International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 56 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 6, No. 2, December 2022, p 56-68 THE INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND TEAM WORK ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE ROYALE KRAKATAU HOTEL, CILEGON Ranthy Pancasasti Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Email: Aries Pratama Putra Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Fitri Nuraisah Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Sofwah Khalqiyah Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa ABSTRACT Employee Performance is a problem that needs attention to the organization, because Employee Performance will affect the quality of the organization in facing competition along with the times. Therefore having quality human resources (employees) is needed so that organizational goals can be achieved and can improve employee performance in an organization. Emotional intelligence, organizational culture and teamwork in previous studies can improve employee performance. The purpose of this research is to analyze a model that is expected to improve employee performance by involving emotional intelligence, organizational culture and teamwork. The novelty in this research is that there has not been any previous research that discusses emotional intelligence, organizational culture and teamwork on employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel, Cilegon. The limitation of this study is only to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence, organizational culture and teamwork on employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel, Cilegon. The research method is quantitative using a questionnaire with an ordinal scale of 10 points and the sampling technique is done by simple random sampling. The number of samples used was 120 employees to test the four (4) predetermined hypotheses. The Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) model was used to test the statistical significance of the path coefficient. The findings of the study explain that Emotional Intelligence has a positive but not significant effect on Employee Performance, Organizational Culture has a positive but not significant effect on Employee Performance, Emotional Intelligence has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Culture, Emotional Intelligence has a positive and significant effect on Teamwork, Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on Teamwork, Teamwork has a positive and insignificant effect on Employee Performance. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 57 | P a g e Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture, Teamwork and Employee Performance. Received: 15 October 2022 Accepted: 29 November 2022 Publish: December 2022 How to Cite: Pancasasti, R., (2022). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture and Team Work On Employee Performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel, CilegonInternational Journal of Human Capital Management, 6 (2), 56-68. INTRODUCTION Employee performance is a problem that needs to be considered by the organization, because employee performance will affect the quality of the organization in facing competition along with the times. Therefore having quality human resources (employees) is needed so that organizational goals can be achieved and can improve employee performance in an organization. The problems that are currently developing are phenomena in the field which indicate that there are various factors that affect employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel, namely emotional intelligence, organizational culture, and team work. Along with this, the factors of Organizational Culture, Emotional Intelligence and Team Work are things that really need attention, their influence can be directly felt in terms of employee performance. Table 1 Customer Complaint Data for The Royale Krakatau Hotel for the 2021 period Month Complaint Total Room F&B Engineering Januari 17 18 26 61 Februari 12 23 25 60 Maret 17 37 23 77 April 22 30 18 70 Mei 36 22 13 71 Juni 15 33 21 69 Juli 18 22 20 60 Agustus 22 9 12 43 September 16 15 13 44 Oktober 17 18 21 56 November 22 12 18 52 Desember 28 23 4 55 Source: Sales & Marketing The Royale Krakatau Hotel, 2022. Based on Table 1.1, it can be seen that changes in the number of fluctuating complaints mean that the services provided are less stable so that there is still a spike in the number of complaints indicating an employee performance problem. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 58 | P a g e In order to provide the best service for customers, the management of The Royale Krakatau Hotel, Cilegon implements a strategy for implementing organizational culture within the company, namely by implementing the values that have been determined by the company to be shared by all members in the company. These values are used as standards or benchmarks by members to optimize and increase the productivity of The Royale Krakatau Hotel company. The applied corporate culture is IKHLAS culture (Integrity, Creative, Reliable, Loyal, Accountable, Synergy). To evaluate the implementation of the IKHLAS Culture, every year The Royale Krakatau conducts a Culture Internalization survey for every employee who works to measure the understanding and application of culture within the company. Table 2 Cultural Internalization Index 2020 & 2021 No Cultural Internalization Index Aspect 2020 2021 1 Integritas 4.58 4.37 2 Kreatif 4.53 4.38 3 Handal 4.63 4.49 4 Loyal 4.59 4.45 5 Akuntabel 4.53 4.45 6 Sinergi 4.56 4.46 Index Mean 4.57 4.43 Source: HRD The Royale Krakatau Hotel 2022. Based on the explanation in table 1.2 of the Cultural Internalization Index above, it can be seen that there has been a decline in the entire internalization index of cultural values from 2020 to 2021. This is because employees feel that the internalization of the company's cultural values has not been fully implemented. LITERATURE REVIEW Emotional Intelligence According to Salovey and Meyer in Debora (2019) Emotional intelligence is part of social intelligence, including the ability to categorize social emotions, including the ability to observe other people, and use that information to direct thoughts and actions. Reynolds and Miller in Debora (2019) state that emotional intelligence can be interpreted as the ability to assess, express feelings appropriately, the ability to understand emotions, and the ability to regulate emotions which are useful for supporting emotional and intellectual development. Goleman in Arifin (2020) defines that emotional intelligence is a person's ability which consists of various abilities to be able to motivate oneself, endure frustration, control impulsive needs or impulses, not exaggerate pleasures or distress, be able to manage reactive needs, keeping it stress-free, not crippling the ability to think and the ability to empathize with others, as well as the principle of trying while praying. Goleman also added that emotional intelligence is the other side of cognitive intelligence which plays a role in human activities which include self-awareness and impulse control, persistence, enthusiasm and self-motivation as well as empathy and social skills. Emotional Intelligence is more aimed at recognizing, understanding and realizing emotions in the right portion and efforts to manage emotions. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 59 | P a g e According to Ranthy et all (2021) Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability or skill to control oneself, have high enthusiasm and perseverance, be able to motivate oneself to do something, and be able to interact well with others. Organizational culture Organizational culture is the values that guide human resources in carrying out their obligations and also their behavior in the organization. These values will provide answers whether an action is right or wrong and whether a behavior is recommended or not. According to Fahmi (2017: 117) organizational culture is the result of the process of fusing the cultural and behavioral styles of each individual previously brought into a new set of norms and philosophies, which have energy and group pride in dealing with something and certain goals. Organizational culture are the values that guide human resources in carrying out their obligations and behavior within the organization, Hari (2019:4). Furthermore, according to Robins and judge (in Sulaksono Hari, 2015: 2) organizational culture is a system that is shared by all members of the organization that distinguishes one organization from another. Organizational culture is the basis for orientation for employees to pay attention to the interests of all employees. Then according to Saiful (2018: 34), organizational culture is the basic philosophy of the organization which includes shared beliefs, norms and values that become these characteristics about how to do things in the organization. The indicators used in this study are Integrity, Creative, Reliable, Loyal, Accountable, and Synergy (Corporate Value The Royale Krakatau Hotel, 2019) Teamwork Priskilla & Santika (2019) stated that teamwork is the most important thing in an effort to improve the quality of performance and avoid miscommunication that can occur between employees and leaders. In addition, Teamwork needs to be trained with aspects that are tailored to the company. A team is a group of people based on ability, working together and complementing each other to achieve the same goal (Hanafi, 2016). Team work produces coordination, so a team must make a good and effective contribution to an organization or company (Silvani & Triatmanto, 2017). One of the ideas put forward by Pandelaki (2018), Teamwork is carried out by several employees who have the same goals and strategies in achieving company targets. Kelemba et al. (2017) revealed that through teamwork, employees within the company were able to share a lot of knowledge and experience. Teamwork is an activity carried out by a number of people within a company (Wulandari et al., 2020). The indicators used in this study are participatory leadership, responsibility, goal alignment, intensive communication, future focus, task focus, talent deployment, quick response (Priskilla & Santika, 2019). Employee performance Organizational success is determined by the performance of the human resources within the organization. In organizations it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of employee performance in order to create good work units within the organization. Performance is the result of work in quality and quantity that can be achieved by an employee in carrying out his main duties and functions as an employee in accordance with the responsibilities assigned or given to him. According to Hasibuan (2013) in Mulyadi (2015), Performance (achievement) is a result of work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on skills, experience, and sincerity. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 60 | P a g e According to Edison et al. (2016), Performance is a process that refers to and is measured over a certain period based on predetermined conditions or agreements. In addition, according to Wibowo (2016), performance is the value of a series of worker behaviors that contribute, both positively and negatively, to the completion of organizational goals. Then according to Kasmir (2016), Performance is the result of work and behavior that has been achieved in completing the tasks and responsibilities given within a certain period. From the several definitions of performance above, it can be concluded that human resource performance is work performance or work results (output), both quality and quantity produced by a person in a certain time in carrying out his work in accordance with the responsibilities given. Mangkunegara (2017: 67) argues that employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. The indicators used in this study are quality of work, quantity of work, timeliness, effectiveness, independence, Robbins (2019: 260). Figure 1 Research Model Source: Processed in research, 2022 Based on the description that has been explained in the framework of thought and previous research, the researcher can draw the design hypothesis as follows: H1: The better the Emotional Intelligence, the more Employee Performance will increase H2: The better the Organizational Culture, the higher the Employee Performance H3: The better the Emotional Intelligence, the better the Organizational Culture H4: The better the Emotional Intelligence, the better the Teamwork H5: The better the Organizational Culture, the better the Teamwork H6: The better the Teamwork, the more Employee Performance will increase METHODOLOGY The population in this study were all employees who worked at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon with 135 employees. The author takes the number of samples using a minimum limit of 5 x the number of indicators, 5 x 24 = 120 samples have also been fulfilled. Where it is stated that for multivariate analysis the recommended number of samples is at least 5 times the estimated parameters as stated by Ferdinand (2014: 185), Sekaran in Haryono (2017: 61). Based on information from the two sources, the authors determine the number of samples to be distributed as many as 120 samples. Methods of data collection in research by collecting questionnaires distributed to employees. And data analysis method with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 61 | P a g e RESULT AND DISCUSSION Before testing the hypothesis, it is necessary to conduct a validity test to show how well a technical instrument or process measures a concept. In this study the validity test was carried out by looking at the values of convergent validity and discriminant validity. This validity test was used to test the measuring instrument used in this study, namely measuring the questionnaire used in this study. The following are the results of the validity test which can be seen in the image below: Figure 2. Outer Model Validity Test Source: Processed in research, 2022 From Figure 2 above, all variables from each indicator are > 0.60 so that they can meet the validity criteria. According to Ghozali and Latan (2015: 74) an indicator is declared valid if it has a loading factor value > 0.60. When all the loading factor values meet the requirements where the value is required > 0.60 so that the test can proceed to the next stage. Apart from looking at the value of the loading factor, convergent validity can also be seen from the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value which must be greater than 0.50 (Ghozali & Latan., 2015: 74). In this model the AVE value of each variable is above 0.50 as shown in table 3 as follows: Table 3 Average Variance Exctracted (AVE) Variable Average Variance Exctracted (AVE) Emotional Intelligence 0.777 Organizational culture 0.739 Teamwork 0.761 Employee performance 0.717 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 62 | P a g e Source: Processed in research, 2022 In this model the AVE value of each variable is above 0.50 and meets the criteria of convergent validity (validity). The conclusion is that all the variables in this study are valid because they meet discriminant validity. Reliability Test Results After conducting the validity test, the next step is the reliability test. This reliability test was conducted to prove the accuracy, consistency and precision of the instrument in measuring variables. To measure the reliability of variables can be done in two ways, namely with crombach's alpha and composite reliability or what is often called Dillon Goldstein's Rule of Thumb which can be used to assess the reliability of variables that is above 0.70 (Ghozali. I & Latan. H, 2015: 75-77 ). The results of the reliability test can be seen in table 4 below: Table 4 Construct Reliability dan Validity Variable Cronbach’s alpha Composite reability Emotional Intelligence 0.927 0.946 Organizational culture 0.929 0.944 Teamwork 0.954 0.962 Employee performance 0.901 0.927 Source: Processed in research, 2022 From table 4 above the results of the reliability test show that Crombach's Alpha and Composite Reliability of all variables have values above 0.70. Thus it can be concluded that all variables are reliable or fulfill the reliability test. Structural Model Test Results (Inner Model) After the research model passes the measurement test, it is necessary to carry out further testing, namely the inner model to find out the magnitude of the relationship (engagement) between the variables stated in the hypothesis. The first test of the inner model or structural model is carried out by looking at the R-Square value presented in table 5 below : Table 5 R Square Variable R Square R Square Adjusted Teamwork 0.962 0.961 Organizational culture 0.751 0.749 Employee performance 0.126 0.103 Source: Processed in research, 2022 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 63 | P a g e From the table above it is known that the R-Square value in the Teamwork model is 0.962 which means that it is included in the strong category, Organizational Culture is 0.751 which means that it is included in the strong category and Employee Performance is 0.126 which means that it is included in the weak category. These results also mean Culture Organizations are influenced by Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork and Employee Performance by 75%. The R Square value of the Teamwork variable is affected by 96.2%. Test Result Testing the direct effect hypothesis in this study was carried out by looking at the acquisition of T Statistics and P Values. The T Statistics and P Values in SmartPLS are carried out through a bootstrapping process on models that have been declared valid and reliable. The results of the hypothesis are declared accepted if the value of T Statistics > T table (1.960) or P values <0.05. These results can be seen in table 6 below: Tabel 6 Construct Reliability dan Validity Hypothesis Path Coefficient Original Sample T Statistic P Value H1 Emotional Intelligence -> Employee Performance 0.246 0.405 0.000 H2 Organizational culture -> Employee Performance 0.096 0.376 0.707 H3 Emotional Intelligence -> Budaya Organisasi 0.867 19.298 0.000 H4 Organizational culture -> Teamwork 0.210 3.282 0.001 H5 Emotional Intelligence -> Teamwork 0.793 13.087 0.000 H6 Teamwork -> Employee Performance 0.022 0.031 0.975 Source: Processed in research, 2022 From table 6 above the results of the bootstrapping test with SmartPLS 3.29 can be explained as follows: Hypothesis 1: Emotional intelligence has no significant positive effect on employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. From these conclusions based on the P Value of 0.686 ≥ 0.05. This means that the higher or lower the emotional intelligence, it does not affect performance. Hypothesis 2: Organizational Culture has a positive and not significant effect on Employee Performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. From these conclusions based on the P Value of 0.707 ≥ 0.05. This means that the higher or lower the emotional intelligence, it does not affect performance. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 64 | P a g e Hypothesis 3: Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on the Organizational Culture of The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. From these conclusions based on the P Value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05. This means that the higher the emotional intelligence, the better the organizational culture. Hypothesis 4: Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on Teamwork at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. From these conclusions based on the P Value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05. This means that the better the Emotional Intelligence, the Teamwork will increase. Hypothesis 5: Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on Teamwork at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. From these conclusions based on the P Value of 0.001 ≤ 0.055. This means that the higher emotional intelligence, it will further improve employee performance. Hypothesis 6: Teamwork has a positive and insignificant effect on Employee Performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. From these conclusions based on the P Value of 0.878 ≥ 0.05. This means that the higher or lower Teamwork, it does not affect performance. As for proving whether Teamwork can be an intervening variable that mediates the effect of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance. In other words, mediation is related to how exogenous variables (Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Culture) can affect endogenous variables (Employee Performance). The results of the indirect effect test are presented in table 4.6 below: Tabel 7 Spesific Indirect Effect Indirect Effect Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values Emotional Intelligence -> Organizational Culture -> Employee Performance 0.083 0.079 0.239 0.349 0.727 Organizational Culture -> Teamwork -> Employee Performance 0.005 -0.004 0.147 0.031 0.975 Emotional Intelligence Organizational Culture -> Teamwork -> Employee Performance 0.004 -0.002 0.129 0.031 0.975 Emotional Intelligence Teamwork -> Employee Performance 0.017 0.037 0.574 0.03 0.976 Emotional Intelligence -> Organizational Culture -> Teamwork 0.182 0.174 0.061 2.994 0.003 Sumber: Diolah dalam penelitian, 2022 Based on the provisions above, the following are the results of the indirect effect: International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 65 | P a g e 1. Indirect effect 1: shows that Emotional Intelligence through Organizational Culture has no positive and significant effect on employee performance because the tstatistic value (0.727) < ttable (1.96) and p value (0.005) > α (0.05). 2. Indirect effect 2: shows that Organizational Culture through Teamwork has no positive and significant effect on Employee Performance because the t statistic value (0.031) < t table (1.96) and p value (0.975) > α (0.05). 3. Indirect effect 3: shows that Emotional Intelligence through Organizational Culture and Teamwork has no positive and significant effect on employee performance because the t statistic value (0.031) α (0.05). 4. Indirect effect 4: shows that Emotional Intelligence through Teamwork has no positive and significant effect on employee performance because the t statistic value (0.03) α (0.05). 5. Indirect effect 5: shows that Emotional Intelligence through Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on Teamwork because the t statistic value (2.994) > t table (1.96) and p value (0.003) < α (0.05), meaning that good Emotional Intelligence will improve Organizational Culture, so Teamwork will increase. CONCLUSION By paying attention to the analysis and discussion in the previous chapter regarding the influence of Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture, and Team Work on Employee Performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Emotional intelligence has no effect on employee performance because tstatistic (0.418) < ttable (1.96) and p value (0.676) > α (0.05). With a path coefficient value of 0.246 which means that Emotional Intelligence has an effect of 24.6% on Employee Performance. This means that the better the Emotional Intelligence, the higher the Employee Performance of The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon 2. Organizational culture has no effect on employee performance because tstatistic (0.353) < ttable (1.96) and p value (0.724) > α (0.05). With a path coefficient value of 0.096 which means Organizational Culture has an effect of 9.6% on Employee Performance. This means that the better the corporate culture, the higher the employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. 3. Emotional intelligence has an influence on Organizational Culture because tstatistic (19.588) > ttable (1.96) and p value (0.000) < α (0.05). With a path coefficient value of 0.867 which means that Emotional Intelligence has an effect of 86.7% on Organizational Culture. This means that the better the Emotional Intelligence, the Organizational Culture at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon is increasing. 4. Emotional intelligence has an influence on the Teamwork arena statistic (12.362) > ttable (1.96) and p value (0.000) < α (0.05). With a path coefficient value of 0.793 which means that Emotional Intelligence has an effect of 79.3% on Organizational Culture. This means that the better the Emotional Intelligence, the greater the Teamwork at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. 5. Organizational Culture has an influence on Teamwork because (3.099) > ttable (1.96) and p value (0.002) < α (0.05). With a path coefficient value of 0.210 which means Organizational Culture has an effect of 21% on Teamwork. This means that the better the International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 6 (2), December 2022 66 | P a g e Organizational Culture, the Teamwork at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon will increase. 6. Teamwork has no effect on employee performance because tstatistic (0.353) < ttable (1.96) and p value (0.976) > α (0.05). With a path coefficient value of 0.022, which means that teamwork has an effect of 2.2% on employee performance. This means that the better the Teamwork, the Employee Performance of The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon will increase. Suggestion Theoretical Suggestions It is suggested that other researchers can conduct further research related to Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture, and Team Work on Employee Performance. For further researchers, they can add other variables that can affect work performance such as work motivation, work environment, job satisfaction, leadership style and other variables that can affect employee performance. Managerial Advice  The results of this study prove that emotional intelligence can improve employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. Because of this, it is recommended to increase the indicator that gets the lowest index value on emotional intelligence so that employee performance can increase by increasing Social Skills so that employees are able to communicate effectively with others both verbally and nonverbally according to existing situations and conditions.  The results of this study prove that Organizational Culture can improve employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. Because of this, it is recommended to increase the indicator that gets the lowest index value on Organizational Culture so that employee performance can increase by increasing the creative culture so that employees always provide ideas (innovations) & concrete actions for the progress of the company, and open themselves to new insights and knowledge .  The results of this study prove that teamwork can improve employee performance at The Royale Krakatau Hotel Cilegon. 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