International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 42 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 4, No. 2, December 2020, p 42-48 Student’s Motivation of Counseling in Entrepreneurs Yulianto STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Email: ABSTRACT The aim of the study was explored student’s motivation for Guidance and Counseling major at STKIP Muhammadiayah Pringsewu in entrepreneurship. The results of research can be concluded that the study involved three subjects, namely STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu students who were entrepreneurs. The three subjects came from the Department of Counseling Guidance. The three subjects are from different semesters. The first subject was entrepreneurship in selling Muslim clothing and equipment, the second subject was entrepreneurship in the field of selling food and beverages, and the third subject was entrepreneurship in the field of typing services. The three subjects in this study had different entrepreneurial motivations, DMS had a motive for self- development, ASP had an independence motive, and the AL had income motives. Students who are entrepreneurs is not only because of their income, but the subject prioritizes the interests of their studies compared to entrepreneurs, this is because the subject does not pursue the income target of the entrepreneur, while the subject makes the entrepreneur as source of income that meets the economic needs of his life, when there are things that must be solved simultaneously between study and entrepreneurship, subjects tend to choose entrepreneurship, because entrepreneurship can provide income that can meet their daily needs and meet their security needs. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Students’ Motivation Received: 31 March 2020 ; Accepted: 22 June 2020 ; Publish; December 2020. How to Cite: Yulianto. (2020). Student’s Motivation of Counseling in Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 4 (2), 42-48 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 43 | P a g e INTRODUCTION The unemployment and poverty rates in Indonesia are still too high. It is because of the absence of adequate employment and proportional number of graduates and also the new labor offers (Saiman, 2009). Based on the data from Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the unemployment rate in Indonesia in November 2019 reached 5,29%. (BPS,2019). Based on this percentage, the number of unemployed people in Indonesia currently reaches 6.87 million. When the world looks Indonesia as one of the maps of the world economy in the World Economic Forum meeting on East Asia, it should be an opportunity for the government to bear as many entrepreneurs as possible. But in reality, the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still minimal if we compared to our neighbor countries. The lack of an entrepreneurial spirit that has been cultivated by most parents from an early age has resulted in the small number of Indonesians becoming young entrepreneurs in their own country. Most parents always instill and prepare their children to become workers rather than becoming entrepreneurs. (Witjaksono, 2014) The Minister of Cooperatives and UKM, Teten Masduki, targets the ratio of national entrepreneurs which currently only 3.47% could be 3.64% by 2021. The total population of entrepreneurial groups in Indonesia is still considered very small if it is compared to the number of entrepreneurs who are in developed countries, by an average of 14%. (Teten, 2020). If all parties want the prosperity, reduce the poverty, the most appropriate strategy is through the entrepreneurship. There are four government policy programs in alleviating poverty, namely Direct Assistance, the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM), People's Business Credit (KUR) and the Empowerment of Coastal Communities. The four programs will be implemented in synergy through the entrepreneurship. The youth needs to be encouraged to become entrepreneurs. (Syarifueddin, 2011) The influence of entrepreneurship education has been considered as one of the important factors to foster and develop desires, souls and entrepreneurial behavior among the youth (Suryana Yuyus, 2013). Regarding the influence of entrepreneurship education, it is necessary to have an understanding of how to develop and encourage the birth of broad-minded for young entrepreneurs. Someone who has the courage to do entrepreneurship can often be encouraged by lecturers who provide material on entrepreneurship in a practical and interesting way. Motivation to become an entrepreneur usually appears by themselves, after having enough stock to manage it and be ready mentally. Their attitude, behavior, and knowledge about entrepreneurship are likely to open new businesses in the future. As explained by Aidha (2016) in his article, the role of motivation in entrepreneurship can be analogous to fueling the engine. Adequate motivation for entrepreneurship will encourage the active behavior, but too strong motivation can give the negative affect for the effectiveness of the business. Much research has been done in connection with entrepreneurship motivation in students, such as that done by UD Sukmana (2008) with the title Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Growing Entrepreneurial Motivation. The problem raised in this study is how to grow entrepreneurial motivation through entrepreneurship education. The results showed that there was a significant influence on entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial motivation (without distinguishing between parents' occupations). Furthermore, if the types of parents' work are distinguished, there is an influence of understanding of the world of work, practical life abilities, and social abilities on students who have entrepreneurial parents but do not have a positive effect on students who have parents rather than entrepreneurs. As for managerial skills, it does not affect the motivation of entrepreneurial students, both parents of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. Finally, research shows there are differences in student entrepreneurial motivation that has parents of entrepreneurs compared to non-entrepreneurs. At present, there are many students who start trying to become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial students are required to make careful planning in advance to assess the truth of their income. Based on pre-research conducted by researchers at STKIP Muhammadiyah International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 44 | P a g e Pringsewu, there are many Counseling Guidance students who have started entrepreneurship. Even some of those who are self-employed have benefited more than enough. So that, they are able to maintain their business. Entrepreneurship provides a change of mindset in exploring the potential. At least, the students understand the general concept. So that, decision making will be more targeted and the resulting output will be a survival strategy. STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu has given full supporting, such as the holding of the Entrepreneurship Exhibition Program specifically for Counseling Guidance students in every activity held in the campus since 2015. Students who already have a business or are still trying to open a business on campus grounds are aimed to grow and motivate entrepreneurship in the academics. Entrepreneurial activities that have been carried out by students in this study are opening in selling Muslim clothing, selling food and beverages, typing services, photographer services, and makeup services. A production business is followed by an effort to market the product. The offering of these products and services is carried out by students through efforts to market their merchandise to consumers through social media and direct selling. At STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu has been carried out the entrepreneurship program by students. Initially, it is choosing an online entrepreneurial system, but now it refers to become real and settled entrepreneurs with their willingness to take risks. RESEARCH METHOD The method in this study is qualitative. According to Moloeng (2008: 196), the purpose of qualitative research is to explain events as they are. This research will be conducted at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. Because it is a place of social activity that allows students to become entrepreneurs. The research focus will avoid random data collection. Informants in this study were selected using purposive, namely the technique of determining informants with certain considerations (Sugiyono, 2013). It referred to take people who have been known their knowledge, experience, and entrepreneurial activities. The criteria of the informants appointed in this study are; 1. Counselling Guidance students who have taken entrepreneurship courses and applied theories in real entrepreneurship. 2. Counselling Guidance students who have rationality in entrepreneurship and take advantage of its benefits as a survival strategy. Collecting data and information process used several ways, namely; 1. In-depth interview Interview techniques can be seen as a method of collecting data by asking questions and being done systemically and based on research objectives. In general, two people or more physically present in the question and answer process, and each party can use the channels of the question and answer process, and each party can use communication channels fairly and smoothly. (Hadi, 1980) In this study used open and focused interviews, it means, interviews conducted with informants using interview guidelines, namely making notes about the main points of the questions to be asked in accordance with the research objectives regarding the rationality of the younger generation in entrepreneurship. 2. Observation Observation is the direct observation of space (place), actors, activities, objects, actions, events, time, and feelings. The goal is to present a real picture of behaviour or events, to answer questions, to help understand human behaviour, and to evaluate of measuring certain aspects of feedback on these measurements, and make systematic observations and records of the symptoms that appear on the object of research ( Margono, 1996). 3. Library Studies International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 45 | P a g e This technique is done by looking for references or reading books that contain theories, information or reports related to this research. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The process of this research involved three subjects, namely STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu students who were entrepreneurs. The subjects came from the Department of Counseling Guidance. The three subjects are from different semesters. Each student comes from semester 4, 6, and 8. All subjects have different entrepreneurial characteristics. The first subject was entrepreneurship in selling Muslim clothing and equipment, the second subject was entrepreneurship in the field of selling food and beverages, and the third subject was entrepreneurship in the field of typing services. The reason researchers chose these three subjects was that subjects had different characters in terms of study and entrepreneurship. 1. Results The results of interviews with the three subjects regarding the motivation of students who are self-employed show: The motivation of the three subjects varied. It can be seen from the management time made by the subject and its realization. Besides that, motivation can be seen from how the subject makes a plan and determines the objectives of his activities. The following is a discussion of the description of students who are self-employed. a. First subject: Diajeng Mita Saputri (initials DMS) 1) Based on the results of observations and interviews, DMS has started entrepreneurship by selling Muslim women's clothes and equipment. She started a business since the first semester. DMS’s motivation is entrepreneurial because she likes entrepreneurship. She feels that there is a certain satisfaction when they sell all items as well. She describes another motivation for entrepreneurship is to seek experience. She wants to try out how it feels to be entrepreneurial. She wants to get management knowledge, like as managing financial circulation, administration in trading, and how to market a product, such as the DMS said in the interview process: "I want to find entrepreneurship experience, what is entrepreneurship, how do I hold my business money, the way of financial, it is the same as how I sell it. The problem is my dream later after graduating from this college, besides having the dream of becoming a teacher, I also have aspirations to become an entrepreneur, ”(interview with DMS, March 14, 2018) Motivation to look for entrepreneurial experiences is driven by the desire of IMDM who aspires to have a side as an entrepreneur. His love for entrepreneurship, and motivation to become an entrepreneur are highly supported by her mother. She does not have a settled place to sell their wares, she only markets its merchandise by visiting friends from one campus and their neighbours. In addition, she also organizes its merchandise by utilizing social media in the form of Facebook and WhatsApp (WA) applications. From she starts to business every month, she gets a varied profit and loss profit. But she gets benefited more from the loss. So that, she is able to maintain its business without having to give up for fear of losing business. b. Second subject: Ahmad Sunu Prabowo (initials ASP) 1) ASP Motivation Based on the results of interviews and observations, ASP started his entrepreneurship since elementary school. While in Grade 5 Elementary School, he sells Balloon Ice. Balloon ice is ice with various flavours and colours that are inserted into the plastic ice. Ice Balloon, which he sells is ice made by his mother. Ice sold in its class. He said that : International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 46 | P a g e "I sell ice balloons when I was an elementary school. The ice balloon makes it from sweeteners and colouring. My mother made it in the afternoon. The next morning, I brought the ice balloon to school, I sold it”(interview with ASP, March 14, 2018). Currently, he is undergoing entrepreneurship. He sells food and beverages. Food and beverages that are selling are foods produced by their neighbours. ASP sells spicy morning, lanting, banana chips, soy milk, and others. He markets its business in a campus. His reason does entrepreneurship is its pleasure in buying and selling activities. In addition, economic needs are one of the strong motivations. He felt that the monthly remittances from his family were not enough to pay for his basic needs. As he explained in the interview process: "Yes, I'm happy with the trading process. I'm happy to make a transaction. Actually, I need it too, sir. I need extra cost for my monthly. I paid boarding and college using my own money, sir.”(Interview with ASP, March 14, 2018). The budget that has received from his family is only enough for a meal in a month. Whereas he needs to pay for boarding, tuition fee and other needs. So, he must work to get additional cost. c. Third subject: Aulidina Lathifa (AL Initials) 1) AL Motivation Based on the results of interviews conducted with AL, researchers get information that he has advantages in applying computers. He makes typing services a business that has been doing since 2016. He knows that its work is currently needed by almost all students. The typing speed is controlled by him. Before He entered the college at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, the first time, he entered computer training at one of the training institutions in the Pringsewu. As he stated in the interview process: "Before I entered this campus, I participated in computer training for one year, sir. I learned about computer applications. I was able to type quickly. Then I made a business. ”(Interview with AL, March 16, 2018) His motivation started from his strong desire to prove to his parents that success is not only achieved from the formal pathway, but there are also many other ways, one of which is entrepreneurship, as he said in the interview process: "I want to prove to my parents if the success does not have to be just a government employee, there is something else that is business, sir" (interview with AL, March 16, 2018). He wants to provide alternative ways to their parents who think that being a civil servant is the only way to have a successful life. Another his motivation in entrepreneurship is to pay parents’ credit that is 5 million rupiah which he used to pay for the initial registration at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. He is entrepreneurial in order to get money, so he can pay parents’ monthly instalments, is around 500 thousand rupiahs, as he said in the interview process: "Wow, I slammed my bones for the sake of getting money to pay instalments" (Interview with AL, March 16, 2018) He also said that the most powerful motivation he started was entrepreneurship because of his need to find money to pay instalments to his parents. 2. Discussion International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 47 | P a g e In this study, the researchers discussed the description of student motivation in entrepreneurship, the subject has a different motivation. DMS is entrepreneurial on the basis of self-development motives, ASP is entrepreneurial on the basis of independence motives, and AL is entrepreneurial on the basis of income motives. This is in accordance with the theory presented by Soelaiman (2008: 13), arguing that there are five factors that motivate individuals to entrepreneurship, namely: a. Independence Being an independent individual, especially economically, is the hope of every student because it can ease the burden on parents. However, not all students can do that. Only a few students are able to be economically independent, one of them is a student who is entrepreneurial. There is no doubt about entrepreneurship as individuals certainly benefit financially. In fact, not only economically independent will be obtained but will be personally independent, like as in taking own decisions, resolve their own problems without having to depend on others. b. Self-development there are many new experiences gained by individuals who are entrepreneurial, it makes these individuals more advanced and developing. So that, it can be concluded that self-development in entrepreneurs has better than other professions. c. The right alternative to jobs that are not satisfying. Entrepreneurship is one of the jobs that can be done by all students, teachers, lecturers, employees, and others. This is because entrepreneurship does not require experience, unlike other jobs so that it can be used as an alternative job for anyone who has the will. d. Income There is no need to doubt that income from entrepreneurship has more lucrative income potential compared to other professions. This is evident because most of the world's rich people are successful entrepreneurs in their fields. e. Security Most people work to have a fear of being fired by the leader when they make a mistake. It’s different with entrepreneurship, there is no word of dismissal work because the owner of power is himself. You could say entrepreneurship is the safest job because you don't need to worry about such things. The motivation of DMS is entrepreneurship because of its pleasure in the world of entrepreneurship, economically DMS does not experience shortages. Based on this, DMS does not depend on entrepreneurs, the product is sold or not, it does not affect for DMS survival process. Entrepreneurship is only a place for self-development for DMS. The optimal fulfilment of the economic needs given impact to her study process as optimally without being interrupted by a lack of primary needs. ASP’s Motivation is not only for his pleasure in design, but also, he requires additional input for his daily needs. Shipments from his family are not enough to meet the daily needs so that he relies on its entrepreneurship as a source of income. ASP's motivation is entrepreneurship because of his desire to be independent. Entrepreneurship can help his survival life. If the entrepreneur does not work then the continuity and security of his life are disrupted. He cannot fulfil all of its life needs. The impact on his study, he never concentrates to his study. Al’s entrepreneurship motivation is to pay his credit to the bank in the amount of 24 million. His motivation is entrepreneurship which is to make entrepreneurs as a source of income. Entrepreneurial results are a necessity for him to pay off debts and finance daily life. If his business does not run, this life will be disrupted, which is entangled in debt. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 4 (2), December 2020 48 | P a g e Based on the results of the study, students who are self-employed are not due to income reasons, so the subject prioritizes the interests of their studies compared to the entrepreneur, this is because the subject does not pursue the income target of the entrepreneur. This makes the subject can undergo both activities together, namely study activities and entrepreneurship. Subjects that make entrepreneurs as sources of income that meet economic needs in their lives, then there is something that must be solved simultaneously between study and entrepreneurship, the subject tends to choose entrepreneurship because entrepreneurs can provide income that can meet their daily needs and security needs. This can prevent the commitment of the subject to the study process. Entrepreneurship is one of the main sources of income for the subject. If the entrepreneur does not work then the subject's survival will be disrupted. CONCLUSION Research subject is three students at STKIP Muhamadiyah Pringsewu who are entrepreneurs. They are in Counseling major with different semesters. The first subject was entrepreneurship in selling Muslim clothing and equipment, the second subject was entrepreneurship in the field of selling food and beverages, and the third subject was entrepreneurship in the field of typing services. The three subjects in this study had different entrepreneurial motivations, DMS had a motive for self-development, ASP had an independence motive, and the AL had income motives. Students who are entrepreneurs not only because of their income, but the subject prioritizes the interests of their studies compared to entrepreneurs, this is because the subject does not pursue the income target of the entrepreneur while the subject makes the entrepreneur a source of income that meets the economic needs of his life, when there are things that must be solved simultaneously between study and entrepreneurship, subjects tend to choose entrepreneurship, because entrepreneurship can provide income that can meet their daily needs and their security needs. REFERENCE Hadi, Sutrisno. 1980. Metodologi Research. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi UGM. Margono, S. 1996. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan.Semarang: RinekaCipta. Moloeng, Lexy J.2011. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. 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