International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 13 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2022, p 13-23 WHEN OCCUPATIONAL SELF EFFICACY AND INTRINSIC MOTIVATION INFLUENCE ON JOB SATISFACTION AND JOB PERFORMANCE Unik Dwi Lestari Universitas Esa Unggul Email: ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of occupational self-efficacy on intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. In addition, the influence of intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction and job performance. This research is a descriptive quantitative study made using the structural equational modeling (SEM) method. Data collection was used by distributing online questionnaires. The population of this study are employees of private companies in the areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). The sampling method used is purposive sampling with criteria that have worked for 2 years and over. The results of this study prove that there is a positive influence between occupational self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. Then it also proves that there is a positive influence between intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction but not on job performance. Keywords: Occupational self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, job performance. Received: 13 February 2022 Accepted: 31 March 2022 Publish: June 2022 How to Cite: Lestari, U.D. (2022). When Occupational Self Efficacy and Intrinsic Motivation Influence on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 6 (1), 13-23. INTRODUCTION In today's world of work, increasing the motivation of workers has become the norm for companies, where human resource development strategies are emphasized on aspects of increasing employee motivation, in addition to motivation there are also occupational self-efficacy factors that affect job performance improvements for employees (Cetin & Askun, 2018). One important aspect of motivation is intrinsic motivation, because intrinsic motivation along with occupational self-efficacy can increase a person's innovative behavior (Klaeijsen, Vermeulen and Martens, International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 14 | P a g e 2018).Then it is known that occupational self-efficacy has an important effect on the success of a worker's career (Smidt et al., 2018). In the end, occupational self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation are important variables for increasing job performance and job satisfaction of workers (Buric & Moe, 2020; Cetin & Askun, 2018; Islam & Ahmed, 2018; Khalid, 2020; Moon, Youn, Hur, & Kim, 2018; Shin, Hur, Moon, & Lee, 2019). An individual with high occupational self-efficacy will have high intrinsic motivation which will increase their level of involvement in work (Liu and Huang, 2019). Then occupational self-efficacy and working environment affect the motivation of workers (Tannady, Erlyana and Nurprihatin, 2019). Furthermore, occupational self-efficacy has an influence on occupational stress (Sharma & Marwaha, 2020), with increasing occupational stress it will have an impact on decreasing job performance of workers(Nisar and Rasheed, 2020). In addition, occupational self- efficacy increases job satisfaction and reduces job stress (Troesch and Bauer, 2017), with increasing job satisfaction, job performance will increase (Dinc, 2017; Kishen et al., 2020; Syah et al., 2021). Then related to intrinsic motivation, it is known to mediate job satisfaction (Gheitani et al., 2019). In addition, motivation both intrinsically and extrinsically will affect job satisfaction and also affect job performance (Riyanto, 2017).Other research explains that transformational leadership will have higher intrinsic motivation, this will improve employee performance and increase employee contributions in achieving company goals (Nguyen et al., 2019). Previous studies have explained the relationship between occupational self-efficacy and motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. However, there are still few studies that explain the effect of occupational self-efficacy on intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance, as well as the relationship between intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction and job performance simultaneously in the context of company employees in the Greater Jakarta area, Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to determine intrinsic motivation, the effect of occupational self- efficacy on job satisfaction and job performance. Then added with the influence of intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction and job performance. Then in the end is the effect of job satisfaction on job performance. LITERATURE REVIEW The Effect of Occupational Self-efficacy on intrinsic motivation Employees who have high self-efficacy will feel that they have the ability to achieve success in carrying out tasks that are in their job functions (Rigotti, Schyns and Mohr, 2008) this will lead to an increase in employee intrinsic motivation in carrying out an activity, because the employee believes that he will get pleasure in doing activities in the job because by completing the job well, then he will get benefits and pleasure for the employee himself (Deci and Ryan, 2000). Previous studies have proven that increasing occupational self-efficacy will increase intrinsic motivation (e.g. Çetin & Aşkun, 2018; Klaeijsen et al., 2018). This is supported by other studies such as that conducted by Bande et al. (2016) explained that servant leadership will increase the self-efficacy of workers in doing work, then it will increase the intrinsic motivation of workers. Then the following hypothesis is proposed: H1. Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 15 | P a g e The Effect of Occupational Self-efficacy on job satisfaction Employees with high occupational self-efficacy will have confidence in the success of the work carried out (Rhew et al., 2018), employees with a high level of confidence in success will get high positive emotions towards their work. Meanwhile, the higher the positive emotions, the higher the job satisfaction (Ćulibrk et al., 2018), so that high occupational self-efficacy will increase job satisfaction. Self-efficacy will increase job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation and job involvement, besides self-efficacy will positively affect job involvement mediated by job satisfaction and motivation (Demir, 2020). Furthermore, self-efficacy and work engagement have a positive effect on job satisfaction (Li et al., 2017). Then, job strain and occupational self-efficacy have a positive effect on job satisfaction (Maggiori, Johnston and Rossier, 2016)Then the following hypothesis is proposed: H2. Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on job satisfaction The Effect of Occupational Self-Efficacy on Job Performance Workers with high occupational self-efficacy will be more willing to stay in their jobs because they believe they have the ability to succeed (Rigotti, Schyns and Mohr, 2008; Rhew et al., 2018), this will have a positive effect on the ability of workers to complete tasks. given by the company or the job performance of workers (Darvishmotevali and Ali, 2020). For workers from various organizations in Turkey, occupational self-efficacy has been shown to have a positive effect on job performance (Çetin and Aşkun, 2018). Then along with work engagement, self- efficacy has been shown to have a positive effect on job performance (Carter et al., 2018). In addition, work engagement and self-efficacy act as mediators of the relationship between organizational culture and job performance (Song et al., 2018). So, we put forward the following hypothesis: H3. Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on job performance The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation on Job Satisfaction Intrinsic motivation as an encouragement from within the employee itself related to interest or pleasure (Deci and Ryan, 2000), will result in an increase in job satisfaction from a worker. This is of course because if the motivation from within employees such as wanting to develop capacity, looking for something new and challenging, exploring and learning (Çetin and Aşkun, 2018) is high, this will certainly increase the level of satisfaction of workers with their work (Furnham, Eracleous and Chamorro-Premuzic, 2009; Eliyana, Ma’arif and Muzakki, 2019). Or in other words, workers will be more satisfied with their jobs that match the interests and pleasures of the workers. This is supported by previous research that explains the direct effect of motivation and leadership on job satisfaction (Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020; (Sidabutar et al., 2020). In addition, Islamic work ethic on job satisfaction, where intrinsic motivation acts as a mediator in This relationship (Gheitani et al., 2019) Other research explains that the variables that make up intrinsic motivation such as achievement, job security, job responsibility, and work itself have a positive influence on intrinsic motivation (Raza et al., 2015). we put forward the following hypothesis: H4. Intrinsic motivation has a positive effect on job satisfaction International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 16 | P a g e The influence of intrinsic motivation on job performance With the motivation, or encouragement either from outside or from within, employees will be able to carry out the tasks assigned by the company better. The higher the motivation that exists within the employee, the higher the performance of the employee will be. This is evident from several previous studies which explain that motivation has a positive influence on job performance and job satisfaction (Carvalho et al., 2020). Then it was found that intrinsic motivation directly affects job performance, and mediates the relationship between job security and job performance (Shin et al., 2019). In addition, intrinsic motivation also has a direct effect on job performance, and mediates the relationship between occupational self-efficacy and job performance (Çetin and Aşkun, 2018). Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed: H5. Intrinsic motivation has a positive effect on job performance The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance The more satisfied employees are with their work, the more things they find enjoyable in their work. This will result in them working well, so that it will increase the ability of workers to carry out the tasks assigned by the company to them. Previous studies confirm this condit ion, for example Loan (2020) explains that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, and the relationship between organizational commitment and job performance is mediated by job satisfaction. Then Yang et al. (2021) explains that job stress and job satisfaction have a positive influence on job performance. Furthermore, Syamsir (2020) dan Kishen et al. (2020) explains the positive influence of competence and job satisfaction on job performance. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis: H6. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on job performance Based on the above hypothetical framework, the research model can be described as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Research Model Framework International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 17 | P a g e METHODOLOGY Collecting data using a survey method by distributing online questionnaires. Measurements were carried out using a Likert scale with a scale of 1 – 7 (1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree) to provide an opportunity for respondents to be able to choose according to their specific wishes. Data collection time was carried out from June to August 2021. For the measurement of Occupational self-efficacy variables; consists of 6 questions adopted from (Tomas, Maslić Seršić and De Witte, 2019). Intrinsic motivation variable; consists of 8 Questions adopted from (Sheldon, Arndt and Houser-Marko, 2003). Job satisfaction variable consists of 7 questions adopted from Yancey (2009). Job performance variable consists of 4 questions adopted from Cetin & Askun (2018). The respondents of this study were purposive sampling (purposive sampling) in Indonesia with the sample criteria were private employees who worked in the Greater Jakarta area (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) who had worked for more than 2 years. initial questionnaire (pre test) to 30 respondents. And in the next study, further questionnaires were distributed to 160 respondents, namely at least five times the number of questions. The research was conducted quantitatively using the SEM (Structural Equation Model) method, while data processing and analysis used IBM SPSS 24 and Lisrel 8.8 software. The researcher conducted a factor analysis to test the validity and reliability with SPSS 24. The validity test was carried out by looking at the measurement values of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA). The results of the KMO (0.618 to 0.796) and MSA (0.580 to 0.905) values are greater than 0.5, which means that the factor analysis is appropriate. The reliability test uses Cronbach's Alpha measurement where the results are (0.803 to 0.917), because the closer to 1, the better (Hair et al., 2014). RESULT AND DISCUSSION From the results of testing on 160 respondents, it was found that 64% consisted of men and 36% women, with an age range of 43% under 25 years, 24% between 26 to 35 years, and 33% between 36-45 years. Most of them have S1 education, namely 49%, S2 24%, SMK/SMA equivalent 15%, D1/D2/D3 11% and the rest S3 (1%). In addition, 83% worked more than 2 years and 17% worked under 2 years. The demographic data of the respondents. The indicator for each variable has a loading factor of more than 0.50, which is in accordance with Hair et al. (2014) which says that the measurement of construct validity can be accepted and declared valid if all loading factors are above 0.50. The results of the calculation of construct reliability (CR) and variable extracted (VE) found that Occupational Self-efficacy (CR = 0.90; VE = 0.65), intrinsic motivation (CR = 0.92; VE = 0.60), job satisfaction (CR = 0.91; VE = 0.60), job performance (CR = 0.90; VE = 0.70), can be said to meet the overall requirements which are in accordance with Hair et al. (2014) that the value of construct reliability must meet the reliability requirements with CR above 0.60 and VE value above 0.50. From the analysis of the suitability test, most of them showed a good match including X2/df = 1.46.; degrees of freedom = 235; Chi Square = 343.69; RMSEA = 0.051; ECVI = 2.65; AIC = 473.69; CAIC = 746.23; NFI = 0.97; Critical N = 140.15 and GFI = 0.86. Thus, there is a goodness of fit for the whole model, although some are at the marginal fit level, the complete data can be seen in Appendix 8 and the results are as depicted in the PATH diagram in Figure 2. and a hypothesis testing model can be presented as in Table 1. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 18 | P a g e Figure 2 Path Diagram Based on the hypothesis test table above, T-Value values that exceed 1.96 exist in all hypotheses except for hypothesis 5. Therefore, the data in this study supports the H1, H2, H3, H4, and H6 hypotheses. But it does not support hypothesis H5. Table 4 Final testing of hypothesis Value Hypothesis Statement T-value Description H1 Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation 9,23 The data support the hypothesis H2 Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on job satisfaction 3,04 The data support the hypothesis H3 Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on job performance 2,03 The data support the hypothesis H4 Intrinsic motivation has a positive effect on job satisfaction 4,76 The data support the hypothesis H5 Intrinsic motivation has a positive effect on job performance 0,18 The data do not support the hypothesis H6 Job satisfaction has a positive effect on job performance 6,64 The data support the hypothesis International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 19 | P a g e Discussion This study explains the effect of occupational self-efficacy on intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. In addition, the influence of intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction and job performance. Then the last is the effect of job satisfaction on job performance. Occupational self-efficacy has been shown to have a positive effect on intrinsic motivation. This means that self-efficacy variables such as the calmness of employees when facing difficulties, because of their belief in their abilities or the belief of employees that they can overcome obstacles at work, will increase intrinsic motivation in employees such as encouragement from within employees to contribute. for the lives of others and to show affection for others. The findings in this study are in agreement with previous findings (e.g. Bande et al., 2016; Çetin & Aşkun, 2018; Klaeijsen et al., 2018). Occupational self-efficacy in this study proved to influence job satisfaction. This shows that the employee's belief in his competence in completing the task will have a positive effect on the pleasant emotional state that employees have towards their work. This finding is in accordance with previous findings, such as the finding of Demir (2020) which explains that self-efficacy affects job satisfaction and mediates the relationship between job involvement and job satisfaction. In addition, according to research from Li et al. (2017) about the positive influence of self-efficacy and work engagement on job satisfaction. Then, Occupational self-efficacy was found to influence job performance. This shows the employee's belief that he or she can be successful at work has a positive effect on the ability of workers to carry out tasks according to job descriptions or other standard requirements as requested by the company. This is in accordance with previous studies (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; Çetin & Aşkun, 2018; Song et al., 2018). Furthermore, for the intrinsic motivation variable that affects job satisfaction, this shows that internal motivation such as the desire to help what is needed or the desire to show affection to others. Will increase positive emotions that satisfy employees in their work, as well as the ability of workers to carry out the tasks assigned by the company. This is in accordance with previous studies for the positive effect of intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction (e.g. Eliyana et al., 2019; Furnham et al., 2009; Gheitani et al., 2019; Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020) as well as for the positive influence from intrinsic motivation to job performance (e.g. Loan, 2020; Syamsir, 2020; Yang et al., 2021). Specifically, in this study, it was found that intrinsic motivation had no positive effect on job performance. According to the researcher's observations, this is influenced by the values held by young respondents, namely 43% under the age of 25 years, where in this generation everything is judged by how much material is obtained from the work, or in other words that the Job Performance of the workforce aged these young people are more influenced by job satisfaction, namely satisfaction in the form of income which is considered quite satisfactory. The more satisfied employees are in their work, the more enjoyable they feel. This will encourage them to work well, so that it will improve employee performance to carry out the tasks assigned by the company to them more diligently and better. Previous studies confirm this condition, for example Loan (2020) explains that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. So, it can be understood that what increases the job performance of employees in this study is not intrinsic motivation but is more determined by job satisfaction in the form of income or wages received. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 20 | P a g e CONCLUSION The results of this study prove that there is a positive influence between occupational self- efficacy and intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. Then it also proves that there is a positive influence between intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction but not on job performance. And in the end job satisfaction proved to have a positive effect on job performance. The managerial implications of this research are as follows, to increase the intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance of workers, company leaders need to increase occupational self-efficacy, such as by providing training so that the competence of the workers increases, by increasing the competencies possessed. by company workers, automatically the occupational self-efficacy of employees will increase so that it has a positive effect on employee performance. Then to increase job satisfaction, managers can make efforts to increase the intrinsic motivation of employees such as instilling confidence in the importance of making positive contributions to others. Meanwhile, to improve job performance, managers can take actions to increase job satisfaction, such as providing rewards in accordance with the performance of employees, appreciating employees and showing good examples of the values to be applied in front of employees. Recommendation Furthermore, this research has many limitations, including this research still only looks at one variable in motivation, namely intrinsic motivation, even though there are variables that need to be known in relation to occupational self-efficacy, for example, extrinsic motivation and amotivation variables. So that further research needs to consider determining the effect that occurs between occupational self-efficacy with extrinsic motivation and amotivation variables. Another limitation is on the variable of occupational self-efficacy, a worker not only has occupational self-efficacy, but also has variables such as task specific self-efficacy and process self-efficacy. These variables also need to be considered in future research, how they relate to the motivation of workers. Then the next limitation is on the job performance variable, this study only considers job performance in terms of task performance. 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Occupational self-efficacy has a positive effect on job satisfaction The Effect of Occupational Self-Efficacy on Job Performance The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation on Job Satisfaction The influence of intrinsic motivation on job performance The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance Discussion