International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 149 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2021, p 149-158 The Influence of Self Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Self-Efficacy as a Mediation Variable on Teachers of SMK Negeri Jakarta Pusat Munawaroh Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia Email: Susan Febriantina Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia Email: Aldinah Suro Lathifah Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia Email: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior by self-efficacy as a mediation variable in, Central Jakarta State Vocatonal School Teacher. The research method used by researchers was a survey method with a descriptive approach, the population used was vocational school teachers. The population in this study were all teachers of State Vocational High Schools in Central Jakarta which consisted of 644 teachers from 14 (fourteen) State Vocational Schools. The research sample amounted to 225 teachers. The model in this study uses the path analysis model. The analysis technique used in this study uses SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) which is operated with the SmartPLS version 3.0 program for testing hypothesis. In this study also tested the detection of the effect of intervening variables through the Sobel test. The analysis technique carried out in PLS includes three stages, namely the analysis of the outer model, analysis of the inner model, and testing of hypotheses. The results of the study are that self-leadership has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, self-leadership has a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy, and self-leadership has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with self efficacy as a mediation. Keywords: Self Efficacy, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Self Leadership Received: 28 November 2021 ; Accepted: 30 December 2021 ; Publish: December 2021. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 150 | P a g e How to Cite: Munawaroh, (2021). The Influence of Self Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Self-Efficacy as a Mediation Variable on Teachers of SMK Negeri Jakarta Pusat. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 5 (2), 149-158. INTRODUCTION Education is a necessity that cannot be separated from human life. Education is also one of the important things in Indonesia because education is the main pillar of a nation. Education plays a big role in the progress and development of the nation. In an increasingly modern era, the quality of education must be considered because education is a must-have capital in facing the demands of the times. The quality of education in Indonesia is very low because of the weakness of educators in exploring the potential of their students. Educators should pay attention to the interests and talents of their students. In fact, educators often impose their will and they never explore the problems and potentials of students. The quality of education in Indonesia is getting lower day by day. Based on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) survey, the quality of education in Asia and Indonesia is ranked 10th out of 14 countries. As for the quality of teachers, the quality is at level 14 out of 14 developing countries (Kompasiana, 2015). The role of the teacher in the world of education is very influential with the success or failure of the education in the future. The teacher has full control over the students or students. Teachers are nurtured and imitated, whatever the teacher does will have a direct or indirect impact on students. Therefore, teachers must have good attitudes and traits so that the students they teach can imitate and imitate these good behaviors. In other words, teachers must have good quality to make education more quality. Quality teachers will have a very big influence in the implementation of education. Quality education is created from the role of a quality teacher (Kompasiana, 2018). Teachers are faced with a number of demands for their profession, and on the other hand there are limitations that are owned by the teacher himself as well as limitations on what is expected to be obtained from his profession. So in this case an extra role is needed. It is not enough for teachers to just carry out their duties according to the Job Description, but they must have extra- role behavior or what can be called Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Organizational citizenship behavior of teachers at this time does not reflect the behavior that should pay attention to and improve organizational citizenship behavior to improve the quality of schools, especially students, in fact the quality of teachers themselves is still relatively low. Organizational Citizenship Behavior is the behavior of an employee not because of the demands of his duties but more on his volunteerism (Husniati & Pangestuti, 2018). Organizational citizenship behavior is a habit or behavior that is carried out voluntarily, not part of a formal job (Lestari & Ghaby, 2018). Employees with high organizational citizenship behavior will increase their productivity and success in an organization (Triyanthi & Subudi, 2018). Organizational Citizenship Behavior is individual behavior that is carried out voluntarily, organizational citizenship behavior does not directly affect achievement. In addition, individuals must contribute to the effectiveness of the organization to improve performance, with an effective basis on the work group it will increase productivity. Teachers also need good self-leadership. Self-leadership is a combination of cognitive aspects which include processes carried out to influence and motivate oneself and behavioral aspects which are processes carried out to direct and manage behavior to achieve the expected goals (Marthaningtyas, 2016). According to the opinion (Putra & Sintaasih, 2018) self-leadership is defined as an understanding of influencing oneself which tends to direct a person towards action in doing work that motivates naturally. It can also be interpreted as an attempt to direct someone International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 151 | P a g e to do a job that is not wanted but must be done. The starting point of self-leadership is based on the theory of individuals affecting themselves throughout organizational processes (Konuk, 2017). Based on theories from several expert opinions, it can be synthesized that, self-leadership or Self-Leadership is a process that influences oneself and takes action to motivate oneself so that it can achieve the expected goals. In addition, self-leadership will succeed in each individual by being grateful for the strengths that each individual has. Teachers also need self-efficacy because self-efficacy is the confidence that a person has about the extent to which that person exerts his abilities in carrying out tasks or the extent to which actions are needed to achieve them (Ningsih & Hayati, 2020). Meanwhile, (Nurjanah, 2019) states that self-efficacy is the result of the interaction between the external environment, adjustment mechanisms and personal abilities, experience and education. In line with the opinion (Setyowati & Rahmawati, 2019) that self- efficacy is a person's evaluation of his ability and competition to perform tasks, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles. Based on several expert opinions, it can be seen that self-efficacy is an ability contained in humans that affects individuals in carrying out tasks and determining actions to be taken in order to overcome obstacles. METHODOLOGY Measure/Scale This study aims to determine the effect of self-leadership on organizational citizenship behavior with self-efficacy as a mediating variable in Central Jakarta public high school teachers. Self-leadership in this study uses (Houghton & Neck, 2002), (Sesen, Tabak, & Arli, 2017), (Marshall, Kiffin-Petersen, & Soutar, 2012), (Zembat, Ciftci, & Duran, 2020). Self-efficacy in this study uses (Enochs & Riggs, 1990), (Bleicher, 2004), (Arigbabu & Oludipe, 2010), (Glackin & Hohenstein, 2018). Organizational citizenship behavior (Dipaola & Hoy, 2005), (da Neves, 2009), (Yilmaz & Taşdan, 2009), (Wagner, 2011). Each statement item is filled out using a Likert scale with five alternative answers. Each answer is worth one to five according to the level of the answer (strongly agree-strongly disagree). Validity and Reliability Test This research was conducted in stages to find the relevant model between the variables and research constructs. The initial model of this study consisted of three variables consisting of one independent variable, namely self-leadership, one dependent variable, namely organizational citizenship behavior, and one mediating variable, namely self-efficacy. A questionnaire is said to be valid if the statement on the questionnaire is able to reveal a construct that will be measured by the questionnaire (Ghozali, 2006). The criterion for testing the validity of the SmartPLS criteria is to look at the loading factor value, the value must be > 0.7 so that it can be said that the indicator is valid. The next test is to calculate the reliability value. The level of reliability is measured by the value of Average Variance Extracted (AVE). The expected AVE value is >0.5. The higher the AVE value obtained, the better and shows a stronger diversity of indicators. Table 1. Validitas dan Reliabilitas Indicator Outer Loading Factor Self-Leadership: AVE=0.532; Cronbach's Alpha=0.960 I set specific goals for my own performance 0.838 I work towards specific goals that I have set for myself 0.763 I think about the goals I want to achieve in the future 0.718 I wrote a special purpose for my own performance 0.758 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 152 | P a g e When I do something well, I reward myself with special events like dinner, movies, shopping trips, etc. 0.744 When I successfully complete a task, I often reward myself with something I love 0.803 I tend to think about myself when my performance is bad 0.820 I pay attention to how well I do at my job 0.745 I use written notes to remind myself of what I need to accomplish 0.798 I use concrete reminders (e.g. Notes and lists) to help me focus on the things I need to accomplish 0.779 I focus my thoughts on the pleasurable aspects of my work (school) activities 0.733 When I have a choice, I try to do my job the way I like it rather than just trying to get it done 0.789 I found my own favorite way to get things done 0.761 I use my imagination to imagine myself doing important tasks well 0.791 I imagine myself successfully doing a task before I do it 0.738 Sometimes I picture a successful performance in my mind before I actually do the task 0.805 Sometimes I talk to myself (out loud or in my head) to help me deal with difficult problems I'm facing 0.751 Sometimes I talk to myself (out loud or in my head) to deal with difficult situations 0.776 When I'm in a difficult situation, sometimes I will talk to myself (out loud or in my head) to help me get through it 0.747 I think about my own beliefs and assumptions whenever I face a difficult situation 0.731 I try to evaluate myself accurately against beliefs about the situation I am in 0.720 Self Efficacy: AVE=0,531; Cronbach’s Alpha=0,941 I will keep finding better ways to teach 0.741 I know the steps needed to teach teaching concepts effectively 0.765 I will usually teach ineffectively 0.852 I understand teaching concepts well enough to be effective in teaching 0.752 I will find it difficult to explain to students when teaching. 0.777 I can usually answer student questions 0.782 When a student has difficulty understanding a concept, I will usually be confused about how to help the student understand. 0.784 When teaching, I will usually accept student statements 0.706 When students' grades improve, it's often because their teachers have found a more effective teaching approach 0.712 If students do not perform well, it is most likely because of ineffective teaching 0.744 Students' background disabilities can be overcome with good teaching 0.802 When low achievers thrive in lessons, it is usually due to the extra attention given by the teacher 0.773 Increased effort in teaching results in little change in student achievement 0.731 Teachers are generally responsible for student achievement 0.792 Student achievement is directly related to the effectiveness of their teachers in teaching 0.783 If a parent comments that their child is showing greater interest, it may be because of the child's teacher 0.735 Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: AVE=0,545; Cronbach’s Alpha=0,916 The teacher immediately starts the class and uses class time effectively 0.755 Teachers voluntarily sponsor extra-curricular activities 0.767 Teachers make motivational suggestions to improve the overall quality of the school 0.717 The teacher comes to work and the meeting is on time 0.718 The teacher informs co-workers in advance about schedule or routine changes 0.756 Teachers volunteer to help the new committee 0.735 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 153 | P a g e Source: processed by researchers (2020) Data Analysis This study uses a survey method with a descriptive approach. The population in this study were all teachers of State Vocational High Schools in Central Jakarta which consisted of 644 teachers from 14 (fourteen) State Vocational Schools. The research sample amounted to 225 teachers. The research model uses a path analysis model (path analysis). This model was chosen because in this study the independent variable with the dependent variable there is mediation that affects. The analytical technique used in this study uses SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) which is operated with the SmartPLS version 3.0 program for hypothesis testing. In this study, the detection test of the influence of the intervening variable was also carried out through the Sobel test. The analysis technique carried out in PLS includes three stages, namely outer model analysis, inner model analysis, and hypothesis testing. Hypothesis Figure 1. Research Model Source: Data processed by researchers (2020) The hypothesis in this study was tested using a quantitative approach, as follows: H1: Self-leadership has a direct and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior H2: Self-leadership has a direct and significant effect on self-efficacy H3: Self-efficacy has a direct and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior H4: Self-efficacy mediates the indirect effect of self-leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and is significant. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Measurement Model (outer model) The first step in measuring the structural model is to calculate the significance of the relationship between the construct and the R-Square (R2). Table 2. R-square (R2). Table 2. R-Square (R2) R Square Self Efficacy 0.894 Organizational Citizenship Behaviour 0.900 Source: Data processed by researchers using SmartPLS3 (2020) The teacher committee in this school is working productively 0.719 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 154 | P a g e Based on the R-Square (R2) table above, it can be described that the R-Square path model I = 0.894, meaning that the ability to construct the self-leadership variable in explaining self-efficacy is 0.894 or 89.4% (strong). Meanwhile, the R-Square model path II = 0.900, meaning that the ability to construct variables of self-leadership and self-efficacy in explaining organizational citizenship behavior is 0.900 or 90% (strong). The results of the description above conclude that self-leadership has a relationship with self-efficacy, and the second path model shows that self- leadership has a strong relationship with organizational citizenship behavior through the role of self-efficacy as a mediator. Table 3. F-Square (F2) Self Efficacy Self Leadership Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Self Efficacy 0.477 Self Leadership 8.448 0.088 Source: Data processed by researchers using SmartPLS3 (2020) The relationship between the construct of the self-leadership variable and the construct of self-efficacy is 8.448, which means that both have a strong relationship. The relationship between the construct of the self-efficacy variable and the variable construct of organizational citizenship behavior is 0.477, which means that both have a strong relationship. The relationship between the variable construct of self-leadership and organizational citizenship behavior is 0.088, which means that both have a weak relationship. Hypothesis Test Table 4. Path Coefficient Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values Result Self Efficacy -> Organizational Citizenship Behaviour 0.671 0.670 0.063 10.569 0.000 Significant Self Leadership -> Self Efficacy 0.946 0.946 0.006 168.788 0.000 Significant Self Leadership -> Organizational Citizenship Behaviour 0.289 0.290 0.065 4.433 0.000 Significant Source: Data processed by researchers using SmartPLS3 (2020) Table 5. Indirect Effect Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values Result Self Leadership -> Self Efficacy -> Organizational Citizenship Behaviour 0.634 0.634 0.061 10.406 0.000 Significant Source: Data processed by researchers using SmartPLS3 (2020) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 155 | P a g e Discussion H1: Self-Leadership has a Direct and Significant Effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Based on the results of the path coefficient test in the table above, the self-leadership variable has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior directly seen from the original sample value of 0.289 and t-statistics > 1.96 which is 4.433. Then, based on the p-values, namely 0.000 <0.05, the self-leadership variable has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior directly. It can be concluded that self-leadership has a direct positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, so H1 in this study is accepted. H2: Self-Leadership has a Direct and Significant Effect on Self-Efficacy Based on the results of the path coefficient test in the table above, the self-leadership variable has a positive effect on self-efficacy directly seen from the original sample value of 0.946 and t-statistics > 1.96 which is 168.788. Then, based on the p-values, namely 0.000 <0.05, the self- leadership variable has a significant effect on self-efficacy directly. It can be concluded that self- leadership has a positive effect on self-efficacy directly, so H3 in this study is accepted. H3: Self-Efficacy has a Direct and Significant Effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Based on the results of the path coefficient test in the table above, the self-efficacy variable has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior directly seen from the original sample value of 0.671 and t-statistics > 1.96 which is 10,569. Then, based on the p-values, namely 0.000 <0.05, the self-efficacy variable has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior directly. It can be concluded that self-efficacy has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior directly, so H2 in this study is accepted. H4: Self-Efficacy Mediates the Indirect Effect of Self-Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and is Significant Based on the calculation results in the indirect effect table above, the self-leadership variable affects organizational citizenship behavior with self-efficacy as a mediator between the two. The original sample value of the influence of these three variables is 0.634 and the t-statistics is 10.406 > 1.96. Then, based on p-values 0.000 <0.05, the self-leadership variable has an effect on organizational citizenship behavior with self-efficacy as a mediation having a significant indirect effect. So it can be concluded that the self-leadership variable has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior with self-efficacy as a mediation and it is concluded that H4 in this study is accepted. Sobel Test The Sobel test is a test to determine whether the relationship through the mediating variable is significantly able to become a mediator in the relationship. For example, the influence of A on B through M. In this case, the variable M is the mediator of the relationship from A to B. To test how big the role of the variable M in mediating the influence of A on B, the Sobel test is used. Where the Sobel test uses the z test. Based on the results of the Sobel test calculation, the z-value was 3.5108, because the z- value was >1.96 with a significant level of 5%, it proved that self-efficacy was able to mediate the influence of self-leadership on organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 5 (2), December 2021 156 | P a g e CONCLUSION Based on the results of the research that has been done, empirical conclusions can be drawn through descriptions, statistical data processing, interpretation and data analysis described in the previous chapter. Researchers conclude the following: The results of the first hypothesis test show that there is a direct and significant influence between self-leadership on organizational citizenship behavior. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it shows that the higher the self-leadership of a teacher, the higher the level of organizational citizenship behavior of teachers in State Vocational Schools throughout Central Jakarta. Thus it can be interpreted that if a teacher has high self-leadership over himself, the higher the voluntary behavior of the teacher will be. Especially for a teacher, it is necessary to do something outside the job desk that he has that will be a positive thing for the organization. The results of the second hypothesis test indicate that there is a direct and significant effect between self-efficacy on organizational citizenship behavior. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it shows that the higher the self-efficacy of the teacher, the higher the organizational citizenship behavior of the teachers in State Vocational Schools throughout Central Jakarta. Thus, it can be interpreted that a teacher who has high self-efficacy will have a higher voluntary nature in carrying out their duties. In addition, teachers must be able to master situations and produce positive things because teachers must be able to deal with various situations and have high confidence in their abilities, teachers increasingly believe that they can do things outside their responsibilities voluntarily. The results of the third hypothesis test indicate that there is a direct and significant influence between self-leadership on self-efficacy. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it shows that the self-leadership of a teacher will also increase the self-efficacy of teachers in State Vocational Schools throughout Central Jakarta. Self-leadership in the teacher has an impact on the teacher's beliefs. The more capable the teacher is to lead himself, the higher the confidence that is in the teacher. Good self-leadership will be able to increase self-efficacy, so that teachers are able to achieve the goals they set. In other words, high self-efficacy for success will be easier to achieve if every teacher is able to lead himself to be better. The results of the fourth hypothesis test indicate that there is an indirect and significant effect between self-efficacy on organizational citizenship behavior. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it shows that the self-efficacy variable as a mediating variable strengthens the influence of self-leadership on organizational citizenship behavior as evidenced by the positive direction shown in the original sample value. Thus, it can be interpreted that the stronger the self- efficacy variable on the teacher in mediating the influence of self-leadership on organizational citizenship behavior throughout Central Jakarta, the stronger or higher the influence of self- leadership on organizational citizenship behavior on the teacher. When someone has high self- leadership, he will believe in himself to do something outside his responsibilities voluntarily. With that, it would be even better if you get support from the place where you teach. So that the leadership will himself to do things outside his responsibilities voluntarily will be higher with the support from the leader. Recommendation If the next researcher wants to take the same variables, then it is better to improve the quality of further research by perfecting the results of this study and previous research, by increasing the number of variables, references, and changing the object of research that if it can affect the results of the study, so that the results of future research become more varied and diverse. 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