International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 68 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2021, p 68-79 THE EFFECT OF ACADEMIC SUPERVISION, WORK EXPERIENCE, SKILLS AND MANAGERIAL WORK COMMITMENT IN THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STATE IN BATAM RIAU ISLANDS Sarmini Universitas Batam Email : ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the influence of the academic supervision, work experience, and a commitment to work towards the managerial skills of school principals. This study uses a quantitative approach using a survey method. Path analysis was used to analyze the data collected. The population in this study are all heads of public primary schools in the city of Batam totaling 143 principals. The number of samples taken in this study were 106 randomly selected people. The results showed that the managerial skills of school principals directly influenced by the academic supervision, work experience, and job commitment. The study also found that the work commitment is influenced by the academic supervision and work experience. Based on these findings it can be concluded that any changes occur in the principal managerial skills are influenced by the academic supervision, work experience, and job commitment. Therefore, the managerial skills of principals, academic supervision, work experience, and job commitment can be taken into consideration in strategic planning for the development of human resources in the education sector. Keywords: Managerial Skills Principal, Academic Supervision, Work Experience, Job Commitment. Received: 3 October 2020 ; Accepted: 21 February 2021 ; Publish; June 2021. How to Cite: Sarmini (2021). The Effect Of Academic Supervision, Work Experience, Skills And Managerial Work Commitment In The Principal Elementary School State In Batam Riau Islands. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 5 (1), 68-79. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 69 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Improving the quality of education is a goal of development in the field of national education and an integral part of Indonesia's overall human enhancement efforts. To achieve good management in an organization requires a manager who has professional skills in his or her field, and that also applies in the education sector especially school, the quality of school management will depend on a school leader who acts as manager. As a manager, school principals have a big duty and responsibility in managing their schools. The success of the principal in managing his school is not beyond the ability of the principal as a school leader in performing the functions and role of the principal. Therefore, a principal is required to have readiness in managing the school, the readiness of the leadership in question here is managerial capability related to Ministerial Regulation No. 13 of 2007 on Standards of School Principals, principal managerial skills include: planning, organizing, mobilization and supervision. With good managerial skills it is expected that each principal can be a driver and disciplinarian for teachers so that they are able to show their productivity well. LITERATURE REVIEW Principal Managerial Skills Wahyudi, (2012: 67). Skill or skill can be defined as ability is ability in performing task based on job competence and the result can be observed. Fattah (2007: 13). Explain that managerial practices are activities undertaken by managers. Further Sedarmayanti, (2007: 175) suggests that managerial skills are task-related behaviors, can be mastered through learning, improved through training and help of others. As according to Siagian (2007: 36)., "Managerial skills are the skills to move others to work properly., Managerial skills are skills in implementing and completing managerial tasks that is planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the implementation of the organization to achieve the target certain. Soebagio, (2006: 103). In principle, the definition of management has several characteristics as follows: 1). There are goals to be achieved; 2) as a combination of science and art; 3) is a systematic, coordinated, cooperative, and integrated process in utilizing its elements; 4) there are two or more persons working together within an organization; 5) based on the division of labor, duties and responsibilities; 6) includes several functions; And 7) is a means to an end. Hasibuan, (2009: 3). Terry (2006: 18). Which states that management functions include planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising activities undertaken to achieve predetermined targets through the utilization of human and other resources. Robbins (2008: 52). Activities undertaken in organizing may include; 1) Define the task to be done; 2) Who does the work; 3) How the tasks are grouped; 4) Who reports to whom; And 5) Where the decision should be taken. Based on the above description, the principal's managerial skills are the principal's ability to organize and develop school resources to create an effective and efficient learning environment. The things that become indicators are 1) do the planning (planning); 2) organizing; 3) conduct the actuating; 4) conduct supervision (controlling). Academic Supervision Supervision word in English: Supervision consisting of two words "Super" and "Vision". Super means over or above, while vision means seeing or reviewing. Therefore, it is etymologically supervision (supervision) means to see or review from or view and judge from above done by superiors to the realization of activities and result of subordinate work. Gunawan, (2006: 193-194). Mulyasa (2012: 155). The following definition of supervision is expressed: "All efforts of school officials in leading teachers and other education personnel, to improve teaching; International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 70 | P a g e Including stimulating, selecting, and revising educational goals, teaching materials and teaching methods and teaching evaluation ". The quality of teaching teachers directly or indirectly can affect the quality of learning. Therefore, continuous guidance is required from the Supervisor or Principal, among others through the supervision of teaching. The principal as a supervisor should pay attention to the following important matters: 1) teacher personality, 2) continuous professional improvement, 3) learning process, 4) mastery of subject matter, 5) diversity of teachers' ability, 6) regional diversity and 7) ability Teachers in working with the community. Pidarta, (2009: 18) Harris (2006: 442). States that teaching supervision is anything that school personnel do to maintain or change what the school does in a direct way to influence the teaching and learning process in an effort to improve student learning. One of the principal's duties is as a supervisor, supervising the work done by teachers and staff. Mulyasa, (2012: 248). Good supervision is very effective in improving the quality of schools reflected, among others, through; 1) quality of school management, 2) Principal leadership, 3) learning management, 4) availability of necessary facilities and infrastructure, and 5) student learning outcomes. Hartoyo, (2006: 72). Said that Supervision by supervisors should be directed to improve the quality of student learning outcomes through two main objectives, namely Principal and teachers. Teaching Supervision has an important role to play in enhancing the principal's professional skills and teachers, which will have an impact on improving the quality of processes and learning outcomes or the quality of education.Glickman (2005: 144) argues that any service to teachers aimed at generating instructional improvement , Study, and the curriculum is said to be supervision. Blandfort (2010: 144). States that "... appraisal [supervision] is ... to improve the quality of education for pupils, through assisting school teachers to realize their potential and to carry out duties more effectively ..." Based on the understanding discussed above, it can be synthesized academic supervision is a supervisory activity aimed at improving the conditions in an effort to improve the quality of the students through the effort to motivate, guide, guide, and direct the people associated with academic activities. The indicator of the measurement is; 1) planning of academic supervision, 2) implementation of academic supervision, 3) follow up academic supervision. Work Experience Experience is a factor to assess how long a person knows or exchanges knowledge with others to be able to carry out their work effectively. Cascio, (2007: 260). According to Thoha (2008: 68). That ability which is one element of maturity, is concerned with the knowledge and skills that can be gained through education, training and experience. Simanjuntak that knowledge acquired or enhanced through education. While skills acquired and improved through practice and work experience .. Simanjuntak, (2005: 144). Sedarmayanti (2010: 75). Said experience is a major factor in a person's development, whereas experience is only possible in their environmental relationships. From the various theories and explanations above can be synthesized that work experience is the level of mastery of knowledge and skills of a person in his work that can be measured from the period of work and from the level of knowledge and skills possessed. The indicator is 1) the length of time or period of work, 2) the level of knowledge and skills possessed, 3) Mastery of work and equipment. Working Commitment Ordione (2008: 205-207). Commitment is a psychological condition that shows the will of a serious action. Ordine, (2008: 205-207). While Stout and Walker (2007: 123). Argues that commitment is to find a specific goal desired so that someone will give time, energy and ability to help get it. Commitment by Cox in Darma (2008: 34). Means an active engagement in an attempt to establish and maintain relationships to a person or to an organization. Blumberg (2006: 366). Schlechty (2008: 219). Seeing a sense of commitment contains an understanding of how to International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 71 | P a g e overcome resistance when it will change something. Meanwhile, according to Adizes in Yuki and Udaya (2004: 221). Said that commitment is very important to support individual and personal success. Commitment by Sedarmayanti (2008: 166). Is the strength of the introduction and involvement of a person in a particular organization The tendency to engage in a consistent line of activity because it considers the cost of implementing other activities (stop working). Scott and Burroughs cited Zainun (2008: 2). Said that commitment is the degree of employee concern and its contribution to organizational success and commitment as the relative strength of the joint individual identification and its engagement with the organization. Furthermore, the proposed hypotheses are as follows: 1) Academic Supervision has a direct positive effect on Principal Managerial Skill; 2) Work Experience has a direct positive effect on Principal Managerial Skill; 3) Job Commitment has a direct positive effect on School Principal; 4) Academic Supervision has a direct positive effect on Work Commitment; 5) Work Experience has a direct positive effect on Work Commitment RESEARCH METHOD The place or location in this study is focused on the Environment of The Indonesian National Army Headquarter, Cilangkap, which represents the conditions of use of Logistics Human Resources in conducting the process of Evaluating the Human Resources Development Policy of the TNI. The implementation of research was carried out from December 2019 to May 2020, data collection in the form of interviews, observations, and research subjects selected purposively according to the needs and topics selected on the environment site. This research is intended to find out how to evaluate the implementation of the use of manpower in the TNI Logistics Human Resources Development Policy in supporting the main tasks in the Indonesian National Army Headquarter. Therefore, the research method used is qualitative, namely understanding something from a part of human social life based on a holistic and complex picture; processed through words; recording, interpreting, and conveying the informant's views in detail, conducted naturally, which by several individuals or groups of people is considered to stem from Cresswell's social or humanitarian problems (1994) Purposive Informant Determination Technique, in which the informant is selected according to the needs and objectives of the research to obtain the necessary data. They are logistics assistant for the TNI Commander and staff who have accurate information about the implementation of the use of logistics workforce based on the consideration of the authority, have a lot of information, and have a connection, both individually and institutionally, with the Implementation of the use of logistics workforce in the TNI Human Resources Development Policy. The data then compared with the various sources of data to strengthen the stance of the data obtained. Academic Supervision Work Commitment Work Experience Principal Managerial Skills International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 72 | P a g e RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Principal Managerial Skills The result of the field research resulted in the data of 106 respondents, after being processed statistically, yielded the following values: The smallest value obtained was 169 and the highest score was 212 of the calculated range. Then give the average value () equal to 193,98, median value or Median (Me) equal to 193 and Mode (Mo) equal to 189, standard deviation 9,28 and variance equal to 86,19. If the data is arranged in the frequency list then there are 8 classes of intervals that are described in the frequency distribution table. In order to know the picture data in more detail can be seen in the frequency distribution table presented as follows: Tabel 1 Distribution of Frequency of Principal Managerial Skills No. Class Interval Frecuensi Absolut Frecuensi Relative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 169 – 174 175 – 180 181 – 186 187 – 192 193 – 198 199 – 204 205 – 210 211 – 216 1 5 19 25 19 21 10 6 0,94 4,72 17,92 23,58 17,92 19,81 9,43 5,66 Total 106 100,00 From the distributive table the most frequencies were in the 187 - 192 score group (23.58%), followed by the score group 199 - 204 (19.81%), the score group 181 - 186 and the score group 193 - 198 respectively (17.92 %), Score group 205 - 210 (9,43%), score group 211 - 216 (5,66%), score group 175 - 180 (4,72%), and last score group 169 - 174 (0,94 %). The average score is in the class of 193 - 198, about 47.17% of the respondents 'answers are below the average value and about 52.83% of respondents' answers are on average and above average. 2. Academic Supervision From the data of 106 respondents a statistically calculated study shows the following results: The lowest value obtained is 161 and the highest score is 192 of the calculated range. The next calculation gives the average value of 175.09, median or median of 174.5 and Mode of 169, standard deviation of 7.71 and variance of 59.48. If the data is arranged in the frequency list then there are 8 classes of intervals presented in the frequency distribution table. To find a more detailed description of the data, the authors present the frequency distribution table. Table 2 Distribution of Frequency of Academic Supervision No. Class Interval Frequency Absolut Frequency Relatif 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 161 – 164 165 – 168 169 – 172 173 – 176 177 – 180 181 – 184 185 – 188 189 – 192 9 11 22 19 19 11 11 4 8,49 10,38 20,75 17,92 17,92 10,38 10,38 3,77 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 73 | P a g e Total 106 100,00 In the frequency distribution table, the highest scores were 169 - 172 (20.75%), followed by score groups 173 - 176 and score groups 177 - 180 (17.92%), 165 - 168 score groups, respectively Scores 181 - 188, the score group 185 - 188 respectively (10.38%), the score group 161 - 164 (8.49%), and the smallest score was in the 189 - 192 score group (3.77%). The average value is in the class 173 - 176, about 39.62% of respondents 'answers are below the average value and about 60.38% of respondents' answers are on average and above average. 3. Work Experience From the data of 106 respondents the statistically calculated research obtained the following results: the lowest score obtained was 87 and the highest score was 122 of the calculated range. Then the next calculation gives the average value of 105.25, the mean or Median of 105.5 and Modus (Mo) of 101, the standard deviation of 8.21 and the variance of 67.37. If the data is arranged in the frequency list then there are 8 classes presented in the frequency distribution table. To know more detailed description of data there is this frequency distribution Table 3 Distribution of Frequency of Work Experience No. Class interval Frequency Absolut Frequency Relatif 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 87 – 91 92 – 96 97 – 101 102 – 106 107 – 111 112 – 116 117 – 121 122 – 126 4 12 25 18 21 16 9 1 3,77 11,32 23,58 16,98 19,81 15,09 8,49 0,94 Total 106 100,00 From the frequency distribution table it can be seen that the highest score is 97 - 101 (23,58%), then the value group 107 - 111 (19,81%), score group 102 - 106 (16,98%), score group 112 - 116 (15.09%), the score group 92 - 96 (11.32%), the score group 117 - 121 (8.49%), the score group 87 - 91 (3.77%), and the lowest scores In the score group 122 - 126 (0.94%). The average score is in grades 102 - 106, about 38.68% of respondents 'answers are below average and 61.32% of respondents' answers are on average and above average. The cause of the work experience score distribution is displayed on this histogram. 4. Working Commitment Results of statistical data processing of 106 respondents research shows the following results: the lowest value obtained is 98 and the largest value is 128 of the calculated range. The next calculation gives the average value of 113.05, the mean or Median of 113 and the Modus of 113, the standard deviation of 7.34 and the variance of 53.87. If the data is arranged in the frequency list then there are 8 classes presented in the frequency distribution. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 74 | P a g e Table 4 Distribution of Frequency of Work Commitment No. Interval Class Frequency Absolut Frequency Relative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 98 – 101 102 – 105 106 – 109 110 – 113 114 – 117 118 – 121 122 – 125 126 – 129 6 14 16 19 19 18 9 5 5,66 13,21 15,09 17,92 17,92 16,98 8,49 4,72 Total 106 100,00 The frequency distribution table shows the highest scores in the scores of 110 - 113 and the score groups 114 - 117 each (17.92%), followed by the score group 118 - 121 (16.98%), the score group 106 - 109 ( 15,09%), score group 102 - 105 (13,21%), score group 122 - 125 (8,49%), score group 98 - 101 (5,66) and the smallest score was in score group 126 - 129 (4.72%). The average score is in grades 110 - 113, about 33.96% of respondents' answers are below average and 66.04% of respondents are on average and above average. Table 5 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 40.621 9.984 4.069 .000 Academic Supervision .386 .107 .321 3.601 .000 Work esperience .268 .089 .237 3.019 .003 Work Commitment .509 .106 .403 4.822 .000 Tabel 6 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) -13.925 9.214 -1.511 .134 Academic supervision .560 .083 .589 6.717 .000 Working Commitment .275 .078 .307 3.504 .001 Recapitulation of hypothesis testing of this research in detail is in this table. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 75 | P a g e Table 7 Recapitulation Hypothesis Testing No Hipotesis statistic exam Path Coefisien Tcount dk = 104 Desicion Ho 1. Academic Supervision (X1) has direct influence on Principal Managerial Skills (Y) Ho : y1 ≤ 0 H1 : y1> 0 py1= 0,321 3,601** Ho rejected 2. Work Experience (X2) directly affects the Principal Managerial Skills (Y) Ho : y2 ≤ 0 H1 : y2> 0 py2 = 0,237 3,019** Ho rejected 3. Working Commitment (X3) has a direct effect on Principal Managerial Skills (Y) Ho : y3 ≤ 0 H1 : y3> 0 py3 = 0,403 4,822** Ho rejected 4. Academic Supervision (X1) has a direct effect on Work Commitment (X3) Ho : 31 ≤ 0 H1 : 31> 0 p31 = 0,589 6,717** Ho rejected 5. Work Experience (X2) has a direct effect on Work Commitment (X3) Ho : 32 ≤ 0 H1 : 32> 0 p32 = 0,307 3,504** Ho rejected * Significant at α = 0.05 (ttable = 1.658) ** Very significant at α = 0.01 (ttable = 2.358) Discussion 1. Academic Supervision Positively Affects Positive Academic Supervision Positively Affects Positive Principal Managerial Skills Supervisor is the task Headmaster associated with the ministry in improving the professionalism of teachers to achieve teaching and learning process. Katz and Khan said that the managerial skills consist of technical skills, human skills, and conceptual skills. Technical ability is the ability of a person in the use of tools, procedures, methods and techniques on a management activity is working (working with things). Skills in human relationships are skills The results of this study are also supported by Permendinas no. 13 of 2007, dated 17 April 2007. At Permendiknas mentioned that to be appointed as a principal one must meet the qualification and skill standards. The principal must meet the standard of skill. In Permendiknas No. 1 Year 2007 required 5 skills must be owned by the principal. The five required skills of a principal are: personality skills, managerial skills, entrepreneurial skills, supervision skills, and social skills. From the result of the research indicate that the academic supervision have a direct positive effect to the managerial skill of the principal. The implication is that if academic supervision is improved, it will result in an increase in the principal's managerial skills. In addition, academic supervision also has a direct positive effect on the principal's work commitment. The implication is that if increased academic supervision, will result in increased commitment of principals work. Improving the academic supervision of teachers can be through several things; A) Increase the school principal's knowledge on how to plan for a thorough academic supervision. B) Increase the principal's knowledge on how to conduct good academic supervision. C) Increase headmaster knowledge about follow-up when finding problems in academic supervision. D) Improving the ability of school principals to explore the potential of subordinates. E) Improving teamwork in solving school-related problems with school programs. F) Improving the ability of school International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 76 | P a g e principals in education management. Based on these explanations are appropriate and reinforce previous findings about the direct influence of academic supervision on the principal's managerial skills by (Ronit Bogler, Anit Somech,2004) 2. Positive Work Experience on Principal Managerial Skills Sufficient knowledge and experience for a principal will also have good work skills. Headmasters who have high skills in their fields have knowledge, intelligence and experience in doing tasks are not easily affected by others. Thus it is clear that experience is a lesson that will result in a change toward the maturity of behavior, an increase in understanding and enrichment of information. Through a lot of work experience and long for a leader is expected to become a successful principal in managing educational institutions. From this study found the result that work experience has a direct positive effect on the principal's managerial skills. The implication is that if work experience is improved, it will lead to an increase in the principal's managerial skills. In addition, work experience also has a direct positive effect on the principal's work commitment. The implication is that if work experience is improved, it will result in increased commitment of principals work. Improving work experience can be done through several things, such as: a) The ability of the principal to accomplish difficult work must be improved. B) The principal's managerial skills should be improved. C) Improve the skills of the principal. D) Improving the headmaster's insight in working. E) improving the quality and quantity of training for principals. From the above explanation proves the results of this study in accordance with previous findings about the direct influence of work experience on the principal's managerial skills. Simanjuntak, (2005: 144). 3. Positive Working Commitment Affects Positive Principal Managerial Skills The result of hiptesis testing indicating that work commitment influence to principal managerial skill can be understood. Commitment is a psychological factor affecting attitudes and work behavior and work behavior will ultimately determine the quality of work, including the principal's managerial skills. Commitment is an important capital that encourages positive efforts and hard work of individuals in the work. As a result, the performance shown by individuals with strong work commitments is also high. Theoretically, the linkage between work commitment to the principal's managerial skills, which in this case is indicated by performance, as McCloy and Wise point out, "work commitment is very plausibly related to motivation to learn and motivate to learn. If you are committed to your work, you are more likely to want to improve ". In this sense, work commitment is most likely related to motivation to improve performance, because when individuals commit to their work, they will have a desire to improve it. Another opinion about the theoretical relation of work commitment to principal managerial skills is expressed by Cooper following: Simanjuntak, (2005: 144). We consider the important link between commitment and job performance. It is accepted that lead commitment to improved work and organizational performance. Most managers believe that the real commitment from staff would dramatically improve the performance of their business. Interestingly, investigation has found a positive relationship between organizational commitment and output of measures of performance, such as a change in operating profit and sales targets. The results of the research in the field can be concluded that work commitment has a direct positive effect on the principal managerial skills. The implication is that if work commitment is improved, it will result in an increase in the principal's managerial skills. To improve work commitment can be done in various ways, Communication skills of the principal in dealing with subordinates, students, and the work environment. Maintain harmonious relationships and family spirit and social solidarity within and outside the school environment. Improve the principal's integrity by upholding honesty and truth in work. Maintain the loyalty of the principal by raising the attitude of wanting to guide and nurture educators and education in the school environment, Creating a climate of openness in the school environment so that subordinates dare to express opinions, be International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 77 | P a g e honest, have the feeling and clear mind., Make himself better because basically the principal is a community leader. , The headmaster in the community is an example so he must implement his code of ethics.Based on the explanation seen according to previous findings about the direct influence of work commitment to the principal's managerial skills. The results of this study is in line with the results of previous studies by (Ronit Bogler, Anit Somech,2004) 4. Academic Supervision Positively Affects Commitment to Work Joarder, Sharif and Ahmmed who say that: Realistically, supervisor plays significant role in subordinates' professional working environment, thus positive supervision creates better working environment for subordinates. It stresses, but also increases the job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and reduces turnover. Based on the above explanation, that supervision plays an important role in creating a professional work environment, so that supervision is done positively will create a better working environment for subordinates. It is widely believed that a healthy supervisory and subordinate relationship not only reduces subordinate stress, but also increases job satisfaction, commitment, and reduced personnel turnover. While Rhoades et al. Which is cited by Joarder, Sharif and Ahmmed also explains the linkage of supervision to work commitments as described below; Organizational support theory explained that supportive treatment from supervisors results increased POS, which makes employees obligated to repay the organization by achieving its goals and feel more committed, which in turn reduce their intention to leave. Mulyasa (2012: 155). From the results of research indicate that academic supervision have a direct positive effect on work commitment of principal. The implication is that if improved academic supervision, it will result in increased commitment of principals work. In addition, academic supervision also has a direct positive effect on the principal's work commitment. The implication is that if increased academic supervision, will result in increased commitment of principals work. Improvement of academic supervision can be through several things; A) Increase the school principal's knowledge on how to plan for a thorough academic supervision. B) Increase the principal's knowledge on how to conduct good academic supervision. C) Increase headmaster knowledge about follow-up when finding problems in academic supervision. D) Improving the ability of school principals to explore the potential of subordinates. E) Improving teamwork in solving school-related problems with school programs. F) Improving the ability of school principals in education management. Thus the results of this study support previous findings about the direct effect of academic supervision on work commitment. (Soetjipto, 2002) 5. Work Experience Positive Influence on Work Commitment Work experience has a positive direct impact on the principal's commitment. The implication is that if work experience is improved, it will result in increased commitment of principals work. In addition, work experience also has a direct positive effect on the principal's work commitment. The implication is that if work experience is improved, it will result in increased commitment of principals work. Improving work experience can be done through several things, such as: The ability of the principal to accomplish difficult work must be improved, Commitment Work of the principal should be improved, Improve the skills of the principal., Improving the headmaster's insight in working, improving the quality and quantity of training for principals.The results of this study are also in line with the theory put forward by (Soetjipto, 2002) who said that the more a person's work experience will be more and more benefits that impact on the breadth of knowledge insight in the field of work and increasing one's skills. The principal who is experienced in carrying out the main task, then more easily in providing speed, convenience, accuracy and integrity in providing service performance. Thus the results of this study support previous findings about the direct influence of work experience on work commitment. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (1), June 2021 78 | P a g e CONCLUSION Based on the findings and discussion it can be taken some concluded that First, There is a direct positive influence of academic supervision of the principal's managerial skills. This illustrates that high academic supervision will result in an increase in the principal's managerial skills. Second There is a positive direct effect of work experience on the principal's managerial skills. This indicates that high work experience will result in an increase in the principal's managerial skills. There are three positive direct positive effects of work commitment to the principal's managerial skills. 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