International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 16 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2020, p 16-25 The Effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Trust to Organizational Commitments of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta Lectures Dingot Hamonangan Ismail Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: Moch. Asmawi Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: Suparno Eko Widodo Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to obtain valid and reliable empirical data, facts and information about the influence of organizational culture, leadership style, and trust to the organizational commitment of the LP3I Polytechnic Lecturers in Jakarta. This study makes the use of associative quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The population in this study were all permanent lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta with 228 people in total. The sampling method was using simple random sampling upon all permanent lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta who were actively working in 2017. The sample was taken using the Slovin formula and the sample size therefore was 145 lecturers. The research data was filtered through questionnaires. The results of the study concluded that there was a positive direct effect of Organizational Culture to the Organizational Commitment, there was a positive direct effect of Leadership Style to Organizational Commitment, there was a positive direct influence Trust to Organizational Commitment, there was a positive direct influence Organizational Culture to Trust, there was a positive direct influence Leadership Style to Trust, There was an indirect influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment through trust and there was an indirect influence of leadership style on organizational commitment through trust. This finding implied that, should you want to increase the Commitment of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta Lecturers to the organization, it can be done through the increase of Organizational Culture, Leadership and Trust Style in a systematic and planned manner. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Trust, Organizational Commitment Received: 31 October 2019 ; Accepted: 16 January 2020 ; Publish; June 2020. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 17 | P a g e How to Cite: Ismail, D.H., Asmawi, M., & Widodo, S.E. (2020). The Effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Trust to Organizational Commitments of LP3I Ploytechnic Jakarta Lectures. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 4 (1), 16-25. INTRODUCTION Lecturers and education staff are the most valuable asset and a very important resources in higher education institution. Starting from planning, operation, to the implementation of programs and strategies for each institution and organization, lecturers and education staff are its main driver. As the most important and valuable assets, the performance of HR is an important element in determining the failure or success of an organization because HR is the operator of all organizational management activities. In this effort, leaders of the higher education institution need to execute various strategies to obtain and retain qualified lecturers. Without the right strategy in obtaining qualified human resources, maintaining and retaining them, it is believed that the entire program and the vision and mission realization of the higher education institution will fail and be difficult competing with its competitors. The organizational commitment of the lecturers is not stable and very dependent, but it occurs as a result of influence of other factors including organizational culture, organizational structure, leadership style, teamwork, work motivation, ethics and adopted norms, trust, communication effectiveness, emotional intelligence, and others. Low organizational commitment will have implications to high employee turnovers and absenteeism which, in the long run, can damage the organization. Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Ratna & Ida Bagus Ketut Surya (2017) also say that low organizational commitment has an impact to the low level of participation and organizational silence. This symptom began to occur at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta, and also at LP3I Group, where the attendance of lecturers and staff of LP3I Head Office in the last three years (2013-2015) continued to increase and reached 8%, while for employees turnover increased to 5 %. According to Sutrisno (Syarifah I.F, dkk (2016), high absenteeism rates will reduce organizational productivity, and hign turnover rates will make the organization losing time and money to recruit or re-train new members to have not only knowledge, skills and attitude level satisfying organizational expectations, but also lost the tacit knowledge brought by those who moved. High absenteeism and uncontrolled turnover rates are symptoms of the lack of dissatisfaction that comes from the low organizational commitment of employees. This can have an impact on the organization's insubordination and, should it be not immediately overcome, it will have implications of the low quality of service to organizational stakeholders and have an impact of not achieving the organization's vision and mission as well as the decline in professionalism of lecturers. In terms of professionalism, lecturers are a necessity for qualified universities (Siti Rokhmi Lestasi (2014). The results of previous studies relevant to the problem of this study are presented as follows: Soryani, (2018). Research entitled, The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction, International Journal of Economics, Trade and Management, published in the United Kingdom Vol. VI, Issue 5, May 2018. The findings of this study indicate that organizational culture is very influential on organizational commitment. From the research findings, it is known that the strongest indicator that shapes organizational culture is the comfortable feeling of all employees. Then, Nina Zahra in Journal of Management and Marketing Services Volume 8, No.1 Year 2015, entitled: The influence of leadership style on organizational commitment through aspects of employee’s job satisfaction and trust in the banking sector also concluded, that leadership style has a positive and significant influence and It is trusted. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 18 | P a g e LITERATURE REVIEW Organizational Commitments A general understanding of the meaning of commitment is an agreement to do something for yourself, other people and groups or organizations. Formally, organizational behavior researchers interpret commitment as "a force that binds a person by the relevance of action to one or several targets" (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014). This understanding requires that commitment is not sufficiently spoken orally, but must also be proven by concrete actions in realizing the goals and or defense of the organization. According to Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson (Luthans, 2008: 50), organizational commitment is characterized by 3 attitudes: (1), a sense of recognizing organizational goals, (2), a sense of involvement in organizational tasks, and (3), a sense of loyalty to organization. Allen & Meyer divides the antecedents of organizational commitment based on three components of organizational commitment (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014). Wagiman (2018) explains in more details the three dimensions of organizational commitment: The dimensions of affective commitment is the degree to which employees are emotionally bound, familiar, and involved in the organization. The continuance commitment dimension is an assessment of the costs associated with leaving the organization. The normative commitment dimension refers to the degree to which a person is psychologically bound to become an employee of an organization based on feelings such as loyalty, affection, warmth, ownership, pride, pleasure, happiness, and so forth. Based on this description, it can be synthesized that the variable organizational commitment is a psychological bond of someone with an organization that encourages him to always try to maintain his membership in an organization. Organizational Culture Organizational culture according to Schein (2004:17) is a perspective to understand the behavior of individuals and groups in an organization and in external interaction. This means that the organizational culture or group culture is used as basic assumption and learned by the group because it can solve the problem of external adaptation and internal integration, which is believed able to work well and considered valid. Organizational culture is therefore taught to new members as the right way to think and to feel the relationship of those problems. It is thereof clear how important organizational culture is for ups-and-downs interaction of the individual and collective living of all employees as part of the organization. Kreitner and Kinicki (2014:70) state that organizational culture is a system of common norms, beliefs, and assumptions that bind people together, thus creating shared meaning. This system is manifested by customs and habits that give an example of the values and beliefs of the organization. This statement means that organizational culture is a unity of assumptions believed to be true and become a guidance of a group that influences how the group feels, thinks, and reacts to its various environments. Robbins (Robbins,, 2011) provides characteristics of a good organizational culture. It has at least 7 main characteristics: (1) Innovation and courage to take risks: how well the organization encourages employees to be innovative and dare to take the risk. In addition, it is how the organization respects the actions of risk taking by employees and arouses employee ideas; (2) Attention to details: how well the organization is expecting employees to show accuracy, and analysis/attention to details; (3) Outcome orientation: how good the management focuses on results rather than the techniques and processes used to achieve the results; (4) Human orientation: how well management decisions take into account the influence on people in the organization; (5) Team orientation: how good work activities are organized around the team to support collaboration, not individuals; (6) Aggressiveness: how well people in the organization are aggressive and competitive to run the best organizational culture instead of being calm; (7) Stability: how well organizational activities emphasize the status quo rather than growth. In simple terms, organizational culture can be synthesized as a togetherness of values, norms, and beliefs that exist within the organization formed from the process of interaction between members of the organization to achieve a common goal, which appears in: the spirit of togetherness, International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 19 | P a g e integration among members, consensus of values believed, and sincerity towards achieving common goals Leadership Leadership is a process of influencing others to support the achievement of relevant organizational goals (Ivancevich, et. Al. 2004). He further said, effective leaders have 4 characteristics: (1), giving direction, (2) fostering trust to subordinates, (3) helping subordinates be dare to fail in achieving goals, (4) giving hope. Gary Yukl (2007) mentions that leadership is the ability to influence people toward achieving goals. The leadership style as Hersey and Blanchard in ( Toha, 2009) is the behavior patterns shown by a person when influencing other people's activities as perceived by others. The leadership style is also interpreted as the perception of others, followers or subordinates, who will be influenced by their behavior, not the perception of the leader itself. How we lead others is our unique leadership style. So, the overall pattern of the action of a leader is interpreted as a leadership style. Robbin (2003) gave new meaning to leadership in terms of transformative leadership, it is the whole activity to influence people so that they are willing to work together to achieve a desired common goal by using: (1) Charisma: providing vision and sense of mission, building pride, gaining respect and trust; (2) Inspiration: communicating high level of expectations by using symbols to focus on business, illustrating important intentions in simple way; (3) Intellectual Stimulation: encouraging intelligence, rationality, and prudent problem solving; (4) Individual Considerations: giving personal attention, serving employees personally, training and advising. According to Harini (2018), Miftahun Ni'mah (2010), M. Sabri Abd Madjid, Khudriyah (2017), Indrasari (2017), leadership influences organizational commitment. Transformative leadership is a leadership style that is very suitable for educational institutions as indicated by some researchers such as Ngadiman, Anis and Dwi Rahmawati (2013). Indasari (2017), Sepryanto (2017). Trust The key dimensions or indicators underlying the concept of trust (Suzanne, Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider 2009) are the integrity that refers to honesty and kindness. Among the five dimensions of trust, this dimension seems most important when a person has the nature to be trusted by others. Competence refers to the technical knowledge and skills a person has and between individuals, whether he knows what needs to be done and is mastering it or not. Consistency refers to a person's reliability, predictability and judgment in handling situations well. Inconsistency between words and actions will erode the trust. In time dimension, we will see the consistency of one's attitude and the consideration by others wheter he can provide the same level of trustworthy or not. Loyalty is believing in friends, and the opinion is the same both at front or behind. It can be also interpreted as a willingness to protect and save one's face. Openness is a person who can be trusted because he is able to provide truth as real as possible. Openness also means as a willingness to share ideas and information freely (in Syarifah et al, 2016). RESEARCH METHOD This study uses a quantitative associative approach and path analysis technique to 145 lecturers of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta that was taken out oif 215 with simple random techniques. Data collection used a questionnaire instrument which was designed using Likert scale and tested firstly for validity and reliability of the data. The commitment variable and validity test results show that 24 items was valid with Alpha Coefficient as big as 0.90. In the 29 items of organizational culture, there were 28 items valid questionnaires with one invalid, X24 with r count value of 0.143 and below r table 0.296 and, consequently, this item cannot be used for subsequent data retrieval. The results of the research instrument reliability test analysis concluded that all the indicators/items of the questionnaire were valid to explain the organizational culture variable with the value of Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of 0.917, whereby International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 20 | P a g e leadership style was valid for 21 items with Alpha coefficients 0.968. Trust resulted 26 items valid with Alpha Coefficient 0.964. Organizational Commitment resulted 23 items valid with Alpha Coefficient 0.897. Data analyzed was using inferential statistical analysis with path analysis. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Result The results statistic calculation showed the coefficient of the influence of Organizational Culture on Lecturer Organizational Commitment was 0.380 with t count 5.94, the influence of Leadership Style on Lecturer Organizational Commitment was 0.342 with t count 5.483, the effect of Trust on Lecturer Organizational Commitment was 0.267 with t count 4.667, the effect of Organizational Culture on Lecturer Trust was 0.464 with t count 5,449, the effect of Leadership Style on Lecturer Trust was 0.247 with t count 4,708, the effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Trust (X3) altogether was 0.835 with f count 279.325, and the influence of positive Organizational Culture and Leadership Style simultaneously related to the beliefs of Polytechnic lecturers. Based on the analysis of research results, the findings of this study are as follows: a. There was a positive direct influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment. This finding shows that the application of a strong Organizational Culture would increase the organizational commitment of the lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic in Jakarta. b. There was a positive direct influence of the Leadership Style on Organizational Commitment. This finding shows that the effective application of leadership (transformative leadership) would increase the Organizational Commitment of Jakarta LP3I Polytechnic lecturers. c. There was a positive direct influence on Trust in the organization to the lecturer organizational commitment. This finding showed that Increased Trust in the organization would lead to the increase in the Organizational Commitment of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta lecturers. d. There was a positive direct effect of Organizational Culture to Trust. This finding showed that Organizational Culture Improvement would lead to the increase in lecturers' trust in the organization. e. There was a positive direct influence on the Leadership Style to Trust. This finding showed that the increase in Leadership Style would lead to an increase of Trust in the organization of the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta lecturers. f. There is an indirect influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment through trust. This research gives the meaning that if you want to increase the Commitment of LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic lecturers to the organization, it is not enough to do with only the implementation of organizational culture, but it must be done through instilling lecturers' trust in LP3I management first or together. g. There is an indirect influence of leadership style on organizational commitment through trust. This research gives meaning, the change of leadership style in Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta that will not give significant changes to the changes in lecturers’ commitment, without accompanied by changes in lecturers' trust. Discussion Theoretically, this findings show that a strong organizational culture results in increased organizational commitment, whereas the right leadership and high level of trust can increase the organizational commitment of the lecturers. Conversely, a weak organizational culture results in low organizational commitment. Incorrect leadership style results a low organizational commitment and a decline in the level of trust whereas this potentially erodes the level of organizational commitment of the lecturers. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 21 | P a g e Practically, the results of this study implies the following: 1. The organizational culture existence has a direct effect to the organizational commitment of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta lecturers. Hence, the increasing organizational commitment can be done by strengthening the organizational culture of lecturers by implementing Corporate Culture 1 through 9. Corporate Culture is required to be rejuvenated, modernated, and aligned with the Tridharma Three Core Functions of Higher Education. Moreover, LP3I Polytechnic Mission will link and match with the world of industry. This opinion is in line with the research of Zakiah Mufida Alfiana and Durinda, who found a cultural representation of the organizational commitment of the employees of PT. Sinar Sosro Surabaya. Research by Melina Taurisa, Intan Ratnawati at PT. Sidomuncul. Then, Mahmudah Enny Widyaningrum who supported Ibnu Sina Hospital in Gresik Regency found cultural relations and organizational commitment that had the greatest level of significance in the dimension of relationship building ability. Thus, there is no doubt about organizational culture that either opposes increasing organizational or lecturer commitment in higher education. 2. The existence of leadership style directly influences the increasing organizational commitment of LP3I lecturers. It will increase organizational commitment that can be done by improving the leadership management system from transactional practices and applying transformative leadership. This was not only achieved through leadership training, comparative studies but also coaching and mentoring for LP3i Polytechnic Jakarta lecturers. This opinion is in line with the audience with research from Stephen Robbin and Timothi (2009) which says that leadership is very influential for the success of an organization not only in achieving its vision and mission but also affects the growth of organizational commitment both directly and indirectly. The influence of leadership style on organizational commitment also received confirmation from a number of other researchers such as Nina Zahra (2015), based on the results of his research in the banking sector concluded that leadership influences organizational commitment. 3. Trust has a direct effect on increasing the organizational commitment of LP3I lecturers and, therefore, LP3I Polytechnic leaders and management need to improve integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty and openness of communication in managing the PLJ. This is useful for increasing the organizational commitment of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta lecturers. This opinion is also in line with the opinions of experts such as: Mullins (2005) who said: Lack of trust is probably one of the greatest time and resource wasters in the work place. Managers who don't trust their employees are probably wasting hours every week checking up on them at every turn and failing to utilize the resources at their disposal. That lack of trust can be the biggest waste of time and resources at work. Mauludin Hanif, Sulistyorini Endang (2018) in his research at Account Representatives at the Primary Tax Service Offices throughout Malang, also showed that trust had a significant effect on organizational commitment. 4. The existence of organizational culture has a direct effect on trust, and it will then increase the trust of the lecturers. This can be done by increasing the innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, increasing productivity of the lecturers having orientation to results and attention to the uniqueness of the lecturer. Teamwork ultimately will also contribute to strengthening the commitment of lecturers. This opinion is in line with the theoretical model from Colquit, LePine, Wesson (2009) which says that Trust is directly influenced by Organizational Culture and Leadership Style. Suzanne C. De Janasz, Karen O. Dowd, and Beth Z. Schneider (2009) which states "Trust is a multifaceted concept that captures one's faith or belief in the integrity or reliability of another person or thing. “Simply, trust means confidence. When you trust people, you have confidence in them - in their integrity and in their abilities." Noe (2006) also emphasized the characteristics of a strong organizational culture consisting of seven important indicators, one of which is trust. The 7 indicators are: (1) trust in subordinates; (2) open communication (open communication); (3) leadership that pays attention to and supports others (considerate and supportive leadership); (4) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 22 | P a g e solving problems with the team (team problem solving); (5) independent workers (worker autonomy); (6) Various information (information sharing); and (7) high output and goals (high output goals). 5. With respect to the direct influence of leadership style on trust, leaders need to improve their abilities in terms of providing role model examples, the ability to understand Tridharma Three Core Functions of Higher Education which is very useful to foster the trust level of LP3i Polytechnic Jakarta lecturers. This opinion is in line with the views of Ivancevich, (2004: 314-315), states "leadership as a process of influencing others to support the achievement of relevant organizational goals". He further said, effective leadership has 4 characteristics, namely: (1). Give direction. (2) Foster subordinate confidence (3) help brave subordinates fail to achieve goals (4) provide hope. That is, one's leadership to willing and willingly work according to the direction of his superiors is greatly influenced by the quality of subordinates' trust in superiors. Subordinates who have a high level of trust, do not need pressure and layered supervision and control from superiors. The conclusion is also as strong as the results of Nina Zahra's (2015) research, which concluded that the leadership style variable has a positive and significant influence on trust. Similar conclusions were found by Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de liMa rua & João Manuel Costa araúJo. (2016) which concludes that transformational leadership has a significant and relevant relationship with organizational trust. 6. From the calculation results it is known that there is an indirect effect of organizational culture on organizational commitment through trust where after calculating the path coefficient between Organizational Culture, organizational commitment and trust found that there is an indirect influence of organizational culture on Commitment Organizations of Polytechnic LP3I lecturers in Jakarta, through trust. The conclusion is in line with the following expert views, among others, said by Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de liMa rua & João Manuel Costa araúJo (2016), Nina Zahra (2015), Jarot Sembodo Suroso (2013), concluded based on the findings, that any changes or Variations in Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Trust can affect Organizational Commitment. 7. From the results of the calculation it is known that there is an indirect effect of Leadership Style on organizational commitment through trust. Based on the analysis of the path between variables shows the indirect influence of Leadership Style on organizational commitment through the Trustworthiness of Polytechnic LP3I lecturers in Jakarta. This result gives a meaning, the change of leadership style in Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta will not provide a significant change to the change in lecturer commitment, without being accompanied by changes in the lecturers' trust. This opinion is in line with the research of Mohammad Maskan (2017), in his research entitled, the influence of leadership on trust in shaping the commitment of non-permanent elementary school teachers in Malang concluded that leadership style positively and significantly affected commitment to organizations by mediating trust in GTT organizations of Elementary School in Malang. The suggestion of this research is that institutional leaders are expected to be able to apply a leadership style that can translate the vision and mission of the institution to have self-belonging for its subordinates (GTT SD / MI) so that they are sure and believe that what is done by the institution is also in their interests. Adi Indrayanto, 2012. In a study entitled, The Effect of Trust Mediation on the Effects of Transformational Leadership on the Commitment of Satpol-PP Employees in the Ex Residence of Banyumas. This study aims to examine and determine the mediating effect of trust, on the commitment of subordinates, in the context of transformational leadership in the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol-PP) in the Banyumas and surrounding areas. This research is an explanatory research that tests and explains research variables with cross-sectional data analysis. The difference between this study and previous studies such as Azar Seputih (2009), Mochamad Arif Fanani, Imam Abrori, Nur Imron Rosyadi (2019) and other studies, that this study conducts item analysis on each questionnaire question to find the highest and lowest International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 23 | P a g e dimensions of each variable. Whereas previous research only analyzes in general terms of each organizational culture variable, leadership style and trust. This research also measures organizational commitment lecturer at a college in the form of a franchise (cooperation) and its operations are decentralized in 15 development campuses in Jabotabek. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion Based on the results of the research and discussion above, the conclusions of this study are: (1) There is a positive direct effect on Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment; (2) There is a positive direct effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Commitment; (3) There is a positive direct effect of Trust on organizational commitment. (4) There is a positive direct effect on Organizational Culture on Trust; (5) There is a positive direct influence on the Leadership Style on Trust; (6) There is an indirect influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment through trust and (7) There is an indirect influence of leadership style on organizational commitment through trust. Thus, if you want to increase the organizational commitment of lecturers, you can do it by increasing the organizational culture, applying the appropriate leadership style, and increasing the quality of the lecturers' trust. This study also found that affective and normative commitments were very good at the Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta, but this was not the case with continual commitments that were still very low. Though strengthening organizational commitment should be done simultaneously. Recommendation Based on the conclusions of the research results as above, our suggestions are as follows: 1. The organizational commitment of the lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta still needs to be improved. This can be done through creative programs including: a. Increasing the human resources quality of lecturers, both through formal education, training in research and community service so that they become professional lecturers who are able to create applied science and technology as required by industry. b. Lecturer Career Path is clear, systematic and planned according to Tridharma, the Three Core Function, of Higher Education aligned with the PLJ mission to become a leading Educational Institution in the field of Vocational Education. c. The differentiation of infrastructure facilities for the development of the competencies of PLJ lecturers is supported by a clear and transparent budget. 2. The organizational culture of the lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta needs to be harmonized with religious and modernity spirits. a. The development of lecturer competencies is required in the fields of creativity, entrepreneurship, leadership and risk taking. b. Appreciation for outstanding lecturers, those having initiatives to develop themselves and contribute, and those building the image of the institute is required. 3. The correct leadership style of the Directors/Management is in a form of transformative leadership that is in line with the smooth leadership transition in LP3I from the early generation to the second generation, and this fits to other current challenges. To improve the leadership of the lecturers, things needed are as follows: a. Giving facility and support to lecturers who are active in professional organizations. b. Providing training and coaching of Transformative Leadership to PLJ Leaders. c. Educational support of doctoral programs for PLJ leaders. d. Supporting applied research. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 24 | P a g e e. Comparative Study to foreign universities having successfully partnership with the business world. f. Implementation management of Tridarma Three Core Function of Higher Education. 4. The trust is still required to be improved. With regards to the increase of trust, number of efforts can be made: a. To ensure open communication between the PLJ by family by forming the WA Lecturer Group, Leaders and Education Personnel and Family Gathering program. b. It is necessary to develop the integrity, competence and loyalty systematically with future orientation to lecturers and education staff. c. Setup of Code of Ethics, SOP listing rights and obligations of PLJ Lecturers with clear management and implementation in a pure and consistent manner. REFERENCES Arif Fanani. Mochamad, Imam Abrori , Nur Imron Rosyadi. Pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap komitmen organisasi pengurus pondok pesantren mahasiswa al Jauhar Sumbersari Jember. Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Ekonomi dan Bisnis (SNAPER-EBIS 2017) – Jember, 27-28 Oktober 2017, h. 326-338, 2017. 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