students’ Writing Descriptive Text. keywords: activities; approach; case; collection; conclusion; critical; culture; data; different; discovery; discovery learning; education; effect; efrini; english; findings; frequency; generalization; high; higher; hypothesis; ideas; implementation; indonesian; information; instructor; international; issn; journal; june; knowledge; language; learning; lecturers; local; mandar; marhaeni; model; mufida; muhammad; mushtoza; new; online; order; print; problem; process; processing; pupils; questions; rafiqa; research; researchers; results; school; skills; stage; step; stimulation; students; study; teacher; teaching; text; thinking; verification; vol cache: ideas-3654.pdf plain text: ideas-3654.txt item: #115 of 181 id: ideas-3656 author: Ramadhan, Gresti Fina; Wisudaningsih, Endah Tri; Fatmawati, Ririn title: The Effect of Using Mind Mapping to Students’ Reading Comprehension date: 2023-07-09 words: 4041 flesch: 56 summary: Reading comprehension must be mastered and learned in order for students to completely comprehend the text's information. 385 - 394 The Effect of Using Mind Mapping to Students’ Reading Comprehension 1Gresti Fina Ramadhan, *2Endah Tri Wisudaningsih, *3RirinFatmawati English Education Department, Faculty of Educational Scientific and Teaching, Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia Received: 2023-07-09 Accepted: 2023-07-09 DOI: keywords: class; comprehension; control; data; effect; english; experiment; following; ideas; information; issn; journal; knowledge; language; learning; mapping; mean; meaning; method; mind; mind mapping; normality; order; paired; post; process; reading; research; researchers; result; sample; significance; skills; social; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; test; text; treatment; understanding; use; value cache: ideas-3656.pdf plain text: ideas-3656.txt item: #116 of 181 id: ideas-3666 author: Fadillah, Shifa Nur; Nugroho, Andhi Dwi; Putri, Novita Sumarlin; Setyo Karjono, Johanes Climacus title: The Translation of Proper Nouns in Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen Novel from English to Indonesia date: 2023-08-09 words: 3013 flesch: 65 summary: Table 2. Translation Techniques used in Translating Proper Nouns No. Translation Techniques Frequency Percentage 1. 791 - 798 The Translation of Proper Nouns in Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen Novel from English to Indonesia Shifa Nur Fadillah1, Andhi Dwi Nugroho2, Novita Sumarlin Putri3, Johanes Climacus Setyo Karjono4,, 1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta 2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta 3 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta 4 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta Received: 2023-04-11 Accepted: 2023-08-01 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3666 Abstract This study deals with the translation of proper nouns found in Red Queen novel by Victoria Aveyard into Indonesian. keywords: amplification; aveyard; borrowing; calque; creation; data; datum; english; equivalent; ideas; indonesian; information; issn; june; klan; language; linguistic; meaning; names; nouns; novel; objects; people; phrase; proper; proper nouns; queen; red; reduction; research; source; study; table; target; techniques; translation; translation techniques; types; victoria; yang cache: ideas-3666.pdf plain text: ideas-3666.txt item: #117 of 181 id: ideas-3672 author: Octaviani, Saarah Nabiilah; Jumariati, Jumariati; Elyani, Eka Puteri; Nasrullah, Nasrullah title: Learners’ Personalities and Language Learning: A Literature Review date: 2023-06-24 words: 5637 flesch: 47 summary: Besides the relationship between student personality and language learning, several studies were conducted on language skills. Asrawaty et al. (2022) show a low correlation between personality factors and speaking skills, whereas the correlation between language learning strategies and speaking skills was strong. keywords: achievement; benefit; better; cognitive; correlation; differences; different; english; et al; extroverts; factors; findings; good; ideas; influence; introverted; issn; journal; khezrab; language; language learning; language skills; learners; learning; literature; online; performance; personalities; personality; print; problem; reading; relationship; research; review; self; shehni; skills; social; speaking; strategies; strategy; strong; students; studies; study; suliman; teachers; teaching; use; writing cache: ideas-3672.pdf plain text: ideas-3672.txt item: #118 of 181 id: ideas-3679 author: Annur, Kathrin Meylida; Mu’in, Fatchul; Nasrullah, Nasrullah; Listia, Rina title: Sociocultural Issues Represented in Native Son Novel by Richard Wright date: 2023-08-05 words: 3233 flesch: 65 summary: The results of the study show that Native Son novel portray some of the socio-cultural issues that often occur in society. The book sections used to support the theory include literary theory, criticism, Kathrin Meylida Annur, Fatchul Mu’in, Nasrullah Nasrullah, Rina Listia Socio-cultural Issues Representation in Native Son Novel by Richard Wright 712 and history; literature and society; and the analysis of the literary work of art. keywords: america; analysis; approach; author; bigger; black; character; cultural; data; english; history; ideas; interdisciplinary; issn; issues; language; literary; literature; method; mu’in; nasrullah; native; native son; novel; people; prejudice; qualitative; representation; richard; social; society; socio; son; study; theme; white; work; world; wright cache: ideas-3679.pdf plain text: ideas-3679.txt item: #119 of 181 id: ideas-3688 author: Khumalo, Calsile; Moodley, Maglin title: Exploring Teachers' Perceptions of the Relevance of African Languages in the Digital Space date: 2023-08-09 words: 8327 flesch: 50 summary: The inclusion of African language in ICT platforms and resources will greatly address the new divide (Chukwuere, 2017), and , literature maintains that modernisation of African languages is not a new concept and that African languages have always undergone the process of modernisation, and as such, Indigenous African languages can intellectualise and modernise, become relevant, and be used in specialist fields and ICT in the 21st century (Prah, 2007 & Zeleza, 2006). African languages in the 21st century Indigenous African languages refer to the diverse set of languages spoken by Africa's indigenous peoples. keywords: 21st; 21st century; access; african languages; analysis; argument; calsile; century; challenges; colonial; context; cultural; culture; data; development; digital; digital platforms; digital space; divide; education; english; figure; findings; ict; ideas; important; inclusion; indigenous; indigenous languages; information; international; internet; issn; issue; journal; june; key; khumalo1; lack; learning; maglin; mentality; methods; moodley; ndebele; need; online; osborn; perceptions; platforms; print; relevance; research; resources; respondents; role; section; skills; south; south african; space; speaking; statement; status; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; understanding; use; view; vol; world; years cache: ideas-3688.pdf plain text: ideas-3688.txt item: #120 of 181 id: ideas-3691 author: Rabba Farah, Rafika; khoiriyah, khoiriyah title: Implementation of CLIL Program in Islamic Affiliated Primary School: Teaching Assistants Project date: 2023-05-14 words: 3434 flesch: 49 summary: Schools and primary school teachers are free to design a variety of teaching methods in elementary school because there is no government legislation governing the English teaching and learning process. The strategies implemented were formulated in five stages: need analysis, professional development workshop to school teachers and teaching assistants, syllabus and material design, implementation, and evaluation. keywords: activities; affiliated; aisyiyah; analysis; approach; assistants; classroom; clil; clil program; community; content; design; education; english; farah; figure; implementation; islamic; issn; journal; khoiriyah; language; learning; malang; materials; need; primary; primary school; program; project; research; school; service; students; syllabus; teachers; teaching; team; thematic cache: ideas-3691.pdf plain text: ideas-3691.txt item: #121 of 181 id: ideas-3693 author: Panjaitan, Amos Ruben; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: A Semiotic Analysis on FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar Memes date: 2023-07-09 words: 4868 flesch: 56 summary: The aims of this semiotic analysis study are to determine the signifier and the signified, as well as the denotation and connotation, as well as the meaning of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 memes. 354 - 364 A Semiotic Analysis on FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar Memes Amos Ruben Panjaitan1, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu2 1 2 Sastra Inggris, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Sumatera Utara Received: 2023-03-17 Accepted: 2023-07-09 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3693 Abstract Memes have become a unique way of conveying messages and sharing experiences in today's social media era. keywords: analysis; argentina; barthes; caption; cavill; competition; connotative; cup; data; denotative; fans; fifa; fifa world; final; football; france; french; heartbeat; henry; ideas; image; issn; jerry; journal; kylian; line; mbappe; meaning; media; memes; object; people; picture; print; qatar; research; roland; saussure; scientists; semiotic; sign; signified; social; spike; stick; study; television; theory; tom; world; world cup cache: ideas-3693.pdf plain text: ideas-3693.txt item: #122 of 181 id: ideas-3694 author: Gulo, Joseph Anderson; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: Expressive Speech Acts Analysis of “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” Movie date: 2023-07-09 words: 4840 flesch: 64 summary: This study aims to find expressive speech acts and the meaning presented based on its categories is in accordance with the actual context in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 movie script. According to Yule (1996) Expressive speech acts are ones in which the speaker expresses how he or she feels. keywords: actions; acts; analysis; anderson; armored; arsen; blaming; commissive; context; data; disliking; expressive; expressive speech; extract; greeting; hedgehog; hot; ideas; illocutionary; issn; joseph; journal; language; leech; meaning; movie; nahum; online; pragmatics; print; qualitative; rachel; research; robbers; robotnik; scene; script; searle; sentences; sonic; speaker; speech; speech acts; study; tom; truck; types; utterances; words cache: ideas-3694.pdf plain text: ideas-3694.txt item: #123 of 181 id: ideas-3718 author: Damanik, Cindy Erika; Ambalegin, Ambalegin title: An Analysis of Directive Acts Found in “The Princess Switch” Movie date: 2023-07-09 words: 4523 flesch: 72 summary: Directive speech act of the main characters in Divergent movie. An analysis of directive speech acts produced by teachers in EFL classroom. keywords: action; acts; ambalegin; analysis; asking; characters; commanding; conversation; data; directive; directive acts; edward; hearer; ideas; inviting; issn; kevin; margaret; movie; olivia; princess; question; request; research; researchers; searle; speaker; speech; stacy; switch; theory; type; utterance; vanderveken cache: ideas-3718.pdf plain text: ideas-3718.txt item: #124 of 181 id: ideas-3747 author: Sahid, Suardi; Murianty, Riana title: Investigating the Use of First Language in English Language Teaching at secondary School date: 2023-04-17 words: 3308 flesch: 57 summary: The function of the classroom language to understand interaction is an integral factor in the implementation of acquiring language knowledge, as a means of verbal exchange so that through language students can take part in type activities, understand what to do, the language spoken by word of mouth. Results The interview results show that teachers have strong reasons for using Papuan language in teaching English. keywords: ability; anak; bahasa; class; classroom; course; dan; data; english; english language; foreign; higher; ideas; indonesian; issn; journal; june; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; lebih; malay; mastering; means; mereka; papuan; papuan language; papuan malay; person; phrases; print; process; research; riana; school; secondary; sering; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; use; yang cache: ideas-3747.pdf plain text: ideas-3747.txt item: #125 of 181 id: ideas-3749 author: Tampubolon, Muhammad Ahsan; Nurmawati, Nurmawati; Nasution, Sukma Septian title: The Presence of Diglossia in American-Based Talk Shows date: 2023-07-02 words: 8143 flesch: 71 summary: Standard English language characteristics are in the form of auxiliary capital (would) and irregular form of the past (was). While the use of non-standard English is more dominant in videos on the Steve Tv Show, Netflix is a Joke and ABC channel. keywords: american; analysis; background; bieber; channel; characteristics; communication; community; conversation; data; dialogue; different; diglossia; dominant; eddie; english language; ethnic; factor; form; gender; gon; guests; high; host; ideas; irregular; issn; jerry; jimmy; june; kid; language; language variations; low; martin; non; online; people; presence; presenter; print; research; sentences; shows; situation; slang; social; speech; standard english; steve; study; talk; tiffany; times; title; use; utterances; variations; variety; video; vol; women; words; writers; youtube cache: ideas-3749.pdf plain text: ideas-3749.txt item: #126 of 181 id: ideas-3750 author: Janitra, Nannette Cahyani; Dewi, Dian Novita title: Vocational Students’ Perception of The Use Problem-Based Learning in Speaking English date: 2023-06-24 words: 4529 flesch: 60 summary: 205 - 217 Vocational Students’ Perception of The Use Problem-Based Learning in Speaking English Nannette Cahyani Janitra, 2 Dian Novita Dewi 1 2 3 Faculties of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia Received: 2023-04-09 Accepted: 2023-06-24 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3750 Abstract This study was conducted based on the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture related to the teaching and learning process for SMK students, SMK PGRI 3 Malang has attempted to apply problem-based learning methods, which are believed to be methods that help students face real problems in the field. Furthermore, the researcher revealed that students positively perceived using problem-based learning on their speaking skills. keywords: agree; application; class; confident; data; disagree; english; high; ideas; implementation; issn; language; learning; method; number; participants; pbl; perception; pgri; positive; problem; questionnaire; questions; research; responses; school; skills; smk; speaking; statement; students; studies; study; table; teacher; teaching; terms; time; use; vocational cache: ideas-3750.pdf plain text: ideas-3750.txt item: #127 of 181 id: ideas-3759 author: Nizma, Nizma; Kusumawardani, Irene Nany title: The Implementation of 15-Minute Extensive Reading Approach As School Literacy Movement Activity: Students' Perceptions date: 2023-07-05 words: 5541 flesch: 52 summary: Extensive reading activities as a school literacy movement Stages Extensive reading activities Pre-reading a. The interview involved two students who have been undergoing extensive reading activity at school. keywords: activities; activity; approach; bamford; books; case; comprehension; data; day; education; english; extensive; extensive reading; gls; ideas; implementation; interviewee; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; literacy; literacy movement; malang; materials; minute; minute extensive; movement; online; participants; perceptions; principle; program; purpose; reading; reading activity; research; researchers; school; school literacy; self; skills; smp; stage; stories; story; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; vocabulary cache: ideas-3759.pdf plain text: ideas-3759.txt item: #128 of 181 id: ideas-3783 author: Muin, Fadhliyah Rahma; Husain, Wahyuni; S, Siti Hardiyanti title: The Role of Family Interpersonal Communication in Preserving Local Languages date: 2023-05-03 words: 3053 flesch: 50 summary: In this study, researchers took informants from Flores families in Tabarano Village, Wasuponda District. Observation, namely seeing directly phenomena related to the preservation of regional languages in Flores families in Tabarano Village, Wasuponda District. keywords: children; communication; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; data; district; families; family; family interpersonal; flores; flores family; flores language; generation; indonesian; interpersonal; interpersonal communication; issn; keluarga; komunikasi; language; life; local; members; parents; preservation; regional; research; role; study; tabarano; tabarano village; use; village; wasuponda; younger cache: ideas-3783.pdf plain text: ideas-3783.txt item: #129 of 181 id: ideas-3789 author: Marwiyah, St.; Ismail, Ismail; Masruddin, Masruddin title: Implementation of Smart Pop Up Book Media to Improve Read-Write Literacy in Children date: 2023-08-13 words: 2881 flesch: 52 summary: Based on the results of the research that has been done, it shows that pop up book media has a positive effect on learning. Students will be more enthusiastic in learning/reading on pop up book media because it has three-dimensional components with interactive movements. keywords: able; analysis; book; book media; children; contents; data; development; early; education; form; function; games; ideas; images; implementation; interactive; issn; june; jurnal; language; learning; literacy; media; media smart; movement; online; page; pembelajaran; pop; popup; popup book; print; reading; research; results; school; skills; smart; smart pop; students; study; teaching; variety cache: ideas-3789.pdf plain text: ideas-3789.txt item: #130 of 181 id: ideas-3795 author: Purba, Doni fransiskus; Tampubolon, Sahlan; Sinambela, Erika title: Students’ Difficulties in English Writing at Tenth Grade in Senior High School date: 2023-07-31 words: 3303 flesch: 58 summary: An Analysis of Student Difficulties in Writing Descriptive at Eight Grade at Smp n 4 Muara Bungo. The second, the difficulties that students faced in writing recount text was in language. keywords: analysis; causes; content; data; descriptive; difficulties; education; english; error; grade; high; issn; kab; langkat; language; organization; practice; questionnaire; recount; recount text; researcher; school; selesai; senior; sman; students; tenth; text; thesis; understanding; university; vocabulary; vol; writing; writing recount cache: ideas-3795.pdf plain text: ideas-3795.txt item: #131 of 181 id: ideas-3796 author: Simanjuntak, Ester Donna; Sinambela, Erika; Tampubolon, Sahlan title: The EFL Students’ Perceptions of Literacy Activies for Students’ Interest in Reading at Senior High School date: 2023-07-31 words: 3652 flesch: 48 summary: If pupils often engage in literacy reading, it might be assumed that they are more knowledgeable than other students. This is carried out because there is still little student interest in visiting the library. keywords: activities; agree; comprehension; data; development; donna; education; efl; erika; ester; exercises; high; ideas; indonesia; interest; issn; journal; june; language; learning; literacy; literacy activities; literasi; medan; motivation; movement; negeri; online; order; percentage; perceptions; positive; print; psychology; pupils; qualitative; questionnaire; reading; research; sahlan; school; senior; simanjuntak; sma; social; students; study; teaching cache: ideas-3796.pdf plain text: ideas-3796.txt item: #132 of 181 id: ideas-3797 author: Naibaho, Junianti; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum; Sinambela, Erika title: Thematic Progression Analysis in Different Gender and Major by Students Of 12th Grade in Writing Review Text date: 2023-06-21 words: 4231 flesch: 59 summary: Based on the researcher background, explain that nowadays the ability of students in writing is still lack but if they asked to tell about what the trending event, what they like so Junianti Naibaho, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu, Erika Sinambela Thematic Progression Analysis in Different Gender and Major by Students of 12th Grade In Writing Review Text 202 much I think we as a teacher able to get their attention. 196 - 204 Thematic Progression Analysis in Different Gender and Major by Students of 12th Grade in Writing Review Text * Junianti Naibaho1, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu², Erika Sinambelaᶾ *Corresponding author: Junianti Naibaho ( keywords: ability; able; analysis; class; coherence; cohesion; data; descriptive; different; education; english; female; functional; gender; good; grade; grammar; ideas; information; issn; journal; language; linguistics; major; male; passage; pattern; progression; qualitative; researcher; review; review text; science; sentences; social; students; teaching; text; thematic; thematic progression; theme; writer; writing cache: ideas-3797.pdf plain text: ideas-3797.txt item: #133 of 181 id: ideas-3798 author: Anggreni, Kiki; Sinambela, Erika; Manurung, Lastri Wahyuni title: Improving the Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Skill at Junior High School Using Taylor Swift’s Songs date: 2023-06-15 words: 5963 flesch: 78 summary: The Description of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Skill by Using Taylor Swift’ Song Lyric Students 29 29 29 29 29 29 Based on the table above, it can be seen that the students ‘score improved from Pre-Test to Post-Test both in Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Skill. keywords: 100; classroom; cycle-2; data; english; highest; ideas; improvement; issn; j c; journal; kkm; language; learning; listening; listening skill; listening test; lowest; lowest score; mastery; mean; mean score; method; passing; percentage; pre; research; school; score; skill; songs; students; swift; taylor; teaching; test; use; vocabulary; vocabulary mastery; words; writer; 𝐀 𝐓 cache: ideas-3798.pdf plain text: ideas-3798.txt item: #134 of 181 id: ideas-3799 author: Ginting, Kristiani Lisma Vera Br; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: Politeness Strategies in Classroom Interaction between Teacher and Students and among Students at Senior High School date: 2023-07-01 words: 3428 flesch: 55 summary: In this research, the researcher trying to extend a research about politeness strategy used by teacher- student communication outside classroom, not only interest to know students politeness in classroom interaction but also among students interaction. There are four types of polieness strategies, there are Blad On Record, Positive Politeness Strategies, Negative Politeness Strategies and Off Recordthe researcher found the dominant strategy in teacher-students communication was Bald On Record Strategy which has 13 frequency (44,82%), and followed by Positive which has 10 fruquency (34,48%)In communication among students, the researcher found the most dominant politeness strategy used among students is positive politeness which has 21 frequency (46,66%) and followed by bald on record 17 frequency (37,77%). keywords: agreement; bald; classroom; classroom interaction; communication; data; difference; english; frequency; hearer; high; ideas; interaction; issn; journal; language; learning; maximum; medan; negative; politeness; politeness strategy; positive; record; research; seek; sma; speaker; strategies; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; total; use cache: ideas-3799.pdf plain text: ideas-3799.txt item: #135 of 181 id: ideas-3801 author: Sitanggang, Vera Nova; Tampubolon, Sahlan; Sinambela, Erika title: The Effect of Board Game on Students’ Vocabulary and Grammar Mastery in Senior High School date: 2023-07-31 words: 4844 flesch: 69 summary: 560 - 571 The Effect of Board Game on Students’ Vocabulary and Grammar Mastery in Senior High School *Vera Nova Sitanggang1, Sahlan Tampubolon², Erika Sinambelaᶾ *Corresponding author: Vera Nova Sitanggang ( 1,2,3 Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia Received: 2022-12-03 Accepted: 2023-04-03 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3801 Abstract In the research aimed to find out students’ vocabulary and grammar who are taught by using Board Game Technique and students’ vocabulary and grammar who are taught without using Board Games. The researcher chooses Board Game as a technique that wants to apply in learning English because there are several benefits that are students can improve their vocabulary mastery and can try to remember each vocabulary quickly when play that game. keywords: board; board game; cambridge; class; control; control class; data; effect; english; experimental; experimental class; game; grammar; group; highest; ideas; issn; language; learning; lowest; lowest score; mastery; mean; new; post; pre; pretest; quantitative; research; result; school; score; score vocabulary; senior; students; teaching; technique; test; test score; total; treatment; university; use; vocabulary; vol cache: ideas-3801.pdf plain text: ideas-3801.txt item: #136 of 181 id: ideas-3802 author: Naibaho, Heppy; Manik, Sondang title: The Comparative Study of Visual and Auditory Learning Style on Jigsaw Strategy in Students’ Reading Comprehension at Junior High School date: 2023-07-31 words: 6440 flesch: 62 summary: In other words, it can be said that visual learning style students had better achievement in reading comprehension than the auditory ones when they were taught by using jigsaw strategy. In other words, it can be said that visual learning style students had better achievement in reading comprehension than the auditory ones when they were taught by using jigsaw strategy. keywords: achievement; auditory; auditory learning; class; comparative; comprehension; comprehension score; data; different; effect; english; group; high; higher; hypothesis; ideas; information; issn; jigsaw; jigsaw strategy; journal; language; learning; learning style; level; lintonghihuta; mean; method; negeri; post; print; process; questionnaire; reading; reading comprehension; research; result; school; score; significance; smp; strategy; students; study; style; table; teaching; test; test post; test score; use; valid; value; visual; visual class; visual learning cache: ideas-3802.pdf plain text: ideas-3802.txt item: #137 of 181 id: ideas-3803 author: Sihombing, Ernawati; Sinambela, Erika; Tampubolon, Sahlan title: The EFL Students’ Perception of Blended Learning Towards Students’ Motivation in English Subject at Junior High School date: 2023-07-31 words: 5527 flesch: 55 summary: With these conditions, the teacher must be able to effectively develop the learning process to maintain the quality of student learning. Student Learning Motivation with Blended Learning in English Subjects Questionnaires on student learning motivation related to blended learning in English subjects can provide a useful understanding of the factors that influence student motivation when learning online and offline. keywords: 20,8; 42,7; assignments; better; blended; blended learning; classmates; data; descriptive; efl; english; erika; ernawati; experience; face; factors; feel; feeling; high; ideas; ignasius; important; interaction; interesting; internet; issn; jakarta; june; junior; language; learning; material; medan; motivated; motivation; online; perception; print; quality; questionnaire; research; results; sahlan; school; sihombing; sinambela; smp; students; study; subject; teachers; teaching; technology; use; vol cache: ideas-3803.pdf plain text: ideas-3803.txt item: #138 of 181 id: ideas-3804 author: Zalukhu, Atalisi; Hia, Mitra Gusmeni title: Increasing the students’ speaking ability in giving suggestions and advice by the using of "whip around" strategy date: 2023-07-02 words: 4503 flesch: 62 summary: Therefore, it is important for students to master speaking in their daily life because through speaking students can express their ideas, feelings, opinions, and knowledge. Based on the research findings, the researcher gives some suggestions, as follows: 1)The researcher suggest for the next researchers and teacher to use “Whip Around” Strategy especially in increasing students’ speaking because it has a better improve on students’ abilities and motivates students to learn in a more fun way, 2) keywords: ability; action; adhyaksa; advice; average; classroom; cycle; cycle ii; data; english; giving; good; grade; ideas; issn; language; learning; level; mark; meeting; research; result; score; second; smp; speaking; speaking ability; strategy; students; suggestions; teacher; teaching; use; whip cache: ideas-3804.pdf plain text: ideas-3804.txt item: #139 of 181 id: ideas-3807 author: Simbolon, Hernawan; Tampubolon, Sahlan; Pasaribu, Arsen title: The Effect of Taking English Club Extracurricular Activity on Student’s Writing and Speaking Ability date: 2023-08-01 words: 5523 flesch: 62 summary: Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher concludes that applying English Club Extracurricular Activity is effective in improving the students’ writing and speaking skills Keywords: English Club Extracurricular, writing ability, speaking ability. The improvement through English Club Extracurricular were caused by the activities which provided fun, interesting, and enjoyable ways in learning English speaking so that students were active and had high self-confidence to speak and to express their opinion. keywords: ability; activeness; activity; class; club; club extracurricular; education; effect; effective; english; english club; experimental; extracurricular; extracurricular activity; good; improvement; issn; language; learning; mean; percentage; post; pre; researcher; result; score; shows; significant; skill; speaking; strategy; students; table; teacher; teaching; test; treatment; writing cache: ideas-3807.pdf plain text: ideas-3807.txt item: #140 of 181 id: ideas-3808 author: Samosir, Glorya; Rudianto, Gaguk title: The Archetypal Images in “Coraline” Novel By Neil Gaiman (2002) date: 2023-07-26 words: 4497 flesch: 70 summary: The object in this research was archetypal images in Coraline novel written by Neil Gaiman. The result of this research was the discovery of 15 data of archetypal images in the novel Coraline. keywords: analysis; archetypal; archetypal image; black; circle; color; coraline; data; demon; desert; dracula; evil; face; figure; gaiman; ideas; image; imagery; issn; jung; life; literary; lover; meaning; mother; neil; novel; number; old; quote; readers; reading; red; research; researchers; serpent; sun; symbols; terrible; terrible mother; trees; wise; world cache: ideas-3808.pdf plain text: ideas-3808.txt item: #141 of 181 id: ideas-3811 author: Amir, Faisal; Pammu, Abidin; Nasmilah, Nasmilah title: An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Made by English Education Students at IAIN Palopo date: 2023-08-07 words: 6262 flesch: 62 summary: The results of the study revealed that the most common and frequent errors made by the students are 387 (58.37%) places of omission errors, 213 (32.12%) places of mis formation errors, 131 (19.75%) places of addition errors, 8 (1.20%) places of mis ordering errors. The researcher found that the students committed 387 places of omission errors, 131 places of addition errors, 213 places of misformation errors, and 8 misordering errors were found. keywords: addition; analysis; causes; classification; clause; correct; correction; data; education; english; errors; example; faisal; form; frequency; grammatical; grammatical errors; iain; ideas; identification; interference; intralingual; issn; issue; journal; june; kinds; language; learning; like; misformation; missing; morphemes; mother; noun; number; omission; online; palopo; percentage; place; print; researcher; second; sentence; sources; students; study; table; teaching; tongue; verb; vol; water; writing cache: ideas-3811.pdf plain text: ideas-3811.txt item: #142 of 181 id: ideas-3812 author: Aliah, Husnani; Jusriati, Jusriati; Anil, Anil title: Snowball Throwing Learning Model On Learning Activeness Students In Language Subjects English In Class VII C SMP Negeri 5 Palopo date: 2023-08-23 words: 2853 flesch: 56 summary: So to increase the activeness of student learning in order to achieve the desired qualifications, a posttest is carried out by applying the snowball throwing learning model. The results of class action research concluded that active learning with the snowball throwing model can be increase student learning activity. keywords: active; activity; class; english; group; language; learning; method; model; palopo; points; posttest; pretest; qualifications; research; results; snowball; student; teacher; teaching; throwing; treatment; vii cache: ideas-3812.pdf plain text: ideas-3812.txt item: #143 of 181 id: ideas-3817 author: Damayanti, Titi; Baa, Sultan; Amin, Fatimah Hidayahni title: Implementing Discovery Learning Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension at Senior High School date: 2023-05-06 words: 5683 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: Discovery Learning; reading comprehension; students’ perception Titi Damayanti, Sultan Baa, Fatimah Hidayahni Amin Implementing Discovery Learning Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension at Senior High School 78 Introduction In the intellectual, social, and emotional development of language learners, language has a central role and is a supporter of success in learning all fields of study. In another research on Discovery Learning, Muliati and Syam (2020) focused on promoting Discovery Learning Method for EFL students in reading comprehension. keywords: activities; average; baa; baubau; class; comprehension; data; discovery learning; effect; english; experimental; fatimah; findings; gain; hidayahni; high; ideas; implementation; information; interest; issn; june; knowledge; language; learning; learning method; level; mean; method; online; percentage; perceptions; post; print; reading; reading comprehension; research; results; school; score; senior; sman; statement; students; study; sultan; table; teaching; test; text; titi; treatment; understanding; use cache: ideas-3817.pdf plain text: ideas-3817.txt item: #144 of 181 id: ideas-3822 author: Jamiluddin, Jamiluddin title: A Sociolinguistic Analysis on the Types of English Course Instructor Code Switching in the English Teaching and Learning Process date: 2023-05-15 words: 6145 flesch: 60 summary: In connection with the use of instructor code switching in the language teaching and learning process, the language spoken by the instructor is not just spoken but functions as an interaction tool that helps students gain more knowledge but also through the instructor's speech students can understand the intent and purpose of learning. This research discusses the types and functions of instructor code switching in children's classes because in this class, children are still learning to recognize language. keywords: ability; agustina; analysis; bilingualism; chaer; change; children; class; classes; code; code switching; conversation; course; difficulties; english; english teaching; external; following; foreign; functions; ideas; indonesian; instructor; instructor code; internal; internal code; issn; june; knowledge; language; learning; learning process; metaphorical; palopo; people; place; process; research; situational; skills; social; sociolinguistics; speech; students; study; switching; teachers; teaching; topic; types; use; users; vocabulary; wardhaugh cache: ideas-3822.pdf plain text: ideas-3822.txt item: #145 of 181 id: ideas-3824 author: Adrefiza, Adrefiza title: Investigating Students’ Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) in Developing Students’ Soft Skills: A Survey at English Education Study Program (EESP), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Jambi University date: 2023-08-02 words: 6241 flesch: 48 summary: Despite many claims that student soft skills cannot be effectively maintained through online learning, this present study has shown a reverse trend. One of the most essential factors in the effectiveness of online learning operations is often linked to student readiness. keywords: aspects; average; communication; competencies; computer; critical; data; development; education; eesp; english; evaluation; face; faculty; fkip; high; ideas; implementation; instructor; issn; jambi; june; learning; learning readiness; levels; liu; main; management; online; online learning; problem; program; rate; readiness; respondents; results; score; self; skills; social; soft; soft skills; solr; students; study; success; survey; table; technical; technologies; thinking; time; training; university cache: ideas-3824.pdf plain text: ideas-3824.txt item: #146 of 181 id: ideas-3825 author: Marfirah, Laila; Afriana, Afriana title: Negative Politeness Strategies in ”The Menu” Movie date: 2023-07-27 words: 3932 flesch: 71 summary: ( Nurul et al., 2022) b. Question, Hedge In negative politeness strategies, the question and hedge are utilized with an expectation of refusal to collaborate with the speaker. Girl used question and hedging as negative politeness strategies regarding reaction to George's inquiry. keywords: ambalegin; brown; chef; data; dish; elsa; face; film; food; hedge; ideas; imposition; indirect; instance; issn; june; levinson; lillian; listener; margot; menu; method; movie; negative; negative politeness; online; politeness; politeness strategies; print; question; research; speaker; statement; strategies; strategy; study; tyler; utterance cache: ideas-3825.pdf plain text: ideas-3825.txt item: #147 of 181 id: ideas-3832 author: Ginting, Donny Adiatmana title: Exploring Ethnography in The Muram Batu’s Anthology Hujan Kota Arang date: 2023-07-09 words: 3063 flesch: 54 summary: Previous studies used short stories anthology as the object to be analyzed by the social values and local wisdom, but, the short story anthology in previous research consists of one ethnicity. Keywords: anthology; ethnography; literature Introduction Short story is one of the literature forms besides novel, drama, and poetry, which people love reading short story because reading short story does not need to take much time. keywords: addition; anaileoita; analysis; anthology; arang; arts; author; coffee; cultural; culture; custom; descriptive; duganragimanis; elements; ethnographical; ethnography; hujan; hujankotaarang; issn; kota; language; literature; local; mentawai; nemuinyimah; organization; people; person; religion; research; shop; short; social; society; stories; story; systems; values; village cache: ideas-3832.pdf plain text: ideas-3832.txt item: #148 of 181 id: ideas-3838 author: Abduh, Nurul Khairani; Masruddin, Masruddin title: Structural Studies of Robert Stanton in The Folklore of Luwu (Worongporong dan Pariama) date: 2023-05-23 words: 4675 flesch: 70 summary: Intrinsic Elements of Worongporong and Pariama Folklore After reviewing the Worongporong and Pariama story scripts, the following are the findings of the instinctual structure that builds the story. 117 – 126 Structural Studies of Robert Stanton in The Folklore of Luwu (Worongporong dan Pariama) Nurul Khairani Abduh1, Masruddin2 1,2Institut keywords: aku; analysis; author; background; borong; character; climax; conflict; culture; dalam; dan; data; datu; dog; earth; elements; events; facts; fiction; folklore; form; garden; husband; ideas; intrinsic; issn; june; khairani; langit; language; literary; literature; luwu; main; major; melanggar; minor; nurgiyantoro; nurul; obedience; pariama; patoto; person; plot; point; promise; research; robert; robert stanton; sastra; setting; sky; social; stage; stanton; stories; story; structural; studies; study; style; telah; teori; theme; theory; tidak; time; untuk; view; wife; words; work; worongporong; yang cache: ideas-3838.pdf plain text: ideas-3838.txt item: #149 of 181 id: ideas-3844 author: M, Juwita Crestiani; Indah, Opik Dwi; Hermini, Hermini title: The Impact of Using Audio Visual as a Vocabulary Learning Tool toward UNCP Students Proficiency date: 2023-08-20 words: 5127 flesch: 71 summary: The result of students’ mean score in pre test and post test after calculating is presented in following table: c. Table 3. The students’ mean score in pre test and post test Type of test Mean Score Pre test 43 Post test 85.2 keywords: audio; dwi; education; english; hermini; ideas; impact; indah2; issn; item; language; mean; post test; pre test; proficiency; research; score; students; table; teacher; teaching; test students; tool; uncp students; visual; vocabulary learning; vocabulary test; words cache: ideas-3844.pdf plain text: ideas-3844.txt item: #150 of 181 id: ideas-3851 author: Zulfa, Zefa Maulina; Purwanto, Sugeng; Widyaningrum, Agnes title: The Use of Total Physical Response (TPR) as Teaching Strategy at Elementary School date: 2023-06-27 words: 4439 flesch: 60 summary: These studies Zefa Maulina Zulfa, Sugeng Purwanto, Agnes Widyaningrum The Use of Total Physical Response (TPR) as Teaching Strategy at Elementary School 244 don't rule out the idea that older language students can master pronunciation or competency comparable to native speakers, but they do imply that younger students may be at an advantage. E-ISSN 2528-746X Teaching Vocabulary by Using Total Physical Response. keywords: 10th; agnes; bandengan; children; collection; dan; data; education; elementary; english; english teacher; female; fourth; grade; ideas; inggris; interview; issn; june; language; learning; maulina; method; metode; observation; online; physical; physical response; print; process; purwanto; researcher; response; results; school; sdn; semarang; speaking; strategies; strategy; students; study; sugeng; teacher; teaching; total; total physical; tpr; use; vocabulary; way; word; writing; zefa cache: ideas-3851.pdf plain text: ideas-3851.txt item: #151 of 181 id: ideas-3854 author: Sekarsari, Armita Ayu; Muamaroh, Muamaroh; Hikmat, Mauly Halwat title: Authentic Assessment of Speaking Skills in Junior High School date: 2023-08-01 words: 3316 flesch: 53 summary: Based on those activities mentioned above, oral performance is the activity that dominate speaking assessment of a school in Boyolali. This research investigated how teachers implement authentic assessment focusing in students’ speaking skills in two different schools. keywords: activities; assessment; authentic; authentic assessment; class; classroom; data; different; english; high; ideas; implementation; interview; issn; journal; junior; language; learning; method; performance; research; researchers; school; skills; speaking; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; use cache: ideas-3854.pdf plain text: ideas-3854.txt item: #152 of 181 id: ideas-3861 author: Furwana, Dewi; Syam, Andi Tenrisanna; Qubra, Qubra title: The Development of a Weblog for Learning English Grammar date: 2023-08-02 words: 6386 flesch: 60 summary: They will revolutionize the present traditional education model by encouraging students to engage in active learning and allowing them to shift from knowledge memorization to knowledge application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Ahluwalia et al., 2011). Besides, weblog-based English writing materials for students in the English Education Department were extremely convenient based on the approach used (Devitasyari, 2018). keywords: activities; activity; analysis; andi; appropriate; basic; blog; blog learning; category; chart; data; development; dewi; english; english grammar; expert; formulas; furwana; games; good; grade; grammar; highest; ideas; issn; journal; judgment; june; language; learning; material; mean; media; menu; online; palopo; percentage; perception; presentation; print; qubra; questionnaire; research; result; revision; score; sentences; shows; skills; sman; students; syam; table; task; teachers; teaching; tenrisanna; tenses; text; use; vol; weblog; works; writing cache: ideas-3861.pdf plain text: ideas-3861.txt item: #153 of 181 id: ideas-3868 author: Husna, Raissa; Nasrullah, Nasrullah title: Identity (Re) construction of International Students When Learning English date: 2023-08-11 words: 5584 flesch: 53 summary: According to Norton (2013), the concept of identity is viewed as interdisciplinary and encompasses a variety of academic fields, including sociology, anthropology, language learning and teaching, and cultural studies. According to Norton (2011), there has been an upsurge in interest in identity over the past few years as a result of a move away from the psycholinguistic components of language learning and toward a focus on the social and anthropological dimensions of language acquisition. keywords: acquisition; applied; community; country; cultural; culture; differences; different; doi; education; english; english language; environment; expectations; experience; husna1; ideas; identity; identity reconstruction; indonesia; international; international students; issn; journal; lack; language; language learning; learners; learning; life; linguistics; living; local; muslim; nasrullah2; new; norton; outsider; people; person; process; raissa; reconstruction; research; result; second; social; students; studies; study; subject; teaching; university; use cache: ideas-3868.pdf plain text: ideas-3868.txt item: #154 of 181 id: ideas-3877 author: Kelvin, Kelvin; Rudianto, Gaguk title: An Analysis of Impoliteness Strategies in “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” Movie date: 2023-07-20 words: 4101 flesch: 68 summary: Nobody is buying Lee Israel letters. Lee (Hearer) : I’ll kill you now if you ask nicely. keywords: analysis; bald; conversation; culpeper; data; face; hearer; ideas; impoliteness; impoliteness strategies; issn; jack; journal; language; lee; literature; marjorie; mock; movie; negative; person; positive; pragmatics; record; research; sarcasm; speaker; statement; strategies; strategy; study; theory; use; utterances cache: ideas-3877.pdf plain text: ideas-3877.txt item: #155 of 181 id: ideas-3883 author: Andani, Shabrina Dwi; Unsiah, Frida; Gozali, Agus title: How Do EFL Students Perceive Challenges Towards Writing Short Drama Script of Narrative Text? date: 2023-07-04 words: 3615 flesch: 59 summary: 333 - 341 How Do EFL Students Perceive Challenges Towards Writing Short Drama Script of Narrative Text? Keywords: Challenges; EFL; Narrative Text; Short Drama Script; Writing Introduction Writing is one of the language skills that EFL students are expected to master for written communication and academic writing, such as essays, papers, articles, project reports, etc. keywords: addition; challenges; class; cognitive; difficulties; dimension; dominant; drama; drama scripts; efl; english; experience; figure; ideas; issn; item; knowledge; language; learning; limited; linguistics; mean; mean score; narrative; narrative text; participants; questionnaire; research; results; score; scripts; short; short drama; students; study; teaching; text; use; vocabulary; writing cache: ideas-3883.pdf plain text: ideas-3883.txt item: #156 of 181 id: ideas-3891 author: Maria, Susan; Bram, Barli title: Metaphors and Similes in The Book of Revelation date: 2023-07-30 words: 5791 flesch: 73 summary: After processing and analyzing the document of the Bible: the Book of Revelation, it found several verses used figurative language metaphor, and simile. Keywords: bible; figurative language; metaphor; revelation; simile Introduction Language is a tool used by humans to communicate with each other to express thoughts, and feelings and convey information. keywords: analysis; bible; book; characteristics; condition; data; eyes; feet; figurative; figurative language; fire; flame; god; great; hair; heaven; human; ideas; issn; john; journal; language; life; meaning; metaphor; new; objects; people; phrase; research; revelation; similarity; simile; sound; sun; teeth; testament; theme; things; use; verse; voice; words; world cache: ideas-3891.pdf plain text: ideas-3891.txt item: #157 of 181 id: ideas-3893 author: Anan, Nurfatwatul; Rustan, Edhy title: Development of a Learning Module for Writing Short Stories in the Religious Genre for Elementary School Students date: 2023-06-19 words: 4401 flesch: 54 summary: For the selection of teaching materials, short story modules integrated with the characteristics of Prophets and Apostles must be interesting and easily understood by students. The components referred to are student learning activities in the module. keywords: alfabeta; analysis; assignments; bahan; bahasa; choice; content; dalam; dan; data; design; development; experts; figure; form; genre; good; ideas; indonesia; instructional; issn; issue; june; jurnal; knowledge; language; learning; like; materials; module; muhammad; multiple; needs; nilai; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; pengembangan; print; product; prophet; questions; religious; research; results; school; short; short story; siswa; skills; stories; story; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; use; validation; validity; value; vol; writing cache: ideas-3893.pdf plain text: ideas-3893.txt item: #158 of 181 id: ideas-3894 author: Ramadhani, Isnaini Farikha; Ma’rifah, Ulfatul; Srimuang, Piyaporn; W, Woravalan title: The Effect of Implementing Student Pictorial Worksheet on the Vocabulary Skill of Student Wangsaphung School, Thailand date: 2023-07-11 words: 4479 flesch: 55 summary: because the media causes enthusiasm for learning, the possibility of direct interaction between students and the environment and students can find out the abilities they have (Ramli, 2015)The existence of media in learning is as a tool to make it easier for students to understand the material, bring up new problems to be studied and The Effect of Implementing Student Pictorial Worksheet on the Vocabulary Skill of Student Wangsaphung School, Thailand Isnaini Farikha Ramadhani, Ulfatul ma’rifah, Piyaporn Srimuang, Woravalan W 408 solved in the learning process, as a learning resource so that students can obtain new information through these media (Iffah, 2021).the media can be in the form of printed media for student learning using books or LKS that the teacher provides. A print media or student worksheet is a document in the form of sheets that is used to facilitate the teaching and learning process of (ISLAMIA, 2019)). keywords: activities; children; class; classroom; covid-19; daily; data; difference; education; effect; english; family; group; help; hobby; ideas; images; increase; interest; issn; learning; lks; media; normality; online; outcomes; pandemic; pictorial; post; pre; print; process; reliability; research; researchers; results; school; score; sig; significant; skills; student; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; thailand; use; valid; value; vocabulary; worksheets cache: ideas-3894.pdf plain text: ideas-3894.txt item: #159 of 181 id: ideas-3895 author: Taqwa, Nurul Fikriyyah; Said, Ikhwan M; Machmoed, Hamzah; Dafirah, Dafirah; Muin, Fadhliyah Rahmah title: South Korean Modern Culture in the Drama Series “Just One Bite” (Semiotics Analysis by Charles Sanders Peirce) date: 2023-08-20 words: 2982 flesch: 70 summary: Through every scene in the drama series, various messages can be found conveyed through modern South Korean culture. Conclusion The semiotic analysis of modern South Korean culture shown through the drama series Just One Bite using Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic theory concludes that: 1) South Korean culture in the modern era still maintains traditional culture such as traditional food which is still popular with the people. keywords: analysis; bite; characters; charles; cultural; culture; data; drama; drama series; eun; figure; food; ideas; instant; issn; korean; modern; object; peirce; people; research; rice; sanders; sauce; scene; season; semiotic; seong; series; social; south; study; theory; values cache: ideas-3895.pdf plain text: ideas-3895.txt item: #160 of 181 id: ideas-3921 author: Musfirah, Musfirah; Munawir, Ahmad; Fajriani, Fajriani; Ridwan, Ridwan title: The Implementation of Cooperative Script Technique to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill date: 2023-06-30 words: 4408 flesch: 61 summary: It can be concluded that Ha means Cooperative Script technique has significance effect to improve students’ speaking skill was accepted and H0 means Cooperative Script technique has no significance to improves students’ speaking skill was rejected. Then, the results of the questionnaire analysis regarding students’ perception of the Cooperative Script technique, it showed that most students agreed that Cooperative Script technique makes them more active and easier to express opinions during the learning process, in this case helps students in speaking English. keywords: 0,05; ability; ahmad; class; control; control class; cooperative; cooperative script; data; effect; english; experimental; figure; ideas; implementation; independent; issn; learning; mean; negeri; post; pre; process; questionnaire; researchers; result; sample; score; script; script technique; second; sig; significant; skill; speaking; speaking skill; statistic; students; table; teaching; technique; test; value cache: ideas-3921.pdf plain text: ideas-3921.txt item: #161 of 181 id: ideas-3922 author: Andas, Netty Huzniati; Karman, Karman; Artini, Nyoman Indah title: Effectiveness of Blended Learning Web-Based Model in Students’ Listening Skill date: 2023-08-07 words: 5216 flesch: 49 summary: Enhancing students language skills through blended learning. 746 - 757 Effectiveness of Blended Learning Web-Based Model in Students’ Listening Skill Netty Huzniati Andas1, Karman2, Nyoman Indah Artini3, Corresponding author: Netty Huzniati Andas ( 123Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, Jln. keywords: activities; analysis; approach; average; blended; blended learning; category; classroom; comprehension; data; design; deviation; distribution; education; english; experimental; face; hypothesis; ideas; improvement; instruction; international; issn; journal; june; language; learning; listening; literature; materials; mean; methods; model; normality; online; posttest; pretest; print; process; researcher; result; score; second; series; setting; short; significant; skills; students; study; table; teaching; test; traditional; value; vol; web cache: ideas-3922.pdf plain text: ideas-3922.txt item: #162 of 181 id: ideas-3924 author: Sultan, Arni Arsyad title: Intimacy Over Power Developing Learners’ Motivation: A Study At ESP Class date: 2023-08-23 words: 6303 flesch: 52 summary: According to Lightbown and Spada (1999) in Nguyen (ibid) teacher does not give much effect on intrinsic motivation students. Having got this issue, the researcher conducted investigation about the influence of intimacy to raise or maintain learner motivation and compare this factor to power possessed by lecturer in English Education department of IAIN Bone. keywords: academic; activity; answer; arsyad; attitude; bertanya; certain; class; classroom; college; conversation; dan; data; dengan; dosen; education; emotional; english; esp; factor; family; field; friend; friendship; ideas; important; influence; intimacy; intimate; issn; issue; june; karena; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lebih; lecturer; life; material; memilih; method; motivated; motivation; need; online; participant; people; person; personal; positive; power; preliminary; primary; print; problem; process; qualitative; related; relationship; research; response; role; saya; school; self; social; students; study; sultan; support; symonds; talk; task; teacher; teaching; teman; tentang; tidak; time; topics; understanding; way; yang cache: ideas-3924.pdf plain text: ideas-3924.txt item: #163 of 181 id: ideas-3940 author: Hamdani, Zohri; Husain, Balqis title: The Curriculum of ELT Education in Indonesian and Vietnamese Universities: A Comparison Study date: 2023-06-19 words: 6018 flesch: 41 summary: The curriculum for English language teacher education in Australian and Vietnamese universities. The research questions investigated: What significant differences exist between and within Indonesian and Vietnamese universities’ English language teacher education curricula? keywords: analysis; australian; communication; comparison; competence; content; courses; credit; curriculum; development; education; education curriculum; efl; elt; english; english language; english proficiency; evangelical; foreign; foreign language; general; giao; ideas; iesus; indonesia; integrated; introduction; issn; journal; knowledge; language; language proficiency; language teaching; learning; level; linguistics; literature; morotai; nguyen; number; online; pasifik; pedagogical; percent; points; practice; proficiency; program; project; research; school; skills; students; studies; study; teacher; teacher education; teaching; theory; total; universal; universitas; vietnam; vietnamese; writing cache: ideas-3940.pdf plain text: ideas-3940.txt item: #164 of 181 id: ideas-3942 author: Mulyati, Yatni Fatwa; Kultsum, Ummi title: The Integration of Islamic and Cultural Values in English Teaching date: 2023-08-04 words: 4007 flesch: 47 summary: In order to answer the first research question: “How is the integration between Islamic and cultural values in English teaching for Islamic students?” The Investigation finds out why integration between Islamic and cultural values in English teaching for Islamic students is essential to be implemented in the classroom. keywords: able; allah; aspects; background; class; cultural; cultural values; culture; department; earth; education; english; english teaching; good; ideas; important; indonesia; integration; interview; islamic; islamic values; issn; journal; june; language; learning; lecturer; lesson; line; material; muhammad; observation; online; people; plan; qualitative; religion; research; students; study; teaching; university; values; vocabulary cache: ideas-3942.pdf plain text: ideas-3942.txt item: #165 of 181 id: ideas-3946 author: Murodi, Ahmad; Dewi, Ratna Sari; Syarief, Kustiwan; Rejeki, Sri title: Examining Coherence Markers Use on the Abstracts of English Graduate Students’ Final Academic Writing date: 2023-08-10 words: 5502 flesch: 52 summary: Several text coherence analysis studies have been conducted, especially in teaching English. Fitriati and Yonata (2017) also investigated the analysis of text coherence in English argumentative writing graduate students. keywords: abstracts; academic; addition; adjacency; analysis; authors; coherence; cohesion; cohesive; content; data; discourse; education; english; example; explanation; final; form; graduate; grammatical; ideas; issn; journal; language; pair; paper; paragraph; parallel; points; progression; readers; reading; research; researchers; results; second; sentence; sequential; students; studies; study; subject; text; thesis; topical; topics; type; use; words; writer; writing; written cache: ideas-3946.pdf plain text: ideas-3946.txt item: #166 of 181 id: ideas-3974 author: Syukur, Abdullah; Supraba, Ardhy title: The Implementation of Hypnoteaching Method in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension date: 2023-08-07 words: 3244 flesch: 59 summary: 738 - 745 The Implementation of Hypnoteaching Method in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension 1Abdullah Syukur, 2Ardhy Supraba 1Faculty of Computer Engineering, Universitas Cokroaminoto, Palopo, Indonesia 2Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Cokroaminoto, Palopo, Indonesia Received: 2023-07-09 Accepted: 2023-07-09 DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3974 Abstract The objective of this research is to find out the implementation of Hypnoteaching method in improving students reading comprehension. Therefore, based on the findings and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of Hypnoteaching method improves students reading comprehension. keywords: class; classes; comprehension; control; conventional; data; experimental; good; hypnoteaching; hypnoteaching method; implementation; issn; learning; mean; method; poor; posttest; pretest; process; reading; researcher; result; score; significant; students; study; syukur; table; treatment; value cache: ideas-3974.pdf plain text: ideas-3974.txt item: #167 of 181 id: ideas-3988 author: Liunokas, Yanpitherszon title: The Efficacy of Using Problem Solving Approach in Teaching Speaking to Indonesian English as Foreign Language (EFL) Students date: 2023-06-26 words: 4015 flesch: 51 summary: Therefore, it is recommended to use problem solving approach in developing students’ speaking of Indonesian EFL students. Before students achieving proficiency in reading and writing, spoken language is important means of learning and gaining knowledge. keywords: ability; analysis; approach; berbicara; cendana; data; discussion; effective; efficacy; efl; english; foreign; hypothesis; ideas; important; indonesian; issn; jurnal; keterampilan; kupang; language; learning; level; life; mean; media; nusa; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; posttest; pretest; print; problem; process; program; reading; research; result; score; semester; significance; siswa; skill; solving; speaking; students; study; teacher; teaching; test; treatment; university; use cache: ideas-3988.pdf plain text: ideas-3988.txt item: #168 of 181 id: ideas-3989 author: Taka, Soleman Dapa title: The Efficacy of Using Guided Questions in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text to Indonesian English as Foreign Language (EFL) Students date: 2023-06-30 words: 3707 flesch: 63 summary: Improving student writing skills. In writing descriptive text, students need to have some special skills such grammar, vocabulary etc. keywords: ability; descriptive; education; efl; english; foreign; guiding; ideas; indonesian; issn; journal; kristen; kupang; language; learning; mean; mercusuar; pretest; process; questions; research; result; revising; score; skill; sma; step; students; teacher; teaching; technique; test; text; treatment; university; use; writing cache: ideas-3989.pdf plain text: ideas-3989.txt item: #169 of 181 id: ideas-3997 author: Sidabutar, Kristin Enjelina; Johan, Mhd. title: An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts in “XO, Kitty” Television Series date: 2023-07-17 words: 4246 flesch: 72 summary: As there were directive speech act performed by the characters in the data source, the researchers were interested to identify and investigate directive speech act types that applied in “XO, Kitty” Television series by applying the theory Searle (1979). The objective of this research was identifying the types of directive speech act. keywords: act; acts; commanding; data; dialogues; directive; directive speech; episode; hearer; inviting; issn; kitty; min; research; researchers; scene; searle; series; speaker; speech; speech act; study; television; type; utterance; uttered cache: ideas-3997.pdf plain text: ideas-3997.txt item: #170 of 181 id: ideas-3998 author: Husda, Azizah; Simorangkir, Ribka; Zalukhu, Christine Natalie; Marbun, Armitha Miranda; Nababan, Lorenzo Bindunose title: Paragraph Hamburgers Strategy in Writing a Report Text date: 2023-07-29 words: 4730 flesch: 67 summary: Students in the intensive class at SMK Immanuel Medan during the academic year 2022–2023 came from grade X TO1 students, while students in the regular class came from grade X TO2. Students from X TO2 were placed in the regular group whereas students from grade X TO1 were placed in the intensive class. keywords: academic; authors; class; classes; data; english; findings; form; grade; group; hamburger; hamburger strategy; ideas; immanuel; intensive; intensive class; issn; language; level; mean; paragraph; paragraph hamburger; post; pre; regular; regular class; report; research; scores; skills; smk; strategy; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technique; test; text; to1; to2; writers; writing; writing skills cache: ideas-3998.pdf plain text: ideas-3998.txt item: #171 of 181 id: ideas-4003 author: Loviasyuni, Neng Eva; Bhuana, Gartika Pandu title: Audio-Visual as Media in Reading: Students’ Responses and Challenges date: 2023-07-31 words: 3997 flesch: 58 summary: The study conducted by Atmaja (2018), Asrul et al. (2020), Sabiq (2018), Lestari & Wibawa (2021), and Syahputra et al. (2017) found that audio-visual media could help students to become better readers. Unfortunately, the studies have not yet addressed the challenges that students have when learning to read through audio-visual media. keywords: attention; audio; audiovisual; challenges; comprehension; data; education; english; ideas; issn; journal; language; learning; likert; mastery; material; meaning; media; motivation; observation; obstacles; process; questionnaire; reading; response; result; students; study; teacher; teaching; text; time; use; video; visual; visual media; vocabulary; words cache: ideas-4003.pdf plain text: ideas-4003.txt item: #172 of 181 id: ideas-4055 author: Wisran, Wisran title: Figurative Language Used in Children’s Songs in the 1990s and 2000s date: 2023-08-08 words: 8149 flesch: 65 summary: This study aims to: (1) To find out the types of figurative languages used in children's songs in the 1990s and 2000s (2) To analyze the contextual meanings of figurative language used in children's songs in the 1990s and 2000s. The results of data analysis in this study found the types of figurative language in children's songs in the 1990s, namely simile, metaphor, personification, symbolic, paradox and hyperbole. keywords: 1990s; 2000s; analysis; chapter; characteristics; children; colors; contextual; data; datum; dictionaries; different; dream; earth; feelings; figurative language; firework; heart; heaven; hellfire; human; hyperbole; ideas; inanimate; issn; june; learner; life; light; love; lyric; meaning; means; metaphor; moment; object; online; oxford; paradox; people; perrine; personification; print; researcher; sentence; simile; songs; study; things; types; wind; wish; words; world cache: ideas-4055.pdf plain text: ideas-4055.txt item: #173 of 181 id: ideas-44 author: Masruddin, Masruddin title: ENGLISH OUTDOOR CLASS AT REMOTE AREA SCHOOL date: 2016-08-25 words: 8834 flesch: 64 summary: In mastering English well, students should have sufficient vocabulary because vocabulary is important in four language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing where those skills are supported each other. Certainly, there are many approaches that can help students to improve and to master English vocabulary. keywords: ability; animals; answer; application; area; category; classification; common; disagree; english; environmental; environmental study; etc; foreign; frequency; good; important; improve; information; language; learning; learning vocabulary; limbong; low; mastery; mean; meeting; new; number; outdoor; page; percentage; poor; post; posttest; pretest; process; program; question; reading; remote; research; result; school; score; second; shows; smpn; strategy; students; study; study outdoor; table; teacher; teaching; test; things; total; treatment; uncertain; use; vocabulary; vocabulary test; words; year; year students cache: ideas-44.pdf plain text: ideas-44.txt item: #174 of 181 id: ideas-715 author: Indah, Opik Dwi title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON RUNNING DICTATION METHOD IN ESP CLASSROOM date: 2019-07-11 words: 3595 flesch: 62 summary: Dictation is described as a technique used in both language teaching and language testing in which a passage is read aloud to students, with pauses during which they must try to write down what they heard as accurately as possible (Richards, Platt, and Platt, 1992) in Arzban and Abdollahi (2013). According to Sofyan R. et al. (2016: 8-12) in their research, there are some benefits of running dictation such as: increasing students’ motivation in learning speaking skill, learning process can be fun because the students can learn and play in same time, practicing students’ memory to increase their vocabulary and improving their pronunciation. keywords: banking; classroom; concentration; cooperation; dictation; disadvantages; english; esp; good; injury; issn; learning; listening; memory; method; perception; practice; reading; research; running; students; technique; vocabulary; words; writing cache: ideas-715.pdf plain text: ideas-715.txt item: #175 of 181 id: ideas-720 author: Nyayu, Suryan Yayu; Heru, Setiawan; Masagus, Sulaiman title: THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION SAMR MODEL IN TEACHING ENGLISH date: 2019-07-11 words: 1577 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Technology integration; SAMR model; Teaching English Introduction SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) is a model triggered by Puentedura. According to Puentedura (2013) SAMR model can be explained in Figure 1 below: Figure 1: SAMR Model The SAMR model consists of 4 levels, as follows: 1. keywords: augmentation; bloom; cognitive; education; english; example; integration; issn; language; learning; level; model; modification; online; redefinition; samr; samr model; students; substitution; taxonomy; teaching; technology; use; writing cache: ideas-720.pdf plain text: ideas-720.txt item: #176 of 181 id: ideas-721 author: M, Juwita Crestiani title: THE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT THROUGH OUTDOOR ACTIVITY AT PALOPO COKROAMINOTO UNIVERSITY date: 2019-07-11 words: 1880 flesch: 60 summary: By writing, the students can produce good writing because they have a lot of 1 Copyright so they difficult acquire ideas and produce good writing. keywords: ability; activity; cokroaminoto; descriptive; education; english; good; ideas; issn; language; learning; outdoor; palopo; process; researcher; score; students; study; teaching; text; university; writing cache: ideas-721.pdf plain text: ideas-721.txt item: #177 of 181 id: ideas-729 author: Yanpitherszon, Liunokas title: TEACHING RECOUNT TEXT WRITING THROUGH THE USE OF PARALLEL WRITING TECHNIQUE TO THE FOURTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, NUSA CENDANA UNIVERSITY, KUPANG, NTT date: 2019-07-11 words: 4203 flesch: 63 summary: Think Pair Share strategy is one of the strategies that can be applied in using reading skill because Think Pair Share strategy is potential activity that give students feeling of freedom to express themselves. Think Pair Share strategy are also potentially useful to encourage students of interact with other orally (Dallman, 1982). keywords: ability; achievement; activity; analysis; cendana; department; education; effective; english; fourth; ideas; information; issn; journal; kupang; learning; mean; ntt; nusa; online; pair; pair share; posttest; pretest; reading; research; result; score; semester; share; share strategy; skill; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; technique; test; text; think; think pair; thinking; tps; treatment; university; use; volume; writing cache: ideas-729.pdf plain text: ideas-729.txt item: #178 of 181 id: ideas-733 author: Amalia, Yahya title: TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY THROUGH THINK TALK WRITE METHOD date: 2019-07-11 words: 3529 flesch: 65 summary: It is expected to motivate students in learning English and the result of the study are expected to give contribution for English teacher, student, school, vocabulary and next research. There some activities students do in think-talk-write (TTW). keywords: activity; datuk; english; group; ideas; issn; language; learning; material; mean; method; palopo; post; pre; putri; read; research; result; score; smp; step; strategy; students; sulaeman; talk; talk write; teacher; teaching; test; text; think; treatment; ttw; vocabulary; words; write; writing; year cache: ideas-733.pdf plain text: ideas-733.txt item: #179 of 181 id: ideas-738 author: Reski, Islamiah Yunus Yusrini; Musfirah, Musfirah title: THE USE OF RUNNING DICTATION IN TEACHING LISTENING SKILL AT THE SIXTH SEMESTER OF COKROAMINOTO PALOPO date: 2019-07-11 words: 2277 flesch: 67 summary: The summary of the descriptive statistic of the students’ listening skill in the pre-test is presented in the following table. The summary of the descriptive statistic of the students’ listening skill in the pre-test is presented in the following table. keywords: cokroaminoto; dictation; issn; listening; mean; method; palopo; post; pre; result; running; score; semester; sixth; skill; students; study; table; teaching; test; treatment cache: ideas-738.pdf plain text: ideas-738.txt item: #180 of 181 id: ideas-739 author: Akmaliyah, Akmaliyah; Mohammad, Ridho Rosyid; Syafiq, Mughni A. title: GENDER EQUALITY IN TEACHING MATERIALS OF ARABIC AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2019-07-11 words: 1028 flesch: 55 summary: With regard to gender concept in Arabic teaching materials, it can be analyzed through the implementation of the teaching components. Abstract To inculcate since the early age concept of gender equality within children is essential and needs to intensify. keywords: akmaliyah; arabic; children; concept; dan; elementary; equality; gender; humaniora; indonesia; language; learning; materials; ridho; rosyid; school; teaching; way cache: ideas-739.pdf plain text: ideas-739.txt item: #181 of 181 id: ideas-997 author: Elizabeth, Elizabeth; Ena, Ouda Teda title: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation of English Education Graduation Students Batch 2018 in Accomplishing Academic Performance date: 2019-12-18 words: 4065 flesch: 48 summary: Here, the researcher chose the top factors of intrinsic motivation factors and extrinsic motivation in order to discuss further. Keywords: intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation; academic performance 21 Copyright © 2019 keywords: academic; activity; batch; data; dornyei; education; english; extrinsic; extrinsic motivation; factors; goal; graduate; human; instrument; interview; intrinsic; issn; learning; master; motivation; needs; participant; passionate; performance; personal; program; purpose; qualitative; relation; researcher; self; students; study; teacher; theory cache: ideas-997.pdf plain text: ideas-997.txt