International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 2 (2), December 2018 International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 141 | P a g e International Journal of Human Capital Available online at Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 7, No. 1, June 2023, p 141-157 THE INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, TEAMWORK, AND ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR ON PERFORMANCE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORKERS IN BANTEN PROVINCE Hamid Sangadji Email: ABSTRACT Currently, Indonesia, especially Banten Province, is in a new normal period, where all organizations, both public and private (private), are required to have a competitive advantage in order to survive and be independent. The Banten Province Agricultural Service as the largest public organization engaged in the field of agricultural extension services in Banten Province (hereinafter referred to as the organization in this study), has agricultural extension workers with various competencies, required to have competitive advantage and high performance while still prioritizing emotional intelligence, teamwork, and good organizational citizenship behavior, especially from agricultural extension workers as gatekeepers for professional, independent, competitive, and entrepreneurial agricultural extension services. The formulation of the problem in this study is based on the research background which states the importance of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for improving the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province. The problem of this research is how to improve the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province through increasing Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Broadly speaking, the purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the influence of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province. The novelty of this study is that there has not been any previous research discussing the effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, both in method and application. This research was carried out at the Banten Province Agricultural Service, in February 2022 - February 2023. The population in this study were all agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, totaling 650 people. The sample is 210 people. Sampling was carried out using the simple random sampling method, in which samples were drawn from population groups at random with the help of Microsoft Excel software. This research is included in quantitative research, where data was taken using survey research methods, and using questionnaires, then tested with statistical tests, and the SmartPLS Pro Version 2.3.m3 application software. The results of the study stated that there was a positive direct effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Performance. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 142 | P a g e Received: 15 May 2023 Accepted: 29 June 2023 Publish: June 2023 How to Cite: Sangadji, H. (2023). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Performance Agricultural Extension Workers in Banten Province. International Journal of Human Capital Management, 7 (1), 141-157. INTRODUCTION In the current era of globalization, human resources (HR) who have high emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior (organizational social behavior), and can work in teams (teamwork) have an important role in improving performance, both performance individuals, groups, and organizations. Therefore, human resources (HR) who have high emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior (organizational social behavior), and can work together in teams (teamwork) are the main assets in helping organizations to continue to improve performance and excellence. competitive. In line with this, agricultural extension officers are people who are given full duties, responsibilities, authorities and rights by officials of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia who are in charge of agricultural organizational units to carry out extension activities. The results of a pre-survey conducted by researchers in January 2022 in Banten Province for one month, it can be seen that, out of 30 respondents to agricultural extension workers in Banten Province who were interviewed, 28 respondents (93.33 percent) agreed that there was a positive direct influence on intelligence. emotion (emotional intelligence), teamwork, and organizational citizenship behavior on the performance of agricultural extension workers, so it is expected that agricultural extension workers at work can have high performance, professional, independent, competitive, and entrepreneurial spirit. This is evidenced by the contra-indicator phenomenon of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, including: (1) low quality, quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, and work independence, (2) there is no established teamwork that synergizes with each other leaders and subordinates, as well as fellow agricultural extension workers, (3) emotional intelligence has not yet been created, and (4) organizational citizenship behavior has not been formed for agricultural extension workers. If this is allowed to continue, it will result in not increasing the performance of the agricultural extension workers. In accordance with the explanation from: (a) Robbins (2018: 20) regarding the definition of performance (performance) is a result achieved by employees in their work according to certain criteria that apply to a job, with the following indicators: (1) quality of work, (2) work quantity, (3) timeliness, (4) effectiveness, and (5) independence. Then Robbins (2018: 111) states that, Emotional intelligence (emotional intelligence) is the management of one's emotions to be able to control, feel, understand, and recognize one's own feelings and be able to understand other people's behavior, with indicators namely: (1) self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) motivation, (4) empathy, and (5) relationship management. Safitri et al. (2021); and Umar Mughal (2020) state that, teamwork is a group of individuals who work together in various ways with different expertise to accelerate the achievement of organizational goals, with the following indicators: (1) Have the same goals, (2) Enthusiasm, (3) Have clear roles, (4) Effective communication, (5) Member expertise, (6) Mutual trust. Greenberg (2015: 199) says that organizational citizenship behavior is the behavior of employees who are shown by trying to exceed what is expected by the company on duty, done voluntarily without expecting a particular award or reward, where the indicators are: (1) altruism, the nature of being more concerned with others; (2) conscientiousness, listening to International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 143 | P a g e conscience; (3) civic virtue, doing good; (4) sportsmanship, sportsmanship; and (5) courtesy, respect. Based on data on the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province during the 2019-2021 period, there has been a decline in performance, especially during the Covid- 19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Where the decline in the performance of agricultural extension workers is also felt by the community. In other words, the decline in the low quality of agricultural extension services indicates a decrease in organizational performance and the performance of agricultural extension workers, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Performance of Agricultural Extension Workers in Banten Province Period 2019-2021 Criteria for Assessment of Value 2019 2020 2021 Total (people) Percent (%) Total (people) Percent (%) Total (people) Percent (%) Very Good ≥ 91 598 92 520 80 455 70 Fine 76 – 90 52 8 78 12 104 16 Enough 61 – 75 0 0 39 6 52 8 Bad 41 – 60 0 0 13 2 26 4 Very Bad ≤ 40 0 0 0 0 13 2 Total 650 100 650 100 650 100 Source: Banten Province Agriculture Service, 2022. Table 1 above shows that from 2019 to 2021 there has been a decline in the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province. In 2019-2021, the percentage of the performance of agricultural extension workers who scored very good and good continued to decline, respectively from 92 and 8 percent in 2019, decreased to 80 and 12 percent in 2020, and again decreased to 70 and 16 percent in 2021. Meanwhile, on the contrary, the percentage of the performance of agricultural extension workers who received bad and very bad marks has increased. Where in 2019, the percentage of the performance of agricultural extension workers who received bad and very bad scores increased, respectively from none (0 and 0 percent) in 2019, increased to 2 and 0 percent in 2020, and again increased to 4 and 2 percent in 2021. The decline in the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province for the 2019-2021 period also had an impact on decreasing agricultural output in Banten Province, especially the production of food crop commodities for the 2019-2021 period, which experienced a very significant decline (Table 2). Table 2 Food Crop Commodity Production 2017-2021 (Tons) Commodity 2019 (tons) 2020 (tons) 2021 (tons) Description (%) Paddy 2.144.303 2.247.598 2.183.454 Decreased 1.79 percent Corn 119.206 113.045 55.000 Decreased 116.74 percent Soybeans 1.202 911 880 Decreased 36.59 percent Source: Banten Province Agriculture Service, 2022. Based on the data in the table above, for food crop commodities: (1) Paddy production decreased by 1.79 percent, where in 2019, rice production in Banten Province amounted to 2,144,303 tons, then increased in 2020 to 2,247,598 tons, then decreased very significantly in 2021 to 2,183 .454 tonnes. (2) Corn production decreased by 116.74 percent, where in 2019, corn production in Banten Province amounted to 119,206 tons, then experienced a very significant decrease in 2020 and 2021, namely 113,045 tons and 55,000 tons. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 144 | P a g e (3) Soybean production decreased by 36.59 percent, where in 2019, soybean production in Banten Province amounted to 1,202 tons, then experienced a very significant decrease in 2020 and 2021, namely 911 tons and 880 tons. In line with the data in the table above, when compared between Tables 1 and 2, Table 1 shows that from 2019-2021 there has been a decline in the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, which scored very well, from 92 percent in 2019, decreased to 80 percent in 2020, and will decrease again to 70 percent in 2021. In other words, in the 2019-2021 period there was a decline in the performance of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, which scored very well by 22 percent. On the other hand, in Table 1.2. It can be seen that the production of food crop commodities in the 2019-2021 period has also decreased, namely: (1) Rice, decreased by 1.79 percent, (2) Corn, decreased by 116.74 percent, and (3) Soybean, decreased by 36.59 percent. LITERATURE REVIEW Relations Between Variables and Research Hypotheses 1. Emotional Intelligence on Performance A person who has high emotional intelligence is usually marked by the person being able to manage his emotions well, namely being able to control, feel, understand, and recognize his own feelings and be able to understand other people, with indicators of success, namely the person has: (1) self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) motivation, (4) empathy, and (5) relationship management. Emotional intelligence is very important in fostering human relations and improving all types of work results (performance) related to one's main duties and responsibilities because emotional intelligence plays an important role in developing institutions/institutions, curiosity, helping to anticipate the future, understanding and be able to solve important problems, in order to be able to make the right decisions for oneself and for many people in an organization or institution. This is in line with the idea that emotional intelligence is a subset of social intelligence which involves the ability to monitor emotional feelings, both in oneself and in others, sorting through everything and using information to guide thoughts and actions in carrying out tasks and responsibilities. responsibility and contribute to organizational effectiveness with full awareness, motivation, and empathy, while maintaining self-management, and relationships. So it can be said that someone who has high emotional intelligence, then he also has high performance. Based on this description, a research hypothesis was made, namely: H1: The higher the emotional intelligence of the agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, the higher the performance. 2. Teamwork on Performance The use of teamwork to create high-performance organizations suggests that the difference between teamwork and non-teamwork is related to performance. Teamwork performance includes both individual results and collective work results, where collective work results occur when two or more members work together, that is a reflection of the real joint contribution of team members. On the other hand, the involvement of all employees in achieving the set targets is very important, and good teamwork between employees will be able to improve performance. In accordance with the explanation above, it can be seen that teamwork with high synergy can improve employee and organizational performance. Based on this description, a research hypothesis was made, namely: H2: The more teamwork synergies that are created between agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, the performance will increase. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 145 | P a g e 3. Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Performance The study of organizational citizenship behavior is growing in line with the awareness that individual behavior influences individual, group and organizational performance. Performance means how to be a good worker, which makes a positive contribution to the organization, with categories, namely, first task performance (employee performance), secondly citizenship behavior (employee social behavior), and thirdly related to morale which contributes negatively and must be avoided, namely counterproductive behavior (negative employee behavior). In line with the above, it can be concluded that: (1) successful organizations need employees who will do more than just their formal duties and are willing to provide performance that exceeds expectations, (2) every organization wants to have employees who are willing to do the same tasks. not listed in their job descriptions, and (3) the facts show that organizations that have employees who have good organizational citizenship behavior will have better performance than other organizations. Based on this description, a research hypothesis was made, namely: H3: The higher the organizational citizenship behavior of agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, the higher their performance. Kecerdasan Emosi (X1) Teamwork (X2) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (X3) Kinerja (Y) H1 H2 H3 Figure 1. Research Framework Source: Created according to this research hypothesis, 2022 METHODOLOGY This study will analyze four variables, namely emotional intelligence (X1), teamwork (X2) and organizational citizenship behavior (X3) as independent variables (free), and performance variable (Y), as the dependent variable (tied). In quantitative research, a description of the definition and measurement of variables is an absolute must. The variables measured are the variables listed in the hypothesis to be tested. The operational research variables can be seen in Table 3. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 146 | P a g e Table 3 Operational Research Variables Variables Concept Indicator Performance (Y) Performance is an individual's ability to achieve job requirements, where individuals can complete work targets in a timely manner or not exceed the specified time limit so that goals will be in accordance with ethics and can contribute to the company. 1. Quality 2. Quantity 3. Punctuality 4. Effectiveness 5. Independence (Robbins, 2018: 260). Emotional Intelligence (X1) Emotional intelligence (emotional intelligence) is the ability to recognize feelings, reach and generate feelings to help thoughts, understand feelings and their meanings, and control feelings in depth so as to help emotional and intellectual development. 1. self-awareness, being concerned about feelings 2. self-management, the ability to manage one's own emotions and impulses 3. self-motivation, the ability to keep doing in the face of decline and failure 4. Empathy, the ability to feel how other people feel 5. social-skills, the ability to handle the emotions of others (Robbins, 2018). Teamwork (X2) Teamwork is a group of individuals working together in various ways with different expertise to accelerate the achievement of organizational goals. 1. Have the same goal 2. Enthusiasm 3. Have a clear role 4. Effective communication 5. Members' expertise 6. Mutual trust (Safitri et al., 2021; Umar Mughal, 2020). Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) (Z) Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is a choice behavior that is not part of an employee's formal work obligations, but supports the effective functioning of the organization. In other words, OCB is employee behavior that goes beyond the required role, which is not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system. 1. Altruism (putting others first) 2. Conscientiousness (careful) 3. Civic Virtue (good citizen) 4. Sportsmanship (sportsmanship) 5. Courtesy (respect) (Greenberg, 2015) The population in this study were all agricultural extension workers in Banten Province, totaling 650 people. The location of this research is in Banten Province as the place of duty for all agricultural extension workers. The maximum sample size is 210 respondents (calculated by means of the total number of indicators, namely 21 multiplied by 10). The sampling technique in this study used a stratified simple random sampling technique. Data sources in this study consisted of primary data, obtained from respondents using questionnaires or questionnaires; and secondary data, derived from literature studies which can provide a theoretical basis obtained from books, scientific journals, the internet, and reports on agricultural products in Banten Province, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as other sources related to this research. Data collection methods, obtained through interviews, questionnaires, literature study. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 147 | P a g e Figure 2. Research Construct Model Source: Hypothesis Development, 2022. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 3. Outer Model Test Results Source: SmartPLS 3.2.9 output (data processed, 2023). Notes: X1 = Emotional Intelligence X2 = Teamwork X3 = Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Y = Performance (Performance) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 148 | P a g e Based on the picture above, it is known that the outer loading value of the four research variables is above 0.6. This shows that all indicators of all variables are declared valid. On the other hand, according to the construct model, it can be seen the value of the discriminant validity and the reliability construct as follows (Table 4). Table 4 Construct Reliability and Validity Variables Cronbach's Alpha rho_A Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Emotional Intelligence (X1) 0.960 0.961 0.969 0.863 OCB (X3) 0.975 0.976 0.981 0.910 Performance (Y) 0.946 0.948 0.959 0.822 Teamwork (X2) 0.961 0.962 0.969 0.838 Source: SmartPLS 3.2.9 output (data processed, 2023). Based on the table above, it is known that all research variables have an AVE > 0.5. This means that all research variables have met the assumptions of discriminant validity, and passed the validity test. After knowing that all research variables passed the validity test, then a reliability test was then carried out to determine the consistency of respondents' answers on all research instruments by looking at the composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha values. The research instrument was declared reliable (passed the reliability test), if it had a composite reliability value and Cronbach's alpha > 0.7 (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). Based on the table above, it is also known that all research variables have composite reliability values and Cronbach's alpha > 0.7. Thus all the instruments in this study were declared to have met the reliability assumptions (passed the reliability test) and could be continued on to test the structural model (inner model). Figure 4. Inner Model Test Results Source: SmartPLS 3.2.9 output (data processed, 2023). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 149 | P a g e Hypothesis Testing Table 5 Path Coefficient Relationship between Variables Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values Emotional Intelligence (X1) -> Performance (Y) 0.478 0.477 0.092 5.221 0.000 OCB (X3) -> Performance (Y) 0.181 0.186 0.105 1.726 0.085 Teamwork (X2) -> Performance (Y) 0.295 0.292 0.073 4.058 0.000 Source: SmartPLS 3.2.9 output (data processed, 2023). Notes: X1 = Emotional Intelligence X2 = Teamwork X3 = Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Y = Performance (Performance) Hypothesis Test Results Hypothesis 1 Ha1: The higher the emotional intelligence of the agricultural extension workers, the higher the performance. The effect of emotional intelligence on performance is shown by the original sample value of 0.478 with a positive sign, which means that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on performance. These results indicate that the higher the emotional intelligence of the agricultural extension workers, the higher the performance. Tstatistic values obtained (5.221) > Ttable (1.960) and Pvalues (0.000) < sig (0.05) indicate that the effect of emotional intelligence on performance is significant. These results indicate that Ha1 which states, the higher the emotional intelligence of agricultural extension workers, the higher the performance, can be proven. Hypothesis 2 Ha2: The more teamwork synergies that are created between agricultural extension workers, the performance will increase. The effect of teamwork on performance is shown by the original sample value of 0.295 with a positive sign, which means that teamwork has a positive effect on performance. These results indicate that when the teamwork of agricultural extension workers is increasingly synergized, the performance will increase. Tstatistic values obtained (4.058) > Ttable (1.960) and Pvalues (0.002) < sig (0.05) indicate that the effect of teamwork on performance is significant. This result shows that Ha2 which states, the more teamwork synergies that are created between agricultural extension workers, the performance will increase, can be proven. Therefore, all agricultural extension workers have a duty to be able to create teamwork that continuously synergizes with each other so that their performance increases. This can be done in a way; namely agricultural extension workers must be able to clarify/sharpen: 1. Clear purpose. The point is that agricultural extension workers must know the vision, mission, and goals of the team, all agricultural extension workers are willing to work together as a team, and then each team member must have a follow-up plan for their respective duties. 2. Shared leadership. The point is that before the team is run by agricultural extension workers, the team must have a formal leader, where the agricultural extension worker who becomes the leader: (1) must be able to carry out his leadership function dynamically, can shift from time to time depending on the situation, group needs, and skills its members (other fellow agricultural extension workers), and (2) must be a model of appropriate International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 150 | P a g e behavior and help develop positive norms for fellow agricultural extension workers and the community. 3. External relations (external relations). The point is that before the team is run by agricultural extension workers, it must be able to use the time to develop good external relations, mobilize resources, and build credibility with important players in other parts of the organization, such as with other non-agricultural extension workers. 4. Style diversity. The point is that before the team is run, the team must have a wide spectrum of types of team players, namely fellow agricultural extension workers, including team members who emphasize attention to tasks, set goals, focus on processes, and have knowledge of how the team functions. Hypothesis 3 Ha3: The higher the organizational citizenship behavior of agricultural extension workers, the higher their performance. The effect of organizational citizenship behavior on performance is shown by the original sample value of 0.181 with a positive sign, which means organizational citizenship behavior has a positive effect on performance. These results indicate that the higher the organizational citizenship behavior of the agricultural extension workers, the higher the performance. Tstatistic values obtained (1.726) > Ttable (1.60) and Pvalues (0.085) < sig (0.100) show that the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on performance is significant at α = 10 percent (Pvalues = 10 percent). These results indicate that Ha3 states, the higher the organizational citizenship behavior of the agricultural extension workers, the more their performance will increase, it can be proven. Therefore, all agricultural extension workers have a duty to be able to continuously improve organizational citizenship behavior so that their performance increases. This can be done in a way, namely agricultural extension workers must be able to: 1. Prioritizing the needs/interests of others (altruism). For example, agricultural extension workers are willing to: (a) help other fellow agricultural extension workers, (b) change holiday dates (holidays) with other fellow agricultural extension workers, and (c) volunteer to help other people or fellow agricultural extension workers. 2. Be careful at work (conscientiousness). For example, agricultural extension workers are willing to: (a) come to work on time and never miss work even for a day, (b) come to the office early, and (c) not spend working time making calls for personal needs. 3. Being a good citizen (civic virtue). For example, agricultural extension workers are willing to: (a) attend meetings according to their main duties and functions as agricultural extension workers voluntarily, and (b) before working, agricultural extension workers are required to read the notes on agricultural extension activities that have been and or will be carried out for each agricultural group. which he has fostered and keeps updating information regarding the track record of agricultural extension activities and developments in agricultural technology. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 151 | P a g e Table 6 R-Square Varaibles R Square R Square Adjusted Performance (Y) 0.845 0.843 Source: SmartPLS 3.2.9 output (data processed, 2023). Based on the table above, it is known that the R-square value of performance is 0.845. Performance in this model is influenced by emotional intelligence, teamwork, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Thus these results indicate that the three variables namely emotional intelligence, teamwork, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) have the ability to explain performance variables by 84.5 percent. Meanwhile the remaining 15.5 percent is explained by other variables not examined. Table 7 F test (Fsquare test) Variables Emotional Intelligence (X1) OCB (X3) Performance (Y) Teamwork (X2) Emotional Intelligence (X1) 0.218 OCB (X3) 0.026 Performance (Y) Teamwork (X2) 0.113 Source: SmartPLS 3.2.9 output (data processed, 2023). Based on the F test value (Fsquare Test) in the table above, it is known: 1. Emotional intelligence on performance has a Fsquare Test value of +0.218, which means that emotional intelligence can affect performance by 21.8 percent. This shows that the emotional intelligence of agricultural extension workers is a factor that influences significantly in improving performance. Where when the performance of extension workers increases by one unit, emotional intelligence increases by 21.8 percent. 2. Organizational citizenship behavior on performance has an Fsquare Test value of +0.026, which means Organizational citizenship behavior can affect performance by 2.6 percent. This shows that organizational citizenship behavior of agricultural extension workers is a factor that influences significantly in improving performance. Where when the performance of extension staff increases by one unit, organizational citizenship behavior increases by 2.6 percent. 3. Teamwork on performance has an Fsquare Test value of +0.113, which means teamwork can affect performance by 11.3 percent. This shows that the teamwork of agricultural extension workers is a factor that influences significantly in improving performance. Where when the performance of the extension workers increased by one unit, the teamwork increased by 2.6 percent. Discussion The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Performance Based on the results of statistical tests on hypothesis 1, it shows that it is accepted, which means that the emotional intelligence of agricultural extension workers has a positive and significant effect on performance. This result is indicated by the statistical value obtained (5.221) > Ttable (1.960) and Pvalues (0.000) < sig (0.05). The higher the emotional intelligence of agricultural extension workers, the higher their performance. An agricultural extension worker International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 152 | P a g e who has high emotional intelligence, is usually marked by the agricultural extension worker being able to manage his emotions well, that is being able to control, feel, understand, and recognize his feelings and be able to understand other people, with indicators of success, namely the agricultural extension worker has: (1) self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) motivation, (4) empathy, and (5) high relationship management. On the other hand, emotional intelligence is very important in fostering relationships between agricultural extension workers, non-agricultural extension workers, the farmers they mentor, and the general public, as well as improving all types of work results (performance) related to the main duties and responsibilities of an agricultural extension worker. , because emotional intelligence plays an important role in developing the organization, curiosity, helping to anticipate the future, understanding and being able to solve important problems, so that they can make the right decisions for the agricultural extension workers themselves and the general public, especially farmers and the community. This is in line with the idea that the emotional intelligence of an agricultural extension worker is a subset of social intelligence which involves the ability to monitor emotional feelings, both in the agricultural extension worker himself and in others, sorting things out and using the information to guide him. thoughts and actions in carrying out their duties and responsibilities and contribute to organizational effectiveness with full awareness, motivation and empathy, while maintaining self- management and relationships. So that it can be said that an agricultural extension worker who has high emotional intelligence, then he also has high performance. The results of this study are in line with the results of research from A.S. Supriyanto, and E. A. Troena (2012); as well as S.A. Osro (2018), which states that emotional intelligence has a significant positive effect on improving employee performance. In addition, the results of this study are also in accordance with the Mission related to the duties and functions of the Banten Provincial Agriculture Office, namely to create local government institutions that have good morals in an effective, efficient, transparent, accountable and resourceful apparatus with integrity, competence and serving the community. This is realized by standardizing business processes for each regional apparatus and detailing them in service operational standards and procedures (SOPs), as well as requesting direct questionnaire responses towards excellent service. Furthermore, the results of this study also have links with the agribusiness system in Banten Province, where agricultural instructors who have high levels of emotional intelligence and performance will be able to help create a resilient agribusiness system in Banten Province, including in increasing availability, access, and quality of food consumption. The Effect of Teamwork on Performance Based on the results of statistical tests on hypothesis 2, it shows that the more teamwork synergies that are created between agricultural extension workers, the performance will increase. This result is indicated by the Tstatistic value obtained (4.058) > Ttable (1.960) and Pvalues (0.000) < sig (0.05), which means that the effect of teamwork on performance is very significant. In principle, the aim of forming a teamwork of agricultural extension workers is to create a high- performance organization. Teamwork performance includes individual results of agricultural extension workers as well as collective work (performance) results from the formation of agricultural extension worker teamwork, where collective work (performance) results will be higher, when two or more members work together, that is a reflection of a real joint contribution of members of the agricultural extension team. On the other hand, the involvement of all agricultural extension workers in achieving the set targets is very important, and good cooperation (teamwork) between agricultural extension workers will be able to improve organizational performance. In accordance with the explanation above, it can be seen that the teamwork of agricultural extension workers with high synergy can improve the performance of agricultural extension workers and the organization. Therefore, all agricultural extension workers have a duty to be able to create teamwork that continuously synergizes with each other so that their performance increases. This can be done in a way, namely agricultural extension workers must be able to clarify/sharpen: International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 153 | P a g e 1. Clear purpose. The point is that agricultural extension workers must know the vision, mission and goals of the team, all agricultural extension workers are willing to work together as a team, and then each team member must have a follow-up plan for their respective duties. 2. Shared leadership. The point is that before the team is run, the team must have a formal leader, where the agricultural extension worker who becomes the leader: (1) must be able to carry out his leadership function dynamically, can shift from time to time depending on the situation, the needs of the group, and the skills of its members (fellow workers). other agricultural extension workers), and (2) must be a model of appropriate behavior and assist the development of positive norms for other agricultural extension workers, the farmers they mentor and the general public. 3. External relations (external relations). The point is that before the team is run, the team must be able to use the time to develop good relations outside, mobilize resources, and build credibility with important players in other parts of the organization, such as with other non-agricultural extension workers. 4. Style diversity. The point is that before the team is run, the team must have a wide spectrum of types of team players, namely fellow agricultural extension workers, including team members who emphasize attention to tasks, set goals, focus on processes, and have knowledge of how the team functions. The results of this study are in line with the results of research from H.F. Sunjoyo (2019); D. Rakhmawati, and S. Darmanto (2014); A A. Mangi, H.A. Kanasro, M.B. Burdi, and F.N. Rehman (2017); S. Agarwal, and T. Adjirackor (2016); J. Hanaysha, (2016), which states that Teamwork has a significant positive effect on improving employee performance. In addition, the results of this study are also in accordance with the Mission related to the duties and functions of the Banten Provincial Agriculture Office, namely improving the Banten economy through quality financial management, food and energy adequacy, development of natural resources that provide solutions to unemployment and poverty; and realizing regional government institutions that have good morals in an effective, efficient, transparent, accountable manner and human resources with integrity, competence and serving the community. This is realized by increasing agricultural production and productivity, to meet the needs for consumption and industrial raw materials (agro- industry); as well as standardizing business processes for each regional apparatus and detailing them in service operational standards and procedures (SOP), as well as requesting direct questionnaire responses towards excellent service. Furthermore, the results of this study also have links with the agribusiness system in Banten Province, where agricultural extension workers are willing to build a solid teamwork (cooperation) with farmers in particular and the community in general, so they will be able to help create a resilient agribusiness system in Banten Province, including helping farmers increase production and productivity, distribution arrangements, as well as food safety and quality with added value and high competitiveness. The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Performance Based on the results of statistical tests on hypothesis 3, it shows that the higher the organizational citizenship behavior of the agricultural extension workers, the higher the performance. This result is indicated by the statistical value obtained (1.726) > T table (1.600) and P values (0.085) < sig (0.10), which means that the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on performance is significant at α = 10 percent (P values = 10 percent). Currently the study of organizational citizenship behavior is growing, in line with the awareness that the behavior of individuals and leaders affects the performance of individuals, groups, and organizations. The performance of agricultural extension workers means how to become good agricultural ext ension workers, who make a positive contribution to the organization, with categories namely, the first is task performance (performance of agricultural extension workers), the second is citizenship International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 154 | P a g e behavior of agricultural extension workers, and the third relates to contributing morale/ have a negative impact and must be avoided by agricultural extension workers, namely counterproductive behavior (negative behavior of agricultural extension workers). In line with the above, it can be concluded that: (1) successful organizations need agricultural extension workers who will do more than just their formal duties and are willing to provide performance that exceeds expectations, (2) every organization wants to have agricultural extension workers who are willing to perform tasks that are not listed in their job descriptions, and (3) the fact shows that organizations that have agricultural extension workers who have good organizational citizenship behavior will have better performance than other organizations. Therefore, all agricultural extension workers have a duty to be able to continuously improve organizational citizenship behavior so that their performance increases. This can be done in a way, namely agricultural extension workers must be able to: 1. Prioritizing the needs/interests of others (altruism). For example, agricultural extension workers are willing to: (a) help other fellow agricultural extension workers, (b) change holiday dates (holidays) with other fellow agricultural extension workers, and (c) volunteer to help other people or fellow agricultural extension workers. 2. Be careful at work (conscientiousness). For example, agricultural extension workers are willing to: (a) come to work on time and never miss work even for a day, (b) come to the office early, and (c) not spend working time making calls for personal needs. 3. Being a good citizen (civic virtue). For example, agricultural extension workers are willing to: (a) attend meetings according to their main duties and functions as agricultural extension workers voluntarily, and (b) before working, agricultural extension workers are required to read the notes on agricultural extension activities that have been and or will be carried out for each agricultural group. which he has fostered and keeps updating information regarding the track record of agricultural extension activities and developments in agricultural technology. The results of this study are consistent with the results of research from V. Maharani, E.A. Troena, and Noermijati (2013), M. Asiedu, J.O. Sarfo, and D. Adjei, (2014), which states that Organizational Citizenship Behavior has a significant positive effect on improving employee performance. In addition, the results of this study are also in accordance with the Mission related to the duties and functions of the Banten Provincial Agriculture Office, namely to create local government institutions that have good morals in an effective, efficient, transparent, accountable and resourceful apparatus with integrity, competence and serving the community. This is realized by standardizing business processes for each regional apparatus and detailing them in service operational standards and procedures (SOPs), as well as requesting direct questionnaire responses towards excellent service. Furthermore, the results of this study also have links with the agribusiness system in Banten Province, where agricultural extension officers who have Organizational Citizenship Behavior and high performance will be able to help create a resilient agribusiness system in Banten Province, including in increasing the strengthening of agricultural human resources and implementing technological innovations appropriate, effective, and efficient agriculture. Overall, agricultural extension officers who have high levels of Emotional Intelligence, Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and can form solid teamwork with farmers and all levels of society will be able to help create a resilient agribusiness system in Banten Province, including increasing the availability of , Access, and Quality of Food Consumption; for its implementation, strategic efforts are needed to increase production and productivity, control distribution, as well as food safety and quality with added value and competitiveness; including through the strengthening of agricultural human resources and the application of appropriate, effective, and efficient agricultural technological innovations. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 7 (1), June 2023 155 | P a g e CONCLUSION 1. There is a positive and significant influence of the emotional intelligence of agricultural extension workers on performance. The higher the emotional intelligence of the agricultural extension workers, the higher the performance. 2. There is a positive and significant influence of agricultural extension teamwork on performance. The more teamwork synergies that are created between agricultural extension workers, the performance will increase. 3. There is a positive and significant effect of organizational citizenship behavior on agricultural extension workers' performance. The higher the organizational citizenship behavior of agricultural extension workers, the performance will increase. Managerial Suggestions and Implications 1. There is a positive and significant influence of the emotional intelligence of agricultural extension workers on performance. With these findings, the authors suggest to agricultural extension workers to continue to improve and increase self-awareness, and manage relationships, and maintain motivation to stay high/increase, have patience, be willing to help selflessly, be kind and honest, and be able to work together in a team. (teamwork), so that agricultural extension workers can provide professional, quality, independent, and effective agricultural counseling to the farmers they foster and the general public. 2. There is a positive and significant influence of agricultural extension teamwork on performance. The positive and significant effect of teamwork on the performance of agricultural extension workers is the second smallest effect among other variables (the smallest effect is the positive and significant effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the performance of agricultural extension workers). 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