International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 1 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2020, p 1-15 Program Evaluation Certification of Indonesian Library Competence Opong Sumiati Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: Muchlis R Luddin Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: Maruf Akbar Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Librarian Work Competency Certification Program has been implemented since 2013. The significance and sustainability of the program's implementation need to be evaluated comprehensively to give decision makers the sustainability of the program going forward. The evaluation uses the context, input, process, product (CIPP) model by analyzing the objectives, planning, implementation planning and the certification program results. The study was conducted at the Jakarta Librarian Professional Certification Institute (LSP) competency test site. Based on interview data, focus group discussions, observations, and study of related documents it is known that the program has been carried out by applicable procedures and regulations. So that in general, the Librarian LSP is eligible to provide a certificate of competence to the librarian following the results of the competency certification test package that is followed. However, there are still several aspects that need to be corrected and refined immediately, bearing in mind that the certification program has an impact on librarians for career development and increasing competitive value for their parent institutions. Optimizing the performance of Librarian LSPs or the formation of other forms of Librarian LSPs is needed to accelerate the certification of Indonesian librarians. Keywords: Librarian Competence; Librarian Certification; Librarian Professional Certification Institute. CIPP model Received: 27 November 2019 ; Accepted: 14 January 2020 ; Publish; June 2020. How to Cite: Sumiati, O., Luddin, M.R., & Akbar, M. (2020). Program Evaluation Certification of Indonesian Library Competence. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 4 (1), 1-15. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 2 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Human resources (HR) are an important component in realizing competitive organizations in the era of globalization and free markets (Sims and Bias 2019). At present the competitive advantage in the labor market is determined externally, transforming the workforce through improving skills and providing internal mobility (Dhir 2019), therefore, efforts to increase quality organizational productivity through ownership of HR (talent), competent and professional is an important thing (Ulrich 2012). Ownership of one's competence can facilitate and enable someone to achieve success (Berdrow & Evers, 2014). Competencies that are continuously improved, updated and developed will greatly affect one's career (Meister, Jeanne C; Mulcahy 2017). To ensure the maintenance of one's competence, lately, it must be proven by competent information from the certification body, known as certification. Certification as a tool or process and mechanism for testing competence, and measuring the quality of librarians, to gain recognition or legality as a profession (Naibaho 2011). The Republic of Indonesia National Library together with several representatives of the Librarian and Librarian professional associations in 2012 initiated the formation of a Professional Librarian Institution (LSP) in the form of a third party (Third party). By the provisions of the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP), LSP Librarians must be legal entities and obtain a license from BNS. Since 2013, LSP Librarians have carried out certifications to some librarians, both from government and private agencies with full support from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on data from LSP Librarians, until the end of 2018 LSP Librarians have conducted certification in competency test sites in 18 provinces. During this period, LSP Librarians conducted certification to around 1054 Librarians out of 3,419 librarians recorded in the data center of the Librarian-National Library Development Center. Only around 30% of librarians have participated in the certification program. Librarians who participated in the certification were only 700 people who were declared competent. So that only 20% of librarians are declared to have competence by applicable standards. There are still 80% of Indonesian librarians who are not yet known whether they are competent or not yet competent. For more than six years since 2013, namely the implementation of the Librarian certification program, research on the competency certification program is still limited. The National Library of Indonesia as an agency that helps the government in the field of Library and facilitates its implementation needs to comprehensively review, supervise and evaluate the implementation of the Librarian work competency certification program. After the program is launched, program evaluation is needed to ensure that the program can continue to meet the needs of stakeholders and remain relevant to the field of librarianship. Evaluation findings can be used to modify and strengthen programs (Black and Ham 2005) because program evaluation aims to assess the value (merit) and benefits of a program (Stufflebeam, Madaus & Kellaghan, 2000). The purpose of this study are evaluating a work librarians' competency certification program to assess; 1) the value (significance) of the librarian work competency certification program, 2) feasibility (merit) of competency tests conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute, 3) the eligibility (merit) of providing librarian work competency certification conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute, and 4) benefits (worth) librarian work competency certification program. The novelty value of this research is on the object and focus of the study. The results of the evaluation can reveal the value of each stage of the series of librarians' work competency certification programs that need to be studied comprehensively. The results of the evaluation are in the form of applicable information to improve the implementation of current government programs. Researched starting from setting the goals (goals setting) as a foothold to develop and develop the program formally going forward. Knowing the readiness of the resources needed to implement the program and how the implementation process is and has an impact for librarians and stakeholders by the core value of the program. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 3 | P a g e Research on evaluating the work competency certification program of the Librarian needs to be done, so that it is known whether the program is valuable and has been running by applicable regulations? So that the program can recommend to be continued or terminated, or continued with the notes must be improved. LITERATURE REVIEW Program Evaluation After a program is launched, a program evaluation is needed to ensure that the program continues to meet the needs of stakeholders and remains relevant. Program evaluation is applied research that is used as part of a managerial process (Royse, Thyer & Padget, 2010). Evaluation findings can be used to modify and strengthen programs (Black & Ham, 2005), because program evaluation aims to assess value (merit) and the benefits (worth) of a program. One of them can use the CIPP model. (Stufflebeam, Madaus & Kellaghan, 2000). Librarian work competency Certification Program is the implementation of government policies that have been running since 2013. This program is conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute (LSP). Librarian LSP is an institution that issues certification certificates, so in implementing certification programs the institution and its personnel must meet minimum standards, and how their performance can be improved (Royse, Thyer & Padgett, 2010). Competence Competence is a set of specific skills that a person has to be able to take effective action to certain goals (Berdrow, Iris; Evers 2014). Competence is not only related to skills (skills), but also includes other dimensions, namely knowledge (cognitive), and work attitude (attitude). All three are inseparable elements, to say that someone is competent in a particular field. Librarians must have competence in the field of librarianship. Today, librarians need to have information literacy skills and can effectively teach information literacy skills to staff and students at their universities (Ojedokun, 2014), skills in digital science. (King, 2018). Generally related to professional competence vs. basic knowledge (Zozus, Meredith N; Lazarov, Angel; all, 2017). In facing the global era, the necessary preparations are IT competence, communication, personality, and supporting science (Rumani, 2012). Ownership of one's competence can facilitate and enable someone to achieve success (Berdrow & Evers, 2014). Competencies that are continuously improved, updated and developed will greatly affect one's career (Meister & Mulcahy, 2017). To ensure the maintenance of one's competence, it must be proven by competent information from the certification body, known as certification. Certification as a tool or process and mechanism to test competence, and measure the quality of librarians, to get recognition or legality as a profession (Naibaho, 2011). Competency Certification Research on librarian work competency certification programs, both local and international, is still limited. Newfound research on perceptions of librarian certification (Rahayu, Tupan & Nashihuddin, 2011), interests (Puspitasari, 2015) or librarian motivations (Wahyuntini, Sugeng, & Hakim, 2014) towards Librarian certification. Or a joint study of librarians' perceptions and motivations of the competency certification program conducted by Handari (2015). Other research on comparative studies of Indonesian librarian competency certification systems against international certification systems (Safitri, 2014) which aims to determine the extent of librarian certification in Indonesia by international schemes and also about the urgency analysis of higher education librarian certification conducted by the Naibaho Kalarensi (2011 ). The research is related to the readiness of librarians in facing the era of free competition and factors that have become obstacles to transformation for the librarian profession (Rumani, 2012), and studies on the opportunities and challenges of Librarian certification programs in Indonesia (Khayatun & Syaikhu, 2011). Descriptive research that examines the challenges of librarian competency certification conducted in Indonesia (Rifai & Makarim, 2018). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 4 | P a g e Besides, research is generally only related to the competence of librarians, such as the need for information literacy competencies (Ojedokun AA, 2014), information technology skills competencies (Ayoku & Okafor, 2015), E-resources management competencies (Sutton, 2018), competencies that needed when the Librarian collaborates with other professions (King M., 2018), managerial competence, references, information sources, information services, information systems and information technology needed by LIS professionals (Mahmood, Bhatti & Naeem, 2017). The importance of certification was expressed by Elwell and Alfred (2017), as professionals, having many opportunities to prove expertise in their fields. Professional Certification is one such opportunity. By getting certified, a person can enhance his career, namely by demonstrating his expertise and commitment to the profession (Dana, 2018). Certification gives credibility to someone who shows that there is a mastery of knowledge in a particular field. (Sims & Bias, 2019). Context of the Competency Certification Program The measure of institutional success is more meaningful through the further realization of the institution's vision and mission and how the institution supports the values expressed through various initiatives and behaviors. Used to launch programs, new services, carry out applied research, maintain and improve assignments, and to build future capacity for change. (Calder, 2014). Clear goals (missions) are a major force, and even find that the program has higher institutional support than that found in most research universities (Greci, 2016). The formulation of the librarian certification program strategy in Indonesia so that it can be implemented well can be realized through: strive for the realization of the librarian certification program soon and optimization of librarian development with the support of applicable laws and regulations (Khayatun; Syaikhu, 2011). One of the principles of a process is to research to determine the needs and demands of the program. The principle underlines the importance of a priori research to determine the needs and demands of a program. All stakeholder groups need to support the idea of a certification program (Black & Ham, 2005). All librarians must be certified, only the need to make a selection to match the material (Naibaho, 2011). Librarians want certification based on rank, based on library institutions, which applies to civil servants as well as to library staff in private institutions (Khayatun; Syaikhu, 2011). A program must be interesting to its target. Interest in participating in librarian certification because it is related to the intrinsic value of work, work environment, professional training, professional recognition and personality of each (Puspitasari, 2012). Another factor is the role model for fellow librarians, to measure their competence, a sense of security if there are regulations that require librarians to take certification and motivation from external librarians namely from the leadership of the institution. (Wahyuntini, Sugeng & Hakim, 2014). So the librarian considers that certification is very necessary and needs to be done in synergy with relevant agencies and stakeholders intended for government library staff and private institutions (Khayatun; Syaikhu, 2011). The role of professional associations and library education institutions in countries that have implemented librarian certification is very important. Librarian certification cannot be separated from national professional management, rather it focuses on profession recognition which ultimately impacts on the creation of good governance. Certification is expected to be a 'tool' to strengthen the existence of professional associations and to measure the output of graduates as well as a reference for curriculum development (Naibaho, 2011). Input Competency Certification Program Program content is based on existing national competency standards. the methods and processes used to develop these competencies should ideally be based on broad stakeholder consultation and input (Black & Ham, 2005). The competency framework provides a flexible and standards-based way for professionals and organizations to identify areas of competence and areas that need development to build capacity. The framework can be used to identify or develop appropriate assessment tools and skills development (Townsend, et al., 2017). Indonesian International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 5 | P a g e National Standards (SNI) on the competence of librarian personnel used as basic competency requirements for librarian certification applicants is a requirement that LSP librarians can be accredited by KAN (Safitri, 2014). Librarian professional certification institutions are needed for the implementation of certification programs (Rahayu, Tupan & Nashihuddin, 2011). Involve representatives, and consult with key industry stakeholder groups using effective and regular communication. Especially the selection of personnel in program development must be communicated to all involved (Black & Ham, 2005). Professional certification program content needs to be developed. Determined what should be tested or assessed. Defined which includes core competencies, and who is involved in decision making. Some professional bodies carry out a comprehensive process involving stakeholders to determine the core competencies of the profession, while others such as the US-based National Association of Interpretation (NAI) develop certification competencies internally (Black & Ham, 2005). Government funding was provided, among other things to facilitate stakeholder consultation in program development. (Black & Ham, 2005). The certification process is expected to be implemented by the institutions involved: the National Library of Indonesia, professional associations, library science education institutions, higher education, the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP), community leaders, and assessors. The higher education environment demands different competencies from non- academic librarians (Naibaho, 2011), (Khayatun; Syaikhu, 2011). All involved need to have a clear understanding of the project objectives, objectives, and outputs, and this needs to be reviewed regularly during the development process (Black & Ham, 2005). The choice of an action plan is important for the certification process because the analysis focuses on seeing how the action plan works and does not work (Greci, 2016). There are challenges to increasing librarians' awareness and participation in certification programs, and to strengthen professional development programs to accelerate library transformation in Indonesia (Rifai, Agus; Makarim, 2018), (Handari, 2015). Efforts to be done by the government are to conduct socialization in a manner comprehensible to various regions in Indonesia, (Rahayu, Tupan & Nashihuddin, 2011). Many librarians still do not know the benefits of librarian certification widely, therefore, socialization about this program is needed (Khayatun; Syaikhu, 2011). Process Competency Certification Program There is a need for eligibility criteria that establish benchmarks for a program. Ensure that candidates have experience and/or qualifications, along with a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are high enough before starting the certification process (Black & Ham, 2005). Program elements are the time frame and criteria determined for eligibility when applying for certification and recertification (Black & Ham, 2005). The valuation method offered must be based on the principles of validity, reliability, fairness, and flexibility as well as various assessment options (Black & Ham, 2005). A typical program logo can be marketed to promote and give credibility to the program (Black & Ham, 2005). Accountability of committees and working groups and representative organizations can be guaranteed by providing periodic reporting by representatives to committees that outline actions since the previous meeting. Periodic written reports by the project manager will also assist committee members, and other stakeholder directors (Black & Ham, 2005). Benefits of the Competency Certification Program The purpose of certification is for personal satisfaction, professional recognition, and competence (Ward; et al., 2019), qualifications sought in job advertisements (Sarah, 2018), improve competence, improve librarian image, as a guarantee of quality, improve services for users, increasing the existence of the profession so that the general public will be more interested in becoming a librarian, and to strengthen the position of professional associations. It is hoped that the welfare of librarians will also increase. (Naibaho, 2011). Provide benchmarks or minimum standards, to improve professionalism, increase industry standards as the main outcome (Black & Ham, 2005). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 6 | P a g e Professional certification is one of the mechanisms used to assist in maintaining and enhancing professional or technical competence in various professions (Black & Ham, 2005). Practical implications, including the recruitment and coaching of incumbents (Lounsbury, 2016). Competitive in the free market era that allows the distribution of goods and the mobilization of human resources is done freely (Wahyuntini, Sugeng & Hakim, 2014). RESEARCH METHOD The object of research is the librarian work competency certification program conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute. The certification program is a system consisting of a series of interconnected subsystems. Consists of Objectives (context), planning (input), implementation or implementation of plans (processes) and outcomes (products). The research question is “How is the Implementation of Librarian Work Competency Certification Program conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute?” The main problem is formulated in the research problem as follows: 1. What is the significance of the librarian's work competency certification program; 2. How is the feasibility (merit) of the competency test conducted by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute; 3. How is the merit (merit) of librarian work competency certification given by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute; and 4. How is the librarian's work competency certification worth? Figure 1. Evaluation Sources for Each Subfocus So, to evaluate the program using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model. Organization of Librarian Work Competency Certification Program Subfocus 1: as a result of objective analysis is based on context evaluation Subfocus 4: as a result of the analysis of results are based on product evaluation m Subfocus 3: as a result of the implementation analysis is based on process evaluation Subfocus 2: as a result of planning analysis is based on input evaluation International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 7 | P a g e Figure 2. Evaluation of Librarian Work Competency Certification Program Using the CIPP Evaluation Model The program evaluation research is qualitative research that seeks to uncover various information about the context, input, process, and product of the librarians' work competency certification program conducted by the LSP Librarian. Comprehensively describe how (hows) and why (why) the certification program is conducted. The feasibility (merit) of the competency test conducted by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute is known through context evaluation. The feasibility (merit) of the competency test conducted by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute is known through input evaluation. The eligibility of the librarians' work competency certification conducted by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute is known through a process evaluation. The (worth) librarian job competency certification program is known through product evaluation. Information was collected from informants consisting of librarians and stakeholders using interview techniques and focus group discussions (FGD). Observations were made during the certification process. Other information is supplemented by studies of related documents. Data collection is done incidentally randomly and stopped when the data is saturated and there are no new topics. The details of the librarian work competency certification program components examined are as follows: Table 1 Research Components, Aspects and Indicators • Process Evaluation • Product Evaluation • Input Evaluation • Context Evaluation The value (significance) of the librarian work competency certification program How is the feasibility (merit) of the competency test conducted by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute How is the feasibility (merit) of providing librarian work competency certification conducted by the Librarian Work Competency Certification Institute 1.How is the benefit (worth) of the librarian work competency certification program Research Objects Components Aspects Conformity Indicators Librarian work competency certification program Context The goals of the Indonesian librarian work competency certification program - Background (background) why does the employment competency certification program require the librarian. - The needs of stakeholders and beneficiaries. - Problems (problems) associated with realizing the objectives to be achieved Input Planning of the implementation of the certification - Competency standards - Resource - Involvement of related parties International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 8 | P a g e RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Value of the Significance of the Librarian Work Competency Certification Program Librarian Work Competency Certification Program has highly significant value because it has a strong background. This is supported by the applicable laws and regulations, also stated in the vision and mission of the Librarian Development Agency, namely the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. Besides, this program is indeed needed by librarians and stakeholders and can solve problems faced by librarians and related parties. Details of the evaluation results can be seen in the following table. Table 2 Context Evaluation Results for Subfocus Significance of Librarian Work Competency Certification Program No Indicators/ Evaluation Criteria Information Findings / Evidence / Data 1. There is a background following the rules and regulations Fulfill the evaluation criteria, namely: 1. In accordance with the Vision and Mission of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia as the Librarian Development Agency, as stated in the Strategic Plan, one of the strategic steps is to carry out the development and development of library staff: a. Increase the number and distribution of library staff who have competence; b. Increase the number of certified librarians 2. Supported by Statutory Regulations that librarian certification is mandated in: - Article 7 paragraph (1), Article 29 paragraph (2) of Law No.43 / 2007 - Article 9 paragraph (3) letter d, Article 31, 34, 35 paragraph (1), (2), (3) Government Regulation No. 24/2014 - Government Regulation No. 11/2017 - Minister of Administrative Reform Regulation No. 9/2014 - Minister of Administrative Reform Regulation No. 13/2019 - Minister of Manpower Decree No. 228/2019 2. Conformity with needs Fulfill the evaluation criteria, namely: 1. In accordance with the needs of librarians in the free market era to be able to compete in a global society, including the application of the Asean Economic Community to encourage the government to improve and standardize the competence of Indonesian workers. 2. Fulfill the growing demands of professional requirements today is the existence of certification requirements obtained from trusted professional certification bodies. program for librarian work competency - Strategic plan documents - Coverage (coverage) of librarian work competency certification - Study (research) librarian work competency certification program. - Socialization and promotion Process Implementation of librarian work competency certification program - Pre-assessment - Implementation of Assessment - Post-assessment Product The results of the librarian competency certification program - Short-term impacts - Long-term impact International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 9 | P a g e 3. Fulfill the career development requirements of the PNS Library, because promotion requires a competency test and/or certification. As stated in Part X concerning Competence, Article 33 of the Minister of Administrative Reform Regulation No. 9 of 2014. Also for the career development of Librarians who work outside the government or private sphere. 4. For library accreditation requirements and library parent institutions, because it is one of the requirements to get library accreditation, even to improve the accreditation of the tertiary institution. 3. There are problems that need to be resolved Fulfill the evaluation criteria, namely: 1. In accordance with the problem of librarians about competence has not been measured according to standards/standards. 2. Has not received recognition of competence and career paths of librarians in the private environment have not been arranged as civil servants librarians. 3. Career paths of librarians in the private sphere have not been arranged as PNS librarians. Based on the report of the librarians 'study, it is mentioned that the problem of standardization of librarians' competencies, the basis of career development and awards is the reason for the need to hold a librarian work competency certification program 2. Feasibility (merit) of competency tests conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute Based on the results of the input evaluation, most aspects of the program planning component meet the criteria, so that the Librarian Professional Certification Institute is deemed fit to carry out a competency test because it has an assessment reference that is the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards in the Library, has resources, as stated in the National Library Rienstra document, involves related parties, Coverage (coverage) of librarian work competency certification, supported by studies (research) of the librarian work competency certification program, conducted regular socialization and promotion. Details of the evaluation results can be seen in the following table. Table 3 Input Evaluation Results Feasibility (merit) competency test conducted Librarian Professional Certification Institute Indicators/Ev aluation Criteria Information Findings / Evidence / Data 1. Availability of Competency Standards There is the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) in the Field of Library in the form of a Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 83 of 2012 concerning the Determination of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards Design in the Community Services, Entertainment and Other Individuals Sector in the Library Sector to Become the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards. Includes 20 competency units which are grouped into general, core and special competency units. Librarian LSP only provides certification packages based on clusters because it does not yet have the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) in the Library. However, the SKKNI has recently been published in the new library field which includes 116 competency units. Waiting for the KKNI to be established. 2. Availability of Resources by the provisions 1. There is a licensed Professional Librarians Institution (LSP) from the Librarian Professional Certification Institute Number: BNSP-LSP-107-ID, valid until 24 October 2020. LSP Librarians in the form of third party LSP secretariats in Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan Number 11 Jakarta. 2. There is LSP Librarian personnel consisting of directors, Chairpersons, Head of Quality Control Division, Head of Certification Division and Head of the general section. The composition of the LSP personnel is contained in the Decree of the Head of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Number 185 of 2018 concerning the Determination International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 10 | P a g e of Members of the Librarian Professional Certification Institute for the 2018-2021 Period and the Librarian Certification Scheme Committee. Librarian LSP personnel do not only carry out duties in the Librarian LSP but rather, work as an employee in the librarian work unit elsewhere. 3. Competency Assessors who have competency certificates from BNSP besides coming from the National library also come from various other institutions. A total of seven people were officially stated in the Decree. 4. LSP Librarian Licensing Assessor has a competency certificate from BNSP. The decree is issued by one head of the field and three members. One person has retired so only three are active. All three have other main tasks in their respective work units. 5. Librarian LSP certification scheme available. The current scheme is approved by the Chair of the LSP Certification Scheme Committee dated May 15, 2017, containing: Background; Scope; Certification Objectives; Normative Reference; Packaging / Package Competence; Rights of Applicants, Certification Participants, and Certificate Holder Obligations; Certification Fee; Certification Process (Competency Test Process, Certification Decision, Certificate Freezing and Revocation, Maintenance of Certification. 6. Availability of quality control guidelines for Librarian LSP in the form of Quality Guidelines governing: Certification Scheme; Certification Process Requirements; Registration Process; Assessment Process; Competency Test Process or Competency Assessment; Certification Decision; Suspension and Revocation of Certification, Addition, and Reduction of Scope of Certification; Recertification Process; Use of Certifications, Logos and Marks (Marks); Appeal for Certification Decision; Complaint; General Management System Requirements; General Management System Documentation; Management System Documentation; Documentation Control; Control of Records; General management review; Enter for Review; Review Output; Internal Audit; Corrective action; Preventive measure. 7. Documents are equipped with SOPs and Forms, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and LSP Librarian Work Instructions. 8. Test Material is available based on the package included in the Certification Scheme, namely: Circulation and Reference Services; Cataloging of Library Material; Library Material Procurement; Information Literacy and Promotion of Libraries; and Library Material Care. 9. There is a Competency Test Site, moving along with the workplace of the Librarian Development Center. Since 2017 the LSP Secretariat and the competency test place are located on the Third Floor, Building B, Jln Salemba Raya Number 28 A Jakarta. However, the Librarian LSP address listed on the License Certificate from BNSP is still on Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 11 Jakarta. The competency test room is 12 meters x 25 meters. 10. Facilities and furnishings include thirty sets of competency test tables and chairs equipped with a desktop computer and printer sharing. Librarian LSP when conducting competency tests using the Librarian Development Center facilities and equipment brought by competency test participants. 11. The LSP Librarian's budget has a source of funding budget that stays from the State Expenditure Budget. As stipulated in the Regulation of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia's National Library Number 16 of 2015 concerning Librarian Professional Certification Institutions, Chapter IV Funding, Article 10 states that the Librarian LSP funding is charged to the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia's National Revenue and Expenditure Budget. All costs required for competency assessment are borne by the State Budget. 3. Involvement of related parties LSP Librarian was established at the initiative of the Republic of Indonesia's National Library with support from the librarians and librarians' professional associations. Librarian LSP takes the form of a third party managed by personnel from various elements of library stakeholders. 4. The existence of a strategic plan in accordance 1. Priority policy directions and programs are found in the Regulation of the Head of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2010 concerning the Determination of the Strategic Plan of the Republic of Indonesia's National Library for 2010-2014. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 11 | P a g e with the policy 2. Priority activities carried out to achieve the goals and objectives of the program mentioned above are carried out through a series of activities, including the Development of Librarians, through assessment activities, preparation of guidelines and librarian competency standards; granting librarian and assessment team certification; developing and correcting librarian functional positions, monitoring and evaluation; and coordinating the development of librarians. 3. Technically there is no blueprint or grand design for the development of professionalism of librarians through certification so that the implementation of certification has not yet been drawn to the medium and long-term target of completing certification for all Indonesian librarians. 5. There is a suitable scope 1. The scope of the certification scheme is based only on clusters. It is stated in the Certification Scheme document prepared by LSP and approved by BNSP. The targets that were certified in the earliest certification schemes were librarians with a minimum of undergraduate requirements. The scheme changed, in the last certification scheme it was stated that the librarian had two diploma qualifications. 2. Certification packages approved by BNSP in both certification schemes are in the form of clusters. Some cluster names and competency units have changed. This was done after reviewing by BNSP. 6. There are studies that support the program Fulfill the evaluation criteria, namely: The results of the study support the implementation of Librarian competency certification. The study on certification was conducted by librarians who received assessment grants from the National Library of Indonesia conducted in 2011 and 2012. The study found several statements that support the implementation of the librarian work competency certification program. 7. Correctional and promotion carried out 1. Certification program activities begin with pre-certification, namely socialization or correctional information on certification conducted by the National Library, or in collaboration with other institutions or independent initiatives from ministries / institutions or library associations. The socialization is carried out through seminars or inserted when there are work meetings between institutions. 2. Promotion is carried out by the National Library in collaboration with LSP Librarians through the publication of brochures, leaflets and showcases. 3. The eligibility (merit) of providing librarian work competency certification conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute In general, aspects related to input components support indicators of success. The librarian work competency certification program has been well planned so that the eligibility (merit) of the competency test conducted by the Librarian Professional Certification Institute has been fulfilled. Implementation of the above planning is carried out through the stages of pre- assessment-post-assessment. Based on the process evaluation information, it is known that the librarian work competency certification program has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the LSP Librarian. This can be explained through the following table. Table 4 Process Evaluation Results Sub-focus Feasibility (merit) Granting of Librarian Work Competency Certification conducted by LSP Librarian No Indicators/Ev aluation criteria Information Findings / Evidence / Data 1. Pre- assessment according to conditions 1. At the pre-assessment stage, the competency test (TUK) site competency test (TUK) in the province is prepared by the public department. This activity is carried out to ascertain whether the competency test site can be used for assessment. 2. Minimum D2 education requirements in Library and Information Science, or having a Competency Based Certificate by the Cluster taken, or workers as Librarians who have worked for at least 2 (two) years on an ongoing International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 12 | P a g e basis. 3. Registration can be done by the participant directly coming to the LSP General Section staff or online by filling out the form and entering the file as required, ie. The person concerned submits the file to the General Section, then waits for a call by phone or letter to schedule the assessment. 4. The procedure for registration is posted on the Librarian Professional Certification Institute website. 5. The schedule for conducting the assessment is submitted to the appointed or assigned assessor. Assignment of assessors is adjusted to the cluster taken by the Assessor and the time readiness of the competency assessor 2. Execution of Assessment 1. Implementation of pre-assessment is meeting with the assessment to validate documents and confirm the contents of APL 02 and readiness of the assessment to proceed to the assessment. The assessors assigned before conducting the assessment check the completeness of the certification kit starting from planning and organizing the assessment, developing the assessment tool, determining the assessment tool and carrying out other pre-assessment activities. 2. Implementation of the assessment is carried out if all documents are suitable and the assessment is ready to follow the implementation of the assessment. The stages of the assessment or competency test for certification begin with the assessment for the basic group competency unit first. If recommended by the 'competent' by the competency assessor, the assessor or test taker is allowed to take the competency test for the core group. 3. Pasca- assesment 1. Gather the minutes of the assessment decision on the results of the assessment and assessment file 2. Conduct a plenary meeting on the decision of the assessment results 3. Establish competent and not yet competent 4. Processing application for certificate form to BNSP 5. Issuance of certification certificates 6. Shipping certification certificates 7. Feedback from certification participants on the recommendation of the assessor's decision by submitting an appeal. 8. Survilence of certificate holders has not been routinely carried out. Good for all certificate holders or just a random portion. 9. Extension of the certificate (RCC) of the librarian's certificate is carried out to the librarians who want and propose to be extended for the certificate. 10. Reporting in accordance with the provisions 4. Benefits of the Librarian Work Competency Certification Program Information about the benefits (worth) of the librarian's work competency certification program is obtained from the results of the analysis of the results included in the product evaluation which covers aspects of short-term and long-term benefits. Based on the results of interviews with certification participants and focus group discussions (FGD) with stakeholders, it is known that there is an impact on increasing professionalism, increasing professionalism, career development, sustainable professional development, competitiveness, and organizational added value. When classified, the librarian work competency certification program conducted by LSP Library has benefits both for the librarians themselves as individuals and for the following librarians' workplaces. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 13 | P a g e Table 5 Results Evaluation Results Benefits (worth) Librarian Work Competency Certification Program No Indicators/Ev aluation criteria Information Findings / Evidence / Data 1. Useful for the short term 1. Impacts for individual librarians - Give recognition of competence - Get a credit score - Meet the requirements of the Librarian's provisions - Increase the competitiveness of librarians - Increase librarian awards - Impact on increasing professionalism - Impact on career development - Impact on CPD 2. Impacts for organization - Increase the value of accreditation - Improve organizational performance - Improve service quality - Improve organizational image - Increase organizational competitiveness 2. Useful for long term 3. Impact on professional associations - Standardizing the Librarian profession - Image of librarian - Oversight - Coaching 4. Impacts the nation and state - Increase the nation's competitiveness - Increase protection for Indonesian workers. Based on the table above, the librarian work competency certification program is very useful, both for librarians, organizations where librarians work, professional librarian associations and for Indonesia. For librarians, the certification has an impact, among others, for the development of their careers, because they have competencies that are proven in a competency certificate in recognition of their competence. The ownership of competency certificates is also useful for continuing professional development because it can compete with other librarians to get priority when teaching, providing guidance or attending education and attending scientific seminars or receiving other awards. The impact on organizations where librarians work is to improve their image or competitiveness with other similar institutions, as well as meeting library and institutional accreditation requirements. In the end, the certification program as a medium tending librarian professionalism in Indonesia has an impact on the quality and performance of the nation, so that it can compete with labor in the global market. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Looking at the results of research and related literature, several things are underlined to be discussed. The value of the significance of the librarians' work competency certification program is very high because it is supported by the applicable legislation, even stated in the vision and mission document of the National Library of Indonesia as a Guiding Agency. The reason for the significance of the program should be the basis for developing a comprehensive framework. The framework can be used to identify or develop appropriate assessment tools and to target skills development opportunities (Townsend, et al., 2017). The National Library of Indonesia needs to plan clearly. It is stated in the form of a grand design specifically about developing the professionalism of librarians through a certification International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (1), June 2020 14 | P a g e program. It includes in addition to the achievement targets every year as well as the work stages, schedules and personnel and achievement mechanisms. The document is important because it contains an action plan for the certification process (Greci, 2016). The involvement and support of various parties need to be nurtured and developed because the results of the research indicate that the Librarian Professional Certification Institute which currently stands is worthy (merit) to conduct librarian certification. The quantity of certified personnel who can work in focus needs to be increased. The certification scheme needs to be adjusted immediately with SKKNI in the newly published library. However, the National Library needs to immediately determine its derivative in the form of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) in its library, so that the certification conducted by the Librarian LSP is more varied and following the demand for certification targets in the field. Not only in the form of clusters, but also leveling and vocational packages based on a qualification framework. As such, the role of competency standards is important because the content, methods and certification process are based on existing national competency standards after taking into account the results of consultations and input from stakeholders (Black & Ham, 2005). The benefit of the national certification program is that it can improve the competitiveness of the Indonesian workforce. In the era of global markets, organizations so that companies can attract talent from the international labor market (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2018). Along with the Indonesian government regulations that open up opportunities for foreign workers to be able to occupy hundreds of certain types of professional positions. So this program needs to be refined for its future sustainability. In fact, it needs to be done massively by involving all parties. 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