International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 11 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2021, p 11-25 THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEE RESILIENCE ON WORK ENGAGEMENT AT BUMN BANK BRANCH OFFICE IN BOGOR Sholikhah Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta Email: Widya Parimita Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta Email: Reny Nathasya Marbun Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study are: 1) To determine the description of learning organizations, employee resilience and work engagement to employees of BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City, 2) To determine the influence of learning organizations on work engagement to employees of BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City, 3) To determine the effect of employee resilience on work engagement to employees of BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City, 4) To determine the prediction of the learning organization and employee resilience research model to work engagement to employees of BUMN bank branch office in Bogor City. This research was conducted on 200 employees of BUMN bank branch office in Bogor City. The technique used in data collection is the survey method by distributing questionnaires then processed using the SPSS 24 program. This study uses descriptive analysis and ex post facto. The results of the regression show that there is a positive and significant influence between learning organizations on work engagement, employee resilience to work engagement and research models of learning organizations and employee resilience can predict work engagement to employees of BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City with Fcount> Ftable (19,157> 3.04) and significance (0.000 <0.05). Keywords: Learning Organization, Employee Resilience, Work Engagement Received: 22 June 2021 ; Accepted: 21 October 2021 ; Publish; December 2021. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 12 | P a g e How to Cite: Sholikhah, (2021). The Influence of Learning Organization and Employee Resilience on Work Engagement at BUMN Bank Branch Office In Bogor. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 5 (2), 11-25. INTRODUCTION For companies who engaged in financial services such as banks, human resources are a very valuable investment (Artiningrum & Satrya, 2016). Every company generally aspires to have human resources who are competent in their fields, have dedication, loyalty and are also engaged with the company. Engaged employees will provide good performance and enable the company to achieve its goals (Urika, 2016). This opinion is strengthened by several studies that correlate high work engagement with the achievement of targets company, and the results are very positive. This statement is also supported by an article entitled Work engagement: An Emerging Concept in Occupational Health Psychology by Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter, & Taris, (2008) which states that companies that focus on work engagement are not only profitable individually but also offer organizational advantages. However, the fact shows that to get human resources that are tied to the organization and its work is not easy. In a research conducted by Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (PM- ELI) in the first quarter of 2015 which was conducted on 225 respondents who worked in various leading companies in Indonesia, the level of engagement employee in the organization only reached 40%. Meanwhile, more than half of the total respondents (59%) stated that they are not engaged in their organization. The following is the percentage level of engagement of 225 respondents in research conducted by PM-ELI 2015. (Urika, 2016) The results of this research stated that only 25% of the millennial workforce (workers born between 1986-2000) who are tied completely (fully engaged) with the company where they work. Meanwhile, 66% stated that they were only partially bound and 9% of respondents refused to be tied to the company. The following is the percentage of research results from more than 1,200 respondents conducted by DCI research 2016: Table 1.Percentage of 2016 Engagement Survey No Engagement level Percentage 1 Refused to be tied to the company (disengaged) 9% 2 Partially bound (partially-engaged) 66% 3 Tied completely (fully engaged) 25% Source : DCI-Research 2016 According to Joshua Siregar as Director of National Marketing Dale Carnegie Indonesia, said this condition is certainly quite alarming. As the number of employees who partially-engaged is 66%, there is also a high possibility that this group will move to become disengaged if the company does not quickly take anticipatory steps. Moreover, the workforce with years of birth between 1986-2000 is the group of the largest workforce at this time and in the years ahead. Employees who fully engaged tend to be loyal and willing to stay in the long term, contribute to company profits, and work productively and with quality. Meanwhile, those who are International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 13 | P a g e partially engaged are more concentrated on the work of the task or as long as the task is completed, do not pay attention to the quality of the results, are reluctant to accept input, and are oriented towards salary. Employees in the partially-engaged group tend to have the principle do it, get paid, go home. The category is disengaged considered even more dangerous, because this group tends to spread negative influences, displays distrust and hostility, and can even sabotage jobs and hinder company progress (F. Anwar, 2018). According to Yuwanto, (2014) the characteristics of low work engagement can indicate the characteristics of employees who are not disciplined, lazy at work, often complain at work, not optimistic when doing the assignments and have the desire to leave their jobs. This supports a survey conducted by Compdata's in 2013 entitled “Annual defind contribution benchmarking survey” involving 40,000 organizations from several countries as research objects. It shows that the turnover rate in the banking sector shows the second highest result of the eight industries studied. This proves that the banking sector is characterized by a low level of engagement . Table 2 Percentage of turnover in the business sector 2013 Sector Rate All Industries 15,1 % Banking & Finance 17,2 % Healthcare 16,8 % Hospitality 29,3 % Insurance 10,4 % Manufacturing 13,3 % Not-for-Profit 15,3 % Services 15,2 % Utilities 7,2 % Source : Annual defind contribution benchmarking survey 2013 To ensure that there are problems with employees working at the BUMN bank branch office in Bogor City, the researcher conducted interviews with two workers who worked in one of the the bank branch office BUMN in Bogor City. There were several questions asked by the researcher in order to obtain more accurate information about the working conditions felt while working at the bank. Based on the results of the interview, it was recognized that there were several problems, including at the X bank branch office, the respondent was an employee in the Sales Officer who felt that she was not fully engaged with her current job. He stated that the principles of do it, get paid, go home are often practiced in daily work. This engagement lack is motivated by several things such as the lack of dedication of employees when working, lack of enthusiasm shown at work due to the high targets to be achieved, besides that frequent work overtime lowers the also feeling of being happy at work. The factors that influence the work engagement of an employee used by researchers are learning organization and resilience. This is supported by research entitled Learning Organization and Work Engagement: An Empirical Evidence of a Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia written by Hussein et al., (2017) which states that when employees feel that the organization provides them with support with a learning organization they tend to show more positive attitude, good behavior and offer higher quality of work to the organization. Several reports state that employees will show a higher level of work engagement International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 14 | P a g e when they are given the opportunity to continue to grow and develop within the organization (Malik & Garg, 2017). Learning organization is one of the important roles for a company in maintaining its business continuity in order to survive in the industry. As is well known, competition in the business industry is now unavoidable. Changes are so fast that companies must be agile in adapting to new environments. In reality, not all companies can be sensitive to the changes that surround them. According to, a UGC (platformUser Generated Content)that provides content such as a collection of knowledge, insights, new insights and so on, compiled 50 lists of companies that failed to adapt to the fast-moving business environment. The following is a list of several companies that have experienced these failures or setbacks: Table 3 Companies that fail to adapt Company Name Year Reason Kodak 1975 - 2012 Displaced by the existence of a digital camera Blackberry 1998 - 2017 Replaced by android Motorola 1973 - 2011 Lost in competing with today's smartphones Sony (walkman) 1979 - 2001 Displaced by the presence of the iPod and online music service Circuit City 1949 - 2008 Unable to compete with its main competitors Best Buy Shopo 2013 - 2017 Unable to develop business according to market demand Commodore Corp 1970 - 1994 Unable to compete with modern laptops Source : Organizations or individuals cannot face change in any way opposing but need to manage it through self-adaptation (Mulyono & Kresnaini, 2015). People who want to compete in a business environment must make and trying to apply learning organization in their organizations by adapting themselves to the environment continuously. The ability to anticipate change this depends on the creativity, innovation and skills of the members of the organization. Cultivating this ability can be done through training with a continuous learning process. By applying learning organization, an organization always provide an opportunity for members to constantly repair themselves to achieve employment success (Mulyono & Kresnaini, 2015). Another aspect that supports work engagement that needs attention is the level of employee resilience, this is supported by an article written by Tyler, (2018) entitled Resilience Predicting Engagement. Research has shown that resilience is positively related to work engagement, which means that employees who have and exhibit high resilience are more likely to be tied to their job. Resilience is a key aspect of engagement, because resilience helps individuals recover from negative events. For example, if an employee has a poor performance review or an unexpected change in a project, it can figuratively damage the employee's momentum and result in a performance decline. However, high resilience can help these employees emerge from potential setbacks and maintain or recapture motivation, confidence, and calm. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 15 | P a g e LITERATURE REVIEW Work Engagement Sari & Soetjiningsih's (2019) defines work engagement as a positive and self-fulfilling state, a related state of mind work-characterized by high energy, devotion and appreciation (Sari & Soetjiningsih, 2019). According to Malik & Garg (2017), work engagement is a positive state of mind and satisfying related to the work (Malik & Garg, 2017). Amazue (2014) states that the concept of work engagement describes the extent to which workers are engaged, committed, and passionate about the work they are doing. (Amazue, 2014). In line with this understanding, Ramdhani & Ratnasawitri (2017) states that work engagement reflects the employee's enthusiasm for their work (Ramdhani & Ratnasawitri, 2017). According to Kurniati (2014), work engagement is a positive thing in carrying out tasks, and can provide views related to work attitudes consisting of energy, dedication, and absorption (Kurniati, 2014). According to Mujiasih & Ratnaningsih (2016), work engagement is a motivation and positive thinking related to work which is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption (Mujiasih & Ratnaningsih, 2016). Hussein, Anis Abdul Razak, and Khalil Omar (2017) also states that work engagement can be defined as positive conditions related to the work that is characterized by the dimensions of vigor, dedication and absorption (Hussein et al. , 2017). According to Song et al (2018) work engagement is defined as a state of a positive and satisfying mind associated with work characterized by enthusiasm, dedication, and absorption (Song, Chai, Kim, & Bae, 2018). Meanwhile, work engagement according to Raharjo & Witiastuti (2016) is characterized by a sense of enthusiasm, a sense of dedication, and a sense of absorption for an employee in doing work (Raharjo & Witiastuti, 2016). In his research, Nurendra (2016) states that work engagement is an individual condition related to work in which workers feel motivated in an affective manner (Nurendra, 2016). By the several definitions that have been put forward by the experts above, the researchers synthesized that the work engagement is a state of positive mind and satisfactory in the employee related to the work he does and is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption. Learning Organization According to Aqmala (2015), a learning organization is an organization that supports learning activities or processes for all members and continuously makes changes (Aqmala, 2015). Similar to this statement, Maguni (2014) states that learning organizations are organizations where employees can develop their capacity continuously to create the results they want, where there is a broad and new mindset that is maintained, collective aspirations are deepened, and organization members can learn endlessly to see things together (Maguni, 2014). According to Kanten, Kanten & Gurlek (2015), a learning organization can be defined as an organization that focuses on "learning" as an component important in its values, vision and goals, and all its functions (Kanten, Kanten, & Gurlek, 2015). Furthermore, Altinay, Dagli & Altinay (2016) state that learning organizations refer to continuous learning activities to transform themselves (Altinay, Dagli, & Altinay, 2016). Same as Hussein et al., (2017) which states that a learning organization is defined as an organization that adapts continuous learning and transforms itself for improvement or progress (Hussein et al., 2017). In Robbins & Coulter's (2016) research, organizations learning are organizations that have developed their capacity to continue learn, adapt and change (Robbins & Coulter, 2016). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 16 | P a g e Meanwhile, Song et al (2018) stated that the core idea of a learning organization is that a learning organization will produce changes incapabilities organizationalin performance, knowledge, and behavior (Song et al., 2018). From several definitions that have been put forward by the experts above, the researcher synthesizes that a learning organization is an organization that supports and focuses on learning activities at all levels of members continuously and can transform itself to improve capabilities and bring progress in the organization. Employee Resilience According to Argo & Triasta (2019) resilience is defined as the ability to survive or overcome the difficulties of an event unpleasant and be able to successfully adapt to change with uncertainty. Sejati (2019) also defines resilience as an ability individual's to withstand or overcome adversity and unpleasant events and adapt well to change (Sejati, 2019). According to Astika & Saptoto (2016) resilience is defined as an ability individual's to overcome any difficulties he faces and any unpleasant events (Astika & Saptoto, 2016). In line with that, Wilda, Nazriati, & Firdaus, (2016) state that resilience is an ability individual's to be able to adapt and to change, adjust to the demands and disappointments that arise in life. If resilience increases, it will enable individuals to overcome any difficulties that arise in life (Wilda et al., 2016). Furthermore, Dai, Zhuang, & Huan (2019) stated that employee or resilience is defined as the ability to maintain or regain a high sense of well-being in the face of adversity (Dai et al., 2019). According to the results of the study, Yuniar, Nurtjahjanti, & Rusmawati 2011) resilience refers to a person's ability to survive and rise again to restore happiness after facing an unpleasant situation (Yuniar et al., 2011). Meanwhile, according to Steven & Prihatsanti (2017) resilience is the ability where employees are able to survive or overcome difficulties at work, face unpleasant events, be able to control emotions, adapt to changes in the workplace, and find meaning and purpose in work (Steven & Prihatsanti, 2017). From several definitions that have been put forward by the experts above, the researchers synthesize that employee resilience is an ability of individual to be able to survive in overcoming difficulties at work, adapt to change and find prosperity or happiness after facing unpleasant situations. Hypothesis 1 (H1): Ho : Organizational learning does not affect the work engagement employees in BUMN bank branch office in Bogor. Ha : Learning organization has an effect on work engagement of employees in BUMN bank branch office in Bogor. Hypothesis 2 (H2): Ho : Employees resilience has no effect on work engagement of employees in BUMN bank branch office in Bogor. Ha : Employee resilience affects work engagement of employees in BUMN bank branch office in Bogor. Hypothesis 3 (H3): Ho : Model study of learning organization and employee resilience can not predict work engagement variable employees in BUMN bank branch office in Bogor. Ha : The learning organization and employee resilience research model can predict the work engagement variable of employees in BUMN bank branch office in Bogor. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 17 | P a g e METHODOLOGY The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive approach and ex post facto, and the research technique used is the technique path analysis . The data used in this study are data primary obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique used in this study is a non-probability sampling technique. This research method is a sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities for each member of the population to be selected as a sample. So the sample in this study were 200 employees of the BUMN bank branch office in Bogor City. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Test Instrument Validity Test The validity test was used to measure whether the questionnaire is valid or not. A questionnaire is valid if the questions on the questionnaire are able to reveal something that will be measured by the questionnaire. The criterion for testing the validity is that if rcount> rtable (0.361), then the instrument / item statement is declared valid. Conversely, if rcount ˂ rtable (0.361), then the instruments / items are declared invalid so they must be removed or replaced. And all statement items in the variable are valid because they meet the requirements, namely the value of rcount ˃ rtable. The results of the validity test can be seen in Table 4.Following: Table 4.Validity Test Results Variable Variable Statement Valid Item Invalid Work Engagement 9 9 0 Learning Organization 19 19 0 Employee Resilience 22 22 0 Source: Data processed by researchers (2020) Reliability Test Reliability test is used to test the consistency or stability of the score of a research instrument against the same respondent, and is given at different times. Criteria for determining whether the instrument is reliable or not, that is, if the Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.6, the instrument is declared reliable. Conversely, if value Cronbach's Alpha of 0.6 ˂ then declared unreliable instrument. The results of the validity test can be seen in Table: Table 5. Reliability Test Results Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Description Work Engagement .929 Reliable Learning Organization .940 Reliable Employee Resilience .823 Reliable International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 18 | P a g e Source: Data processed by researchers (2020) Descriptive Analysis Results Analysis Descriptive is the result of data processing which includes variables learning organization, employee resilience, and work engagement. analysis Descriptive will provide an overview of the research data that has been distributed to 200 employees of BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City. Based on the questionnaire distributed to respondents, the variable work engagement obtained an agree (s) score of 48.8% and strongly agree (ss) of 46.6%. The sum of these scores is in the very high category score interval (76% - 100%). The contribution to the highest number of scores comes from the indicators of endurance and willingness to do business. This proves that employees have good endurance, meaning they don't feel tired quickly while doing work and the desire to work quickly and do a good job. In the learning organization variable, the score agreed (s) was 52.9% and strongly agreed (ss) was 37.4%. The sum of these scores is in the very high category score interval (76% - 100%). The contribution of a highest total score comes from the indicators of systems are maintained (system management). This proves that the company's database system is well managed . The employee resilience variable obtained a score of agree (s) 52% and strongly agree (ss) 39.3%. The sum of these scores is in the very high category score interval (76% - 100%). The contribution to the highest total score comes from the indicator of staying in trouble. This proves that employees feel capable of being able to get through unpleasant things in their work. Classical Assumption Test Normality Test Normality test is used to determine whether the data is distributed normally or not. This normality test uses one sample Kolmogorov Smirnov with a significance level of 0.05. With the criteria if the value significance of the study> 0.05 (significance level), then the data in the study are normally distributed. Table 6. The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Unstandardized Residual N 200 Normal Parameters a,b Mean ,0000000 Std. Deviation 1,96428089 Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,055 Positive ,048 Negative -,055 Test Statistic ,055 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,200 c,d a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. d. This is a lower bound of the true significance. Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Table 6. shows the results of the Asymp Sig (2-tailed) or a significance is 0.200. Referring to the results of the calculation, the significance is greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that the International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 19 | P a g e data is normally distributed and meets the requirements to perform multiple linear regression analysis methods. Linearity Test Linearity test aims to determine whether the two variables to be analyzed correlational statistics show a linear relationship or not. Tests were carried out using the test for linearity of software SPSS with a level significanceof 0.05. Table 7. Results of Linearity Test between Learning Organizations and Work Engagement Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Based on the results of the linearity test between the learning organization variables and work engagement in Table 7. it is known that the significance of linearity is 0.000. The significance value is less than 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between the two variables Table 8. Results of Linearity Test between Employee Resilience and Work Engagement ANOVA Table Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Keterikatan Kerja * Resiliensi Karyawan Between Groups (Combined) 249,485 30 8,316 2,105 ,002 Linearity 116,437 1 116,437 29,472 ,000 Deviation from Linearity 133,048 29 4,588 1,161 ,274 Within Groups 667,670 169 3,951 Total 917,155 199 Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Based on the results the linearity test between the employee resilience variable and work engagement in Table 8, it is known that the significance of linearity is 0.000. The significance value is less than 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between the two variables. ANOVA Table Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Keterikatan Kerja * Organisasi Pembelajaran Between Groups (Combined) 191,658 26 7,371 1,758 ,018 Linearity 103,129 1 103,129 24,592 ,000 Deviation from Linearity 88,529 25 3,541 ,844 ,681 Within Groups 725,497 173 4,194 Total 917,155 199 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 20 | P a g e Multicollinearity Test Result Measuring multicollinearity can be seen from the VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) and the correlation coefficient between independent variables. In conducting the test multicollinearity there are criteria used, namely if VIF <5 or close 1, then multicollinearity does not occur. The multicollinearity test results can be seen in Table 9. The following: Table 9. Multicollinearity Test Results Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 (Constant) 18,45 0 1,993 9,258 ,000 Organisasi Pembelajaran ,092 ,032 ,215 2,905 ,004 ,777 1,288 Resiliensi Karyawan ,088 ,026 ,255 3,443 ,001 ,777 1,288 a. Dependent Variable: Keterikatan Kerja Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Judging from Table 9, it is known that the VIF number for the learning organization variable is 1.288 and the VIF number for the employee resilience variable is 1.288. The VIF value of the two variables is less than 5, it can be concluded that among the independent variables, there is no problem multicollinearity. Thus the regression model can be accepted. Heteroscedasticity Test Results Table 10. Heteroscedasticity Test Results Correlations Organisasi Pembelajaran Resiliensi Karyawan Unstandardized Residual Spearman's rho Organisasi Pembelajaran Correlation Coefficient 1,000 ,467 ** -,008 Sig. (2-tailed) . ,000 ,910 N 200 200 200 Resiliensi Karyawan Correlation Coefficient ,467 ** 1,000 ,009 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 . ,896 N 200 200 200 Unstandardized Residual Correlation Coefficient -,008 ,009 1,000 Sig. (2-tailed) ,910 ,896 . N 200 200 200 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 21 | P a g e From Table 10, it is known that the correlation between learning organizations and unstandardized residuals produces a significance value of 0.910 and the correlation between employee resilience and unstandardized residuals results in a value significance of 0.896. Because the significance value is greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that the regression model does not find any problems heteroscedasticity. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results Table 11. Multiple Linear Regression Test Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 18,450 1,993 9,258 ,000 Organisasi Pembelajaran ,092 ,032 ,215 2,905 ,004 Resiliensi Karyawan ,088 ,026 ,255 3,443 ,001 a. Dependent Variable: Keterikatan Kerja Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Hypothesis 1 (H1) Ho : Learning organization has no effect on work engagement of employees at BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City. Ha : Learning organization affects work engagement of employees at BUMN bank branches in Bogor City. Based on Table 11. above, it can be seen that the organization learning variable has a tcount of 2.905. The t-count value is then compared with the t-table value sought at α = 5%: 2 = 2.5% (2- tailed test) with degrees of freedom (df) nk-1 or 200-2-1 = 197, where n is the number of samples and k is the number of independent variables. Based on these calculations, the obtained t table is 1.972, thus tcount> ttable and the significance value of the learning organization variable is 0.004, thus 0.004 <0.05. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that learning organization have a positive and significant influence on work engagement. This is in accordance with some of the results of previous research, such as those conducted by R. Anwar & Niode, 2017 with the results seen from the output software of lisrel 8.51 which shows a t-value of 9.00 ≥ 1.645, thus proving that there is a significant influence between learning organization and work engagement. Furthermore, Novita Putri's research, 2014 shows the results of a positive and very significant influence between learning organization and work engagement with beta = 0.337, t = 3.263, and p = 0.002. Based on previous research, it is proven that learning organizations have a positive effect on work engagement. Hypothesis 2 (H2) Ho : Employee resilience has no effect on work engagement of employees at BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City. Ha : Employee resilience affects work engagement of employees at BUMN bank branch office in Bogor City. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 22 | P a g e Table 11. also shows the tcount value for the employee resilience variable is 3.443, and a significance value of 0.001. This shows that tcount> ttable is 3.443> 1.972 and a significance value of 0.001 <0.05. That is, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is a positive and significant influence between employee resilience on work engagement. This is in accordance with some of the results of previous research, such as that conducted by Steven & Prihatsanti, 2017 which shows that the resilience variable has a positive and significant correlation with work engagement. The contribution from resilience to work engagement is 54.5%. This means that 54.5% of work engagement is influenced by the resilience variable. Furthermore, Sari & Soetjiningsih, 2019 found that the contribution given by resilience to work engagement was 53.58%. Which means that work engagement is explained by the variable resilience of 54.5%. Based on previous research, it is proven that resilience has a positive effect on work engagement. Table 12. f Test Results ANOVA a Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 149,334 2 74,667 19,157 ,000 b Residual 767,821 197 3,898 Total 917,155 199 a. Dependent Variable: Keterikatan Kerja b. Predictors: (Constant), Resiliensi Karyawan, Organisasi Pembelajaran Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Hypothesis 3 (H3): Ho : The learning organization and employee resilience research model cannot predict the work engagement variable of employees at BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City. Ha : The research model of learning organization and employee resilience can predict the work engagement variable of employees at BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City. In Table 12. The obtained Fcount is 19.157. The value of Fcount then compared with the value of Ftable, which is sought with a confidence level of 95%, with df 1 (number of variables-1) or 3-1 = 2, and df 2 (nk-1) or 200-2-1 = 197. Based on these calculations, it is obtained that Ftable is 3.04, thus Fcount> Ftable is 19.157> 3.04. The significance of the model feasibility test is 0.000, thus 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded that the learning organization and employee resilience model can predict the engagement of employee at BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City. Result of Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 23 | P a g e Table 13. Results of Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 ,404a ,163 ,154 1,974 a. Predictors: (Constant), Resiliensi Karyawan, Organisasi Pembelajaran Source: Calculation of SPSS 24 (2020) Based on Table 4.17, above the R2 (R Square) figure is 0.163 or (16.3%). This shows that there is no strong influence by the learning organization variable and employee resilience on work engagement at the BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City, because it is only 16.3%. While the remaining 83.7% is explained or influenced by variables otherwhich are not researched CONCLUSION The learning organization of employees at BUMN bank branch offices in Bogor City is classified as very high. learning activities helping each other in learning and the availability of learning time of system access for organization’s members, and good system management. dialogue which is based on open discussion activities, providing feedback between employees and the company and supporting companies to experiment in work. and the availability of facilities for completing work, as well as leadership support to members organizational to make decisions. The level of resilience of employees as very high, which is based on the level of employee strength to persist in difficulties and discipline, the ability of employees to solve problems and awareness individualto know their strengths and weaknesses. the ability to control emotions and face the problems being faced calmly. The level of work engagement is also classified as very high, comes from Vigor or enthusiasm based on energy, endurance and willingness to do business from its employees., a feeling of joy while doing work, is inseparable from work and high concentration at work. Learning organizations have an influence signification on work engagement of employees, with the t value of 2.905 > t table 1.972 and a value significanceof 0.004 ˂ 0.05. Resilience has a significant effect on work engagement of employees, with the t value of 3.443 > t table 1.972 and a significance value of 0.001 ˂ 0.05. Empirically proven model in this study, Learning Organization and Employee Resilience is feasible to explain the phenomenon of work engagement in the BUMN bank branch office in Bogor City. With the calculated F value of 19.157˃ F table 3.04 and a significance of 0.00 ˂ α 0.05. REFERENCES Altinay, F., Dagli, G., & Altinay, Z. (2016). The role of information technology in becoming learning organization. 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