International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 91 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2019, p 91-99 Education Program Evaluation of Air Force Unit Command School (SEKKAU) In the Development of Human Resources Soleh Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: Billy Tunas Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: Yetty Supriyati Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical and analytic data on substantive and important issues that affect the implementation of the Air Force Unit Command School’s education program. The study was conducted from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 at Air Force Unit Command School (Sekkau) in Jakarta. This study used a qualitative approach with the CIPP model to evaluate the results and benefits of implementing education at Sekkau. Informants in this study were Sekkau’s students who were studying at the time of data gathering, former Sekkau’s student serving in Air Force units, as well as instructors and officers who have authority on policies of applied at Sekkau. The informants in this study were Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau), Assistant to Chief of Air Force Staff for Personnel (Aspers Kasau), Commander of Air Force Education and Training Command (Dankodiklatau), Head of Air Force Education Service (Kadisdikau), Sekkau Commander, and Sekkau alumni batch 104 of the 2017 academic year. The sampling procedure for this population used multi-stage (clustering). The sample selection for the survey was carried out using a purposive sampling method of 15 informants distributed proportionally consisting of Kasau, Aspers Kasau, Dankodiklatau, Kadisdikau, Dansekkau, and Sekkau alumni of the batch 104 of the 2017 academic year. The selection of population and respondent samples, especially in modeling, was adjusted to environmental conditions and the number of interviewees to be taken i.e. those who were considered to be able to represent and understand the issues under study. The findings are: (1) the educational program of Sekkau is in accordance with the background or context of the program, which is seen based on aspects of needs, aspects of the problem and aspects of objectives, (2) the available support for education program at Sekkau in general is in a sufficiently supportive condition for the effectiveness of the education and training program for students which is seen based on aspects of human resources, budget, and the curriculum (3) implementation of educational programs were well done based on aspects of timeliness, application of learning methods, evaluation and monitoring, development of human resources, recruitment of teaching staff and staff and services to students, (4) the achieved results of the educational program at Sekkau in general was quite good from the aspect of responsiveness, toughness and vigour. The novelty of this research lies in the evaluation of the Sekkau education program obtained through two design models, namely using the David Stufflebeam CIPP evaluation model and the Kirkpatrick Four Models evaluation model that has never been done before. Program evaluation results in this study were also obtained through a match between the idealism of evaluation criteria that were built with real conditions in the field where this had never been done in previous research. This is a novelty resulting from this research. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 92 | P a g e Keywords: Education Program Evaluation, Indonesian Air Force Unit Command School Received: 30 October 2019 ; Accepted: 2 December 2019 ; Publish; 4 December 2019. How to Cite: Soleh., Tunas, B., & Supriyati, Y. (2019). Education Program Evaluation of Air Force Unit Command School (SEKKAU) In the Development of Human Resources. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 3 (2), 91-99. INTRODUCTION The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is an integral part of the Indonesian National Defense Force (TNI) which is under the command of Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Force. The Air Force has the duty: (a) to carry out the duties of the Air Force in the field of defense; (b) enforce the law and maintain security in the airspace of national jurisdictions in accordance with the provisions of national law and international law which have been ratified; (c) carrying out the duties of the TNI in the construction and development of the air force force; and (d) implementing air defense area empowerment. In the context of carrying out these tasks, the Air Force conducts the functions of the Military Organization, the Organizational Development Function, and the Special Organizational Function. In the Guiding Organization Function, there is the Strength Guiding Function and the Ability Coaching Function. In the context of carrying out the development of strengths and capacity building as mentioned above, the Indonesian Air Force carries out functions, one of which is the fostering of Personnel and Manpower functions. In order to implement the Personnel and Human Resources Development Function, the Indonesian Air Force carries out all forms of business, activities and actions relating to the development of human resources which include qualifications, strengths, and personnel development which includes procurement, education, use, care and separation of personnel. The function of conducting the Air Force education in this case is carried out by Kodiklatau. Kodiklatau is the main functional command of the Air Force in charge of organizing basic military training, NCO / officer training, general development training, specialization, transition and other education in order to improve the quality of personnel of the Air Force and to develop the education system, didactic, educational methodology, and technical / tactical aerospace knowledge and potential development aerospace in Kodiklatau and its staff. Educational institutions should conduct routine evaluations in every program that they carry out. Evaluation will also measure the achievement of each program that has been implemented. Evaluation can be applied in the learning process in the classroom, policy evaluation, process evaluation, impact evaluation, or evaluation for development. According to Tayibnapis (2008), "evaluation should help the development, implementation, needs of a program, program improvement, accountability, selection, motivation, increase knowledge, and support from those involved (Munthe, 2015)”. Based on this explanation, it is very important to conduct an evaluation research on the implementation of the Sekkau education program. That is, it is necessary to provide input recommendations for further programs (Darmayanti & Wibowo, 2014). With this research, it is expected to know the achievement of the Sekkau education program in order to know the efficiency and effectiveness of the program so that it can be used as a reference in the implementation of Sekkau education in the future. In general, the purpose of this study is to obtain empirical and analytic data on substantive and important issues that affect the implementation of the Education program. Based on the focus and formulation of the problem, this study aims: International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 93 | P a g e 1. To analyze how to evaluate Sekkau education programs 2. To analyze how the readiness of support for Sekkau education 3. To analyze how the Sekkau education program is implemented 4. To analyze how the achievement of the results of the Sekkau education program In this study the success of Sekkau’s education program evaluation was obtained through two design models, namely using the David Stufflebeam CIPP evaluation model and the Kirkpatrick Four Levels evaluation model that had never been done before. The program evaluation results in this study were also obtained through the match between the idealism of evaluation criteria that were built with real conditions in the field that were different from previous studies. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Program Evaluation In the science of program evaluation, there are many models that can be used to evaluate a program. Although different from one another, but the same meaning is to carry out data collection activities or information regarding the object being evaluated, the purpose of which is to provide material for decision makers in determining the follow-up of a program. Basically evaluative research is intended to find out the end of the existence of a policy, in order to determine recommendations for past policies, which in the final goal is to determine the next policy. Therefore it is very important to find out more about program evaluation. Program evaluation is a series of activities carried out deliberately to see the level of success of the program. There are several notions about the program itself. In the dictionary (a) the program is a plan, (b) the program is an activity carried out carefully. Conduct program evaluation is an activity that is intended to find out how high the level of success of the planned activity (Arikunto et al., 2009). The State Administration Agency put forward limitations regarding educational evaluation including the process to determine the progress of education compared to the stated goals; and efforts to obtain information in the form of feedback for improving education (Sudijono, 2009). Meanwhile, Arikunto (2013) said, if we limit the understanding of the program as a planned activity, then the program will no longer be called so if the activity has been completed. Evaluation of education and training programs is a must for educational institutions, it is because educational institutions have an important role in various social changes in a country. Researchers refer to three important notions and need to be emphasized in determining the program, namely (1) the realization or implementation of a policy, (2) occurs in a relatively long time not a single activity but is plural, (3) occurs in organizations involving groups of people. A program is not just a single activity that can be completed in a short time, but it is a continuous activity because it implements a policy. Therefore a program can last a long time (Arikunto & Safrudin, 2014). Daniel Stufflebeam in Evaluation Theory, Models, and Applications states: in general we refer to objects of evaluations as evaluands. When the evaluand is a person, however he follow scrivens recomendations to label the person whose qualifications or performance is being evaluated as the evaluee. Objects of evaluations may be programs, project, policies, proposal, products, equipment, service, concepts, and theories, data and others types of information, individuals, or organizations, among others. Although the practice of evaluation largely concentrates on program evaluation, one can refer to range of others area of evaluative inquiry such as personel evaluation, product evaluation, portofolio evaluation, performance evaluation, proposal evaluation and policy evaluation (Stufflebeam, 2014). Hakan Karatas Hakan and Fer Sevalb in their study entitled CIPP Evaluation Model Scale: Development, Reliability and Validity, to say: Stufflebeam’s CIPP evaluation model has been implemented. The reason why this model has been preferred is that it is feasible in foreign languages curricula and involves various evaluation types such as context, input, process and product evaluation (Hakan, K. & Seval, 2011). Basically evaluative research is intended to find out the end of the existence of a policy, in order to determine recommendations for past policies, which in the final goal is to International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 94 | P a g e determine the next policy. Therefore it is very important for us to know more about the program and program evaluation (Arikunto & Safrudin, 2009). Byong-sam did the research with the title Factors Affecting Korea Army Officers’ Achievement in Professional Development Education (Byong-sam, 2017). The purpose of this study is to identify people and grade level factors and class level factors that significantly influence student academic achievement in military professional development education. Muhammad Maqsood Khalid in his study entitled Exploring the link between Kirkpatrick (KP) and context, input, process and product (CIPP) training evaluation models, and its effect on training evaluation in public organizations of Pakistan mengatakan:“The framework proposes a strategy to ensure training transfer. Context is seen as a primary requirement in this framework, to help framing a viable training design aimed at training transfer. It thus, presents useful information for organizations with limited resources, human resource research fellows and research students as well. This paper proposes a new framework of training evaluation based on vision of Kirkpatrick and Stufflebeam (CIPP) models” (K. et Al., 2012). Tiantong & Tong Chin conducted the research entitled A Multiple Intelligences Supported Web-based Collaborative Learning Model Using Stufflebeam’s CIPP Evaluation Model (Tiantong & Tongchin, 2013). The development of web-based collaborative learning is one of the most developed fields of education and training in the era of information and communication technology, because it allows students to have diverse experiences anytime and anywhere, to communicate with each other through e-mail, chat and instant messenger, to improve their knowledge and skills with synchronous and asynchronous tools. Deniz Eseryel in his research entitled Approaches to Evaluation of Training: Theory & Practice to say:“There is an on-going debate in the field of evaluation about which approach is best to facilitate the processes involved. This article reviews current approaches to evaluation of training both in theory and in practice. Particular attention is paid to the complexities associated with evaluation practice and whether these are addressed in the theory. Furthermore, possible means of expediting the performance of evaluations and expanding the range and precision of data collection using automated systems are discussed. Recommendations for further research are also discussed (Eseryel D., 2002)” Allahvirdiyani conducted a study entitled Evaluate Implemented Academic Advisor of Shahed Students in Tehran State Universities Through CIPP Evaluation Model (Allahvirdiyani, 2011). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the academic advisors implemented by Shahed students at Tehran's state universities through the CIPP evaluation model. Guili Zhang et al in his study entitled Using the Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model (CIPP) as a Comprehensive Framework to Guide the Planning, Implementation, and Assessment of Service-learning Programs mengatakan bahwa “The authors, therefore, posit in this article that Stufflebeam’s (2003) Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) model can serve as a guiding framework for service-learning projects”. (Z. G. et Al, 2011). Burakgazi conducted a research entitled Volunteering: Evaluation of Community Service Learning Program (Burakgazi, 2018). In this study, the Community Service Practice course, offered to pre-service teachers, was evaluated using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) Models. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the effectiveness of the program in relation to satisfying pre-service teacher needs and expectations is discussed. Second, pre-service teacher achievement of course objectives and consistency between objectives, content and activities are examined. 2. The Evaluation Model Selected in the Sekkau Education The first Evaluation Model included in evaluating the Sekkau Education Program was the Four Levels Model by Donald Kirkpatrick. The evaluation model consists of 4 stages in a row starting from the reaction, learning, behavior and result stages. In the reaction stage, an evaluation is carried out to find out the response of the education and training participants to the guided program. This evaluation answers questions related to students' perceptions of the education and training carried out. According to Kirkpatrick, that every education and training International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 95 | P a g e program must conduct at least an evaluation of the level of reaction. In addition, students' reactions to education and training have important consequences for learning. Positive reactions do not necessarily guarantee good learning, while negative reactions almost always have bad effects on learning. At the learning stage, an evaluation is conducted to measure whether the education and training participants get additional and increase knowledge, attitudes and skills after attending education and training. At the behavioral stage, it is used to measure the transfer of knowledge that occurs during an education and training program and its effect on students' attitudes. Evaluate at this stage to determine the answer to the question that can the new knowledge and skills they have acquired be implemented in their field of work and environment? Is the change in attitudes and behavior of students caused by the education and training that has just been obtained? This stage is most appropriate for measuring and assessing the effectiveness of the programs that have been implemented. This evaluation is essentially measuring the work behavior of alumni of education and training of Air Force Officer students. At the result stage, the results are carried out by measuring the results / impact of education and training on organizational performance, for example increasing time efficiency or increasing work productivity. This model is used to find out that education and training is an investment. In this case, funding for education and training sourced from the State Budget can be accounted for administratively and has an impact on improving organizational performance. The second model chosen in evaluating the Sekkau Education Program is the CIPP Stufflebeam Model. Stufflebeam states that the CIPP model is a comprehensive framework for directing the implementation of formative and summative evaluations of project program objects, personnel, products, institutions, and systems. This evaluation model is configured to be used by internal evaluators conducted by evaluator organizations, self-evaluations conducted by project teams or individual service providers that are contracted or used to evaluate various disciplines and services such as education, housing, community development, transportation, and personnel evaluation systems military (Wirawan, 2013). As one of the evaluation models aimed at providing information for decision makers, the model chosen in this study is the CIPP Evaluation Model. The reason for choosing this model is because the CIPP evaluation model is a comprehensive framework for guidance in carrying out a program, project, product, institution and system. Evaluation of the CIPP model is an evaluation model that seeks to provide information for decisions whose processes work systematically. Furthermore, the CIPP evaluation model is also widely used specifically to provide a comprehensive evaluation format at each evaluation stage. In addition, the CIPP evaluation model is practically easy to understand and work on and can provide information about the success or failure of program implementation quickly. Therefore, this CIPP evaluation model can be considered very relevant for evaluating the effectiveness of Sekkau education in the perspective of CIPP (context, input, process, product) to produce decisions and recommendations in improving the training model. Broadly speaking, the product evaluation activities include the determination of operational objectives of the program, measurement criteria that have been achieved, comparing them between the reality of the field with the formulation of objectives, and compiling interpretations rationally. Analysis of this product requires a comparison between objectives, set in the design and the program results achieved. The results assessed can be in the form of test scores, percentages, observational data, data diagrams, sociometry and so on which can be traced in relation to more detailed objectives. Then a qualitative analysis is carried out about why the results are like that. Decisions taken from the implementation evaluation at each stage of the program evaluation are classified into three categories: low, moderate and high (Sugiyono, 2013). The next analysis is to combine the two evaluation models above, namely the Four Models Evaluation Model and the CIPP Model in evaluating the Sekkau Education Program. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 96 | P a g e METHODOLOGY The research was conducted in Jakarta. Jakarta was chosen because the city was the residence and the office of the interviewees, and the city was the location of the informants' offices. This study began on January 1, 2019 and ended on June 30, 2019. Qualitative researchers set their research based on the overall social situation studied including aspects of places, actors and activities that interact synergistically (Sugiyono, 2014). This study uses a qualitative approach with the CIPP model to evaluate the outcomes and benefits of Sekkau education implementation. The basic orientation in this research is to collect, obtain and provide useful information for alternative decision-making for the improvement and improvement of the Sekkau education program. The evaluation model used in this study is a formative and summative evaluation model developed by Stufflebeam, the CIPP evaluation model. As the evaluation model used in this research is to use the CIPP model developed by Daniel Stufflebeam, the design of the Sekkau education program evaluation model can be visualized in the following figure 1: Figure 1. Design of Research Implementation of Sekkau Education Program Evaluation Informants in this study were Sekkau Student Officers who were studying at the time of the study, Former Sekkau Student Officers serving in Air Force units, Instructors, and Officers who have authority and policy towards the Sekkau institution. The informants in this study were Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau), Assistant to Air Force Chief of Staff for Personnel (Aspers Kasau), Commander of Air Force Education and Training Command (Dankodiklatau), Head of Air Force Education Service (Kadisdikau), Sekkau Commander, and Sekkau alumni batch 104 of the 2017 academic year. The sampling procedure for this population used multi-stages (often known as clustering). A multi-stage sampling procedure or clustering sampling is an ideal procedure when researchers find it impossible to compile a list of all elements that make up a population. First the clusters were determined, then the Evaluation Component Evaluated Aspects Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Analysis Results Decision Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4 Recommendation Dec 1 Basic Context of Need Policy, Need Assessment and Program Objectives Standardized Actualization Based on Data Collection Input readiness of Activities HR, Curriculum, Facility and Budget Standardized Actualization Based on Data Collection Process of Implementing Acttivities (Reaction and Learning) Implementing of Program Activities Standardized Actualization Based on Data Collection Product of Activities (Behaviour & Result) Implementation Results Standardized Actualization Based on Data Collection International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 97 | P a g e names of individuals were identified in each cluster, then sampling the individuals (random samples). The sample selection for the survey was carried out using a purposive sampling method of 15 informants distributed proportionally consisting of Kasau, Aspers Kasau, Dankodiklatau, Kadisdikau, Dansekkau, and Sekkau alumni of batch 104 of the 2017 academic year. The selection and number of resource persons are adjusted to the environmental conditions, namely resource persons who are considered capable of representing and understanding the problem under study. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The results of this study indicate, the first educational program of the Sekkau was in accordance with the background of the program. The Indonesian Air Force requires the availability of quality human resources to maintain the sovereignty of airspace, realize the vision of Indonesia as the Global Maritime Fulcrum (poros maritim dunia) and support world class navy. The program was formed due to the lack of quality of human resources of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, the lack of technological mastery and the weak education system in the internal Indonesian Air Force. This program also has clear objectives and supports the ideals of the Indonesian Air Force to realize world class navy. This is supported by research conducted by Byoung-sama with the title Factors Affecting Korea Army Officers’ Achievement in Professional Development Education (Byoung-sama, 2017). The purpose of this study is to identify people and grade level factors and class level factors that significantly influence student academic achievement in military professional development education. This research on Sekkau Education Program Evaluation is directed to develop professional military education and learning strategies used in Sekkau Education. Second, the readiness of support for the education of Sekkau in general was in sufficient conditions to support the effectiveness of the program. The Sekkau is supported by lecturers and staff who are sufficiently competent and of sufficient amount and have a relatively sufficient budget to finance their main activities. The Sekkau has adequate facilities in the form of comfortable classrooms, information technology support, practical facilities and libraries. The curriculum is also considered to have answered work needs and is in accordance with the vision and mission of the Indonesian Air Force, and is relevant to the development of science and technology. This is supported by research entitled Tiantong & Tongchin entitled A Multiple Intelligences Supported Web-based Collaborative Learning Model Using Stufflebeam’s CIPP Evaluation Model (Tiantong & Tongchin, 2013). The development of web-based collaborative learning is one of the most developed fields of education and training in the era of information and communication technology, because it allows students to have diverse experiences anytime and anywhere, to communicate with each other through e-mail, chat and instant messenger, to improve their knowledge and skills with synchronous and asynchronous tools. This research on Sekkau Education Evaluation is directed to provide input and analysis if education in Sekkau exists using web-based collaborative learning which is one of the most developed fields of education and training in the era of information and communication technology. Third, the implementation of Sekkau educational program has been carried out well. The implementation of teaching programs related to teaching and learning, evaluation of learning and completion of studies carried out in a timely manner. Lecturers in delivering the material apply varied and interesting learning methods. Evaluation of learning is done by giving assignments, midterms, final examinations and final assignments while supervision is done both internally and externally. Recruitment follows the policies of the Air Force Headquarters whose processes are carried out transparently and as needed. Services to students are carried out quickly, have a high enough concern and act professionally. This supports the research conducted by Allahvirdiyani entitled Evaluate Implemented Academic Advisor of Shahed Students in Tehran State Universities Through CIPP Evaluation Model (Allahvirdiyani, 2011). The aim of this study was to evaluate the academic advisors implemented by Shahed students at Tehran's state universities through the CIPP evaluation model. The research on the Evaluation of Sekkau Education is directed to provide recommendations on the International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 98 | P a g e implementation of Sekkau Education on the need to inform facilities, capacities and policies for instructors / trainers who guide students in the Sekkau Education Program. Fourth, the results of the education program of Sekkau in general are quite good. The responsiveness aspect shows that the alumni of Sekkau have good readiness, are quite able to adapt, are quite professional and have good work knowledge, while for innovative behavior they still show poor conditions. The aspects of alumni responsibilities are generally quite good, viewed based on fighting spirit, discipline, work ethic, dedication, integrity, confidence and ability to control themselves. Trengginas (vigour) aspects show alumni have good physical health, have strong physical endurance and have an ideal appearance. This is supported by research conducted by the entitled Burakgazi Volunteering: Evaluation of Community Service Learning Program (Burakgazi, 2018). In this study, the Community Service Practice course, offered to pre-service teachers, was evaluated using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) Models. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the effectiveness of the program in relation to satisfying pre-service teacher needs and expectations is discussed. Second, pre- service teacher achievement of course objectives and consistency between objectives, content and activities are examined. In this research on Evaluation of Sekkau Education is directed to see the effectiveness of the program in relation to the needs and expectations, the achievement of educational goals and the consistency between the goals, content and activities of Sekkau Education. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the analysis and discussion that has been presented, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) the education program of Sekkau is in accordance with the background or context of the program, which is seen based on aspects of needs, aspects of aspects and aspects of objectives, ( 2) readiness of support for the education of Sekkau in general in conditions that are sufficiently supportive for the effectiveness of the education and training program of students which are seen based on aspects of human resources, budget aspects, aspects of facilities and curriculum aspects (3) implementation of educational programs Air Force Unit Command School in general has done well which is seen based on aspects of timeliness, the application of learning methods, evaluation and monitoring, human resource development, recruitment of teaching staff and staff and services to students, ( 4) the achieved results of the education program of Sekkau in general is quite good in terms of the aspects of responsiveness, aspects of responsiveness and aspects of trengginas. Based on the results of this study, several things that need to be recommended are: the management needs to develop work programs based on priority scale, need to make a clear and systematic road map to support the Indonesian National Armed Forces, more open to recruiting qualified lecturers from outside the Indonesian Air Force, curriculum content related to the mastery of information technology should be further strengthened, and the need to cultivate research among students to encourage creativity and innovation. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 3 (2), December 2019 99 | P a g e REFERENCES Al., K. et. (2012). Exploring the link between Kirkpatrick (KP) and context, input, process and product (CIPP) training evaluation models, and its effect on training evaluation in public organizations of Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 6(1), 274–279. Al, Z. G. et. (2011). 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