International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 32 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2021, p 32-43 Analysis of Policy Models in Improving Effectiveness of HR Leadership for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province Ranthy Pancasasti1, Sri Ndaru Arthawati2, Anna Susi Mulyani3 1, 2, 3 Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Email: ABSTRACT Facing the era of globalization as it is today, every country must have a competitive advantage, especially in the field of education in order to be able to survive, play a role, and compete, both in input, process, output, and outcome. According to Unesco (2018), one of the causes of the low Educational Development Index (EDI) in Indonesia in 2018 is the low effectiveness of the leadership of school principals as human resources for educators, where there are still principals who do not carry out their duties and functions as leaders. education because: (1) in the process of appointment it is not in accordance with the provisions (procedures) as set by the government, (2) low management knowledge, intellectual and emotional intelligence, independence, and competitive advantage of the Principal which will affect the effectiveness of his leadership in carrying out his duties, so that it becomes an inhibiting factor in improving the quality of education, and has implications for the low productivity and quality of the principal's human resources (input, process, output/outcome). The grand design of this study will analyze the basic framework or policy model in improving management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and the effectiveness of the Principal's leadership as Human Resources for Educators at Senior High Schools (SLTA) in Banten Province. What distinguishes this research from previous research (novelty) is the difference in: (1) the aspects studied, namely aspects of management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and the effectiveness of the principal's leadership as human resources for educators in schools Senior High School (SLTA) in Banten Province, (2) the unit of analysis used in this study, namely HR Principals as Educators at Senior High Schools (SLTA) in Banten Province, and (3) Independence (X3) and Excellence Competing (X4) has no significant effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y), and Emotional Intelligence (X2) has no significant effect on Competitive Advantage (X4). The limitations in this study are only to analyze and calculate the influence of management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, and competitive advantage on the effectiveness of the Principal's leadership as Human Resources for Educators at Senior High Schools (SLTA) in Banten Province. This research was conducted in Banten Province, for 6 months. The population in this study is the Principal as Human Resources for Educators at Senior High Schools (SMA, SMK and MA) in Banten Province. Sampling was carried out using a random sampling method of 60 respondents, which were processed using the Smart PLS Ver 3.0 application and SEM. The results of this study explain that Knowledge Management (X1), and Emotional Intelligence (X2) have a significant effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). Independence (X3) and Competitive Advantage (X4) have no significant effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). Management Knowledge (X1) has a significant effect on Independence (X3), while Emotional Intelligence (X2) has no significant effect on Competitive Advantage (X4). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 33 | P a g e Keywords: Provision of intenal and external human resources, SWOT, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat. Received: 28 September 2021 ; Accepted: 8 November 2021 ; Publish: December 2021. How to Cite: Pancasasti, R., (2021). Analysis of Policy Models in Improving Effectiveness of HR Leadership For Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 5 (2), 32-43. INTRODUCTION The grand design of this study will analyze the basic framework or policy model in improving management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and the effectiveness of the principal's leadership as human resources for educators at senior high schools (SLTA) in Banten Province. The purpose of this study is to analyze/estimate the magnitude of the effect: (1) management knowledge on leadership effectiveness, (2) emotional intelligence on leadership effectiveness, (3) independence on leadership effectiveness, (4) competitive advantage on leadership effectiveness, (5) management knowledge on independence, (6) emotional intelligence on the competitive advantage of Principals as Human Resources Educators at Senior High Schools (SLTA) in Banten Province, (7) making policy models in improving management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and effectiveness the leadership of the Principal as Human Resources for Educators at Senior High Schools (SLTA) in Banten Province. In the long term, this study aims to assist the Banten Provincial Government in making policies (recommendations) especially in the field of HR related to strategic steps that need to be taken to improve management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and the effectiveness of the principal's leadership as human resource educators. at Senior High School (SLTA) in Banten Province. Some of the essence of the definitions of all the variables in this study can be described as follows: According to Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly (2015: 273), leadership effectiveness is the success of leaders in directing, influencing, and cooperating with individuals, people or groups who he leads to carry out activities towards the achievement of goals and objectives in the program that has been set. Indicators of leadership effectiveness are making procedures for carrying out tasks, fostering, building cooperation, paying attention to subordinates, planning and making decisions. Then, Denning (2018: 2) states that management knowledge is everything that a person knows and remembers either universally or specifically about management functions that have been defined and measured based on indicators, namely: (1) the function of planning decision- making in organizing function, (2) leadership function, (3) coordination function, (4) controlling function, and (5) supervisory function. As for Semiawan (2019: 4), defining emotional intelligence is the ability or skill in self-control, having high enthusiasm and perseverance, being able to motivate himself in doing something, and being able to interact well with others. Indicators of emotional intelligence, namely (1) self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) motivation, (4) empathy, (5) relationship management. In line with this, Covey (2017: 38-39) states that independence is an attitude that does not depend entirely on the environment and refuses to be controlled by the environment. Indicators of independence are as follows: (1) physically able to carry out their own duties, (2) mentally able to think to make their own choices, (3) creatively can International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 34 | P a g e look for new ideas and convey the results of thoughts assertively, and (4) emotionally able to take responsibility for their own actions. On the other hand, Fahey and Randall (2014: 107-111) argue that competitive advantage is the ability of individuals to compete with other individuals in their group, in achieving the best performance effectiveness. The level of competitive advantage is indicated (indicators): (1) doing their best at work, (2) willingness to develop themselves, (3) improving work quality, (4) creating value for customers, and (5) adapting to environmental changes. Based on preliminary research conducted by researchers, there is a counter-indicator phenomenon of the low effectiveness of the principal's leadership as human resource educators, where of the 30 principals interviewed, most (76.7 percent) principals have not mastered, developed and run the education system with the concept of quality improvement. management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and leadership effectiveness, which can be seen from: 1. The low ability of the Principal in: (a) making plans and programs for school activities, such as mapping in the provision of training and education for teachers and education staff (tendik) who become their subordinates, making competency-based school curricula, organizing teachers and staff in accordance with field of knowledge and skills, (b) supervise and evaluate each program activity and school curriculum that has been prepared. This happens because there are still principals who apply a leadership style that tends to be top-down (authoritarian), and the lack of coordination between school principals, teachers and staff. 2. The low ability of the principal in managing his emotional intelligence, so that the principal has a low level of self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy, and relationship management. 3. The level of independence of the Principal in managing his organization is also still low. This can be seen from the low level of: (a) the principal's creativity in finding new ideas and conveying the results of his thoughts firmly to the school community and their superiors, (b) the ability to be responsible for each of their own actions. This happens because there are still principals who cannot carry out their own duties and do not have the mental strength to make their own choices. So that the principal is required to better equip himself, the teacher, and the students to have intellectual and emotional intelligence, and be independent in the learning process. 4. The low competitive advantage of principals to be able to: (a) work and do the best for the school, (b) develop themselves, (c) improve the quality of work, (d) create culture and values for school members (teachers, students), and students), and (e) adapting to environmental changes. If this happens continuously and for a long time, it will affect the low effectiveness of the principal's leadership itself which can have implications for the low productivity and quality of the principal's human resources (input, process, output/outcome) as educators in schools. Advanced Level Up (SLTA). Based on the explanation above, it is deemed necessary to conduct a more in- depth research on how to create a Policy Model in Improving Management Knowledge, Emotional Intelligence, Independence, Competitive Advantage, and Effectiveness of HR Leadership for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 35 | P a g e METHODOLOGY This research was conducted in Banten Province, for 6 months starting from April - October 2021. The population in this study was the Principal as Human Resources for Educators at Senior High Schools (SMA, SMK and MA) in Banten Province. Sampling was done by random sampling method, namely a sample of 60 respondents drawn from the population group at random with the help of Microsoft Excel software, then processed using the Smart PLS Ver 3.0 application and SEM. The primary data in this study were sourced directly from the respondents, namely the Principal as Human Resources for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province. Secondary data sourced from the Education Office and the Central Statistics Agency of Banten Province, books, internet, and other parties related to this research. Data collection techniques using: 1. Interviews with competent and authorized parties to provide data and information about Principals in Banten Province in connection with this research. 2. Questionnaire, namely data collection is done by providing a list of statements to respondents. 3. Documentation study, namely the collection of data by collecting and studying documents obtained from the Banten Provincial Education Office. The research variables in this study are as follows: 1. The independent variables consist of management knowledge (X1), emotional intelligence (X2), independence (X3), and competitive advantage (X4). 2. The dependent variable, namely leadership effectiveness (Y). This study uses an instrument in the form of a questionnaire as a measuring tool that is made on a scale of 1 - 5 (one to five), with a weight of 1 meaning very rare, 5 meaning very often. 1 = very rarely 5 = very often Management Knowledge (X1) Emotional Intelligence (X2) Independence (X3) Competitive Advantage (X4) Effectiveness Leadership (Y) H1 H3 H4 H5 H6 H2 Figure 1. Research Framework International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 36 | P a g e Figure 2. Initial Research Construct Model RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 3. Validity Test (Initial Outer Model) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 37 | P a g e Validity Test (Initial Outer Model) • Validity test aims to show how well a technique; instrument or process measures a concept. • According to Ghozali and Latan (2015:74) the indicator is declared valid if it has a loading factor value > 0.60. Based on the picture above, there are indicators that do not meet the validity criteria, including PM1, PM2, PM5, KM3, KB1, KB2, KB4, KB5, KE2, EK3. • Thus the indicators that are declared not to meet the validity criteria must be removed from the model. • After eliminating the ten indicators, the measurement model is obtained as shown in the following figure. Figure 4. The Research Final Construct Model International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 38 | P a g e Figure 5. Validity Test (Final Outer Model) Validity Test (Final Outer Model) • Based on the picture above, it can be seen that all indicators have a loading factor value > 0.60 so that they can meet the validity criteria. In addition to looking at the value of the loading factor, convergent validity can also be seen from the value of Average Variance Extracted (AVE). The AVE value must be greater than 0.50 (Ghozali & Latan, 2015:74). In this model, the AVE value of each variable is above 0.50. So that it can meet the criteria of convergent validity (validity). • Thus it can be concluded that all the variables of this study are valid because they have met discriminant validity. Reliability Test (Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability) Figure 6. Reliability Test (Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability Values) • This reliability test was conducted to prove the accuracy, consistency, and accuracy of the instrument in measuring variables. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 39 | P a g e • To measure the reliability of variables, it can be done in two ways, namely with Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability or what is often called Dillon Goldstein's above 0.60 (Ghozali & Latan, 2015: 75-77). • Based on the results of the reliability test in the figure above, it can be seen that Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability of all variables have values above 0.60. Thus it can be concluded that all variables are reliable or meet the reliability test. Hypothesis Testing The hypothesis is accepted if the T statistic value > T table (1.960); or P values < 0.05. Figure 7. Hypothesis Testing (Path Coefficients) The influence of management knowledge on the effectiveness of HR leadership for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province Management Knowledge (X1) Has Significant Effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). A Principal as HR Educator in Banten Province who has management knowledge, especially good coordination and control functions, will be able to pay attention to subordinates, and make good plans before making decisions so that they can increase the effectiveness of their leadership. Because everything the principal knows and remembers either universally or specifically about these management functions will increase the principal's success in directing, influencing, and establishing good cooperation with teachers, staff, and students to carry out activities towards achieving goals. and goals in the program that has been set. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 40 | P a g e The influence of emotional intelligence on the effectiveness of HR leadership for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province Emotional Intelligence (X2) Has Significant Effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). Principals as HR Educators in Banten Province who have high emotional intelligence, especially motivation, empathy, and good relationship management, will be able to pay attention to subordinates, and make good plans before making decisions so that they can increase the effectiveness of their leadership. Because the principal who has the ability or skill in self-control, has high enthusiasm and perseverance, is able to motivate himself in doing things, and interacts well with others will increase the success of the principal in directing, influencing, and establishing good cooperation with teachers. tendik, and students to carry out activities towards the achievement of goals and objectives in the program that has been set. The influence of independence on the effectiveness of HR leadership for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province Independence (X3) Has No Significant Positive Effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). Until now, respondents considered that most of the principals as human resources for educators in Banten province did not yet have independence, and were completely dependent on the environment, which in turn made the principal very easily controlled by the environment. Respondents also considered that the principal until now physically has not been able to carry out his own duties, mentally has not been able to think to make his own choices, and emotionally has not been able to take responsibility for his own actions. So if this happens continuously, it will be contradictory to the effectiveness of his leadership. Where the principal cannot increase his success in directing, influencing, and establishing good cooperation with teachers, staff, and students to carry out activities towards achieving the goals and objectives in the program that has been set. The effect of competitive advantage on the effectiveness of HR leadership for Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province Competitive Advantage (X4) Has No Significant Effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). Until now, respondents considered that most of the principals as human resources for educators in Banten province had not been able to increase their competitive advantage, which in the end made the principals unable to improve the quality of their work. Respondents also considered that most of the principals so far have not had the ability to compete with other individuals in their group, in achieving the best performance effectiveness. So if this happens continuously, it will be contradictory to the effectiveness of his leadership. Where the principal cannot increase his success in directing, influencing, and establishing good cooperation with teachers, staff, and students to carry out activities towards achieving the goals and objectives in the program that has been set. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 41 | P a g e The influence of management knowledge on the independence of human resources for educators at senior high schools in Banten Province Management Knowledge (X1) Has Significant Influence on Independence (X3). A Principal as HR Educator in Banten Province who has management knowledge, especially good coordination and control functions, will have an attitude that is not completely dependent on the environment and refuses to be controlled by the environment. Because everything that is known by the principal and is well remembered universally or specifically for these management functions will increase the independence of the principal in his duties, namely the principal who can physically carry o ut his own duties, mentally can think to make his own choices, and emotionally responsible for their own actions. The influence of emotional intelligence on the competitive advantage of human resources for educators at senior high schools in Banten province Emotional Intelligence (X2) has no significant effect on competitive advantage (X4). Until now, respondents considered that most of the principals as human resources for educators in Banten province did not yet have a high level of emotional intelligence, especially low motivation, empathy, and relationship management, which in the end made the principal unable to increase / still low competitive advantage. and quality of work. Respondents also considered that most of the principals so far have not had the ability to compete with other individuals in their group, in achieving the best performance effectiveness. So if this happens continuously, it will be contradictory to its competitive advantage. Or in other words, the principal who cannot improve his abilities or skills in self-control, has low enthusiasm and perseverance, and is unable to motivate himself in doing things, and interacts well with others, will make the principal unable to improve. competitive advantage and quality of work. Policy model in improving management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and leadership effectiveness of Human Resources Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province Figure 8. Total Effects (The Best Path Analysis) The best way to create a policy model to improve management knowledge, emotional intelligence, independence, competitive advantage, and leadership effectiveness of Human Resources Educators at Senior High Schools in Banten Province is through the improvement of: 1. Emotional Intelligence (X2) to Leadership Effectiveness (Y) Reason: Emotional Intelligence (X2) Has Significant Influence on Leadership Effectiveness (Y). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 42 | P a g e Adversity: Principals as HR Educators in Banten Province who have emotional intelligence, especially high/good motivation, empathy, and relationship management, will be able to pay attention to subordinates, and make good plans before making decisions so that they can increase the effectiveness of their leadership. Because the principal who has the ability or skill in self-control, has high enthusiasm and perseverance, is able to motivate himself in doing things, and interacts well with others will increase the success of the principal in directing, influencing, and establishing good cooperation with teachers, tendik, and students to carry out activities towards the achievement of goals and objectives in the program that has been set. 2. Knowledge Management (X1) to Independence (X3) Reason: Management Knowledge (X1) Has Significant Influence on Independence (X3). Adversity: A Principal as HR Educator in Banten Province who has management knowledge, especially good coordination and control functions, will have an attitude that is not completely dependent on the environment and refuses to be controlled by the environment. Because everything that is known by the principal and is well remembered universally or specifically for these management functions will increase the independence of the principal in his duties, namely the principal who can physically carry out his own duties, mentally can think to make his own choices, and emotionally responsible for their own actions. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusion Based on the results of the Hypothesis Testing, the following conclusions are obtained: 1) Management Knowledge (X1) Has Significant Influence on Leadership Effectiveness (Y), 2) Emotional Intelligence (X2) Has Significant Influence on Leadership Effectiveness (Y)., 3) Independence (X3) Has No Significant Positive Effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y), 4) Competitive Advantage (X4) Has No Significant Effect on Leadership Effectiveness (Y), 5) Management Knowledge (X1) Has Significant Influence on Independence (X3), and 6) Emotional Intelligence (X2) Has No Significant Effect on Competitive Advantage (X4). 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