International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 25 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2021, p 26-31 ANALYSIS OF THE MANPOWER SUPPLY STRATEGY AT PT BANK PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH JAWA BARAT AND BANTEN, TBK WITH THE SWOT ANALYSIS METHOD Ranthy Pancasasti1 Master of Management Pascasarjana Untirta Email: Ujang Aep Saefulloh2 Master of Management Pascasarjana Untirta Yugi Adhari Nugraha3 Master of Management Manajemen Pascasarjana Untirta ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the provision of human resources at PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten, Tbk. Where the provision of human resources is very important for the sustainability and development of the company. It is important for companies to be able to determine strategies and steps that must be taken to determine effective strategies in providing human resources that are used to analyze SWOT. Data analysis uses SWOT matrix analysis by considering strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The results of the study indicate that when the provision of human resources is differentiated based on external and internal factors, it is found that the company can choose the provision of human resources both internally and externally according to the company's needs. Keywords: Provision of intenal and external human resources, SWOT, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat. Received: 21 September 2021 ; Accepted: 3 November 2021 ; Publish: December 2021. How to Cite: Pancasasti, R., (2021). Analysis Of The Manpower Supply Strategy At Pt Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat And Banten, Tbk With The Swot Analysis Method. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 5 (2), 26-31. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 26 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Banks are financial institutions with the function of intermediary institutions, namely collecting funds from the public and channeling them back to the community and providing other banking services (Kasmir, 2016). Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) are financial institutions that play a role in encouraging economic growth in Indonesia. The role of BPD is increasingly considered important in line with the government's program to make BPD a driving force for economic development in the region. Bank Pembangunan Daerah of West Java and Banten, Tbk or better known as Bank BJB has a strategic role as a government partner as well as a motor for accelerating regional development, therefore Bank BJB is expected to produce sustainable growth. Various strategic initiatives have succeeded in maintaining the performance of Bank BJB. to continue to grow in the challenging conditions in 2020, especially the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020 Bank BJB has been able to increase Interest Income by 4.38% which encourages an increase in Profit for the Year by 8.02%. To achieve this goal, all BJB Banks are expected to have quality human resource planning (HR) by means of a good employee supply pattern. HR planning has an important role in determining the development of a company, where HR is the most important asset in a large or small company or company (Muhid 2015). Given the importance of HR planning within the company, the strategy for providing HR is an important aspect that can determine the company's success. Provision or recruitment activity is a process of finding and identifying job applicants who meet the requirements in fulfilling certain required positions, Ruki in Nanda (2017). Determination of the recruitment process must be analyzed carefully because of the high costs in the recruitment process for prospective employees. So the company must be wiser in making policies. It is very important for the company to be able to determine the strategy and steps that will be taken to be able to determine the right strategy in recruiting effective HR in the short and long term. SWOT analysis is a very good, effective, and efficient method of analysis in carrying out HR supply strategies. This study tries to uncover the process of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the pattern of providing human resources at Bank BJB, both the provision of internal human resources and the provision of external human resources as one of the foundations in achieving the goals to be achieved in the future by the company. LITERATURE REVIEW Provision of Human Resources Recruitment is the activity of a company in attracting job applicants by meeting the qualifications and abilities needed to help achieve company goals (Marwansyah in Rosento, 2018). According to Fahmi (2016) manpower provision is the process of finding job applicants who meet certain qualifications as job applicants. Recruitment has the function of providing a group of potential job applicants who meet certain abilities and qualifications set by the company (Gamage in Atmoko, 2017). In the world of work, there are two kinds of human resource provision, namely the provision of internal workers and the provision of external workers. Where the two options are often debated which one is the best between the provision of internal labor or the provision of external labor. Internal recruitment is the process of providing manpower using employees who have worked in the company either by being promoted or transferred. External recruitment. While external recruitment is the process of providing manpower using the services of employees from outside the company to enter and assist the company's goals. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 27 | P a g e SWOT Analysis According to Freddy (2013), SWOT analysis is an analysis using logic by maximizing the sources of strength and opportunities but simultaneously minimizing weaknesses and threats. Galavan (2014) suggests SWOT analysis is an analysis used to obtain an effective strategy that can be applied according to the current state and market with sources of opportunities and threats used to determine external conditions and strengths and weaknesses obtained using the company's internal analysis. According to Irham (2013), in order to analyze more deeply about SWOT, it can be seen from two sides, namely analysis of external factors and analysis of internal factors. a. External Factor The company will influence the occurrence of opportunities and threats that may occur outside the company which will have an impact on company decisions. External factors can be in the form of environmental conditions related to the industry, law, politics, economy and so on. b. Internal Factor The company will affect the occurrence of strengths and weaknesses regarding the company's internal conditions which will affect decision making for the company. Internal functions include corporate finance, corporate resources, marketing, management information systems and company operations. METHODOLOGY Based on the problems studied, the method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Sugiyono (2007) explains that the qualitative method is research that examines natural objects where the researcher is the main element, where data collection is carried out in a combined manner and the analysis is inductive and the research results use a meaning approach. Researched and analyzed in this study were human resource employees at PT. Regional Development Bank of West Java and Banten, Tbk. The researcher aims to provide new understanding and insight about the theme under study. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Company Profile PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah of West Java and Banten, Tbk or the public better known by the name of Bank BJB was established in the form of a limited liability company or PT on May 20, 1961, in its journey it later turned into a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD). Where currently Bank BJB already has 65 branch offices, 314 sub-branches, 349 cash offices, 1,529 ATMs, 171 payment points, 5 regional offices, and 34 weekend banking. As a regional development bank (BPD), Bank BJB is expected to become a partner government strategy and driving acceleration of regional development. In order to become a regional leader, Bank BJB is expected to take advantage of the advantages of proximity, cultural understanding, regional sociology. The BJB Bank has a vision and mission, namely: Vision “Being Your Main Bank of Choice”. Mission  Contribute and participate as a driver and driver of the regional economy.  Become the main partner of local government in financial management.  Provide the best service to customers.  Provide the best and sustainable benefits to stakeholders  Increasing financial inclusion to the public through banking digitization. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 28 | P a g e 2. SWOT Analysis and Provision of Human Resources Based on the results of interviews with the human resources division at Bank BJB, it can be seen that the strengths and weaknesses as well as the potential and threats for the procurement of employees from internal and external sources are as follows: a. Provision of Internal HR It is a recruitment process that utilizes internal sources (pre-existing employees) to be relocated to fill vacancies (Hariandja, 2015: 109). Provision of Internal HR has several advantages, including: a. Tend to be low-cost b. Faster process c. Short orientation time d. Encouraging increased work motivation e. Ability assessment is more accurate Provision of Internal HR has several weaknesses, including: a. No innovation b. Lack of workforce diversity c. The entry of potential applicants is closed The following is a SWOT analysis of the provision of internal HR at Bank BJB: Tabel 1 Strenght (S) and Weakness (W) No Strenght (S) Weakness (W) 1 Employees have sufficient basic knowledge about the company Conditions with subjective elements 2 Can be calculated from the work performance of employees in previous positions Can cause social jealousy 3 High level of employee engagement and loyalty Limited qualifications and background according to needs Tabel 2 Opportunity (O) and Threat (T) No Opportunity (O) Threat (T) 1 Encouraging healthy job competition Encouraging nepotism 2 Save on recruitment costs May enlarge the determination of the compensation value 3 Provide skills development opportunities for employees There is no new work culture that improves / builds Tabel 3 Strategy (S-O) and (W-O) No Strategy (S-O) Strategy (W-O) 1 Appropriate work experience and familiarity with the company's patterns and culture as well as to create a healthy work competition become the basis for the procurement of internal employees Encouraging job competition as well as saving on personnel procurement costs and avoiding potential social jealousy are the basis for internal procurement International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 29 | P a g e Tabel 4 Strategy (S-T) and (W-T) No Strategy (S-T) Strategy (W-T) 1 Appropriate and adaptable work experience and the potential for no changes to a new constructive work culture will be anticipated with the application of an innovative culture Any discrepancy between qualifications and background and a tendency for no change in work will be anticipated by external procurement From table 3 above, it can be seen that the SO strategy that can be carried out is with the experience of employees in the banking sector and to encourage the existence of healthy competencies and competencies for employees, it can be the basic capital in determining internal employee procurement policies. The WO strategy that can be carried out is to encourage job competition and save on personnel procurement costs and avoid the potential for social jealousy to become the basis for internal procurement. From table 4. ST strategy that can be done is with the experience of employees in the banking sector and the absence of changes in a new, constructive work culture can be anticipated by the application of an innovative new work culture. The WT strategy that can be carried out is with a mismatch of qualifications and background and the tendency of no change in work will be anticipated with the procurement of employees from outside. b. Provision of External HR It is a recruitment process by opening up opportunities for external parties (general public) to apply for job vacancies available at the company (Hariandja, 2015: 109). Provision of External HR has several advantages, including: • The number of prospective employees tends to be larger. • A more varied workforce. • New thinking. • There is leakage of confidential information from competitors. • Provision of External HR has several weaknesses, including: • Achievement of old employees tends to decrease, because there is no opportunity for promotion. • The recruitment costs are quite high. • The recruitment process time is quite long. • There is an orientation period. • Tends to encourage an increase in turnover rates. • Untested loyalty. The following is a SWOT analysis of the provision of external human resources: Tabel 5 Strenght (S) and Weakness (W) No Strenght (S) Weakness (W) 1 There are many choices of applicants Requires steps and a long time 2 Encouraging the entry of new thoughts High recruitment costs 3 Maybe find a more reliable job candidate Different work culture in the old place International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 30 | P a g e Tabel 6 Opportunity (O) and Threat (T) No Opportunity (O) Threat (T) 1 Menawarkan dasar kompensasi sesuai kemampuan perusahaan Terjadinya turnover pegawai yang tinggi 2 Memperluas jaringan (relasi) tenaga kerja Kemungkinan ada pegawai yang Froud 3 Menambah refreshment dan inovasi baru Performa pegawai tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Tabel 7 Strategy (S-O) and (W-O) No Strategy (S-O) Strategy (W-O) 1 Many choices of applicants and the presence of potential employees with excellent competence above the requirements are the basis for external procurement More time and costs, and the potential of employees with higher competencies are the basic capital in certain positions to improve company performance. Tabel 8 Strategy (S-T) and (W-T) No Strategy (S-T) Strategy (W-T) 1 There are many choices of applicants and the potential for employees with performance that does not meet expectations can be anticipated with a period of on-job training. The higher time and cost and the potential for lower competence employees are the basic capital in internal procurement From Table 7 above, it can be seen that the SO strategy that can be carried out is that by having many choices of potential employees and potential employees who have excellent competence above qualifications, it can be the basic capital in determining external employee procurement policies. The WO strategy that can be carried out is with the required higher costs in order to improve the company's performance as the basis for external procurement. From table 8, the ST strategy that can be done is that there are many choices of potential employees and employee performance that does not meet expectations can be anticipated with on-job training. The WT strategy that can be carried out is with high procurement costs and employee performance that is not in accordance with the anticipated recruitment of employees from within. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION SWOT analysis is a descriptive analysis method. Where the analysis of situations and conditions as input which is then grouped based on their respective contributions. The basic capital in determining Bank BJB's internal employee procurement policy is to get experienced employees who know the company culture and to encourage healthy competencies and competencies within the company's internal scope and avoid potential social jealousy. The basis for determining the external employee procurement policy of Bank BJB is that there are many choices of potential employees and potential employees who have excellent competence above qualifications that can improve company performance. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 31 | P a g e REFERENCE Galih Nugraha, et al (2018). Analisis Beban Kerja Dan Kebutuhan Pegawai PD BPR Artha Sukapura Cabang Singaparna. Bogor. Admisi & Bisnis IPB. Janry Haposan U. P. Simanungkalit. (2008). 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