International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2),  December 2018

International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2),  December 2018  


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International Journal of Human Capital Available online at 
E-ISSN 2580-9164  
Vol. 2, No.2, December  2018, p 18-29  





Haslinda Daulay 

State University of jakarta 


Maruf Akbar 

State University of Jakarta  



Mansyur Ramly 

State University of Jakarta 



The purpose of this study was to study the effect of level III leadership training, creativity and 
task commitment on employee performance. The research process was carried out at the 
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia using a case study method. The study sample 
was 168 employees of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia who were selected 
by simple random sampling from 289 populations. The findings are: (1) there is a positive 
direct effect of level III leadership training on employee performance, (2) there is a positive 
direct effect of creativity on employee performance, (3) there is a positive direct influence on 
task commitment to employee performance, (4) direct influence positive level III leadership 
training on creativity, (5) there is a positive direct influence on task commitment to creativity. 
Referring to these findings, researchers can conclude that employee performance is positively 
influenced by level III leadership training, creativity and task commitment. Therefore, to 
maintain employee performance, organizations must implement level III leadership training, 
creativity and task commitment. Finally, it was concluded that level III leadership training, 
creativity and task commitment must be considered in producing employee performance. 
Keywords: Employee Performance, Level III Leadership Training, Creativity and Task 


The Ministry of Health was formed in order to assist the Indonesian President in 

organizing state governance in the health sector. In Presidential Regulation No. 35 of 2015 

concerning the ministry of health it was stated that the task to the ministry of health was to 

organize governmental affairs in the health sector to assist the president in organizing state 


Therefore, structuring the HR management system (human resources) of the apparatus 

which is the asset of the organization needs to be given top priority. Structural position is a 

position that shows the duty of responsibility, authority, and rights of an ASN in order to lead 

a unit of state organization. Echelon III officials in carrying out their duties have duties 

(duties and functions) which are regulated in the laws and regulations. 

Human investment is the most important inventory for organizations whose purpose 

comes at one endpoint, namely that the organization has a number of qualified, disciplined, 

dedicated, loyal, perceptual, efficient, work effectiveness and work productivity can meet the 

needs of the organization, not only for the future now but for the future. Okky in his research 

concluded that human resource management needs to pay attention to motivation, training

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and employee competency because it will affect employee productivity both directly and 

indirectly will also influence the quality and productivity of the Institute. In his research, the 

influence of work competencies on employee productivity is very significant at 87.90% () 
(Satria & Kuswara, 2013). 

HR is a very important element in a company. Failure to manage HR can lead to 

disruption in achieving goals in the organization, both in performance, profit, and survival of 

the organization. This is because HRM regulates the workforce in the organization. HRM can 

also produce good performance in an organization by means of valuation, giving 

remuneration in each individual member according to his ability to work. As explained by 

Glinow that organizations are a group consisting of a group of people who work together to 

achieve a goal (Steve & Glinow., 2010). 




Performance management to develop employees who are effective in their work. 

When employees do not perform as they should, performance management seeks to improve 

their performance. For this reason, training is needed to improve their work. Effective 

training will benefit both the company, employees and the growth and maintenance of 

harmonious relationships between members of the organization. For organizations, training 

can increase organizational productivity, for employees, training that effectively increases 

their ability to solve work problems. As for fellow employees, effective training enables 

effective communication and a favorable climate for the growth of all employees (Kaswan & 
Ahkyadi, 2015). 

One aspect that influences employee performance is leadership, where leadership is a 

process to influence others to understand and agree with what needs to be done effectively. 

This is evident in the research conducted by Jaka Alit that the significant influence of 

leadership seen from direction, participation, communication, and leadership exemplary 

contribute positively to employee performance, both seen from the quality, quantity, 

cooperation, and responsibility in their work (Wiratama & Sintaasih, 2013). 

Research conducted by Elnaga, said that the main purpose of each training session is 

to add value to employee performance, therefore all types of businesses design training and 

development programs for their employees as a sustainable activity. The training objective is 

what employees will achieve after experiencing a training program. Some organizations plan 

and implement training programs for their employees without identifying goals and 

objectives and without knowing what will be learned, the skills and abilities that employees 

will learn at the end of the training program and whether they will be able to achieve 

performance targets on the job. Therefore, companies must design training programs with 

clear goals and objectives while taking into account the special needs of individuals and 

companies (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). 

In the personnel management system, echelon III officials play a very decisive role in 

describing the vision and mission of the agency into programs and leading subordinates and 

all stakeholders strategicto carry out these programs effectively and efficiently. This task 

requires him to have tactical leadership skills, namely the ability to describe the agency's 

vision and mission into agency programs and the ability to influence structural and functional 

officials under it, including stakeholders otherto implement these programs. In the sense that 

echelon III officials are required to have leadership competencies that are able to formulate 

the program and lead the realization of the program (Lembaga Administrasi Negara, 2013). 

Creative problem solving approaches such asmaterial fish born, time management, 

presentation skills, TQM, and so on have been found to greatly help improve employee skills 

(Ghosh, Joshi, Satyawadi, & Mukherjee, 2011). However, it is very unfortunate, training and 

development are more focused on the characteristics of the training participants (ability, 

motivation, training design, work environment, etc.) as predictors of the results of training, 

whereas one other important thing is the role of the trainer. It should be noted that 

interactions between participants and trainers (Harris et al., 2014). 

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Lately psychologists and management have studied creativity in various domains, 

including the domain of organizational behavior. But finding a big challenge is because of the 

complexity of the problem of creativity itself, which starts from individual skills in the 

dynamics of organizational climate where employees work for a long time for projects that 

are very different from the results that vary in a number of dimensions. When trying to define 

the construct of creativity, the first difficulty found is that this concept covers a variety of 

different phenomena but is related to one another, namely: creative products, creative people, 

creative situations, creative processes and creative potential (Agnes & Kormos, n.d.). 

Amabile in its componential theory of creativity states that there are three components 

in problem solving skills, namely: (1). domain relevant skills include knowledge, expertise, 

intelligence, talent; (2). Creativity relevant process includes style, cognitive personality, risk 

taking, and new perspectives on problems; & (3). intrinsic task motivation, motivation to do 

tasks or solve problems because they are interesting, challenging or satisfying and without 

extrinsic motivation; coupled with components outside the work environment is always called 

the social environment. Other factors that can stimulate creativity such as: freedom in 

carrying out work, collaborative work teams, supervisors who encourage the taking of new 

ideas, top management that supports innovation by recognizing the creative work itself (Zhou 
& Shalley, 2008). 

Creativity in determining the changes that need to be done is very important to note. 

Creativity and innovation are especially important at the time of the exchange session. Many 

organizations believe that creativity and innovation are the forerunners of success. Creativity 

can be used in all steps of rational decision making and whenever an individual or group tries 

to solve a problem, make a decision, or develop something new (Angelo & R., 2014).  

In today's competitive business environment, global competition forces companies to 

continue to look for ways to improve their services. Constantine, said that creativity is a topic 

that has inspired researchers to explain why certain individuals, teams or organizations 

formulate ideas, service processes or new / useful products. There are five things, 

namely:  Climate organization, leadership style, organizational culture, structure & system, 

and resources & skills. Managers are responsible for coordinating, fostering, directing and 

controlling the creative activities of their employees towards achieving organizational goals 

both personally and in groups (Andriopoulos, 2010). 

One of the organizational commitments to employees can be created by the leadership 

style applied in the organization. Leaders play a major role in influencing others, including 

the loyalty of their employees or people who are led so that from the people they lead arises a 

willingness, respect, obedience and trust in the leadership to carry out what is desired by the 

leader and the duties and objectives of the organization in order to be effective and efficient. 

Mira & Rhoaders almost simultaneously (Mira & Margaretha, 2012)  in their study concluded 

that servant leadership has a relationship and has a positive and significant effect on 

organizational commitment of 16.8%, meaning that if the employee is tied to the 

organization, he will be committed to the organization and willing do the task beyond what is 

required of him. The emotional bond of employees with organizations is considered an 

important determinant of loyalty and dedication. Employees who are effectively committed 

are seen as having a sense of belonging to the organization, being involved in organizational 

activities, willingness to pursue organizational goals, and their desire to stay with the 

organization ((Mira & Margaretha, 2012) &  (Rhoaders, Eisenberger, & Armeli, 2011).  

(Janoniene & Endriulaitiene, 2014) states that many scientists and practitioners illustrate 

that organizational commitment is a desirable tool to bind employees strongly in an effort to 

increase organizational productivity and effectiveness. In some cases, organizational 

commitment can describe the social functions and personal functions of employees and the 

effective functioning of the organization. Affective commitment positively influences the 

professional efficacy of employees and reduces the possibility of fatigue (boredom) and 

withdrawal behavior. Then Morrow states that individuals who regard their work as a major 

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aspect of life will not be able to underestimate the importance of their careers. Therefore the 

idea of work commitment is a unique and redundant component (Morrow, 1983). 

Based on this explanation, researchers wanted to find out whether level III leadership 

training had succeeded in giving birth to alumni who were creative in responding to changes 

in their work units and committed to work so that the performance of the ministry of health 

was increasing in general. From 2014 to 2018 the performance of all education and training 

alumni has never been studied at the health ministry. Their spread throughout Indonesia is 

expected to help reduce morbidity in Indonesia. Thus researchers are interested in conducting 

research on "The Influence of Level III Leadership Training, Creativity, and Task 

Commitment on the Ministry of Health's Employee Performance". 

This research generally aims to prove the influence of level III leadership training, 

creativity and task commitment on employee performance at the Indonesian Ministry of 

Health. In particular, this study aims to test whether or not there are: (1). direct influence of 

level III leadership training on employee performance; (2). direct influence of creativity on 

employee performance; (3). direct influence of task commitment on employee performance; 

(4). direct influence of level III leadership training on task commitment; (5). direct influence 

of level III leadership training on creativity. 




The place of research was conducted at the Indonesian Ministry of Health office. 

Time the research was conducted for approximately 5 months. This research is a quantitative 

study with a type of survey and a causal approach, data obtained by means of interviews and 

then analyzed by path analysis. There are 4 (four) variables to be examined. The four 

variables consisted of 3 (three) exogenous variables, among others: first, the level III 

leadership training variable (X1) using (Sinambela, 2018) theory and (Bernadin & Russell, 

2013)  obtained indicators namely, training needs assessment, training program development 

and training program effectiveness; second, creativity (X2) using the theory of (Riyani, 2016) 

and (Stojanova, 2010) obtained indicators, namely, the authenticity of ideas, the smooth 

production of many ideas, the flexibility of guiding and elaboration; third, is task 

commitment variable (X3) taken from the theory of (Newstorm & Davis, 2007) and (Kerr & 

Kronborg, 2016). It can be concluded that the indicators are, active participation in the 

organization, working hard for the interests of the organization, involvement in 

organizational obligations, and being loyal to the organization. For employee performance 

variable (X4), namely endogenous variable, the indicators are obtained from (Gomes, 2003) 

and (Wibowo, 2016) theory, so that discipline, optimal program responsibility, cooperation 

between colleagues, work initiatives, and achievement of targets are obtained. This can be 

seen in the constellation of relationships between variables, as can be seen in the following 


Figure 1 Constellation of Research Problems 

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Population is the whole subject of research. Meanwhile Sugiyono said the population 

is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and 

characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions drawn 

(Sugiyono, 2015). In this study, the target population is employees of the Ministry of Health 

who have attended level III leadership training in 2014 to 2018 totaling 289 people. 

Sampling of 168 people was done by using probability sampling techniques, namely 

techniques that provide equal opportunities for each element (member) of the population to 

be chosen as sample members. While the selection of samples with simple random methods, 

namely samples taken from the population randomly regardless of the strata that exist in that 

population. By providing equal opportunities to all members of the population to become 

members of the sample by following several random numbers. In sampling used Slovin 

formula (Umar, 1997). 



Testing requirements for data analysis include: (1) Normality Test for Sample 

Estimation Error, (2) Linearity Test. 

Based on data processing using SPSS 25, the normality test output is shown as shown in table 

1 below. 

Table 1  

Normality Test Results 


From the above output we see in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov column and it can be seen 

that the significance value for employee performance is 0.078, level III leadership training is 

0.200, creativity is 0.200 and task commitment is 0.070. Because the significance of all 

variables is greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that the population of employee 

performance data, level III leadership training, creativity and task commitment are normally 


Based on the results of the aeritas test using SPSS 25 can be seen in the summary of the 

results of the calculation of the linearity test in table 2 below. 


Table 2  

Recapitulation of Linearity Test Calculation Results 

Linearity Test Linierity Test Results 

X1 - X4 0,000 Linear 

X2 -X4 0,000 Linear 

X3 - X4 0,000 Linear 

X1 -X3 0,000 Linear 

X1 - X2 0,000 Linear 

X3 -X2 0,000 Linear 

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From the table above, it can be seen that the significance value in linearity is 0,000. 

Because the significance is less than 0.05, it can be concluded that between independent 

variables and dependent variables there is arelationship linear. 

The summary of the calculation of direct effects can be summarized in the following table 


Table 3  

Results of Calculation of Direct Effects and Path Coefficients 

No Line CoefficientLine tcount 


ttable Descripti


1.  X1 - X4 ρ41= 0.272 4,409 2,660 Significan

1.  X2 - X4 ρ42= 0.270 4,108 2,660 Significan

1.  X3 - X4 ρ43= 0.350 5,328 2,660 Significan

1.  X1 - X3 ρ31= 0.232 3.079 1,974 Significan

1.  X1 - X2 ρ21= 0.241 3,197 1,974 Significan


Based on the results of the analysis and hypothesis testing shows that the six 

hypotheses proposed in this study are proven. This implies that in general in the environment 

of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, there is a direct influence: (1) level III 

leadership training on employee performance; (2) creativity on employee performance; (3) 

task commitment to employee performance; (4) level III leadership training on task 

commitment; (5) level III leadership training on creativity. 


In detail, the discussion of the results of analysis and testing of research hypotheses is 

described as follows: 

1. Hypothesis Test Results Effect of Training Level III Leadership (X1) on Employee 

Performance (X4) 
Judging from the theory or concept of Level III Leadership Training is the intensity of 

activities carried out for improve the competence and professionalism of echelon III officials 

in the field of tasks embraced to achieve organizational goals. The aspects of level III 

leadership training must be managed well in an organization. Likewise with the Indonesian 

Ministry of Health as one of the ministries that manage health in Indonesia. 

In this study it is in line with the hypothesis to prove level III leadership training has an 

effect on employee performance at the Indonesian Ministry of Health. From the results of 

verification research, it turns out level III leadership training has a positive direct effect on 

employee performance. This can be proven from hypothesis testing which produces tcount of 

4.409 greater than ttable of 2.660 or can be expressed symbolically tcount 4.409> ttable 2.660. 

This shows that employee performance can be improved by strengthening PIM III Education 

and training. 

Training is a development of human resources specifically designed to develop 

knowledge, skills, competencies, attitudes and behavior of employees in order to improve the 

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performance of employees to carry out their work they are doing now. Today's training needs 

not only focus on technical training, but also about managerial, soft skills needed for all 

employees at every level of office. This is due to the demands of community service and the 

development of science and technology that continues to grow (Wirawan, 2015). 

 Based on the results of hypothesis testing, that the effect of level III leadership training 

on employee performance is 0.272 or 27.2%. This is supported by the opinions of several 

experts as outlined in the theoretical framework represented by research (Ibrahim, 

Boerhannoeddin, & Bakare, 2017)  with the title "The effect of soft skills and methodology 

training on employee performance". The results of the study stated that there was a positive 

relationship between training (soft skills and training methodology) and performance. 

Of the three indicators of level III leadership training, there is 1 indicator that is still low (the 

average score is less than 4), which is an indicator of training needs assessment with an 

indicator score of 2.46. These indicators need to be improved (i.e. widyaiswara competencies, 

resource persons, training materials) because with this increase in indicators, they can 

certainly contribute to improving employee performance. 

Regarding training materials, there is still a lot to be improved, because the end of 

education and training is a change project that will be an alumni competency to always be 

carried if placed anywhere. The success of the resulting change project can not be separated 

from the role of the leader / boss to motivate and guide the training participants in the 

constituent project changes to carry out their duties. The role of leaders in the guidance and 

implementation of change projects encourages training participants to work to meet the 

standards set. Through the project changes that have been made, the leader will be easier to 

guide, supervise, and encourage employees whether their work does not meet the 

requirements of the standard. 

While the indicators are good, namely the indicators of the development of training 

programs and indicators of the effectiveness of the education and training program, leaders at 

the Indonesian Ministry of Health need to take care of them so that these indicators are 


Based on empirical evidence, the findings of this study indicate that level III leadership 

training is one of the most important variables and has a direct effect on employee 

performance variables. 


2.   Hypothesis Test Results Effect of Creativity (X2) on Employee Performance (X4) 

 Creativity is a way / action of work that is shown by someone to perform / present tasks 

and reporting in accordance with their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently to 

achieve targets / results of work. Good creativity must be managed well in an organization. 

Likewise with the organization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the 

ministry that takes care of these health issues. 

 In this study, it is in line with the hypothesis to prove that creativity influences employee 

performance at the Indonesian Ministry of Health. From the results of verification research, it 

turns out that creativity has a positive direct effect on employee performance. This can be 

proven from hypothesis testing which produces tcount of 4.108 greater than ttable of 2.660 or 

can be expressed symbolically tcount 4.108> ttable 2.660. 

 Based on the results of hypothesis testing, that the influence of creativity on employee 

performance is 0.270 or 27%. This is supported by the opinion of several experts as outlined 

in the theoretical framework represented by Stojanova which states that the higher the 

mastery of science and work skills, the more ideas or thoughts emitted. The higher the quality 

of a person, the more the quantity of work achieved (increasesproductivity). Creativity and 

productivity are forms of jointness in connection so as to form a whole between the process 

of implementing work and the variety of efforts undertaken to achieve results in accordance 

with predetermined expectations (Stojanova, 2010). The results of this study were also 

supported by research (Yoopetch, 2011) with the title "The Relationship of Employee 

Knowledge, Employee Creativity and Employee Performance: An Empirical Investigation of 

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Hotel Industry in Thailand". The results showed that employee knowledge and employee 

creativity had a significant positive relationship with employee performance. 

 Of the four indicators of creativity, there are two indicators that need to be improved, 

namely the indicator of smooth production of many ideas with a score of indicator 2.06 and 

an elaboration indicator with an indicator score of 2.32. 

Both of these indicators need to be improved because with the increase in these indicators 

certainly can contribute to improving employee performance. While the indicators are good, 

namely the indicator of the authenticity of ideas and indicators of flexibility to guide, the 

leaders at the Indonesian Ministry of Health need to take care of them so that these indicators 

are maintained well. 

 Associated with reality in the field, researchers argue that although it has a mechanism in 

managing creativity as stated by the experts above including in taking policies related to 

creativity that consider the perspective of employees but in its implementation there are still 

gaps as shown in the description of research data. Evidence that the Ministry of Health of the 

Republic of Indonesia has managed personality well, the Ministry of Health of the Republic 

of Indonesia gives freedom to its employees to work and think creatively, receive advice and 

input from employees in meetings held by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. 

 Based on empirical evidence, these findings indicate that creativity is a very important 

variable and has a direct effect on employee performance variables. 


3.   Hypothesis Test Results Effect of Task Commitment (X3) on Employee 

Performance (X4) 
Commitment tasks in principle are strong attachments from individuals to continue to 

work consistently with the organization and intend to maintain membership loyalty by 

directing all of their abilities to succeed organizational goals. Factors that support the 

commitment of the task must be managed properly in an organization. Likewise with the 

organization of the Indonesian Ministry of Health as one of the ministries in the government 

cabinet that takes care of health in Indonesia. 

 In this study, it is in line with the hypothesis to prove the commitment of duty influences 

the performance of employees at the Indonesian Ministry of Health. From the results of 

verification research, it turns out that task commitment has a positive direct effect on 

employee performance. This can be proven from hypothesis testing which produces tcount 

equal to 5.328 greater than ttable equal to 2.660 or can be expressed symbolically tcount 5.328> 

ttable 2.660. 

 Based on the results of hypothesis testing, that the effect of task commitment on 

employee performance is 0.350 or 35.0%. This is supported by the opinion of several experts 

as outlined in the theoretical framework represented by the Judge who stated that 

organizational commitment has an effect on employee performance because employees who 

have a high level of commitment to the organization tend to have a high attitude towards, 

love and obligation to the organization. this will motivate to complete the work that is 

charged in an adult, calm, and responsible by using all the physical and psychological 

abilities it has. So to improve employee performance needs to improve organizational culture 

and organizational commitment (Hakim, 2015). The results of this study are also reinforced by 

research conducted by (Sani, 2013) with the title "Role of Procedural Justice, Organizational 

Commitment and Job Satisfaction on Job Performance: The Mediating Effects of 

Organizational Citizenship Behavior". The results showed that procedural justice and 

organizational commitment had a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. 

Organizational commitment has a positive effect on job performance.   

 Of the five task commitment variable indicators (X3) there are 2 indicators that are still 

low (the average score is less than 4), namely indicators of involvement in organizational 

obligations with indicator score 3.47 and indicators are obedient to the organization with an 

indicator score of 3.35 . Both of these indicators need to be improved because with the 

increase in these indicators certainly can contribute to improving employee performance. 

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While the indicators that are good, namely indicators of active participation in the 

organization, indicators working hard for the benefit of the organization and loyal indicators 

for the organization, leaders at the Indonesian Ministry of Health need to take care of them so 

that these indicators are maintained well. 

 Associated with reality in the field, researchers argue that even though the Indonesian 

Ministry of Health already has a mechanism for managing task commitments as stated by the 

experts above including in taking policies related to task commitments that consider the 

perspective of employees but in implementation there are still gaps as shown in the 

description research data. Evidence that the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 

has managed the task commitment well, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 

in assessing the performance of its employees has included factors related to task 

commitment when assessing the performance of its employees. 

 Based on empirical evidence, these findings indicate that task commitment is one of the 

most important variables and has a direct effect on employee performance variables. 

From the description of the theory above and based on empirical evidence carried out in this 

study, it is evident that task commitment has a positive direct effect on employee 



4.  Hypothesis Test Results Effect of Training Level III Leadership (X1) on Task 

Commitment (X3) 
Level III Leadership Training is basically the intensity of activities carried out to 

improve the competence and professionalism of echelon III officials in the field of tasks 

embraced to achieve organizational goals . The aspects of level III leadership training must 

be managed well in an organization. Likewise with the Indonesian Ministry of Health as one 

of the ministries that manage health in Indonesia. 

 In this study in line with the hypothesis to prove level III leadership training has an effect 

on task commitment in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. From the results 

of verification research, it turns out level III leadership training has a positive direct effect on 

task commitment. This can be proven from hypothesis testing which produces tcount of 2.655 

greater than ttable of 1.650 or can be expressed symbolically tarithmetic 2.655> ttable 1,650. 

 Based on the results of hypothesis testing, that the effect of level III leadership training 

on task commitment is 0.232 or 23.2%. This is supported by the opinions of several experts 

as outlined in the theoretical framework represented by research (Inanlou & Ahn, 2017) with 

the title "The Effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Commitments: A Mediating Role 

of Human Resource Development in Korean Firms". The results of this study found that 

organizational culture, in particular, was defined as better communication between superiors 

and subordinates, trust, and the climate of innovation, positively related to organizational 

commitment. In addition, company investment in HRD or employee participation in HRD 

plays a mediating role in influencing the relationship between organizational culture and 

organizational commitment. Therefore, organizational culture is an important factor for 

increasing workers 'motivation through participation in HR training programs, thereby 

increasing workers' commitment. 

 Of the three indicators of level III leadership training, there is 1 indicator that is still low 

(the average score is less than 4), which is an indicator of training needs assessment with an 

indicator score of 2.46. This indicator needs to be improved because with the increase in 

these indicators it can certainly contribute to increasing task commitment. While the 

indicators are good, namely the indicators of the development of training programs and 

indicators of the effectiveness of the education and training program, leaders at the 

Indonesian Ministry of Health need to take care of them so that these indicators are 


 Based on empirical evidence, the findings of this study indicate that level III leadership 

training is one of the most important variables and has a direct effect on task commitment 


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5.  Hypothesis Test Results Influence Level III Education Training (X1) on Creativity 

Based on the theory or concept, Level III Leadership Training is basically the intensity of 

activities carried out to improve the competence and professionalism of echelon III officials 

in the field of tasks embraced to achieve organizational goals. The aspects of level III 

leadership training must be managed well in an organization. Likewise with the Indonesian 

Ministry of Health as one of the ministries that manage health in Indonesia. 

 In this study in line with the hypothesis to prove level III leadership training has an effect 

on creativity in the Indonesian Ministry of Health. From the results of verification research, it 

turns out level III leadership training has a positive direct effect on creativity. This can be 

proven from hypothesis testing which produces tcount equal to 2.536 greater than ttable equal to 

1.650 or can be expressed symbolically tcount 2.536> ttable 1.650. 

 Based on the results of hypothesis testing, the effect of level III leadership training on 

creativity is 0.241 or 24.1%. This is supported by the opinion of several experts as outlined in 

the theoretical framework represented by Dessler, which states that training means giving 

employees a new skill they currently need to do their jobs. In any case, training is the 

hallmark of good management, and this is a task managers always ignore. In future 

organizational changes, of course, a manager as the challenger must understand the details of 

the 8-step process to lead the following organizational changes. Among other things is to 

build a sense of urgency. This sense of urgency often requires creativity. For example, the 

CEO might provide an (fictitious) analyst report to the executive that describes the imminent 

death of the company, therefore employees need to be trained immediately (Dessler, 2011). 

This is in line with the research (Lourenco & Jayawarna, 2011) with the title "Enterprise 

Education: The Effect of Creativity on Training Outcomes". Overall, the results of this study 

mostly agree with the TPB (theory of planned behavior) as applied to entrepreneurship and 

suggest the perception of creativity of trainees as a driver to improve study habits among 

newborn entrepreneurs. 

 Of the three indicators of level III leadership training, there is 1 indicator that is still low 

(the average score is less than 4), which is an indicator of training needs assessment with an 

indicator score of 2.46. This indicator needs to be improved because with the increase in 

these indicators it can certainly contribute to increasing creativity. While the indicators are 

good, namely the indicators of the development of training programs and indicators of the 

effectiveness of the education and training program, leaders at the Indonesian Ministry of 

Health need to take care of them so that these indicators are maintained. 

 Based on empirical evidence, the findings of this study indicate that level III leadership 

training is one of the most important variables and has a direct effect on the creativity 





Based on the analysis above, the findings in this study are as follows: There is a positive 

direct influence level III leadership training on employee performance, meaning that if level 

III leadership training increases, it is predicted that employee performance will also increase; 

There is a positive direct effect of creativity on employee performance, meaning that if 

creativity increases, it is predicted that employee performance will also increase; There is a 

positive direct effect on task commitment to employee performance, meaning that if task 

commitment increases, it is predicted that employee performance will also increase; There is 

a positive direct influence level III leadership training on task commitment, meaning that if 

level III leadership training increases, it is predicted that task commitment will also increase; 

There is a positive direct influence level III leadership training on creativity, meaning that if 

level III leadership training increases, it is predicted that creativity will also increase. 


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