International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2),  December 2018

International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1),  June 2022 




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International Journal of Human Capital Available online at 
E-ISSN 2580-9164  
Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2022, p 54 - 65  








Uus Mohammad Darul Fadli 

Buana Perjuangan University Karawang 

Email : 


Citra Savitri 

Buana Perjuangan University Karawang 

Email : 


Budi Rismayadi 

Buana Perjuangan University Karawang 

Email : 




The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of lecturer human capital that play a role 

in the process of achieving the vision of the university's vision. This study uses a quantitative 

approach, collecting data using a questionnaire to 166 lecturers from universities in Karawang 

Regency, West Java. Data analysis used factor analysis and cluster analysis – hierarchical 

dendrogram. The results of the factor analysis show that the lecturer human capital components 

that make up the achievement of the university's vision consist of four groups, namely core 

components, supporting components, processing components and outcomes components, while the 

results of the hierarchical-dendrogram analysis inform that the process of achieving the 

university's vision starts from two aspects. The main aspects of lecturer human capital are lecturer 

education and lecturer skills. This research is still in the study of identifying intellectual capital 

which is explained to individual university lecturers (Lecturer human capital) with a small sample 

area, so it still needs to be developed in a wider aspect of lecturer intellectual capital and its 

relationship with other indicators that can support the achievement of the university's vision. 

overall high. The results of this study greatly contribute to explaining the potential of human 

capital as an intangible asset of higher education and the process of its formation, so that 

universities can understand how to develop lecturers' human capital so that its potential can be 

utilized for the development of higher education as a whole. 


Received: 28 March 2022 

Accepted: 29 April 2022 

Publish: June 2022

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How to Cite: 

Fadli, U. M. D., (2022). Analysis of Human Capital Lecturer Factors in The Process of 

Achieving The Vision of Higher Education. International Journal of Human Capital 

Management, 6 (1), 54 – 65. 





The Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) of the Republic of Indonesia (2020) 

reports that the number of higher education institutions in Indonesia in 2020 is 4,593 institutions, 

consisting of 1,190 diploma education and 3,403 academic educational institutions. The number 

of study programs is 29,413 institutions consisting of 3,426 diploma study programs and 25,987 

academic study programs. Then the number of lecturers was 312,890 people while the number of 

registered students reached 8,843,213 people. 

The role of lecturers in universities is very important. Without university lecturers, they 

will not be able to carry out their duties as higher education institutions. Lecturers are professional 

educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing, and disseminating science, 

technology, and art through education, research, and community service. Lecturers are required to 

have pedagogic competence, personality, social, and professional competence.  

Universities have different potentials and abilities in ensuring the qualifications and 

competencies of their lecturers. The problem that often arises, especially in universities organized 

by public (private) institutions, is the fulfillment of pedagogic competence and professional 

competence, especially for lecturers with doctoral education. This happens because of differences 

in financing capabilities, available time, opportunities, range of locations and motivations. The 

high cost has caused many lecturers who are pursuing their doctoral studies to have to stop midway 

because of the lecturer's ability to win scholarships both domestically and abroad. 

Lecturers are the main Human Capital in driving the wheels of higher education. In addition to 

having the core task of organizing education, research and community service, lecturers also have 

additional duties to manage universities, occupying various important positions as organizational 

leaders both administratively and managerially, which of course must carry out various 

management functions. 

Theodore, W. Schultz in 1960 was the originator of the theory or basic concept of human 

capital. He delivered his speech entitled Investing in Human Capital in front of economists and 

officials who are members of the American Economic Association. This concept basically assumes 

that humans are a form of capital or capital like other forms of capital, such as machines, 

technology, land, money, and materials. Humans as Human Capital are reflected in the form of 

knowledge, ideas, creativity, skills, and work productivity. In contrast to other forms of capital 

which are only treated as tools, Human Capital can invest itself through various forms of 

investment in Human Resources (HR), including formal education, informal education, work 

experience, health and nutrition and transmigration (Fattah, 2004). 

Higher education human resources consist of lecturers and education staff. Investment in human 

resources in higher education is very important and plays a very important role in improving 

competence, experience, work culture, discipline, motivation, health and various knowledge which 

in turn will be able to create higher education resources that are healthy and skilled, productive 

and competitive. 

Human capital development and development does not directly improve organizational 

performance but will have an impact on basic aspects in the form of work motivation, work culture, 

discipline and other organizational competencies such as the results of research conducted by 

Toole and Czammitzki (2007); Kamukama and Htayi (2010) state that human capital does not 

directly affect organizational performance, but must be supported by organizational compet ence. 

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Other studies have shown that human capital does not have a direct effect on organizational 

performance, but is mediated by innovation (Dakhli and Clercq, 2003; Popescu and Diaconu, 

2008). While Chang et al. (2006) found that Human Capital (social and intellectual capital) had no 

significant effect on organizational performance, but innovation had an effect on performance at 

The Hsinchu Science Park and The Tainan Science Park in Taiwan. 

Another determinant of performance is organizational learning, that universities have 

expertise in creating, retrieving and transferring knowledge, and modifying their behavior to 

reflect new knowledge and experiences. By continuing to carry out organizational learning, it is 

hoped that universities can improve their performance (Baldrige National Quality Program, 2010). 

Competitive universities can be identified from the high awards given by the community in the 

form of accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) as 

superior universities or accreditation A, or marked by the number of students studying there, high 

productivity of higher education in the form of results. research, innovation, community service 

and its benefits for the government and the surrounding environment. It is understood that lecturer 

human capital is the main element that is able to drive the organization's business processes (Fadli 

et al, 2020). 

This study aims to identify the factors of lecturer human capital that play a role in the 

process of achieving the vision of the university's vision. 





1. Human Capital 

Human Capital is one of the parts studied in intellectual capital. Intellectual capital research 

and Human Capital began to develop since the 1960s. Intellectual capital is an individual's 

potential that is not seen as a source of future value creation (Viedma, 2007). Stewart (1997) 

defines intellectual capital as intellectual material that can create company property, consisting of 

components of knowledge, information, intellectual property, experience, and others. While 

Bontis (2002) describes intellectual capital in a more detailed concept of collective knowledge 

capital embedded in human resources, organizational processes and network relationships in 

creating corporate value. Thus it can be understood that intellectual capital is intellectual material 

owned by individuals or collectives in an organization that can create value. Cortini and Benevene 

(2010) explained that the components of intellectual capital include aspects of individual 

innovation capacity, patents that have been created by employees, and various existing knowledge 

of employees (tacit knowledge), as well as collaboration and interaction between employees. 


2. Lecturer Human Capital  

Lecturer human capital (LHC) is part of the intellectual capital of lecturers which has long 

been recognized as an important factor for individual productivity. The notion of human capital as 

individual capital has been studied extensively by several previous studies such as Schultz (1961) 

and Becker (1962), now increasingly being identified as a factor influencing the competitiveness 

of companies (Bartel, 1989; Senker and Brady, 1989). Howell and Wolff, 1991). Human capital is 

a widely used concept with complex and varied definitions. In certain contexts it only means the 

result of the educational process (ie obtaining formal education), while in other circumstances it 

can include a wider range of investments that have the potential to affect the welfare and 

productivity of the community, company, and nation. (Mincer, 1996). Human Capital is an 

invisible asset (Itami 1987). 

The Human Capital perspective is the main factor that can drive intellectual capital as a 

creator of corporate value (Göran Roos et al, 2001). Likewise with universities, the presence of 

lecturers is a key success factor that will move the wheels of organization and the journey of higher 

education to carry out the tridharma and produce values to achieve the vision it carries. 

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The lecturer's definition of human capital in this study was adapted from the definition of 

human capital as the creator of corporate value. Lecturer's human capital is all competencies 

possessed by lecturers who are born from birth and are added to various competencies that lecturers 

have acquired during their life, in the form of knowledge, skills, various knowledge and behaviors 

that can create value for the college where the lecturer works. 

The dimension of Lecturer's measurement of human capital refers to the dimension of human 

capital. Afiouni (2013) explains the dimensions of human capital in five main components, namely 

(1) the cognitive component, consisting of aspects of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA); (2) 

behavioral component, consisting of willingness and ability to socialize ASF; (3) fit component, 

consisting of alignment of components (1) and (2) with strategic imperatives; (4) the flexibility 

component, consisting of the ability to adapt to different business strategies; and (5) the 

measurement component, by assessing the contribution of human resources to value creation. 

Meanwhile, Ployhart and Kim (2014:381) measure human capital in individual capacity or unit 

level (collectively) based on KSAO (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Characteristics). 


3. Higher Education Vision 

The vision is made to answer three important questions of the organization (Cortés-Sánchez, 

2017): what business the organization is doing, what the organization should be doing, and where 

the organization wants to be in the future. The vision consists of a guiding philosophy that includes 

goals and core beliefs, and real hopes for the future (Collins and Porras, 1991), and Jones (1960). 

A strong business vision will help organizations predict the future, change and innovation, and 

improve employee efficiency (Yalçın, 2005). The vision of a good university should have been 

equipped with clear indicators of achievement of the vision, namely the plan for achieving 

accreditation, the quality of lecturers' intellectual capital, the quality of the ‘tridharma HE’; 

graduate success; output quality and stakeholder assessment (Fadli et al, 2020). 

From the above study, the concept of measuring lecturer human capital in the process of 

achieving the university's vision will be based on four sources of human capital competence, 

namely (1) knowledge; (2) skills; (3) ability; and (4) other sources of competence. 





This study uses a quantitative approach, multivariate analysis which will explain the 

indicators that play a role in developing lecturers' intellectual capital in an effort to develop lecturer 


The research locus consisted of all Universities in Karawang Regency, both State 

Universities and Private Universities. The research sample was lecturers and education staff at the 

research locus. The research data was collected through questionnaires from ordinal scale data, so 

that before the analysis was carried out the transformation would be carried out into interval data. 

There are two analytical methods used, namely factor analysis and cluster hierarchical analysis - 

dendrogram. Factor analysis is used to classify indicators that have a close role and reduce 

indicators that have less role (Watkins, 2021). The analytical tool used for factor analysis is SPSS 

2023, with the following working steps: 

1) Data transformation from ordinal data to interval data; 
2) Calculating KMO, Bartlett’s test and Anti-Image; 
3) Performing the first stage component matrix analysis followed by rotation if the loading factor 

< 0.5 and not homogeneous 

4) Perform component matrix analysis in the next stage until the data is declared homogeneous, 
5) Explain the components of the matrix formed and their respective roles according to the 

research theme by taking into account the initial eigenvalues and the total variance explained. 

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The cluster analysis used is hierarchical cluster analysis (Ding and He, 2004) and Honda, 

Notsu, and Ichihashi (2010), which is followed by a dendrogram analysis by calculating the 

proximity of the data characteristics of each indicator (Everitt et al, 2011). The grouping of 

lecturers' human capital is done by using a hierarchical clustering method using the Euclidean 

distance, and the Euclidean distance is calculated by the formula: where 

= (х1, 2,…, ) and y = (y1, y2, …, y) are vectors of variable values from two observations. One of 

the most effective methods for conducting clustering is the Ward method for assessing the distance 

between clusters. Ward's method minimizes the number of squares for each pair of clusters that 

can be formed at each step. For the visualization of the results of the cluster analysis, it will be 

continued horizontally (Кruhlov and Tereshchenko, 2020). The working steps used for hierarchical 

cluster analysis and dendrogram analysis used SPSS 2023. 

1) Transformation of ordinal data into interval data; 
2) Determine the analysis model on Classify – Hierarchy Cluster 
3) Define the agglomeration and range solutions for the 2 to 4 clusters you want to form. 
4) Setting the plot on the Dendrogram 
5) Activate the cluster method in the ward's method combo 





1. Respondent Identity 

The results of the analysis revealed that 166 respondents came from 5 universities in 

Karawang. This large number of samples already meets the requirements for multivariate analysis 

(Hair et al, 2014) so that factor analysis and cluster analysis can be carried out for this study. Most 

respondents came from Singaperbangsa University Karawang (51.2%) and Buana Perjuangan 

University Karawang (41.6%). The majority of respondents are permanent lecturers (87.95%), 

while the rest are DPK lecturers (1.2%) and NIDK lecturers (1.2%). 


Table 1: Identity of Respondents 

Respondent Identity Amount  % 

College Name 

1. University 
2. Academy 







Lecturer Status 

1. Permanent 

2. DPK 

3. NIDK 
4. Teaching 












Sum 166 100 


2. Factor analysis 

Factor analysis in this study is intended to look for factors that can explain the relationship 

or correlation between various independent indicators of human capital of university lecturers. The 

analysis begins by examining the KMO and Bartlett's Test scores. (Table 2). 

The results of the first analysis showed the KMO value of 0.850. This value is greater than 

the required 0.5 with a significance of 0.00. This provides information that the processed data has 

met the minimum sample adequacy requirements for each indicator in factor analysis. Kaiser 

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(1970) and Guttman (1954) explain that the KMO value between 0.8 to 1.0 indicates an adequate 

number of samples. 

Anti-image correlation analysis plays a role in examining the partial correlation of each 

indicator. The results of the preliminary analysis show that there are 2 (two) indicators with an 

anti-image value < 0.50 (artworks and obedience indicator) so that these two indicators need to be 

reduced gradually, starting with the indicator with the smallest anti-image value. After two 

reductions, the KMO Bartlett's Test increased by 0.861, this value was greater than the KMO 

before it was reduced. The final result shows that all indicators have an Anti-Image Correlation 

greater than 0.5. A large correlation value indicates a high ability to form a homogeneous indicator 

group (Кruhlov and Tereshchenko, 2020). 

The results of the matrix component analysis show that the process of grouping Lecturer 

Human Capital indicators for achieving the university's vision at an early stage is still not 

homogeneous, so rotation is necessary. The results of the rotational analysis of 7 iterations provide 

information on the Initial Eigenvalues to form 4 metric components with Rotation Sums of 

Squared Loadings having Total Variance Explained Cumulative reaching 78.264%.  


Table 2: Analysis of KMO, Bartlett's test and Anti-Image Correlation 


Measurement Indicator Before 





Measure of Sampling 


.850 .861 

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity   

Approx. Chi- Squares    6,641E3 6,081E3 

df 378 325 

Sign .000 .000 

Anti-image Correlation   

Lecturer Education 0,942 0,94 

Lecturer Functional Position 0,826 0,839 

Lecturer Competence 0,839 0,848 

Field of Science 0,855 0,852 

Technical Knowledge 0,927 0,923 

Skills 0,888 0,887 

Attitude 0,913 0,924 

Honesty 0,783 0,792 

Emotional Intelligence 0,799 0,852 

Innovation 0,918 0,938 

Career 0,632 0,618 

Individual ability 0,905 0,907 

Group Ability 0,824 0,814 

Organizational ability 0,901 0,895 

Work experience 0,839 0,855 

Motivation 0,889 0,896 

Flexibility 0,802 0,803 

Loyalty 0,901 0,902 

Commitment 0,829 0,84 

Creativity 0,876 0,885 

Entrepreneurship 0,734 0,771 

Research result 0,802 0,796 

Community Service Results 0,875 0,863 

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Publication Works 0,866 0,863 

Design Works 0,848 0,846 

Leadership 0,815 0,818 

Artworks  0,495*  - 

Obedience  0,492*  - 

* Reduced (indicator of Artworks and obedience) 


This provides information that from the 4 metrics component that is formed, it will be able 

to provide information as much as 78.264% of all Lecturer Human Capital factors of universities 

in Indonesia. This confirms what has been explained by Analysis (Rummel, 1970) that factor 

analysis is useful for finding unobserved factors, reducing data, and extracting all unique factors 

(Pater and Lewandowska, 2015) in this case Lecturer Human Capital Higher Education indicator 


In the first iteration process, the composition of the component metrics members is still not 

perfect, so rotation is necessary. The results of the Extraction Method with Principal Component 

Analysis and Rotation Method with Varimax with Kaiser Normalization followed by Rotation 

converged in 7 iterations form 4 main components. 


Figure 1: Component Metrics Lecturer Human Capital High Education 


The results of this analysis show that the role of lecturer human capital in achieving the 

university's vision comes from 4 main components, namely: first, the core component, formed 

from 4 characteristics of lecturer human capital with the highest coefficient being lecturer 

entrepreneurship (0.814) and the lowest from lecturer education characteristics (0.593) ( Figure 1). 

Second, the supporting component is formed from 4 characteristics of lecturer's human capital 

with the highest lecturer career coefficient (0.777) and the lowest lecturer motivation characteristic 

(0.610); third, the process component, formed from 8 characteristics of lecturer's human capital, 

with the highest coefficient being the lecturer's emotional intelligence (0.828) and the lowest from 

the lecturer's innovation characteristics (0.590); and fourth, the output component, formed from 

10 characteristics of lecturers' human capital with the highest coefficient coming from the role of 

lecturers in producing research work (0.857) and the lowest contribution from lecturer leadership 

(0.558). The four components of the factors formed have the characteristics of knowledge, skills, 

abilities and behaviour, so that each component can be named a core group, supporters, processes 

and outputs of Human Capital lecturers as the main characteristics to achieve the vision of higher 

education in the future. This supports the results of Arifin's research (2017) that the vision and 

mission of the organization to compete in the future must be integrated with human capital 



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3. Cluster - Dendrogram Analysis 

The Agglomeration Schedule analysis (Table 3) explains that the process of forming human 

Lecturer capital for the achievement of university vision from all analysed indicators is divided 

into two large groups with 25 stages of formation. The formation occurs starting from the indicator 

that has the lowest distance closeness which shows the closeness of the characteristics to the 

farthest distance in the Covariance matrix. 


Table 3: Cluster Formation Process LHC to Achieve HE Vision 

Agglomeration Schedule 


Cluster Combined Coefficient


Stage Cluster First 

Appears Next 

Stage Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 1 Cluster 2 

1 1 12 9.609 0 0 20 

2 22 23 23.015 0 0 19 

3 9 10 50.064 0 0 6 

4 24 25 77.929 0 0 13 

5 7 8 108.903 0 0 14 

6 9 16 142.696 3 0 15 

7 4 20 178.187 0 0 13 

8 17 18 215.328 0 0 17 

9 14 26 253.077 0 0 14 

10 2 3 293.874 0 0 16 

11 6 15 335.251 0 0 15 

12 13 19 377.347 0 0 19 

13 4 24 428.152 7 4 18 

14 7 14 480.322 5 9 16 

15 6 9 535.159 11 6 17 

16 2 7 600.218 10 14 20 

17 6 17 673.976 15 8 22 

18 4 5 758.321 13 0 21 

19 13 22 855.691 12 2 24 

20 1 2 963.939 1 16 21 

21 1 4 1082.238 20 18 23 

22 6 11 1201.709 17 0 24 

23 1 21 1392.135 21 0 25 

24 6 13 1586.157 22 19 25 

25 1 6 2050.982 23 24 0 


Furthermore, from the graph (Figure 2), it can also be analysed that the 25 stages of data 

agglomeration are finally summarized into 3 main stages, namely the formation of cluster 1, the 

formation of cluster 2 and the merging of cluster 1 and cluster 2. 


a. Clustering Formation 1 

The process of forming Cluster 1 goes through 6 stages of agglomeration. From the agglomeration 

process, it can be seen that in Cluster 1 the most important thing is the education of lecturers who 

animates all indicators in Cluster 1. 


b. Clustering Formation 2 

The process of forming Cluster 2 occurs through 6 stages of agglomeration. Broadly speaking, 

Cluster 2 produces human capital lecturers who have the skills to carry out their duties as university 


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c. Formation of the Merger of Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 

The merging of the characteristics of Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 occurs after the formation of all 

clusters of human capital lecturers in Cluster 1 and Cluster 2. From the agglomeration analysis it 

is explained that the third stage is the merging of the education group of lecturers from Cluster 1 

and the group of lecturers' skills from Cluster 2. the end of Cluster 1 is cantered on the 

characteristics of lecturers' education, while in Cluster 2 all indicators are cantered on the 

characteristics of lecturers' skills. Thus, it can be concluded that lecturer education is the main 

factor in producing Lecturer's Human Capital skills in building higher education. 


At each stage there is a merger of the characteristics of the Lecturer Human Capital indicator 

through the process of proximity or the most similar of its covariates (Everitt et al, 2011), so that 

the lecturer education indicators are understood to have characteristics that are closely related to 

the individual abilities of lecturers which will affect the group consisting of Lecturer Academic 

Positions. (JAD), competence, attitude, honesty, organizational and leadership skills, and groups 

consisting of scientific publication design, scientific, creative and technical fields. The knowledge 

possessed by the lecturer will also play a role in influencing the entrepreneurial ability of the 



Lecturer proficiency indicators have characteristics that are closely related to work 

experience that will play a role in influencing the group, namely emotional intelligence, 

innovation, and motivation, then with flexibility and loyalty groups, which in turn will play a role 

in determining the future career of lecturers. lecturers in developing groups, namely research, 

community service, group abilities and lecturers' commitment to work. 

The hierarchical grouping method in establishing the role of HE Vision's lecturer human 

capital began to be formed from the simplest, single link, also known as the closest neighbour 

technique. It was first described by Florek et al. (1951) and later by Sneath (1957) and Johnson 

(1967), the distance between indicators as the closest pair of characteristics (Everitt et al, 2011) as 

a pair of lecturer human capital indicators consists of one indicator in each cluster which is 

considered as the process of each indicator Lecturer on Human Capital in achieving the university's 





This research resulted in three main studies, namely research indicators, the factors that 

formed and the process of forming the Human Capital of university lecturers. 

The number of initial indicators studied to understand the concept of human capital for 

lecturers in this study was 34. The results of the validity analysis turned out to be only 28 indicators 

that could be used for further research and in the analysis of these factors were reduced again to 

26 indicators that can explain the results of this study. 

Higher education human capital lecturers who can achieve the vision of higher education are 

divided into four main sources. All of the formed factor components have the characteristics of 

knowledge, skills, abilities and behavior and are named core components, supporting components, 

processing components and output components. The core component consists of core indicators in 

achieving the university's vision. The supporting component consists of additional indicators, the 

Processing component consists of process indicators that will carry out higher education business 

processes, while the output component consists of Lecturer Human Capital indicators that are able 

to produce university outputs that are expected in the future. 

The results of this analysis recommend that universities be able to focus on fostering the 

education and skills of lecturers to achieve the vision of superior tertiary institutions, as the results 

of the dendrogram analysis inform that the process of lecturer human capital in achieving the vision 

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of superior universities leads to two main clusters as the cause, namely education. lecturers and 

lecturer skills. Lecturer education has a role in building the individual abilities of lecturers, 

Lecturer Academic Positions (JAD), competencies, attitudes, honesty, organizational skills, 

leadership, scientific publications, design works, scientific fields, creativity in technical 

knowledge and building lecturer entrepreneurship. Indicator. Lecturer skills play a role in building 

work experience, emotional intelligence, innovation, and motivation, flexibility in work, loyalty, 

career, research, community service, group skills and lecturer commitment to work. 






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