International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 45 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 2, No.2, December 2018, p 45-59 THE INCREASING PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOL PRINCIPAL THROUGH REMUNERATION, PERSONALITY, AND JOB SATISFACTION Virgana Virgana Indraprasta University Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT This research aims to know the influence of remuneration, personality, and job satisfaction on performance school principal, both directly and indirectly. Research using path analysis, a sample of randomly selected as many as 65 principal of elementary schools are civil servants in South Jakarta. The path analysis was done with some tests namely: Test of Normality of Error; Homogeneity Test; and significance and linearity test of regression coefficient. The results of the analysis found that there are: 1) direct influence of remuneration towards job satisfaction; 2) direct influence personality towards job satisfaction; 3) direct influence of regional allowances toward performance of principal; 4) direct influence of personality toward performance of principal; 5) direct influence job satisfaction toward performance of principal; 6) indirect influences of remuneration toward performance through job satisfaction; and 7) the indirect influence of personality toward performance of principal through job satisfaction. Therefore the variation improvements of principal performance are influenced by variation of the variable remuneration, personality, and job satisfaction. Keywords: principal performance, regional allowances, personalities, and job satisfaction. INTRODUCTION Indonesia is the country with the principle of the unity of State autonomy broad. A unitary State is a sovereign State which is organized as a single unity. Unitary State put the Central Government as the highest authority whereas the administrative areas below only run power chosen by the Central Government for a delegated (Portal Informasi Indonesia). In line with the spirit of regional autonomy by law number 32 year 2004 about local governance, local government in Indonesia has always sought to develop its potential themselves respectively, i.e. with the construction of physical and non-physical progress are hard-wired in all areas, the efforts of the refinement and revamping the bureaucracy toward the professional government that becomes very important, especially so that the bureaucracy was able to continue the ideals of the founders of the nation, as stated in the preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia year 1945, i.e.: Indonesia's independence movement and the struggle has come to the blessed with happy People delivering secure Indonesia fore gate of the country's independence as the independent Indonesia, unified, sovereign, just and prosperous". The Government of Jakarta with the original income area, each year increased significantly. Based on the data of Agency tax and Regional Levies of capital city of Jakarta, the realization of tax revenues has reached Rp. 32.6 trillion from Rp. 38.1 trillion or equivalent to 87.9%. As for the product, a total income in the same period last year amounted to Rp. 31.3 trillion. Thus an increasing in product income Rp1.3 trillion (Fitriani, 2018). It will be directly proportional to increase welfare officers. The improvement of welfare in the form of allowances a performance area, expected by granting these incentives will be driving the acceleration of the development. Therefore be a civil State apparatus for some citizens of DKI Jakarta and its surroundings is a goal most of society. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 46 | P a g e The school is an educational institution serving the community as education institution, not as a place of business because the school is a non-profit institution. The principal as leader at the school as non-profit institution, there are many people give the criticisms on its performance. Human resource (HR) departments within the public and nonprofit sector tend to be criticized for their bureaucratic personnel management systems and differences have been found to exist in the adoption of human resource management (HRM) between private and public sector organizations (Boyne, et al., 1999). In light of the unique nature of the nonprofit sector and the tremendous potential of strategic HRM to achieve mission and enhance performance, it is imperative that we empirically explore the prevalence of the adoption of strategic HRM practices in nonprofit organizations, as well as the organizational and contextual factors that influence it (Guo, et al., 2011). Non-profit organizations generally focus on the achievement of certain results from a social perspective, without the objective of competing with profit companies on the market and funding their activities largely (though not only) through donations and public contributions (Mihaltan et al. 2015). Likewise, the question of the personality of a principal must defend it in order of service to the community, so that the community also has a sense of the school institution taking action against empathy, and ready to help the school problems in increasing the quality of education. Individualized leadership is based on the notion of the unique relationship developed by a leader with each group members. It represents how the leader behaves towards the employee and how the employee responds to the leader. Thus, these differences may affect the leader-follower interaction (Ghani, et al., 2016). However, the giving of reward and achievement job satisfaction is also important for the principal in supporting his work. The immediate reward and the liberty given to employees are the ones that matter in generating satisfaction (Mihalcea, 2014). The purpose of this research is to know: 1) direct influence of remuneration towards job satisfaction; 2) direct influence personality towards job satisfaction; 3) direct influence of regional allowances toward performance of principal; 4) direct influence of personality toward performance of principal; 5) direct influence job satisfaction toward performance of principal; 6) indirect influences of remuneration towards performance through job satisfaction; and 7) the indirect influence of personality towards performance of principal through job satisfaction. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. The School Principal Performance. It is a condition the level of achievement of results an organization associated with the vision and mission of an organization run. The principal as a leader in the field of education should understand the basic concepts of leadership education (Sunarni,, 2018), due to the leadership of principals and teachers as team work organizational unit level in carrying out educational, must have a good performance in accordance with the expectations of society. Principals are in a central axis for the improvement of the quality of education (Gutierrez & Delgado, 2015). Performance simply means the extent to which an individual contributes to achieving the goals and objectives of an organization (Evans, 2005). It involves determining how well or poorly a person has accomplished a task or done a job (George and Jones, 2005). Performance with regard to the effectiveness of an effective group work directly related to the Group's achievements (Danim, 2004). Performance needs to be done in a collaborative and cooperative manner using performance management, which is a way of avoiding poor performance and were able to implement a way of working together to improve performance (Bacal, 2002). Regional allowance another term of remuneration is the additional compensation beyond salaries income. The wage policy, in general, should be different in every organization (Řehořa & Vrchota, 2018). Compensation is often determined as a form of incentive and motivation and is linked to a combination of reward for performance (Mendes, International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 47 | P a g e et al., 2017). Compensation refers to all forms of financial results and tangible benefits that workers received as part of employment relationships (Bernadin, 2007). The incentive is a catalyst for action goal achievement (Hatta, et al., 2015). The main goal of the program rewards is attract people qualified to enter the Organization, keep the workers to stay at work, and encourage workers to achieve high performance level (Ivancevich, 2007). A stimulating remuneration system and a wide and more diverse range of employee benefits provide organizations with a competitive advantage over the others in the labor market (Urbancová & Šnýdrová, 2017) 2. Personality Personality is something characteristic or trait that stands out from someone, for example someone was quiet, shy, grumpy, gracious, friendly, serious and so on. School principal personalities intimately connected with the figure example for teachers and the environment. Personality is a central, high-level psychological concept that defines individual human beings (Liu, et al., 2019). Personality also known as attitude could be defined in general as a symbol of the personality characteristics of an individual who brings different characteristics to other individuals (Johar, et al., 2013). Personality shapes the outlook of an individual in different ways to react to a psychological or emotional distress. It has a stable effect on one's behavior and hence may be implicated in the genesis of disorders in which patterns of behaviors may play a role (Saho, et al., 2018). Mastuti says that every human being's personality characteristics vary between each other, a wide variety of cultures in this world make the characteristics of the personality of every nation (Pratama, 2012). Personality is the difference of thoughts, emotions, and behavior that gives the characteristics to adapt to the individual in the world (Santrock, 2008). Personality is a way of thinking, feeling and acting differently and endure long relative that characterize the situation of a person's responses to life (Passer, 2007). Personality has internal and external elements. There are 5 dimensions of personality that are conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, emotional stability, openness to experience (Sariwulan, 2018). 3. Job satisfaction Refers to the attitude of the individual in General against her work. Someone with a high level of job satisfaction has a positive attitude towards his job, otherwise a person who are not satisfied have a negative attitude towards her job. Job satisfaction is, on the other hand, a construct that describes exactly the satisfaction that individuals may or may not have within a very specific domain: their job. It is thus not surprising that several studies have shown a positive relationship between job satisfaction and subjective well-being (and life satisfaction) (Jensen, et al., 2017). The available evidence also indicates job satisfaction depends relatively strongly on non-pecuniary factor relating to the intrinsic characteristics of the job. We expect likewise that the impact of income risk matching on job satisfaction will depend on the extent to which workers trade-off income risks for other job characteristics (Ong & Theseira, 2016). Job satisfaction is the key to the success of any organization. Currently, there are many studies on the influence created by employees' job satisfaction showing that employees with higher job satisfaction perform better than those with lower job satisfaction (Naiyananont & Smuthranond, 2017). Job satisfaction is an attitude that workers have about their job. It results from their perception of the jobs (Ivancevich, at al., 2008). McShane dan Von Glinow (2008: 115) menyatakan bahwa ”job satisfaction is a person’s evaluation of his or her job and work context (McShane & Von Glinow, 2008). Colquitt, at al. (2009: 105) menyatakan bahwa ”job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences (Colquitt, at al., 2009). Job satisfaction indeed developed by each of the workers on the basis of a challenging job, a good work condition, the equitable remuneration, and opportunities for promotion or career improvement (Werang, 2014). Someone with a high level of job satisfaction has a positive attitude towards his job. Instead, International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 48 | P a g e someone who has a low level of job satisfaction has negative attitude towards his job. Job satisfaction is in fact a person's assessment against the perceived job (Virgana, 2014). METHODOLOGY The description of the variable data research is done before doing path analysis as appropriate and research hypotheses, descriptive statistics include the size of the centrality and the size of the spread. This quantitative research using survey method with causal techniques. While the data are analyzed with path analysis. The study analyzes the influence of one variable against another variable. The variables examined consists of two kinds, variables are exogenous and endogenous variables. Exogenous variables influence either directly or indirectly against endogenous variable. While the endogenous variables are the variables that can affect other endogenous variables. Endogenous variables in this study was the performance of principal primary schools (X4). Whereas the exogenous variables included: regional allowance (remuneration) (X1); personality (X2); and job satisfaction (X3). Therefore all variables such as remuneration, personality, and job satisfaction are the independent variables, While the performance of principals of primary schools is dependent vaiabel. All variables in this study is an attribute or value from people, objects, or activities that have a certain variation defined by the researchers to be studied and drawn the conclusion (Sugiyono, 2012) The sampling techniques used in this research was simple random sampling with 65 principal of elementary schools are civil servants in South Jakarta. The time of the research was carried out in August 2018 up to December 2018. The technique of data collection is done using the now-shaped research instruments, the collection of data used for the variables regional Allowance, Personality, job satisfaction, and performance principal of elementary school in South Jakarta Education Office by using a Rating Scale which has five categories of alternatives, i.e.: always; often; sometimes; rare; and never. Instrument is tested before use in research, other than members of the sample. Testing instruments include test validity and test reliability. From the results of the test are obtained details of the instruments that are valid and invalid. Invalid instrument discarded (not used in research), with a valid instrument provisions with attention to all instrument indicators, must be in a valid questions. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Prior to testing and further discussion, There are several steps in the determination coefficient and testing line on path analysis, include the determination of the coefficient of correlation of betweenvariabel in the structural model, determination and significance of coefficients test line on each substructure contained within the structural model, and determination of major direct influence and exogenous variables as well as direct against endogenous variable, in the structural model is presented in Figure 1. Figure 1. Causal influences between Variables X1, X2, X3, and X4 X1 X3 X4 X2 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 49 | P a g e The correlation matrix in structural model of betweenvariabel views on Table 1. In this table the correlation coefficient of the whole betweenvariabel are marked positively. This shows that there is a positive relationship of structural models in among variables. In addition, the entire value of the correlation coefficient is significant at the α = 0.01. Table 1. The Correlation Matrix among Variables Causal influences between variables on a Substructure-1 consists of an endogenous variable, i.e. X3 and two exogenous variables (X1 and X2). Matrix coefficients of correlation between exogenous variables in the substructure-1 are presented in Table 2. Corelation X1 X2 X1 1,000 0,440 X2 0,440 1,000 Table 2. Matrix coefficients of Correlation Between Exogenous variables in substructure-1 Based on the correlation matrix between exogenous variables, as presented in table 2, next determined the inverse of the correlation matrix. Determination of matrix inverse correlation among exogenous variables in the substructure-1 is using Microsoft Excel. The results of the determination of the correlation matrix inverse between the exogenous variables can be seen in Table 3. Invers correlation X1 X2 X1 1,240 -0,546 X2 -0,546 1,240 Table 3. The Inverse of The Correlation Matrix Between Exogenous variables in the substructure-1 After having obtained the correlation matrix and the inverse of the correlation matrix between exogenous variable on the substructure-1, further can be done counting each coefficient path (pji) by multiplying the matrix inverse correlation and the correlation matrix between exogenous and endogenous variables on the substructure-1. The results of calculating the coefficient of the substructure on line-1 are presented in Table 4. Table 4. The value of path Coefficient on Substructure-1 Variable X1 X2 X3 X4 X1 1,000 0,440 0,664 1,000 X2 0,440 1,000 0,666 0,440 X3 0,664 0,666 1,000 0,664 X4 0,819 0,765 0,871 0,819 Path coefficien t Path value coefficient Path X3X1 X3X2 p 31 p 32 0,460 0,464 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 50 | P a g e Determination of the coefficient on the substructure-1, that R 2 X3X1X2 = 0.61. This means that the variation of changes Remunerasi (X1) and Personality (X2) together can explain 0.61 variations of the changes in the principal job satisfaction variables (X3). The influence of other variables against the variable job satisfaction of pricipal, that p3ε1 = 0,62. This shows that in addition to these three variables there are other variables that affect job satisfaction with influence of principal 0.38. Test the whole or the F-test against the coefficient on line on Substructure-1 generate Fcount = 45,37. and, Ftable = F0.01;2;97 on Substructure-1 of 3,15. Thus Fcount > F0.05;2;97. Therefore, Ho : p31 = p32 = 0 rejected. This means that the variation of the variable X1 and X2 together with good variation may explain variables X3. Thus, can proceed in individual tests or test t. The results of the counting of the test t presented in Table 5. In the table that the value tcount all coefficients of the line Substrukur-1 greater than ttable = t0.01;97. Thus, all coefficients of the path Substruktur-1 is significant or real different with zero. Table 5. Individual Test Results The coefficient of the substructure on Line-1 Causal influence of among variables on the substructure-2 consists of an endogenous variable, that X4 and three variables exogenous, that X1, X2, and X3. Table 6. Matrix coefficients of Correlation among Exogenous variables in the substructure-2 Based on the correlation coefficient matrix of exogenous among variable, as presented in table 6, the inverse of the correlation matrix is defined in the next. Determination of matrix inverse correlation of exogenous among variables on the substructure-2 is using Microsoft Excel. Inverse matrices determination results correlation among variables exogenous can be seen in Table 7. Invers corelation X1 X2 X3 X1 1,789 0,007 -1,192 X2 0,007 1,797 -1,202 X3 -1,192 -1,202 2,592 Table 7. The inverse of the Correlation matrix of Exogenous Among variabel on the substructure-2. After having obtained the correlation matrix of the inverse correlation matrix and exogenous between variable on the substructure-2, further can be done counting each coefficient path (pji) by multiplying the matrix inverse correlation and correlation matrix between exogenous and endogenous variables on the substructure-2. The results of calculating the coefficient of the substructure on line-2 is presented in table 8. Path coef path tcount ttable Test result t0.05;97 t0.01;97 X3X1 X3X2 0,460 0,464 5,24 5,28 2,00 2,66 2,66 2,66 Significan t Significan t Corelation X1 X2 X3 X1 1,000 0,440 0,664 X2 0,440 1,000 0,666 X3 1,000 0,440 0,664 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 51 | P a g e Path Coefficient Path value coefficien t Path X4X1 p 41 0,432 X4X2 p 42 0,334 X4X3 p 43 0,362 Table 8. The value of the coefficient of the substructure on Path Determination of the coefficient on the substructure-2, that R 2 X4X1X2X3 = 0,924. This means that the variation of remuneration changes (X1), Personality (X2), and satisfaction (X3) together can explain 0,924 variations of changes in variables satisfaction (X4). The influence of other variables against a variable satisfaction, that p4ε2 = 0,275. This shows that in addition to these three variables there are other variables that affect of satisfaction, with the influence of 0,076. The overall test or test-F against the coefficient on path of Substructure-2 generate Fcount = 341,956. and, Ftable = F0.01;2;96 on Substructure-2 of 4,12. Thus Fcount > F0.05;2;97. Therefore, Ho : p41 = p42 = p43 = 0 rejected. This means that the variation of the variables X1 X2, and X3 together can explain it well variation of variables X4. Thus, it can be continued on individual test or test t. Table 9. Test results of the individual Coefficient of the substructure on Line-2. The result of the caculation t-test presented in Table 9, in the table it can be seen that the value tcount all coefficient of the substructure path-2 is greater than ttable = t0.01;96. Thus, all the line coefficient of the substructure-2 is significantly different or real zero. Based on the results of the analysis of the calculation on path on Substructure Substructure-1 and-2 acquired the line coefficient values that indicate causal relationships in a structural model that analyzed, where all the coefficients of the structural model in the line is significant. Path coefficient calculation results are used to test the hypothesis posed and measuring influence either directly or indirectly exogenous variables are endogenous variables in the model towards structural. The conclusion of the hypothesis is done through the calculation of statistical values t each path coefficient, with the provisions of if tcount > ttable then the coefficient path is significant but if tcount < ttable then the path coefficients are insignificant. Hypothesis Testing: the direct influence of remuneration (X1) against satisfaction (X3). The results of the counting of the get that the coefficient path X1 to X3 (p31) equal 0,460 with tcount = 5.24. On α = 0.01 retrieved ttable = 2.66. Because value tcount (5.24) > ttable (2.66), then the very significant path coefficient. From the results of the above it is evident that there is a direct positive influence remuneration against prncipal job satisfaction. Previous research done a few researchers. The influence of fixed compensation is different not only between the employees from both are as, but also between the public and private hospitals (Mendes, et al., 2017). There is a direct effect of remuneration towards job Path coefficient path tcount ttable Test result t0.05;96 t0.01;96 X4X1 0,432 9,24 2,00 2,66 Significan t X4X2 0,334 7,13 2,00 2,66 Significan t X4X3 0,362 6,43 2,00 2,66 Significan t International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 52 | P a g e satisfaction of teachers state trainning school in Bogor Indonesia (Widodo, 2009), The compensation received and perceived by the teacher gives a positive and significant influence against teacher job satisfaction (Sudharto, 2011). Variable incentive there is the dominant indicator (loading factor 0,60) as to housing for employees who provide direct influence towards the satisfaction of employees (0,14) (Hatta dan rachbini, 2015). The results of such research in contrast to the effect that the execution of the certification program provided the Government with funds not a little doesn't make the performance of teachers be optimal (Khodijah, 2013). This could have happened, because the program certification issued by the Central Government, in local govenment nothing suvervisi the performance of teachers in relation to the granting of funds to the teacher certification. This is because, if a teacher is certified and meets the number of hours taught 24 hours of lessons, then each month will get an allowance of 100% of the teachers certification base salary, without any ather supervision. Hypothesis Testing: Direct influence of personality (X2) towards job satisfaction (X3). The results of the counting of the get that the coefficient path X2 to X3 (p32) equal to 0,464 with tcount = 5.28. On α = 0.01 retrieved ttable = 2.66. Because value tcount (5.28) > ttable (2,66), then the coefficient path very significant. Thus it is evident that there is a direct positive influence personality towards job satisfaction. Previous studies about personality by some researchers. Personality traits have also influence on perceptions of satisfaction with life and wellbeing (Ali, 2019). Personality traits indicate mix results with regards to parental involvement and teachers’ satisfaction (El-Hilali & Al-Rashidi, 2015). Koefesien path the influence of personality towards job satisfaction of 0,33 with tcount (4,47) > ttable (2,326), so influential personality directly against teachers ' job satisfaction state vocational school Bogor Indonesia (Widodo, 2009). But the study results are in contrast to the results of research on hotel employee who conducted by Pratama et al. (2012:64) that the results of data analysis in this research showed the absence of influence of the big five personality towards job satisfaction, It further explained that the big five personality has no effect on job satisfaction, because there are other factors more influence job satisfaction i.e. salary. This can occur because the personality of a primary school principal is different with the personality of the neighborhood employees. Because the task for a primary school principal, It's not just the lead of the school but also gave an example in his surroundings. Because personality including one among the four competencies of teachers. Four teacher competencies that are professional competence, kompentsi personal, kompentensi, pedagogic and social competence (law RI number 14 year 2005). Hypothesis Testing: Direct influence direct influence of remuneration (X1) towards the performance of the principal (X4) The results of the calculations get that path coefficient X1 to X4 (p41) equal to 0.432 with tcount = 9,24. On α = 0.01 get ttable = 2,66. Because value tcount (9,24) > ttable (2.66), then the path coefficients are very significant. So it is evident that there is a direct positive influence performance allowance against performance of principal of elemenatry school. Previous studies about remuneration by some researchers. There is a positive relationship between the operational assistance (p = 0.002) and by giving of a uniform (p = 0,01) with the performance of cadres (Wirapuspita, 2013). There are influences between variable compensation on performance of employees at the Bank North Sulawesi Indonesia (Tindow et al., 2014). Hypothesis test results show that the value of z = -0,774 with p = 0,439, and sig p in other words, the performance of lecturers Undiksha Indonesia better after remunertion of lecturer (Piscayanti, 2015). Based on the analysis of the correlation of product moment gleaned an idea that value rhitung (= 0,561) greater than rtable (= 0,266) It means the granting of allowances of influential positive performance against the performance of employees state University Makasar Indonesia (Saleh, 2015). Variable incentive there is the dominant indicator (loading factor > 0.60) as to housing for employees International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 53 | P a g e who provide direct influence on performance of employees (0,15) (Hatta dan rachbini, 2015). The results of the analysis show the compensation effect on performance with value tcount (4,226) > ttable (1,96) (Yemina, 2016). Variabel remuneration of employees is significantly influential variables on performance of employees who indicated with sig 0,00 < 0,05. The same results of research conducted by (Fitria, 2017), (Imaniyati, 2016), (Sukidi, 2016) dan Hidayat (2017). From the results of this research and the research done the previous researchers, that the granting of remuneration on the employee will provide the morale, discipline and motivation because there is hope if working fine then it will be worth the rewards got. Hypothesis Testing: Direct influence of personality (X2) on performance principal of elementary school (X4). The results of the calculations get that path coefficient X2 to X4 (p42) equal 0,334 with tcount = 7.13. On α = 0.01 get ttable = 2.66. Because value tcount (7.13) > ttable (2.66), then the very significant path coefficient. Thus it is evident that there is a direct positive influence of personality on performance of principal. Previous studies about personality by some researchers. Personality trait is the most predictive to employee job performance (Ghani, et al., 2016). High self-esteem provides them the opportunity to overcome obstacles and to obtain academic performances (Marilena, 2014). Pesonality with = 3.971 = 2,019 significantly influential on performance of employees on duty outside AJB Bumiantoro 1912 Dieng Malang branch Indonesia (Isvandiari, and Susilo, 2014). Personality variables have an impact on teacher performance with a regression coefecient of 0,548% (Sulistyawati et al., 2016). There are accepted and have significant relationship with moderate correlated between the extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness and agreeableness towards employee job performance. Relationship between openness to experience represent r=0.499, extraversion represent r=0.504, conscientiousness represent r=0.546 and agreeableness represent highest value of correlation with r=0.594. All these four variables were significant with p<0.01(Ghani, et al., 2015) Hypothesis Testing: Direct influence job satisfaction (X3) on performance principal elemtary school (X4). The results of the calculations get that path coefficient X3 to X4 (p43) equal 0,362 with tcount = 6.43. On α = 0.01 get ttable = 2.66. Because value tcount (6.43) > ttable (2.66), then the very significant path coefficient. Previous research done a few researchers. Employee job satisfaction and employee job performance in high power distance cultures. Job satisfaction has positively mediated the relationship between P-E fit and employee job performance (Gul, et al., 2018). The reliability of the answers considering the questionnaire, given by the α-Cronbach measure is very satisfactory with values for job satisfaction parameters α=0.879 with measure of sampling adequacy =0.76, and for self-job performance parameters α=0.871 with measure of sampling adequacy =0.80 1(Platis, et al., 2015). The results of the regression analysis, there was significant influence between the compensation of employee job satisfaction against the Bureau of Transport and Distribution 22% (Mardahleni, 2013). The variable job satisfaction there is the dominant indicator (loading factor 0,60) that is satisfied with the salary and bonus, These indicators provide a direct influence towards the satisfaction of employees (0,15) (Hatta and rachbini (2015: 82). That it can be determined direct effect of job-stisfaction on job-performance is 0,86 and spurious correlation is 0,171(Hutabarat, 2015). States that the variable job satisfaction principal of elementary school influential significantly to the performance of primary school Heads 21,62% (Werang, 2014). Then, the job satisfaction is positive and significant effect on performance, with the existence of a positive relationship with the value of coefficient 0.274 with a value of the t-statistic of 2.268 and significant on = 0 (Juniantara. 2015). Thus it is evident that there is a direct positive influence job satisfaction principal of elemnatry International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 54 | P a g e school on performance of principal. This is caused by the presence of kepuaan that work, then disappointment against employees of the organization is getting close to zero. Therefore an employee if it met the job satisfaction of feeling valued, then the employees will work quietly without the thought of wanting to move to other organizations. Thus the employees will work the more diligently, with the employees work the more diligently it will improve the performance of its. Hypothesis Testing: The influence of indirect remuneration (X1) on performance of principal elementary school (X4) through job satisfaction (X3). The results of the calculation with use of the software Lisrel 8.80 (Student Edition) that path coefficient X1 to X4 throgh X3 (p41.3) equal 0,408 with tcount = 4,85. On α = 0.01 get ttable = 2.66. because value tcount (4.85) > ttable (2.66), then very significant path coefficient. This means that there is an indirect influence remunerastion (X1) on performance principal (X4) through satisfaction (X3). Relevant previous research concerning the influence indirectly from some researchers. Indirect effect rewards against organizational commitment job satisfaction through principal state vocational school in Bogor Indonesia, with value tcount (2.06)>ttable (1.645) (Widodo, 2009). The results of this research gives the sense that the performance benefits will stimulate increased job satisfaction of principals elementary school, and more will have an impact to the increased performance of the principal of elementary school. This corresponds to previous testing that influential performance allowances directly against principal job satisfaction of elementary school, and direct effect on performance and principal of elementary school, while job satisfaction the direct effect on performance of principal’s elementary school. The correlation will occur, if performance allowances received by the principal of elementary school felt satisfactory, so feeling satisfied that will drive the principal of elementary school have increased performance. More Widodo (2009:38) declares that by feeling satisfied over the allowance she received will provide power on a principal in identify involvement himself in organizations that include some aspects of. Hypothesis Testing: Indirect influence personality (X2) on performance of principal elementary school (X4) through job satisfaction (X3). The results of the calculation with use of the software Lisrel 8.80 (Student Edition) that path coefecient X2 to X4 throug X3 (p42.3) equal 0,410 dengan tcount = 4,98. On α = 0.01 diperoleh ttable = 2.66. because value tcount (4.98) > ttable (2.66) then the very significant path coefficient. Thus it is evident that there is an indirect influence of personality on performance principal of elementary school principal job satisfaction through of elementary school in the real. Relevant previous research regarding the influence of indirect, is the research of Widodo (2009) that influential personality is not directly against the commitment of the organization through job satisfaction principal of state vocational school Bogor, with value tcount (1.98) > ttable (1.645). The results of this research gives the sense that personality will stimulate increased job satisfaction principal of elemrntary school, and more job satisfaction will impact upon the growing performance principal of elementary school. This corresponds to previous testing that influential personality directly towards job satisfaction principal of elementary school, and direct effect on performance principal of elementary school Hypothesis Testing, while job satisfaction the direct effect on performance principal of elementary school. Such correspondence patterns give a consequence that the personality of an indirect effect on performance principal of elementary school through job satisfaction. The correlation will occur, because personality will drive the increasing satisfaction, so feeling satisfied that will encourage principal of elementary school the performance has increased. Furthermore the results of this research show that the direct influence of remuneration towards job satisfaction of 0.21. and direct influence of personality towards job satisfaction of 0.22 as can be seen in Table 10 below. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 55 | P a g e Exogenous Variabel Direct influence on work satisfaction (X3) Total Remuneration (X1) 0.21 0.21 Personality (X2) 0.22 0.22 Table 10. Value direct influence X1 and X2 on job satifaction (X3) on sub-structure 1 Based on the results of calculating and testing path coefficient can be interpreted directly influences the value of variables exogenous against endogenous variable. The determination of the value of direct influence of exogenous variables against endogenous variables are presented in the Table 11. Results of the study prove that indirect influence of remuneretion towards performance through satidfaction is 0.17; value the indirect influence of personality towards performance throuh satisfaction is 0.17; and value the direct influence of job satisfaction towards performance is 0.29. Table 11. Influence of Exogenous Variables (X1, X2, and X3) on Endogenous Variables (X4) pada Substruktur-2. In addition, results of the study also proves that the remuneration in addition to the direct effect, It also shows that remuneration indirectly influence towards performance of school principal through job satisfaction is 0.17. Thus, the influence of the total remuneration on performance of elementary school principals, either directly or indirectly is of 0.36. This proves that the variation in performance derives directly from the variations of remuneration through variations in job satisfaction the head of the Tribal Affairs Office of elementary school Education in South Jakarta. Results of the study also proves that in addition to the direct effect towards Employee job satisfaction, personality has also an indirect effect on performance of school principal through job satisfaction. In Table 11 can be seen that the indirect influence of the Personality through job satisfaction against the performance of the principal of the elementary school is 0.17. Thus, the total Personality influence on performance of elementary school principals, either directly or indirectly is of 0.28. It proves that the variation in performance derives directly from the variations of the personality through the variations of job satisfaction the head of Office of elementary school Education in South Jakarta. Results of the study could have implications for theory, policy, and research. Implications this research impacts on the development of the theory of treasures so enrichment generalizations about the different causal fourth variable, there are remuneration, personality, work satisfaction, and performance of principal elementary school. Policy implications, minimizes the variations that occur in the performance of the principal can be through consideration of retrieval policies based on a third variable remuneration, personality, work satisfaction. Remuneration policy based on performance, personality based on character, as well as a steadier job satisfaction can lead to expected principal performance. The implications of research, because research is still far from perfect, more research still needs to be developed, to the implications of the consummation through research that more comprehensive are based on the findings of this research. Exogenous variable Direct towards performance X4 Indirect Through X3 Total Remuneration (X1) 0,19 0,17 0,36 Personality (X2) 0,11 0,17 0,28 Satisfaction (X3) 0,29 - 0,29 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 56 | P a g e CONCLUSION Based on an analysis of the results of research about the performance of the basic Principals of tribal Education Office of South Jakarta, can be inferred that: 1) There are 1) direct influence of remuneration towards job satisfaction; 2) direct influence personality towards job satisfaction; 3) direct influence of regional allowances toward performance of principal; 4) direct influence of personality toward performance of principal; 5) direct influence job satisfaction toward performance of principal; 6) indirect influences of remuneration toward performance through job satisfaction; and 7) the indirect influence of personality toward performance of principal through job satisfaction. 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