International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 30 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 2, No.2, December 2018, p 30-44 THE EFFECT OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION, SELF-ENGAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT TOWARD THE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Abdul Ghofar State University of jakarta Email: Muchlis R. Luddin State University of Jakarta Email: Ma’ruf Akbar State University of Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT The objective of this reseach was to understand comprehensively the effect of Interpersonal Communication, Self-Engagement and Organizational Commitment toward the Employee Performance. It was a quantitative research with survey method in the communication and information ministery in Jakarta 2016. The data were colected through observation. The data analysis and interpretasion indicates that (1) there is positive direct effect of Interpersonal Communication toward the Employee Performance; (2) there is positive direct effect of Self-Engagement toward the Employee Performance; (3) there is positive direct effect of Organizational Commitment toward the Employee Performance; (4) there is positive direct effect of Interpersonal Communication toward the Employee Organizational Commitment; (5) there is positive direct effect of Self-Engagement toward the Employee Organizational Commitment; (6) there is positive direct effect of Interpersonal Communication toward the Employee Self- Engagement. Referring to these findings, researcher can conclude that employee performance is positively influenced by interpersonal communication, self engagement, and organizational commitment. Therefore to maintain employee performance, organization must be open in communication, develop up-greading, refreshing dan capasity building, involved in organization, and trust leaders. The findings lead to the recomendation to practice effectively Employee Performance, Organizational Commitment and Self-Engagement, with Interpersonal Communication. Interpersonal Communication practice by (1) communication opens, (2) empaty, (3) supporting, (4) positif thingking and (5) equality. Keywords: The effect, employee performance, organizational commitment, self- engagement, and interpersonal communication INTRODUCTION Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is now a part of the needs of human life. ICT part of the improvement of human resource capabilities in management systems and governance systems. Quality of Human Resources, one of the indicators is the mastery of information technology systems. Management Human paradigm in addition to the International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 31 | P a g e mastery in accordance with the field of work directed, also the field of communication and informatics. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology innovated by involving existing and in accordance with the motto "Information Society", the Ministry of Communications and Information develops it into a strategic plan by establishing a vision, "The realization of a prosperous information society through effective and efficient communication and informatics in using the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. To achieve these objectives, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology establishes ten missions and one is to improve the capacity of Human Resources in the field of communication and information in order to increase literacy and professionalism. In the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Year 2015-2019 compiled by referring to the National Long-Term Development Plan Year 2005-2025 and the National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019, which is the elaboration of vision, mission and agenda for development direction in the field of communication and information in the future, preferably that can help achieve food sovereignty, energy security, infrastructure development, management of resources and marine, acceleration of border development, and improvement of tourism and industry sectors, the primacy of human resources and the ability of science and technology. On the other hand, the implementation of performance accountability at the Communication and Information Commission to improve the capacity and accountability of system performance encompassing the system surrounding the apparatus. Within the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, this becomes more important given the good liabilities that are internal and national in the framework and work, and allow it to run well. Based on the above, then if high employee performance will have an impact on high organizational performance. To achieve individual performance with variables. Variables that affect the performance is interpersonal employees. Interpersonal communication is inherent in man as a social being. With interpersonal communication, people get information and unite vision, perception, thoughts, views, insights and interests with the other person. Thus interpersonal communication is becoming very important in improving employee performance. The problem of the weakness of communication is often a problem caused by people, where as communication is very easy in theory and practice, but for some people to be difficult to apply, the essence of communication is the mutual understanding of communicators to communicant. In addition to interpersonal communication, a very important factor to improve performance is the factor of organizational commitment. Commitment psychologically inherent in personal employees, he incarnated in the form of character, principles, values and attitudes, habits and behavior employees. High and low employee commitment to the bright task will affect performance. Thereby including commitment to responsibilities, as well as employees relating to the role and function or role. This commitment, can be directed by a variable to provide trust to subordinates. Commitment is part of a personal matter that an employee must perform in order to properly perform tasks, functions, roles and powers to produce performance in line with expectations. Organizational commitment is also the personal factor of employees in their leadership towards the organization. In other words, the commitment of partisanship, personal employees to the interests of the organization of the interests of the organization. Bakker, Schaufeli and Taris (2005: 230) say that engagement work is a responsible aspect, full of work and characterized by three main dimensions, spirit, and absorption. Self- involvement by doing someone to improve on the job. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 32 | P a g e Factors that affect self-engagement; (1) source of work (job resources); (2) Personal resources. Source of work (work resources); Work done either physically, socially, organization as a medium to achieve goals. Personal resources with joy, fun, comfort, tranquility and optimism that can be used to manipulate, control and affect the environment according to will and ability. Personal resources that affect job engagement, because personal resources are factors that affect and encourage the environment according to their will and abilities. Gareth R. Jones (1994: 450) describes someone who already has self-determination, then training those people will have a high attachment to his work. Each dimension of self- determination that is autonomy, competence and interconnection can be directly related to work involvement. If a work environment that is formed full of fear will lead to frustration of its long- lasting settlement, then what can happen is the level of absence of employees will be high, which benefits between work units, even in the end that is for the task of the office and move to another job, different employees, engage, participate, work, work, unite to work, help, become more concerned about effective organizational functions, more loyal and dedicated in doing the work, and make the behaviors it has in doing the job tasks. The regulation issued by the government for that purpose is the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reforms Number PER / 09 / M.PAN / 5/2007 on Guidelines for the Establishment of Performance of Major Indicators in the Environment of Government Agencies. In relation to government responsibility is about the level of achievement of the goals or objectives of the work as the elaboration of the vision, mission and strategic plan which is the level of success and failure of activities in accordance with the established programs and policies. Another thing that is responsible government in improving the professional performance of its apparatus is education and training employees, enforcement of civil servants discipline and remuneration system in work environment of government institution. Training can be in the form of pre-service training or training positions of leadership training, functional training and technical training. The government has a belief that improvements in government performance can be realized in every government agency enforce it. Many who are inappropriate for their country's citizenship status are difficult to coach and directed. Employees are reluctant to use work time to do other things outside of their work, as well as the fat of employee morale in order to achieve work in accordance with predetermined rules, which have a negative impact on the community that asks employees, such as the task of serving the community. Competence-based human resources, required to continue to grow and have the ability to standardize, to answer global challenges, human resource management is required to always perform up-greading, job training and refreshing, so that personal skills and human resources can also be adjusted. Human resources within an institution are always tailored to the institutional needs, resulting in increased productivity at all times. Institutions that perform educational and functional training services. Performance has an important role to measure the productivity of the institution. Strategies to improve human resource management. Therefore there is no answer to mention. The role of human resource management alone will be compromised on employee performance, as resources are a very important resource. Employee performance assessment is the key to increasing organizational productivity. A productive organization is an organization that constantly fosters, develops, and creates, evaluates personal and organizational performance on an ongoing basis. Referring to the background above, it is very important to conduct research related to employee performance in the employee environment and it will be one of the first research at the Center for Employee Education and Training (Pusdiklat) of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 33 | P a g e Performance in this study refers to the level of attainment of tasks that have been mandated, assigned to the person, in accordance with the task, function and authority. Thus using personal numbers in the project it carries. To achieve these things, then the object of research used is Self-Engagement, where an agency or institution needs to run well in different environments. with their employees where they turn back. Based on the above description, the researcher is interested to conduct this research with the title: Influence of Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Commitment, and Self-Engagement to Employee Performance Center of Education and Training Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Employee Performance Performance is generally defined as a person's success in performing a job. However, some experts provide different understandings related to performance. According Wibowo (2012: 7) "performance comes from the word performance, so the performance is defined as the work or work achievement". Gibson, Ivancevich, Donelly, and Konopaske (2012: 375) argue that "job performance is the outcomes of jobs that relate to the purposes of the organization of such quality, efficiency, and other criteria of effectiveness". Performance is the result of work related to organizational goals such as service quality, efficiency, and other effectiveness criteria. Therefore, quality, quantity, timeliness, cost effectiveness, monitoring needs, interpersonal influences, service, and value can serve as a benchmark for achieving effective performance. Likewise, Lioyd (2011: 214) said that "job performance is the net effect of an employee's effort as modified by abilities and role (or task) perception". Performance is a net effect of modified employee effort based on perceptions of ability and role (task). Performance is defined as a record of the results produced on a particular job function or activity over a period of time (work effectiveness), so performance is how to do the work and the results achieved from the work so closely related to what is done and how to do it in a certain time . According to Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson (2008: 170) performance is "the desired results of behavior". Performance is the expected result of behavior. Thus, as a result of behavior, performance can be a function of the capacity to conduct relating to the degree of processual relationships within the relevant individual between tasks with skills, abilities, knowledge and experience, the ability to perform relating to the availability of equipment and technology, and the willingness to perform something related to desire and willingness to use effort to achieve performance. Ivancevich (2008: 170) also added that "job performance may be viewed as a function of capacity to perform, the opportunity to perform, and the willingness to perform". Performance can be seen as a function of the ability to perform, the opportunity to perform, and the desire to perform. For more details, the following image performance by Ivancevich. Based on the picture it appears that performance can be seen from 3 dimensions, namely willingness, capacity, and opportunity to work. Furthermore, Steve M. Jex (2002: 88) also said that "job performance is a deceptively simple term at the most general level, it can be defined simply as all of the behaviors employees engage in while at work". Performance is a simple term at the most general level, and can be defined as the employee's positive behavior in work. Craig C. Pinder (2008: 76) states that "job performance is the accomplishment of work related goals, regardless of the means of their accomplishment". Performance is the achievement of achievement of work goals with the success of their achievement. On the other hand, according to Colquitt (2011: 35) that "job performance is formally defined as the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negatively, to organizational goal accomplishment". Performance is formally defined as International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 34 | P a g e values summarized in employee behavior both positive and negative to achieve organizational goals. Colquitt mebagi performance into three types, namely: (1) task performance, citizenship behavior as a contribution of positive behavior, and (3) counter productive behavior as a contribution of negative behavior. Based on some description above concept can be synthesized that performance is behavior or performance of someone in carrying out its responsibility, with indicator: (1) execution of routine task, (2) ability to perform work, (3) effective in work, (4) efficient in work, and (5) quality work. 2. Organizational Commitment Before a person wants to enter an organization, he tries to get information about the organization he or she will be entering. With the information he obtained he tried to understand the organization as far as possible to ascertain whether the organization he was going to enter could become the foundation of hope he wanted. If not, what to do, whether to enter the job for a while before getting a suitable job or not. The presence of a person's judgment to enter a work indicates that one's actions or work behavior in the organization is determined by the conformity of one's expectations or views with what the organization offers to them. In this case a person identifies whether the goals of the organization are the same or in line with the goals that one will achieve in the work. This identification is known as commitment. Mayer and Allen (2012: 1-18) divide the organizational commitment component into three forms; first, affective, related to emotionally attached to the organization, identification and involvement based on the same values. Second, continuity, is based on the awareness of the costs to be borne if not joining the organization. Third, normative, compulsory feeling as a member to stay because of feelings of debt. Steers (1984: 123) classify organizational commitment into three factors: (1) identification with the organization that is acceptance of organizational goals, where the recipient is the basis of organizational commitment. The identification of members of the organization is evident from the attitude of approving organizational policy, the similarity of personal values to organizational values, a sense of pride to being part of the organization, (2) involvement that is the willingness to make a genuine effort at the organization. Engagement is appropriate to the roles and responsibilities within the organization. Highly committed employees will accept almost all the tasks and job responsibilities given to them, (3) loyalty that is a strong desire to maintain membership in the organization. Loyalty to the organization is an evaluation of commitment, as well as the existence of emotional ties and involvement between the organization and employees. High-commitment employees feel a sense of loyalty and a sense of belonging to the organization. In accordance with the above description, it is concluded that organizational commitment is the employee's support to the organization indicated by: (1) awareness of achieving the predetermined objectives; (2) a desire to remain a member of the organization; (3) willingness to support organizational value; (4) willingness to act on behalf of the organization: (5) activeness to participate in activities in the organization or agency. 3. Interpersonal Communication Building cooperation and to develop working relationships within an organization required good interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication can be studied starting from the study of communication philosophy. Communication philosophy is a discipline that examines fundamental, methodological, systematic, analytical, critical and holistic understanding. The delivery of information and resources to the recipient in the theory and process of communication includes dimensions according to the field, its nature, its order, its purpose, its function, its technicality and its method. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 35 | P a g e Communication is made to form a shared understanding, mutual understanding, shared views / perceptions of an information or data and facts communicated within each organization so that information or data and facts are communicated to each person. According to Greenwood, organizations have an interest in formal organizational communication, especially regarding command and instruction. 'Good order giving' has been studied extensively in the past and can be found a list of prohibitions and orders in performing the process. Information from multiple sources with diverse objectives and different uses is communicated through a communication process. Stoner argues that in a communication, the organization calls attention to three important things: (1) communication involves people and therefore communication comprehension involves understanding how people relate to each other, (2) communication involves the same meaning, meaning that people can communicate, they must agree on the definitions or terms used, and (3) communicate symbolically, gestures, sounds, letters, numbers, and words can only represent the estimators of the ideas they are about to communicate. These three important things can be found in the communication process proposed by Kotter. Kotter said that communication as a process consisting of a "sender", which sends messages through "means" to "recipients" who respond.According to Stoner and Freeman, the communication process consists of the source or the sender, there are recipients, there are materials that are communicated , there is a tool / tool used in the hope that there is feedback for the sender, and there is a similar understanding of the information (see figure 2.), simple communication process. Although the communication process can run smoothly as contained in the picture above, it does not mean that messages sent to the recipient of the message can always be understood as desired sender of the message. This happens because in the communication process there can be differences in perception of the material communicated. That is why, Ludlow and his colleagues pointed out that in communication there needs to be harmonious perception for effective communication. With this openness can be revealed something that is still foreign to each so that the understanding of things communicated more easily obtained. The broader the area that is linked means the more messages communicators can be conveyed and understood communicant. The importance of cooperation gets done better and the goals will be achieved well. Further Himstreet (2010: 566-567) argues that every organization needs communication from top to bottom, and from the bottom up. Top-down communication is communication from superiors to subordinates, from employee to employee, from policy maker to policy implementer: (1) job instruction. Teach new employees or certain employees to do specific tasks, (2) personal. Justification of the organization for the purpose of how work and special functions can be accepted by all parts of the organization, (3) information. Orienting to the organization both about rules, training, procedures, and history, (4) feedback. About job performance, supervision or performance evaluation of subordinates, (5) ideology. Upward communication: feedback from communication to subordinates is part of upward communication. In his statement when presented broadly, feedback is a characteristic of the overall communication upwards. Employees discuss with their superiors about themselves, their colleagues, their satisfaction in working. Their perceptions of their work and how to solve it, as well as their perceptions of the organization and its purpose. Perceptions of work, organization and objectives are closely related to downward information, both oral and written, in the form of group meetings, procedures, manuals, handbooks, newspapers, to the agency concerned, encompassing messages from a higher level. Management, receiving feedback in the form of an upward communication message that often criticizes decision-making as the perpetrator of management relationships and this should be able to generate employee courage, where employees often do not prepare clear and free communication up. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 36 | P a g e This theory sees communication as a mechanistic, mathematical, and informative phenomenon: communication as the transmission of messages and how transmitters use channels and communication media. This is one clear example of a process school which sees code as a means of constructing messages and translating them (encoding and decoding). This information theory focuses its attention on a number of signals passing through channels or media in the communication process. This is particularly useful in the application of today's electrical systems that design transmitters, receivers, and codes to facilitate the efficiency of information. Communication within the human being is the process of translating information into symbols that will be addressed or informed to others. The successful translation of this message either in encoding when sending messages, or decoding when receiving messages, is the essence of interpersonal communication. If the message can be properly encoded and decoded a misunderstanding can be avoided. Inter-group communication takes place within a social system made up of small, interdependent groups that share the task and performance to get a common result. Inter- group communication involves a broader level of communication because it is sourced or started from intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, and small groups. Intergroup communication is the same as that of a large organization because, as with any group communication, members of the organization (of all divisions) coordinate their activities to get results for the organization. Because of the immense and complex nature of a modern organization, it seems impossible to organize face-to-face communication among all members of the organization, communication between groups is required. Small group communication occurs between three or more humans interacting with the same purpose. Like communicating between humans, small group communications usually occur with face-to-face contact but can also be done through communication aids such as teleconferences. Communication between groups of people occurs between two people (groups) usually face to face even though they can communicate with aids such as phones to communicate with each other without them having to communicate with themselves, in order to effectively communicate with people other. The level of communication within the human (intrapersonal), will occur when someone meets his interlocutor. People who communicate between human beings using inner communication (intrapersonal) to understand messages sent by others and to create a pesari that will be delivered to others. According to Certo (1997: 329), communication between managers in organizations using interpersonal communication is the dissemination of information to members of other organizations. Dissemination of information as in the general sense of communication is limited to members of the organization using available media or channels. Interpersonal communication takes place either individually with individuals, individuals with groups or groups with organizational groups. Based on the above description, interpersonal communication is the accuracy of conveying one's thoughts / information to others when: (1) the delivery of the message is delivered; (2) pengenkokedan occurred; (3) there is a media / channel; (4) a decoding occurs; (5) the recipient of the message received; (6) provide feedback. 4. Self-Engagement Among the psychological factors that are important for the individual in work is self- involvement (Self-Engagement) in work. Engagement or work attachment provides positive benefits for employees, employees who are still working in a position may not necessarily have a work attachment. Work attachment is a concept that describes the individual has vigor, focus (absorption), and has a dedicated (dedicated) in work. Individuals who work in discipline, meet working hours, carry out their work according to their duties and responsibilities in job descriptions may have low work engagement. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 37 | P a g e Referring to the theory of The Job Demands Resources Model, there are three determinants of engagement factors, namely job demands and job resources consisting of organizational resources and personal resources. Job demands are work demands that include hours of work, work shifts, workload, overtime, the standard amount of labor required in doing the job. The heavier job demands, it will cause low work engagement, therefore it takes a buffer that is job resources. Organizational resources can be social support from superiors, co-workers, or subordinates. While the personal resources are self-reliance, self-belief, skills, optimism, other personal skills that support the implementation of work to achieve the set targets. One way through self-leadership, the process or effort to regulate and influence yourself, motivate yourself, especially when overcoming difficulties in work, self-control, and self-understanding. With self-leadership the workers will be able to be more capable, forward-looking, responsible, tenacious, and have confidence in work. Self Engagement deals with the behavior of a person to bind himself to a job. According to Bakker and Demerouti (2001: 499-512) there are factors that can affect the self- engagement of the source of work (job resources) and personal resources (personal resources). Self Engagement can also be influenced by job resources ie physical, social and organizational aspects that serve as a medium to achieve the goals of work both physiologically and psychologically to be excluded, as well as stimulate the growth and development of individuals. When a person has self-determination so that they will devote all their efforts to work, from that it tends to the employees who already have self-determination will be more concentrated in working and feel their work is part of their life that is inseparable. This assumption is supported by previous research conducted by Meyer and Gagne, (2005: 331- 362) the study explains that self-determination supports the concept of work engagement. Engagement is one of the hot topics among well-known consulting firms and business media (Saks, 2006). Work engagement is becoming a widespread and popular term (Robinson, Perryman & Hayday, 2004) and some mention engagement with the term "old wine in a new bottle" (Saks, 2004). The survey results of 665 chief executives of employees in America, Europe, Japan and other countries mentioned that engagement is one of the top five challenges for management (Wah, 1999; Sakovska, 2012). The researches have found many benefits and advantages of work engagement. Researchers believe that organizations with high levels of engagement produce positive results for the organization (Kular, Gatenby, Rees, Soane, & Truss, 2008). Kahn (1990) states that high levels of engagement lead to positive outcomes for individuals (the quality of people's work and their work experience) as well as organizational level (organizational growth and productivity). Work engagement allows individuals to fully engage in work by enhancing self-efficacy and positively impacting employee health that will enhance employee support for the organization (Robertson & Markwick, 2009). Murnianita (2012) states that the term employee engagement with work engagement is often used interchangeably, but work engagement is considered more specific. Work engagement refers to the relationship between employees and their work, while employee engagement relates to relationships between employees and organizations (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010). The second approach to the concept of engagement comes from the literature on burnout (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter 2001). Maslach et al. (2001) defines work engagement as opposed to burnout, where engagement as a persistent emotional state is characterized by levels which is high in activation and pleasure Maslach & Leiter (1997: Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003) assumes that engagement and burnout form opposite poles in a welfare-related work continuum, where burnout is negative and engagement as a positive pole. However, even though burnout studies have given rise to the operationalization of the definition of engagement, assumptions about burnout and engagement are opposite poles have not been so accepted and the use of a single instrument, the Maslach Burnout Index (MBI) to prove the concept is still questionable in other studies ( Lee, 2012). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 38 | P a g e Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalez-Roma, & Bakker (2002) provide a third approach to engagement by providing a different perspective on the theory of continuum engagement- burnout. They define work engagement as a positive state, fulfillment, views of working conditions characterized by the presence of vigor, dedication and absorption. Vigor refers to high levels of energy and mental resilience while at work, the willingness to try to be sincere in work and persistent in the face of adversity. Dedication refers to feelings of meaning, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and challenge. Absorption is characterized by full concentration, a deep interest in work where time passes so quickly and it is difficult to get away from work. Schaufeli et al. (2002) distinguishes the engagement of other work-role constructs, rather than the momentary and specific circumstances, engagement refers to a more persistent and persistent affective-cognitive state, which not only focuses on a particular object, event, individual or behavior. The definition of work engagement by Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzales- Roma, and Bakker (2002), is a broader definition and more frequently used in research studies (Lee, 2012). In addition, the work engagement model Schaufeli et al. (2002) has a strong theoretical basis compared to other engagement theory (Chugtai, 2010). Based on the above description, it refers to the opinion of Schaufeli et al. (2002), the definition of work engagement in this study is a positive motivational state and self-fulfillment in work characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. From the above description, it can be concluded that self-engagment is a spirit that reflects: (1) devotion to the organization or institution concerned; (2) energetic in work; (3) solutive in the face of problems; (4) enthusiastic in performing tasks; (5) inspiration in the development of activities; (6) proud of the work; (7) challenged to advance the business; (8) drowned and dissolved in the preoccupation of the work undertaken. METHODOLOGY The research design used is correlational with the design matrix adapted from Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen (2003:241) shown in the following diagram. This research uses quantitative approach, survey method and path analysis technique. The dependent variable is Y (employee performance) and the independent variables are: X1 (interpersonal communication), X2 (self engagement) and X3 (organizational commitment) variables. Tabel 1. Operational Variables No Variable Indicator Reference 1 Employee Performance  Implementation of routine tasks  Ability to carry out work  Effective in work  Efficient in work  Quality work results Colquitt, 2011; Amstrong, 2006; Craig C. Pinder, 2008; Ivancevich, Konopaske, dan Matteson, 2008 2 Organizational Commitment  Awareness of achieving the stated goals  The desire to remain a member of the organization  Willingness to support organizational values  Willingness to act on behalf of the organization  Activity to participate in activities in the organization or institution. Mayer dan Allen, 2012; Kadarisman, 2000; Stephen Robbins, 1996 3 Interpersonal  Delivery of messages Luthans, 2010; Steel, 2001; International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 39 | P a g e Communication delivered  Encoding occurs  There are media / channels  Decoding occurs  Recipient of the message is received  Provide feedback Karl dalam Bungin, 2007; Plunkett, 2012 4 Self Engagement  Energetic at work  Solutions to problems  Enthusiastic in carrying out their duties  Inspiring in developing activities  Proud of work  Challenged to advance business  Sink and dissolve in the preoccupation of the work performed. May, Gilson, & Harter, 2004; Saks, 2006; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010; Bakker dan Demerouti, 2001 The influence between variables was analyzed by path analysis. Figure 1. Constellations of Influence between Variables Information: Y = Employee Performance X1 = Interpersonal Communication X2 = Self Engagement X3 = Organizational Commitment ρ = Path coefficient The target population is the employee of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia and the target population is the Employee Center of Education and Training of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia, with a sample of a certain class that will be taken by simple random sampling totaling 56 people. The sample was taken by purposive sampling purposive sampling technique, where this research took sample with a certain strata that some employees of Education and Training Center Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Information Republic of Indonesia are selected to sampling this study as many as 45 people. In the sample selection also involved random sampling to determine the staff of Education and Training Center Ministry of Communication and Information Republic of Indonesia which will be involved in International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 40 | P a g e the research as many as 20 people, and conducted by taking random not individuals but groups having relatively similar characteristics. Table 2. Summary of Research Instrument Test Results Variable Validity Item Reliability Coefficient Amount Item Not Valid Amount Item Amount Number Performance 36 4 3,25,27,29 32 0,929 Interpersonal Communication 35 4 5,12,21,28 31 0,900 Self-Engagement 33 2 4,23 31 0,906 Organizational Commitment 22 1 17 21 0,850 RESULT AND DISCUSSION The calculation of path coefficients using the SPSS 22.0 for windows program, and the coefficients for each path in the model of the structural relationships among variables depicted in the charts and figures below are calculated and tested by t test. The path diagram has 6 path coefficients: py1, py2, py3, p31, p32, p21 so as to obtain 3 structural models as shown below: Figure 2. Empirical Path Chart From the results of analysis and calculation process done on the part of direct influence, can be summarized as follows: Table 3. Direct Influence Inter-Variables Num. Direct Influence Path Coefficient Dk Tcount Tchart α = 0,05 α = 0,01 1. X1 to Y 0,291 62 3,48 ** 2,00 2,66 2. X2 to Y 0,285 62 3,41 ** 2,00 2,66 3. X3 to Y 0,273 62 3,21 ** 2,00 2,66 4. X1 to X3 0,258 64 2,19 * 2,00 2,65 5. X2 to X3 0,257 64 2,18 * 2,00 2,65 6. X1 to X2 0,251 65 2,09 * 2,00 2,65 * = significant (tcount> tchart at α = 0.05) ** = very significant (tcal> tchart at α = 0.01) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 41 | P a g e Discussion of Research Results 1. Direct Positive Interpersonal Communication (X1) on Performance (Y) The value of interpersonal communication line coefficient on performance of 0.347 with a tcount of 3.20. Therefore the value of tcount is greater than tbagan value at dk = 41 for α = 0,01 equal to 2,70 hence direct influence of variable of interpersonal communication to variable of performance is very significant. Based on these findings it can be concluded that performance is directly influenced positively by interpersonal communication. Increased interpersonal communication will result in performance improvement. The results of this study in accordance with the opinion of some experts of which is Prawirosentono (1999: 2) states that the performance of the work that can be achieved by individuals or groups within an organization, in accordance with the authority and responsibility of each, in order to achieve the goal the organization concerned legally, not contrary to law and in accordance with morals or ethics. An employee with good Interpersonal Communication will affect Performance. Marjianto (2015: 1) who said that the influence of Interpersonal Communication (X1) on Employee Performance (Y) yields tobservation number of 14.925 > 1.672 (ttable). Interpersonal Communication Affects Employee Performance of 79.9%. This Interpersonal Communication Variables has a strong influence on Employee Performance. This can be understood because Interpersonal Communication in an organization based on the characteristics of employees who incidentally different background (education or social) affect the performance of each individual and impact on the quality of performance. Benny Usman (2013: 1) in his research found that there is a significant influence between Interpersonal Communication on Employee Performance At the Faculty of Economics, University of PGRI Palembang. So the decision is to reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha) there is a significant influence between Interpersonal Communication on Employee Performance At the Faculty of Economics, University PGRI Palembang. Interpersonal Communication of employees has a positive influence on Performance. 2. Direct Influence Positive Self-Engagement (X2) on Performance (Y) The value of Self-Engagement path coefficient on Performance of 0.339 with a tcount of 3.15. Therefore the value of tcount is greater than tbagan value at dk = 41 for α = 0,01 2,70 thus the direct influence of Self-Engagement variable to Performance variable is stated very significant. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Performance is directly influenced by positive Self-Engagement. Increased Self-Engagement will lead to improved performance. The results of this study in accordance with the opinion of some experts among whom are Bakker and Demerouti there are factors that can affect the Self-Engagement of the source of work (job resources) and personal resources (personal resources). Self-Engagement can also be influenced by the job resources of the physical, social and organizational aspects that serve as a medium to achieve the goals of work both physiologically and psychologically to be excluded, as well as stimulate the growth and development of individuals. M. Fattah Akbar (2012: 456) in his research found that performance is influenced by engagement, "own performance is influenced by several factors, one of which is employee engagement. Employees will be able to work more diligently when they feel engaged psychologically to their company. "Astrid Yuniar Nurbaity (2013: 55) in his research found that engaged has a huge influence on employee performance, because if employees or employees have been very engaged with all its organizations and components (including their leaders and co-workers) available, it is certain that their performance will increase. As it is known that Engagement involves not only the physical attachment to the organization but also the aspect of the pattern of mind, emotional, mental attitude or Konrad that the Engagement consists of the totality of cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects holistically and simultaneously. 3. Direct Positive Influence Organizational Commitment (X3) on Performance (Y) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 42 | P a g e The coefficient value of the Organizational Commitment to Performance is 0.332 with a tcount of 2.94. Therefore the value of tcount is greater than tbagan value at dk = 41 for α = 0.01 of 2.70 thus the direct influence of Organizational Commitment variable to Performance variable is stated very significant. Based on these findings it can be concluded that performance is directly influenced positively by organizational commitment. Increased organizational commitment will lead to improved performance. The results of this study are in accordance with the opinions of some experts including Robbins (1996: 181), organizational commitment is the level of identifying a person against an organization and its purpose, and willing to remain a member of the organization. This identification is the initial consideration of a person to remain a member of the organization. This identification encompasses the organizational form, organizational objectives, field of organizational operations, which then compares with the goals and expectations of a person to be able to obtain a job appropriate to the career development he wants. Performance is the impact that occurs as an individual's organizational behavior. This shows that performance is a behavioral effect that results. if a person works then there will be results, but if a person works does not produce an impact in the form of a work product, meaning that person does not have performance but only works without meeting the demands of work desired from him. The above statement also shows that work as behavior, and the product as a result of work is an element that is judged for one's performance. Lindsay and Petrick (2010: 245) also states that performance is the contribution of individuals and systems to complete organizational goals. In this case the performance can be measured from the behavior and work results obtained. 4. Positive Direct Influence Interpersonal Communication (X1) on Organizational Commitment (X3) The value of Interpersonal Communication Line coefficient on Organizational Commitment of 0.329 with a tcount of 2.38. Therefore the value of tcount coefficient is greater than tbagan value at dk = 42 for α = 0.05 of 2.02 thus the direct influence of Interpersonal Communication variable to Organizational Commitment variable is stated significant. Based on these findings it can be concluded that Organizational Commitment is directly affected positively by Interpersonal Communication. Increased Interpersonal Communication will lead to increased organizational commitment. The results of this study in accordance with the opinion of some experts among them is Stoner (1992: 530), in every organization required effective communication. Effective communication is necessary for leaders because: (1) communication is the process of managers performing organizational planning functions of leadership and control, (2) communication is an activity that takes up most of the time manager or leader. With communication all the tasks of the organization will be completed properly. Plunkett (1983: 68) suggests the meaning of communication: (1) what is communication, (2) communication is a tool for disseminating information and understanding from a person or group of people to another person or group of people; (3) the purpose is to channel information and one person or a group of people to another person or group, (4) the main factor in measuring the effectiveness of communication is mutual understanding, (5) the common sense emerges after the message is delivered, (6) the sense arises when the two parties involved in communication have saiing agreed approval is not only information but also the meaning of the information itself. 5. Direct Positive Influence Self-Engagement (X2) on Organizational Commitment (X3) The value of Self-Engagement path coefficient on Organizational Commitment of 0.313 with a tcount of 2.26. Therefore the value of tcount is greater than tbagan value at dk = 42 for α = 0.05 of 2.02 thus the direct influence of Self-Engagement variable to Organizational Commitment variable is stated significant. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 43 | P a g e Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Organizational Commitment is directly influenced by positive Self-Engagement. Increased Self-Engagement will lead to increased Organizational Commitment. The results of this study are in accordance with the opinion of some experts among them isRobbins, organizational commitment is the level of individual identification of an organization and its purpose, and willing to remain a part or member of the organization. This identification is the beginning of one's consideration to remain a member of the organization. This identification encompasses organizational forms, organizational goals, organizational operations, which are then compared to the goals and desires of a person to get a job appropriate to the career development he or she wants. 6. Positive Direct Influence Interpersonal Communication (X1) to Self-Engagement (X2) The value of the Interpersonal Communication Line coefficient on Self-Engagement is 0.303 with a tcount of 2.09. Because the value of tcount coefficient is greater than tbagan value at dk = 43 for α = 0,05 for 2.02 with the direct influence of Interpersonal Communication variable to self-Engagement variable is stated significant. Based on these findings it can be concluded that Self-Engagement is directly influenced positively by Interpersonal Communication. Increased Interpersonal Communication will lead to an increase in Self-Engagement. The results of this study in accordance with the opinion of some experts of which is Chaterina (2013: 2) in his research on social media to find customer relationship affect costumer engagement. The higher level of communication content between communicator and communicant will make high level of ownership between communicant and communicator to communications content in progress. Self-Engagement deals with the behavior of a person to engage in a job. According Bakker and Demerouti there are factors that can affect self-engagement that is the source of work (job resources) and personal resources (personal resources). Self-Engagement can also be influenced by job resources are physical, social or organizational aspects that serve as a medium to achieve the goals of work either physiologically or psychologically that must be issued, and stimulate the growth and growth of individuals. CONCLUSION Based on the results of research and discussion, both through descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis, and findings in this study it can be drawn conclusions, namely: There is a direct positive influence of Interpersonal Communication on Performance of employees of Education and Training Center Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia, meaning effective Interpersonal Communication will improve Performance of employees of Center for Education and Training Employees; There is a direct positive influence of Self-Engagement on the Performance of employees of Education and Training Center Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia, meaning that Effective Self-Engagement will improve Performance of employees of Center for Education and Training Employees; There is a direct positive influence Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance Center of Education and Training Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Information Republic of Indonesia, meaning that effective Organizational Commitment will improve Performance of employees of Education Center and Training Employees; There is a positive direct influence of Interpersonal Communication on the Commitment of Employee Organization of Education and Training Center Employees of Ministry of Republic of Indonesia, meaning effective Interpersonal Communication will improve the performance of Employee Center of Education and Training Employees; There is a positive direct influence of the Employee Self-Engagement to the Employee Organization Commitment of the Center of Education and Training Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia, meaning that Effective Self- International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 44 | P a g e Engagement will increase the Commitment of Employees of Center for Education and Training Employees; There is a positive direct influence of Interpersonal Communication on Employee Self-Engagement of Education and Training Center Employees of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, meaning that effective Interpersonal Communication will increase the Commitment of Employees of Center for Education and Training Employees. 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