International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 66 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2022, p 66 - 75 THE MEDIATING ROLE OF GREEN TRAINING TO THE INFLUENCE OF GREEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE TO GREEN ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR AND GREEN EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT Lanatri Danirmala YKPN School of Business (STIE YKPN), Yogyakarta, Indonesia E-mail: Wisnu Prajogo YKPN School of Business (STIE YKPN), Yogyakarta, Indonesia ABSTRACT At present, concern for the environment is being intensified by companies around the world. Employees in the organization are taught and provided with knowledge, learning, and real practice to care for the environment. Companies must have a competitive advantage to differentiate them from other companies. One way is to apply environmental care. In order to implement these goals, the company applies various ways to achieve them. Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is an environmental management practice that is supported by human resources, because it can stimulate organizational success. This research used online survey on 211 respondents. Validity and reliability were tested by factor analysis using SPSS 15.0 software which stated that all items were valid and reliable. The hypothesis was tested using WarpPLS 7.0 software. All hypotheses are supported, green organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on green training, green training has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior environment, green training has a positive and significant effect on green employee involvement, there is an indirect effect on organizational citizenship behavior environment and green employee involvement mediated by green training. Keywords: Green organizational culture, Green training, Organizational citizenship behavior environment , Green employee involvement Received: 3 April 2022 Accepted: 25 May 2022 Publish: June 2022 How to Cite: Danirmala, L., & Prajogo, W. (2022). The Mediating Role of Green Training to The Influence of Green Organizational Culture to Green Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Green Employee Involvement. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 6 (1), 66 - 75 . International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 67 | P a g e INTRODUCTION At present, concern for the environment is being intensified by companies around the world. Employees in the organization are taught and provided with knowledge, learning, and real practice to care for the environment. Companies must have a competitive advantage to differentiate them from other companies. One way is to apply environmental care. Differentiate organizational resources with other organizational resources. Companies are required to comply with regulations regarding environmental care so that running their business does not harm the environment. In fact, there are companies that operate and have a negative impact on the environment. The waste from the company is disposed of through the river and then pollutes the river, causes unpleasant odors, and pollutes the air. The United Nations issues the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) program in the form of a document that describes sustainable development which contains 17 objectives, one of which is protecting the environment. In order to implement these goals, the company applies various ways to achieve them. Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is an environmental management practice that is supported by human resources, because it can stimulate organizational success (Saeed et al., 2019). GHRM leverages the people within the company to implement innovations that are environmentally sound, waste reduction, and creativity. Implementing a green organizational culture is a collection of fundamental values and belief systems that relate to the environment as organizational values, artifacts that reflect a sustainable development environment (Pham et al., 2018). Green organizational culture that is held and implemented by employees in the company. A culture that adheres to environmental management, effective use of natural resources, waste management, raw material management, and the use of technology in order to minimize waste, as well as the commitment of all employees to obey environmental concerns. Supported by the practice of implementing green human resources, namely green training is a plan to develop knowledge, attitudes through learning experiences to achieve effective performance in the organization. An environmental policy that provides concrete examples and practices that individuals need. Environmental training can provide insight and knowledge for employees, and will be bound to carry out environmentally friendly activities. Fun and interesting training for employees will affect employee voluntary behavior. Employees' awareness of the environment will increase and even the commitment to take part in environmental issues will increase. Relationships between leaders and subordinates, among co-workers are harmonious, long-term, and mutually beneficial. The implementation of GHRM does need the support of various parties, especially internal companies such as management and employees. Green human resource management requires that relationship should become a culture in a company. Leaders support all forms of positive activities related to the environment. Employees will feel ownership of the company and will be happy to follow the direction of management. Employees gain additional knowledge and real practices related to the environment will affect sustainable work engagement (green employee involvement) which means encouraging employees to contribute to environmental practices and have new ideas for ecological practices. Investors will be attracted to companies that contribute to environmental issues and will improve the company's performance in this case sustainable performance practices. The best and effective performance results to achieve organizational goals. Business companies, educational institutions, and other agencies are aggressively pursuing green performance for long-term sustainability. Caring for the environment does not only focus on the environment but can give attention to fellow human beings. The company takes various ways in implementing this strategy. The company provides scholarships to the community, provides compensation or funds for the people around the company, constructs buildings for community activities, and others. Innovation and creative breakthroughs of human resources in the organization are continuously encouraged to increase competitive advantage so that the company continues to survive in running the business. Companies that manage resources well without exploiting the environment will International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 68 | P a g e provide benefits for the organization and will even create added value. Based on this background, it is very important to study more deeply related to green organizational culture, green training, organizational citizenship behavior environment , green employee involvement , and green performance . LITERATURE REVIEW Green organizational culture. Organizational culture has existed since the organization was formed. Values and norms are embedded in the organization and can affect the behavior of organizational members (Soebarjo & Rokhyadi, 2014). Organizational culture is a process of interaction between the underlying assumptions, values, beliefs, and symbols that are communicated by all organizational functions (Kissack & Callahan, 2010). Culture can be seen as a continuous process of organizing relationships and dialogues that occur in the process of structuring. Employees who feel comfortable in the company will recognize the organizational culture as a shared culture. Organizational culture is used by organizational members to understand, think, and feel with the aim of solving problems. Leaders play an important role in building and preserving culture (Warrick, 2017). The company implements a sustainable organizational culture that will guide employees to act in accordance with the values that exist in the company. Green training. Human resource management practices show a series of efforts to attract, train, develop, motivate, and retain employees (Rahman & Chowdhuri, 2018). This confirms that human resources are used to achieve organizational goals. Among HRM practices training serves as a tool to stimulate employees in the workplace to respect and support one another. Training is very important for organizations in competing against challenges and changes, although training is related to employees but its impact on the organization (Mwita, 2019). Training encourages employees to learn attitudes and functions as the main drivers in shaping individual behavior and motivation to contribute to achieving organizational performance. Training is an important human resource management practice to improve organizational performance (Pham et al., 2018). Ongoing training educates employees about the values of environmental management and trains employees in saving energy, reducing waste, spreading awareness on the environment, and providing opportunities for employees to participate in solving environmental problems. Green organizational citizenship behavior environment. Increase employee productivity in organizations, organizational citizenship behavior is considered an important factor in increasing the efficiency and success of the organization (Rahman & Chowdhuri, 2018). OCB looked organizations as an essential component for the sustainability of the organization, but this activity is rarely included in the formal job description. The absence of OCB behavior among employees can be risky for the continuity of the organization. The behavior of a portrait of a voluntary action concerned about the environment (Kaukab et al., Nd). Employees who perform tasks beyond the job description, this effort leads to excellence in organizational performance (Chattopadhyay, 2017). OCB simply can not be made mandatory because it is a personal expression in the perspective of a group or organization. Employees with conscious feeling drawn to keep the surrounding environment, encouraging colleagues to maintain and care for the environment. Green employee involvement. Employee engagement is a work system design approach that emphasizes the level of authority in employee participatory decision-making (George S. Benson, 2016). High-involvement management practices are an integrated part of human resources and work design practices structured to provide employees with decision-making skills in the workplace. Providing opportunities for employees to participate in environmental management and encouraging employees to support pollution prevention (Renwick et al., 2013). Employee participation is the ability of employees to participate in organizational activities with the aim of benefiting from every process in the organization (Adıgüzel & Sönmez akır, 2020). The International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 69 | P a g e involvement of employees in every activity of the organization is a contribution to the development of the organization. This is inseparable from the support of organizational management who can understand employees well. Employee participation can occur when employees feel that they belong to the organization. Employee engagement helps improve overall organizational performance and can reduce job stress (Nabi, 2000; Adıgüzel & Sönmez akır, 2020). Continuous employee involvement is needed by organizations in improving performance. Organizational culture with a sustainable basis can be considered as a determinant of the success or failure of an environmental management program in a company. Organizational culture can be manifested in the form of organizational values and activities which are reflected by the behavior of employees and management regarding environmental sustainability issues. The aim of GHRM is to develop an understanding of environmental care practices. This practice is realized by training to form a sustainable organizational culture needed to achieve organizational goals (Jackson et al., 2011). An organizational culture that emphasizes continuous training as the goal of the company will be the company's competitive advantage. This is achieved through on-the-job training that saves energy, breaks down production residues, spreads environmental awareness within the organization, and involves employees in solving environmental problems. Involving employees in environmental activities will foster individual initiative and awareness of the environment. From this description emerges the hypothesis: H1 : Green organizational culture has positive influence on green training Green training is considered a contribution to sustainable development by the company. Training is planned and implemented to make employees aware of their responsibility for environmental sustainability. Improvement of green skills, knowledge, and attitudes. The company provides various environmental related trainings such as sustainability analysis training, environmentally friendly practice training (recycling), and the company can provide online training materials to support employee knowledge (Mukherjee et al., 2020). Providing various kinds of training to employees will make employees aware of the importance of protecting and caring for the environment. Employees' awareness of the environment is shown by being willing and caring for the environment. The initiative emerges from each individual to do things that make the organizational environment better. In ISO 14001 which states that employees at all levels of the organization understand the environmental system and how to effectively have a positive impact on the environment. It is hoped that the green training program will have an effect on OCBE (Pham et al., 2018). Employees' concerns about environmental issues resulting from green training unconsciously lead to employee involvement. Employee involvement in overcoming environmental problems and being proactive when an environmental-related problem occurs. From this description, the following hypotheses are formulated: H2: green training has positive influence on organizational citizenship behavior environment Top management conducts training programs to increase environmental awareness among employees, is given cases solved by employees related to the environment, and the company provides any needs related to continuous training (Ahmad, 2015). Green training is a way to provide lessons and hands-on practice on resolving the impact of the company's production on the environment. Companies that do green training on employees properly. Employees have knowledge of the environment, problem solving, and appropriate policy making in order to achieve sustainable organizational goals. Employee engagement is exemplified by the efficient use of resources and reducing pollution in the workplace. Employees who are brought closer to the production process will understand how much waste is generated and will provide suggestions for processing the rest of the production (Renwick et al., 2013). From this description, the following hypotheses are formulated: H3: green training has positive influence on green employee involvement International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 70 | P a g e Sustainable organizational culture and training programs influence each other (Kissack & Callahan, 2010). Organizational culture that is run by employees in accordance with values and norms in this case a culture that emphasizes the development of human resource capabilities can improve training programs. Training programs may include needs assessments that can evaluate the organization and employee duties. Organizational culture has an effect on training because culture is brought by company leaders who can carry out communicative actions, values, and beliefs that can be instilled in followers. Organizational culture influences the analysis process of a training program. Culture plays an important part in training, because there is a reciprocal process between the culture of developing employee capabilities that are supported by training. Training can take the form of creating a learning environment, conducting training transfers, and developing an evaluation plan (Seyler et al., 1998; Kissack & Callahan, 2010). Organizational culture influences learning about the environment because employees' learning styles from training, direction, and collaboration already collectively represent a sustainable organizational culture. This can lead to an action. Actions in the form of training are considered as the main program to develop skills for staff and contribute to voluntary behavior (Rahman & Chowdhuri, 2018). Training practice has a positive relationship with OCB, namely the training program affects employee attitudes and behavior (NOA Ahmed, 2016; Bolino & Turnley, 2003; Rahman & Chowdhuri, 2018). Organizations can motivate employees to demonstrate more sustainable voluntary behavior by providing skills development. The practice of HRM training has a significant positive effect on OCB (Ahmed, 2016). From this description, the following hypotheses are formulated: H4: green training mediates the influence of green organizational culture to green organizational citizenship behavior Cultural organizations and training programs can not be separated (Kissack & Callahan, 2010). Awareness of the organization's culture help implement the training program, because the organizational culture is a reference for most people to make a decision. Training does not stand alone but rather shaped by the culture of the organization. Program planning in the organizational structure provide information on how people act, thereby connecting the underlying organizational culture training program. Involves ongoing training of human resources in the company. Training teaches how individuals perform individual tasks and solve a problem. Leaders encourage employees in every program held company, so will tend to increase the involvement of employees (Wijayanti et al., 2020). Activities involvement of the organization makes employees feel happier because employees feel part of the organization. From the explanation of the hypotheses formulated as follows: H5: green training mediates the influence of green organizational culture to green employee involvement Figure 1. Research Model International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 71 | P a g e METHODOLOGY This research was processed using SPSS software version 15.0 and WarpPls 7.0. The number of respondents who participated as many as 211. Sampling used purposive sampling , using a Likert scale of 1 to 5. The criteria used were employees (private and public) who worked in companies with a minimum service period of one year. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Table 1. Participants Demographics Criteria Classification Total Age Up to 20 years 8 20-40 years old 195 40-60 years 7 Over 60 years 1 Gender Man 115 Woman 96 Last Education Senior High School 25 Diploma 19 S1 155 S2 10 Other 2 Years of Service 1-2 years 162 2-3 years 19 >3 years 30 The validity and reliability requirements of the research data have all been met, with the loading factor value above 0.5 so that the variables of Green Organizational Culture , Green Training , Organizational Citizenship Behavior Environment , and Green Employee Involvement in this study are declared valid. Reliability test (reliability), all research variables are declared reliable with Cronbach's Alpha > 0.6. Research data meet the requirements for further testing. Table 2. Validity and Reliability Variable Component Matrix Valid > 0.5 Cronbach's Alpha Reliable if Cronbach's Alpha > 0.6 GOC1 0.816 Valid 0.883 Reliable GOC2 0.855 Valid GOC3 0.806 Valid GOC4 0.815 Valid GOC5 0.844 Valid GTR1 0.906 Valid 0.959 Reliable GTR2 0.917 Valid GTR3 0.14 Valid GTR4 0.920 Valid GTR5 0.912 Valid International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 72 | P a g e GTR6 0.905 Valid GEI1 0.867 Valid 0.910 Reliable GEI2 0.831 Valid GEI3 0.887 Valid GEI4 0.796 Valid GEI5 0.915 Valid OCBE1 0.704 Valid 0.892 Reliable OCBE2 0.791 Valid OCBE3 0.791 Valid OCBE4 0.814 Valid OCBE5 0.801 Valid OCBE6 0.749 Valid OCBE7 0.810 Valid Source: Research data, processed 2021 Figure 2. Hypothesis Testing Result Table 3. Hypothesis Testing Results Estimate SE CR Estimates (β) Sig Green Training <------ Green Organizational Culture 0.78 <0.01 Organizational Citizenship Behavior Environment <------ Green Training 0.77 <0.01 Green Employee Involvement <------ Green Training 0.68 <0.01 The analysis of this research uses a variant - based structural equation model or known as Partial Least Square. SEM analysis model with WarpPLS can identify and estimate the relationship between latent variables. Whether the relationship between these variables is linear or non-linear. Based on the results of the analysis of research variables, showing a positive and significant effect between green organizational culture on green training with a significance degree of = 5%, the results obtained were P < 0.01 with = 0.78. This finding supports hypothesis 1 proposed, as well as previous research conducted by (Jackson et al., 2011). An organizational culture that emphasizes continuous human resource training will improve company performance. Organizational culture implemented by all members and supported by various trainings provided International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 73 | P a g e by the company. Organizations that care about employee development will make employees feel at home in the company. Various trainings were held such as processing of residual production waste, training on environmental issues, and how employees can use the training effectively. The green training variable has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior environment with a significance degree of = 5%, the results obtained are P < 0.01 and = 0.77. These results support hypothesis 2, as well as support the research conducted by (Pham et al., 2019). This reveals that the training program held by the company will increase the extra role of employees. Employees gladly without coercion will perform tasks outside of formal responsibilities. Employees use the results of environmental-based training. Employees are happy to help other employees who have difficulty in solving environmental problems. Together with other employees take informal actions about environmental concerns that have a positive impact on the company. Extra-role behavior is very important for employees, even though this behavior is not formally regulated by the company. Organizations that have employees willing to work outside the formal assignment will make the company can survive and compete with other companies. Green training has a positive and significant effect on green employee involvement with a significance degree of = 5%, the results obtained are P < 0.01 with = 0.68. These results support the proposed hypothesis 3, as well as previous research conducted by (Renwick et al., 2013) and (Ahmad, 2015). Companies that provide training for their members indirectly provide opportunities for members to get involved. Employee involvement in any training and problem solving related to the company will make employees happy. Employees have the soul of owning the company because they are involved in it. The results of the training related to the environment are implemented by employees effectively. Management allows employees to make decisions about environmental issues and maintains open communication about them. Employees who are already involved in the company will help the company solve all problems, especially those related to environmental care. Green training in this study is able to mediate the effect of green organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior environment . The results obtained were P < 0.001 with an indirect effect of 0.533. These results support hypothesis 4, as well as previous research conducted (Ahmed, 2016) and (Rahman & Chowdhuri, 2018). Organizational culture and training cannot be separated. The culture brought by the leader will be shared with members, members will carry out every behavior according to existing norms. Leaders who care about improving employee skills will support employees by holding various trainings, especially those related to the environment. Employees who get additional knowledge will try to implement it in the company. This will create a reciprocal relationship between employees and the company. Employees feel that they get additional knowledge from company support. Employees will try to do their best to advance the company. Even willing to do more than his responsibility. Willing to help colleagues and company issues in deciding issues related to environmental care. Green training is able to mediate the effect of green organizational culture on green employee involvement. The results obtained were P<0.001 with an indirect effect of 0.603. Supports hypothesis 5 as well as previous research conducted by (Wijayanti et al., 2020). Organizational culture is a reference for organizational members to act. Training can strengthen culture, so culture and training support each other. The vision and mission of the organization which includes environmental care are well informed from the leader to the subordinates. There are even some companies that have developed a system of penalties for non-compliance in environmental management. Leaders in this regard participate in supporting environmental practices. Environmental practices are realized by training employees. Training can involve employees so that employees gain additional knowledge related to the environment. Companies can provide a forum in which concerns about the behavior of increasing environmental awareness. Companies that involve employees in every problem that exists will make employees feel valued by the company. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (1), June 2022 74 | P a g e CONCLUSION This study aims to obtain empirical evidence related to research on green human resources management and organizational citizenship behavior environment . The research sample was 211 respondents with the research subjects being both private and public workers. The research findings support all proposed hypotheses. a). green organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on green training ; b). green training has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior environment ; c). green training has a positive and significant effect on green employee involvement; d). green training is able to mediate the effect of green organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior environment ; e). green training is able to mediate the effect of green organizational culture on green employee involvement. 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