International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 27 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 3, No.2, December 2019, p 27- 41 Human Resource Architecture Transformation Case Study in Construction Company Wikumurti State University of Jakarta Email: Muchlis R. Luddin State University of Jakarta Email: Thomas Suyatno State University of Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT This study focuses on the transformation of the architecture of human resource construction services companies into toll road development companies, to get the right model in the implementation of the Human Resources system towards employee engagement and satisfaction which is reflected in the improvement of company performance. The study used a qualitative approach through case studies in construction service companies with data collection methods using observation, interviews, document observation and surveys of company employees by questionnaire. The Research informant is Human Resources construction services company Division. The results of the case study show that the implementation of a human resource system in a company that is transformed from a construction services company to a toll road development company includes establishing the company's vision and mission from a construction company to a toll road developer, changing company organizations from a construction services business organization to a road development organization toll road, employee recruitment system, employee development and training, career management, reward system and termination / retirement system have been well applied in the process of transformation from construction service companies to toll road development companies. This has an effect on increasing the value of employee engagement and satisfaction and is reflected in the improvement of the company's performance over the past 4 years from 2015 to 2018. Keywords: Transformation, Human Resources systems, employee engagement and satisfaction, Performance company. Received: 1 August 2019 ; Accepted: 9 September 2019 ; Publish; December 2019. How to Cite: Wikumurti., Luddin, M.R, & Suyatno, T. (2019). Human Resource Architecture Transformation Case Study in Construction Company. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 3 (2), 27-41. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 28 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Transformation of Human Resource Architecture at Construction Company is a transformation process carried out due to changes in the company's business from the construction services business to the toll road developer business, where companies get assignments from the Government to build and operate the Trans Sumatra toll road. This Case Study Research transformation of human resource architecture at company aims to find a transformation model that can be used as an example in changing the company's business, especially in the construction industry. This case study is a research on the process of business transformation from a construction service company to a toll road developer company that is focused on transforming human resources architecture. The right company human resources can increase employee value added and professionalism-based employee work spirit that is measured in competency-based performance assessment so that it can improve company performance. The company must carry out a transformation in order to achieve the expected target of succeeding as a construction industry company with the main task of completing the task of the government in completing the Sumatra Toll Road, so the main factor that is crucial in this transformation is the human resource factor. Based on previous research, it is important to consider who will be involved in the transformation of the HR field and how the process must be carried out and what targets to achieve must be answered in the formulation of appropriate problems. The novelty of this case study research is to get the right model in the transformation of human resources from the construction services business into toll road developers in terms of implementing human resource management systems starting from the establishment of company vision and mission, establishment of company organizations, recruitment, development and training, career management, reward system and termination / retirement program to the level of attachment and employee satisfaction reflected in the improvement of company performance. Different from general transformation where organizational transformation tends to make organizational reforms to do efficiency and downsizing so that employees will get high resistance In this case study, corporate transformation is a business change from a special business of construction services to a toll road developer with a broader scope of business so that the transformation carried out will actually expand the opportunity employee to enter the broader business world with a choice of more competent fields, so that the application of appropriate socialization and involving employees in the transformation process can provide positive values that can increase motivation, attachment to the company and employee satisfaction, so as to improve company performance better. LITERATURE REVIEW Basic Research related to architecture Human resources have been carried out by several experts. These studies will be a consideration and guideline for researchers in formulating thinking concepts and research hypotheses. Relevant research related to architecture Human resources are research conducted by Becker, Huselid and Ulrich (2001). Mention that dynamic organizations are basically always undergoing change and must be able to face these challenges stemming from external and internal organizational factors as happened in Construction Company getting an assignment from the government to transform business from a construction service company into a development company. Thus it can be said that motivation is basically a mental condition that encourages an action (action or activity) and provides strength that leads to achieving needs, giving satisfaction or reducing imbalances. Campell, J.P., (1970: 346) stated that "Motivation is related to: 1) The influence of behavior. 2) Strength of reaction (meaning work effort), after an employee has decided the direction of actions. 3) Persistence of behavior, or how long the person concerned continues to carry out behavior in a certain way ". Of the two types of motivation theory is known as the concept of hygiene, which the scope is: International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 29 | P a g e 1) Fill in the Job Directly related to the nature of the work that is owned by the workforce where the contents include: achievement, work effort where the employee as a long-term asset to produce positive things in his work, recognition, responsibility, work itself, and development of individual potential. 2) Hygiene factors A motivation can be realized from several things such as: salary or wages, working environment conditions, company administrative policies, work relations between personal, quality of supervision. In this theory work planning for employees must show a balance between the two factors. (Robbins, Stephen P. dan Coulter, 2010) in the two-factor theory Frederick Herzberg conveyed intrinsic factors related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors related to job dissatisfaction. In this case Herzberg wanted to know the conditions when employees felt very comfortable (satisfied) / uncomfortable (not satisfied) with his job. According to Herzberg the data shows the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but eliminating characteristics that do not satisfy a job does not necessarily make the job more satisfying or motivating According to Stephen Robbins P's book (2001: 170) based on Hezberg, policy factors, company administration, and salary according to the work will reassure and satisfy employees. From the results of Herzberg's research three important things to motivate employees are: The driving aspects of the employee, namely the challenges of the work which include achievement, sense of responsibility, self-improvement, being able to enjoy work as an employee in the company and recognition of its existence. a. Disappointing aspects of company employees are only factors that are complementary to employees such as work regulations, rest, lighting, work space and so on. b. Company employees are disappointed if their opportunities for achievement are limited. Employee engagement and employee satisfaction are the main factors in achieving a better company performance. For, career management for employees that can provide challenges for employees in achievement, awards given to employees, benefits obtained at termination or retirement for employees. METHODOLOGY This study uses a qualitative approach in the form of case studies of Human Resource Architecture at Construction Company where the study material will be compared between the handling of the Human Resources architecture system at Construction Company in meeting employee engagement and satisfaction with the Performance produced by the company within a few years. In accordance with Design and Research Methods Case Study from Robert K. Yin Robert K. Yin. Case Study Research. Design and Methods. Fifth edition. Applied social research method series Volume 5. Sage Publications. California, 2009. The method and procedure of this study is through the following process: Figure 1. Research Process: (Source: Robert K. Yin, 2009) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 30 | P a g e For the Case Study research process through the process above in the following order: a. Planning Phase: Sase study methods according to predetermined topics, namely Topics: Transformation of Human Resource Architecture at Construction Company. b. Design Stage: 1) Determine the unit of analysis and possible cases to be studied. In this case the unit is defined as the division of Human Resources at Construction Company. 2) Develop theories and problems that underlie anticipated studies. The theory used is in accordance with the literature review in chapter II above with the underlying problem is how the process of transformation of human resources is carried out in Construction Company. 3) Identifying case study designs, in this study the case study design was single carried out in the construction industry company Construction Company. 4) Establish procedures to maintain the quality of case studies. The implementation procedure below is a survey result from the implementation of the transformation from 2014 to 2018. c. Preparation Stages: 1) Developing skills as a case study researcher, in this stage the researcher explores the various literature and input from the supervisor or from other resource persons regarding the intended case study. 2) Train for certain case studies, researchers focus on case studies in the company Construction Company. 3) Develop a case study protocol in the Construction Company environment. 4) Conducting pilot cases as a comparison from literature or examples in other companies. d. Stages of Data Collection. 1) Following the existing case study protocol. 2) Using various sources of evidence from the company Construction Company especially from the human resources division. 3) Create a case study database. e. Stages of Data Analysis. 1) Relying on other theoretical propositions and strategies. 2) Consider analytic techniques in analyzing data obtained through interviews, surveys or observations. 3) Using quantitative or qualitative data or both. f. Stages of Sharing (Sharing). 1) Defining the audience. 2) Arrange textual and visual. 3) Showing sufficient evidence for the reader to reach his own conclusions. 4) Review and rewrite it until it has finished well in the form of the results of the dissertation research. Based on the case study research process mentioned above in conducting this research, observations were carried out in 4 years, starting from the stipulation of a business change policy because the government's determination to Construction Company became a toll road development company from a previous business in construction services. As well as fulfilling the process of implementing architectural transformation of the company's human resources starting from the determination of the company's vision and mission, company organization, recruitment, development and training, career paths, employee awards and termination / retirement. Which is the sub focus that is researched and surveyed is associated with the level of attachment and satisfaction of employees and by using the results of the company's performance in 4 years, namely 2015 to 2018 as an indicator of the success of the intended transformation. The research method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews with implementing authority in the field of human resources in this case is International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 31 | P a g e the team of human resources division of Construction Company, observation of company data, supported by surveys to employees in the form of attachment surveys employees and employee satisfaction surveys in 4 years, namely 2015 to 2018. To enrich the data needed to support the completion of the intended dissertation research. To complete the required data, the results of the company's performance are also displayed supported by the existing human resources architecture. Based on the results of the data obtained from the input of interviews with the human resources division team and several employees as well as the survey results for employees coupled with comparison of company performance obtained in 4 years, namely 2015 to 2018 conclusions and recommendations can be taken as the closing of this dissertation. The procedure used in the study is in the form of research steps in accordance with the research design that has been set out above with a drafting sequence that can be summarized concisely starting from the implementation study, qualitative transformation process and survey carried out to benchmarking the results of company performance, discussion of results the research will be obtained by conclusions and suggestions as shown in the following chart: Figure 2. Procedure for research case studies of architectural human resources Construction Company Data analysis is a combination of the results of observations, interviews and questionnaires to employees where research findings are obtained which results are compared with company performance, so that it can be analyzed for conclusions and recommendations needed RESULT AND DISCUSSION The recapitulation of the results of the employee engagement survey and dance employee satisfaction from 2015 to 2018 provides an overview of the improvement that signifies the success of the transformation of Human Resources in Construction Company as follows: a. The value of employee engagement and satisfaction based on a questionnaire towards the employees of Construction Company. Table 1. Results of the Employee Engagement Survey 2015 to 2018 Engagement Survey 2015 2016 2017 2018 E1 I know what to expect from the work I do at work 81 91 92 96 E2 I have equipment and work equipment that supports my work 59 80 81 84 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 32 | P a g e E3 At work, I have the opportunity to create and do the best bias 65 82 81 87 E4 In the past 5 years, I have received appreciation for the work performance that I have done 26 59 58 63 E5 My boss cares and cares for me as his subordinate well 52 72 75 83 E6 The company provides systematic training that supports my development 31 57 53 77 E7 At work, my advice and thoughts are well accommodated 51 69 76 85 E8 My daily work is very closely related to achieving company goals 78 85 87 94 Score value per year (%) 55.4 74 75.4 83.6 Table. 2. Results of the Employee Satisfaction Survey 2015 to 2018 Satisfaction Survey 2015 2016 2017 2018 S1 I am satisfied with my involvement in making decisions that affect work 60 76 84 91 S2 Work is a reflection of personal achievement 77 85 86 91 S3 My boss gave clear instructions and instructions 62 74 81 86 S4 My boss shows commitment to quality 65 78 86 90 S5 My working group has good cooperation 76 85 86 91 S6 I have the tools and resources to do my job well 59 76 80 85 S7 My work uses a lot of my skills and abilities 75 88 89 94 S8 I am satisfied with the career opportunities that exist in this company 46 72 68 76 S9 The company has provided training that meets the needs of employees 29 65 63 71 S10 The company has provided training to meet the needs of internal employees 31 57 53 66 Score value per year (%) 58 76 77.6 84.1 b. Company Performance in Human Resource Transformation In the 4 years of transformation of Human Resources from 2015 to 2018, Base on Hutama Karya (Persero) data, the company improved performance. This is indicated by the income and net profit (EAT) of Construction Company which tends to increase from 2015 to 2018 likes shown below: International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 33 | P a g e Figure 3 . Performance Company from 2015 to 2018 c. Discussion of research findings in a transformation case study: Human Resources transformation process in each sub focus was successfully carried out as indicated by increased employee engagement and satisfaction and in line with the increase in company performance in the last 4 years. Based on the results of the above performance, there are several things that can be analyzed related to the transformation model carried out in Construction Company, namely the transformation of Human Resources from Construction services companies into Toll Road development companies that can be used as models in human resource management, especially companies who will carry out the transformation in the Human Resource field as follows: 1. Establishment of a new company vision and mission Determining the vision and mission of a transformed company becomes very important because the company must be able to set the right goals and directions and be easily understood by all employees, in this case it is necessary to disseminate and involve employees involved in the union of employees in establishing the vision and mission new, so that employees who are members of the company's employees feel involved and feel ownership of the vision and mission. In establishing its vision and mission, Construction Company has socialized and received input from employees to establish the company's vision and mission. And in the context of transformational change, competition has been contested by the company's song lyrics in a company environment with a more enthusiastic tone besides physically overhauling the company's building that is over 40 years old so that it reflects change and solidity with updates and renovations that provide better facilities for employees. 2. Development of company organizations In the development of company organizations use the services of consultants who are experts in the field of organizational development and involve input from employees, especially at managerial level to participate in providing input on new organizational forms. The business change from the Construction Services company to the Toll Road Development company and holding subsidiary certainly requires a new organization that can be a tool to achieve the company's vision and mission with a clear division of labor in each part of its organization, with clear synergies between parts of the organization. For this purpose the organization is formed in a clear division of tasks where parts as a business unit and other parts as supporting the division of construction services, toll roads and subsidiaries such as the table above in sub b (Research Findings) so that the organization can run well according with the company's vision and mission set jointly between management and employees. 6,478 8,533 18,091 26,748 251 306 1,071 2,276 - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 Performance of Construction Company From 2015 to 2018 Revenue (Billion Rp) Net Profit (EAT) (Billion Rp) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 34 | P a g e 3. Recruitment The stages of recruitment begin with planning the needs of employees in each work unit, both high urgency needs and long-term needs both from the amount needed and the expected competencies. For cadre employee positions or certain position positions in supporting or business unit units. The recruitment at Construction Company is carried out in different stages, namely: a. Employee recruitment for Trainee Management, namely fresh graduate recruitment and recruitment of experienced special experts. In recruiting employees the company cooperates with universities throughout Indonesia and makes Job Fair. Especially the outstanding students of the company invited a special line of official ties. b. Official Recruitment, is carried out by determining the employee talent pool needed to pass the assessment conducted by a team of expert consultants. With this concept, the company conducts training on the shortcomings of certain fields of competence possessed by each employee at the managerial level. Based on the recruitment method, the company has placed the right person in the right position and of course with the talent pool employees will be in the field of interest so that employees can have higher motivation and enthusiasm in working and achieving. 4. Development and training The success of the company in the transformation of human resources can not be separated from the management of development and training for employees. Employee development and training starts from when employees are accepted at Construction Company to employees at the top management level. In the On Job Training company employees are placed in positions in the business unit and rotational jobs are carried out to gain an understanding of the company and are monitored to present the field of work carried out in the business unit and the innovations that have been carried out. This of course provides a very good space for new employees to be able to open their creativity and innovation well- developed. After a year on the job training, the appointment of employees must go through military education to train mentally and discipline, which is done at the Indonesian Military Academy in Bogor, this provides mental resilience for new employees so that they have more fighting power in carrying out field assignments, and provide korsa soul and cohesiveness in forming the future team building as "The winning team". For the managerial level, the company provides skills training and special expertise and certification as needed in the talent pool planning and unit and supporting business needs in the company. Expertise certification starts at the level of young experts, intermediate experts and key experts according to certain fields such as roads and bridges, SMK3L (Health and Safety Management System), Investment, Building construction, and others. With this training and certification education, employees will be more enthusiastic in their fields of interest and of course they will contribute positively according to the fields they are pursuing in accordance with their competency path, which can provide positive values at the level of attachment and employee satisfaction. 5. Career Management Career management at Construction Company that is tailored to the company's organization by providing rotational job space for employees can provide increased competency that is good for their skills and expertise both at the staff and managerial level. Leveling in the grades given by considering performance award factors provides an opportunity for employees to step up their career paths faster. This achievement award of course can motivate employees to work harder to give their best contribution to the company. From the results of the employee satisfaction survey there appears to be an increase from year to year regarding employee satisfaction related to the development of his career. This of course is one of the keys to the company's success in carrying out the transformation of human resources. 6. Award System International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 35 | P a g e Construction Company has established awards and penalties in a guidebook that can be understood by all employees and management. In its implementation it has been carried out with full commitment, where every mistake made must be punished and sanctioned in accordance with the level of error and an internal siding involving the Internal Control Unit. In the implementation in 2015 there were several employees and managerial level levels, namely the head of the project or the business leader of the unit who was removed from his position and some were even expelled for committing procedural violations and serious mistakes that harmed the company. On the other hand the company gives awards to employees who have good achievements and can make a positive contribution to the company, both in the form of bonuses and promotions and positions or in the form of study scholarships abroad or domestically. The company also develops leadership system training where the work unit leaders can assess each employee in his work unit and can appreciate every creative value or value given by each employee in his work unit. This of course contributes positively to the attachment of employees so that the survey shows improvements from year to year. 7. Termination or retirement program The management of the pension program at Construction Company is carried out by Dapen HK (HK Pension Fund). In early 2014 the employee pension value was relatively small compared to the pension value in other similar SOEs. However, with the company's commitment in the next 3 years, improvements have been made so that in 2018 the value of employee pensions can be in line with other similar SOEs. Besides the value of retirement, the company also provides special training at the staffing level of employees in the form of entrepreneurial training in the period before retirement. So that retired employees can be entrepreneurial both in the form of household businesses and in MSME groups. With the hope that the pension funds submitted can be managed properly by each employee who enters full-time service. With the right termination or retirement program, of course, it will provide its own value for employees for their old days that can increase the value of employee engagement and satisfaction so they can better serve the company during their active period. Based on the discussion above, it can be seen that there is a correlation between the management of human resource architecture transformation in Construction Company in the company which includes 7 sub-focus mentioned above with the results of the survey of attachments and employee satisfaction on the results of company performance. The human resource transformation model carried out by Construction Company can of course be an example for similar companies in making a change. Indeed, related to the business change from a construction service company to a toll road development company and holding a subsidiary in an SOE environment, the first thing happened and became quite special. Incorrect management and management development will certainly have fatal consequences for the company's business continuity. The Best Human Capital for Construction Company award obtained by the Human Capital Division of Construction Company at the 2019 Indonesia Human Capital Award event organized by Economic Review Magazine in collaboration with Perbanas Institute, IPMI International Business School, NBO Group, Thomas International, Indonesia The Asia Institute and the Ideku Group are demonstrating the company's success in managing the transformation of human resources. Comparing with previous research related to organizational and Human Resource Management transformation according to what was written by Licen Indahwati Darsono, teaching staff of the faculty of economics, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya in the Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No. 2, September 2002: 77-90. With the title "Organizational Transformation and Human Resource Management: Obstacles and Implications for Recruitment and Selection." With keywords: transformation, resistance, organizational culture. There are two points that need to be discussed as a comparison with current research, in the study as follows: a. It is stated in the abstract of the paper that Transformation must be comprehensive, and this can lead to resistance from members of the organization that hamper these changes. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 36 | P a g e Resistance can cause the change to be canceled, therefore the organization must find a way to reduce these obstacles. b. The causes of resistance to organizational transformation are two factors, namely the culture brought in by employees in the organization, and the absence of efforts to build organizational culture that can support the process of change. The two points mentioned above are indeed related to organizational transformation. This is what needs to be discussed distinguishing from current research, namely: 1) In the previous research, it was stated that the main purpose of transformation is to change the organizational structure to be more flexible and able to compete, with a small structural level, and a smaller number of managers and employees who will certainly get high resistance from employees. While in our current study the transformation of existing Human Resources which is a business change from Construction Services to Toll Road developer and subsidiary Holding actually provides greater opportunities for employees to pursue better career paths with the necessary multi competencies that can motivate employees to further develop themselves in internal competition. The career path that was only about construction services can develop more widely in subsidiaries or in the development of toll roads and other investment sectors in the construction industry. 2) Employee cultural factors that are often considered as obstacles because of wrong handling can be anticipated by socializing understanding to employees and no less important is involving employees who are members of company employees in each transformation activity so that employees get positive euphoria towards the transformation in question. Employee involvement in setting the company's vision and mission, the form of a new organization up to the direction of the welfare policy that they will get or the value obtained by employees at retirement will of course be very attractive to employees who will reduce existing resistance. Of course this cannot be separated from the certainty of the development of the business itself. In a business if a company from a single business develops into a multi-business course it will bring a wider sales impact with a better prospect of the organization and career path so that it can be used to channel talent pool from company employees. With a work atmosphere that is in line with the area of interest, of course employees will be more motivated and passionate about working better with ownership of a better future. The company's expansion with greater profit opportunities will of course increase employee payroll. This multi-area perspective is precisely used as a starting point for transformation, so the word transformation is not a frightening thing for employees but instead becomes a new hope that is better than a single business company to be multi-business. Jaya employees are prosperous, a good motto in achieving the target of successful transformation. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the research and discussion in this dissertation, several things can be concluded as follows: Based on government policy regulated in PP no. 100 of 2014 in which Construction Company received an assignment from the Government to develop toll roads in Sumatra, which meant that the company had to transform its business from a Construction Services company into a Toll Road development company and a subsidiary holding company. The company has carried out transformation steps by implementing changes starting from the vision and mission of the company, organization, to the transformation of its human resources. From the case study research it was found that the transformation of the human resource architecture carried out by Construction Company showed positive results in accordance with the indicators of increasing value of employee engagement and employee satisfaction surveys, as well as the results of the company's performance in the last 4 years 2015 to 2018 increased significantly. The success of the transformation of the architecture of human resources at Construction Company is inseparable from the process carried out which involved all elements in the company's organization, especially involving employees and their International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 37 | P a g e representatives in the Employee Union of Construction Company. Obstacles and resistance can be managed properly so that they can provide positive value for both the company and all employees. With case study research at Construction Company regarding transformation Human resource architecture can be recommended as follows: 1. This case study can provide an example of the pattern of transformation of companies undergoing business changes from construction services companies to toll road development companies, from specialized businesses to broader multi-business. 2. Obstacles and resistance changes from employees must be managed properly in this case the process of socialization and explanation of understanding of employees is something that must be implemented well and involves all elements of the organization including employees and union representatives of company employees in making decisions related to the transformation that must be done carried out in order to arouse ownership and motivation of employees to actively participate in transformation. 3. Transformation must be planned well based on defining together the objectives of the company and employees as stated in the company's vision and mission, and then from the vision and mission described in the form of company organization and management of the organization especially how to fill the organization's personnel through the employee talent pool and assessment that will put the right person in the right position. 4. The success of the transformation must be monitored against the attachment of employees and employee satisfaction in the process of implementing the transformation itself and improving company performance can be an indicator of the success of the transformation towards the improvement and improvement of the company's business. So that the welfare of employees will automatically increase well along with the growth of the company. 5. The success of the company is the success of employees with the company's motto of prosperous employees. 6. Construction Company as the future BUMN will become the leader of the construction holding in charge of several other BUMNs namely PT Jasa Marga Tbk, PT Waskita Karya Tbk, PT Adhi Karya Tbk, PT Indra Karya (Persero) and PT Yodya Karya (Persero) must first refine the organizational system and transform human resources. So that Construction Company can become a role model for BUMN infrastructure. The steps taken by the company are very positive and can be continued with the improvement of existing programs to become more perfect, especially increasing the competency of all employees to be able to compete at a better level of competency when the merger in the infrastructure holding company is implemented. 7. The ongoing transformation of human resources can be continued by placing the best cadres as agents of change that can transmit and bring positive influence to other employees so that they can further improve the transformation process until the achievement of state-owned holding infrastructure. 8. The award received by DIVISI Human Capital as the "Best Human Capital Construction Company" in the Indonesia Human Capital Award-V-2019 is a testament to the success of the company's transformation that must be maintained and enhanced in the future. 9. Companies must always involve all elements of the company, especially employees and their representatives in the union of employees in taking strategic policies related to human resources so that employees always feel involved and become part of every decision making so that they avoid the resistance of the transformation program implemented. The transformation model of human resource architecture as a result of this case study research can be illustrated in the following chart: International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 38 | P a g e Figure 4. Image Relationship of Company Performance Achievement with the Transformation Process. With this case study research, hopefully the results of this study can provide benefits for academics, construction industry business professionals generally and in the environment of Construction Company in particular. Involvement Active management TRANSFORMATION PROCESS Includes changes & improvements 1. Setting a New Vision & Mission 2. Organizational Development 3. Recruitment System 4. Development & Training 5. Improved Career Management 6. Reward System 7. 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