International Journal of  Human CapitalManagement 
E-ISSN 2580-9164 
Vol. 1, No.2 , December 2017, p 27-36 

Available online at 


Copyright © 2017, PPs UNJ Publisher 





Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia 



The purpose of this study examines the impact of transformational leadership, personality, 

job involvement to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) structural officials directorate general 

of teachers and education personnel of the ministry of education and culture. The research used 

quantitative method with survey approach. Research sample of 123 structural officials of echelon 4 

are taken at random. Collecting data using questionnaires and data analyzed using path analysis. 

The results showed: transformational leadership had a direct positive and significant effect on OCB; 

personality had a direct positive and significanton OCB; And job involvement has a direct positive 

and significant effect on OCB; Transformational leadership has a direct positive and significant 

impact on job involvement; Personality has a direct positive and significant effect on job 

involvement; Transformational leadership has a direct positive and significant effect on the 

personality. Thus, in order to increase OCB to structural officials in the directorate general of 

teachers and education personnel environment, transformational leadership, personality, and job 

involvement need to be improved. 

Keywords: Transformational leadership, personality, job involvement, organizational citizenship 


One of the most decisive things for organizations lies in the organizational citizenship 

behavior (OCB) of its members. OCB is the willingness of members of an organization to act outside 

its formal role for the progress of the organization, successfully exceeding the targets or standards set 

by the organization. High OCB is demonstrated through behavior in the form of altruism, 

consciousness, sportsmanship, courtesy, and civic virtue. Thus, behaviors that reflect OCB may 

secure the organization, move forward the organization, and create a quality work life that is 

conducive to every member of the organization. Leadershipbehaviors are needed by an organization 

to develop its organization optimally. Especially for public organizations such as government which 

its excellent services are the priority to the community, OCB is very important and needed. It also 

occurs in the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel Ministry of Education and 

Culture Republic of Indonesia. As a work unit of the Government under the auspices of Ministry of 

Education and Culture, the Directorate General of of Teachers and Education Personnel also provides 

public services to the public, especially those related to the development and empowerment of 

teachers and education personnel. That is, the role of Directorate General of Teachers and Education 

Personnel is very strategic in an effort to prepare superior and qualified teachers and education 

personnel. The results of a survey conducted by the secretariat of the Directorate General of Teachers 

and Education Personnel with three heads of department leaders indicate that the structural officials 

at the head section of the section (echelon IV) generally these officials work by using the assigned 

function task without thinking how to give the best to their organization. Not a few officials who 

work less care of the principle of prudence, lack of helpful attitude, less sporty in facing the problem, 

and less prudent in making decisions related to his work. This reflects the limited organizational 

citizenship behavior (OCB) of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel which is 

interesting to be studied, especially through the perspective of transformational leadership, 

personality, and job involvement.

InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 


Based on the background of the problem, problem identification are: (1) Does 

transformational leadership have direct influence on OCB officials? (2) Does personality have direct 

influence on OCB officials? (3) Does job involvement have direct influence on OCB officials? (4) 

Does personality have direct influence on the job involvement officials?\ 

1. Research Methods 

This research uses quantitative approach or positivistic paradigm. Quantitative research is 

related to survey techniques, such as questionnaire distribution, experimentation, structured 

observation, statistical analysis. Themethod is a survey method, research aimed at assessing large and 

small populations by selecting and reviewing selected samples from the population to find the 

incidence, distribution, and relative interrelations of the variables. Specifically, surveys are used to 

study attitudes, beliefs, values, demographics, behavior, opinions, habits, desires, ideas and other 

types of information. From the data, the facts or the information can then be conditioned of each 

variable that researched allowing to know the correlations of one variable to another variable, which 

in the context of this study is the impact of transformational leadership, personality, and job 

involvement as exogenous variables and OCB as Endogenous variables. 

This research used questionnaire distribution method of collecting data, includes data of: 

transformational leadership, personality, job involvement, and OCB collected through questionnaire 

distribution. Questionnaires are designed using Likert scale and rating scale. On this scale the 

proposed statements are supplemented with five alternative answers and their weightings for each 


2. Research Results 

Based on the results of data processing using SPSS data obtained are as follows: 

Table 4.12Summary of Path Coefficient and Test t 

Line Coefficient Tcount 


Py1 0,383 5,772* 1,980 

Py2 0,232 3,142* 1,980 

Py3 0,349 5,003* 1,980 

P21 0,526 6,800* 1,980 

P31 0,174 2,044* 1,980 

P32 0,493 5,791* 1,980 



* Significant path coefficient (p <0.05) 

Based on the above table we get the following equation: 

1) Y  = 0.383 * X1 + 0.232 * X2 + 0.349 * X3 

Thit = 5,724 3,116 4,962 

2) X3  = 0.174 * x1 + 0.493 * x2 + e 

Thit = 2,035 5,767 

3) X2  = 0.526 * X1 

Thit = 6,800 


a. The Impactof Transformational Leadership to OCB 

The result of path calculation of coefficient direct influence of transformational leadership to 

OCB (Py1) = 0,383. While the coefficient of indirect path of 0.2732 with the total influence is 

0.6562. A positive path coefficient is obtained, indicating that the effect is directly proportional, in 

the sense that effective transformational leadership will increase OCB. The tcount value obtained is 

5.772, while the ttable value for dk = 120 at  = 0.05 is 1.980. tcount value>ttable, so Ho is rejected 

InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 


and H1 accepted. This means that transformational leadership has a direct positive and significant 

effect on OCB. 

b. Personality Influence to OCB 

From the path calculation of coefficient between the influence of personality to OCB (Py2) 

got the value of 0.232. While the indirect line coefficient is 0.172 so the total coefficient of path is 

0.404. The positive-valued path coefficient indicates that the improvement of the positive-pointed 

personality indicates that personality improvement will lead to an increase in OCB. While the value 

of tcount obtained is 3.142, while the ttable value for dk = 74 at  = 0.05 of 1.980. Thitung 

value>ttable, so Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. This means that personality is directly positive and 

significant to OCB. 

c. Job Involvement to OCB 

The direct path coefficient of job involvement to OCB (Py3) is 0.349. The path coefficient 

has a positive value which indicates that if job involvement is improved it will be followed by an 

increase in OCB. The tcount value obtained is 5,003 and ttable value for dk = 120 at  = 0,05 is 

1,980. The value of tcount>ttable indicates that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that 

job involvement has a direct positive and significant impact on OCB. 

d. The Influence of Transformational Leadership to Job Involvement. 

The path coefficient of the calculation shows the direct influence of transformational 

leadership with job involvement (P31) = 0.174. The indirect path coefficient is: 0.174 with the total 

coefficient of the path is: 0.433. The acquisition of a positive path coefficient signifies that when the 

transformational leadership is improved it will be followed by the increasing of job involvement. The 

tcount obtained is 2.044, and the ttable value for dk = 120 at  = 0.05 is 1.980. Thitung value>ttable, 

so Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. This implies that transformational leadership has a direct positive 

effect and a significant effect on job involvement. 

e. The Influence of Personality toJob Involvement 

From result of calculation of path coefficient of personality influence to job involvement 

(P32) got value equal to 0,493. A positive value coefficient indicates that when the dimensions of the 

personality are applied it will have an impact on increasing employment engagement. The value of 

tcount obtained is 5,791, whereas ttable value for dk = 120 at  = 0,05 equal to 1,980. Thitung 

value>ttable, so Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. This means that personality has a direct positive and 

significant effect tojob involvement. 

f.  The Influence of Transformational Leadership to Personality 

The path coefficient of direct influence of transformational leadership to personality (P21) is 

0,526. The path coefficient is positive, indicating that the improvement of transformational 

leadership will be followed by an improvement in personality. While tcount value obtained is 6,800 

and ttable value for dk = 120 at  = 0,05 is 1,980. The value of tcount>ttable indicates that Ho is 

rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that transformational leadership has a direct positive and 

highly significant effect to personality. 

Path coefficient and t arithmetic can then be seen in the following path diagram. 






InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 














Figure 4.5Path Coefficient and Tcount The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Personality 

and Job Involvement to OCB 

In addition to the direct influence of transformational leadership variables, Personality, job 

involvement to OCB there is also an indirect influence of the transformational leadership of OCB. 

These indirect effects can be seen in the table below: 

Table 4.13Indirect Influence and Total Influence 

 indirect Influence direct Influence Total Influence 

X1 0  








X1 melalui X3 0.174*0.349 = 


X1 melalui X2 0.526*0.232 = 


X1 Melalui X2 

dan X3 

0.526*0.493*0.349 = 



The table above describe indirect influence X1 to Y through X3 is equal to 0.06, whereas the 

indirect effect of X1 through X2 is equal to 0.122, and the indirect effect of X1 through X2 and X3 is 

0.090 so that the indirect effect of 0.273, when summed with the influence Direct which amounted to 

0.383 then the effect of total X1 to Y is equal to 0.656 this shows that the leadership transformational 

give a significant influence on OCB officials Echelon IV Directorate General Teachers and 

Education Personnel Ministry of Education and Culture. 

From the calculation of LISREL also obtained the probability value of Chi Square and 

RMSEA to test the accuracy of the model. The value of significance or p value for Chi Square is 

1,000> 0,05 and RMSEA (0,000) <0,08. These results indicate that the theoretical model tested has 

represented or corresponds to the structure of equations based on empirical data. Thus the results 

obtained from this study fit (fit) with the theory that became the basis for building theoretical model 

of this study. 




Job Involvement 

(X3) OCB 
( Y ) 

Py1  = 0,383 

thitung = 5,724 

P31  = 


thitung = 


Py3  = 0,349 

thitung = 

P32  = 0,493 

thitung = 


Py2  = 0,232 

thitung = 3,116 



P21  = 0,526 

thitung = 


InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 



The results of this study prove that transformational leadership has a direct positive and 

significant impact on OCB. This suggests that transformational leadership is very important and OCB 

must be improved. This empirical fact is inseparable from the practical reality that every organization 

needs strong leadership in order for the organization to survive and grow. Mostly style of leadership 

style is transformational leadership, characterized by a strong self-identification, the creation of a 

shared vision for the future, and the relationship between leader and follower based on something 

more than merely a reward for obedience. The transformational leader defines the need for change, 

creates a new vision, mobilizes a commitment to execute a vision and transforms followers at both 

the individual and organizational levels. The leader's ability to articulate an attractive vision for the 

future is a key element of transformational leadership. Thus transformational leadership reflects a 

person's capability in influencing, motivating, managing activities and interactions among 

individuals, and enabling others to build a vision and confidence so as to contribute to the 

achievement of organizational goals, through the influence of idealism, inspirational motivation, 

stimuli, and individual considerations. Leaders who demonstrate such leadership behaviors can 

inspire and stimulate subordinates so willingly do the extra work that reflects OCB, that is, actions 

that are conducted continuously and exceed the standards required by the organization that can 

contribute positively to the development and effectiveness of the organization. According to the 

Organ as quoted by Tschannen-Moran, OCB is implemented in the form of mutual interest, 

prudence, sportsmanship, obedience, and wisdom. The results of Meihami, Varmaghani, and 

Meihami also show that transformational leadership has a significant effect on OCB, especially 

altruism, prudence, and virtue. Similarly, the results of Kian and Tui's research also proved that 

transformational leadership has a significant effect on OCB. This means that the results of this study 

are appropriate and therefore confirm the results of previous studies on the influence of 

transformational leadership on OCB, with the research setting on the echelon IV officials of the 

Directorate General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture RI. 

The results of this study also proves that personality has a direct positive and significant 

effect on OCB. This shows that personality is important for growing OCB. This empirical fact is 

inseparable from the existence of personality as a specific characteristic inherent in a person. 

According to Ciccarelli and Meyer, personality is a unique and relatively stable way of thinking, 

feeling, and acting. In organizational life, the way of thinking, feeling, and acting is very important, 

both for individual members of organizations and organizations. Thinking can reflect a person's way 

of solving problems, feels able to reflect responsiveness to the various things within the organization, 

while acting is a real form of the mind and attitude. Personality can be manifested in friendliness, 

toughness, trustworthiness, openness to experience, and adjustment. If a person has five dimensions 

it is in good condition then it is a capital for him to be able to do things that go beyond the boundaries 

of targets and standards of work or commonly called OCB. OCB is a continuous action that exceeds 

the standards required by an organization that can contribute positively to the development and 

effectiveness of the organization, manifested in the form of mutual interest, prudence, sportsmanship, 

adherence, and prudence. The results of Judge's research, et al. Also proves that personality has an 

effect on OCB. This means that the results of this study are appropriate and therefore confirm the 

results of previous research on the influence of personality on OCB, with research setting on echelon 

IV officials of Directorate General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and 

Culture RI. 

The results of this study also proves that job involvement has a direct positive and highly 

significant effect on OCB. This shows that employment engagement is very important for OCB. This 

empirical fact is inseparable from the dynamics of organizational life, including the government 

organization of the work unit of Ministry of Education and Culture, which requires the involvement 

of employees and their officials. Job involvement, according to Macey and Schneider, refers to the 

positive feelings that employees feel related to their work and the motivation and effort they provide 

InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 


in the work. Job involvement can be reflected in active participation in work, showing work is the 

main thing, and assuming that work is something that is important to his self-esteem. Employees with 

high employment will tend to work beyond the standards set by the organization or commonly called 

OCB, that is, actions that are carried out continuously and exceed the standards required by the 

organization that can contribute positively to the development and effectiveness of the organization, 

manifested in the form Attach importance to common interests, prudence, sportsmanship, obedience, 

and wisdom. Research Rashidi, Gheisari, and Farokhian, Nwibere and Ueda also proved that job 

involvement has a positive and significant effect on OCB. This means that the results of this study 

are appropriate and therefore confirm the results of previous studies on the effect of job involvement 

on OCB, with the research setting on the echelon IV officials of the Directorate General of teacher 

and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture RI. 

The results of this study also proves that transformational leadership has a direct positive and 

highly significant effect on job involvement. This suggests that transformational leadership is 

essential to spur employment engagement. This empirical fact can not be separated from the 

existence of transformational leadership which in reality dynamics of organizational life is very 

necessary, especially to overcome and anticipate complexity of organizational problem. 

Transformational leadership is characterized by a strong self-identification, the creation of a shared 

vision for the future, and the relationship between leader and follower based on something more than 

merely a reward for obedience. Transformational leaders can define the need for change, create new 

visions, mobilize a commitment to exercise vision and transform followers at both the individual and 

organizational levels. Transformational leadership reflects a person's ability to influence, motivate, 

manage activities and interactions among individuals, and enable others to build a vision and 

confidence so as to contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, through the influence of 

idealism, inspirational motivation, stimuli, and individual considerations. Leaders who demonstrate 

such leadership behavioral patterns can inspire and stimulate volunteers to be actively involved in 

work. According to Macey and Schneider, work engagement refers to the positive feelings that 

employees feel about work and the motivations and efforts they provide in the work, which can be 

manifested in active participation in work, showing work is the main thing, and assuming that work 

is something Important for his pride. The results of Nazem and Mozaiini's research in India also 

proved that leadership has a significant effect on employment engagement. This means that the 

results of this study are appropriate and therefore confirm the results of previous studies on the 

influence of transformational leadership on job involvement, with the research setting on the echelon 

IV officials of the Directorate General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and 

Culture RI. 

The results of this study also proves that personality has a direct positive and significant 

effect on job involvement. This shows that personality is very important for work engagement. This 

empirical fact is inseparable from the existence of personality as a specific characteristic of a person 

who is unique and relatively stable in thinking, feeling, and acting. This way of thinking, feeling, and 

acting is very important for employees and organizations. The way of thinking can determine the 

quality of the solution of various problems, feel able to determine the positive attitude and responsive 

to various problems that arise, and act is a concrete form of the positive thoughts and attitudes. 

Personality can be manifested in friendliness, toughness, trustworthiness, openness to experience, 

and adjustment. If the five dimensions are in good condition then it can encourage someone engaged 

more actively in various job activities. According to Macey and Schneider, work engagement refers 

to the positive feelings that employees feel about work and the motivations and efforts they provide 

in the work, which can be manifested in active participation in work, showing work is the main thing, 

and assuming that work is something Important for his pride. The results of Liao and Lee and 

Eswaran and Islam also proved that personality influences job involvement. This means that the 

results of this study are appropriate and therefore confirm the results of previous studies on the 

InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 


influence of personality on job involvement, with research setting on echelon IV officials Directorate 

General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. 

The results of this study also proves that transformational leadership has a direct positive and 

highly significant effect on the personality. This shows that transformational leadership is very 

important for personality. This empirical fact is inseparable from the existence of transformational 

leadership that in reality the dynamics of the organization is not only expected to help the 

effectiveness of the organization in achieving its objectives, but more than that it is also expected to 

encourage the formation of better employees (subordinates). Transformational leadership is 

characterized by a strong self-identification, the creation of a shared vision for the future, and the 

relationship between leader and follower based on something more than merely a reward for 

obedience. The transformational leader defines the need for change, creates a new vision, mobilizes a 

commitment to execute a vision and transforms followers at both the individual and organizational 

levels. The leader's ability to articulate an attractive vision for the future is a key element of 

transformational leadership. Transformational leadership reflects a person's ability to influence, 

motivate, manage activities and interactions among individuals, and enable others to build a vision 

and confidence so as to contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, through the influence 

of idealism, inspirational motivation, stimuli, and individual considerations. Leaders who 

demonstrate such behavioral patterns of leadership can inspire, stimulate and motivate the volunteers 

to make their personality better. According to Ciccarelli and Meyer, personality is a unique and 

relatively stable way of thinking, feeling, and acting. In this case, the example of the leader can 

improve the way in which subordinates think, feel and act, which manifests in terms of hospitality, 

toughness, trustworthiness, openness to experience, and adjustment. Johnson's analysis, et al also 

shows that leadership positively affects the personality. This means that the results of the study are 

appropriate and therefore confirm the results of previous research on the influence of 

transformational leadership on personality, with the research setting on the echelon IV officials of the 

Directorate General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. 


From the elaboration and discussion of the results of research analysis in Chapter IV it can be 

concluded that the empirical findings of this study are:(1) transformational leadership has a direct 

positive and significant influence on OCB. The findings indicate if the improvement of 

transformational leadership can increase OCB echelon IV officials at the Directorate General of 

teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. (2) Personality has a direct 

positive and highly significant effect on OCB. These findings indicate that personality improvement 

can improve the OCB of echelon IV officials on the Directorate General of teacher and education 

personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. (3) Job involvement has a direct positive and highly 

significant impact on OCB. These findings suggest that improvements in job involvement may 

increase OCB echelon IV officials on the Directorate General of teacher and education 

personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. (4) Transformational leadership has a direct positive 

and highly significant impact on job involvement. These findings indicate that improvements in 

transformational leadership can increase the involvement of echelon IV officials in the Directorate 

General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture RI. (5) Personality has 

a direct positive and significant effect on job involvement. These findings indicate that personality 

improvement can increase the involvement of echelon IV officials in the Directorate General of 

teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. (6) Transformational leadership 

has a direct positive and significant effect on the personality. These findings indicate that the 

improvement of transformational leadership can improve the personality of echelon IV officials on 

the Directorate General of teacher and education personnelMinistry of Education and Culture. 



InternationalJournal of  HumanCapitalManagement, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 



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