International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 140 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2021, p 140-148 The Effect of Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention: Mediated by Job Satisfaction Yugi Adhari Nugraha Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa ABSTRACT In the banking industry, employees have an important role in the success and stability of the company in facing challenges, competition, and employee mobility. This research aims to analyze the effect of person-job fit and job satisfaction on employee turnover intention. The novelty of this research is because there are still few who pay attention to the problem of the influence of persob-job fit on turnover intention for the sustainability of the bank. The research problem is limited to the effect of person-job fit and job satisfaction on employee turnover intention. This research was conducted with a sample unit taken from 54 employees. Research data obtained by distributing questionnaires were analyzed using the SEM-PLS method. The results showed that there was an effect of person-job fit on job satisfaction. There is an effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention. There is no effect of person-job fit on employee turnover intention. Keywords: Person-Job Fit, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention Received: 29 November 2021 ; Accepted: 30 December 2021 ; Publish: December 2021. How to Cite: Nugraha, Y. A. (2021). The Effect of Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention: Mediated by Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 5 (2), 140-148. INTRODUCTION Banks have the main task as intermediary institutions where banks collect funds from people who have excess funds and channel them back to people who need funds. This research was conducted at one of the regional banks in Banten. In the banking industry, employees have an important role for the success of the company where employees in the banking industry are at the forefront of facing increasing challenges and competition (Joyosumarto, 2015). Increased competition and employee mobility in competing companies are unavoidable. Attention to job satisfaction is an important thing for companies to do in improving the harmonization of working conditions (Hofmann and Stokburger-Sauer, 2017). The discussion International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 141 | P a g e about job satisfaction cannot be separated from the feelings of satisfaction felt by employees with the work they do. In increasing employee satisfaction, companies are expected to pay attention to person-job fit, where it is necessary to match the abilities and values of employees with the values implemented in their work. Person-job fit is a match between employees and the tasks and work carried out in the workplace (Cable Darue in Titis, 2018). Adjusting the abilities of employees with the work done in accordance with the demands of the workload. Job satisfaction is the main factor of employees in carrying out their work well. Unfulfilled job satisfaction will have a negative impact on the company so that it will affect employee performance which will trigger the employee's desire to resign from the company (turnover intention). A high level of job satisfaction has a relationship with a low employee turnover rate, on the other hand employees who have a low level of satisfaction will increase the turnover rate. (Mangkunegara, 2016) High turnover intention will have a negative impact in the form of confusion and instability that results in losses for the company and employees (Kurniawati et al., 2019). Employee turnover has a potential risk that is detrimental to the company because a lot of costs have been spent on recruiting and training employees. Another problem that arises due to turnover is the decline in productivity due to the loss of employees as well as the presence of new replacement employees, along with the Bank's turnover data for the last one year. Table 1 Source: Bank Daerah If you look at the data in table 1 above, there is a downward trend in the turnover rate. Maier in Prastiti (2015) explaining that the turnover rate can be categorized as high if in one year or more the company has a turnover rate of 5 percent or more. This indicates that there is a problem with the company. In order to maintain sustainable growth for the company, this phenomenon needs to get attention. If this phenomenon does not receive special attention, it will hinder the achievement of company goals. Support from the company is needed to be able to adjust the ability of employees to their work so that it will increase employee job satisfaction. Employee dissatisfaction with his work will have an impact on the level of employee exit from the workplace. Therefore, researchers are interested in discussing more deeply, this study aims to analyze the effect of person-job fit and job satisfaction on employee turnover intention. LITERATURE REVIEW Turnover Intention Turnover intention is the tendency of an employee to leave the company voluntarily or not due to the lack of attractiveness of the current job and the existence of other alternative jobs. (Robbins and Judge, 2015). Turnover intention is the desire of employees to quit their jobs by 17.52%16.18% 14.89% 14.28% 14.17% 13.04% 13.45%8.55% 7.66% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% D e c- 1 9 Ja n -2 0 F e b -2 0 M a r- 2 0 A p r- 2 0 M a y -2 0 Ju n -2 0 Ju l- 2 0 A u g -2 0 S e p -2 0 O ct -2 0 N o v -2 0 D e c- 2 0 Turnover International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 142 | P a g e looking for other alternative jobs that are considered better in the next few months (Nafiudin and Umdiana, 2017). Turnover intention is a desire to find alternative job opportunities at other companies. (Zahara, 2016) Based on the explanation of the experts, it can be concluded that Turnover Intention is a desire to find a new job by leaving the current job but has not been realized in real action. The indicators used to measure turnover intention according to Dipboye (2018) include: 1. Thinking of leaving the company (Thinking of Quitting). Where the individual begins to think about leaving his job and or staying at the company 2. Searching for other job alternatives (Intention to search for alternatives). Where individuals want to find work at other companies that are considered better. 3. Intention to leave the company (Intention to quit). Individuals intend to leave if they have gotten a new, better job by ending with a decision to leave the company. Person-Job Fit Person-job fit is a compatibility between workers and the work done in the workplace, by looking at the abilities they have and the demands of the work they are charged with (Cable Derue in Titis, 2018). Person-job fit can be drawn as a match between the characteristics of tasks and jobs with the needs of employees in carrying out the work, so that it will increase employee engagement and commitment to their work (Allen and Meyer in Subudi, 2017). Person-job fit is a model of employee suitability with work and the company so that employees who have the competencies desired by the company are obtained so that they are able to adapt according to developments (Mondy and Noe, 2015). The suitability is: 1. The suitability between the skills, skills and personality of the employee with his work and duties. 2. The suitability between individual personalities such as values and interests that he adheres to with the climate in the company. Personality indicators are divided into two, namely: (Bohlander and Snell in Alfani, 2018) 1. Demand-abilities fit, the knowledge and abilities possessed by workers in accordance with what is done in the field. Where the job demands include abilities, skills and knowledge. 2. Need-supplies fit, the needs and expectations of workers can be achieved when working on the job. These wants include goals, needs values, and job offers include jobs, income and other attributes. To be able to obtain optimal employee performance, adjustments are needed between employees and their work by taking into account the following factors (Mello, 2002): 1. Personal abilities, special skills and technical knowledge, namely the knowledge and skills of employees on matters related to the work to be carried out. 2. Social skills, It is an employee's skill in interacting with the relationship with the environment, adapting to changes in the work environment. 3. Personal needs, values and interests and desires. These needs include a sense of security, self- development needs, appreciation, and interaction with other employees as well as the application of employee values. 4. Personal traits. It is the nature of an employee in his work environment. Traits that include openness, honesty, emotional stabilization and commitment to work. Job Satisfaction Each employee has a different level of satisfaction with his job, even though he has the same type of job depending on the level of needs and assessments that apply to the employee. Job satisfaction is a feeling about the work we do and what we think about our work (Wibowo in Auliya et al, 2017). Job satisfaction can be interpreted as an attitude of feeling happy and loving his work, where this attitude is reflected by discipline, work morals and work performance (Hasibuan, 2016). Job satisfaction is a state of feeling happy or positive emotions that arise from International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 143 | P a g e an assessment of one's work or work experience (Luhans in Revilia Dian Rismayanti et al, 2018). Several theories about job satisfaction, among others (Mangkunegara in Nova Syafrina, 2018): 1. Equity Theory Employee satisfaction is obtained from the balance of the comparison between input and outcome. 2. Discrepancy Theory Satisfaction obtained when the employee gets is greater than what is expected. 3. Need Fulfillment Theory Employee will be satisfied if the employee gets what he needs. 4. Social Reference Group Theory Satisfaction does not only depend on the fulfillment of needs, but also depends on the views and opinions of the group. 5. Herzberg's Two Factor Theory According to Herzberg, two factors that influence satisfaction are maintenance factors and motivational factors. 6. Expectancy Theory It is the strength of belief in a treatment followed by results. There are factors that become indicators of measuring job satisfaction (Nelson and Quick in Rangganu, 2015): 1. Payment Represents wages received from the company at a level deemed appropriate. Where employees expect payments received in accordance with the workload they get. 2. Job The work given is appropriate and considered interesting, can provide opportunities for learning and development and can accept responsibility for the work. Employees will feel happy and challenged when given a job and will exert all their abilities to complete the job. If the workload given is below ability, employees will tend to be bored, and if the burden and responsibility is greater, the employee will likely feel frustrated. 3. Promotion opportunities Opening opportunities for advancement and development for employees within the company. The existence of self-development for employees such as getting promotions, promotions and individual awards so that employees will have self-actualization and have the desire to progress and develop. 4. Supervisor It is the superior's ability to show interest, talent and concern for employees. Demonstrate the role of superiors in providing technical assistance in daily work. Superiors are also expected to provide good ability in making decisions that will have an impact on employees. 5. Co-workers The role of co-workers can affect the perceived job satisfaction of employees, the extent to which co-workers can support each other and work together in the work environment. Disputes that arise between employees will affect their daily work. The Influence of Person-Job Fit on Job Satisfaction The effect of person-job fit on job satisfaction according to research by Widistuti, et al (2018) has a significant and positive relationship. In addition, research conducted by Asmike (2020) shows that there is a significant and positive effect between person-job fit and job satisfaction. Based on this research, the following hypothesis can be formulated: Hypothesis 1: person-job fit has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction. The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention Research conducted by Khalida, et al (2016) shows that job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. In line with the research of Octaviany (2015) that job International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 144 | P a g e satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Based on the research, the following hypothesis can be formulated:. Hypothesis 2: Job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. The Influence of Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention Research by Khalida, et al (2016) shows that person-job fit has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Research by Fajri, et al (2019) shows that there is a significant influence between percent-job-fit and turnover intention. Hypothesis 3: person-job fit has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Figure 1. Research Model METHODOLOGY The study explains the causal relationship between person-job fit on turnover intention and job satisfaction as an intervening. The study was conducted at one of the regional banks in Banten, the population in this study was 992. The number of samples studied were 51 people with convenience sampling technique, which is a sampling technique based on chance where the members of the population used as samples who meet the criteria and agree to provide information. The analytical tool used is Partial Least Square (PLS) with data analysis techniques that will be used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The data collection method used is by distributing personal questionnaires or questionnaires. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Validity Test The quality of valid and reliable data instruments is needed to obtain valid data (Sigiono, 2015). From the results of the data processing, it is obtained the value of the measurement model test results as follows: Figure 2. Validity Test Person- job fit Job Satisfactio nn Turnove r intentio n H1 H2 H3 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 145 | P a g e Based on Figure 2, it can be seen that all indicators have a loading factor value of > 0.60, so they have met the validity criteria. In addition, the value of loading factor, convergent validity can also be seen from the value of Average Variance Extracted (AVE). Where all AVE values must be greater than 0.50 (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). Validity Test (Average Variance Extracted (AVE)) Table 2 Construct Reliability and Validity Average Varieance Extracted Job Satisfaction 0,732 Person-Job Fit 0,764 Turnover Intention 0,799 In table 2 above, it can be seen that the AVE value for all variables is above 0.50, so it can meet the convergent validity criteria (validity). Thus it can be concluded that all the variables of this study are valid because they have met discriminant validity. Reliability Test (Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability) Table 3 Construct Reliability and Validity Cronbach's Alpha rho_A Job Satisfaction 0,878 0,897 Person-Job Fit 0,900 0,946 Turnover Intention 0,920 1,015 Source: data process SmartPLS Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability or what is often called Dillon Goldstein's are two ways of reliability testing to prove accuracy, precision and consistency in measuring variables with values above 0.60 (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). Based on the results of the reliability test in table 3 above, it can be seen that the value of Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability of all variables has a value above 0.60. Thus it can be concluded that all variables are reliable or meet the reliability test. Inner Model Result Table 4 R-square R Square Job Satisfaction 0,105 Turnover Intention 0,100 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 146 | P a g e The inner model is used to find out how big the relationship (entanglement) between the variables stated in the hypothesis is. One of the tests of the inner model or structural model that is carried out is by looking at the R-Square value. In the R-Square measurement there are three categories, namely strong (0.76 - 1.0), moderate (0.26 - 0.75), and weak (0 - 0.25) (Hair et al in Ghozali & Latan, 2015). Based on the results of the study, it is known that the R Square value of turnover intention is 0.100. Turnover intention in the structural model is influenced by person-job fit and job satisfaction of 10.00%. While the remaining amount is explained by other variables not examined. Job satisfaction variable, has an R-Square value of 0.105. This result means that job satisfaction is influenced by the percent-job fit of 10.05%, while the rest is influenced by other variables not included in this study. Hypothesis Test Hypothesis testing is done by looking at the acquisition of the t statistic and p values in the bootstrapping test. The t value of the research table was 1.960 and p values < 0.05. The hypothesis is accepted if the value of t statistic > t table (1.960) or p values < sig (0.05). Based on the data processing carried out, the results of hypothesis testing are obtained as follows: Table 5 Path Coefficients Original Sample (O) T Statistic (|O/STDEV|) P Values Person-Job Fit -> Job Satisfaction 0,324 2,697 0,007 Job Satisfaction -> Turnover Intention 0,316 2,311 0,021 Person-Job Fit -> Turnover Intention -0,204 1,226 0,221 Hypothesis 1 The effect of person-job fit on job satisfaction is shown by the original sample value of 0.324 positively. Person-job fit has a positive effect on job satisfaction where if (person-job fit) the personality-job fit is getting better, it will increase job satisfaction. The value of t statistic obtained (2.697) > t table (1.960) and p value (0.007) < sig (0.05) indicates that the effect of person job-fit on job satisfaction is significant. These results support the research of Widistuti, et al (2018) and Hunt (2010). Hypothesis 2 The effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention is shown by the original sample value of 0.316 positively. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on turnover intention where if job satisfaction is getting better, it will increase the desire to change jobs in order to improve welfare at a higher level. The t statistic value obtained (2.311) > t table (1.960) and p value (0.021) < sig (0.05) indicates that the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention is significant. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 147 | P a g e Hypothesis 3 The effect of person-job fit on turnover intention is shown by the original sample value of -0.204 negatively. Person-job fit has a negative effect on turnover intention where if the personality-job fit is getting better, the desire to leave the company will decrease. However, the t statistic obtained (1.226) < t table (1.960) and p value (0.221) > sig (0.05) indicates that the effect of person-job fit on turnover intention is not significant. This study is in line with the results of research by Khalida, et al (2016) who found a negative relationship between person-job fit and turnover intention. Mediation Test Results The effect of person-job fit on turnover intention through job satisfaction is shown by the original sample value of 0.103 with a positive sign with a t statistic value (1,519) < t table (1.960) and p value (0.129) > sig (0.05) then these results shows that there is no indirect effect of person- job fit on turnover intention through job satisfaction as an intervening variable. CONCLUSION Based on the results of statistical tests that have been carried out, the following conclusions can be obtained; 1) Person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction, where the better the job-personality suitability, the higher the employee job satisfaction, 2) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention, where the increasing job satisfaction will further encourage employees to look for other jobs to further improve their welfare at a higher level, and 3) Person-job fit has a negative relationship but does not affect employee turnover intention. Recommendation From the research that has been done and the findings in the field, it can be suggested that employee job satisfaction with the company can be increased by the suitability of their personality and work. This can be done by the company by placing employees who have backgrounds and abilities that match their work. 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